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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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The idea is that people take turns with the data and add things to it, but so far BHK is the only one that has requested it. :)


Once more people have made a data contribution we will have a better idea of what's needed. There are 10+ promotions that are being developed by people so far, but until people send me the data or ask me to send it to them so they can work with it there isn't really a good way to figure out what needs doing, specifically. I'm hoping once we get 5 or 6 promotions with all these renders and a BETA gets released that momentum on the project picks up. It's obvious that a lot of people want to contribute, and we've made a lot of headway. It's just that so far those contributions have largely been on the graphical end. ^_^

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Where is the structure with this MOD? I am just wondering cause I see multiple people rendering and little bits here and there but nothing being laid out. Maybe a new thread or something with the main post being updated daily? Something..


I think that our promotions should have more of a link to each other. One of the promotions that I created is linked to one of dvdWarrior's characters, SCW is linked with US-A, and SAW is linked with PUSA. However, other then the above mentioned promotions nothing else is linked up that I am aware of. It just seems that we have a bunch of random promotions that happen to be in the same game world with no real connection to each other.

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Actually my promotion has an agreement with another, dunno if it's my place to reveal all that information just yet or not.


Anyways, my progress on this has been pretty slow lately, life's been going in a hurry on me, (lots of inter-family drama, and now a new job possibility too), aye carumba.


But I'll get focused and try to get this hammered out as quickly as I can. I wouldn't mind seeing that data though. Might come in handy.

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As dvdWarrior mentioned above, CLAW and KP-1 have a working agreement and their starting rosters will feature several shared workers.


Also, I've got a couple more workers to show...


Hiroyoshi Hirasawa


"The Hammer" Hiroyoshi Hirasawa is an icon in Japan, having spent his entire career with RSWA, serving as megastar Gotaro Masuda's closest ally and frequent tag team partner. Despite the wildly popular Masuda overshadowing his partner on occasion, the pair became close friends over the years, with Hirasawa eventually serving as mentor to Masuda's son, Kenji.


Often overlooked, given the legendary status of his close friend, is the fact that Hirasawa has always been an excellent performer in his own right, known for his endless stamina and gritty toughness. Indeed, he has racked up three runs with the RSWA Emperor's Crown title, and has claimed countless main events on the back of his highly respected Hammerfall Driver finisher, a spinning fisherman's buster. He remained loyal to RSWA during the GRCG exodus, choosing instead to finish out his career in the promotion he helped build.


Takeo Matsuzawa


Takeo Matsuzawa is a veteran lightweight whose career has only just begun to take off over the last couple years. A long-time member of RSWA, Matsuzawa was always held back by his size and was used primarily as a jobber during his tenure there. He excelled in the role due to his excellent psychology and ability to sell his opponent's offense but, though he was highly valued by RSWA management, never really enjoyed it. The opening of KP-1 offered him a chance to turn his career around, as their focus on athleticism and in-ring skills were a much better fit for the skilled technician. Participating in their first show, he debuted a new, more serious character whose only concern was to win, a far cry from his fun-loving underdog role with RSWA. His status only grew from that point, as he soon emerged as the leader of what would become the Victory-AC group, a role which would lead to him to claiming the KP-1 Grand Championship on two occasions.


Haven't finished the bios on these two yet, but I'll put them up anyways. I may end up making some changes to Red Tiger, as I'm not totally happy with that one...


Kunimichi Kitou



Red Tiger


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As dvdWarrior mentioned above, CLAW and KP-1 have a working agreement and their starting rosters will feature several shared workers.


Also, I've got a couple more workers to show...


Hiroyoshi Hirasawa



Takeo Matsuzawa



Haven't finished the bios on these two yet, but I'll put them up anyways. I may end up making some changes to Red Tiger, as I'm not totally happy with that one...


Kunimichi Kitou



Red Tiger


Kitou looks Bad Ass ! I need him for NUNCHAKU !

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A Wrestler and the descriptions for the last 3


Masato Benzai


Masato Benzai is quite the powerful athlete for somebody his size. At only 155 Pounds, he packs a very hard punch. Working for RSWA until the NUNCHAKU-GRCG Exodus, in-which he decided to work in a much more realistic environment, which is why he decided to move along with NUNCHAKU. Benzai is very agile, which is why he is such a dangerous contender. He could easily become champion in the near future.


1. Ryan Rampage, Sort of a re-make, if anybody is able to even come close to that or better it'd be perfect


2. Ita, same thing as Rampage


3. Robo-Richard, Half Man-Half Robot, and very rich, simple as that :p


4. Masato Benzai, Sort of a Tanned Asian Man, short brown hair, blue eyes.


And Jtlant, you said in your pm that RSWA split into 2 different promotions, is RSWA still alive, or is it completely out of the picture ?

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A Wrestler and the descriptions for the last 3


Masato Benzai




1. Ryan Rampage, Sort of a re-make, if anybody is able to even come close to that or better it'd be perfect


2. Ita, same thing as Rampage


3. Robo-Richard, Half Man-Half Robot, and very rich, simple as that :p


4. Masato Benzai, Sort of a Tanned Asian Man, short brown hair, blue eyes.


And Jtlant, you said in your pm that RSWA split into 2 different promotions, is RSWA still alive, or is it completely out of the picture ?


Yeah, RSWA is still around. GRCG was planned, but NUNCHAKU is taking their place so don't worry about working them into your bios.


And Kitou probably wouldn't be working in your company since he's the president (Owner) of RSWA, the company that NUNCHAKU split off from in hostile fashion. :D

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Yeah, RSWA is still around. GRCG was planned, but NUNCHAKU is taking their place so don't worry about working them into your bios.


And Kitou probably wouldn't be working in your company since he's the president (Owner) of RSWA, the company that NUNCHAKU split off from in hostile fashion. :D


Thoughts so :D

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Kunimichi Kitou


Red Tiger




these to have to be some of your best work jtlant, I love the red tiger render :)

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Alrighty, been making up for lost time! Here we go, folks, FOUR new USSR stars!


El Buitre:

Carlos Xuárez, better known as "El Buitre" (The Vulture, after the national bird of his homeland), is a rare professional wrestler from Colombia. At a young age he became obsessed with the luchadores of Mexico after catching a small show in Colombia, and saved what little money he could to pay for his own training. By the age of 18, Xuárez had impressed enough to gain the attention of (Mexican company), who promptly signed him. He was quickly placed into a team with Serbian import Draza "The Hyena" Stojkovic with the hope that El Buitre could help train the big man. The duo became crowd favorites (and best friends), and have recently begun teaming up in Europe's USSR as well. The influence on El Buitre is apparent, as he now utilizes a nice array of power moves along with his fantastic aerial skills.


The Hyena:

Draza "The Hyena" Stojkovic is a bruising worker from Serbia who possesses uncanny speed and agility for a man his size. Originally Draza worked under his real name, working a few small independent shows in Eastern Europe without much success. Thankfully for him, a scout from (Mexican company) happened to see a tape of him in action and decided to bring the beefy Serb in as a new monster heel. The Mexican crowd didn't seem to buy into the idea too well, and Stojkovic was hastily thrown into a tag team with fellow foreigner El Buitre and renamed "El Hyena" to better fit in with his tag partner. The duo become best friends backstage, and El Buitre even taught the big man some Lucha style techniques.


With both men now wearing masks influenced by their scavenger namesakes, they have begun working dates with USSR in Europe as well, though here they play far darker, heel characters.



Thunder Govorov:

Thunder Govorov was a top competitor in Russian sambo, having learned the combat variation in his youth while serving in the Russian army. He's only recently made the conversion to pro-wrestling, after a torn rotator cuff put an end to his Sambo career. Naturally tough, Govorov attempts to make up for his lack of experience with his stiff, "legitimate" in-ring approach. Naturally, this hasn't made him the most popular man amongst his peers.


Looking to capitalize on his relative fame in Eastern Europe, USSR took a gamble by signing him in late 2007. Most of the locker room was not pleased.



Captain Capitalism:

Captain Capitalism burst onto the scene with USSR in 2001, proclaiming himself "America's secret weapon in the Cold War!" Sure, the Cold War has been over for nearly two decades, but it hasn't stopped the Captain (an actual American) from rising to the rank of the top heel in USSR thanks to his anti-European, pro-Americanization gimmick. Like most of USSR's stars, the masked Captain Capitalism is a large, muscular, old school worker, though he does possess a certain degree of mat skills from an apparent amatuer wrestling background.


In 2007 he recieved a bit of a shot to the arm, forming the terrifying Perestroika stable whose aims are the destruction of USSR so they may then rebuild it in their vision.

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he can still use that one, I plan on doing more once my schedule starts getting better :)


Okay cool. My fault, should have cleared that up with you first :)


4 more guys from SAW:








The middle 2 are a tag team (2 brothers).


SAW roster so far:













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