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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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I dont think you will get any complaints seeing as you are the only renderer in this project. Me, Machine and jtlant have all left. and UFC king is the only other person and i dont think he does them anymore. so I guess its up to you know.





Unfortunately I'm going to have to pull out of this, All the characters as well, that I've created will be going into a future mod by myself and some other guys perhaps, but this thing is just too unorganized for me.


It's a Great Idea, but It's cursed in a way.


So I guess this Mod is offically dead with everybody pulling out?

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That's up to the people remaining. ^_^


Between you, Sean Jolly, Stennick, crayon, kam, Orange, other smaller contributions and myself we ought to be approaching 400 workers once everything is imported, + have lots of renders. :)


I think the nature of a project like this is that it will have times with less interest in it than others. As long as people are wanting to continue contributing over time it will grow as a mod. :D


My thinking when I made the topic/proposed the idea was that if everyone just contributes a little here and there that the mod will kind of organically become its own universe.


The notion of "pulling out" of it never really occurred to me, to be quite honest. I never looked at it as a major undertaking of sorts for anyone, at least not individually. Just people dropping a few contributions here and there. :o


I think what is happening in practice though, is that many people have invested or were going to invest very personal creative capital into the project (in the form of their favorite characters, renders from outside projects etc.), and so since things aren't shaping up the way they imagined they've decided to pull their resources and put them into their own individual projects, which are more representative of the game world they see their creations residing in. I respect that, and can understand that position. :)


However, my hope is that people with a spare idea or worker will continue to contribute to the community project here and there. I have a notion that shared creativity has the ability to be far more engaging than the work of an individual. :D


If this thing does totally die though, I had fun anyway. As usual, I met some really fun people.


Like I said, it's up to the people that have contributed. Obviously if all those that have contributed are pulling their data/renders then the project can't continue sooo we'll see. :cool:

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I hope it continues too. It is a great idea, and had accomplished a fair bit in the given amount of time. I don't personally agree with people pulling what they contributed (at least not so soon, or without a cursory request (which may have been done in private for all i know)), but I also didn't contribute that much comparitively nor have any use for what I did create, so maybe I'm just unable to see the pragmatic side of it.


Anyway, hopefully people don't forget about this fully and you can have a rotating roster of people adding stuff in the future.

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I dunno if this is still alive, but after playing around in daz the past few hours I've finally found a style that I think works for me. ^_^


I'm planning on re-doing all of my renders in this format. If the project continues then awesome. Regardless, I'm going to keep rendering. :)


Sorry for the signature in case people think it's gaudy. I just liked the look and so I went with it. ^______________^


I'm rendering cleaner now, and I've fixed the eye issue that plagued my older renders. I wasn't really happy with any of the renders I was doing and I think it's because I got so focused on trying to copy others that my stuff was really inconsistent. I think all of the below renders have a relatively uniform look now (or at least an even camera), and if the project continues that will keep up.











P.S. If interest in the project dies down completely I'm going to keep rendering and if some posters want to refocus and do a smaller group project that works too. ^_^


P.P.S. I have 25 others still saved that I'm going to redo in this format (mostly female) and then I'll just start punching others out when I can.

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They do look a lot better now Kobe. The skin tone varies (like theres a couple of orange and yellow guys in there which seem a little out of place, but it could be Hogan tan bed syndrome I guess :p), not necessarily bad, just some stand out quite a lot from others. Whatever you did the renders look miles better though, far more natural. Keep it up!
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I haven't pulled out of this at all I'm quite enjoying my work done on it. However my renders are an embarrassment to the word poor so if there is no one to render these workers with everyone but Kobe pulling out and Kobe doing school or what have you it'd be silly to create a 100 workers and them be used for nothing. So i'm still in it until someone declares it dead.


Sean I gotta disagree with you saying its unorganized. In fact people were pulling out of your draft for the same reasons but I stuck by you in that man. With your experience in that you should know how hard and frustrating it is to keep a massive project such as this on track. I hope you change your mind and continue to be a part of the project Sean. That goes for anyone else pulling out as well. I understand real life, etc, etc, etc. However I think this could be a mod that is very fun to play if its continued.

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I've woken up and feel inspired today! ^_^


BHK thanks for the compliment. Crayon that is in fact Clooney in there and Stennick, awesome you're still in. :D


I am doing school, but Rome was not built in a day. If you guys keep contributing workers then I'll continue to render them. :)


As for people falling out of the project, I'm reminded of a saying that goes something like "When we long for life without difficulties, let us remember that oaks go tall and strong under contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure." :)


Basically, things that are hard build character, but the experience makes us better for it! :D


P.S. regarding the skin tone variation (4, 6, 8 and 17?) I believe jtlant had some tips for me earlier but I don't remember what it was that he said. Once I got a better handle on the surfaces tab his eye suggestion worked, so I'm imagining what he said about altering the skin textures without post work will probably be successful as well. If anyone can pin down what he wrote that would be great. ^______________^


P.P.S. I really do have thick skin. I don't always take criticism well when I first hear it (even if I don't vocalize it), but I do appreciate all of it and it helps me look at the things I do objectively and see issues in my work I didn't notice before. That goes for all aspects of my life. :D

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Good then its settled those of us on board will go forward and hopefully down the lie as this thing progresses others will contribute in some form or another. Long live the unnamed fictional database that has yet to be completed let alone named....:)
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I think the best thing to do at this point is regroup. Lets go back through the thread. Trell pulled his characters and promotion, Sean McFly pulled his characters and lets face it whats the point in keeping any promotions he may have created if he pulled all the characters that would have shaped said promotion. I'm sure there are others that have pulled out as well.
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How about the EVEverse, for now? :) (Everything versus everything) It sounds catchy and I loved that mugen screenpack. :D


As for what promotions are still in I'm assuming that aside from what's in already and Stennicks promotions, that's it for now. :o

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In the wake of people pulling their promotions out of this mod I felt an updated list will help the people who are still involved I bolded the ones who have not said one way or another if they are still involved and I put the promotions that were pulled at the bottom of the list just in case I am wrong about any of them:



SAW - National - South

FLI - small- Ireland

UK Wrestling Council- Midlands



USSR - Regional - Eastern Europe




EWO - National -Ontario

PEIPW- small - Maritimes



US-A - regional - Mid Atlantic

PUSA - small- Midwest

TWA - cult - New England

LSSWL - regional - Mid South

iNY - regional - Tri State

CLAW - regional - Great Lakes

LLPR - regional/small - Puerto Rico

DARKNESS - small - Tri State

BWA - small- South West

FWC: HIW-regional- Hawaii

FWC: FWF-regional-South East

Unnamed Stennick developmental company- Mid South






Australia/New Zealand

AWE-New Zealand



GLLM-National-northern region?

MPWA-National-not sure of the region

Tijuana Battle Zone not sure of size or region it is a developmental company.


Have been pulled:

SCW - regional - North West

KP-1 - regional - Hokkaido

Nunchaku - National

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I'm still planning to get USSR buuuut...


Real life is currently quite the conundrum, and what time I have to spend on TEWness is being spent on my EWA diary at the moment. I'll get to USSR, I promise you..


Also, I don't like EVEverse. Reminds me of the crappy MMO (which could cause confusion), and well.. Eve? Like Christmas? Or a lady? I'm voting nay.

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I'm still planning to get USSR buuuut...


Real life is currently quite the conundrum, and what time I have to spend on TEWness is being spent on my EWA diary at the moment. I'll get to USSR, I promise you..


Also, I don't like EVEverse. Reminds me of the crappy MMO (which could cause confusion), and well.. Eve? Like Christmas? Or a lady? I'm voting nay.


Fair enough. :)


Just looking for something tentative to call it. How about communityverse? :D


Have 45 renders converted over/done now:






















It took about 3 minutes to convert over each render so don't want to think about how long that was. Probably a little over 2 hours. :o


Didn't have any other renders saved so I'm going to redo them. BHK, if you have any reference pics for your wrestlers I'm re-rendering most all of the other workers. You seem to have images in mind for most of your female wrestlers at least, so if you have any reference photos I'll keep them in mind when I'm doing them over (if you have a good face shot I'll even use the texture directly). If you don't have any preference on their looks I'll probably just copy what I did for them when I rendered them before as best as is possible. (Render 20 is Ben Wade btw) There are a few in there that I used for your workers before and obviously they can continue to be the renders for your workers. All of the above renders were ones I did with other workers in mind though, which is why I had them saved.


I suffer from over-ambition so I'll try any ideas you send my way as long as they don't have a mask (I'll try those later) or have really obscure props (I don't have a snake :(). :D

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Are you going with the new white background or are you going to use the old blue one? I do not mind either one I was just wondering.


Comradebot I will fix your name in the list as soon as I am done with this post. I thought you were still involved but just was not sure. You actually inspired my Big Sky Wrestling because I know how much you love to use the heavyweight wrestlers.


If you don't have any preference on their looks I'll probably just copy what I did for them when I rendered them before as best as is possible.


No I do not have any preference for them. Whatever they were before is cool with me. Like I have said you are doing me the favor so unless the person is the wrong skin color I will have no problem.

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I'm going to go with the grey for like a dozen different little reasons but mainly because I somtimes do things emotionally and in bunches and now that I've rendered so many to the grey bg it's too troublesome to go back. :o


Plus since my stuff isn't clarity/trell/jtlant/sebs level it doesn't look good on everything. CW's fits my renders better for whatever reason (even though crayons red bg is my personal favorite. :))


And yeah I know but I asked about the renders because every ten or so renders I put a little bit more effort into 1 or 2 anyway instead of randomly working off of whatever is in my head at the time, so I keep a que of stuff to get too. :D


Are you going with the new white background or are you going to use the old blue one? I do not mind either one I was just wondering.


Comradebot I will fix your name in the list as soon as I am done with this post. I thought you were still involved but just was not sure. You actually inspired my Big Sky Wrestling because I know how much you love to use the heavyweight wrestlers.




No I do not have any preference for them. Whatever they were before is cool with me. Like I have said you are doing me the favor so unless the person is the wrong skin color I will have no problem.

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Just another quick update, we have 285 workers in the database! I am on the quest to 300!:D


A problem that I am having is worker popularity. Derek B. answered my question but I am still kind of second guessing my stats for popularity. So I am just going to ask the other people on here, for the people making smaller companies are you setting popularity setting across their native country or are you just setting it to what regions they work in.


What I mean is say you have Big Smack Scott (just using him as an example) and he is the star of a regional promotion in say New York. Do you give him a high pop stat in the Tri State region only or are you giving him a high pop stat in the Tri State area and lower pop stats throughout the United States?

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Unfortunately I'm going to have to pull out of this, All the characters as well, that I've created will be going into a future mod by myself and some other guys perhaps, but this thing is just too unorganized for me.


It's a Great Idea, but It's cursed in a way.


HAHAHA this is coming from the guy that couldn't put together a silly little draft. Dude just be honest...you got lazy and don't want to put in anymore work.

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