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MMA Tycoon


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I am doing pretty good. I have a fighter who is ranked in the top 15 in his weight class world wide. Don't make balanced fighters because it will only hurt you in the long run. Make guys who have great defense right off the start and train your cardio up. Do not train when your fighters energy is under 70% because they dont improve then. Dont fight unless your guy can have full energy before the fight.


Go to the MMATycoon forums if you are still having trouble. Lots of helpful threads there.


Also Derek B my Juce Wear clothing company is owned by Lee Patterson. I changed my manager name remember?

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I am doing pretty good. I have a fighter who is ranked in the top 15 in his weight class world wide. Don't make balanced fighters because it will only hurt you in the long run. Make guys who have great defense right off the start and train your cardio up. Do not train when your fighters energy is under 70% because they dont improve then. Dont fight unless your guy can have full energy before the fight.


Go to the MMATycoon forums if you are still having trouble. Lots of helpful threads there.


Also Derek B my Juce Wear clothing company is owned by Lee Patterson. I changed my manager name remember?


I have to agree with pretty much everything here... I tend to train at about 80-89% energy and fight at as close to 100% as I can. There's no point resting when you could be training, even with a diminishing returns policy there comes a point where training more often is better than training and resting. Obviously you want to fight at your best though. :)


Cardio is far and away the most important thing you can give yourself early on. I've taken it a bit far with my most recent fighter though and he's suffering in the rest of his physical stats as a result, but given time he will be a training machine. Just need the right kind of gym to train at and he'll be amazing. :D

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You can add me to the GDS player list. My manager is Tony Guidotti. I am doing pretty good, 8-5 overall, but 7-1 with my current four guys. I have on guy at 4-0 and another at 3-0 in Vegas and Sydney respectively, both at 185. The cool thing is that they are both 18, and normally I see the 18 year olds get smashed by the 22 year old fighters.


Both have title fights this month against 22 year olds, so I am definitely living on a prayer and training hard for those fights.

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I've been doing quite well lately. My current record is 13-4. My nutrition company (MMA Elite Nutrition in New York) has been doing much better lately. I still have a massive debt but I am atleast making a slight profit most of the time.




My manager name is Mike Miller.

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Last edited: August 12th 2009


LOCATION: Montreal


Fight Organisation: Extreme Warfare Battleground (run by ACCBiggz/Richard Wilbon)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Montreal



Training Camp: The Animal Cage (run by jesterx7769/Xander Rhodes)

High quality trainers for quality all round training (Cost: $110 per week, paid Thursdays)



Clothing Company: Juce Wear (run by juggaloninjalee/Lee Patterson)

Affordable clothing for GDS users


Clothing Company: OdessieFIGHT (run by ???/Michael Frazier)

Affordable clothing for GDS users






Fight Organisation: Global Association of Mixed Martial Arts (run by Capelli King/Mentor Guruland)

Will offer contracts to any GDS created wrestlers as long as they are based in Las Vegas and weigh in at 170+



Training Camp: Prestige MMA Academy (run by treton/Dicky Fossum)

High quality trainers for quality all round training (Cost: $75 per week, paid Thursdays)



Clothing Company: Bad 2 The Bone MMA (run by Bonedigger/Bonedigger Karl))

Affordable clothing for GDS users




LOCATION: Rio de Janeiro


Fight Organisation: Fury Fight Brazil (run by Tag01/Lioneld Methworth)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Rio de Janeiro







Fight Organisation: Shogun MMA (run by Sons of Kohral/Colton Mitchell)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Tokyo




LOCATION: Los Angeles


Fight Organisation: Tourney Takedown Championship (run by Boble/Boble Lineman)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Los Angeles





Nutrition Company: MMA Elite Nutrition (run by grits207/Mike Miller)

Quality supplements for all at reasonable prices





GDS name (manager name)



ACCBiggz (Richard Wilbon)

Anderz (Andrew Barrowcliff)

Arrows (Gary Jennkins)

BHK1978 (Walter Hill)

Boble (Boble Lineman)

Bonedigger (Bonedigger Karl)

Capelli King (Mentor Guruland)

chris caulfield (Chris Caulfield)

ChrisWest (Chris West)

derek_b (Derek B)

Devil_Bingo (Tommy Vores)

FlameSnoopy (Eddie McCloud)

Greek (Tyrone Edwards)

grits207 (Mike Miller)

i effin rule (Austin Ryles)

infinitywpi (William Peers)

Jason Cash (Rich Amsterdam)

jesterx7769 (Xander Rhodes)

juggaloninjalee (Lee Patterson)

justtxyank (Mike Larson)

Krazy Killian (Killian Macardie)

machinesxe (Sean Wilson)

majesty95 (Robert Peters)

masterded (Egon Begone)

MaxxHexx (Tony Guidotti)

mjdgoldeneye (Mark Wellz)

nZane (Steve Charles)

pepper 2008 (Pepper Valera Pepper Vasquez)

petecrimson00 (Rex Gylette)

praguepride (Gabriel Mossack)

Prophet (Simon Storm)

QFresh (Johnny Applebottom)

randomfreeze (Jay DeeBee)

sabataged (The Sabataged)

Samoa Joe ROH (Matthew Bisping)

smurphy1014 (Scott Andrews)

Sons of Kohral (Colton Mitchell)

SuperOwens (Ralph Strader)

supershot (Corey McVeigh)

Synticha (Heikki Knihti)

Tag01 (Lioneld Methworth)

The Masked Orange (The Masked Orange)

tjfla (TJ Charles)

treton (Dicky Fossum)

trypio (Kris de Maesschalck)

Tyler Gadzinski (Trevor Dontae)

ya_its_me (Yancey Martin)


darthsiddus2 (???)

randomfreeze (???)

??? (Michael Frazier)

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Sorry for the inactivity of sorts even though we have an event scheduled for tomorrow. I've been stuck on dial-up in the Summer, out of town multiple times, and now moved back in at Uni.


Anyone who has someone new in Montreal, want a fight, etc. please post it.



Tag, I'm thinking Gracie Jr. next fight. >_>

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Hi guys....


I've got a fighter of mine (Khru Kang) into a very expensive/awesome gym in LA but won't be able to afford it for more than about four weeks at the current price. I've got a different fighter with almost 4,000 in the bank (Derek Blackley) and want to steal some of his money to give to Khru. I Was thinking that with the help of one of the gym owners that I could sign Derek up to the gym, leave, sign up, leave etc... until I've given the gym lots of cash, then the owner (with a small fee to them of course) could draw that money out and give it to Khru.


Effectively, a transfer of funds from someone who has more money than I know what to do with to someone who needs money. I know it's possible to do, but I'll obviously need a gym owner to help me out here and I figure I can trust you guys to really give me a helping hand. In about 6 weeks (I reckon) I'll have no money issues but while Khru is locked into his current contract he's not making enough to support his training habit. And ultimately, I'd love to be able to do the same thing for another of my fighters too so may require some additional assistance.


So... free money to a gym owner who wants to operate like a bank. :)


EDIT: Unrelated question to gym owners. Do you guys get to see stat increases for people training in your gym? I'm just being curious, since I'm working on getting a fighter into a gym and want to perfect his stats BEFORE I create him, assuming I can get in and I decide to cut a fighter. So many variables. :p

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Excellent... got a BJJ sparring gym I'm gonna sneak into. If I set my fighter to be good enough at BJJ (Brown, starts at 100) then I can get in and rapidly develop the skills relevant to that there. Meanwhile, I'll be actually very skilled at other aspects of MMA too, giving me a solid all round fighter who just needs to actually refine his skills in those areas a bit. Should be an interesting build if I go that way. :)


Now, about that money laundering..... :cool:

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="masterded" data-cite="masterded" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22995" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Quick question. Is Danny Lewis going to get the next Light Heavyweight title shot?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Probably, but not on our next card as "Jackk Griffith" refuses to fulfill his contract as he plans to leave, and we'll take a hit by "stripping" him of the title. So we have to wait until after the 31st of August unless he decides to fight once more before his contract is up... which isn't likely unfortunately.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ACCBiggz" data-cite="ACCBiggz" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22995" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Probably, but not on our next card as "Jackk Griffith" refuses to fulfill his contract as he plans to leave, and we'll take a hit by "stripping" him of the title. So we have to wait until after the 31st of August unless he decides to fight once more before his contract is up... which isn't likely unfortunately.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That is cool.</p>
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there's an event in three days, and the following have not accepted their fight offers. If any of you recognize the names of your fighters, time to accept or at least back out.


Hoyt Smith

Kristofer Burdis

Michael Seeper

Andre Sims

Cane Cohen

Jayson Starr

Kevin Storm

Alexander Anderson

Chuck Johnson


The following day, there's another card, and the following have yet to confirm their bookings:


Peter Burns

Chuck Norris

Manny Ortiz

JimBob Squarehead

Rhett Reynolds

John McGee

Johnny Sambora

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Guest JStarr

Hello all. I'm assisting Biggz with the running of EWB, and trying like hell to get contracts renewed and new fighters signed. If you have a Montreal fighter who needs a job, contact one of us and we can shoot him a deal.


If you're already on the roster (or not, for that matter) and could be ready to fight in the next two days, we have slots available at 155, 170, and 265. Michael Seeper, Alexander Anderson, and Chuck Johnson have not accepted their bookings yet, so they're up for grabs if you'd like to get paid.



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Guest JStarr

New EWB Press Release:


With an extensive roster purge and subsequent search for new and exciting talent, Montreal-based Extreme Warfare Battleground is preparing to move into a new era of its existence after only three months of operations.


Owner Richard Wilbon has enlisted the assistance of one of his managers, Jebediah Starr, and the two are hard at work trying to keep their current talents under contract.


Starr had this to say: "We've had some manager apathy set in, and they've taken some pretty good fighters with them. But, the guys that are returning form a pretty strong nucleus."


Light heavyweight champion Jackk Griffith has decided to leave EWB, to which Starr replied, "Eh, whatever. People get greedy all the time. We'll get some people in here that don't think they're curing cancer and can actually fight."


Middleweight champion Dave Zero is rumored to be running out of time on his contract, on the eve of a title defense against Greg Anderson.


EWB is running a double shot of events this weekend, and despite the roster flux, both have very strong main events.


Saturday's EWB XIII features a heavyweight title clash between champion Sean Damon and dominant challenger Tully Ray Sanders. Sunday, Zero v. Anderson for the middleweight title headlines a card with six confirmed fights.


"We've got a bunch of good-looking bouts this weekend, and we hope that maybe we can attract some new talent by putting on some strong shows," Starr said.


In regards to the difficulty of signing new fighters, Starr shrugged. "People seem to all think they should get five-figure contracts, or they're in 'long-term training,' which is code for 'I'm too big a ***** to get in the cage right now.'


"People don't seem to realize that we're still a small company, and no one has the vision to see that maybe they can get in on the ground floor of something. They all want to be millionaires overnight without having to do any work.


"Even if we only have 20 fighters on the whole roster, we can still get better. Those that are looking down their noses at our contracts now, they'll be looking for work eventually. Maybe they can find it here, maybe not."


Starr and Wilbon currently have plans to run at least three cards per month, with the potential for weekly shows, called "Battleground Blitzes," if the roster size will allow it. "We'd love to go weekly," said Starr, "but that's one that can be really hard to do with 20 fighters. So, we have to have people around Montreal who are willing to take a chance that will pay off pretty big later on. Honestly, I'm not sure there are that many people in Montreal with the balls to fight for EWB. Maybe they can prove me wrong, but I kind of doubt it."


EWB will offer their fighters bonuses for Fight of the Night, Fastest KO, and Fastest Tapout, as well as guaranteeing at least one fight per month. "At first, we were offering 120-day inactivity clauses, and people thought we were on crack, like we were only going to offer them a fight every four months. Now, we could be able to guarantee one per month, and possibly more. It's all in how ready they are to be stars.


"EWB's ready to get large. Richard and I aren't gonna half-ass this thing. We just need fighters who are hungry, not fat and happy."

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EWB Press Release:

With an extensive roster purge and subsequent search for new and exciting talent, Montreal-based Extreme Warfare Battleground is preparing to move into a new era of its existence after only three months of operations.


Owner Richard Wilbon has enlisted the assistance of one of his managers, Jebediah Starr, and the two are hard at work trying to keep their current talents under contract.


Starr had this to say: "We've had some manager apathy set in, and they've taken some pretty good fighters with them. But, the guys that are returning form a pretty strong nucleus."


Light heavyweight champion Jackk Griffith has decided to leave EWB, to which Starr replied, "Eh, whatever. People get greedy all the time. We'll get some people in here that don't think they're curing cancer and can actually fight."


Middleweight champion Dave Zero is rumored to be running out of time on his contract, on the eve of a title defense against Greg Anderson.


EWB is running a double shot of events this weekend, and despite the roster flux, both have very strong main events.


Saturday's EWB XIII features a heavyweight title clash between champion Sean Damon and dominant challenger Tully Ray Sanders. Sunday, Zero v. Anderson for the middleweight title headlines a card with six confirmed fights.


"We've got a bunch of good-looking bouts this weekend, and we hope that maybe we can attract some new talent by putting on some strong shows," Starr said.


In regards to the difficulty of signing new fighters, Starr shrugged. "People seem to all think they should get five-figure contracts, or they're in 'long-term training,' which is code for 'I'm too big a ***** to get in the cage right now.'


"People don't seem to realize that we're still a small company, and no one has the vision to see that maybe they can get in on the ground floor of something. They all want to be millionaires overnight without having to do any work.


"Even if we only have 20 fighters on the whole roster, we can still get better. Those that are looking down their noses at our contracts now, they'll be looking for work eventually. Maybe they can find it here, maybe not."


Starr and Wilbon currently have plans to run at least three cards per month, with the potential for weekly shows, called "Battleground Blitzes," if the roster size will allow it. "We'd love to go weekly," said Starr, "but that's one that can be really hard to do with 20 fighters. So, we have to have people around Montreal who are willing to take a chance that will pay off pretty big later on. Honestly, I'm not sure there are that many people in Montreal with the balls to fight for EWB. Maybe they can prove me wrong, but I kind of doubt it."


EWB will offer their fighters bonuses for Fight of the Night, Fastest KO, and Fastest Tapout, as well as guaranteeing at least one fight per month. "At first, we were offering 120-day inactivity clauses, and people thought we were on crack, like we were only going to offer them a fight every four months. Now, we could be able to guarantee one per month, and possibly more. It's all in how ready they are to be stars.


"EWB's ready to get large. Richard and I aren't gonna half-ass this thing. We just need fighters who are hungry, not fat and happy."

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Guest JStarr

Now under contract through December, EWB have:


4 at 155

7 at 170

4 at 185

9 at 205

9 at 265


Anyone who was under contract through August and has been on Tycoon in the last couple of weeks should have an offer in hand. If not, let us know.


Plus, three fights have been booked for EWB XV:


Daniel Plude v. Michael Hopp (welterweight title)

Tyson Steamboat v. Jake Donnelly

Roman Akinfeev v. Malachi Thomas (heavyweight contender's match)


We have three more in mind, but it's not allowing us to book them until after this weekend's double.

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I have to admit that I'm no longer sure how up to date this list is, but it shouldn't be far off.


Last edited: August 29th 2009


LOCATION: Montreal


Fight Organisation: Extreme Warfare Battleground (run by ACCBiggz/Richard Wilbon)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Montreal



Training Camp: The Animal Cage (run by jesterx7769/Xander Rhodes)

High quality trainers for quality all round training (Cost: $110 per week, paid Thursdays)



Clothing Company: Juce Wear (run by juggaloninjalee/Lee Patterson)

Affordable clothing for GDS users


Clothing Company: OdessieFIGHT (run by ???/Michael Frazier)

Affordable clothing for GDS users






Fight Organisation: Global Association of Mixed Martial Arts (run by Capelli King/Mentor Guruland)

Will offer contracts to any GDS created wrestlers as long as they are based in Las Vegas and weigh in at 170+



Training Camp: Prestige MMA Academy (run by treton/Dicky Fossum)

High quality trainers for quality all round training (Cost: $75 per week, paid Thursdays)



Clothing Company: Bad 2 The Bone MMA (run by Bonedigger/Bonedigger Karl))

Affordable clothing for GDS users




LOCATION: Rio de Janeiro


Fight Organisation: Fury Fight Brazil (run by Tag01/Lioneld Methworth)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Rio de Janeiro







Fight Organisation: Shogun MMA (run by Sons of Kohral/Colton Mitchell)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Tokyo




LOCATION: Los Angeles


Fight Organisation: Tourney Takedown Championship (run by Boble/Boble Lineman)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Los Angeles





Nutrition Company: MMA Elite Nutrition (run by grits207/Mike Miller)

Quality supplements for all at reasonable prices





GDS name (manager name)



ACCBiggz (Richard Wilbon)

Anderz (Andrew Barrowcliff)

Arrows (Gary Jennkins)

BHK1978 (Walter Hill)

Boble (Boble Lineman)

Bonedigger (Bonedigger Karl)

Capelli King (Mentor Guruland)

chris caulfield (Chris Caulfield)

ChrisWest (Chris West)

derek_b (Derek B)

Devil_Bingo (Tommy Vores)

FlameSnoopy (Eddie McCloud)

Greek (Tyrone Edwards)

grits207 (Mike Miller)

i effin rule (Austin Ryles)

infinitywpi (William Peers)

Jason Cash (Rich Amsterdam)

jesterx7769 (Xander Rhodes)

juggaloninjalee (Lee Patterson)

justtxyank (Mike Larson)

Krazy Killian (Killian Macardie)

machinesxe (Sean Wilson)

majesty95 (Robert Peters)

masterded (Egon Begone)

MaxxHexx (Tony Guidotti)

mjdgoldeneye (Mark Wellz)

nZane (Steve Charles)

pepper 2008 (Pepper Valera Pepper Vasquez)

petecrimson00 (Rex Gylette)

praguepride (Gabriel Mossack)

Prophet (Simon Storm)

QFresh (Johnny Applebottom)

randomfreeze (Jay DeeBee)

sabataged (The Sabataged)

Samoa Joe ROH (Matthew Bisping)

ShortShortsarentdead (Jazzy McCoolio)

smurphy1014 (Scott Andrews)

Sons of Kohral (Colton Mitchell)

SuperOwens (Ralph Strader)

supershot (Corey McVeigh)

Synticha (Heikki Knihti)

Tag01 (Lioneld Methworth)

The Masked Orange (The Masked Orange)

tjfla (TJ Charles)

treton (Dicky Fossum)

trypio (Kris de Maesschalck)

Tyler Gadzinski (Trevor Dontae)

ya_its_me (Yancey Martin)


darthsiddus2 (???)

randomfreeze (???)

??? (Michael Frazier)

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