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that's actually pretty cool to have the president write a note lol...... too bad the teacher's not gonna believe the note


Well, now little Kennedy (Kennedy) can just show her teacher a link to this, thus proving the note's origin!


The real problem would've been had Bush done this... I don't think teacher's accept a picture of a crayon stick figure as a valid note for excusal.


Oh George Dubya... how I'll miss you.

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the president clearly had his priorities straight for that question.


Ignore the question of health care, and write a note of excusal. The man needs practice for those notes, when the bottom line on most of his policies come out he is going to be writing a lot of them.


and Socialized medicine is the worst idea since TARP and the Bial.


BHO - Barack Health Organization? or his initials?

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the president clearly had his priorities straight for that question.


Ignore the question of health care, and write a note of excusal. The man needs practice for those notes, when the bottom line on most of his policies come out he is going to be writing a lot of them.


and Socialized medicine is the worst idea since TARP and the Bial.


BHO - Barack Health Organization? or his initials?


It was her last day of school, the teacher is never going to see the note.


Why is it that every time the man is mentioned, someone has to show up and complain? Just the mention of his name + something he did that was short of saving a baby from falling off a roof = ranting.


Everything is screwed up. It isn't his fault. He doesn't have a plan, but no one else does either.


The things he is pushing for might work. They might not. Regardless, I think doing something that has proven to work elsewhere is better that not doing anything or doing things that are flat out counter-intuitive.


I hate fueling the political fires, but the bitterness needs to stop. If you don't like his ideas, what are yours? Or, better yet, whose ideas do you support?


Just push through Universal health care studies have shown its cheaper and it works!


Studies don't really matter. However, we need to stop the fury of the insurance companies from raining down on the American people. The insurance companies and the health care lobby are two or America's biggest domestic threats.


They already take a big chunk out of my weekly paycheck (close to 25%). The last thing I need is another hand in there.


Well, are you sick often? Ever? If they do it right, you should end up paying about the same, more or less. If you're never or rarely sick or have incredibly good coverage already, then what you seem to worry about (some sort of health care related tax) wouldn't help you much. Then again, no one said anything about a health care tax.


Americans abuse the system too much, Universal health care would be filled with people trying to get out of work. Trying to get something for nothing.


Well, we need to change, don't we? We are doomed if we truly are a combination of people with that attitude and people with your attitude!


Human nature crushes all civilizations eventually...


But, aside from that, what I think would work would be a government healthcare system that isn't mandatory. It should pay for life saving and emergency medical costs for people who can't afford regular coverage and also allow basic coverage for a low premium.


It's a tough situation.

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They already take a big chunk out of my weekly paycheck (close to 25%). The last thing I need is another hand in there.


So you pay for health care already. Considering how buying in bulk works and the fact if the government is regulating health care there will be less "care for profit," I'm guessing that percentage isn't going to raise by much, if at all.

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Why is it that every time the man is mentioned, someone has to show up and complain? Just the mention of his name + something he did that was short of saving a baby from falling off a roof = ranting.


Where have you been for the last 8 years? The only difference between the ranting about Obama you don't like and Bush getting the exact same treatment is where one person shows up to rant about Obama, 10 people showed up to rant about Bush. Hell, this thread isn't even about Bush and somebody still managed to find a way to take a shot at him.


It's the nature of the two party political system in America. Everything is the other guy's fault.

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Where have you been for the last 8 years? The only difference between the ranting about Obama you don't like and Bush getting the exact same treatment is where one person shows up to rant about Obama, 10 people showed up to rant about Bush. Hell, this thread isn't even about Bush and somebody still managed to find a way to take a shot at him.


It's the nature of the two party political system in America. Everything is the other guy's fault.


That's true. Comradebot was at fault too.


Now, people rant about Obama's policies when he does things related to his personality where as people would rant about Bush's personality when his policies come up.


I have to say that it's easier to get away with calling Bush a fool than it is to go after any given politician's policies or lack thereof. It's difficult to be a politician when things are as screwed up as they are, but it's easy to be a fool in any case, especially this one! That's probably why there are fewer public rants about Obama...

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That's true. Comradebot was at fault too.


Now, people rant about Obama's policies when he does things related to his personality where as people would rant about Bush's personality when his policies come up.


I have to say that it's easier to get away with calling Bush a fool than it is to go after any given politician's policies or lack thereof. It's difficult to be a politician when things are as screwed up as they are, but it's easy to be a fool in any case, especially this one! That's probably why there are fewer public rants about Obama...


ok I'll rant about all four


Bush's personality = best suited for being an 80's WWE tag team manager

Bush's policies = poorly thought out group think, that led to short term success and long term failure. While refusing to change Clinton era policies that eventually blew up in his face.


Obama's Personality = Rock Star Savior Complex while on teleprompter, Socialist left wing black panther marxist the second he strays from it.

Obama's policies = An attempt to bankrupt the richest nation on the planet in an attempt to socialize not just the whole country, but by his own words the entire world.


So no as an American I can not say we've had great leadership in the past, oh 20 years or so, and we are clearly paying for it. The truth is probably that no one worth holding the position would ever run, as the incentive is just not there. You basically have to be willing to sell you soul to get ahead in American politics at that level.


hope that is an even enough rant :)

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