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GCG: Global Honored Crown

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Glad you posted that interview...reminded me I hadn't made my picks yet.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Jack Marlowe vs. Masaaki Okazaki


Can't have him losing the opener if he's main eventing.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci


Li's place in his two matches tonight are throwing me off...if he's got a shot to make his mark it would be here instead of against Hyobanshi. I'm going to guess Hiroyasu wins with less than a minute to go in the match.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

KOKI Ishibashi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


I see this one ending in a draw so they look like they are going into an even playing field in the next match.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Team GCG vs. Team WLW

Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki & Takayuki 2000 vs. Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita & KOKI Ishibashi


This is where GCG will get the revenge for the last match and go over the WLW guys.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Li Bingci vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi


Another tough one for Li, but I don't think he'll pull this out either. I'm going for the same result as his first match though, have him lose with less than one minute to go to show off his stamina and determination.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

GHC World Heavyweight

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Masaaki Okazaki


Even giving Okazaki a good win over Marlowe early doesn't put him in position to carry the main strap. I'd love to see Kikkawa get this shot before the end of the tour though.


EDIT: Ah yes, forgot Kikkawa starts off champ. It's been a couple weeks since I switched back over to the default database...between the '75 mod and cooking up schemes in my head for crayon's mod I've been ignoring the big one. And by the way, great job on the interview, just read it...really well put together and I'm native English speaking and I'm pretty sure you've got the language down better than me, haha.

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Even giving Okazaki a good win over Marlowe early doesn't put him in position to carry the main strap. I'd love to see Kikkawa get this shot before the end of the tour though.


That will happen the minute he drops the INSPIRE King Of Fighters championship since I can't loan anyone who holds a title. ;) Thank you everyone for your predictions, pretty easy this week! Everyone seems to have atleast 4/6 correct. Darn it.

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GCG Stars Of The Golden Canvas

Saturday, Week 2, January










Hanshiro: "Good evening and welcome to GCG Stars Of The Golden Canvas! We had a an amazing "Parade Of Champions" PPV on Monday!"

Isei: "Indeed we did! Hyobanshi and Iesada wrestler to a time timit draw in the best match of the night and Pistol Pete Hall retained against Hiroyasu Gakusha in a brutal match. Will he be able to retain the title this week? We will see that in our main event of the night!"

Katsuhiko: "Let's start tonight's show with an ultra-physical Interpromotional battle!"















Doshisha Athletic Center, Kinki






30 Minute Time Limit Singles

'Interpromotional Battle'


'Representing GCG'

Jack Marlowe



'Representing INSPIRE'

Masaaki Okazaki


Talk about a physical battle between two aggressive wrestlers. Both men run right to the center of the ring and began a wild exchange of chops, slaps, elbows and punches! Marlowe tried to level Okazaki with a lariat but could not get the INSPIRE main eventer down! Okazaki hit a lariat but didn't get Marlowe down. Lariat after another they ordered the other to run to the ropes until Okazaki counters Marlowe's 6th lariat into an arm bar!!



Marlowe screams in pain as Okazaki bends the arm as far as he can! Marlowe bites his lip and crawls to the ropes and Okazaki has to release the hold! Okazaki starts to stomp and hit knees to Marlowe's back for a while until sending him across the ring with an overhead belly to belly!



Marlowe is reeling but knocks Okazaki down with a spear! Marlowe starts a wild combo of punches until Okazaki rolls the wrestlers around and ends on top! But then Marlowe counters aswell! The men end up going trough the ringropes and to the ringside where Marlowe starts to chop the chest of Okazaki! Marlowe connects with a rolling chop which sends Okazaki trough the guard rail right into the lap of a fan! Marlowe grabs Okazaki and hits a snap suplex as a way to get him out of the crowd!








The referee has almost counted the men out when Okazaki hits a mafia kick and rolls into the ring! Marlowe falls down!
















Marlowe gets back into the ring just in time!! Okazaki lifts Marlowe and locks in the Okazaki Eruption and sends Marlowe flying! The Trapping Suplex variation is closely associated with Okazaki who infact invented the move. It is a normal double underhook suplex but instead of just hooking the arms in regular way, Okazaki traps both hands into overhook locks and then suplexes his opponent.



Marlowe lands badly on his left arm which Okazaki notices as he begins to work on the arm, slamming it against the turnbuckle and just plain wrenching it into different positions. Marlowe fights back and headbutts Okazaki! Someone's forehead is busted open by the impact but it's unclear who's since both men have a bloody forehead because of the headbutts!



Marlowe lifts Okazaki into his shoulder, snake eyes to the corner!













Okazaki kicks out! Jack hits a legrop and then lifts Okazaki up for the ..








No! Okazaki reverses it into his Angular Arm Bar!! Both men grunt and shouts as Okazaki just adds the pressure, bending Marlowe's elbow backwards, forming an agonizing submission hold!!



Marlowe screams as he tries to make his way to the ropes!!



Marlowe taps out!!



Result: Masaaki Okazaki defeated Jack Marlowe in 24:40 by submission with the Angular Arm Bar.


Grade: C+

(Great chemistry)


Isei: "An impressive showing from both men, this was a really tight contest."

Hanshiro: "Okazaki got to a nice start defeating Marlowe! Great match indeed."













Ibaraki Community Hall, Kanto





30 Minute Time Limit Singles

'Interpromotional Battle'


'Representing GCG'

Hiroyasu Gakusha



'Representing INSPIRE'

Li Bingci


The match starts with a handshake as both men have a clear respect of each other. The bell rings and the match is on!



Bingci shoots for the takedown which surprised Gakusha who looses his balance! Bingci tries to mount Gakusha and gains sidecontrol! Bingci has a difficulty in choosing which body part to attack and thus gives Gakusha some time to hit him with punches! Gakusha can't get enough power behind the strikes though as he's on his back. Gakusha drags himself closer to the ringropes and Bingci has to get off.



Bingci backs down politely and like a gentleman, gives Gakusha time to stand up. Gakusha smiles a bit as they start to circle. They locks horns and Gakusha takes Bingci down with a S.T.O! Gakusha is now on top of Bingci as he begins to pummel the Olympic silver medalist with his trademark elbows!!



Bingci is in serious trouble, trying to block the strikes! Bingci turns around and gives his back to Gakusha who capitalises quickly..













Two! Bingci is just too fresh!


Gakusha grabs Bingci, bringing him to the middle of the ring. Gakusha does his trademark roar and sets Bingci for the Tiger Driver!!











Bingci reverses the move in midair just when Gakusha is about to plant him down, the Front Choke Sleeper is locked in deeply!! Gakusha starts to wave his hands around, no one has ever countered his Tiger Driver into another move like that!



Gakusha is still standing while Bingci just hangs on on all his weight, tightening the grip of Gakusha! Gakusha just stares down at the canvas and has no idea just exactly where he is in the ring. Gakusha's face is turning red into violet as he starts punching Bingci, with every other punch hitting himself along the way!!



Gakusha tries to straighten up, Bingci still has the hold locked in! Gakusha's legs are beginning to shake! Gakusha begins to run recklessly across the ring, not knowing where he will hit first!



Gakusha runs trough the ropes with Bingci on his lap!! Both men land to the ringside, Gakusha is coughing hard, trying to catch his breath. Bingci gets quickly back to the ring since he's used in being ring or inside the cage like in INSPIRE. The referee begins to count Gakusha out!









Bingci looks around the arena, to the fans, to Gakusha.








Bingci.. Drops out of the ring, grabs Gakusha and rolls him back into the ring! The crowd approves and gives Bingci a huge pop for rolling his opponent back into the ring. Bingci locks in a Figure Four Stranglehold!



But Gakusha turns around, gets up with the help of the ring ropes and slams Bingci down with an electric chair drop!! Both men are down, Gakusha is still finding hard to catch breath.



Bingci gets up first and closes in on Gakusha.. Elbow uppercut from Gakusha rocks Bingci!! Gakusha places Bingci's head between his legs and goes for his Gakusha Golden Bomb but hesitates in doing the move, fearing that Bingci would lock in the submission move again! Instead Gakusha hits a double underhook suplex! Gakusha lifts Bingci up and goes for a northern lights suplex!



And he connects!!









Bingci reverses it into a front choke sleeper again, turning them both around!! Bingci has the sleeper hold locked in and this time Gakusha doesn't hesitate as he uses all his power in lifting Bingci up and down with a front suplex!!




Bingci loses the hold as he hits the canvas, Gakusha picks him up and turns him around!!





















Result: Hiroyasu Gakusha defeated Li Bingci in 27:55 by pinfall with the Tiger Suplex.


Grade: C+



Gakusha takes a breathe before helping Bingci up from the canvas, shaking his hand as a sign of respect and thanking him for the tough match.



Katsuhiko: "Another great match between the best wrestlers from both companies!"

Isei: "Bingci was so close so many times!"












Fukuoka Hall, Kyushu






30 Minute Time Limit Singles

'Interpromotional Battle'


'Representing WLW'

KOKI Ishibashi




'Representing GCG'

Kiminobu Kuroki


Kuroki started off strong against Ishibashi, connectin with several heavy strikes in the early going. Forearm strikes and spinning heel kick landed perfectly until Ishibashi ducked and sidestepped the next strikes, eventually hitting a nice slap kick combo and a neckbreaker. Just as Kuroki got up he was taken down with a nice running dropkick from Ishibashi which send Kuroki trough the ropes into the apron! Ishibashi rushed in on what seemed to be somesort of offensive strike but Kuroki just dropped to the ringside, however Ishibashi saw that coming and kept on going and jumped from the ring with a baseball slide rana!!



Ishibashi rolled Kuroki back in the ring but got a knee to the gut as reward. Kuroki hit a DDT and went for his Mercuru Sleeper submission move which could be described as being a Modified Inverted Chickenwing Sleeper. Basicly it's an inverted sleeper hold applied to a seated opponent with the other arm being wrenched into the "chickenwing" hold at the same time.



Luckily for Ishibashi Kuroki couldn't get the move done properly as Ishibashi rolled trough it and hit a nasty looking rolling wheel kick on Kuroki!








Two! Kuroki got his shoulders up. Ishibashi heads for the top rope!






Misses! Kuroki rolls out of the way! Mercury Sleeper!



No, Ishibashi blocks it and kicks Kuroki to the head with an overhead kick!



Kuroki is reeling! Ishibashi goes for his Spinning Fisherman's Suplex finisher called Koki Revlution but Kuroki fights back!



Kuroki tries to lift Ishibashi instead!



No, Ishibashi fights back and tries to lift Kuroki again!



Kuroki counters!








The delayed Dangerous Brainbuster connects!




Kuroki locks in the Mercury Sleeper, adding insult to injury!!



Ishibashi taps out!!


Result: Kiminobu Kuroki defeated KOKI Ishibashi in 24:10 by submission with a Mercury Sleeper.


Grade: C



Hanshiro: "Was that really necessary? I think that Kuroki had the match won after the Kuroki Krush."

Katsuhiko: "In my point of view Kuroki was embarrased of how Ishibashi kept getting out of the Mercury Sleeper attempts troughout the match. He wanted to make it clear to everyone that he could lock in the move and finish Ishibashi with it."












Ibaraki Community Hall, Kanto






30 Minute Time Limit Six Man Tag

'Interpromotional Battle'




Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki & Takayuki 2000




Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita & KOKI Ishibashi


As the introductions are being announced Ishibashi and Kuroki can't keep their eyes off from one another as just yesterday they had a crueling match against each other that Kuroki won with the Mercury Sleeper. The match fell apart right from the start when all the WLW wrestlers ran across the ring and dropkicked each GCG wrestler out of the ring! The WLW wrestlers did not hesitate in diving from the ring as all three man landed on top of the wrestlers outside with planchas! The momentum was quickly cut short when Kuroki and Takayuki threw Thunder and Maita to the guard rails and started to beat them down.



Ishibashi and Cox came back in the ring where these two provided a fine chain wrestling combo as they reversed each others moves without breaking contact. Cox finally got the best of Ishibashi with a released german suplex!






Thunder came in and interrupted the count which caused a negative reaction from the Golden Canvas fans! Takayuki then rushed in and leveled Thunder with his Takayuki Attack knee strike! Takayuki rolled Thunder out of the ring and the two began brawling outside while Cox and Ishibashi remained in the ring, Kuroki and Maita were on the apron, waiting for a tag.



After another series of chain wrestling with Cox, Ishibashi got the best of him roundhouse kick combo followed with a flying rana!








Two! Cox kicked out! Ishibashi tagged in Maita, Cox tagged in Kuroki! Kuroki tries to hit the "Babyface Assassin" with spinning backhand elbows but Maita ducked every attempt and hit a dropsault! Maita rushed in but Kuroki grabbed him and tried to deliver the Kuroki Krush, his delayed Dangerous Brainbuster finishing move but lost his balance which resulted in Maita landing awkvardly on the turnbuckle, back first! Cox tagged himself in and climbed to the top rope and lifted Maita on his shoulder, upside down!








A move that will be in the highlight reel of the whole year, Cox spiked Maita with his Cradle Piledriver finisher!









Awesome Thunder leaps from the apron and interrupts the count, hitting a springboard legdrop! Takayuki dives into the ring right after Thunder while Kuroki comes from the other side and hits front dropkick to Thunder who flies right into Takayuki who delivers a sick released german suplex on Thunder, using the momentum that was created when Kuroki dropkicked Thunder!! Thunder rolls under the bottom rope to the ringside while Kuroki and Takayuki get back to their corner.



Ishibashi comes out of nowhere while Cox is trying to lift Maita from the canvas. Ishibashi tries a hurricanrana but Cox caughts him in midair and powerbombs him out of the ring on top of Thunder who's now resting at the ringside! Cox turns around and gets rolled into a small package pinfall predicament by semi-consicious Maita!









Cox kicks out!! Maita looks weak as it seems the small package was his last resort. No one on the apron to tag, Maita is still trying to shake off the cobwebs he got from the top rope Immortal Driver he received just a while ago. Cox jumps to his corner and tags in Kuroki who locks in the Mercury Sleeper on the defenceless Maita!!


Awesome Thunder slowly dives to the ring but gets taken out by Takayuki who hits another flying knee strike!!


Takayuki drops out of the ring and tries his best to hold Thunder and Ishibashi at the ringside.


Maita taps out!!



Result: Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki and Takayuki 2000 defeated Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita and KOKI Ishibashi in 22:01 when Kiminobu Kuroki defeated Mokuami Maita by submission with the Mercury Sleeper.


Grade: C-



Isei: "Again Kuroki with the Mercury Sleeper.."

Katsuhiko: "This was a bit off disappointment to be honest. In my opinion these men are capable of a better match."















30 Minute Time Limit Singles

'Interpromotional Battle'



'Representing INSPIRE'

Li Bingci




'Representing GCG'

Toshiharu Hyobanshi


This is Bingci's second match in the GCG ring, he lost to Gakusha on Wednesday and now looks to even the score against the Golden Canvas wrestlers while Hyobanshi himself wrestled a time limit draw against Bingci's fellow INSPIRE fighter "Dangerous" Tasuku Iesada.



Just like in his fight against Gakusha, Bingci shoots for the takedown immediatly. Hyobanshi, being the larger and stronger of the two, blocks the attempt easily and throws the Olympic silver medal winner of 2004 across the ring! Hyobanshi starts flexing his muscles, just to show off to Bingci who smiles back at Hyobanshi. The fans don't how to react to the sudden arrogance of Hyobanshi and remain quiet.



Bingci circles around Hyobanshi who comes closer and closer. Elbow and collar tieup, Hyobanshi pushes Bingci all the way to the corner. Referee separates the two and Hyobanshi lets go off the hold..



.. And then slaps Bingci across the face with a hard open handed slap! The crowd starts to boo and Hyobanshi looks surprised of the crowd reaction. He has that look on his face for mere seconds as Bingci hits Hyobanshi with a thrust kick! Hyobanshi struggles to maintain a vertical base and looks embarrased as he tries to stay on his feet, the crowd starts to chant "Bing-ci! Bing-ci!". The Olympic medalist closes in on Hyobanshi who levels Bingci upside down and inside out with a brutal lariat! Hyobanshi goes over the ropes to the apron and starts to shout at the fans, asking them what are they doing, chanting for Bingci. As Hyobanshi gets back to the ring Bingci is right infront of him and takes him down with a fireman's carry!



Bingci is all over Hyobanshi, trying to lock various holds but Hyobanshi keeps on blocking them. Hyobanshi pushes Bingci away momentarily until Bingci starts to, unordinarily for him, kick Hyobanshi's head! Bingci gets several hard kicks trough eevn though Hyobanshi tries to shield his head! Finally Hyobanshi gets a hold of Bingci's leg and lifts him up for a powerbomb!









Bingci kicks out! Hyobanshi starts to chop down on Bingci who in turn counters by locking Hyobanshi's hand into a cross armlock!! The fans are going wild for the underdog!



Hyobanshi is stuggling on the canvas but rolls trough and slams Bingci down once again with a sort of powerbomb/spinebuster variation. Hyobansi backs down momentarily as he was startled by how quick Bingci got the lock done to him out of nowhere. Bingci gets up and starts playing with the crowd who appreciate the effort of the man from INSPIRE!



Hyobanshi runs in, Nova Burst, his short-range spear!!






Bingci has Hyobanshi in the middle of the ring!! Once again Hyobanshi ran straight into the front choke sleeper, just like in the match against Iesada!



Hyobanshi drags Bingci across the canvas as he gets closer and closer to the ropes. Bingci on the other hand is tightening his hold every time Hyobansh tries to get away! Realising he's too far from the ropes, Hyobanshi tries to stand up!!



Bingci still has the hold locked in!



Hyobanshi gets up and lifts Bingci from the canvas!!



Bingci does a sunset flip!! Cover!!









Hyobanshi kicks out and reverses the pinfall predicament as he sits on top of Bingci, pressing his legs to the ground!!








Two!! Bingci somehow manages to get his shoulders up!!




Hyobanshi rolls backwards, Bingci shoots for a takedown!




Hyobanshi caughts Bingci and grabs him by the waist!













Bingci gets his shoulders up and reverses the move into a somesort of reverse triangle choke or a gogoplata! But Hyobanshi gets out of it since Bingci didn't get to lock the move properly! Hyobanshi starts hitting Bingci with huge elbows to the face!!



Hyobanshi gets up and lifts Bingci up, BRAINBUSTAAAA~!



Hyobanshi holds on! Another BRAINBUSTER!!




Bingci lands on the canvas hard on his neck!!




Hyobanshi is still holding on as he goes for a third suplex!!








Hyobanshi plants Bingci with the Sit-Out Suplex Crush!!














Hyobanshi is fuming with rage as he gets up immediatly after the referee had finished the three count. The crowd gives a mixed reaction to Hyobanshi who just brutally manhandled Bingci near the end of the match. Hyobanshi leaves the ring quickly, kicking the turnbuckle and the ropes as he feels he's been humiliated by the Golden Canvas crowd, and most of all and once again, another INSPIRE wrestler.



Bingci gets up with the help of the staff from INSPIRE and receives a roaring ovation from the fans at Ibaraki Community Hall.

Result: Toshiharu Hyobanshi defeated Li Bingci in 24:59 by pinfall with the Nova Bomb Redux.


Grade: B-

(Pretty good chemistry!)


Hanshiro: "What a match.. The styles of these two wrestlers matches perfectly."

Isei: "They sure did, I would love to see these two meeting for another time."

Katsuhiko: "Hyobanshi seems to have some kind of trouble facing these INSPIRE fighters, it seems as if he's lost confidence in himself because of the draw with Iesada and the near loss to Bingci."

Isei: "Talk about turning the tables with the crowd reaction.. Bingci has certainly gained a lot of fans here at Golden Canvas."




















GHC World Heavyweight

30 Minute Time Limit Singles

'Interpromotional Battle'



'Representing GCG'

''The Champion''

Pistol Pete Hall




'Representing INSPIRE'

''The Challenger''

Masaaki Okazaki




The match starts very cautiously with Okazaki utilising his MMA-oriented style effectively against the bigger and slower Hall. Okazaki Barrages are being delivered as Okazaki hits several vicious kicks to the knee and to the side of the leg every time Hall comes closer. Hall backs down and signs for Okazaki to come closer.



Okazaki just keeps on circling Hall, hitting and running until Hall rushes in but just gets taken down with a leg trip! Angular Arm Bar is locked in!! But Hall is far too fresh and just stands up and slams Okazaki down! Triplet elbow drops!



Pistol Pete Lariat Signal! Hall lowers his elbow pad to his wrist and raises his hand while Okazaki stands up!



.. Dropkick to the knee from Okazaki! Hall crashes against the turnbuckle, his right hand whiplashing from the turnbuckle! Hall stays on the ground, holding his hand. Okazaki quickly attacks the arm with kicks until hitting arm wringer smashes and takes the big man down!



Okazaki keeps Hall's hand down on the canvas and drives his knee to to arm until Hall blocks the strikes and pushes Okazaki away momentarily. Hall and Okazaki start circling each other again until Okazaki takes the big man down again with a takedown! The years in INSPIRE have really affected the wrestling style of Okazaki even though before he joined INSPIRE he was already known for his ultra-physical approach to his matches.



Okazaki mounts Hall and with heavy punches start to rain down on Hall! Okazaki tries to get an arm bar.. And does!



Hall rolls trough it and pushes Okazaki down, cover!








Two!! Okazaki gets his foot on the rope! Hall stands up and stomps on Okazaki but can't keep the man down with just one hand and so Okazaki once again gets away. Hall seems to be frustrated as he tries to figure out a way to attack Okazaki without leaving the arm unprotected. Okazaki gets his stance ready as he approaches Hall who looks like a wounded animal. Okazaki rushes for anoter takedown..


Knee to the head! Hall knocks Okazaki down and out!!










No, Okazaki gets his shoulders up! Triplet elbow drops once again, with the good elbow! Until Hall misses the third one and Okazaki mounts the champion yet again! Century Crab Lift, Okazaki's special Boston Crab variation! Okazaki places one knee on top of Hall's head and wrenches him backwards, bending him in a C-shape! Hall screams and tries to pull himself to the ropes but Okazaki drags the champion in the middle of the ring!



Hall has no choice but to.. Push himself out of the predicament! Hall is in pain as he presses himself up and tries to use all his power for Okazaki to let go.. And he does! Hall outpowers Okazaki who flies to the corner! But Hall can't capitalise since the pain is just too much. Hall tries to shake the numbness away from his right hand, the one Okazaki has pinpointed effectively during the match.



Hall roars as he closes in on Okazaki as he goes for a left hand lariat and it connects! Okazaki drops to the canvas while Hall looks around. Hall takes a look on his arm, then to the crowd who have started to applaud as they are impressed of the fighting spirit of both fighters.



Hall then... Turns around and heads for the turnbuckle!! Hall lifts himself up all the way to top rope with just his left hand. Hall looks over his shoulders just to stay sure that Okazaki is still on the ground as he prepares to leap off..







Hall does a very awkvard looking trademark moonsault of Dread!!




Okazaki rolls out of the way just in time! Hall lands on his side, right on his right arm! Hall screams in pain as he lands badly to the canvas. Okazaki is catching his breath in the corner, looking as if he had seen a ghost, his whole face is pale fro

m fright.


Okazaki gets himself together and stalks Hall as he comes closer and closer.. Hall is down to one knee when Okazaki grabs him, Hall pushes him away to the ropes!




Okazaki bounces off the ropes..




.. VESSEY DRIVER out of nowhere!!




Hall got up and lifted Okazaki to his shoulders from the right side and using his left hand he delivered a stunning Vessey Driver, the Death Valley Driver finishing move of Bryan Vessey, planting Okazaki's head with authority to the canvas!

















Hall gets the victory!!



Both men just lay on the canvas after the match, exhausted. Hall gets some ice on his right hand while the INSPIRE trainers tend to Okazaki. After a short rest the wrestlers get up and shake hands, Hall lifting Okazaki's hand in the air as a sign of respect. The crowd approves.

Result: Pistol Pete Hall defeated Masaaki Okazaki in 21:50 by pinfall with the Vessey Driver.

Pistol Pete Hall makes defence number 2 of his GHC World Heavyweight title.


Grade: B



Isei: "What a match! Two veterans of our sport provided us with one of the best matches of our tour thus far!"

Katsuhiko: "Okazaki had a really good gameplan going into the match, disabling Hall's right arm. He succeeded in that but Hall somehow found a way to get a victory, hitting the Vessey Driver to get the pinfall."

Hanshiro: "Don't forget the Dreadsault! Hall showed that he's not afraid to take high risks when it comes to situations like this. Did you see the look on Okazaki's face after he had rolled away just in time? That would have been scary, had Hall connected with that move."







Hanshiro: "That's all from this week's edition of Stars Of The Golden Canvas, I hope you enjoyed as much as we did!"

Isei: "We had six great matches shown tonight and I'm sure that we will have as great matches next week, or even better ones!"

Katsuhiko: "We'll see you next week, only here on Japanese Sports Vision 3!"








(OOC: I just decided to not post the whole thing in one post, the full results and analysis of each event will be on the next one! Hope you liked this one, I'm really excited and happy with the situation I'm having now that I can bounce between CGC and GCG whenever I feel like it. I had a blast writing these matches!)



(OOC: Remember to vote in the DOTM polls!!)





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Week 2, January '08.



Doshisha Athletic Center, Kinki. Attendance: 482



Match #0: Rhino Umaga defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 8:28 by pinfall with the Rhino Charge. D+


Match #1: Masutaro Kataoka defeated Casey Valentine in 9:32 by submission with the Sunrise Hold. D


Match #2: Griffin & Bennett defeated Naga-Mori in 9:04 when Barry Griffin defeated Mamoru Nagahama by submission with the Powerbomb Deathlock. D+


Match #3: Masaaki Okazaki defeated Jack Marlowe in 24:40 by submission with the Angular Arm Bar. C+

(Great chemistry)



We got off to a good start with a nice brawl between Umaga and Smith, who was wrestling his last match of the loan period (He was offered a Touring contract). Smith is still jobbing as one would expect, paying his dues but due to his suberb skills his matches have been surprisingly good. His performance skills still needs work, especially safety, but it's nothing to worry about. Umaga's Rhino Charge (Big Corner Spear. The opponent, having taken the force of Rhino's weight running at full speed, usually collapses to the floor for an easy pinfall) is quite impressive when done to somebody the size of Smith. Kataoka schooled Valentine and after three appearances Valentine's contract had expired. He did rather well but isn't based in Japan so it's hard to follow from there. Griffin & Bennett took on the WEXXV warriors, Griffin finishing the opponent with the Powerbomb Deathlock as always (Leaning/Soul powerbomb where the attacker lifts the opponents legs high, leaning on top of the opponent with his whole weight). In the Main Event Okazaki wrestled a very physical match against Marlowe which ended in the brutal arm bar. Overall a nice event with surprisingly good grades from the undercard.


Overall Grade: C






After the show our referee Shunko Nakada made a prank on Jack Marlowe. I don't exactly know what the actual prank was and to be honest I really don't care to know. I tried a "Fatherly Approach" and got a "It was just a prank, it was no big deal" as a response. We are going to have to be strict in future if he starts pulling these pranks since we don't need any. We already have Kuroki and Takayuki who hard to handle, altought they haven't started any fights yet due to Hall, Dick The Devastator and Iesada and of course other veterans keeping control in the lockerroom.












Ibaraki Community Hall, Kanto. Attendance: 1,000



Match #0: Julian Watson defeated Nathan Coleman in 17:23 by pinfall with the Tiger Claw DDT. D


Match #1: Dark EAGLE defeated Black Eagle in 5:42 by pinfall with the Eagle Shock. Dark EAGLE makes defence number 1 of his GHC Junior Heavyweight title. C-


Match #2: Shingen Miyazaki defeated Ryunosuke Matsuki in 8:13 by submission with the Ankle Lock. C-


Match #3: Insane Machine defeated Samoan Machine in 14:35 by pinfall with the Termination Kick. C


Match #4: Hell Monkey defeated Namboku Makuda in 15:47 by pinfall with the Tumbling Monkey. C-


Match #5: Takayuki 2000 defeated Mabuchi Furusawa in 16:25 by submission with the Persian Deathlock. C


Match #6: Hiroyasu Gakusha defeated Li Bingci in 27:55 by pinfall with the Tiger Suplex. C+


Overall Grade: C



The opener pretty much bombed. Eagle made a nice defence against another Eagle (The Modern level isn't yet in Medium on week 2, I think it was none or low on Week 2). Shingen picked up a nice victory over the young lion Matsuki, nothing unordinary there. Insane Machine on the other hand put on a show defeating Samoan Machine. WLW's Hell Monkey schooled our Makuda, finishing him with the Tumbling Monkey (Sky Twister Press). Takayuki had a good match against the prodigy, Mabuchi "Son of the Owner" Furusawa, who, despite not being a young lion anymore, will still be losing quite a bit due to his age. We don't want to rush him into superstardom, he will get there in time. And in our Main Event we saw another great match from Gakusha as he took on INSPIRE's Bingci who almost put the former #1 Contender away with the Front Choke Sleeper. It's great to see that we have a balanced roster and even your low. midcarders can deliver against quality opponents.



Insane Machine, Dark EAGLE, Black Eagle and Hell Monkey had their last appearances under Loan contract on Wednesday. All except Black Eagle have been offered Touring contracts.











Fukuoka Hall. Kyushu. Attendance: 300



Match #0: Naonobu Murkami defeated Masked Cougar in 6:47 by pinfall with the Belly To Belly Suplex. C-


Match #1: Barry Griffin defeated Kiemon Yoshimatsu in 7:24 by submission with the Powerbomb Deathlock. D-


Match #2: Mokuami Maita defeated Roku Sotomura in 13:34 by pinfall with the Assassination Attempt. C-


Match #3: Kiminobu Kuroki defeated KOKI Ishibashi in 24:10 by submission with the Mercury Sleeper. C


Overall Grade: C-



Masked Cougar finished his contract with us by losing to former World Heavyweight champion Murkami. Maybe we will bring him in later, maybe not. Yoshimatsu learns from Griffin, WLW defeats INSPIRE as Maita defeated Sotomura with his neckbreaker finishing move (Done on an opponent who has had one arm hooked across his own throat as if taking a Dream Hold). This was Sotomura's last appearance in the Golden Canvas ring. In the main event Kuroki choked the life out of Ishibashi as a setup for more tension into the show on the following day.



Masked Cougar and Roku Sotomura have left GCG due to contact expiry.









Ibaraki Community Hall, Kanto. Attendance: 1,000


Match #0: Jack Marlowe defeated Shingen Miyazaki in 15:51 by pinfall with the Jungle Jack-Jammer. D+

(Bad chemistry)


Match #1: Shotaro Ikina defeated Masutaro Kataoka in 14:47 by pinfall with the Ikina Driver. D+


Match #2: Rhino Umaga and Naonobu Murkami defeated Namboku Makuda and Ryunosuke Matsuki in 7:20 when Naonobu Murkami defeated Ryunosuke Matsuki by pinfall with the Belly To Belly Suplex. D-

(Bad Tag chemistry between Makuda and Matsuki)

Match #3: Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki and Takayuki 2000 defeated Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita and KOKI Ishibashi in 22:01 when Kiminobu Kuroki defeated Mokuami Maita by submission with the Mercury Sleeper. C-


Match #4: Toshiharu Hyobanshi defeated Li Bingci in 24:59 by pinfall with the Nova Bomb Redux. B-

(Pretty good chemistry)


Match #5: Pistol Pete Hall defeated Masaaki Okazaki in 21:50 by pinfall with the Vessey Driver. Pistol Pete Hall makes defence number 2 of his GHC World Heavyweight title. B


Overall Grade: B-



By far the best show of the week Friday had it all even two bad chemistries in the undercard. Still Marlowe and Miyazaki provided a solid opener, Ikina defeated the fellow veteran Kataoka and Umaga & Murkami schooled the young lions who unfortunately didn't click. Tean GCG defeated Team WLW in a lackluster match. Hyobanshi had a lot of problems against Bingci who almost defeated the GCG star, being as close in winning as against Gakusha on Wednesday. Hyobanshi won the match but was clearly not happy of his performance and the crowd reaction Bingci received. In our Main Event Pistol Pete Hall made his second succesful title defence of the year against the INSPIRE's Okazaki who turned out to be a quality opponent. After working on Hall's arm trough the match Okazaki seemed to have the advantage most of the match. Disabling Hall's hand made Hall to change his strategy as he resorted using a very unorthodox style, using a Dreadsault which he missed but he later connected with the Vessey Driver, Bryan Vessey's Death Valley Driver finishing move which got him the victory. One of the better matches of the year made the Friday's show the best of the week (Normal touring shows -speaking, excluding the PPV).



Awesome Thunder has left due to contract expiry.










Kochi Halls, Shikoku. Attendance: 187



Match #0: Harumi Okazawaya defeated Stuart Ferdinand in 11:42 by pinfall with the Hurricane Harumi. Harumi Okazawaya makes defence number 3 of his GHC Openweight title. C-

(Didn't click)


Match #1: Eagle Kawasawa defeated Kiemon Yoshimatsu in 5:50 by pinfall with the Vision Quest. D

(Great chemistry)


Match #2: Mamoru Nagahama defeated Samoan Machine in 6:11 by pinfall. C


Match #3: Yasuhide Tayama defeated Mabuchi Furusawa in 9:55 by pinfall. C


Match #4: Hiroyasu Gakusha defeated Julian Watson in 16:27 by pinfall with the Gakusha Golden Bomb. C

(Great chemistry)


Overall Grade: C



Our wrestlers were really tired as we had six shows this week. On Saturday Okazawaya made his 3rd defence of the Openweight title defeating the veteran Ferdinand to retain. Kawasawa schooled the young high flier Yoshimatsu and WEXXV's Nagahama picked up a victory over Samoan Machine in a quite good match. Tayama battled Furusawa in a surprisingly good matchup and in our Main Event Gakusha defeated Watson in nice match where they seemed to have great chemistry.




  • GCG: Stars Of The Golden Canvas drew a rating of 0.06 on Japanese Sports Vision 3.

  • Samoan Machine has now joined BHOTWG under Written deal, leaving GCG and INSPIRE.




Prediction Results:



Hyde Hill 6/6

randomfreeze 5/6

Tigerkinney 5/6

Foolinc 5/6

Bigpapa42 5/6

maskedpropaganda 5/6

Liamo 2/4



Man that was an easy week :p I should put 8 or 9 matches in the show! The "Special Deal, Alter Push Status" prize will be rewarded only on PPV. As so many got the predictions mostly right I'm going to award the "Five choices" award to Hyde Hill (Nice one, all correct!), randomfreeze, Tigerkinney, Foolinc, Bigpapa42 and maskedpropaganda. The choices are:



  • A match to be shown on Stars Of Golden Canvas (You can choose a wrestler who you would like to see in action).

  • An interview with any wrestler on the roster.

  • To book a match that will be held as soon as possible.

  • (A 3 Match Talent Trade from any promotion we have a working agreement with.(WLW and INSPIRE won't trade with me anymore from Week 1 of February since I've been using the option too much :())

  • Suggest a Tag Team match and choose the participants to see if there's any chemistry between the workers.

  • (You can suggest a new prize to be added to the list since I'm running out of ideas! :p)

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New Signings:





These wrestlers were offered Touring contracts due to the suberb performance they gave us in the three matches they had under the Loan contract. The wrestlers are: Dark EAGLE, Black Eagle, Hell Monkey, Insane Machine & Bulldozer Brandon Smith. They all have now officially signed the contract extensions, the contracts will expire at the end of the tour and the wrestlers are released on the first day of March. Dark EAGLE will be awarded the GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship since he was the holder of the title when the three match loan period was over.













On top of that a whole new talent will join GCG and become part of Junior Heavyweight Tag Team division with none other than the Insane Machine. Dean "The Machine" Daniels has signed a Touring contract with GCG after Insane Machine had talked with the Head of Talent Relations Aiji Misawa and the Owner Hanshiro Furusawa. Daniels has a really good reputation of being a solid performer and so the contract offer wasn't a tough decision. Together Insane Machine and Daniels are known as "Split Personality", they are one time WLW World Level Tag Team champions.
















The following matches will be featured in this week's GCG: "Stars Of The Golden Canvas" program.








GHC Openweight

15 Minute Time Limit

Harumi Okazawaya © vs. Masutaro Kataoka








'Interpromotional Battle'

15 Minute Time Limit

Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Mokuami Maita










GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team

15 Minute Time Limit Tag Elimination Threeway

Makuda & Kataoka vs. Murkami & Ryunosuke vs. Split Personality









30 Minute Time Limit

Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Yasuhide Tayama








'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit Tag

Pistol Pete Hall & Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci & Masaaki Okazaki








30 Minute Time Limit

Julian Watson vs. Jimmy Cox








'Interpromotional Battle'

15 Minute Time Limit

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Shingen Miyazaki










GHC World Heavyweight

30 Minute Time Limit

Pistol Pete Hall © vs. Kiminobu Kuroki








'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Awesome Thunder










Predictions List:


Harumi Okazawaya © vs. Masutaro Kataoka


Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Mokuami Maita


Makuda & Kataoka vs. Murkami & Ryunosuke vs. Split Personality


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Yasuhide Tayama


Pistol Pete Hall & Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci & Masaaki Okazaki


Julian Watson vs. Jimmy Cox


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Pistol Pete Hall © vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Awesome Thunder




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Harumi Okazawaya © vs. Masutaro Kataoka


Don't feel Kataoka will be the one to end Okazwaya's reign with this belt


Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Mokuami Maita


The WLW man will just have too much experience for Furusawa.


Makuda & Kataoka vs. Murkami & Ryunosuke vs. Split Personality


The team with the most tag experience to take home the (new ?) titles.


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Yasuhide Tayama


Apparently Tayama's under 30 but looking at his pic, I always thinks he looks more like a well beaten wrestler in their 40's. Oh yeah Hyobanshi wins here because right now he's on a totally different level to Tayama.


Pistol Pete Hall & Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci & Masaaki Okazaki


Keeping the champ and the home-grown star strong


Julian Watson vs. Jimmy Cox


One's a jobber, the other's a borderline main eventer...Oh I wonder who'll win this one. :rolleyes:


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Shingen Miyazaki


BBS has a bright future ahead of him but he won't be going over someone like Miyazaki at this stage.


Pistol Pete Hall © vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


Routine defence for Pistol Pete, Kuroki isn't really at the level to win the World Title.


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Awesome Thunder


Thunder's good, but I feel you are bringing in these guest stars to basically do 'competitive' jobs to the home-growns.

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Harumi Okazawaya © vs. Masutaro Kataoka


Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Mokuami Maita


Makuda & Kataoka vs. Murkami & Ryunosuke vs. Split Personality


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Yasuhide Tayama


Pistol Pete Hall & Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci & Masaaki Okazaki


Julian Watson vs. Jimmy Cox


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Pistol Pete Hall © vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Awesome Thunder

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Harumi Okazawaya © vs. Masutaro Kataoka


Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Mokuami Maita


Makuda & Kataoka vs. Murkami & Ryunosuke vs. Split Personality

Just seeing this team makes me want to try one more time with WLW.


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Yasuhide Tayama


Pistol Pete Hall & Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci & Masaaki Okazaki


Julian Watson vs. Jimmy Cox


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Pistol Pete Hall © vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Awesome Thunder

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Thursday, Week 3, January 2008





Jack Marlowe is a wrestler who has a dual-life. To some he is best known as Jungle Jack, a leopard-skin clad wild man from the jungles of Borneo. To others he is known by his real name, and is a highly respected tough athletic brawler. Tonight on Miskovsky's Report the Wild Man shoots straight!


  • Delivering shocking news concerning two GCG talent!

  • Marlowe talks about the start of his career, the NYCW training system, time with RPW, the journey to Mexico to MPWF and the time spend in Japan!

  • Marlowe reveals details concerning the backstage atmosphere in GCG!

  • The Wild Man discusses his plans for the future and the current situation in Japan.


Don't miss tonight's Miskovsky's Report! Only on Radio 95.7!!


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Is it just me or is Jungle Jack getting all the reward love? ;)


Well except if they pmed their requests I am the only one who has cashed in so far. You still get too to foolinc btw.


There have been several PM's regarding the prizes! :cool: Several people still haven't cashed in their prizes however: randomfreeze, Tigerkinney, Bigpapa42 and maskedpropaganda haven't yet cashed in their latest prizes. You can reveal your selections in the thread or PM me.

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Radio 95.7

The Miskovsky Report







Rob: "Hello and welcome to another edition of Miskovsky's Corner, I'm your host Rob L. Miskovsky. Tonight I have another quest from Japan with me. From Golden Canvas Grappling, please welcome, Jack Marlowe!"

"Glad to be here Rob."


Rob: "Should we cut right to the chase or will you deliver the shocking news in the end of the interview? Our listeners have been aching to know what the reveal is going to be and we have received literarily hundreds of messages concerning this interview."


"I think it's maybe best if I'll reveal it near the end of the interview. An interview is almost like booking an event.. You want your Main Event to be something special don't you?"


Rob: "Of course, of course. Now, let's start with the .. Well, the start of your career. You debuted in June 1993 trough the NYCW training system. Tell us of your time with the NYCW."


"I could not have had a better start in my career and still to this day I can't express enough just how grateful I am to NYCW and to Stomper for the years I spent in New York. The years in NYCW made me who I am today. The help from the veterans combined with the desire, dedication and ideas from the younger folks created one of the best working enviroments I've ever been part of. I don't care what you say about the product or how NYCW never "made it big" in the wrestling business. I was proud to call NYCW my home."


"NYCW had so many advantages compared to other US promotions at that time. We were nowhere near the East Coast Wars which would start eventually. It was a safe, easy place to work.. As NYCW grew, we grew with it, hassle free from all the chaos around us in the states at the time. We had some great veterans of the business there.. Corporal Doom, Ernest Mason, Coyote Dynamite and Wiley Steinway who were in their prime at the time.. Crippler Ray Kingman and his son Barry aswell. Kerry O'Quinn, Sheik Mustafa, The Stomper.. I could not have been more luckier."


Rob: "How about other talent your age back then? I vaguely remember that there was few future big names in the NYCW back then."


"Few?", Jack laughs.


".. Rich Money. American Buffalo, back then known as Morpheus. John "Squeeky" McClean, Jack Bruce. Chris "Lobster Warrior" Storm, Big Cat Brandon, now known as "Big Money" Brandon James in SWF. Talk about star power. I was there.. I was there with these guys, can you imagine? Multi-time champions and most of them now under contract with the biggest, most powerful promotion in the world, the SWF.."


Rob: "How do you feel about it.. That you aren't with SWF and some of them are?"


"I suck in promos, basicly. I don't have the entertainment skills that these guys had right from the start. I'm not good in acting and cutting promos. I'm a wrestler, a brawler. I really didn't believe in the emergenge of sports entertainment in the first place and thus I never concentrated in the entertainment aspect of wrestling. In my point of view the lack of entertainment skills has never affected my career negatively."


Rob: "Tell me more about the veterans. What were the main things you learned from them?"


"One of the most important things I learned from the veterans was that you can't be a "one promotion guy". They had witnessed the slaughter of the territorial system back in the 70's and 80's and knew the importance of good relationships with several promotions and owners. Mustafa and Stomper had worked for AAFW and TWL before Stomper started NYCW. Crippler Kingman had worked for AAFW, APWF, CPCW and CWF. Corporal Doom had been with CWFB, TWL and SWF back in the day. Hell, even Land Mass had worked for SWF and CGC!"


"I took their advice but elevated it into another level, I found myself in Japan and in Mexico.. Something that a lot of people haven't done, atleast not succesfully. Speaking fluent English, Japanese and Spanish helps you a lot. When the young guys ask me for advice, I tell them to get experience from different promotions all around the world. That's what I did."


"One example now comes to mind now that I think about it.. When I said that the lack of entertainment skills have not harmed my career. Steve Flash. Imagine how different his career would have been had he toured around the world and not just stayed in North America? Sure he had runs with CGC and NOTBPW and few tag titles over there and the World championships in RPW and NYCW. But what if he had gone to Japan in the 90's? He could have been a main event calibre superstar in GCG or BHOTWG. With those performance skills he has, he would have been a living legend in the East."


Rob: "Mmm, definitely."


"But it didn't happen. Talking about Japan and especially GCG.. Sadly there are few people in the GCG who really don't respect the veterans and pay any attention to history and learning from it. It makes the situation ever sadder when.. Well, people like Kuroki and Takayuki, who are great wrestlers and have huge potential.. They play their video games and spend a lot of time just having fun. There's nothing wrong with that but when the guys don't listen to advice nor spend any time improving it makes me, frankly, quite angry and disappointed."


Rob: "What advice would you give to younger wrestlers then?"


"Pay your dues and never stop working hard. And of course one must learn from history. SWF destroyed the territorial system back in the day and the East Coast Wars were brutal. Just in the US, dozens of promotions have gone bankrupt over just few decades. You can't stay with one promotion your whole life. What happens when that very promotion goes bankrupt or you get fired? You have nothing. You have no experience from other promotions, you have no relationships, you have nowhere to go."


"I started with NYCW, then signed with RPW.. Later on I moved to Mexico to MPWF while still wrestling in US. Then I headed to GCG and now I have been on loan contract with INSPIRE.. I have learned a lot from each promotions and have met some amazing people along the way. Now at 32 years of age I'm in my prime and a main event player in Golden Canvas."




"... Which brings me to the big news. All this talk about touring around the world and having multiple contracts."





Rob: "What is it!?"





".. Despite Furusawa's heavy attempts to persuade me to not do it..





"I have signed a Touring contract with the BHOTWG.."





"But that's not all. My tag team partner Julian Watson is coming with me."





"The only difference is that he has indeed signed a Written contract with BHOTWG and will be leaving GCG."





Rob: ".. Shocking. Truly shocking. Samoan Machine just left and now Watson?"


"I feel quite bad for Furusawa but extremely happy for Watson. I see a young Jack Marlowe in him. He has all the ingredients of a true superstar, he will surely go far in the business and I'm more than happy to know that I had atleast something to do with it."


Rob: "I wonder who's next? BHOTWG starts their tour at the start of March, just when GCG ends theirs."


".. Unfortunately.. I'm sorry to say this but.. There will be others.However right now I can't reveal who they are. I've heard rumours of few other GCG wrestlers who have been offered touring contracts by the BHOTWG."


Rob: "Folks, we are running out of time! What a shocking revelation.. Thank you Jack, it was a pleasure having you here with us."


"My pleasure."


Rob: "You are listening Miskovsky's Report, only on Radio 95.7!!"

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OOC: Here's something I've had in my mind for awhile and finally succeeded in making the needed graphics for it which I want to show to you all. Starting after the PPV in February GCG's booking will take a drastic step forward as we will introduce different divisions, leagues for each title and maybe perhaps start a promotion wars kind of league aswell, we'll see. The rules are still being weighted but I'm beginning to have a clear set of rules concerning how people will rise and fall in the league tables. Take a look at this graphic and share your opinion. :o This is just a test image, a preview with no real meaning. The #0 place is for the champion, the #1 are the #1 Contenders. The sizes are 150x550 (Here in the preview), 200x733 and 300x1100.. I'm leaning towards the smallest size. :cool: The setting just needs a bit adjustment but I'm working on it.




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I've dabbled with league tables a lot myself. Wrestling booking is always such a random, wacky thing, and I love the idea of a league system, even a fairly casual one, giving it structure and order.


Size-wise, I like the middle one. Maybe it's just my resolution, but the little one's just a touch too little for me.

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I've always wanted to have a go at a completely league-run promotion, football stylee. Everyone plays (fights) everyone, 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, none for a loss, see how the land lies... Would be a tricky one to book mind. Anyway, my point is i'll be interested to see how you manage this :)
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I like the middle sized one as well.


As you already know, I like this idea. I think it adds a real element of structure to the promotion. I'm not sure how much I would like going to an overt league-style structure, but one like this should work well.

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Nice idea hope ya can pull it off and maintain good ratings atm GCG has enough talent to run a profit at cult but if you want national it might get hard. I am running a BHOTWG as an offset to my TNA diary game and thought about doing the same but given the fact they drop to cult too easily I scrapped it.


PS in the words of the Alpha Norwegian: Bigger Is Better Yeah! *flex* *flex* copyright Comradebot, all rights reserved. aka option 3

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Harumi Okazawaya © vs. Masutaro Kataoka - close call but see champ retaining.


Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Mokuami Maita - visitors need to win sometimes might as well be the owners son who looses plus could make for a nice off camera segment.


Makuda & Kataoka vs. Murkami & Ryunosuke vs. Split Personality - I see Suki getting a push being paired with Murkami.


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Yasuhide Tayama - simply better.


Pistol Pete Hall & Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci & Masaaki Okazaki - Home grown keep winning altough hardfought.


Julian Watson vs. Jimmy Cox - Cox is way more over and Waton is leaving.


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Shingen Miyazaki - Smith will put up a valiant fight but loose.


Pistol Pete Hall © vs. Kiminobu Kuroki - not yet for the talented youngster.


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Awesome Thunder - Hard call but home advantage plus more future wins.

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Harumi Okazawaya © vs. Masutaro Kataoka

Okazawaya is a weak champ but it isn't gonna be this aging star that takes it


Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Mokuami Maita

Maita after his paintfaced WLW invasion run is over should come back in, team with Shingen, and just rule the Golden!


Makuda & Kataoka vs. Murkami & Ryunosuke vs. Split Personality

The Machines take it just cause


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Yasuhide Tayama

Since Hall and Gakusha have bad chemistry as opponents that leaves Hyobanshi to take the belt from Hall in time, so lets start gaining momentum now and just crush everbody!


Pistol Pete Hall & Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci & Masaaki Okazaki

The Golden Boys take this battle against the Inspired GOOD MATCHUP!


Julian Watson vs. Jimmy Cox

Cox crushes Watson


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Shingen Miyazaki

We here at the Golden Canvas are glad to have you Brandon, welcome, here tap while in incredible pain to this ankle lock from Mr. Miyazaki


Pistol Pete Hall © vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

The champ takes out the whiner


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Awesome Thunder

I see Thunder shocking Hoybanshi with some stunning offense but eventually Toshiharu will catch him then its over


As for the prize or whatever I think I am gonna go with an interview with Shingen Miyazaki! KUTGW

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I like the league table idea as I'm dabbling with it myself in my XWA diary. I think for wrestling based, non-entertainment promotions it's quite an important thing to consider. I run it kind of in the background (i.e. the fans only see it at the start of each new tour) but I do move people up and down it in a logical way, and only the number one contender for a belt ever gets a title shot. And certainly in this diary, it adds the extra element of non-GCG guys wanting to make their way up the ladder. Good idea.
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Thank for all the comments guys! And yeah, I agree completely with the "performance & rankings" point of view in the promotion, since there aren't really that many storylines and if there are, the storylines are always told in the ring.


So. The graphics would be looking something like this. Below it would be the details and analysis which will help the readers. I think that the size is ok (atleast on my screen and since I know the wrestlers) but I'm still not sure about the size, what do you guys think? I love how the Red and Green look in the numbers, indicating the performance of the wrestlers in question. The only thing that bothers me is the amount of space I have in my homespace. If I run 48 weeks worth of this analysis, it'll take a lot of space due to the size of the images IF I do separate images. I'm thinking of just keeping track with the current situation which would mean that I would always overwrite the current image and/or delete the link from the previous post, etc. Or just delete the old image from the site and do a new image with new name and path, that would also work. :cool:



Here are different sizes and previews of that image above. (EDIT from #5 to #6) The image used in this preview is the #6


Here's an alternative background: #1

Here's alternative sizes: #4 & #5









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