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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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You've got some solid writing, but may I suggest you throw it through a spell checker before posting. I try not to be a grammar ****, especially considering my own writing isn't 100% but it does make things a bit hard to follow. Now, the accent phonetical spelling is fine because I can sound it out, but when it's not supposed to be mispelled it can make it a bit difficult to read.


Other then that minor point, great show and solid ratings, which is always nice. I hate putting together the first show of a new company, starting all these storylines and getting dumped on for bad chemistry or just general low ratings. I usually end up running the "first show" 3-4 times before I get everything right.

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There. That's exactly the feeling I had with the first show and that's why I liked it. This kind of smaller company needs a unique identity in my opinion and you're doing it great so far.


I agree totally. The only way a diary, in my mind, will succeed is if you can envision exactly what that company would look/feel like. If you can't then you're going to end up without a centered focus... So, while you may be booking a company like PSW... It may seem like you're booking SWF, TCW, and USPW all within one company... Which isn't going to work. ya know?


That's why, with PSW, I wanted to find my own definition of "Hardcore" before I stepped forward. It's easy to fall back on "garbage wrestling", however, if you look at the old ECW (which is a great backdrop for a company like this)... There were more than just psychos in the company wielding weapons. There were actually good wrestlers: Justin Credible, Shane Douglas, Chris Candido (RIP), etc. Plus, there were great characters: Raven, Tommy Dreamer, etc.


Really, a company like PSW is a place for absolutely anyone to succeed as long as they live and breathe their craft.


All in all, That's awesome that it was able to jump off the screen for you! :) I hope to continue doing so.



You've got some solid writing, but may I suggest you throw it through a spell checker before posting. I try not to be a grammar ****, especially considering my own writing isn't 100% but it does make things a bit hard to follow. Now, the accent phonetical spelling is fine because I can sound it out, but when it's not supposed to be mispelled it can make it a bit difficult to read.


Other then that minor point, great show and solid ratings, which is always nice. I hate putting together the first show of a new company, starting all these storylines and getting dumped on for bad chemistry or just general low ratings. I usually end up running the "first show" 3-4 times before I get everything right.


I did pick up a few errors, but dude, the writing's so good, I ignored them completely. I do the same thing with Nevermore. You're in good company there ;)



I'll start to run the shows through a spell check as I know how it is to read over something that has a huge amount of mistakes. To be honest, Grammar is my massive downfall... You're not going to see proper sentence structure or anything, however, I will try to get a little better about spelling mistakes. (Ultimately because I don't want it to drag the reader out of what they are reading... in a sense... breaking the feel of the diary for the reader). Thanks for the idea, Prag! It's greatly appreciated.


And, Thank you G-Prime for the Nevermore statement. He's absolutely amazing at what he's done with ECW, and in a sense there may be some cross-over since we are both booking "hardcore companies" (especially since ECW is a backdrop for me), however, to even be placed along the same company as a writer/booker as Nevermore... wow. Thank you! :D

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What used to help me was that I'd use firefox because it has a built in spell-checker (the latest version at least). It will underline in red the words it doesn't recognize right in the forum window without having to click a button.


It was really handy except now I have to use IE do to other reasons so my recent diary has had to suffer.


Anyway, if possible, use firefox :D

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Anyway, if possible, use firefox


Sadly, I'm still stuck on IE myself as I lost Firefox and don't have enough space on my laptop to re download the browser. Ohh well, I'll just have to click it through I guess!


Diary note as well, The next upcoming show's card will be posted within the next few hours!



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<hr color="black">

"Sunday, Bloody Sunday"

Sunday, 3rd Week of April 2008

PSW Event #2

<hr color="black">

Primal Rage vs. Tank Bradley


Ash Campbell vs. Frankie Future


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Deadly Alliance"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Alex Braun and Johnny Martin vs. "The Untouchables" (Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan)

[A baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire on a Pole Match]




"Thoughts of Greed":

Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... Why do clocks sound that much louder to you when you're deep in thought? Well, I wasn't so much as deep in thought as much as just being completely obsessed with our next show, "Sunday, Bloody Sunday". Mitch, becoming increasingly more and more demanding as the days move forward, has been in my ear the last couple days... "Ash needs a match. you got it? We can't let golden opportunity go to waste" was pretty much the same message left on my cell phone day in and day out. Different variations of the message, of course, but all with that same notion... Mitch wanted to ride the Nemesis-connection as much as possible...


... So, I guess that means I am pushed to do so as well...

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Doing a great job man. The grammar doesn't really bother me to much except the fact that there is 'H' at the end of PittsburgH and it has been left off for awhile now. With all the great work with graphics ya doing, it sucks that it is the first thing that catches my eye. KUTGW!


wow, I'm having issues these days. ha. I promise, I am a college educated. ;) I guess I'm just having an off week or two. I hope it doesn't distract from the diary that much. however, I will be making the change right now.


Thank you!



EDIT: I just updated the banner for "Sunday, Bloody Sunday" to fix my spelling mistake. Jesus, I'll get this right at some point. ha. ;) From here on out, I'm going to allow myself to overlook all of that kind of stuff before I post that way I'm not having to double back and fix it all. I only have small windows to post things so I think I get ahead of myself.

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Primal Rage vs. Tank Bradley


Ash Campbell vs. Frankie Future


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Deadly Alliance"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Alex Braun and Johnny Martin vs. "The Untouchables" (Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan)

[A baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire on a Pole Match]


Great start so far. I kind of still think of PSW as the CZW of the C-Verse, but let's see if you can change my mind.

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Primal Rage vs. Tank Bradley

Tank "tanks" another match on his way out the door (ah, see what I did there...eh? eh?)


Ash Campbell vs. Frankie Future

Ash may be the distant future of PSW, but Frankie IS the future now :D


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Deadly Alliance"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]

DWB picks up a win to solidify their win.


Alex Braun and Johnny Martin vs. "The Untouchables" (Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan)

[A baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire on a Pole Match]

I predict heels pick up the first win of the feud. Be careful about booking main event tag teams. I've found that it often gives a grade lower then expected. It's a great way to add fluff to a storyline in prep for a PPV, but at this level every show needs to be a great show, you can't afford as much "fluff" or you'll get killed in the regional wars.

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Be careful about booking main event tag teams. I've found that it often gives a grade lower then expected. It's a great way to add fluff to a storyline in prep for a PPV, but at this level every show needs to be a great show, you can't afford as much "fluff" or you'll get killed in the regional wars.


The thought crossed my mind, as most of my tag matches have always gone south as well, however, this seemed like the most logical next step in this feud. I know it may end up coming out not as good as what I'd like but, in the end, I hope that the segments and matches around it help to lift us back around the D+ range (as our last show was).


Thanks for the heads up though.



Side Note: The card for "Sunday, Bloody Sunday" is located on the last page (page 4).
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There have been 11 historical 'Bloody Sundays' - depending on your location you'll think of a different one as the 'proper one' - So it's good to see you've covered all bases in evoking the thought of violence in your fictional customers :p


Primal Rage vs. Tank Bradley - Big, big Rage fan, and I don't think anyone likes Bradley.


Ash Campbell vs. Frankie Future - I like them both, but right now you can't job Frankie out. he needs to be at the top!


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Deadly Alliance" - Dropping it straight back would do nothing more than embellish their title records by an extra reign (admittedly, I often do that in my games!). The DWB retain.


Alex Braun and Johnny Martin vs. "The Untouchables" (Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan) - Heels win first. Good to see Powell maintaining his main event spot too.

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Primal Rage vs. Tank Bradley


Ash Campbell vs. Frankie Future


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Deadly Alliance"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Alex Braun and Johnny Martin vs. "The Untouchables" (Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan)


If you intend to use main event tag teams for storyline purposes a lot make em occasional teams after a while the downgrade will be less.


And just before upping the show just throw it into word to get rid of most of the spelling mistakes take a break and then do a reread yourself as if you are reading it for the first time that should fix most if not all spelling mistakes.

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There have been 11 historical 'Bloody Sundays' - depending on your location you'll think of a different one as the 'proper one' - So it's good to see you've covered all bases in evoking the thought of violence in your fictional customers :p


What can I say? Violence is my game. ha jk. ;)


I've heard of "Bloody Sunday" before but it wasn't until I searched up an image for it that I found a true wealth of knowledge.


The name works really well with what unfolds during the show, so, overall, it's worked out quite well.


If you intend to use main event tag teams for storyline purposes a lot make em occasional teams after a while the downgrade will be less.


I'm not really planning on having Tag Matches as a regular part of my Main Event scene, however, this one was merely to move to the next stage of this storyline. At the end of the show I'm hoping that it's understandable why the match was chosen.


The grade didn't turn out amazing in the match... it didn't suck at the same time. So, meh, I'm okay with the outcome thus far. :D

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Subject: Alex DeColt takes over CGC!

2nd Week of April 2008




... CGC goes from one DeColt to the next ...


In shocking news, George DeColt has officially resigned from his position as the owner of Canadian Golden Combat.


Canadian Golden Combat, known as CGC to all, was the brainchild of Mr. DeColt shortly leaving Supreme Wrestling Federation in May of 1990. From this point on Mr. DeColt, with help from his family, has seen much success in projecting a Sports Entertainment-type product to the masses in Canada.


In recent years it's been noted that Mr. DeColt was starting to transition his day-to-day power over to his Son's, however, no one really saw this outcome coming so quickly.


At this point, his 33 year old son, Alex DeColt has obtained the position of absolute authority just a few days ago following a short press conference from the DeColt family. Wasting no time, Alex has signed a wealth of new wrestlers to the CGC Roster. The most notable signings being:


* Citizen X

* Grandmaster Phunk

* Ash Campbell

* Mick Muscles

* Ernie Turner

* Joey Poison

* Larry Wood (new headbooker)

* Hotstuff Marie


No doubt a NEW DAY has come in the land of Golden Combat....




"Thoughts of Greed":

My internet connection was fading in and out.... My non-existent monthly wages with PSW has left me without any real spending money. Needless to say, I was stealing my service from a nearby Laundromat. So, when I saw that Alex had been named the new owner of CGC... I was thrown back, as we all were, looking for more information... However, that information never came... My internet completely died out.... "F*ck" was all I could mutter... Pissed at the outcome of my day.


I quickly texted Mitch about the situation, however, I knew that he wasn't anywhere near his phone. I was clawing for information... Dying for some sense of an understanding on the situation.


Then it came, a surprising return text from Mitch. "Yep, the youngster took control. Should be a big turn for CGC. We have nothing to fear though. We are in different worlds" was his response. I could have told you that we were in different "worlds", as Mitch put it, however, the splash was more than a competitor updating their power-tree.... It was a sign of a continued sense of innovation in the Wrestling World... A new day... A new day that we were expecting to be part of for quite some time.


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Just returning to the forums after a long hiatus, and judging how us MN boys got to stick together, figured I would give your stuff a read, just read it all one sitting, good stuff. I like the writing style.


Primal Rage vs. Tank Bradley-He is by far the better worker. Tank is fail.


Ash Campbell vs. Frankie Future-While his name is not 'Future', Ash could very well be PSW's future.

"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Deadly Alliance"-As hard as they suck, DWB fit in perfectly and I like the direction and character you have given them.

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Alex Braun and Johnny Martin vs. "The Untouchables" (Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan)-I expect the heels win with underhand tactics. It just feels right. Plus it leaves more room in the storyline. Oh, idea, I bet there is a heel turn from the face side of the match. That would explain the tag team main event.

[A baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire on a Pole Match]



Oh also if you are looking for a good spell checker outside of FireFox, I use IE and I find that the checker on the google toolbar works great.

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Primal Rage vs. Tank Bradley

Always liked Rage's character but never actually signed him in any of my games. Anyway, Rage to destroy Bradley


Ash Campbell vs. Frankie Future

Ash has a lot of potential in a fed like PSW so I think he'll get the win here


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Deadly Alliance"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]

Because it's The Dirty White Boyz and they're going to be huge


Alex Braun and Johnny Martin vs. "The Untouchables" (Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan)

[A baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire on a Pole Match]

Same reasons as other have gave here, I just think the heels will pick-up the first victory

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|| LIVE via Web cast on PSW.com ||

"The Ministry" Event Center

... PSW Event # 2 ...




Primal Rage vs. Tank Bradley


The opening match of the night was somewhat of an awkward affair. While both men primarily used weapons versus actual wrestling holds, The overall flow of the match was almost entirely off track. In a sense, neither man really clicked with one another what so ever. That alone could sink a match-up, however, Tank Bradley's lack of physical conditioning was evident as well as the mildly popular middleweight was practically out of breathe from the starting bell. This fact opened him up to an array of vicious weapon shots from Primal Rage... Ultimately breaking his body down to the point where the relative youngster (in wrestling terms) was busted open with a running bulldog onto the steel steps positioned outside of the ring. The crazy thing is, even though it seemed like Primal Rage was on the verge of winning the match all by himself... It wasn't until a John Greed led caravan of two menacing big heavyweights stormed into the ring for Rage to really pick up the victory. Bradley, semi-conscious already at this point, was unable to defend himself against three men... Instead, falling victim to a standard three count following a double-handed choke slam from one of the mysterious big heavyweights.


Primal Rage defeats Tank Bradley in 8:23 via a double-handed choke slam from an unknown attacker.

Grade: E+


Doc Messing: What the hell is going on? Who are those monsters with John Greed?

Mitch Naess: I have no idea, Doc.... One thing is for sure though... No matter who they are... They certainly are a menacing crew.



John Greed, Primal Rage, KILLER Colossus, and Acedia

... A New Stable is Born ...


[Tank Bradley is valiantly trying to defend himself, however, not having much success in that manor. How could you when you're literally trying to fend off three massive behemoths, all with healthy levels of internal aggression across the board? Bradley, despite not being a small man himself, looks as if he is a gangley stuffed animal... Thrown around the ring like he was practically weightless. A steel chair shot from Primal Rage, another from KILLER Colossus, and finally a "ring-rocking" Double-handed choke slam from Acedia, was the final outcome of a truly heinous assault. Bradley, laying motionless on the canvas below... Looking as if he had just gone through a life-threatening car accident, doesn't seem to be conscious what so ever... as a slow trail of blood begins to trickle down from the very top of his forehead, most likely from one of the previous steel chair shots from the rag-tag bunch of psychos.]


[As all three men stand over the fallen Bradley, looking as if they are hungry for more, John Greed slowly walks onto the scene with a microphone already in hand. A calm, confident, yet borderline creepy swagger to his step... John stands before his collection of monsters... Looking out to the crowd with a sly, some would say satanic, smirk running from ear to ear.]


John Greed: This day.... This very second.... Down to the last breathe you all compressed... Will forever stand as "ground-zero". The "first shot", if you will, of a NEW "Dark Age". [A Calm, devilish, smirk still resides upon his face] A stage in time where you will all bare witness to a slew of cataclysmic Mortal Sins. Your "churches" have spoke of Chastity, Charity, and Humility.... However, our existence is based upon the truth of humanity. We, as mortal beings, are flawed... disgusting... and down right vile. You may look to the heavens and plead your innocence... but... Even "HE"..... knows that you're nothing more than a ticking time bomb.... A imploding nuclear warhead on the verge of self destruction. [Greed delivers a brief pause for silence] This is where we come into the fold. We, the misfits... the monsters of society, are nothing more than a physical personification of your pitfalls... your personal traps.... your destructive vices. Weeks, months, years will go on..... However, one thing will stay constant.... A "Dark Age" will slowly descend upon the world.... With us leading the charge in battle.... For we stand before you.... "The Deadly Sins".


[With Greed's final statement being levied forth, there seems to be some sense of commotion in the background. As the camera man slightly pans out... There stands the image of KILLER Colossus powerbombing Tank Bradley forcefully downward upon a steel chair waiting atop the canvas. Bradley, landing awkwardly on his head it seems, lays completely motionless.... His body laid out in a crucifix kind of position.... All the while, John Greed never moves from his position... Still staring out upon the crowd with an unsettling smirk plastered across his face.]


Grade: C-


Doc Messing: Good god, Mitch....

Mitch Naess: No need to say anymore... I agree. It seems like we are heading to wards a number of dark days here in PSW.

Doc Messing: It's almost as if they literally rose from hell....



Ash Campbell vs. Frankie Future


Everyone knows who Ash Campbell is as his Father, Nemesis, was one of the most controversial figures in Pro Wrestling history. It's that collective knowledge, that stigma upon Campbell, that will probably haunt him for the rest of his career... Never really given the chance to step out and be himself... but rather, an extension of his Father. With that being said, Ash really gave it his all in this match-up.... Pushing the speed of the match to a feverish pace... Even executing one of his Father's signature DDT maneuvers, much to the crowds approval. However, in the end, while he may forever be a popular figure due to his Family Tree.... He wasn't able to get the job done.... Instead, making too many mistakes for his own good... Ultimately putting himself into a bad position as the crafty veteran, Frankie Future, was fortunate enough to capitalize upon the youngster's mistakes.... In the end, landing his signature "Frank-N-Huter" following a string of power moves from the impressive heavyweight.


Frankie Future defeats Ash Campbell in 10:29 via a "Frank-N-Hurter".

Grade: E+


Mitch Naess: Those of you who understand the plight of trying to remove yourself from another's shadow... Ash Campbell has a lofty challenge ahead of him.

Doc Messing: He looked good... Just not good enough.

Mitch Naess: If you're in his position, you can only hope that at some point it all starts to "click" for you... If not, then he may end up like many highly touted youngsters before him... Fizzling out before they even stood a chance.



Alex Braun

... Struggling to breathe ...


[Those streaming the show live via the internet now cut to the backstage area to see Alex Braun, on all fours, desperately trying to pull himself back up to his feet. His physical health looks to be extremely poor as the aging veteran is struggling to breathe... Grasping his chest in the process. The camera angle, on the floor with Braun, is completely zoomed in on the upper torso of "The Ice Man"... A great POV angle for those who want to feel as if they are in on the action. However, just as it seems like Braun is about to successfully regain his composure a large black boot slams into the side of his head. With the heartbreaking strike coming out of nowhere, Braun collapses back to the floor.... Face down... His right hand trapped underneath the weight of his body from the fall.]



"The Untouchables" - Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan

... The attackers are shown ...


[The camera slowly zooms out now to see Teddy Powell, and Mr. Morgan, "The Untouchables", standing before the fallen Alex Braun. Powell, rubbing what seems to look like blood off of the side of his boot, breaks into an uncomfortable stint of laughter... Poking fun at the very man they had just physically destroyed.]


Teddy Powell: What's wrong, Alex? [Laughs] Not feeling so good?


[Powell continues to laugh as Morgan stands behind him... Silent... Just as he always seems to be]


Teddy Powell: This all never would have happened Alex if you didn't decide to play "hero" last month at "Underground Execution". [Turns to a serious tone] Violence was fun when it was you swinging the barbed wire bat, huh? Well, this is what it feels like when you F*ck with "The Untouchables". Got me?


[Powell kneels down next to Braun and lifts his unconscious head up by his multi-colored Mohawk]


Teddy Powell: The next time that you want to play "hero"... Think it through first. Think long and hard about the consequences on the other side of your decisions. Can you do that for me?


[With that Powell slams his head back down on the cold cement floor below in a rather forceful fashion. The dubious duo slowly walks away from the scene now as Teddy Powell is heard, still, laughing over what he and Mr. Morgan had just levied upon the fallen Braun.]


Grade: D


Doc Messing: Teddy Powell is such a little bitch... An arrogant, self-obsessed, prima donna... I, for one, would be happy if someone would finally put him in his place.

Mitch Naess: Something tells me as long as Teddy's breathing... He's forever going to be this way.



"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Deadly Alliance

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


It was only a month ago now that the "Dirty White Boys" made their shocking debut with PSW by winning the Tag Team Championships and ultimately conveying a message that they were going to be a force in the company for quite some time. A mainstay if you will. Sadly enough for "The Deadly Alliance", They were the group subjected to the very first example of this fact.... Losing their Championship Gold in the process, and potentially sliding down the ranks. That's why it wasn't that weird to see the normally, calm yet vicious, "Deadly Alliance" begin to sweat the opportunity at hand. Their actions were much more desperate than ever before... Pinfall attempts after almost every move... A stark contrast to the "Dirty White Boys" consistent approach of mowing over their opponents and hardly ever really going for the victory... Instead focusing more on landing an ass kicking than winning anything. In the end, The newly crowned champions were too much to keep at bay... Lead Belly smashed a beer bottle over the head of The Wolverine.... An impact that would stagger the former champion... Straight into the clutches of a fireman's carry DDT from Grease Hogg... Picking up the three count thereafter.


Following the pinfall, "The Dirty White Boys" were seen cracking open a 24 pack of beer... Slamming down a couple before they exited the ring and began to drink with various crowd members all over the arena.


"The Dirty White Boys" defeat "The Deadly Alliance" to retain the PSW Tag Team Championships in 10:11 via a Fireman's Carry DDT.

Grade: E+


Doc Messing: You have to love "The Dirty White Boys"... The hog-riding, beer chugging, "tough as nails" outcasts from Mainstream society.

Mitch Naess: You're right, Doc... These guys are certainly something special here in PSW. In a sense, they ARE Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.



Mitch Naess and Doc Messing

... The PSW commentating team weights in on the National Championship ...


[Following "The Dirty Boys" triumphant title defense, Those watching at home live via web cast at PSW.com, are now treated to a special announcement from the companies Owner, and lead announcer, Mitch Naess.]


Mitch Naess: As you know ladies and gentlemen, with the recent departure of Steven Parker the PSW National Championship is currently vacant. There has been a number of ideas thrown forth by you, the PSW fans, as to how we should crown our next champion. We've received hundreds of emails from all of you and certainly would like to thank you for your input. While the decision will NOT be made tonight.... We do know what is in store for next month's live event here in Pittsburgh and we promise that the NEW Champion will be decided at that very show.


Doc Messing: Whoa!! We're going to declare a new National Champion at next month's event? Hell yea....


Mitch Naess: That's right, In just one month we will see to it that a new champion is crowned. With that being said, our next event's name is actually quite fitting.... The Live Event, here, in May will be entitled.... "Survival of the Vicious".


Grade: D+




Alex Braun and Johnny Martin vs. "The Untouchables" - Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan

[barbed Wire Bat on a Pole Match]


The Main Event for tonight carried a sense of urgency as well as a barbed wire bat hung on high attached to a pole directly above one of the ring's turnbuckles. It's almost as if the weapon had consumed both teams focus as all four men tried to free it at various points through out the match. At one point, Alex Braun was on the verge of pulling down the very weapon he used to floor "The Untouchables" last month at "Underground Execution"... However, just as his hands connected with the base of the bat... Mr. Morgan was there to execute a top rope belly-to-back release suplex... Folding up Braun in the process. The same went for Teddy Powell early on in the match as Johnny Martin was fortunate enough to break his focus, long enough, to pull the high flier off the top rope with a forceful pull upon his left arm. All in all, in the end, Teddy Powell was able to, once again, climb up and, this time, grab the barbed wire laced baseball bat from it's confines above the ring.... Jumping back down and laying out both Braun and Martin with a round of sickening strikes.... Breaking Braun open from the forehead with a front-face Russian leg sweep onto the bat.... And also tearing up Martin's back with an array of homerun like swings upon his back. With Martin focused on his own pain... Powell was able to land another homerun like shot to the chest of Alex Braun... Knocking him down to the mat in a heap... Ultimately giving him enough room for a standard 3 count from R.M. Stones.


"The Untouchables" defeat Alex Braun and Johnny Martin in 11:33 via a barbed wire baseball bat to the chest of Alex Braun.

Grade: D


Doc Messing: Jesus.... Someone needs to check on Alex. At his age, A shot like that could push him to wards a heart attack.

Mitch Naess: It's moments like these that call into question whether or not Alex is doing the "right thing" by staying as an active competitor. A man, at his age, can't bounce back as quickly following a heinous attack as this...

Doc Messing: It's who he is though... a man who never says die... A man who would literally break his body in half all in the name of putting on a great match. A true warrior.

Mitch Naess: No arguments here...



Alex Braun, Johnny Martin, and "The Untouchables"

... 2 on 2 barbed wire baseball bat attack ...


[Alex Braun, the victim of two violent attacks tonight, is literally unable to stand. Blood is pouring from his face and smattered across his chest in faint designs. Meanwhile, his partner and PSW Champion, Johnny Martin is attempting to regain his composure as well... Slightly bloody across his back following a few thunderous barbed wire baseball bat shots to his upper shoulder blade area. Martin, staring down his attackers while using the ropes to pull himself up, tries to swing in the direction of Mr. Morgan, however, the "Silent Assassin" finds a way to duck out of the way... Instead, Powell dives onto the scene and slams the very end of the baseball bat square between the eyes of the PSW Champion... Knocking him back to the canvas in a sickening thud.]


[Meanwhile, Braun is also attempting to pull himself back to his feet on the other side of the ring... overly bloodied and, mostly, just trying to stay conscious. As Braun now leans with his back against the ropes, putting all of his weight into his lean, the "Ice Man" shocks everyone involved.... Asking for them to "do their worse" by motioning for them to "bring it on". Powell, laughing at the old man's decision, quickly puts him out of his mystery with a swing of his baseball, a swing that would make any major league player proud, connecting with Braun's chest... And sending him through the top two middle ropes... Crashing to the cement floor on the outside in a truly rough fashion.]


[The crowd in attendance is boo'ing like crazy, firm supporters of both Braun and Martin, as Teddy Powell stands before them... Conducting as if he was leading an orchestera... A gesture that would piss of the crowd even more so.... Motivating them to throw mounds of trash into the ring. However, the attack doesn't end there.... oh no...]


[Powell, with help from Mr. Morgan, are now seen removing the barbed wire from their baseball bat... Carefully grabbing only in spots where there is no sharp edges... And finally wrapping it around the top ring rope nearest them. With the barbed wire firmly wrapped around the top rope.... Mr. Morgan lifts the semi-conscious PSW Champion off of his feet.... Standing him up for Teddy Powell to step right into his face and proclaim this very statement.]


Teddy Powell: What was it that you said last month? That you don't really "give a damn" what people think about your title reign? About your place in this company? Well, F*ck you too... We're going to see to it that you... Give a F*cking damn. Go for it Morgan.


[With that Mr. Morgan forcefully shoves Johnny into a powerbomb position... Picking him up off the ground... And then falling backwards (instead of throwing him forwards)... Dropping Martin's throat across the barbed wire wrapped top rope. Upon impact, Martin flings his body backwards onto the canvas... Gripping his throat in a show of immense pain... Blood beginning to lightly trickle from underneath his hands as he grasps his throat in shock.]


["Sunday, Bloody Sunday" comes to a close with the sight of Alex Braun... Laying in a pool of his own blood, in a mangled position, on the outside.... And Johnny Martin, rolling around the blood soaked canvas... Holding his throat in a show of extreme pain... In a state of shock over what has just happened.]


Grade: D





Overall Show Grade: D [Popularity Increased!]

Show Attendance: 552

Prediction Winner(s): Nedew and praguepride (4 out of 4)

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1st Week of May 2008

... Get over it, DaVE is dead ...


Ever since our inception we've been labeled as "DaVE-lite". An opportunistic company run by a former DaVE employee.... ultimately trying to capitalize upon Mr. Vilbert's former success. While the parallels are certainly there, we can't ignore that simple fact, the truth of the matter is this....


DaVE is Dead... Whether you like it or not... Get over it... move on with your lives.


When something you live and breathe for abandons you, you have two options...


A) Sit around and suck your thumb like a baby, cry your eyes out, and wish for yesterday.




B) Pick yourself back up by your bootstraps, dust yourself off, learn from your mistakes, and move on.


It's as simple as that. For those of you who call us "DaVE-lite", get over yourselves. Break free from your constant stage of self-loathing. The year is 2008.... DaVE is gone.... PSW is alive and kicking.


As I stated before, I see the parallels... I understand why someone who doesn't really pay attention to what we have to offer would draw the lines between our two companies, however, in the end, We are moving forward with an innovative tone set before us... Where DaVE began to spiral into mediocrity... We will continue to push the bar, raise the stakes, and ultimately force others to respect the kind of brand we deliver to the avid wrestling fan.


Eddie Peak isn't coming through that door....

Chris Caulfield is not coming through that door....

Eric Tyler is not coming through that door....

Nemesis is not coming through that door....

Hell, even Sammy Bach is not coming through that door...


Get over it... Move on with your lives... and when you have... come find us.


Regional Battle Results for April 2008:


Mid-Atlantic = Ranked #3

New England = Ranked #2

Tri-State = Ranked #3

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