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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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See, I totally forgot about that "yet to debut" date of Jared Johnson. Don't worry though, I will remember and will be sure to remind you of that day, lol.


Wow I have never actually played a game long enough for Jared Johnson to debut, so I had to look him up in the in-game editor. I agree with critical you have to nab this guy.


How about the Keith twins are they over in Japan? Because I would love to see them take on The Ring Generals! That would be an awsome feud.

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Wow I have never actually played a game long enough for Jared Johnson to debut, so I had to look him up in the in-game editor. I agree with critical you have to nab this guy.


How about the Keith twins are they over in Japan? Because I would love to see them take on The Ring Generals! That would be an awsome feud.


Hm. I'll def. have to look into the guy as March of 2010 comes rolling around. That's only around 5 events away! I've never played a game long enough, either, to see the guy debut but I really like what I see! He could def. stand as a great addition when he finally makes his debut.


As for the Gauge brothers, I actually was about to bring them in early in 2009 and team them up with Bryan Holmes (instead of "The Ring Generals") as it would have been a perfect contrast feud with them vs. "The Dirty White Boys" (Who were the champs at the time). However, I mulled it over for too long as Bryan Holmes retired... Plus, Mathew currently is under a written contract with TCW and Greg is touring in Japan, and also working for USPW. So, sadly, they won't be to make it into the company anytime soon.


I do love to hear what wrestlers people think I should bring in though as it really helps me to see what other talent is out there.


At this point, I have a good 5-7 people who are working "dark matches" who will ultimately make it to the main roster, I'm thinking. With one, or two of them, potentially making their debut this month at "The End of Days". The two who are looking to debut now could really land on their feet running due to their popularity and skill set already.


That being said, I'm also looking into high fliers right now to pad a new title division that will be coming in 2010! Carefully chosing those who I want to have part of it all.



<hr color="black">

The "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" event results are posted on the previous page for those who haven't had a chance to read it yet! Just thought I'd let those know who are coming into it at this point and didn't realize that the results were up!



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That being said, I'm also looking into high fliers right now to pad a new title division that will be coming in 2010! Carefully chosing those who I want to have part of it all.


I have three words for you: Amo Del Gato! I try and sign this guy in every game that I play. And chances are, he is unemployed as he almost always is.:) Seriously, this guy is one of my favorite high fliers!


Also, I think that Sam Pratt aka The Cannonball Kid would be great as well. However, you may not want PSW to end up looking like SWF's graveyard so I can understand not wanting him.

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I have three words for you: Amo Del Gato! I try and sign this guy in every game that I play. And chances are, he is unemployed as he almost always is.:) Seriously, this guy is one of my favorite high fliers!


Also, I think that Sam Pratt aka The Cannonball Kid would be great as well. However, you may not want PSW to end up looking like SWF's graveyard so I can understand not wanting him.


I really like Amo Del Gato, BHK. The only downfall, while it's kinda small, is that he only has a "F" for hardcore wrestling. I know that I won't be able to find many fliers who have a decent hardcore rating, however, that's what I'm looking for, at first, to start with. People who can still wrestle the PSW style that we all know, however, will able to also deliver a new, faster-paced, "Blitzkrieg" kind of mentality. I do have 2-3 months, in-game time, though until the title makes its debut... (and can push that back if I feel like I need more time)... So i've got time to mull over who I'd like to bring in.


Pratt, is talented yes, but like you said... He's kind of a luke-warm character to me. Probably because he's an outcast from New England who just doesn't do it for me. ha.


Honestly, my stock recommend comes in here:


Marc Speed.


The guy's an extremely good all-rounder on the indy scene. He just takes a little overness early to catch fire.


Hmmmmmm... Mark is actually available and I do like the guy.


And the plot thickens.. ha.


Thanks Phantom!

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Just did a search for workers that can work in the US with at least D- in hardcore and aerial for the hell it... That's a very small list !


Great show EV. I usually don't like that many matches involving interference, but since you don't do that very often, it went well. Never saw Martin's turn coming, never! It must be a pain to lose all those guys, but that's actually one of the fun part of your diary in my opinion; I take a sadistic pleasure in watching you trying to work with it.... and you always come up with a nice backup plan, it's amazing !

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Great show, Eisen.


Had a blast reading it. I let my inner fan out and you led him around by the nose.


Very, very well done.


DOTM anyone?




PS- I'd short term Pratt and have him get eaten up in dark matches for a bit, maybe even by Marc Speed. SWF ties aren't the coolest, but some overness is worth paying for. Besides, if you keep him off of the main show, he was never even there, right?

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I've got to say, It's an awesome way to wake up.... Seeing your diary still on the main page and having a few comments to respond too! :) I'm not going to lie. ha. I was border-line giddy to know that people were still paying attention, and reading the show, even while I was away. Sounds funny, I'm sure. ha. But, very cool at the same time.


Now, onto the comments....




That's what I hate about "Hardcore". Anyone that can do it well, are generally in bigger promotions.


Amen. You can find some people like Primal Rage, "The Dirty White Boys", and the McWade brothers on the indy circut when you start, however, for the most part, there are no multi-talented hardcore workers on the free-agent list to start with.


Then again, if they were talented they would probably be in development with the "big boys", so, I guess that's what makes running a small hardcore company that much harder... Trying to find people who can work your product BUT who can also do well in other aspects.


My problem has been trying to find hardcore wrestlers who can actually work the mic! ha. That's been a major difficulty for me. Now, I'm having a hard time trying to find people with decent hardcore ratings that are also good fliers for my new division coming. I may have to bite the bullet and bring in some fliers who can't wrestle the hardcore style all that well (E to E+ in hardcore) and hope that they can evolve over time? Then again, with only one show a month... I don't see them benefiting from ring-time all that much. Maybe in a years time but not within 6 months or so.



Just did a search for workers that can work in the US with at least D- in hardcore and aerial for the hell it... That's a very small list !


Great show EV. I usually don't like that many matches involving interference, but since you don't do that very often, it went well. Never saw Martin's turn coming, never! It must be a pain to lose all those guys, but that's actually one of the fun part of your diary in my opinion; I take a sadistic pleasure in watching you trying to work with it.... and you always come up with a nice backup plan, it's amazing !


Good to know that I can fill your sadistic pleasure into your day! haha ;)


Honestly, a week ago, I didn't even see Johnny Martin's turn to be honest. It wasn't even on the radar... I mean, I toyed with it but never really wanted to go ahead with it as I always expected him to be on the front-line in favor of PSW versus "The Kingdom". However, when Bumfhole signed with NOTBPW, I needed a Champion... Especially someone that I could count on would be there for more than a month. So, with that in mind, I wanted to put the title on Martin... BUT... That just felt really hollow as he hadn't been all that great in the last 6 months and there was no real build up.


Sooooo... I constructed the plan that he would easily slide through the tournament due to interferences (most of them by "Kingdom" people) and would ultimately turn in the end... Using the whole "You overlooked me, How dare you" mentality. Now, he's a perfect heel as he feels entitled (which he should be) and can play the perfect arrogant, I AM the Cornerstone of PSW and you all know it (as there is a hint a realism there). All in all, He's my favorite character to right for right now!


As for the Match Interferences, to be honest, It felt like too many to me as well. However, I hardly EVER use interfereces in matches (only in angles for the most part) as I don't want to turn into a TNA-"Crash Course" style. ya know? That said, I really wanted to give this event (The "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" Tournament) It's own vibe... Pure craziness... Anything can happen at anytime... The title is on the line... Ya know? Plus, the interferences were more so to build the storyline that was coming at the end of the show... Demonio being assaulted and unable to really compete all that well and Martin sweeping in for a big victory due to his alliance.


Great show, Eisen.


Had a blast reading it. I let my inner fan out and you led him around by the nose.


Very, very well done.


DOTM anyone?




PS- I'd short term Pratt and have him get eaten up in dark matches for a bit, maybe even by Marc Speed. SWF ties aren't the coolest, but some overness is worth paying for. Besides, if you keep him off of the main show, he was never even there, right?


Thank you, NoNeck! You know, as I've said this before, that you're one of my favorite writers on these boards. Hands down. I still stop in and read your SWF diary every-once-in-awhile. It's awesome to know that you're into what I'm doing right now! Especially to allow yourself to strip away the whole "this isn't real thing" and read the show as if you were a fan... That's very cool. Very powerful to hear as a writer! :)


I toyed, also, with bringing in Sam Pratt as a "Dark match" loser to help some of my up and coming wrestlers, however, I have this problem with "realism". haha. If I were Sam Pratt, There's no way I would sign a contract to work dark matches and just lost to everyone in sight. He has to have some what of a chip on his shoulder since he was part of a very popular SWF stable. So, I would think he would kick and scream at the idea of having to do the job off the main show every week.


Then again, maybe that's why a lot of my young up and comers aren't really gaining that much overness in the "dark match world" as I haven't really fed them a wrestler that is over just yet. That being said, You will probably see some of these newcomers come in and make a splash.... Feud with the likes of Madman Boone, KILLER Colossus (as that's what I'm trying to do with he and Ash Campbell), Brutus Roach, Mr. Morgan, etc.




Sorry for the novel. ha. I felt inspired this morning. haha.



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I might miss some predictions, but I just wanted to say that I am watching and enjoying your diary. I'm also interested in how you are going to book your cornerstone now that he's gone heel. Always been a fan of that from Triple H and Undertaker to Shane Douglas and even CM Punk.



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I might miss some predictions, but I just wanted to say that I am watching and enjoying your diary. I'm also interested in how you are going to book your cornerstone now that he's gone heel. Always been a fan of that from Triple H and Undertaker to Shane Douglas and even CM Punk.




You touched on a very good point as the "Cornerstone", "Franchise", "MVP", Persona has been developed time and time before. With the names you placed there, I can't help but let out a little inside information on my own mindset as a wrestling fan/writer:


No one has played this kind of character better than Shane Douglas did back in his ECW days. If you hated him... You REALLY hated him as he knew exactly how to manipulate fan reaction by using a brash, self-absorbed, cheating-to-win, yet, able to cut it on his own at times cause he was that damn good. If you loved Shane, you loved him for those very reason as well (as I did). Even when he was a heel, I couldn't help but love the guy and he will 100% go down as one of my Top 2 Favorite wrestlers of all-time (The other being HBK).


Johnny's version of the character is going to be slightly different than the rest of them though. yes, he'll take after Douglas in a way as, over time, I would like to incorporate more of a "brash" mentality to his persona as he gets comfortable with his new disposition (something he hasn't worked in PSW yet, As he's ALWAYS been a babyface). At first, though, he's going to be stern... jaded... yet, still weary as he is in "untouched territory" for him. He doesn't know how to really BE a heel... however, over time, it will come out easily as he see's all the benefits there are to being a bad guy... With guys ready to do your bidding... With not having to exude as much energy as you have guys who will run-in and give you the win.


You feel for the guy as you know what it's like to be dismissed... Whether it's due to age, personality traits, or what people believe are declining skills... Martin is a love-able character even when he's a heel at this point. Well, I guess not "Love-able" as much as you can understand why he ultimately flipped on PSW after he was shoved in the background for quite some time... Now, finally getting back to the top once all of them have left PSW High and dry. Kind of like a "I told you so" kind of way....


But, as time goes on, I'm hoping to make him less and less of a sympathetic figure (as he is slightly, even as a heel at this point) and more of a brash, full-of-himself, kind of man who believes that he is the "Cornerstone" (as he is)... And while it may be true, "Drinking his own Kool Aid" alittle too much. haha.

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Guest TDubTNA
Man you just keep pushing along. You lose every freakin main eventer you have and yet your diary is still incredible. No one saw the Martin turn coming and you made it incredibly believable. Keep up the excellent work man. I'm absolutely loving your diary. I was a huge Volador fan but with one fell swoop you turned me into a Martin fan.
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Had to bring it back... ;)






Don't hate Martin... Hate yourself...

1st Week of October 2009



Can anyone really blame Johnny Martin for turning his back on Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling?


If anyone deserves the blame, and the momentous chorus of boo's that will almost certainly follow, it's not PSW Champion, Johnny Martin. Its you and me.


Now before you clog my email with thousands of death threats, Hear me out as to why Johnny Martin isn't the ultimate villain in this story. At least, not at this point.


When Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling first opened in July of 2007 we weren't really stacked from a talent perspective. Sure, we had a strong collection of underground, Tri-State-based, wrestlers with a death wish, however, it wasn't the "cool thing" to be part of a Hardcore company so shortly after the fall of DaVE. A whole slew of our critics had written us off months before our first event. They had no idea what PSW would look, act, or feel like, but they were quick to rush to judgment. With that being said, there was a negative connotation stuck with PSW as we desperately tried to pull ourselves free from the notion that we were always going to be "DaVE-lite".


With that being said, joining a company like PSW, in all of its early infamous glory, was often described as "career suicide". Mitch tried to pull in as many DaVE superstars as he could (knowing that A) they would work a "hardcore" style and B) he was familiar with their work ethic), however, outside of Martin, Powell, and Morgan... None of the "big names" wanted anything to do with the "Steel City"-based promotion. The rest all fled to "The Big Three", looking to cash in as their 15 minutes of fame were slowly coming to a halt now that DaVE was no longer.


PSW relied heavily on Martin in the early days. He wasn't a "hot new talent", he wasn't going to dive 30 feet through a table, hell, by the end of DaVE's era... He was nothing more than a stale character in his own. With all of those things being true, It didn't really matter to PSW fans as..... He was ours.


Not amazing on the mic, a below average brawler, a lackluster hardcore approach... But.... Again, He was ours.


When others moved on to the SWF, TCW, USPW, NOTBPW, Japan as a whole.... Johnny Martin decided to stay back with us in the Tri-State area. It wasn't like he didn't have offers... Like he was doomed to stay with us or sink into the infinite abyss. Sam Strong wanted Johnny to be part of his "Over 65 get in free" road show that he's got going on in the South East... However, Johnny's heart didn't lie in wrestling in a glorified nursing home. No, he stood there... At the age of 37... No longer a "spring chicken"... But willing to put his body on the line for something new... Something innovative... Something that was considered to be too risky by many before him.


Johnny chose loyalty to Mitch over fame and fortune in the USPW. He chose "Family", if you will, over a fat paycheck and a weekly TV program to spread his name to the masses once again.


For that, Johnny Martin was always held in high regard both in, and out of, the ring.


PSW road Johnny's back for two long years before his knees began to give way underneath him. The immense pressure never got to the man as, with any "gamer", You want "the ball in your hands at the end of the game". That's very true with Johnny. He new his role, cherished his role, and simply lived for his role in PSW.


So, when the newbies made their way to PSW and the, once and always, "cornerstone" was asked to take a back seat... Everything started to unravel. The once proud warrior no longer had a platform to display his greatness. He was shunned in the corner as newer, younger, models were coming along to ultimately push him closer and closer toward retirement. Before you knew it, The man who never missed a day of work in his PSW career was now taking time off... Stepping away from the business for a whole 4 months before finally returning to the craft he loves most.


BUT... Even when he made his comeback... WE didn't hold up our end of the bargain.


We were soo consumed by the likes of Volador, Marat Khoklov, and Harry Allen that we almost forgot about what Johnny Martin meant to this company... to this sport. He was inching farther and farther away from the Main Event scene and ultimately shoved into the hell that is the "mid-card" oasis... Broken, Bruised, and jaded.... Not because he "couldn't go" anymore... But that WE forced him into seeming like he couldn't.


So now here we stand... Johnny Martin has turned his back on PSW not because he hates this company and wants to see it burn. He joined "The Kingdom" in which to PROVE to the rest of us that we made a grave mistake...


We tried to forget about a man who should always stand alone atop Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling...


We tried to overthrow the King of his domain...

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Man you just keep pushing along. You lose every freakin main eventer you have and yet your diary is still incredible. No one saw the Martin turn coming and you made it incredibly believable. Keep up the excellent work man. I'm absolutely loving your diary. I was a huge Volador fan but with one fell swoop you turned me into a Martin fan.


Just saw your post!


It's been a crazy situation to work through losing as many main eventers as we have, however, I'm really excited about the new crop of wrestlers coming up. Sure, the Main Event scene is kinda light, however, the Midcarder scene is going to be full of talent. So, maybe in a year or so (in-game wise), i'll have a whole new crop of Main Eventers after my midcarders move the ranks.


Volador will be greatly missed, I agree, however, Johnny Martin (the new version on him) will be a far better character to have the main title on. Especially since he's now turned on PSW and will be the figure-head (from an in-ring perspective) of the "Kingdom" going forward.

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Honestly, if it weren't for his injuries, TCW should have picked up Johnny Martin long ago.


He definitely would have been a strong veteran pick-up to flesh out the mid-card of their roster. I couldn't see him being any higher than that in TCW. It probably would be much like the WCW/WWF invasion angle. DaVE superstars came in, Johnny Martin as one of them, and do decently well until it's time that Cornell is tired of not being the strong person on the show and then Martin, about 6-8 months later, would be delegated to the midcard position where he would probably help groom younger superstars and maybe be part of an occasional tag team run for the gold to cement his place as "dangerous".


Either way, I'm just happy he stayed in the Tri-State area as a "Founding Father" of PSW. :)

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Early October 2009

... He Returns ...




A change is 'gonna come... Oh yes, It is.


"What do you have planned for the Main Event this month?"


He said with his cigarette hanging out of the right side of his mouth. It was quite awkward to see, seeing how Mitch didn't smoke when he left for Canada earlier on in 2009. The small puffs of smoke cut through the frigid, bone-chilling weather, as we were surprisingly stuck in a current of lower temperatures for the time. Meh, that's Pittsburgh for ya.


"Well, I'm not quite sure to be honest, Mitch. We've got a couple different options we could take..."


"Morgan. Give it to Morgan."


Mitch came back quickly, not even looking me in the eye, as he was too busy scouring over the baggage claim belt... Looking for his suitcase like a flood victim searching for their belongings.


"That's always an option. Jeff has shown a sudden spurt as of late... However, I was thinking of possibly giving it to Grease Hogg. It makes more sense seeing how he was knocked out of the second round by Martin. This way you can have a story on two fronts... Hogg/Martin and Hogg/Belly as he'll be..."


"Good. I like it. Go with it."


Mitch was notorious for cutting you off in the middle of a sentence. Almost as if he was already bored of what you were saying, in his mind simply creating "noise", as he would rather get to the subject at hand... Spewing for what's on his mind before he forgot his sense of direction.


"How was the flight?"


I should have known before asking but the words had already left my lips. You see, Mitch isn't what you call a "good traveler". He's one of those types that believes he'll die the second he steps onto a plane. Why? Maybe it's the lack of control over the situation (something that drives him crazy)... Or possibly it's just an underlying fear that still resides with him today. Either way, He's never a "happy camper" once he's landed.


"It was fine. The pilot didn't seem to know what he was doing but, It was fine."


He dismissed my question, my attempt at a personal conversation, by quickly grabbing his bag like he was frantically pushing for home. We quickly exited the airport and were in my car in a matter of a few seconds. Actually quite a fast process given the fact that the airport was quite busy for the time of day.


My car wasn't all that impressive. Well, that's putting it nicely. My car was a piece of sh*t... But, what do you expect? I was once a Pro Wrestler (which never pays the bills all that well) and now I was working for pennies as a headbooker. Either way, money wasn't something that I was "rolling" in.


"This your car?"


Mitch asked with a stern, borderline annoyed, tone.


"Well, yes. It's all I can afford right now."


A slight chuckle came from Mitch followed by a statement I never thought I'd hear from the man. He was actually sympathizing with me...


"This industry, It's not easy on anyone, ya know John? It's fickle, it's cruel... The second you think you're on top is the second you should be watching for others that are willing to tear you down. You've got to hold onto what you got... This car may not be much but you've got to Cherish it like it's your own child. Ya know?"


Maybe the time away really did help our relationship slightly. In the past, there would have been some sort of joke relating toward my car, my inability to sustain myself financially, etc. In a way, he was like my father... however, only a few years older than me. But, for some reason, those jokes never came. Instead, there was an anxious, chain-smoking, man sitting next to me... Someone I didn't even recognize.


"To the Ministry?"


I asked while looking toward a heap of bumper-to-bumper traffic before us.


"Wouldn't want to be anywhere but..."


With that, It all was set to begin... Again. Mitch, back from his personal exile in Canada following a falling out with his own roster, and myself, desperately trying to talk myself into how everything was going to be "ok" this time around. All in all, we were more in common than ever before... Both of us, Anxious... A little jaded... However, focused and determined on using our craft as a way to dispel our internal demons.


... Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling was on the verge of something ...


... What? ...


... I'm not quite sure ...

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Early October 2009

... Mitch's pilgrimage home ...




He came Home...


The drive between the Pittsburgh international airport and "The Ministry" was an awkward one. I attempted to conjure up talking points that could ultimately revive our limited, and often weak, conversation flow. However, to no avail. In a way, I didn't really know what to say... Sure, I could take the "rap" and continue to apologize for socking Mitch in the face six months ago, however, something told me that we had gone, and passed, that situation. Not to mention, I don't know how the, shockingly, NEW version of Mitch would take such an apology.


The overly confident, aggressively stern, "know it all" was no longer there. It's almost as if Mitch's personality was wiped completely clean, a new man stuck in the confines of a similar shell. Then again, there were obvious differences, even from a physical stand-point, as it pertains to Mitch. His 5'o'clock shadow told a story of a man who had given up on ALWAYS seeming in control of things... His deadened eyes, Another symbol that he had found a sense of hardship for the first time in his life... And his hands, shaking, almost as if he was thinking about the next cigarette before he's even finished with the one in his mouth. Either way, my lack of conversation almost came from the fact that I didn't even know what to say to the man. What to say to a guy who appears to be a shell of his former self.


Then again, I knew that state quite well myself. I can still remember the days following "The Injury". Bear was heart-broken, almost as much as I was, and tried to contact me at every turn. However, there was no "reaching me"... not by phone... Not even in person. I had checked out. Why? It was a combination of many things, however, the lingering notion that still resides with me today is the fact that I had lost the very thing I loved most... My Wrestling Career. Now, here sat someone in the same situation as I, the Owner of a company that has become hostile to his very presence. His own employees had theoretically "showed him the door" following he, and I's, altercation. There was nothing he could do to, once again, command respect in the locker room area... So, he did the only thing he knew to do, the only thing I knew to do as well when I was in my state of mind-numbing depression, and that was to run.... Run far, far, away from the things that were tearing me apart. So, much like how I turned to prescription pain killers and sleeping medication to "run away from my problems"... Mitch used NOTBPW, and a whole other country, to numb his pain.


We pulled up to an empty parking lot before "The Ministry" as I turned my hand slightly to kill the engine. There he was, back "home" once again, however, there wasn't anything but a frown upon his face. It almost looked as if he were on the verge of tears as he sunk into the passenger side seat... Deadly focused on the run-down building before him. This was the very place where he had lost his "love"... Control. To Mitch, he had always wanted to be an owner of a wrestling promotion... Even back to his days with DaVE, He was always plotting, in the back of his mind, creating what would eventually go on to be the greatest asset in his life... Only to lose control of it all within a span of a few months. Well, I suppose you could say that his aggressive demeanor had built him up to his loss of control... However, to this day, Mitch couldn't see the fact.


After a few moments of complete silence, both of us sitting in a parked car on a cold October day... Motionless... Silent, Mitch opened up his door slowly... Stepping out upon the glass filled parking lot of "The Ministry". He wasn't confident, he wasn't even feeling like "the boss" at this point, however, he was staring down a place that had become the physical personification of his anxiety. Not the same man as he was before, obviously, however, stuck within a combination of absolute fear & rejuvenated bliss.


Throwing his half-smoked cigarette on the gravel before him, Mitch quickly lit up yet another, marking his 4th cig since I had picked him up from the airport, but it didn't really matter... He had the money to support his vice. It was more about the situation, A "safety stick" if you will as he leans heavily upon the nicotine in which to get him in the door.


We didn't say a word for the next 20 minutes. Instead, I followed closely behind as Mitch shuffled his way through out the entire complex... Cigarette in mouth, hands in pockets, and a hunched demeanor that could only scream the fact that he was uncomfortable. However, as we turned the bend to once again step back into, what would go on to be, the Ringside area... I leaned back on my heels... Standing a good 3-4 feet behind my boss... And without much thought delivered a line that, you could tell, resonated through out his entire body.



"Welcome home..."

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That is some crazy good writing sir.


Why thank you, Mr. Astil. :)


Mitch Naess coming back to "The Steel City" following a 8 month personal exile really needed to be fleshed out. Sure, I could have had him just show up and be like "Let's go!" but, to me, Mr. Naess wouldn't be in that "place" right now. He was practically forced out of PSW the first time around since the locker room banned together to back John Greed following their altercation... So, coming back would be a momentus situation that would most likely be very difficult for him to swallow.


That said, I knew that more had to go into his return than just a "hey, i'm back". haha.


I'm glad you enjoyed it though! I really think it sets the tone for his return behind the scenes.

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Day II of Mitch Naess being "Home"

... Can I count on YOU? ...




How to book this show?


The steam from his coffee whirled its way upward from the top of his cup, disappearing into the frigid, almost bone-chilling, daytime air. His cigarette, loosely dangling on the right side of his mouth, dances around the outer-half of his lip as if it was an extension of the flesh it resided upon. Meanwhile, his body slouches backward in an old, deeply water-damaged, chair... His left hand running across his face in a last-ditch effort to generate some sense of motivation. The stubble on his face, collecting together to form a rigid look at this point, almost glistens as Mitch has done the impossible... He's sweating in the early part of October... When the room temperature couldn't be anything more than 50 degrees.


That was one of the major downfalls of "The Ministry". Throw out the fact that many believe that it's on its "Death Bed", as most city officials are attempting to force the property owner into destroying the building in which to give way to a new corporate warehouse, but seeing how it is in the state that it is... There is no heating system to speak of. Even with Winter coming forth, Why would they install one? We, PSW, are the only people stupid enough to lease out the building on a monthly rate... Even if it is dirt cheap... There was no need to fix up the place.


"Harry's gone, Bumfhole's gone, Marat's gone..."


Mitch laughs slightly. Not in a "this is hilarious" kind of way, but rather, in an "Oh, Sh*t" kind of manor.


"What the hell do you expect to do this month?"


I cracked my knuckles in a ritualistic, "I need to think", kind of way... Nodding my head in approval, however, feeling the same question rising from within.


"We've have a lot of newcomers waiting to get their shot on the main show at this point. The only hard part is trying to get them onto the show without it making it seem like we're just... well... Throwing a bunch of new names out there... Hoping one will stick."


Mitch, still running his left hand across his face, drags his hand for the last time across his eyes... Leaning back into his chair even more and looking up at the ceiling.


"So, we throw the newbies to the lions this month and hope that someone takes interest and forgets that the 'big boys' have all left? I don't know if it's going to work... but... It's all we've got right now, I suppose."


I nodded in approval. We were, for the most part, screwed from a drawing perspective, however, the wave of destruction that is our recent departures are seemingly coming to a halt.


"I say we just center the show around Johnny, as we had planned, and hope that the 'Unknown Figure'/'Kingdom' storyline will carry the show. I've been building this storyline for 6 months now.... The unavailing of the mystery man HAS to generate some buzz in our favor. So much so that people may not care that our former big names are no longer out there..."


A brief, awkward, silence follows as Mitch takes a large gulp of his coffee. Slowly setting the cup back down before him on a box crate left by a recent shipment delivery from down the block.


"If done right, It should keep everyone's interest. True. I guess that's what we have to bank our chips on..."


I came back a few seconds later with one last question... A question that NEEDED to be answered or else risk losing the vibe I wanted to develop, creatively, for the next few months.


"Can I rely on you to carry the PSW torch in this storyline? I need you to WANT to fight for your company. If you don't sell that well enough then this storyline will almost certainly end up feeling dishonest and hallow."


Mitch looked back up at the ceiling for a second... Then rolling his head off to his right side in an lazy kind of manor. His eyes, now, fixated on a large PSW poster from the companies very first event in history. As a slight nod begins to generate, His eyes slightly begin to water... There's something going on within this man... Something very profound... Something very internally destructive that it's forcing his mind into so much turmoil. Despite that, though, with his eyes still fixated on the poster before him... he responds...


"You can count on me..."





<hr color="black">

Diary Note: As you can see, I've been spending a little more time on the "behind the scenes" situations this month as I ultimately believe that Mitch Naess's return to PSW is more than just a "creative" situation. I really want to tell the story of how things are drastically different in the "Steel City" this time around as Mitch Naess has gone through a personal transformation. If you've read this diary up until now, You'll def. see a difference in the way he acts. It's been touched on before why he is the way he is now, however, I honestly believe that I needed to give this process the respect that it's due from a story perspective.


This post was also a cathartic moment for me as I struggle to find out how I'm going to book a BIG show for PSW with a lot of my big names now gone. I have a slew of newbies who can get their shot but don't want to just have them show up and say "I'm Here". It just feels a little hokey to do that. So, this post was a moment for John to express that... Also, setting up the BIG Storyline development that is taking place this month (ie: "The Unknown Figure" finally showing his face, "The Kingdom" making its official debut together, and Mitch Naess returning to PSW (from a creative in-ring perspective) and deciding the fate of the PSW National Championship.)


Hope you've enjoyed the posts thus far!

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Can PSW survive a Civil War?


NEWS: Civil War or An untested Overthrow? PSW - "The End of Days" will answer that very question.

1st week of October 2009


The time has finally come that we may receive the ultimate answer hovering over Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling for the last 6 months. Who IS the "Unknown Figure"?


The mystery man, cloaked in secrecy, has vowed an apocalyptic war upon the PSW landscape; All with the intent of, one day, standing alone as the glorious leader of the, currently, anarchy-drenched "Steel City" promotion. For months now, A raspy voice from within the heavy hood of a black cloak has threatened a "new beginning" for Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Threatening, because, the very same voice has spoken of destroying all that does not accept his rule.


So what will happen to Mitch Naess as he returns to PSW after 8 months of a personal exile? Will he stand up to the hooded leader? or, Will he stand aside and act as a voyer... Watching "The Unknown Figure's" plan of implementing a new "Kingdom" take place?


Either way, with PSW Champion, Johnny Martin, Brutus Roach, and former PSW Tag Champion, Lead Belly, at his side... This month's event, "The End of Days", will surely deliver on its name...


Are we on the verge of witnessing PSW's "Final Hour"? Or, Will a cataclysmic Civil War rage within the walls of "The Ministry", With the winner taking all?


The TRUTH will show itself shortly...

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<hr color="black">

"The End of Days"

Friday, 4th Week of October 2009

Run-Time: 1 HOUR 30 MINS

PSW Event #20

<hr color="black">

Dozer vs. Malietoa

[Dozer's PSW Debut]

[Malietoa returns to PSW, from NYCW, for "One Night Only"]


"The Ring Generals" © w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone and ??????

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


A Special PSW National Championship Match made by PSW Owner, Mitch Naess.


Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker


Johnny Martin © w/ "The Kingdom" vs. Grease Hogg

[PSW Championship Match]

[A "Brutal Knockout" Match]



The "Final Hour" has finally come to Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. What will happen as Mitch Naess makes his return to "The Ministry" after an eight month hiatus? Also, who stands within the hooded cloak worn by "The Unknown Figure"? Who will stand up to the turncoat that is PSW Champion, Johnny Martin? Will Mitch Naess have a personal message to send to Johnny for his company betrayal?


These major, Company-shifting, questions will be answered THIS MONTH at PSW - "The End of Days" as "The Unknown Figure" unveils his identity for the FIRST TIME since mysteriously appearing six months ago in "The Steel City". Can he, and his "Kingdom", take ultimate control of the promotion they covet? ... OR ... Will the, once, personally exiled Owner make a triumphant return and stand up for the very company he created?


Blood will be shed... Bones will be broken... Lives will change forever... As "The End of Days" are upon us.


Tune into this month's event LIVE via PSW.com on the 4th Friday of October 2009... Don't miss the HELL that will, almost certainly, encompass Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.



"Thoughts of Greed":

This show has been 6 months in the making. I've fought every inch of myself over the last 6 months NOT to simply bring this storyline to a quick resolve.... As now marks the perfect time for everything to unfold. Mitch is back in PSW (both in-ring and "behind the scenes), and the very man who once personified PSW, Johnny Martin, is riding on the coat-tails of a high successful turn.


Needless to say, "The Sh*t is about to hit the fan....", however, for the first time in awhile... It's happening WITHIN the ring and not behind the curtains.


<hr color="black">

"The End of Days" Quick Picks

Dozer vs. Malietoa

"The Ring Generals" © vs. Madman Boone and ?????

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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Dozer vs. Malietoa


Is Dozer Brandon Smith?


"The Ring Generals" © vs. Madman Boone and ?????


I know the rule of thumb is never bet against ??? well I have always been a fan of the way you have written The Ring Generals so I am going to bet against ???.


Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker


I see no real reason for Steven Parker to lose this match.


Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg


Okay I have picked the champion to retain on all of the recent cards. And every single one of them has left your company. So hopefully this will buck the trend and Johnny Martin will stay as the champion for a while.

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