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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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Dozer vs. Malietoa


"One Night Only" = Doing the Job. Should be a great match though


"The Ring Generals" © vs. Madman Boone and ?????


They won't lose this quickly. Your tag division is pretty thin after the Dirty White boys went all splitsville on eachother. You have given them their shot at the titles and I don't see you turning it over that quickly. Unless NYCW signed them that is


Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker


He lost in his opening match so he needs this win more than mr. Morgan


Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg


Someone has to hold onto the title for more than a month and i'm betting on Martin to do so. Plus you gave him a huge turn and a great promo to end the show. There would be no reason to have him lose so quickly. Martin and "The kingdom" move on with maybe Lead Belly costing Grease Hogg the win?

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They won't lose this quickly. Your tag division is pretty thin after the Dirty White boys went all splitsville on eachother. You have given them their shot at the titles and I don't see you turning it over that quickly. Unless NYCW signed them that is


It's sad but true. I wanted to flesh out my tag team division, however, the amount of people that it would add to my roster would be insane. So, I've decided to go with the old school ECW way of booking a tag team division... Have one, maybe two, big time tag teams and then some random ones that form over time in which to try to "stop" the champions.


Plus, with a new division coming in January of 2010 (I'm guessing that's my target date) then there's less reason to go out and add tag teams in which to add to the roster. At least with the new people set for the debuting division, There's room for some tag teams coming out of that over time.


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... As it pertains to TEW 2010 and This Diary ...

To be honest, with the naming of TEW 2010 I'm stuck in the middle of excitement and sadness. Excited because a new version of the game makes me salivate like no other... However, saddened because that ultimately puts a "shelf life" on this diary (as well as the evolution of John Greed). I'm sure once the new game comes out there will be a mass change-over of everyone doing new 2010 diaries and this board will become quite dead. So, anyone holding onto their diaries may find it hard to bring anyone back.


I still plan on booking this diary as strong as ever until the very last day. When it comes to that point where things are changing over, as every writer will have to do, I'll have to find a way to bring an ending to the diary. I have some things in mind, however, I'm trying not to think much about that as it will only hinder the next 4-6 months of writing this diary.


A new division (as I said above) is coming in January of 2010 (in-game) and should be a lot of fun to add to the mix. I think that's one of the main reasons, along with the "Kingdom"/PSW war storyline, that's keeping me (still) very interested in going forward.


Lastly, the saddest part about all of this is that (when 2010) comes out I'll have to abandon the "Evolution of John Greed" series that I was planning on carrying through out my next diary or two. I thought it would be fun to have John as the constant through it all, however, now with a whole new game... There's no way I could really pull this off as I'm already in November of 2009 with my PSW diary. I'm not one who really wants to convert old files over into the name game, So I guess, when this diary dies so does the "story of John Greed".


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Also, A Special thank you to those who have voted for my PSW Diary this month. While James says that we can pretty much call the outcome of the poll, I'm one never to believe in something until it's finally staring me in the face. haha. :) So for that, I plan on sitting back and seeing how things unfold. There are so many great writers on the boards these days that it's very cool to see my name, and my diary, up there with the rest of them.


I stumbled around trying to write diaries before (X-WA, SWF, and CCW), however, this one is the only one that really "stuck" with me. I think it's because it allows me to book the kind of company that I believe we are sadly missing in the "Real World" Wrestling Industry. Dark, Cult-like, Adult-based Entertainment. I, like many of you, can't stand the PG environment that wrestling has come into... So, PSW gives me a sense of sanity as I don't even watch a lot of wrestling anymore (on a weekly basis). I'll tune into RAW for a good 30 minutes until I realize what I dislike the WWE these days... I'll try TNA, however, always feel like they "almost get there only to drop the ball". So, PSW gives me the opportunity to live in a fantasy world, if you will, and dive into the kind of wrestling that I miss dearly.


Cheers, and thank you all again.

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What's up with the ninja edit to include a new alt for Mitch ? Just poiting it out in case anyone missed it. ;)


haha. Good find MrOnu! :)


It was definetly a "ninja edit" on my part, however, didn't want to alert people simply because of a new version of his pic in some previously written segments since his return. I was planning on just waiting for the show to point out the new look for him.


Good to know that I have people following that close that they realize something like that. Hell yea, man! :D





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Diary Note: For those who haven't predicted yet, The card for "The End of Days" is on the previous page. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Also, expect a PSW.com promo from the PSW Tag Champions, "The Ring Generals" tonight (as it pertains to their upcoming match). Much like the WWE, I don't have a lot of time for angles during the show outside of the Major Storylines (18 minutes all together) and the bulk of this show will be centered on "The Unknown Figure" de-robing, "The Kingdom" taking shape, and Mitch Naess's return to the company.


So, The youngsters get delegated to a PSW.com promo instead of a "Show Segment". :)

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Video shown on PSW.com

October 2009






[We open our scene with the sight of an unoccupied hospital bed before the camera lens. The light buzzing of medical equipment is heard piercing through the abnormal silence of this given hospital wing; as the sound of Dean Waldorf's voice enters the segment.]


Dean Waldorf: This will be your final resting place, Boone. After years of recklessly tearing your body apart... Your final days will come in this very bed... Attached to beeping machines as doctors attempt to use modern medicine to "save" your worthless life...


[The camera slowly pans out, at this point, as we now see the PSW Tag Champions, "The Ring Generals" standing along side the hospital bed shown in the opening seconds of this segment. With a pair of arrogant smirks running across both Dean and Marv's faces, The title belts that they hold ever so tightly over their shoulders begin to glisten in the florescent lights positioned above.]


Dean Waldorf: While the story may seem sad, and somewhat extreme, even YOU have to understand the truth behind it all.... You're nothing more than a complete joke... A shell of a talentless hack... [Pauses] A stinking heap of wasted space. [Pauses as he continues to flash an arrogant smirk on his face.] I never really understood WHY anyone gave a crap about you, Boone... I mean, Your true claim to fame was nothing more than your ability to take a beating... [Laughs] Is that really a talent? To me, It sounds more like a mental disorder... A sad, sad, truth about a man who didn't have what it took to truly "make it" as a Pro Wrestler... So he resorted to the same sh*t you see on the Internet from backyard douche-bags looking for mediated stardom.... [Pauses] You've overstayed your welcome not just here in PSW.... But in the industry as a whole.... And now, You're getting a shot at OUR Tag Titles? The very championship belts that we worked our f*cking asses off for the last 3 years... and you get to just waltz in and attempt to steal our glory? [shakes his head; Overly showing his hatred for the man] Who the F*ck are you to step into the ring with US? Ohh yea..... Oh yea... I forgot.... The man who can...."Take a beating and keep coming back"... Blah, Blah, Blah... Blow it out your ass, Gramps... [stern look on his face as he pauses for a brief second] This is the one, and final time, that you take a beating...... [Pauses] and DON'T get back up...


[The camera slowly pans over from a snarling Dean Waldorf, hugging his Tag Championship even closer to his body in a show that it's ultimately HIS, to see Marv Slater more closely. Slater, much more menacing than his tag partner simply due to his classic wrestler's build, peers into the camera lens for a brief second... Picking up where Dean left off.]


Marv Slater: It seems that no one can save you.... from yourself, Madman. [Pauses as he peers into the lens as if he were talking straight to Madman Boone] However, that's not really your fault, is it? These mindless drones in "The Ministry", and all over the world, have embraced you.... Fed your ego.... Even though they all know the truth, as we do,... behind it all... That you're nothing more than an over glorified "bumper".... A man whose career could have been carried out by a trained monkey. [Pauses] Deep down, You know you're jealous of us... We, in the prime of our careers... Possessing more talent in our fingernail than what you've shown your entire career, are exactly what you wish you could have been..... [Pauses] Respected... Revered... Renoun...[Pauses] But no... You'll forever go down in history with two lingering truths hanging within your legacy.... [Pauses] Firstly, Your success was based upon the idiotic wrestling culture that actually thinks taking a "bump" means something... That actual talent is secondary to stupidity..... And Secondly, [Pauses as he, also, begins to snarl in the direction of the camera] your career, already on a decade-long stint of "life-support", was ended by US.... "The Ring Generals"... In a purely grotesque manor. [Evil Smirk] Bring everything you've got.... Bring your "mystery man", your "milk man", your "bath house man".... Because when it's all said and done.... THIS will be your resting place, This very bed, as YOU embark..... on your "End of Days".


[With that, both "Ring Generals" begin to generate a stint of laughter that can ONLY be classified as purely evil. Their eyes, fixated on the camera lens before them as if they were peering down the very man they're going to attempt to finish off in a matter of weeks, look focused... determined... Obsessed with the notion of ending, the widely popular, Madman Boone's career. A few seconds pass as we now fade to black and the video comes to a close]







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"The End of Days" Quick Picks

Dozer vs. Malietoa

"The Ring Generals" © vs. Madman Boone and ?????

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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Guest TDubTNA

Dozer vs. Malietoa

"The Ring Generals" © vs. Madman Boone and ?????

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg


I absolutely cannot wait for this show to be posted. You know how I feel about this diary and congrats on possibly winning DOTM.

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Dozer vs. Malietoa

Big win for the Dozer to kick things off for him here at D.A.V.E....oops, I mean PSW! ;)


"The Ring Generals" © vs. Madman Boone and ?????

No matter who the mystery man is, The Ring Generals are gonna take care of business.


Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

There's a reason they call him Mr.


Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

Johnny can't lose the title this soon, can he? Not unless another promotion has signed him!

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I absolutely cannot wait for this show to be posted. You know how I feel about this diary and congrats on possibly winning DOTM.


The show may take a bit to go through the booking, writing, and posting process. I want to make sure that the card is well thought out from start to finish, so needless to say, it may not be up for a week or so. That being said, there will be things thrown into the mix over the time period so the story doesn't die off.


Also, Thank you TDub. As I said, I'm not one to believe something until it's written in stone, so until then I will suspend my belief, however, I really appreciate your vote man!





Big win for the Dozer to kick things off for him here at D.A.V.E....oops, I mean PSW! ;)


Watch your tone, boy. Them be fighting words... haha jk. :p


PSW can never escape DaVE's shadow. It's true. But, at least, I'm trying to do some things that could have it stand on its own product-wise. Then again, a lot of my big name stars (especially now that I've been gutted) are all former DaVE cast-offs. The new division that comes in January will hopefully help give PSW a little more of its own flavor.

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First of all EV, great diary. With the 2010 game coming out, I hope things should be better with PSW.


Secondly I love the fact that you push your younger talents like Ring Generals and hiring rejects like Allen & Volador, overnight Mega star Khovlov and the turning of Johnny Martin. As well trying to seem push Killer Colossus. Simply love the the fact that you don't use the veterans to get the promotion over and as well by reading McShamrock's PSW's diary, yours puts the situation that the company is going from a pretty good start into its own destruction inside (I can't say destruction yet can I?) and also basically, Evolution of Greed.


Great Stuff and if you try TNA on TEW10, just take out Hogan and hire Heyman if you want it to go into a cult-dark kinda ECW/Entertainment style mostly.


Good luck and good stuff.

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The 'return of Mitch' segments really summed up how amazing this diary is - and also gave me an idea... I'll PM you about it in due time E-V, i'll let you wonder what it is until then :p


I look forward to these next 6 months (or so) more of amazing writing!

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First of all EV, great diary. With the 2010 game coming out, I hope things should be better with PSW.


Thank you, Mystery! I appreciate the "nod". :D


As for PSW in TEW 2010. To be honest, I don't seem them having that long of a shelf life. I think Adam first created the company knowing that people would probably freak if there wasn't, at least, one Hardcore company to book for in the original Cornlleverse database. So, I could see the company on the verge of its "Death Bed" in 2010. Then again, with PWC coming up soon I think?, it would be cool to see another "Hardcore War" between the two of them.


That, or they form up with NYCW to be a "mega" New York Promotion or something? Then again, I don't see that happening either as "The Stomper" would have to be no longer at the helm. There would be no gain for him to latch his company onto a, somewhat, sinking ship in PSW. It's sad to say it but I don't see PSW with that long of a "shelf-life" in the new game.


Secondly I love the fact that you push your younger talents like Ring Generals and hiring rejects like Allen & Volador, overnight Mega star Khovlov and the turning of Johnny Martin. As well trying to seem push Killer Colossus. Simply love the the fact that you don't use the veterans to get the promotion over and as well by reading McShamrock's PSW's diary, yours puts the situation that the company is going from a pretty good start into its own destruction inside (I can't say destruction yet can I?) and also basically, Evolution of Greed..


It's always been a goal of mine to try to get over as many of the "PSW Originals" as possible. Marv and Dean haven't had a lot of success since I started booking for PSW (20 shows now and I'm sure you can count the amount of wins on my right hand), however, I wanted to make sure that they had a legit character to their team before I decided to give them any wins/championship run. If it would have happened any earlier than I feel like their reign would have felt hollow and not all that impressive. So, It took them almost 2 years to get their "feet underneath them" in which to properly push them to the top of the Tag Division.


It doesn't hurt, either, that the "Dirty White Boys" are no longer a team... ;) This gives them some room to move in on their territory.


As for signing people like Randy Bumfhole and Harry Allen. I've always said, since day one, that I wasn't going to hire "big names" for for the hell of it. I wanted to make sure that I had a character in-line for them and a reason to have them in the company.... That way it didn't feel like I was just trying to throw a bunch of people onto my roster and push toward "Cult" (as that's not how PSW should be booked from a culture standpoint). Harry was perfect cause he could play the "ultimate" Jaded, "Chip on his shoulder", "I will prove you wrong" Kind of guys. If it wasn't for his emo/pierced alt render, I probably wouldn't even had thought about bringing him in to be honest though. It helped a lot to shape my vision of a newly jaded Allen.


As for Volador, I really wanted a creepy... borderline Gothic (if you will) Luchador, however, not played by someone who was actually from Mexico. Does that make sense? ha. I had this image of a mixture of a psychopath who wore a mask to hide his real identity with the really bad "B Horror Flick" about a Mexican Wrestler that was released a few years ago. Granted, Volador was much smaller than that guy... However, Everything from his trademark hyena like laughter to his philosophical speech pattern was all done, in a way, to shape the kind of character I wanted out of him. Sad that he's gone but ohh well... It was fun while it lasted.


Great Stuff and if you try TNA on TEW10, just take out Hogan and hire Heyman if you want it to go into a cult-dark kinda ECW/Entertainment style mostly.


While It would be fun to try to steer TNA in the right direction (Well, I guess not "Right" versus what I think would be best for the company), I'm a BIG Cornellverse Mark and will probably always play with that database over any "Real World" database. It sounds like TEW 2010 is going to give us a lot of new options to play with so I'm really excited about what that could mean. Honestly, after this diary ends as we grow closer to the release of the new game... I plan on taking a while off as I try to "re-charge" my batteries. PSW has sucked everything out of me to the point where I don't know if there is anything else, after this diary is done, story wise, that I wish to "tell". I'm sure that will change once the new database comes out, however, for now... It's all about Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling and John Greed! :)



The 'return of Mitch' segments really summed up how amazing this diary is - and also gave me an idea... I'll PM you about it in due time E-V, i'll let you wonder what it is until then :p


I look forward to these next 6 months (or so) more of amazing writing!


Thank you, Nedew! I'm glad that you liked the "Mitch returns home" segments. :) The reason I went so far in depth is because I was having fun with creating the new, and certainly not improved in some ways, Mitch Naess. The dynamic has shifted drastically and I really wanted for people to see that... To see what it was like for someone in Mitch's position to, almost, pain-stakingly come back to the very company that had pretty much shunned him... And forced him to Canada.


I like this notion of this idea that you have... Can't wait to hear from you about it!


As for the length of how long this diary will go for, 6 months is a good guess as to when it will end. It would be great to know far in advance when the game was coming out (which we won't know) that way it doesn't seem very rushed to all of a sudden bring the story to an end, however, that's how things will probably be. Sadly.



Thank you both for leaving comments behind! It was fun to wake up and get some "PSW-Time" in before I have to start my errands. ha.



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Diary Update:


Sorry for the lack of posts over the last few days. I've been super busy with planning the wedding, work, and getting over having the Flu. Needless to say, quite eventful at this point.


I DID book the show and it came out exactly how I was hoping. While it may not land a huge Overall Grade (as PSW Hardly ever does), I was able to pull down some great matches and some some storyline/angles that I'm really excited to write.


Needless to say, This show is def. going to be one of the better ones I've ever created. The storylines come together quite well and the excitement of working with new characters really intrigues me as well. :)


All in all, Just thought I'd let you know what was up. Predictions/feedback are still welcome.






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"The End of Days" Quick Picks

Dozer vs. Malietoa

"The Ring Generals" © vs. Madman Boone and ?????

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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Diary Update:


Sorry for the lack of posts over the last few days. I've been super busy with planning the wedding, work, and getting over having the Flu. Needless to say, quite eventful at this point.


I DID book the show and it came out exactly how I was hoping. While it may not land a huge Overall Grade (as PSW Hardly ever does), I was able to pull down some great matches and some some storyline/angles that I'm really excited to write.


Needless to say, This show is def. going to be one of the better ones I've ever created. The storylines come together quite well and the excitement of working with new characters really intrigues me as well. :)


All in all, Just thought I'd let you know what was up. Predictions/feedback are still welcome.






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i feel a bit sorry for you as the writer of this wonderful diary, as you dont have the pleasure of reading it..

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Diary Update:


Sorry for the lack of posts over the last few days. I've been super busy with planning the wedding, work, and getting over having the Flu. Needless to say, quite eventful at this point.


I DID book the show and it came out exactly how I was hoping. While it may not land a huge Overall Grade (as PSW Hardly ever does), I was able to pull down some great matches and some some storyline/angles that I'm really excited to write.


Needless to say, This show is def. going to be one of the better ones I've ever created. The storylines come together quite well and the excitement of working with new characters really intrigues me as well. :)


All in all, Just thought I'd let you know what was up. Predictions/feedback are still welcome.







Take your time man. You've become one of the forums best writers, so if anyone deserves to be given a pass for taking a break it's you. :D

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Dozer vs. Malietoa

Is he who I think he is?

"The Ring Generals" © vs. Madman Boone and ?????

These guys should be loyal to Greed!!

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

I better hope that Parker has gotten more pop than Morgan since his stint from SWF!

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

Kingdom comes in aid of their "man".


Take your time writing this EV. I got a feeling something good is going to come. :)

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Thank you for voting my PSW diary as DOTM!



You have no idea how grateful I am for having such an honor linked with this diary. :) As I've said before, I attempted 3 diaries before this one... and all of them failed to generate any buzz. I think that's why this one has been so special to me, as I've finally found a company/diary/product that gives me the ability to tell the kind of story that interests me.


As many of you know, I'm a huge ECW mark (Old ECW). I use to say up on Saturday night (was in my mid teen's at this time), after SNL, and watch the airing of ECW's hour-long show because I could tell that something was "different" with their company. There wasn't the overly cliche, overly cookie-cutter, mentality to it.... As there was something very "real" about what was taking place. The characters (I'm still a HUGE Shane Douglas mark. One of my favorite wrestlers of all time both in and out of the ring), the matches, the attitude that went into every show resonated through the TV screen and made a huge impression on me.


That's why PSW has been so much fun to book as it's my ability to resurrect ECW in a way (at least, within my own mind. ha). I'm not saying that PSW is just like ECW.... As I've done some things to shift the product, characters also, in which to make it "my own". Hell, this Armageddon-like, coup-other throw, the-ills-of-religion-based overtone, storyline that I've been running for the last 6 months (in-game) probably wouldn't have been used in ECW... However, overall, I've used my knowledge of the former company to create an environment around PSW. Everything from how "The Ministry" looks like, the crowds over-reacting collective personality, the "Backstage wars" that arrise... It all comes from an influence of ECW.


With the naming of TEW 2010 things have slowed down a bit. Factor that in with planning a wedding, coming off of the flu, and work in general, and I haven't had a lot of time to focus in on the diary in the last week. That being said, The next upcoming show is THE biggest event in PSW history (as a lot of storylines come to a "new level"). I'm really excited to start writing it and I'll certainly let you know as the final product gets closer to being released.



All in all, Thank you all for your vote. This diary has been a lot of fun for me to write, on top of being another great way of creative expression. For those who know me, I'm a singer/songwriter and tend to do a lot of my writing on that front. However, in the last few months, I've found myself focusing more on this diary than even that. ha. That's how intriguing it's become for me.


Thank you again and I hope that you enjoy the upcoming show! :)




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Welcome to... "The End of Days"


NEWS: "The Deadly Dive" is Announced...

2nd Week of October 2009


This month's event, "The End of Days", marks the return of the recently exiled PSW Owner, Mitch Naess. His presence in "The Ministry", this month, will stand as the first time Mr. Naess has stepped foot in the "Steel City" in over 8 months. So, Why return at this time?


While "The Unknown Figure" did personally challenge Mr. Naess to make his return this month in which to fight for his company, or risk losing his grip on the Pittsburgh-based promotion forever, the embattled owner vows that his return has more to do with the vacated PSW National Championship.


In a shocking preview of what is to come, Mr. Naess announced both the competitors, and the overall match layout, for this month's PSW National Championship match.


The Match, in its current form, is being labeled as "The Deadly Dive", however, has been known to carry the often polarizing moniker of a "Death Match". The squared circle is littered with a whole plethora of weapons (ie: chairs, tables, tacks, barbed wire, random weapons, etc.), however, the only way to defeat another person is by throwing them over the top rope versus an elimination/pinfall kind of scenario. In this case, the last man standing in the ring is declared the victor and given the PSW Championship gold as a prize for survival.


While that may sound deadly enough... The reasoning for the matches name actually carries the most weight. Positioned around the ringside area are a collection of 16 land mines awaiting the overthrow of one of the competitors. While you don't necessarily have to land on a land mine to loose (only needing to be thrown over the top rope) it does add an extra sense of danger to being forced out of the ring.


With that being said, Here are the competitors who will via for the PSW National Championship in the FIRST EVER PSW "Deadly Dive" Match:




Brutus Roach vs. Disco Hugh vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly vs. Nelson Callum vs. Primal Rage



In a statement made to PSW.com, Mitch Naess had this to say about his choices in this month's National Championship Match:


"'The Deadly Dive' may seem a little excessive to some, however, with a chain of superstars deciding to 'jump ship' from our company... We want to make sure that the next National Champion wants this title more than life itself. To be victorious, and to walk away with the National Championship, one will have to put their entire being on the line... Risking injury, or potentially even death, all for the right to call themselves a Champion. For those who are faint at heart, or don't have what it takes to "bleed for PSW", will be unable to dig deep enough to overcome the pain that will certainly transpire. Therefore, this was the ONLY WAY to truly find someone worthy of carrying the PSW name."


+ PSW Owner, Mitch Naess


Is the match-up pure insanity, or absolute genius, on the part of Mitch Naess? Will we witness the end of someone's career.... or possibly even... their life? As said before, while it may seem excessive, the victor will ultimately be able to raise their arm as a Champion.... The PSW National Champion.





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"The End of Days" Quick Picks

Dozer vs. Malietoa

"The Ring Generals" © vs. Madman Boone and ?????

Brutus Roach vs. Disco Hugh vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly vs. Nelson Callum vs. Primal Rage

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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Dozer vs. Malietoa


Is Dozer Brandon Smith?


"The Ring Generals" © vs. Madman Boone and ?????


I know the rule of thumb is never bet against ??? well I have always been a fan of the way you have written The Ring Generals so I am going to bet against ???.


Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker


I see no real reason for Steven Parker to lose this match.


Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg


Okay I have picked the champion to retain on all of the recent cards. And every single one of them has left your company. So hopefully this will buck the trend and Johnny Martin will stay as the champion for a while.


Yeah I know it is lame to quote your own picks but a match was added so I feel the need to do so.


Brutus Roach vs. Disco Hugh vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly vs. Nelson Callum vs. Primal Rage


Well Nelson and Primal have not been used at all on the main card, I was a little shocked to see them even in this match. Killer Colossus has been a Colossus failure so far in PSW so he is not an option. That leaves Lead Belly, Brutus Roach, and Disco Hugh. Out of these three I see Lead Belly taking the win.

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Originally Posted by BHK

Well Nelson and Primal have not been used at all on the main card, I was a little shocked to see them even in this match


Nelson and Rage have been on the main card occassionally. Nelson had his push in the early part of 2009, however, was pushed aside when the "Unknown Figure" storyline took up a lot of the focus. As for Rage, He's been filling in from a "token hardcore guy" situation. With that being said, I felt Nelson was due for a "big match" to kind of give him the ability to see some action... As well as Rage was thrown in more for the fact that, seeing how he's a violent fighter, that he could be seen as a threat in a match like "The Deadly Dive".




Marking out for Disco Hugh!!



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