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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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I'm unsure how a face Frankie will turn out, but if anyone can pull that off it'll be you.


When I was looking over the PSW roster I realized that we desperately needed some more big name faces on the roster, and instead of hiring new people, I thought I would work with what I have for awhile. Frankie is the perfect heel character, however, I've got something cooked up for him as a babyface... Hopefully, when the storyline comes to an end, it will have fleshed out his character enough to give him some momentum.


Another great show, this could well be one of those diaries that people look on as a level to attain.


wow, Nedew. Thank you! I've had a lot of fun with PSW thus far as it gives me my "ECW" fix, however, at the same time... The real thing that makes me love it is the fact that I can define what "hardcore" means in this diary... not just relying on weapons to sell the trick.. Rather creating a vibe of Brutal, Vicious, borderline death-defying, competition.


It's great to know that you hold this diary in such high esteem. :) Whenever someone leaves something behind saying that they are a fan of "The Rise of Greed", It truly means a lot to me. You have no idea. Honestly, thank you for what you said.


Ouch bad chem between Martin.


I almost fell over when I got through booking the show. These two are, really, the biggest two superstars in PSW.... So, to have them have bad chemistry really forces me to have to be creative with my booking process. (Which I like). The only problem is that PSW weight's their wrestlers high on popularity and that's something I don't really have in the company outside of Morgan, Martin, and Braun. So, to have 2 of those superstars end up having bad chemistry is kind of a buzz-kill... However, I'll just have to see what's best and somewhat alter my plans for the future of the diary.


Teddy has the national belt curious who the next challenger will be I presume he sins a lot lol.


Teddy's reign as the National Champion seemed best for the fit. He's a great character for PSW and needed Championship Gold around his waist. Then again, his reign doesn't exclude him from still going after Martin (as you can see with these last results for "The Survival of the Vicious"). A storyline is brewing as of result....




At this point, I just wanted to thank everyone who nominated my PSW diary this month for Rookie DOTM. The field is extremely deep with a lot of consistent names thrown in with some newcomers. So, needless to say, this one could go any which way.


Best of luck to everyone.


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I don't have the time I used to in order to keep up with all the great diaries but you do share a distinction with McShamrock, in that both of you have made me shelf the idea of running PSW as a diary at separate times as I don't want to compete with such excellent work already being put out for the same promotion.


Which is saying that this is good stuff and look forward to seeing where it goes.

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I don't have the time I used to in order to keep up with all the great diaries but you do share a distinction with McShamrock, in that both of you have made me shelf the idea of running PSW as a diary at separate times as I don't want to compete with such excellent work already being put out for the same promotion.


Which is saying that this is good stuff and look forward to seeing where it goes.


Sorry for "stealing your thunder", Dragonmack. ha. :)


That's happened to me before, So I know the feeling.


In the end, though, Thanks for the nod of approval. I've got some major storylines in mind for the future of my diary, however, just need to find the right time/characters to make it all work.


All in all, To be in McShamrock's company is something I def. don't take lightly. While I'm sure a lot of that comes from the fact that both of us have run with a company, that up until now, hasn't really been used all that much on this board. However, I just hope to deliver my own brand of what PSW is all about... Give it a unique feel overall.

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VIDEO: New Wrestler coming to Pittsburgh!

1st Week of June 2008





... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick.. Tick... Tick... Tick...



[There's nothing but a heavy black background before us as the sound of constant ticking from a clock fills your computer's audio speakers.]





... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick.. Tick... Tick... Tick...



[A brief image is shown on the screen of a hazy MMA fight. In the split second that we're shown... Blood looks to be spilling profusely from one competitor's forehead]


Unknown MMA Announcer: I've never witnessed a fighter like Russell. The perfect mixture of a tough chin, a heavy heart, and a violent approach to submission based fighting. A true leader in our sport!



... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick.. Tick... Tick... Tick...



[The heavy black background finally lifts as we now see a mysterious figure standing inches before the camera man wearing a thin black hood over his head. The mysterious figure barely moves... The only real movement coming from a stint of heavy breathing]


Unknown MMA Announcer: The biggest mistake you can make against Russell is allowing him to get hold of you. If that comes to pass... Say goodbye to any of your limbs. This man is an "ice cold" competitor.


[With that, The Ticking comes to a close...]


[The mysterious hooded figure slowly raises his head upwards... His eyes peering through the dangling fabric in front of him... Not enough to show who it is but enough to display the overwhelming intensity coming forth.]


[Now, looking straight on into the camera, it's shown that the mysterious figure is none other than, former MMA superstar, Billy Russell. A heavy smattering of war paint is seen running across his face as he stairs aggressively through the camera lens and onto your computer screen.]


Menacing Voice: Billy Russell.... comes to..... Pittsburgh.




From MMA...

To Japan...

To Pittsburgh...

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1st Week of June 2008

... PSW is not for the squeamish ...


A wise man once professed that "Hardcore Wrestling", in it's basic form, will never survive. Why?


+ Because most of your roster, even those who are considered popular, will carry a very short shelf life...


+ Your lack of sponsors due to your risky ventures greatly affect the monthly-bottom-line...


+ And, finally, while a small undercurrent will love your product... The masses will turn their nose in discust... Labeling it as "too violent", ultimately, forcing you to either continue your vicious path or conform to a more mainstream approach...


That man was none other than the highly respected mastermind of RIPW, Professor Nero. To him, a man of tradition, "Hardcore Wrestling" is nothing more than a nuissance... A destructive force that has done nothing but dilute honor within pro wrestling.... A sea spool of psychopaths, sadists, and those who couldn't even perform a wrist lock if their life depended on it.


The funny thing is... I agree with, Mr. Nero.


Now before you get your panties up in a bunch, clogging my inbox with emails questioning my loyalty to PSW, there's a reason behind my madness. "Hardcore Wrestling", in it's basic form, is nothing more than a bunch of punks throwing weapons around... Bloodying everyone in sight... And doing this all in the name of a "Blood Thirst" that lies deep within us all. It's the reason you go to an action flick and want to see the main bad guy "get his" in the end. You subconsciously scream for violence... For good versus evil... For an iconic ending.


Too many wrestlers, especially those in the 90's during the "Extreme Wars", felt that they didn't need to receive the proper training... That they could simply walk into a ring with a chair in their hand and become the next great heavyweight. Wrong. We here in Pittsburgh Cherish tradition... We Cherish the sense of honor, pride, and a warrior's heart. To be honest, we care for these things so very much that we've stepped forward to lead a new era of Pro Wrestling.


You see, we here in PSW, do not use weapons just for the crowd's amusement... We aren't looking to shed blood just to seem "edgy", to fight "the mainstream culture".... We do these things out of the mindset of true competition.


I liken this company, in a way, to what you see in Mixed Martial Arts these days... Two men, sometimes more, hell-bent on defeating the other... Raising their aggression to do violent things all in the name of our sport. Sure, there may be some major injuries that float around... And yea, our superstars may have a short shelf life because of this approach.... However, we make no apologies for our wrestling focus.


To us, "Hardcore Wrestling", defined by PSW, is nothing more than a brutal, aggressive-laced battle between a collection of wrestlers who would rather play Russian roulette with their livelihoods and wrestle under our banner... Then work a 6 minute match in Prime time, Dancing around & acting like a complete fool.


Yes, we are "Hardcore".... However, we aren't your older brothers "Hardcore" company... We are not an extension of the 90's "Tri-State Wars"...


... We live under a new definition of Extreme ...

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Very nice! I just don't see what Doc Messing has to do with Professor Nero?? Maybe you meant that as a John Greed post I was thinking.


Damn! :p. ha


I lost my train of thought for a second and somehow I morphed into my mind that it was John Greed talking. I'll make a minor change to allow it to make sense.




EDIT: I made some small changes to help the post make sense. Thanks for that catch PoisonedSuperman!! :) This segment is set as a "corner" for Doc Messing... Not John Greed. My bad.

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NEWS: Total Championship Wrestling grows in popularity World-Wide!

1st Week of June 2008





TCW takes on the World!


For years now Industry insiders have been proclaiming that Tommy Cornell's Total Championship Wrestling could, someday, challenge Eisen's Supreme Championship Wrestling for global dominance. However, to do so, it was widely stated that Cornell would need to find a way to move into the international community before they could EVER have the chance of unseating the juggernaut that is the SWF.


That day came today as TCW began to show signs that their international efforts were starting to pay-off. While they may still reside at a close #2 in the world, many believe that, with time, TCW could eventually overtake the crown.


Upon hearing of their recent rise in popularity, It seems that officials within TCW have sought out, and signed, a plethora of new superstars to their roster. With that being said, Here is a official listing of the new arrivals to the land of Total Championship Wrestling...


* Mikey James

* Frankie Perez

* Queen Emily

* Shane Sneer

* Des Davids

* Shawn Gonzalez

* Art Reed


With the slew of recent signings, It still is unknown how TCW's creative team will be able to give everyone on the roster the ability to shine. In the end, however, if they are able to do so.... It could be the beginning of the end of the SWF's era of sole dominance.

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Another great show, EV. Love what you're doing with the Teddy Powell character. I've always liked the guy and longed to see him be the main guy in a diary.


Thanks, UK!


Teddy Powell is a really interesting character to me in the original database as you can tell he's probably extremely jaded over Sammy Bach leaving him behind, with TCW not picking him up as well, and overall feeling like no one respects him. He's probably feels slighted, a little depressed over thinking that TCW would also save him from the Indy realm after DaVE fell apart, and overall, would have a huge huge huge chip on his shoulder.


With that being said, My version of Teddy is a manipulative... Power hungry... Success hungry person who is looking to revive his career in the name of proving others wrong. He's a perfect heel in that standpoint as he's hell-bent on succeeding and doing whatever they need to get to that point. An absolute opportunist.

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Thanks, UK!


Teddy Powell is a really interesting character to me in the original database as you can tell he's probably extremely jaded over Sammy Bach leaving him behind, with TCW not picking him up as well, and overall feeling like no one respects him. He's probably feels slighted, a little depressed over thinking that TCW would also save him from the Indy realm after DaVE fell apart, and overall, would have a huge huge huge chip on his shoulder.


With that being said, My version of Teddy is a manipulative... Power hungry... Success hungry person who is looking to revive his career in the name of proving others wrong. He's a perfect heel in that standpoint as he's hell-bent on succeeding and doing whatever they need to get to that point. An absolute opportunist.


That's a really great way to use Teddy, especially playing on his background with Sammy. I've just brough Teddy into my TCW game. As I say, I like the guy and have always wanted to see him get a push. While he probably won't make it to the top in TCW, it should make for some fun booking given his a Sammy's history.

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Mid June 2008

... Billy Russell is "GOD" ...


I was at a local coffee shop when my cell phone began to rang with a loud intensity only found when you're trying to remain quiet. I quickly shuffled through my briefcase, attempting to locate the instigator of my public embarrassment, all the while trying to reassure those around me, all staring at me with a stair that could melt an iceberg, that I was looking to silence the problem at hand. It's kind of like when you go to a shopping mall and you end up stuck on the elevator with the only lady who brought her 4 unruly kids with her... All loaded on sugar and all possessing a certain level of innocent arrogance. A loud noise filling the space around me... My cell phone, a possession of mine so therefore an extension of me, creating the jilted scenario.


With my cell phone in my hand now, I quickly dive up out of my seat and explode outdoors onto the busy streets of Pittsburgh... Picking up the call as fast as possible, knowing that if I allowed another phone call from Mitch to go to voice mail then I may see my head on a platter in the end.


"Billy Russell is coming on board. I want to see to it that you understand the magnitude of this signing", Mitch proclaimed with a calm excitement that could even register through the phone.


"Of Course, Mitch. He's a talented veteran... Not only A great asset to the youngsters of the roster, but PSW as a whole".


I had a feeling that this was what he was talking about, however, also knew, that with Mitch... Anything could be coming next.


"Yes, that's true... However, that's not what I'm talking about. Billy is a prime example of the kind of entertainment we're looking to project with PSW."


I was somewhat confused as to what he was talking about... I knew that Billy was known for being an accomplished MMA fighter, a pure submission artist who knew how to dismantle his opponents from a realistic standpoint. However, I wasn't really sure where he was going with this...


"Everyone expects that we are just going to throw weapons around like DaVE and that's it, however, you know, as well as I, that that's not the case."


Mitch has delivered this same speech to me about 50 times in the last couple months, Trying to smash the idea down my throat that we were going to innovate the world of "Hardcore Wrestling" with our own approach.


"Billy is a perfect example of a true warrior. A man who uses brute force, violent intent, and his overly aggressive nature to practically destroy everyone in sight. He doesn't need a weapon as his fists.. his legs.. his submission holds are weapons enough. You got me?"


It was all starting to make sense as Mitch came to a close with this last statement. Billy Russell was the perfect kind of superstar to base our new sense of "Hardcore Wrestling" behind. A man who doesn't necessarily NEED a weapon, doesn't NEED anything extra to draw blood... to destroy everyone in sight... As he already had the physical tools to do so within his own natural body.


"I want you to meet with Billy in the next few days, John. Make sure he understands his place within the company. If we can book this all right then he could potentially become, not only, the face of PSW... However, the face of a new generation in "Hardcore Wrestling". See to it that he knows his place... It's important."


With that, before I could even agree, Mitch had already hung up the phone. This was all too common when it came to the Boss as he was an extremely busy man... A man who didn't have much time to listen to anything you had to say... Instead, He would relay his message and then move onto his next project. Not caring what your response is really, however, showing respect in the way of knowing that you could carry out his demands. So, in a sense, a very ruthless leader... however, one that you would lay down your life for.


It looks as if I was only a few days away from meeting with Billy. A meeting that I never thought I would have the pleasure of having...


... It looks as if PSW is pushing forward through an ever evolving state ...

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Billy Russel is an excellent signing not just for the fact he won't go below D- overness no matter how many times you job him out due to the overspill from Japan. (do it in dark time maybe so as to keep him a threat hehe.)


I, honestly, didn't even think of that when I signed him but it's good to know! :)


He's in need of work on his own skill set (psychology of a D-), however, I absolutely love the idea of booking him in PSW. I wanted a former MMA fighter on the roster to go ahead with a specific kind of persona. The thing is, now, I have to decide how I ultimately want him to debut. With a realism kind of persona, It may not be anything crazy... But... None the less, I've got to think it over anywhoo.

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maybe build him kinda like Tong Po in kickboxer absulutly ruthless and inflicting punishment even tough he has the match won getting stoppage wins or DQ's for too much brutallity (which will also be his achilles heel, where someone makes a comeback/scores a lucky win/ flash pin.)
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maybe build him kinda like Tong Po in kickboxer absulutly ruthless and inflicting punishment even tough he has the match won getting stoppage wins or DQ's for too much brutallity (which will also be his achilles heel, where someone makes a comeback/scores a lucky win/ flash pin.)


Took the words right out of my mouth, Hyde Hill!

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The more and more I think about, I think Billy Russell would fit in with your definition of Hardcore Wrestling--especially with the lil video you did stating that he was debuting.


With this diary I really want to make sure that I only hire people because I've really thought out why they "need" to be on my roster. So, in a sense, no bringing new people in just for the hell of it. They have to A) fit my version of the PSW product, B) have a skill set that works for my shows, and C) have a character set and ready to go that will make them interesting. Billy Russell fits all of those things! :)


So, needless to say, I'm excited to get him into the fold coming up here. Good to know that his signing works in others eyes as well. That way I know it's not all in my head. ha.


maybe build him kinda like Tong Po in kickboxer absulutly ruthless and inflicting punishment even tough he has the match won getting stoppage wins or DQ's for too much brutallity (which will also be his achilles heel, where someone makes a comeback/scores a lucky win/ flash pin.)


The only problem is that I don't know if I'm going to allow DQ's in PSW. That's always been a tricky thing... Do you have DQ's in a "hardcore" fed? Cause, in most cases, every match would end in a DQ then. ha. Even without weapons, the product allows for more burtality than anything else. I do like the KO idea though... May take that into his character. Good idea hyde! :)


The hard part, which is also the fun part in my eyes, is trying to find a good way to bring him into my shows. I have an idea of what I want him to do, who I want him to be, however, it all comes down to how to start that all off.


I've got some 'tinkin' to do.

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Yeah the DQ thing is hard in an hardcore fed of course but you could do like the reverse of wwe where they blow of the fued in a non dq match have a dq match be the blow off as in he is not so tough when he is not allowed to be so brutal/use weapons. Kinda like Mick Foley with his anti hardcore. This does not fit Russel so much but more Teddy Powell or JD morgan saying that about Martin/Braun. Anyways good luck and will be reading.
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<hr color="black">

"Extreme Roulette"

Saturday, 3rd Week of June 2008

PSW Event #4

<hr color="black">

Lead Belly vs. Little Bill Lebowski


Frankie Future vs. Marv Slater w/ Dean Waldorf


Billy Russell vs. The Wolverine

[PSW Debut]


Johnny Martin © vs. Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Alex Braun

[PSW "Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW Championship and National Championship Match]



"Thoughts of Greed":

Mitch knew I was an addict. He knew the depths of my personal hell and yet he still wanted me to come on board following an extensive stint of in-patient treatment. While others were pushing me aside... Forcing me to look inward and question my own sanity... Mitch knew exactly where I stood... And that's why he trusts me to run his company. It's that same sense of emotional anguish that sets me apart from them all... Makes me perfect for this job.


With that being said, I wasn't going to let him down. "Give them a hell of a show, John. Force them to take notice", were the last words I heard from the boss before I staggered out of his make shift office within "The Ministry" Event Center. His message was sent loud and clear....


... Give them a F*cking show to remember ...

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I think there's a place for DQs in a hardcore fed. Sure, weapon usage won't call for it, but let's say half your locker room runs to the ring to get involve in a match. Call it a match stoppage, a DQ or whatever you want, I still think the referee should stop the match in this kind of situation. There's a minimum of order needed to run a wrestling a show.


Another situation that might call for a DQ : hitting the referee. It should not be permitted even in an hardcore environnement. Do whatever you want to your opponent, but don't touch the referee in charge.

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Lead Belly vs. Little Bill Lebowski


Frankie Future vs. Marv Slater w/ Dean Waldorf


Billy Russell vs. The Wolverine

[PSW Debut]


Johnny Martin © vs. Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Alex Braun

[PSW "Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW Championship and National Championship Match]


Teddy Powell walks out with both belts.


I kinda picture Billy Russell coming out in a Taz like way, towel or hood draped over his head so you can't see his face till the last minute. Then just stands there with his arms folded till the match starts, the bell rings and he just destroys his opponent.

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