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"Moolah McMahon" a WWF Story

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Also, I REALLY liked the way you handled your round-up of the other promotions. I may take heavy inspiration from that for my own diary, if you don't object.


Not at all FC go for it use the pics if need be, I based my format off Bigpapa's awesome SWF diary so credit goes to him :) Thanks for the feedback also, I really wanted to take the gameworld in a different direction and losing HHH at this time was on the of the things I thought would help do that.

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Raw Preview

Week 1 June 2002



Kane & Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold & The Rock


KOTR Quarter Final

Rob Van Dam vs William Regal


KOTR Quarter Final

Candido vs Christian


KOTR Quarter Final

Brock Lesnar vs Farooq


Ken Shamrock vs Mike Awesome


KOTR Quarter Final

Chris Jericho vs Matt Hardy


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Kane & Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold & The Rock


KOTR Quarter Final

Rob Van Dam vs William Regal


KOTR Quarter Final

Candido vs Christian


KOTR Quarter Final

Brock Lesnar vs Farooq


Ken Shamrock vs Mike Awesome


KOTR Quarter Final

Chris Jericho vs Matt Hardy

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Monday Week 1, June 2002

RAW live @ Welsh-Ryan Arena Evanston, Illinois

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler





Dark Match

Candido vs Maven

Candido dominates the match in one of Mavens rare appearances of late. Candido takes the decisice win with Candido Bomb.


Candido via Pinfall 7:41

Rating: D-



Dark Match

Al Snow vs K-1

K-1 continues his dark match losing streak but seems to look better in every outing. Al Snow takes the clean win with a Snow Plow.


Snow via Pinfall 6:11

Rating: C




Vince McMahon's music opens RAW and he makes his way to the ring to take up a microphone. McMahon cuts a promo on Triple H telling the viewers "Hunter took his ball and went home". He only mentions Hunter by name twice and continues with a burial of his once World Champion. Vince finishes his spiteful promo by growling....


Vince: I didn't screw Triple H, Triple H screwed Triple H!


Rating: A





KOTR Quarter Final

Chris Jericho vs Matt Hardy

It was clear from the get go these two just don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. They still managed to pull off a better then average opener for RAW but some botched spots at important times hurt the match including a superplex on Y2J from Hardy that nearly ended up breaking Jericho's neck. Hardy has the advantage late after nailing Jericho from behind while he was taunting younger brother Jeff on the outside. Matt goes for a Twist of Fate but Jericho reverses into a Twist of Fate of his own and connects! Y2J locks on the Walls of Jericho for the decisive win making him the fist competitor to adavance through to the 2002 KOTR Semi-Final round.


Jericho via Submission 14:54

Rating: B-




Bradshaw and Farooq are backstage playing poker in the APA office. Bradshaw encourages his partner to drink a beer with him but Farooq declines the offer reminding Layfield of his match with Brock Lesnar later in the night. Howard Finkel enters the APA office and tries to get an interview with the two brawlers regarding their upcoming WWF Tag Team Title Tournament match against Kevin Nash and Scott Hall at the KOTR PPV. Bradshaw asks Finkel if he needs the APA's services in protection and security. Finkel confusingly tells Bradshaw he doesn't and Bradshaw screams at Howard to get the hell out of their office leaving the veteran interviewer rattled and scuttling out of the room.


Bradshaw: Pfft, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. They were the guys who spent more time drinking then they did in the gym weren't they?


Farooq: Yeah, those the dudes, they were a joke. Always goofin off man it's a good thing they're not on RAW they wouldn't last a minute. You can't goof off around here that don't fly on RAW, this place aint

no playground.


Bradshaw: It's your turn.


Farooq: What?


Bradshaw: It's you turn, "Texas hold 'em" dummy! You gonna hit?


Farooq: Oh, yeah I hit.... Aghh man, you spilt beer all over me! I've got a match coming up man, I gotta have a shower...... Damn!


Rating: C+




Vince McMahon is walking backstage through the corridors passing wrestlers, they all stop what they're doing as he walks by. Vince stops in his tracks and a look of first suprise, then confusion then anger comes over his face. The camera pans to what he's looking at and it's Goldust dressed as Madonna, complete with the pointy bra and big ponytail on top of his head. Goldust starts to sing "Like a virgin" before Vince cuts him off. McMahon scolds Goldust calling him a freak maybe too freaky even for the WWF. He asks Goldust if he's the wierdo that's been hanging out in the boiler rooms that he's been hearing about. Goldust declares it has been him and that he likes it down there because it's "damp, hot..... and steeeeaaamy". Vince nearly falls over backwards in anger at Goldust's flamboyant delivery, he barks again...


Vince: You like boiler rooms so much, you freak! This Sunday at the King of the Ring PPV you'll get yourself your boiler room.... going one on one with "The Big Red Machine" Kane... in a Boiler Room Brawl!

You should be right at home, let's see how much you like it down there after this Sunday!


Rating: B+




Ken Shamrock vs Mike Awesome

A savage brawl straight from the sound of the bell, a very open match with both men exchanging strikes blow for blow. Shamrock takes the advantage with a takedown and goes for an Ankle Lock. Awesome kicks out of the hold and heads straight to the outside. Shamrock follows him and is met with a steel chair shot to the head. Referee Tim White calls for the bell and security rush to ringside and stop Awesome before he can land a second shot with the chair.


Shamrock via DQ 3:52

Rating: C+




After a lenghty struggle security escort Awesome up the ramp but Shamrock comes to and grabs a mic. He challenges Awesome to a No DQ match at the KOTR PPV this Sunday telling him to bring all the weapons he wants because all the ones he needs are right here, pointing to his fists. Awesome accepts and the RAW announcers hype the encounter set for the PPV.


Rating: B-





KOTR Quarter Final

Brock Lesnar vs Farooq

JR and King do a great job on commentary again, hyping the unbeaten Lesnar's biggest opponent to date in Farooq giving the match a special feel before the two even lock up. Lesnar gains the early advantage winning a feats of strength and gaining Farooq's respect in the process. Farooq makes a few small comebacks but Heyman on both occasions makes his presence on the outside known interfering to turn the match back in the favour of his client. Lesnar goes for a shoulder block but Farooq dodges and Brock goes crashing into the turnbuckle, Farooq quickly lands a Dominator and makes the cover... 1, 2... Brock kicks out! Farooq is in disbelief hesitates with his attack on Lesnar as he makes his way to his feet. Heyman shrieks at Brock waking him from his daze and Lesnar nails Farooq with a running shoulderbreaker.

Brock follows up with a double rip breaker and lifts Farooq onto his shoulders. Lesnar lands an F-5 and makes the cover for the decisive win.


Lesnar via Pinfall 9:21

Rating: C+




Candido and Mr Perfect are in the lockeroom talking, as usual Hennig is talking down to Candido giving him a lecture about something wrestling related. Perfect tells Candido he has to get to the ring for his KOTR Tournament match with Christian and to stay backstage and "Watch and learn as Perfection takes place". Once Hennig is gone Candido stands up to leave but is startled by a one of the locker doors being slammed.



It's William Regal, he asks Candido why he's still listening to Mr Perfect calling him an "Common amatuer". Candido tells Regal Perfect is a first class wrestler and to watch his mouth. Regal tells Candido Mr Perfect can't teach him anything everyone doesn't know already and that when he's ready to become a someone in this sport to come and see him.


Rating: C+





KOTR Quarter Final

Christian vs Mr Perfect

Mr Perfect succeeds in suckering Christian into a grapplefest to take the advantage early on. An open match from then on in Mr Perfect sets up Christian for a Perfect-Plex late but it's reversed into an Unprettier. Christian makes the cover and scores the 1,2,3 to advance in the KOTR tournament. Christian seemed off his game tonight.


Christian via Pinfall 10:50

Rating: C




Christian remains in the ring and cuts a promo on Chris Jericho, saying that at the PPV this Sunday it looks like they'll be facing eachother in the final. He tells Jericho the whole World will see then who the man deserving of a main event spot is.


Rating: B





KOTR Quarter Final

Rob Van Dam vs William Regal

An open match working the crowd these two guys still nearly stole the show. Some exciting spots the highlights being a DDT on RVD from the middle rope and a crossbody onto the guardrail from RVD missing his opponent. Regal has a Regal Stretch locked in late but RVD escapes. Regal stays on the attack and goes for a Regal Bomb but RVD counters into a DDT and bounces to the top rope. Van Dam launches and connects with a Five Star Frog Splash for the clean win.


RVD via Pinfall 12:45

Rating: B




Kurt Angle is backstage and cuts a promo on Stone Cold and The Rock hyping their tag match tonight and upcoming Triple Threat bout for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship at King of the Ring. He tells Torrie he's been watching his Olympic Gold Medal win on tape constantly lately and has that hunger back that made him the best in the World. He says that this Sunday the PPV "The Age of Angle"

will begin.


Rating: A




Kane & Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold & The Rock

Austin and The Rock have a quick talk before the match commences and form a truce for tonight's match shaking hands to the roar of the crowd. Kane and The Rock start for their respective teams with Kane taking control via brute strength. Rock makes a comeback but Kane makes a blind tag to Angle who comes in for double team. Angle stays on the attack going to work on right ankle of The Rock. Finally "The Great One" makes a hot tag to Austin who unloads on Angle with lefts and rights sending him flying back over the top rope and crashing to the outside. The fight goes to the outside now and Austin sets up Angle for a bodyslam onto the steel ringsteps, Kane nails Austin in the ribs with a boot though saving Angle. The Rock joins in now and takes out Kane evening the playing field. Earl Hebner starts to make a slow

ten count forcing Austin and Angle back in the ring but not before Angle can do some damage to Stone Cold sending him shoulder first into the ringpost.


Back in the ring Angle goes for an Angle Slam on a groggy Austin but Stone Cold reverses and goes for a Stunner.... Angle escapes Austin's finisher and rolls out of the ring waving away the match. Kurt grabs a mic as he makes his way up the ramp to the back....


Angle: The heck with this, this aint worth it. I'll win my title on Sunday you guys have fun beatin the heck out of eachother.


Earl Hebner is back in the ring and asks Kane if he wants to continue without Angle. Kane responds to Hebner by nailing Austin with a big right hand and following up with a some vicious stomps. Austin eventualy makes a comeback escaping a Chokeslam and tagging to The Rock who explodes into the ring. Rock unloads with some big rights on Kane in rapid succession followed by a spinebuster. The Rock stays on the attack and looks to finish Kane, he connects with a Rock Bottom. The Rock kicks Kane's right arm in and throws off an elbow pad into the crowd setting up fora People's Elbow. He connects and goes to make to the cover but Austin is calling to him. Stone Cold has his hand reahced out and wants the tag in. The Rock complies and tags him in, Austin picks up Kane and delivers a Stunner. He still doesn't make the cover though and invites The Rock back in the ring. Rock declines and tells Austin to make the cover and finsh it, Stone Cold refuses and wants The Rock to deliver one more People's Elbow.


The Rock reluctantly enters the ring and sets up for his finisher. He throws off his remaining elbow pad into the crowd and bounces off the ropes....


JR: Stunner! Stunner! Stunner!


Austin picks up Kane again and delivers another Stunner finally taking the win as RAW goes off the air.


Stone Cold & The Rock via Pinfall 17:36

Rating: B




Quick Results


Candido def Maven D+

Snow def K-1 C-

Jericho def M.Hardy B-

Shamrock def Awesome C+

Lesnar def Farooq C+

Christian def Mr Perfect C

RVD def Regal B

Stone Cold & The Rock def Kane & Kurt Angle B



Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_bplus-1.jpg



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2002 King of the Ring Preview



Triple Threat Match

WWF World Heavyweight Championship

Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock©


KOTR Tounament Final

??? vs ???


WWF Tag Title Tournament Quarter Final

APA vs The Outsiders


Boiler Room Brawl

Goldust vs Kane


WWF Tag Title Tournament Semi Final

The Hardy Boyz vs The Steiner Brothers


Ken Shamrock vs Mike Awesome


KOTR Semi Final

Brock Lesnar vs Christian


KOTR Semi Final

Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam


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Triple Threat Match

WWF World Heavyweight Championship

Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock©


KOTR Tounament Final

Lesnar vs Van Dam


WWF Tag Title Tournament Quarter Final

APA vs The Outsiders


felt I should put a reason why to this choice. With Scott in the doghouse about getting the swab for the DNA test (I'm sure I read that or I've been hallucinating again) I can see him losing here and probably being released not long after. It would explain bringing Show and Hogan in to go with Pac and Nash.


Boiler Room Brawl

Goldust vs Kane


WWF Tag Title Tournament Quarter Final

The Hardy Boyz vs The Steiner Brothers

Ken Shamrock vs Mike Awesome


KOTR Semi Final

Brock Lesnar vs Christian


KOTR Semi Final

Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam

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Triple Threat Match

WWF World Heavyweight Championship

Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock©


KOTR Tounament Final

Brock Lesnar vs Chris Jericho


WWF Tag Title Tournament Quarter Final

APA vs The Outsiders


Boiler Room Brawl

Goldust vs Kane


WWF Tag Title Tournament Quarter Final

The Hardy Boyz vs The Steiner Brothers


Ken Shamrock vs Mike Awesome


KOTR Semi Final

Brock Lesnar vs Christian


KOTR Semi Final

Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam

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Tuesday Week 1, June 2002

Nitro Taped for TV @ Orange Show Stadium, San Bernardino CA

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes & Taz





Dark Match

AJ Styles vs Chavo Guerrero

AJ Styles continues his impressive run of late with another better then expected outing against Chavo. Styles was again on the losing end of the battle but it takes a low blow and quick roll up for Chavo to steal the win.


Chavo via Pinfall 6:04

Rating: D+



Dark Match

Justin Credible vs Kanyon

Justin Credible in his first match as a singles competitor after Lance Storm broke their tag team up weeks ago on Nitro takes it to Kanyon in an open match. Kanyon catches the younger Credible late with a Flatliner for the clean win.


Kanyon via Pinfall 9:42

Rating: C-




Eric Bischoff opens Nitro standing in the ring, he recaps last weeks Nitro and the recent dominance of the nWo. He says unlike the past he won't be choosing sides and is impartial to the new World order. Bischoff claims he has learnt alot since the demise of the old WCW and doesn't play "favourites" anymore before announcing Eddie Guerrero vs Goldberg as tonights main event.


Taz: Geez, I tell ya for a guy who doesn't play favourites Bischoff sure does seem to coincidently pick alot of WCW alumni for big matches...


Dusty: Oooh, alumni that's a big word Tazmaniacman. There's nothing wrong with Eric choosing the guys he knows are top performers, or superstars if you will.


Tenay: That's true Dusty but Eric has leaned an awful lot in favour of the ex-WCW stars here on Nitro and it might just catch up with him one day.


Dusty: Well all I do know is tonight we've got ourselves on hellavu main event between Eddie Guerrero and Goldberg ex-WCW or not these two guys are gonna put on a match to remember.


Rating: B



The announcers hype the arrival of Vlad Tepes Vampore to Nitro and replay Raven's cryptic promo about him from last weeks show...



Raven: My Flock was once mighty, came pollution twas dispersed

As the Phoenix lay quietly, new hatchlings have emerged

I speak now for new blood, it flows for my sins

One more Aves I covet, swarm shall we then

I come for you Vlad Tepes Vampore

Quote the Raven, nevermore



Rating: C+




Ric Flair vs Vlad Tepes Vampore

Ric Flair is in the ring awaiting his opponent, The lights start to flicker around the arena and Vampore makes his entrance to the song "Jesus Christ Pose" by Soundgarden. The announcers hype the fact that Vlad Tepes is no rookie having accomplished every worthy title in Mexico before coming to the US. A solid opener, the match goes back and forth before Flair finally takes the advantage with a big comeback. Flair goes to lock in the Figure Four but Raven has made his way to ringside and jumps up onto the apron distracting referee Charles Robinson. Flair releases his signature hold and smashes Raven off the apron with a running shoulder. The Nature Boy turns back around but Vampore is up and nails him with his finsher a Pumphandle sitout powerbomb which Mike Tenay puts over as a "Finishing Bite" for the tainted win.


Vampore Via Pinfall 10:05

Rating: C




Torrie Wilson is backstage with "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith interviewing him about the current Hart family feud and Jim Neidhart's match with Teddy Hart next. Davey Boy pleads with Teddy Hart not to go through with the match and to think about what he's doing to the family and the Hart name. Davey Boy tells Teddy if he does go through with the match tonight he'll no longer consider him family and all bets are off.


Rating: D+




Jim Neidhart vs Teddy Hart

A mismatched encounter Teddy does get a rub from a convincing win via a Hart Attack. Teddy doesn't stop at the victory over his uncle though and continues with an attack. Davey Boy Smith runs out to make the

save and Hart retreats leaving The British Bulldog furious in the ring. Hart mocks Davey Boy and waves at him being joined by Lance Storm on the ramp as they celebrate the victory.


Hart via Pinfall 7:02

Rating: D-




Raven comes out mic in hand, followed by Vlad Tepes Vampore. The former ECW World Heavyweight Champion cuts a promo...


Raven: The resurrection has begun, tonight thrice over we will grow

Vlad Tepes Vampore has been born, one more hatchling will follow

The search was far and wide, for the dark power brings doom

Harnessed the beasts of the night, brought to my nest under a full moon

The most native of beings took my eye, such power is fable

Taming such a mortal from savagery, took everything I was able

Now relinquished of sovereignty, the beast is prime for the war

Quote the Raven, nevermore


A clip is shown of The Flock's newest member "High Chief" Johannes Toupu.




Rating: C-





Billy & Chuck vs "High Chief" Johannes Toupu & Raven

Raven and Johannes Toupu make their way to the ring using Raven's theme music. Johannes starts the match off with Billy and takes control early dominating the 4 time WWF World Tag Team Champion. The match isn't a squash but Raven and Johannes dominate from pillar to post and pick up the convincing win after Raven hits a Raven Effect on Chuck. Vlad Tepes Vampore joins Raven and Johannes in the ring after the victory and escorts them to the back.


Johannes & Raven via Pinfall 7:54

Rating: D+




Backstage, we see The Hurricane with Stacy Keibler. Hurricane tells Stacy he's heard rumours that his secret identity is being questioned by someone on Nitro. Stacy tells Hurricane that she's heard the rumour to and thinks Hurricane is Rico in real life. Hurricane gives Keibler a funny look before flying of in superhero style.


Rating: B-




Elix Skipper vs Lance Storm

An open match with Elix Skipper making another impressive outing on Nitro in his early days with the company. Lance Storm shows too much experience and catches Skipper on the tope rope delivering a Superplex. Storm follows up with with a Straightshooter and Skipper taps.


L.Storm via Pinfall 6:19

Rating: C-




Stacy Keibler runs and catches Ric Flair just as he's about to exit a limo to leave the arena. She asks Flair about his recent feud with The Undertaker and questions if the two legends have finally settled the score. Flair grabs the microphone from Keibler's hand and tells her and the viewers The Undertaker is pyschotic and that their feud should have ended at Wrestlemania but Taker is obsessed with destroying everything WCW and The Nature Boy represents that more then anyone. Flair tells The Undertaker if he wants to continue to stalk him he'll be forced to "take it to the next level". Flair lets out a huge "Whooooooooo...." before opening his limousine door and getting in the back. The camera pans to the front of the limo and the drivers window rolls down..... it's The Undertaker in the drivers seat!




Taker gets out of the vehicle and grabs a brick from the passenger seat, he wedges it on the accelerator pedal and the limo launches into full speed at a brick wall. The Undertaker watches on in pride as the limo with Flair in the back goes smashing into the parking lot wall, bursting into flames on impact and shattering the front end of the vehicle clean off. Arena staff and emergency crews rush to the scene as calls of "We need an ambulence here right now!" are heard.


Rating: B+




Jamie Noble vs Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio and Jamie Noble continue to punch above their weight in a showcase of cruiserweight innovation on Nitro. An open bout with a blinding pace both guys throw everything at eachother. Noble goes to

put an end to the match nailing Mysterio with a fireman's carry double knee gutbuster for a close two count. Noble stays on the attack and locks in a dragon sleeper with a bodyscissors, Rey works his way out

of the hold but Noble connects with a Leg Lariat. Noble climbs the top rope and goes for a Diving leg drop but Rey moves and avoids the attack, Noble quickly goes for a wheelbarrow bodyscissors but Mysterio

counters into an inverted headscissors takedown. Mysterio in rapid succession hits a running crossbody, springboard into a seated senton, bulldog and a West Coast Pop for the clean win.


Mysterio via Pinfall 7:24

Rating: B-




Eddie Guerrero is backstage with a worried look on his face in anticipation of his upcoming match with Goldberg. Torrie Wilson attempts an interview with him, Eddie tells her he's about to main event Nitro and make history by ending Goldberg's WWF winning streak. Guerrero goes on to tell Torrie Goldberg may be "The Animal" but animals are stupid and easily outsmarted. Eddie smirks and ends the interview with Torrie by giving her a cheeky slap on the butt.


Rating: B-




Eddie Guerrero vs Goldberg

An ope match throughout Eddie takes the early advantage outwitting Goldberg suckering him into a feats of strength and hitting a low blow. Goldberg makes a small comeback late and goes for a scoop powerslam

but Eddie wriggles out and sends Goldberg crashing into referee Nick Patrick knocking him out. Within seconds Edge is storming to the ring, he launches with a Spear on Goldberg and connects. He squares off with Eddie but tells him his beef is with Goldberg and rolls out of the ring. Guerrero shrugs and makes the cover while waking the ref, Patrick comes to and makes the count 1, 2... Goldberg kicks out! Edge is on the outside with a look of disbelief and Eddie mocks him not being able to do enough damage to finish Goldberg. Guerrero tells Edge "I'll show you how it's done" and climbs the turnbuckles. Eddie looks to launch with a Frog Splash but Goldberg is making his way to his feet. Guerrero thinks about climbing down but stays up and waits for Goldberg to turn around, he does and Eddie launches into a crossbody.... Goldberg meets him halfway and connects with a Spear out of nowhere! Patrick makes the cover 1, 2, 3 Goldberg with another impressive victory to finish Nitro.


Goldberg via Pinfall 15:01

Rating: B-





Goldberg stands over Eddie and lets out a growl while stomping into his signature stance. He slowly turns his head to look at Edge still looking on in horror from the outside. Goldberg tells Edge to bring it and Edge replies with the same taunt. Goldberg wastes no time and bolts out of the ring for his current rival, Edge takes the time to grab a chair and meets him with a shot to the head. Edge continues the assault and goes to work on Goldberg with the steel chair working over his ribs until security rushes to ringside and puts an end to the beatdown.


Rating: A




Hulk Hogan, accompanied by his nWo stable members Big Show, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and X-Pac make their way to the ring. Hogan hypes the group once again as taking over over Nitro, he warns they'll be adding yet another member soon puts the whole roster on notice to stay out of their way. Hogan taunts The Undertaker as the #1 contender noting the Deadman left the arena early tonight to "fight some 10 year old vendetta" instead of concentrating on his match at the Bash at the Beach in 3 weeks. Hogan grabs his WCW World Heavyweight Title and requests the black spraypaint. X-Pac hands him the can and Hogan sprays the nWo logo on the belt almost 6 years after the first time he vandalised the title in the same manner. The nWo form their hand symbol in the ring as Nitro goes off the air.


Rating: A



Quick Results


Chavo def AJ Styles D

Kanyon def Credible C-

Vampore def Flair C

T.Hart def British Bulldog D-

Johannes & Raven def Billy & Chuck D+

L.Storm def Skipper C-

Mysterio def Noble B-

Goldberg def Eddie Guerrero B-


Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_b-.jpg


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Friday 7 June, 2002



The fallout from the Triple H scandal is still apparent a week after the event and I have a feeling for a while longer. Word on the grapevine has it he and Jeff Jarrett have struck up an unlikely friendship after Jarrett made a phone call to Hunter reaching out after he saw the screwjob Vince laid on him last week. Those two will make an interesting pair if that friendship blossoms.


This week saw the most drama I've seen backstage since joining, Vince warned me my easy going attitude would be a sign of weakness some guys would exploit but I think a few more things are at play with some of the incidents that took place.


Steve Austin played a prank on Tim White backstage during RAW monday night. Stone Cold was waiting for him behind the curtain after Tim has just called the Chris Jericho vs Matt Hardy match. Austin told White Matt Hardy was supposed to go over not Jericho, he'd messed up the whole KOTR Tounrament and that Vince is furious and wanted to see him in his office right away. Poor Tim thought he'd lost his job and faced up to Dad begging for forgivness. Everyone had a good laugh after it all but it was up to me to discipline Steve and let him know he can't behave like that. I gave him a slap on the wrist and he took it well but made it clear he didn't know what all the fuss was about.


Watching RAW live from the Gorilla position it was obvious a gimmick change is in order for Kane, his character seems to have grown stale with the fans.


The last show before the brands KOTR PPV was strong and we have high hopes for the show this Sunday.



Nitro struggled again with a B- rated show headlined by Eddie Guerrero vs Goldberg. Goldberg is ring rusty and still adapting to the WWF style but his performances need to change if he's to hold on to a

main event position.


Hall left early from the Nitro tapings in his first display of disobedience since I've taken over. I don't think it's a coincidence it comes less then a week after Hunter was fired. Hall and I haven't spoken since I confronted him about stealing my DNA for Triple H and the tension when we're in a room together can be cut with a knife. I called him on his cell phone when I heard he'd left the arena and gave him a stern warning, he replied "Yeah, Whatever" and hung up on me. I swear I heard Hunter laughing in the background. It looks like working with Scott from here on in is going to be somewhat of a challenge.



Vince and I had a meeting with Mexican TV network Telemundo and they've agreed to air RAW on Thursday nights in the late evening. The first show had a promising rating for that region...



RAW on Spike 4.89 +

RAW on TSN 1.32 -

RAW on Sky Sports 1.28 +

RAW on Telemundo 0.41

Nitro on UPN 3.47 -

Nitro on Sky Sports 1.19 +

Nitro on The Score 0.96 -

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Sunday, Week 1, June 2002

King of the Ring

Live on PPV @ Palace at Auburn Hills

Attendance: 30,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler





The RAW PPV opens with a close up shot of the KOTR trophy, the camera zooms out and the pyro ignites, lighting up the arena. A vignette is played over the Titantrons hyping the history of the KOTR tournament. The package shows all of the KOTR winners of the past to the PPV's theme song...


"Defy You" by The Offspring.



Rating: B





KOTR Semi Final

Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam

Expectations for a great bout quickly dissipate after the initial lockup shows these two guys just don't click. The match goes long and stays an open affair before Jericho takes the advantage using a low blow. He goes to lock in the Walls of Jericho but RVD counters and connects with a DDT. He bounces quickly to the top rope and launches into a Five Star Frog Splash nailing Jericho in the ribs and hurting himself in the process. RVD makes the cover and picks up the clean win to advance to the KOTR final later tonight.


RVD via Pinfall 16:46

Rating: C+




Jericho recovers from the pinfall and looks furious, he runs after RVD and catches him making his way to the back on the ramp. Y2J hoists up Van Dam and drops him rib first onto the guardrail leaving him reeling in pain. Jericho continues his assualt on RVD's mid section locking in The Walls until RAW security rush from behind the curtain to put an end to the beatdown. Jim Ross and Lawler point out RVD has the final of the KOTR tournament to particpate in tonight and looks like he's already fought a war with his ribs surely in bad shape after the onslaught from Jericho.


Rating: B




A short video package is shown hyping Brock Lesnar's path of destruction since his arrival in the WWF.


Rating: B-





KOTR Semi Final

Brock Lesnar vs Christian

The announcers do a great job of getting Lesnar over as a monster controlled by Heyman detailing their partnership on RAW over the past two months. Christian gets in most of his big offensive moves but they're to little or no effect and he's unable to knock Lesnar off his feet. Brock counters an Unprettier into a russian legsweep and follows up with a belly to belly suplex sending Christian flying halfway across the ring. Lesnar picks up Christian and delivers a Double Powerbomb for a decisive victory and a spot in the KOTR Final against RVD.


Lesnar via Pinfall 11:08

Rating: C+




Kurt Angle is backstage with Howard Finkel, Angle cuts a promo hyping tonights main event and promises he will walk away the WWF World Heavyweight Champion.


Rating: A




No DQ match

Ken Shamrock vs Mike AWesome

JR and King recap Shamrock and Awesome's match last week on RAW leading up to the bout being made into No DQ. Mike Awesome makes his entrance first and comes out wielding a steel chair, Shamrock is next out and is laughing at Awesome as he approaches the ring taunting him to drop his weapon. Awesome complies and throws the chair to the ground, Shamrock rushes the ring straight away but he's met with stiff boots and the match is underway. Awesome controls for the most part until Shamrock makes a late comeback connecting with a superkick, he stays on the attack and nails Awesome with a side belly to belly suplex onto the steel chair left discarded at the start of the bout. Shamrock makes the cover but Awesome kicks out at 2, in rage Shamrock picks up the chair and starts unloading on Awesome's ankle. Referee Tim White can only stand by and watch as JR goes over the rules of the match to make clear to the viewers what they're seeing is legal. Shamrock finishes his attack on Awesome's right ankle and wastes no time locking in his Ankle Lock forcing the tap and picking up the win.


Shamrock via Submission 10:44

Rating: C-




Backstage, Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner are in their locker room, the two brothers are discussing their match with The Hardy Boyz next. They finish putting on their gear and stand up to leave, Scott tells Rick to make sure he pulls his weight out there before exiting the room.


Rating: B-




WWF Tag Title Tournament Semi Final

The Hardy Boyz vs The Steiner Brothers

The RAW announce team do a great job of hyping the first time encounter between these two decorated tag teams. An open encounter both teams hit their signature moves for near falls before Scott takes control late hitting Jeff Hardy with a belly to belly. He tags into Rick who sets up Jeff for a Steiner Driver but it's countered and Jeff makes the hot tag to his brother. Matt goes on a frenzied attack and lands a Twist of Fate on Rick Steiner but Scott breaks the pin at 2. Referee Tim White orders Scott out of the ring and while he's distracted Jeff and Matt double team Rick connecting with a Poetry in Motion. Matt then follows up with another Twist of Fate and Jeff lands a Swanton Bomb. Tim White turns back around after threatening Scott Steiner with a DQ and makes the 3 count on Rick. Scott Steiner leaves his brother

in disgust laid out in the ring walking to the back solo.


Hardy Boyz via Pinfall 13:06

Rating: B-




Steve Austin cuts a promo hyping the three way match for the WWF World Heayweight Title later tonight. He promises Angle and The Rock the fight of their life.


Rating: B+




Boiler Room Brawl

Goldust vs Kane

The camera pans the arena boileroom revealing nothing but a dark damp empty environment. Kane appears out of nowhere and starts calling for Goldust with his throatthroat microphone, JR takes a moment to point

out Goldust is right at home in the boileroom having spent the better part of the last few months lurking around in them for some reason. Goldust appears in full flight launching at Kane from a small ledge swinging a fire extinguisher. He connects with a hard shot to the head of Kane and sends the Big Red Machine flying and smashing into a wall before dropping into a heap. Goldust pounces and makes a quick tag but Kane kicks out at two and Goldust freaks out and runs away hiding in the shadows. The brawl continues in a cat and mouse like manner until Kane finally catches Goldust and nails him with a Chokeslam onto the concrete making the cover for the clean win.


Kane via Pinfall 12:06

Rating: B-




Kevin Nash & Scott Hall are backstage being interviewed by Howard Finkel about their WWF Tag Title Tournament match against The APA next up. The former Kliq members taunt Bradshaw and Farooq and laugh them

off as a serious threat.


Rating: C+




WWF Tag Title Tournament Quarter Final

The APA vs The Outsiders

An open encounter from these two storied tag teams, Bradshaw and Farooq dominate for the most part before The Outsiders take the late advantage with Hall connecting with a Razor's Edge on Farooq. Hall makes the cover but Farooq kicks out at a close two and Hall is left furious at the close call following his finisher. He tags out to Nash but Farooq manages to make a hot tag to Bradshaw at the same time and meets Nash with a Clothesline From Hell. Bradshaw makes the cover but Hall pulls him off at a one count and takes Earl Hebner's attention away allowing Nash to nail Bradshaw with a low blow. Farooq enters the ring in protest and Hall charges him taking him over the top rope both crashing on the outside. Nash sets up Bradshaw for a Jacknife Powerbomb and lands it, 1, 2, 3! The Outsiders advance to the WWF Tag Title Tournament Semi-Final.


Outsiders via Pinfall 12:59

Rating: B-





Paul Heyman is in the ring and demands the crowd's attention. He goes on a rant about his client Brock Lesnar and the freakish talent he posesses. He warns RVD that their next match is Brock's first night to make history and he won't hesitate to instruct his "Monster" to destroy Van Dam in anyway he sees fit. Heyman briefly mentions his past with RVD and that he couldn't have asked for a better opponent for Brock to face in the KOTR Final, noting he knows every strength and weakness Van Dam has.





Rating: B+





KOTR Tounament Final

Brock Lesnar vs Rob Van Dam

Insiders were expecting alot from these two guys dubbed the "Future Stars of the WWF" and they exceeded everyones expectations. A fast paced exchange to start RVD lands a flurry of kicks on Lesnar but he shakes the blows off and rams his shoulder into RVD's gut in the corner. The bout flows back and forth with Lesnar holding most of the advantage with Van Dam making small comeback in between. Late in the match Lesnar slams RVD with a powerful suplex and follows with a back breaker. RVD kicks out of a close two count and strikes back with a couple of kicks followed by Rolling Thunder. Van Dam bounces to the top rope launches with his Five-Star Frog Splash.... he nails it! RVD goes to make the cover but Heyman trips him from the outside giving Brock time to recover. RVD goes for a springboard lateral press and connects, the former ECW World Champion stays on the attack landing a windmill kick and heading to the top rope for another Five Star Frog Splash. Van Dam launches but Brock catches him in midair and whirls off the

F5!. Lesnar makes the cover at Heymans instructions 1, 2, 3! Brock Lesnar becomes the 2002 King of the Ring!


There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little.


Lesnar via Pinfall 16:02

To win the 2002 KOTR

Rating: B+




The Rock is backstage and cuts a promo on Kurt Angle and Stone Cold Steve Austin hyping their upcoming Triple Threat Match for his WWF World Heavyweight Title.


Rating: A*




A vignette airs hyping the recent 3 way Angle, Austin, Rock feud including shots of the three men and the havoc they've reached on eachother over the past 3 months.


Rating: B+




Triple Threat Match

WWF World Heavyweight Championship

Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock©

The crowd lifts as soon as the first competitor Stone Cold Steve Austin's music hits, it sets the tone for a highly anticipated bout. All men are out and referee Earl Hebner calls for the bell to start the match.Stone Cold and The Rock go face to face straight away picking up their legendary rivalry right where it left off. Kurt Angle looks on in frustration and begs for some attention... Austin and Rock turn and beat down Angle together in a rare display of unity. They waste no time turning their attention back to eachother though and their brawl sends them spilling to the outside. Austin sends Rock flying shoulder first into the corner ringpost and slides back in the ring to face Angle. Kurt was playing possum and jumps up from the ground catching Austin delivering a series of suplexes. Stone Cold counters with a DDT that manages a two-count before Rock comes to on the outside and enters back into the fray.


Austin stays in control though clotheslining Angle and nailing Rock with a delayed spinebuster, he goes for the cover but Rock kicks out at two. Rock makes a comeback and hits Austin with a Stunner! Rock makes the cover but Angle breaks up the pin that JR sells would've likely regained The Rock his title. The Rock retaliates on Angle by latching on the ankle lock... Angle reverses the move and connects with a Rock Bottom on the People's Champion! Angle makes the pin but Austin is back up and breaks the attempt, Stone Cold turns his attention to Angle with Rock laid out now. Angle forces Austin into a grapple sending him off the ropes, Austin bounces back and lands a Thesz press before unloading with stiff left and rights.


The three way brawl continues with each superstar going move for move before Rock looks to finish it again late in the piece. With Austin out from a huge german suplex delivered by Angle Rock is on a roll and connects with a spinebuster on Kurt and locks in his sharpshooter! Angle tries to reach the ropes but can't, he tries to counter but Rock clamps the hold on even harder.... Kurt looks like he's about to tap.... Stone Cold is up and breaks the submission. Austin gets the better of a short exchange with The Rock and nails him with a Stunner! Stone Cold makes the cover on Rock but Angle races over and pulls him off at the same time applying an Ankle Lock! Austin is delirious with pain, but manages to counter and lock on a cobra clutch. Angle only spends seconds in the hold quickly showing his Olympic pedigree and reversing it into a triangle choke! It looks like Austin is about to pass out but Rock breaks Angle's hold only to find himself caught in the ankle lock himself though! Rock escapes from the hold and watches as Austin delivers a Stunner on Angle from nowhere! Rock hits a Rock Bottom on Stone Cold and makes a slow cover.... 1, 2, Austin kicks out! Angle is back up and whirls Rock up into the Angle Slam and connects sending The People's Champion rolling out of the ring from the impact. Angle drags Austin too his feet and delivers another devastating Angle Slam, Kurt makes the cover but Stone Cold kicks at just before Hebner calls 3! Angle know in a rage drags Austin too his feet once again, Kurt tells Hebner Rock is calling for assistance on the outside leaving him a few seconds to grab one of his gold medals from his tights. Angle nails Austin with the medal and lifts him straight up into yet another Angle Slam! Rock gets too his feet on the outside and can only look on as Hebner finishes his 3 count and awards the match and WWF World Heavyweight Title to Angle.


Angle via Pinfall 24:27

To win the WWF World Heavyweight Championship

Rating: B+



Quick Results

Albert def Hardcore Holly C-

Rikishi def D'Lo Brown D+

RVD def Jericho KOTR Semi-Final C+

Lesnar def Christian KOTR Semi-Final C+

Shamrock def Awesome C-

Hardy Boyz def Steiner Brothers B-

Kane def Goldust B-

The Outsiders def The APA B-

Brock Lesnar def RVD KOTR Final B+

Kurt Angle def The Rock & Stone Cold for the WWF World Heavyweight Title B+


Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_a-2.jpg


Buy Rate 9.18 (459,000 Buys)


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Prediction Results

Sean Thomas Jolly 5/8

Pate 7/8



Overall Rankings

Pate 15/16 94%

FinalCountdown 12/15 80%

Astyn 5/7 71%

Sean Thomas Jolly 5/8 63%


Pate was starting to make me think he had access my notepad folder :p

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Raw Preview

Week 2 June 2002


WWF Intercontinental Championship

Brock Lesnar vs Rob Van Dam

(A KOTR Final replay this time with Van Dam's IC Title on the line against Lesnar's seemingly unstoppable winning streak)


Chris Jericho vs Christian


Ken Shamrock vs D'Lo Brown


K-1(Low Ki) vs Maven


Albert vs William Regal


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Monday Week 2, June 2002

RAW live @ UNI-Dome, Cedar Falls, Iowa

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler





Dark Match

Candido vs Funaki

Candido continues his rise working the lower card and going over Fanuki after a Blonde Bombshell. Mr. Perfect did some good work at ringside and helped

the match.


Candido via Pinfall 6:49

Rating: D



Dark Match

Mr. Perfect vs RP Gee

RP Gee excites the crowd in an open bout. Hennig's experience is the difference though, he reverses a Bunker Buster into Perfect-Plex for the flashpin.


Mr Perfect via Pinfall 8:23

Rating: D+





RAW starts with a video montage of last night's KOTR PPV. The first part shows the progression of the KOTR Tournament and the Final between RVD &

Brock Lesnar. The second part hypes the main event Triple Threat Match that saw Angle defeat Stone Cold & The Rock. The video fades to black and

The Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle's music hits. Kurt makes his way to the ring with his newly won WWF World Heavyweight Title hanging off his shoulder. Angle takes up a mic and proceeds to hype his new reign as the champ. He starts to run down his list of accomplishments before mentioning the "Whole damn night" should be dedicated to his athletic feats. He declares tonight's RAW as "Kurt Angle Appreciation night" and that all of his previous

accomplishments will be on display for the viewers and live crowd.


Rating: A





WWF European Championship

Albert vs William Regal©

A great brawl from these two WWF mainstays, Albert takes control late hitting a nasty looking sideslam. Regal counters a Derailer and connects with a

running bulldog. He mounts Albert and locks in a Regal Stretch using the ropes to enhance the hold without referee Tim White being able to see.

Albert quickly realises there's no escape and taps out giving Regal the tainted win.


Regal via Pinfall 11:24

Regal makes the 3rd defence of his WWF European title

Rating: C+





Vince McMahon is backstage in his office with Kurt Angle...


Vince: You know Kurt...


Angle: It's Champ Mr McMahon...


Vince: Ahh...


Angle: You said you'd call me "Champ" if I won the title...


Kurt lowers the WWF World Heavyweight strap from his shoulder and gives it a pat


Angle: well I won the title.


Vince: Yes, yes you did Kurt congratulations again. Now about your Accumulation night...


Angle: It's Appreciation night.


Vince: Yes well I think it would've been a good idea to run something like that past me. You may be the... ahh... Champ, but I still run this God damn asylum you got that?


Angle: Ahh yes Sir, Mr McMahon. I thought you'd like the idea, you know I'm your most loyal soldier in times like these. What better way to show the other side what they're up against if they think they're going to try any funny business huh.


Vince: I like the way you're thinking Kurt, at least someone around here is taking this threat seriously. Just in the future, any nights of "Appreciation" or "Accumulation" run by ok.


Angle: You got it boss, I gotta run. They're expecting me in wardrobe!


Vince: Wardrobe?


An excited Kurt rushes out of the room leaving Vince to ponder what his new heavyweight champ has planned


Rating: A




K-1 vs Maven

K-1 enters to the song "Ether" by Nas, JR and Jerry Lawler do another great job getting over a debut wrestler on RAW. They hype K-1 as a new breed

style worker with little known about his personal background. The RAW youngster dominates Maven finishing with an AK-47 for a decisive victory.


K-1 via Pinfall 6:09

Rating: D




Paul Heyman is in the ring and demands the crowd's attention. He hypes his client Brock Lesnar's 2002 KOTR win at last nights PPV and his continued

dominance in the WWF. He tells RVD Lesnar took the KOTR crown from him last night and tonight he wants the other crown challenging Van Dam for his WWF IC Title. RVD comes out and accepts the challenge for tonight setting up the main event and a 2002 KOTR Final replay.


Rating: B




A video package is played for "Kurt Angle Appreciation Night". The vignette shows Angle's Olympic gold medal win in '96 at Atlanta and his subsequent

start in pro wrestling.


Rating: B+




D'Lo Brown vs Ken Shamrock

D'Lo starts the match with loads of energy moving quickly around the ring escaping any hold Shamrock attempts to apply. D'Lo control of the match

late luring Shamrock to the outside and using the guardrail to attack the ribs. Back in the ring Brown hits a Shining Impact and heads to the top rope

setting up for a Lo Down. D'Lo signals to the crowd he's about to launch but Shamrock is up and delivers a belly to belly off the top rope sending D'Lo

more then halfway across the ring. Shamrock makes the cover and takes the win in impressive style.


Shamrock via Pinfall 9:24

Rating: C




A video package is played for "Kurt Angle Appreciation Night". The vignette shows Angle's debut in the WWF and his list of accomplishments following

including his WWF European, Intercontinental & World Heavyweight Title reigns.


Rating: B+




Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring and cuts a promo on Christian hyping the recent feud between the two. He tells Christian they didn't meet as

expected in the KOTR Final at last nights PPV but if Christian has the balls to accept a challenge right now right here tonight. Christian comes out and accepts the challenge rushing to the ring as the bell sounds starting the match.


Rating: B-




Chris Jericho vs Christian

Christian slides into the ring but he's met with some vicious stomps from Y2J who takes the match to the ground slowing down to a grinding pace. Christian makes a late comeback but Jericho reverses an Unprettier into a DDT, he makes the cover but Christian kicks out at two. Jericho locks in The Walls but Christian counters and kicks him off, Christian goes for another Unprettier but Jericho reverses again and rolls him up for a cruicifix pin. Y2J manouvers his foot onto the bottom rope for leverage and steals the win from nowhere leaving Christian bewildered in the ring. Chris Jericho and Christian have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match.


Jericho via Pinfall 14:25

Rating: B-




Stone Cold Steve Austin bursts into Vince McMahon 's office sending Vince jumping out of his seat in fright. Austin slams his hand on McMahon's Vince

and demands to know why RAW has become "Kurt Angle's amatuer hour". Vince tells Stone Cold he didn't know Angle had tonight planned but Austin cuts him off barking "What". Austin warns McMahon that he doesn't care what type of "War" he's in and that Austin is going to look out for Austin and no one else just as usual. He leaves McMahon's office slamming the door on his way out and leaving his boss with a furious look on his face.


Rating: B+




A video package is played hyping the upcoming Brock Lesnar vs RVD match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship.


Rating: B





WWF Intercontinental Championship

Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs Rob Van Dam©

RVD tries to keep his ground but Lesnar bullies him into the corner early sending him crashing to the outside with a running lariat. Brock rams RVD's

back into the post outside the ring and screams in pain. Brock dominates Van Dam physically throwing him from pillar to post leaving the IC champ with

landing little to no offense. RVD eventually fights back and mounts an attack on the monster but just as he has Lesnar looking shaky on his feet Heyman grabs his leg distracting the former ECW World Champion temporarily. Brock goes for a clothesline but RVD ducks, Van Dam quickly scales the top rope and connects with a kick to the head. RVD climbs the ropes again, but Heyman grabs a hold of his leg! Brock pulls Van Dam off the ropes... But

RVD escapes and connects with another kick to the head, this time a spinning crescent. Van Dam climbs to the top rope yet again and delivers a Five Star Frog Splash... RVD makes the cover but Paul Heyman crawls into the ring and breaks up the count! Referee Earl Hebner having seen enough of Heyman's shenanigans at last nights PPV and warning him before the match started about interfering disqualifies Brock Lesnar and awards the match to Rob Van Dam!


RVD via DQ 16:45

RVD makes the 5th defence of his WWF Intercontinental title

Rating: B+





RVD corners Heyman in the ring and looks to get his revenge, Lesnar is up though and grabs Van Dam from behind punching him in the back. Heyman rolls out and throws a steel chair into the ring. Lesnar gets set to deliver a chair shot but RVD surprises him with a Vandaminator! RVD chases Heyman

around the ring, and into the ring finally catching him with a spinkick. Van Dam climbs the ropes and connects with a Five Star Frog Splash on Paul

Heyman! RVD scales the turnbuckles and celebrates his win singaling to the fans....Lesnar attacks again, pulling RVD out of the ring! Brock clears the monitors from the announce table....Lesnar brutally powerbombs RVD through the RAW Spanish announce table!!!


Rating: B+




A video package is played for "Kurt Angle Appreciation Night". The vignette shows Angle's recent run as a main eventer and his victory last night at The King of the Ring PPV over two of the WWF's biggest superstars ever. The vignette goes way over the top towards the end claiming Angle "The greatest

Champion America's ever seen" after only a day as reigning champ.


Rating: B+




Kurt Angle is in the ring and continues his self promotion, he's interupted shortly into his boring speech by Vince McMahon's music. McMahon makes his

way to the ring and takes the microphone from Kurt's hands. Vince tells Angle his Appreciation Night is over and he has some news from the WWF Board

of Directors. He reveals he's just been informed one of the most powerful WWF board members is returning next week and has an announcement concerning next weeks show. The WWF board member is Linda McMahon and she has scheduled next weeks RAW to take place in Tokyo, Japan! The RAW episode will take place live as usual but to mark the event WWF World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle will face Japanese legend Mitsuharu Misawa with a special FIFA 2002 World Cup player from a neutral nation officiating the bout!


Angle tells Vince he's wrestled Russians, Serbians and Iranians and that he's not scared of some Japanese karate kid laughing off the threat. Kurt asks

Vince if he can continue his Appreciation Night now and not to worry, Kurt begins to introduce another video package this time claiming it contains home video footage of his training and eating regime and also the 17 different reasons he recently cut his hair. Just as he goes to play the vignette on the Titantrons Stone Cold's music hits and Austin makes his way to the ring. The Texas Rattlesnake grabs a mic of his own and stands facing Vince and Kurt in the middle of the ring.




Austin: I heard it was Kurt Angle Appreciation Night. I heard that and I thought I better bring my ass out here and appreciate, Kurt I appreciate you.


Angle: Well thanks Steve, I appreciate you to.


Austin: What?


Angle: I said I appreciate you.


Austin: What?


Angle: I said...


Austin: You appreciate me?


Angle: Well... yeah... I guess....


Austin: You appreciate Stone Cold?


Angle: I do Steve, I respect you!


Austin: What?


Angle: I said I respect...


Austin: You respect me?


Angle looks at Vince to tame the wild Stone Cold glaring at him eyeball to eyeball


Austin: Why you lookin at him for? He gonna help ya? He ya daddy?


Angle: No he's no...


Austin: He's not your Daddy? he sure don't look like your momma!


Vince: Steve what the hell are you doing! What do you want?


Austin: What?


Vince stomps his feet in frustration


Austin: You wanna know what I'm doin? You wanna know why I'm out here? You wanna know why Stone Cold is in your ring?


Vince: Yes god damn it!


Austin: To drink beer.


Stone Cold catches three beers from the outside and gives McMahon and Kurt one each. Vince looks like he's seen a ghost as Austin hands him his can

Austin: Are you gonna drink with Stone Cold?


Angle: Well Steve, I appreciate it but I don't really drink....


Austin: So you appreciate me but not enough to drink with me? Is that what you're saying?


Angle: Well no... I...


Austin: It sounds like that's what you're saying.


Angle: It's not, it's not... I'll have a drink with you, gimme that thing!


Kurt grabs the can and looks at Vince for reassurance, McMahon gives him an unconvincing thumbs up to drink. Angle takes a swig from the beer and just as

his lips hit the can Vince is already rolling out of the ring.... He's been around long enough to know what was coming.... Stunner on Angle! Austin grabs Angle's WWF World Title and drapes it over his unconscious body pooring beer all over both of them. JR and King go crazy over the end to the show and hype next weeks episode in Japan as RAW goes off the air.



Rating: A*


Quick Results


Candido def Funaki D

Mr Perfect def RP Gee D+

Regal def Albert C+

K-1 def Maven D

Shamrock def D'Lo C

Jericho def Christian B-

RVD def Lesnar to retain the WWF IC Title B+


Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_bplus-1.jpg



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Nitro Preview

Week 2 June 2002


Biker Chain Match

Diamond Dallas Page vs The Undertaker



WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final

Harlem Heat vs L.O.D



Kanyon vs Rick Steiner


Rey Mysterio vs Psicosis


Elix Skipper vs Test


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

The Hurricane vs X-Pac


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Tuesday Week 2, June 2002

Nitro Taped for TV @ Cox Arena San Diego, California

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes & Taz






Dark Match

Hugh Morrus vs Saturn

Perry Saturn's first match under his new name, just Saturn, since being recruited into The Flock. He dominates Morrus and finishes with his new signature move "The Black Hole" a scissored armbar for the convincing win.


Saturn via Submission 6:22

Rating: D-



Dark Match

Billy Kidman vs Chavo Guerrero

Billy Kidman evens the scores after Chavo picking up a win between the two only weeks ago. Kidman finishes with a Shooting Star Press for the win.


Kidman via Pinfall 7:12

Rating: D+





The Nitro arena explodes with pyro as the camera pans the sell out crowd before zooming into the announce team of Tenay, Dusty and Taz. They briefly run down last weeks event including the nWo's continuing growth in power. They are interupted by going ons backstage, the nWo are arriving via a limousine and the attention shifts to them. X-Pac steps out of the limo first, followed by Big Show, Hall, and Nash. Finally Hollywood Hulk Hogan slowly steps out clutching the WCW World Heavyweight Title still brandishing the black nWo paint applied by Hogan last week. The gang strut backstage to one of the lockerooms and set up office inside, kicking out Justin Credible and Rico in the process. Hogan sits back on a chair and relaxes telling his stable members he'll be taking the night off and to take care of The Undertaker if he tries to cause any problems. The nWo crew all leave with their orders in place, Hogan stops Big Show and tells him to stay behind as protection, Hall, Nash and X-Pac leave to take care of business for the night.


Rating: A





WCW Cruiserweight Championship

The Hurricane vs X-Pac

The third match and best so far in the feud which has pitted the top two rated cruiserweights on Nitro. Another open match X-Pac hits a Bronco Buster late on Hurricane and has the advantage. Pac goes for an X-Factor but Hurricane counters and lifts him up for Hurrichokeslam... he connects and makes the cover... X-Pac lifts a foot onto the bottom rope and breaks the count at a close two. Hurricane scales the ropes and looks to launch into a flying crossbody but X-Pac is back up onto his knees and begging for mercy. He's claiming his back is hurt badly from the Hurrichokeslam and he needs a doctor... Hurricane slowly climbs down from the top rope looking for referee Nick Patrick to end the match. Patrick looks to X-Pac and asks if he wants to throw in the towel.... Pac shakes his head "No!" and nails Hurricane with an X–Factor. Pac quickly climbs to the top and lands a Moonsault, he makes the cover but Hurricane kicks out at two! X-Pac quickly locks in a Buzzkill (crossface chickenwing)... Hurricane struggles to counter the hold but has no choice but to tap or risk serious injury. X-Pac steals the submission victory leaving this feud 2-1 in his favour but far from resolved.


X-Pac via Submission 13:23

X-Pac makes the 2nd defence of his WCW Cruiserweight title.

Rating: B-





The lights in the Cox Arena turn off and leave the sell out crowd in pitch black darkness. A familiar single drum beat thunders over the speakers....


Dusty: That can't be!


Taz: It is!


Tenay: Well that's The Undertaker's music alright but his old music... his...


Dusty: His Deadman music Tenay, say it!


Tenay: Well I tell you folks it's the first time I've ever heard it live and it's sending a shiver up my spine. The Undertaker is scheduled to fight tonight but not until later in the evening in the main event. This entrance was not expected...


Dusty: Well that's not The Undertaker Tenay! It's that sniveling warthog Paul Bearer! This guy always did freak me out, he's a little more then... creepy... if you will.


Tenay: The former manager and even power keeper of The Undertaker, Paul Bearer!


Taz: What's Paul Bearer doing here on Nitro?


Tenay: I don't know Taz but I have a feeling we're going to find out.... right after this short break.....



The Undertakers "Deadman" theme music which hasn't been heard in the WWF in over 2 years draws to a fade as Paul Bearer enters the ring...



Paul Bearer: Undertakerrrrrrrrrrrrr! My Undertakerrrrrrrr!!! Heed my warning.... You've unlocked demons better left untouched! I see darkness for you my Son... I see graveyards, I see mortal beings fallen at the wrath of such power you have brought to pass. A wicked spirit seeks vengeance on your soul! Whatever sin you bare I hold no prejudice, I ask not of you for redemption but for salvation!!! Listen to my call child.... Flee while you can and ordain your mortality for the storm I see coming... will spell... your end!


Dusty: Like I said Tenay.... Just plain creepy... little odd man unsettles me.


Rating: B




Elix Skipper vs Test

Test laughs off Skipper as a threat and starts the match with one hand behind his back taunting his much smaller opponent. Elix takes the oppurtunity and unloads with a flurry of offense but Test catches him with a stiff big boot and finishes the job delivering a Pumphandle Slam for a decisive win.


Test via Pinfall 4:11

Rating: D+




Backstage, Raven is standing in a dark room with his newly recruited stable members "High Chief" Johannes Toupu, Saturn and Vlad Tepes Vampore. He looks eerily into the camera and quotes yet another poem adressed to his newest target.....


I stood before the dawn, Started new brood for season

Summoned creatures of spawn, For now I have reason

Yet still we are partial, Still we are near

Reckoning comes closer, Restrained by our peer

One more chosen will, Entire will we be

Seen this soul of past, Mortis I plea with yee


Rating: C




Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio

A better then expected outing from these two luchas, Mysterio continues his run of great matches taking the win using a West Coast Pop in a bout that worked the crowd well.


Mysterio via Pinfall 5:39

Rating: C+




A video package is played showing the recent events that have transpired involving brothers Rick and Scott Steiner. The vignette shows their legendary tag team history including their recent return and run in the WWF Tag Team Title Tournament. The package takes a slow somber tone displaying Scott walking out on brother Rick at the KOTR PPV match and their subsequent loss and exit from the tag title tournament. The announcers add that it's not the first time Scott has turned on his brother Rick in such a way reminding viewers of their rocky past together.


Rating: B-




Kanyon vs Rick Steiner

Steiner comes to the ring with the announce team noting how down he looks as a result of his recent turmoil. The match begins to an open exchange of punches as Raven makes his way down the ramp to take a place at ringside, The Flock leader takes a chair and seats himself next to the announce table.


Tenay: Well Raven seems to have joined us right here at ringside folks and looks to be enjoying this match with the rest of us.


Taz: I don't know about enjoying Tenay, I've seen that look in Raven's eyes and I can tell you he's not here for pleasure!


Tenay: Well I couldn't quite understand what that poem he read before meant but I think it eluded to one more wrestler being required to do whatever it is The Flock does?


Taz: The last line was "Mortis I plea with yee" Tenay. They don't call you "The Professor" for notin' huh.


Tenay: Mortis! Well folks for those of you at home who don't know... or like me couldn't figure out that little riddle.... Mortis is Kanyon's alter ego shall we put it. Mortis was once a member of The Flock and Raven must be looking to lure the "Pit Fighter" back into his midst.


Raven distracts Kanyon the entire match on the outside keeping him constantly checking over his shoulder. Steiner takes the advantage late and hits a running bulldog followed by a Steiner Driver, he makes the cover but Scott Steiner is running out! Scott slides into the ring and starts unloading on his brother Rick. Referee Charles Robinson calls for the bell throwing the match out and awarding Rick Steiner the cheap victory.


R.Steiner via DQ 10:31

Rating: C-





The bell rings continually but Scott Steiner is relentless in his vicious attack on brother Rick. He looks like he's finished after delivering a Steiner Recliner but he only jumps to the outside to grab a chair. Big Poppa Pump nails Rick Steiner with the steel chair repeatedly until security is forced to intervene rushing from the back.


Rating: B-




Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler are backstage, the two divas are arguing about who is the best interviwer on Nitro and deserves the best interviews. Tajiri interupts them both and tells them to put some clothes on which gives them both the idea to have a "Pose Off" on next weeks show to determine who the best interviewer is.


Rating: C+




Edge bursts into Eric Bischoff 's office and demands to face Goldberg, Eric points out to Edge he's already fought Goldberg twice and lost on both occasions. Edge pulls out some of his hair and screams at Bischoff claiming both times he was robbed. The first time by the people of Charlotte who were so stupidly excited to see their hero Goldberg return and the second most recent by Big Show who stole his thunder by debuting during his rematch with Goldberg and costing him the bout. Bischoff agrees that the matchup between the two does deserve a clear conclusion and tells Edge they will have it at the Bash at the Beach PPV on June 30 in a Last Man Standing Match! Edge smiles with a crazed look in his eye and thanks Bishcoff quickly leaving the office.


Rating: B+




WWF Tag Team Title Tournament

Quarter Final

Harlem Heat vs Legion of Doom

The Nitro announce team hype the WWF Tag Team Title Tournament and the remaining participants. The hype the fact that these two legendary teams last met over 8 years ago on a WCW Nitro broadcast with L.O.D walking away victorious. Stevie Ray and Road Warrior Animal start the bout but it doesn't take long to break down into a chaotic brawl with both partners becoming involved and sparking their own struggle on the outside. Referee Charles Robinson tries to regain control of the mayhem which has become the match but misses Stevie Ray's tag in to Booker T, ordering his brother back out of the ring. Legion of Doom seize the oppurtunity and nail Stevie Ray with a Doomsday Device for the win and advance to the semi final round!


L.O.D via Pinfall 9:12

Rating: C





Tenay: Welcome back from the break folks and strap yourself in because next up is our main event of the evening. The grudge between these two men is apparent to all who have followed the WWF over the last year, tonight they look to settle the score once and for all. Eric Bischoff has been on what seems like a mission to make The Undertaker's life.... excuse the pun but hell since arriving to Nitro...


Dusty: He sure has Tenay, The big bad bikie Undertaker has been brought a little back down to Earth since coming to where the big boys play.


Taz: I don't know about that Dusty, I'd say The Undertaker has taken everything Eric Bischoff has thrown at him so far and handled it well, all while preparing for his WCW World Heavyweight Title shot against Hollywood Hulk Hogan.


Tenay: Well that's right the Bash at the Beach PPV is less then 3 weeks away and The Undertaker will get his first ever chance to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship after becoming the #1 Contender

by beating Ric Flair at The Great American Bash.


Dusty: And beat Ric Flair he did Tenay.... then beat him.... then beat him again.


Tenay: Well we have confirmed reports that Ric Flair is in a stable condition after The Undertaker's vicious suprise last week. For those of you who missed it, Taker sent The Nature Boy's limousine crashing into a concrete wall...


Dusty: Kasplat! Boy was that some impact! I don't think The Nature Boy will be ridin or proflin anytime soon after that beatdown...


Tenay: Well alot of people don't find it as amusing as you Dusty, they think Undertaker crossed a line. His vendetta against Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair and the other WCW superstars is a danger for everyone on Nitro and it has to be adressed.


Taz: Why uou gotta be such a buzz killer man? You sound like Paul Bearer! *Laughs* You want to tell The Undertaker to run away?


Tenay: Well maybe Paul Bearer knows something we don't Taz, maybe he's not a buzz killer like you put it... Maybe The Undertaker did cross a line last week, Maybe....


The Undertaker's theme music "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit hits interupting the Nitro announce teams analysis of his current "Taker vs WCW" storyline..........


Rating: B+




Biker Chain Match

Diamond Dallas Page vs The Undertaker

Undertaker makes his way to the ring as Tenay runs down the stipulations involved in the match, a chain is hung on a pole above the ring, and once it is retrieved it can be used as a legal weapon. DDP makes his entrance and has the San Diego fans behind him, he slides into the ring and enters into a tense staredown with Taker. The announcers hype the WCW vs WWF aspect of the grudge pointing out DDP will be looking to even the score for Ric Flair after Takers assault last week. The bell rings and both go at it furiously unloading with left and rights. DDP endures a series of punches from Taker, Page takes the last punch sending him over the top rope crashing to the outside. The brawl moves to the outside, Page ducks a clothesline from Taker and connects with a DDT. He taunts Taker playing up to the fans and giving them his signature diamond symbol.... just as he does The Undertaker sits up right behind him! Taker again with a clothesline this time it connects and leaves Page reeling. Taker takes Diamond Dallas Page and turns him upside down, Undertaker drops the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion head first onto the ring steps!


The Undertaker rolls a dazed Page back into the ring and applies a dragon sleeper, wrenching Page's neck in an attempt to make him submit. DDP escapes the hold and makes a comeback nailing Taker with a shoulder jawbreaker. Page makes an a bee line for the biker chain climbing the turnbuckle but the Undertaker catches him on the top rope and delivers a superplex. Taker now goes for the chain but Page catches him this time on the top rope and hits a spinning sitout powerbomb pin! Referee Nick Patrick makes the count, 1... 2... Taker kicks out! Page is in disbelief and grabs Undertaker by the hair pulling him to his feet. Page goes for a Diamond Cutter but Taker counters into a Chokeslam! Undertaker doesn't make the pin instead opting for his weapon of choice, he scales the turnbuckles and grabs the biker chain of the pole!


The Undertaker slips into assassin mode wrapping his hand in the biker chain as DDP gets to his feet still rattled from the Chokeslam. Page stands up and turns around right into a swingin right from Taker, the biker chain fist connecting right between his eyes sending his face crimson red instantly! Nick Patrick tries to check on Page asking for an end to the match but DDP is unconscious, Taker comes over the top with another hard right to the face of DDP this time while his opponent is laid out on the canvas helpless!


Tenay: Dammit this is uncalled for! The Undertaker really has gone off the deep end, what on earth is he going to do here. He knows referee Nick Patrick can't throw this match out, is has to end by either pinfall or submission.


Taz: DDP does not look fit to continue this match Tenay...


Tenay: No he doesn't Taz but I don't think The Undertaker gives a damn!



Taker takes the biker chain off his hand and wraps it around his foot, he back up into the corner lining up Page's head for a running kick with the steel chain.... The lights go off in the arena for a few seconds with a single bell tone ringing out before coming back on



Taz: What the hell???


Tenay: Well it's usually The Undertaker responsible for that phenomenon and by the look on his face he wasn't in this case!



Undertaker stands in the middle of the ring, he drops to his knees and makes the cover on Page, Nick Patrick makes the 3 count and ends it.


Taker via Pinfall 16:10

Rating: B+





Taker has his hand raised in victory and his theme song Rollin" by Limp Bizkit hits. Just as Taker puts a hand on the ropes to leave the ring a flash appears over the titantrons breaking up The Undertakers theme music and video for a few seconds before resuming as normal.


Taz: What was that?


Dusty: It looked like one of those sublibmlibal... err sublimeble...


Tenay: Subliminal message...


Dusty: I said that the first time Tenay! Whatever it was it looked familiar... I've seen it before somewhere.



Taker leaves the ring cautiously...



Rating: A





Nash, Hall & X-Pac are walking backstage, they arrive at the arena driveway and spot the awaiting nWo limousine. Out of nowhere Holly Hulk Hogan runs to the limo diving into the back seat and ordering the driver to floor it! The limo takes off burning rubber and speeds out of the building, leaving Nash, Hall and X-Pac stranded. Big Show enters the scene looking exhausted, huffing and puffing...


Big Show: Did he leave?


Nash: Yeah he did along with our ride! Show... What the hell's goin on?


Big Show: I have no idea! He just started freakin out and ran out of the room....


Hall: Wait, rewind big man. What room? freakin out when? just take it nice and slow no need to confuse yourself.


Big Show: Ummm... We were watching the end of tonights main event and everything was boss even looked like he was enjoying himeslf. The match finished and Undertaker was leaving the ring, some interuption

or something happened to Taker's music and out of nowhere boss just flipped out! He saw something... or heard something... I don't know. Whatever it was sent him in a frenzy though, all I could gather from

his rambling was he had to get the hell outta the building...


X-Pac: Did he say anything about leaving us here to waste away? How are we gonna get to the airport, that's what I wanna know.


Nash: Scotty, call another limo, Pac calm down, Show... be giant..ish.


Big Show stands back with his arms crossed and Nash, Hall and X-Pac walk a few paces away out of earshot from him...


Hall: I wonder what is in that interuption he was talkin about...


X-Pac: I saw it too, it definitely reminded me of something...


Nash: Yeah, that hollow wheeping sound I heard it. It was probably just a sound glitch or something we're just gettin paranoid because everything's becoming too easy *Laughs*


X-Pac: It made Hulk run like he'd seen his own ghost.


Nash: Yeah, well... he's a bit on edge right now with his match against The Undertaker coming up. He can be expected to be a little jumpy...


X-Pac: Whatever the hell that was it made Undertaker a little jumpy too though!


Hall: He's right Kev, Taker looked just as confused as us when we saw it. I don't think it was no sound glitch.


Nash looks frustrated at his faliure to produce a reasonable explanation for the situation...


Nash: Let's just get the hell outta here! You called that limo yet?


Hall: Yeah it should be here any...


A limousine pulls into the arena driveway and the nWo jump inside, the limo pulls away as Nitro fades to black...


Rating: A*



Quick Results


Perry Saturn def Hugh Morrus D

Kidman def Chavo Guerrero D+

X-Pac def The Hurricane B-

Test def Elix Skipper D+

Rey Mysterio def Psicosis C+

R.Steiner def Kanyon C-

L.O.D def Harlem Heat C

Undertaker def DDP B+



Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_b-2.jpg


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Chapter 6

Time to face the McMusic



Sunday 16 June, 2002



About an hour before RAW went to air Monday night we got a phone call from Dad's current wife Linda. She's been on vacation with Shane and his wife in Europe and they're finishing the trip in Singapore on business. Apparently the Asian market at the moment is booming and the WWF want to capitalise on it, I thought it a perfect time to go ahead with the idea I'd been thinking of. I've organised for next weeks RAW show to take place in Tokyo, Japan to coincide with the 2002 FIFA World Cup. It'll be a marketing coup if we can get any football stars with crossover appeal to appear on the show and we've sent feelers out to some exciting names already. Linda seemed pleased with my initiative over the phone but Vince tells me she's very different in person. He explained to me that their recent TV storyline involving the two breaking up wasn't far from reality and that they've been on rocky ground since. It looks like we've won her mind over in the battle of who she's going to believe before she even gets off the plane. She mentioned to Vince that Stephanie called her sounding deranged and that it sounds like she fell for one of his "storyline tricks". Vince laughed it off and made sure I kept to the story of my birth cirtificate being an unused prop and a kayfabe angle gone wrong. The story's gotten us this far so I'm going to stick with it, the guys tell me Shane is no dunce either though so there's one person who'll probably looking to poke holes all through the thing. Thankfully he's staying on vacation for another few months in Europe so we won't have to deal with him... for now.


In preparation for RAW's show in Japan I reached out to Pro Wrestling NOAH the countries 2nd largest promotion behind NJPW requesting we start a talent exchange program. They happily accepted and we've already made some big trades... The first was sending Chris Jericho over there for one show and receiving Mitsuhara Misawa in return, the second we traded Edge for Akira Taue, again for one show only. We'll see how the first

show goes using some of their talent and take it from there. Angle has been researching up on wrestling in Japan and the more he does the more excited he's becoming to be going one on one with Misawa.


We made some big shake ups in our developmental territories ending our parent relationship with Heartland Wrestling Association and starting a new parent relationship with Ring of Honor. A few guys including CM Punk, Charlie Haas and Colt Cabana have been sent to ROH already with more to come at the end of the month.


At the Nitro tapings Vampiro complained to me about his push, I reviewed it with some Nitro road agents and we all agreed his recent work and increase in popularity warranted a push from lower midcard to the midcard. Vlad Tepes Vampore, seemed pleased with his recognition. The whole Flock stable just went through a little creative brush donning new looks, only a slight change adding a small amount of face paint to each stable member. Perry Saturn debuted his new Acolyte gimmick on this weeks Nitro. It scored an initial D rating with most fans seeing it for what it is at the moment, a lackey role in Raven's shadow.




RAW continued it's slow ratings decline in North America while Nitro continued it's gradual rise. UK ratings have maintained strong and see steady growth for both shows...



RAW on Spike 4.54 -

RAW on TSN 1.25 -

RAW on Sky Sports 1.43 +

RAW on Telemundo 0.38-

Nitro on UPN 3.53 +

Nitro on Sky Sports 1.50 +

Nitro on The Score 1.01 +

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Raw Preview

(Special 2002 FIFA World Cup Show live from Japan)




Kurt Angle© vs Mitsuharu Misawa

WWF World Heavyweight Title


Stone Cold Steve Austin vs William Regal


Brock Lesnar vs Akira Taue


Sabu vs ??? (Suprise former ECW star yet to debut)


Candido & Mr Perfect vs L.O.D


Chris Jericho vs Funaki


*Plus a special guest appearance from one of the major stars of the FIFA World Cup!


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Kurt Angle© vs Mitsuharu Misawa

WWF World Heavyweight Title


Stone Cold Steve Austin vs William Regal


Brock Lesnar vs Akira Taue


Sabu vs ??? (Suprise former ECW star yet to debut)


Candido & Mr Perfect vs L.O.D


Chris Jericho vs Funaki

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Monday Week 3, June 2002

RAW live @ Budokan, Tokyo Japan

Special 2002 FIFA World Cup Show

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler






Chris Jericho vs Funaki

The Tokyo crowd show these two seasoned performers the respect they deserve and often clap throughout the match to show their approval. Just as Funaki looks like he's going to take the win Jericho counters a top rope dive into The Walls of Jericho for the decisive win to open the show.


Jericho via Submission 9:16

Rating: C+





Vince McMahon comes to the ring, he is followed by NOAH representative and main ring announcer, Ryu Nakata. Vince welcomes the sell-out crowd to the show and Nakata translates his words for the audience, Nakata also explains the Japanese fans he will be acting as the representative for Pro Wrestling NOAH tonight to ensure their workers are looked after and respected, JR and King inform the English speaking viewers of what Ryu is saying. McMahon reminds everyone that it was his wife Linda who scheduled tonight's RAW to take place in Tokyo, Linda's music hits and she makes her way to the ring.




Linda McMahon cuts a stinging promo on Vince, she scolds her husband stating when she left for holiday the WWF was stronger then ever having finally destroying WCW. She lists the problems Vince created after her brief departure, first starting with his endless quest to rid the company of the Ric Flair by bringing back the nWo and then losing control over them. Linda then rips into Vince for letting Eric Bischoff stealing half of the WWF from right under his nose. She tells Vince that in "three short months" he managed to split the WWF in two and barely looks like he control the brand he's left with, reminding Vince that he was on the receiving end of a Stunner along with his World Champion on last weeks RAW. McMahon has had enough of Linda listing his recent failures and interrupts her, he tells his wife to calm down and give him a chance to explain. He claims Eric Bischoff has been planning his "Invasion" of the WWF for a year now and that anyone would've been caught off guard by his surprise return. He tells Linda last years WCW Invasion was only a decoy that Eric set up to assess the WWF's roster and his plan of attack. He purposely kept most of WCW's big superstars from getting involved so he could have a huge impact when the real Invasion started. McMahon compares Eric's recent comeback and attack on the WWF to Pearl Harbour which receives a huge chorus of boos from the crowd followed by a very awkward silence afterwards. Linda saves the promo, warning Vince that the WWF Board of Directors are watching both Vince and Eric very closely to see who the better Brand Owner is. She tells Vince to be on his best game and he had better start regaining control of the RAW

locker room. She informs the viewers that she scheduled tonight's RAW in Tokyo, Japan because she knows the respect shown by Japanese wrestlers is first class and wanted to show the RAW guys some good examples. She goes on to praise Pro Wrestling NOAH and Puroresu wrestling for the discipline their wrestlers display.


Linda adds another reason she wanted the WWF to come to Japan is because of the 2002 FIFA World Cup! She hypes tonight's mystery "Football Superstar" and tells the viewers he is a star she think they will be

very fond of.


Rating: D+




Candido & Mr Perfect vs Legion of Doom

Road Warrior Animal and Hawk receive a huge pop making their entrance, the Japanese fans obviously still holding the legendary tag team in high regard. Mr Perfect continues his pestering of Candido trying to tutor his younger tag partner throughout the bout. Candido goes for a Blonde Bombshell on Road Warrior Hawk but Perfect tells him to stop and apply an armbar instead, Candido complies and Hawk counters the hold into a Powerbomb. Hawk makes the tag to Animal who charges into the ring smashing Mr Perfect off the apron before joining Hawk in delivering a Doomsday Device to Candido for the win.


L.O.D via Pinfall 7:42

Rating: D+





The Japanese interpreter, NOAH's Ryu Nakata is in the ring and announces Sabu has made a challenge to any worker wiling to face him in a "Hardcore Match" while JR and Lawler explain the same. Nakata says someone has answered the call and introduces...



Terry Funk!




Rating: C+




Extreme Rules Match

Sabu vs Terry Funk

Funk gets another huge nostalgia pop from the Budokan crowd coming to the ring to face Sabu. The match is a typical spotfest with chairs and tables left bent and broken, Funk is in pretty good condition considering his age and past abuses to his body. Funk hits an atomic drop and goes for a Piledriver but Sabu escapes and nails him in the back of the head with a chair. Sabu makes the cover and picks up the clean win over a debuting Terry Funk.


Sabu via Pinfall 8:04

Rating: C-





Sabu doesn't stop his assault on Terry Funk and sets the hardcore legend up on a table in the middle of the ring. Sabu climbs the top turnbuckle but RVD runs out to make the save for Funk, Sabu is sent crashing off the top rope into the ring. Van Dam connects with a Van Daminator on Sabu and hypes the crowd before assisting a wounded Terry Funk to the back.


Rating: C-





The camera cuts backstage where we find Brock Lesnar doing pole push ups as Heyman shouts instructions at him for his upcoming match.


Rating: B-




Akira Taue vs Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman

Lesnar wastes no time in the match and attacks Taue before the sound of the bell, he goes to work and dominates the NOAH star in monster fashion throwing him from pillar to post. Akira Taue makes a late comeback and lands a Dynamic Kick to Lesnar as the former NCAA champion charges with a shoulder block. Taue makes the cover but Brock kicks out at 1! Akira is in disbelief and unloads on Lesnar with some brutally stiff shots to the back. Taue continues his mounting comeback and lands a second signature move, this time his Dynamic Bomb... he makes the cover 1, 2... Lesnar kicks out! Akira Taue takes a second in his corner to assess the monster before him and Heyman takes the opportunity to distract him scaling the apron to get in Taue's face. Lesnar recovers and launches Akira into a suplex releasing him and sending him into the far corner of the ring in the process! Akira Taue shakes off the suplex but Brock is relentless and connects with a knee lift to Taue's midsection followed by a double rib breaker leaving the Budokan crowd in awe. Lesnar picks up a groggy Akira Taue and finishes him with his devastating finisher the F-5 for the win. The Japanese fans are left with a lasting first impression of the WWF's newest monster Brock Lesnar.


Lesnar via Pinfall 11:02

Rating: C-





A video package is played hyping Stone Cold Steve Austin.


Rating: B+




Stone Cold Steve Austin vs William Regal

A brawl opens the match with Austin getting the better off it sending Regal into the ropes and delivering a Thesz press followed by several punches. Referee Tim White separates the two and they turn to the mat slowing the pace of the match to a grind. Regal takes over locking various holds onto Stone Cold wearing him down. Austin makes a late comeback and lands a Stunner out of nowhere to pick up the decisive victory. A bout that probably didn't go over as a ***** match with the North American audience but more then pleased the live Japanese viewers.


Austin via Pinfall 14:36

Rating: B-




Kurt Angle is backstage watching a TV screen, Vince McMahon enters the room and asks him what he's viewing. Angle tells Vince he's studying Japanese wrestling and checking out some footage of Mitsuharu Misawa. Vince notices Angle looks a little worried but Kurt denies it and ejects the tape telling McMahon he'll take care of Mitsuharu Misawa and keep the WWF World Heavyweight Title in the US


Rating: B+





Ryu Nakata is in the ring and hypes the mystery guest as being one of the most decorated men in the sport of Soccer! He goes to introduce the star when none other then English movie star and former footbal player Vinnie Jones makes his entrance. Jones comes out to the Marilyn Manson tune "The Fight Song" a track of one of his latest movies "Mean Machine" which happens to be about football.




Jones joins Nakata in the ring and the NOAH ring announcer looks confused asking Vinnie what he's doing there... Jones angrily tells Nakata he's the mystery guest. The crowd start to boo at what looks to be an awful bait and switch when The Rock's music hits changing their tone!






Rock makes his way to the ring and goes face to face with Vinnie Jones...


The Rock: Finally The Rock... has come back...


Ryu Nakata: 最終的にロック。.. 戻って来ました。..


The Rock: to Tokyo... Japan!!!


Ryu Nakata: 東京。.. 日本!!!


The Rock lowers his glasses and raises an eyebrow to look at Ryu Nakata, realising the NOAH announcer is going to be translating his promo. He gives a little smirk and slides glasses back up turning slowly back to adress Vinnie Jones.


The Rock: The Rock came to Tokyo to take in the atmosphere of the 2002 FIFA World Cup, to meet a star of the World Cup. The Rock was excited he was electrified... and then you came out.


Ryu Nakata: ロックは2002年の FIFA のワールドカップの大気を取り...


Rock grabs Nakats's microphone and shakes his head at the NOAH representitive...


The Rock: Who in the blue hell are you?


Ryu Nakata: あなたは青い地獄の誰ですか?


Rock lowers his glasses yet again and shoots Ryu Nakata another look, this time a little less impressed then the first. He takes his glasses off and faces Jones again eye to eye.


The Rock: What's your name?


Ryu Nakata: あなたの名前は何であるか?


Vinnie Jones: I'm Vinn...


The Rock: It doesn't matter what your name is! Know your role and shut your mouth! The Rock knows your not the real special guest for tonight... now take your crappy theme music and D grade soccer career

and get out of The Rock's ring!


Ryu Nakata: あなたの名前が何であるかは重要ではない! あなたの役割を知って、そしてあなたの口を閉じなさい!


Vinnie Jones is enraged and goes to leave the ring, Rock turns his back and Vinnie turns back around cheap shotting The People's Champion from behind. Jones follows up with some stomps and a theme music interrupts him... it's David Beckham!!!





Beckham walks to the ring to the 2002 FIFA World Cup song , Vinnie Jones looks on telling Beckham to bring it but Rock is back to his feet. Jones senses Rock is behind him and cringes before slowly turning around right into a Rock Bottom! Beckham gently slides into the ring and joins Rock who shows him how to deliver a Rock Bottom on Vinnie Jones. The crowd goes crazy even

as Beckham lands like a feather on Jones, the announcers remind the viewers Beckham's soft approach is understandable considering he's captaining one of the favourites England this coming Friday against heavyweights Brazil in the Quarter-Finals of the 2002 World Cup. Rock and Beckham celebrate in the ring as JR and King continue to hype the England vs Brazil match this Friday.


Rating: A





A vignette plays hyping the upcoming Kurt Angle vs Mitsuharu Misawa match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title.


Rating: A





WWF World Heavyweight Championship

Kurt Angle© vs Mitsuharu Misawa

A match most thought going in would be a MOTY contender if not classic starts with a fury. The two lock up and Misawa gains respect from Kurt early forcing the Olyimpic Champion into the corner and unleashing some vicious chops leaving Angle's chest red raw. Kurt responds with some chops of his own and eventaully takes Misawa to the mat where the two go hold for hold building the match. Angle goes for an Ankle Lock but Misawa counters into one of his own! Angle quickly reaches the ropes and referee Earl Hebner breaks the submission move.


Angle makes a late comeback and delivers an Angle Slam but the impact sends Misawa rolling out of the ring taking the bout to the outside. Angle stalks Mitsuharu and goes for another Angle Slam this time on the steel ring steps but Misawa counters into a DDT onto the outside mat. Mitsuharu rolls Kurt back into the ring and delivers a Tiger Suplex '85, he makes the cover but the WWF World Heavyweight Champion kicks out at two! Misawa still on the attack sets up Angle for a Tiger Driver off the second turnbuckle but Kurt makes a comeback and counters the attack into a second rope powerbomb moving straight into a crossface chickenwing! Angle tightens his grip on the hold but Misawa manages to make it to the bottom rope, Hebner calls for Kurt to break the crossface but he keeps it locked in until he's pushed off. Mitsuharu looks in bad shape but makes a comeback taking the advantage with some more stinging chest chops. Misawa nails Angle with a roaring elbow followed by a discus lariat, the Puro legend scales the ropes and launches off the top turnbuckle with a Tiger Body Press... he connects and goes for the pin... 1... 2... Angle kicks out!


Mitsuharu Misawa dominates the late portion of the match, he nails Kurt with several more nasty chops and picks him up setting up the WWF Champ for an Emerald Flowsion. Misawa looks to finish Angle with his innovated finisher but Angle slips out and delivers an Angle Slam, Kurt rips down the arms on his tights and locks on the Ankle Lock! Mitsuharu writhes in pain, he manages to turn and break the hold but staggers to his feet with a limp. Angle charges with a running shoulder block to Misawa's knee and goes straight into another Ankle Lock... this time the puro legend can't reach the ropes and has no choice but to tap, Angle takes the decisive victory but doesn't release the Ankle Lock!


Angle via Submission 19:06

Kurt Angle makes the 1st defence of his WWF World Heavyweight title.

Rating: A





Kurt Angle won't release his Ankle Lock on Mitsuharu Misawa and continues with the hold, the bell rings over and over but the WWF Champ doesn't look to be going anywhere. Misawa struggles in agonising pain for the ropes, Angle drags him back into the middle of the ring screaming of how dominate he is.


JR: Well this is just disgusting now King! Kurt Angle has beaten Mitsuaru Misawa, the match should be over.


Lawler: It looks like Kurt's tryin to send a message here JR.


JR: A message to who King?


Lawler: A message to anyone who comes for his title I'd say JR. You know how much he loves those gold medals, I can only imagine how much he would love that big shiny WWF World Heavyweight Title. I don't

think he wants to give it up anytime soon.


JR: You're right King, Kurt Angle is a driven competitor. He will stop at nothing to capture the gold in his chosen choice, or to hold onto it.




The 2002 FIFA World Cup music hits again and David Bekcham appears at the top of the entrance ramp. He tells Angle to let go of a Misawa and come get

some. Kurt laughs at the World famous football superstar and releases his hold on Misawa to exit the ring and confront Beckham. Just as Angle gets halfway up the ramp The Rock's music hits and he makes the run in....


Angle sets up Rock for an Angle Slam on the entrance ramp but Rock counters and nails Kurt with a Rock Bottom. He and Beckham celebrate their set up on Angle while JR and King tell all the viewers to make sure they watch the England vs Brazil Quarter Final match this Friday as England's sure to win with Beckham in charge!


Rating: A


Quick Results


Jericho def Funaki C+

L.O.D def Candido & Mr Perfect D

Sabu def Terry Funk C-

Brock Lesnar def Akira Taue C-

Stone Cold def William Regal B-

Kurt Angle def Mitsuharu Misawa to retain the WWF World Title A


Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_bplus-1.jpg


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback guys I really appreciate it. :) The diary isn't dead, sorry for the lack of updates the past to weeks. New apartment and my internet provider are hopeless. Should have the next episode of Nitro up in the next day or two



Nitro Preview

Week 2 June 2002


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Booker T vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan


WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Semi Final

The Outsiders vs L.O.D



Edge vs Justin Credible


Chuck vs Raven


Davey Boy Smith vs Rico


Big Show vs Johannes Toupu






Prediction Results


Overall Rankings

Pate 23/28 89%

FinalCountdown 12/15 80%

Astyn 5/7 71%

Sean Thomas Jolly 5/8 63%

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WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Booker T vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan


WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Semi Final

The Outsiders vs L.O.D



Edge vs Justin Credible


Chuck vs Raven


Davey Boy Smith vs Rico


Big Show vs Johannes Toupu

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