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PLEASE HELP! :) Cult status killing me financially.Ihav few q's but all advice welcum

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Basically, i started a promotion in the UK. I'm the biggest there. I had a weekly 1 hour tv show in the early evening, with 0% as revenue and 10% production costs being paid by tv network. I was loving it - making money, putting on better and better shows, my viewing figures going up from 0.00 to 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, and then holding a steady 0.04 for a coupla months.


Then i hit Cult. Pop C- in 4 out of 5 regions. Importance C- in one, D in four, and D+ in one.


My viewing figures after a month went up to 0.07 all of a sudden, but because of production costs and an increasing misc expenditure i suddenly lost 150,000K + in a month!!!


So i urgently changed tack. I initially thought the production costs were linked to the tv show, so i cancelled the tv show and am running three PPV's a week(earning 10% per PPV of the revenue). The viewing figures for EACH individual PPV is 0.01, which isn't far off the TV figures so i'm not concerned about overall visibility, I JUST NEED TO BREAK EVEN financially B4 my GAME IS RUINED!!


Q 1)I'm assuming that if i run enough shows(PPV only) a week (where my finance section says i'm making 15,000K a show(ticket sales and ppv revenue 15K better overall than worker costs and the rent of the building to stage the show), I'll make enough to cover the production and misc costs that spring up at the end of each month...????


2)BTW, isn't it annoying that you can't monitor the production costs and misc costs as the month goes along like u can with worker costs and ticket sales? Am I right in thinking that production costs were suddenly so high becos of the CULT status, but that they were made worse by the TV show?? Will this be different/better/worse running PPV's instead of TV show??


3)Am i in for a nasty (ier) surprise at the end of the month? Would i have been better off keeping the weekly tv show and running loadsa ordinary non-tv or PPV shows??


I know theres a lotta q's here, so any help welcome! Thanks in advance! :)

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First, all of that formatting isn't even necessary.


Secondly, welcome to Cult. Happens. Go read some of the diaries (especially James Casey's MAW diary) and you'll see this isn't uncommon. Now, your job is to find a way to break even or make a small profit. It can be done, it just requires you to make some tough decisions that many people aren't willing to make. Ideally, you should've been planning for this from Regional but that rarely happens until after you experience Cult shock at least once. I'm not going to actually tell you what you need to do, but I will give a hint: look at your financials and see what can be pared down to bring your costs more inline with your revenues. It's business 101.


Panic (not panix, panic) will send you straight to bankruptcy though.

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As i said i AM looking at the finacial section and I WAS prepared to be as pop as pos


First, all of that formatting isn't even necessary.


Secondly, welcome to Cult. Happens. Go read some of the diaries (especially James Casey's MAW diary) and you'll see this isn't uncommon. Now, your job is to find a way to break even or make a small profit. It can be done, it just requires you to make some tough decisions that many people aren't willing to make. Ideally, you should've been planning for this from Regional but that rarely happens until after you experience Cult shock at least once. I'm not going to actually tell you what you need to do, but I will give a hint: look at your financials and see what can be pared down to bring your costs more inline with your revenues. It's business 101.


Panic (not panix, panic) will send you straight to bankruptcy though.



Um... I know you're well respected on this thing, what with your perfect product etc...


but i thought the whole point of a help thread was to help? Whats the point in replying if you're not going to? And (as i said) I AM looking at the finacial section and looking at ways to increase revenue by running more shows (more tickets) and I AM looking to cut costs by trying PPV instead of tv, cos i was thinking producing the TV show MIGHT be the reason for the high production costs, which was one of my main questions i would have really appreciated an answer to... thanks anyway.


Also, my overall pop in all areas cud barely have been higher when i entered cult, it wasn't just a D in the two regions as required, it was a D in FOUR out of FIVE, so i was prepared and planned to be as pop as possible in as many areas. Any real help still welcome and much appreciated.

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Chris HBK work mainly on uping your popularity in one area. Not 4. If you had a B of C in a place you could make really good money there and that would help you a little bit.


thanks for ur help, i'll give it a go. I'm already a C- in one area so i'll work that area solidly and try to get it up to a B. I'm also thinking of cancelling my PPV deal, as i said i have with my TV deal, to reduce production costs, but considering this'll lead to smaller attendances and less (ie: NONE!) ppv revenue, not sure it'll leave me much better overall?

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thanks for ur help, i'll give it a go. I'm already a C- in one area so i'll work that area solidly and try to get it up to a B


Honestly, a B in popularity might be a bit overkill for getting to Cult. Personally, I got EWA up to a C+ in popularity before I let myself hit Cult, and that's been enough.


But getting that one area to level of popularity is definetely key, and PPV deal will help as well if you can get one. The PPV revenue helps a bit, but even better will be the fact that PPV's will draw larger audiences than Medium shows, meaning a nice chunk of extra ticket sales every month.

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Aye try running in your main region only with only ppv, cut costs wherever you can mainly by using as few workers as possible while still putting on a decent show ( no managers, tag teams etc wrestlers doing road agent and colour comentary etc., In house music) Your production costs and misc are fixed to your size increase so if you are still making a hefty loss try getting back to regional by only running normal events in that main region till it as least C preferbly C+ then get back on t.v. to get back to cult and go monthly ppv.
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Ok! Just thought i'd do this final post in case anyone ever has a similar issue and wants help!


i tried the whole quit the tv show thing to reduce costs. it did, and i wasn't getting revenue from it anyway. But instead of getting rid of PPv to also reduce costs, i kept them, cos like sum1 helpful here said, PPV's mean larger audiences which means more ticket sales. This does mean having to do 2hr events, which means higher worker costs, and the bigger crowds mean you're spending more on renting the venues, but by running three PPV's a WEEK i ended the month 126,000 in the green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KA-CHING! This isn't a huge amount until you realise i was losing 150,000 a month b4!


So there you have it, if you're ever in the same situation. It's worth mentioning that i was able to hold onto a 0.01 rating in all but two crap shows, which were crap because i absolutely HAD to give my main stars a rest. 6 hours of a week was taking its toll, and in fact meant that for the last week of the month i had to cut down to 2 PPV's. Anyway, thanks to those who posted helpful suggestions.:):):):):):):):):):)

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Um... I know you're well respected on this thing, what with your perfect product etc...


but i thought the whole point of a help thread was to help? Whats the point in replying if you're not going to? And (as i said) I AM looking at the finacial section and looking at ways to increase revenue by running more shows (more tickets) and I AM looking to cut costs by trying PPV instead of tv, cos i was thinking producing the TV show MIGHT be the reason for the high production costs, which was one of my main questions i would have really appreciated an answer to... thanks anyway.


Also, my overall pop in all areas cud barely have been higher when i entered cult, it wasn't just a D in the two regions as required, it was a D in FOUR out of FIVE, so i was prepared and planned to be as pop as possible in as many areas. Any real help still welcome and much appreciated.


See, many people don't like spoilers and if I came out and said 'run all your shows from one area and ONLY one area, get your TV show back, and renegotiate with as many of your main eventers/upper midcarders as you can (and cut some dead weight) to lower your overall costs', that would be a huge spoiler. That's the 'business 101' thing. Lower expenses to bring them in line with revenue. Also, your PPV contract should be looked at as well. Many times, if you go down a size with PPV, you come out ahead because a smaller PPV carrier would be willing to part with a larger percentage of revenue. So even with a smaller broadcast area, you're making more money because instead of 10% of $1000, you're getting 20% of $800. See how that works? At this point, you're not going to be able to gain popularity as fast as you're losing cash. There is no 'mad dash' to National.


At every size level, you have to be laying the groundwork for the next size up. It's best to keep that in mind now, rather than get to National and immediately get busted down again (for 6 months) because you can't put on National level shows (or you don't have National level workers). And you'll be KA-CHING'ing until you burn out your buyers and deal with the resulting dip in buys (and thus, profit).


Again, I apologize if what you wanted was a spoiler. I don't tend to give quick fixes, preferring instead to direct people to how to solve the problem long term (and over several savegames, not just the one they happen to be playing at that moment). Erm, okay the t-shirt shooting thing in 05 was a quick fix, but that's an exception. :p Remember, every savegame differs in several key ways so what works in THIS save you're playing now, may not work in the next save you happen to start up.

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i appreciate your point, and i have to admit it felt nice to not be completely walked through it and come out the other end all by myself! At the time though i was just petrified i was gonna **** up my game and have to start over or summat, as i can't work out how to do multiple saves for the same game, so that i can go back in case i make a mistake.??


anyways, i think i'm gonna avoid a tv deal altogether as its going fine at the mo just with PPVs. When it doesn't hopefully i'll be big enough to get a tv deal where i get sum ad revenue, and hopefully that'll be enough to keep me in the green, if not KACHING'ing! I'll also try not to panic when BCW hits National!::o

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i appreciate your point, and i have to admit it felt nice to not be completely walked through it and come out the other end all by myself! At the time though i was just petrified i was gonna **** up my game and have to start over or summat, as i can't work out how to do multiple saves for the same game, so that i can go back in case i make a mistake.??


anyways, i think i'm gonna avoid a tv deal altogether as its going fine at the mo just with PPVs. When it doesn't hopefully i'll be big enough to get a tv deal where i get sum ad revenue, and hopefully that'll be enough to keep me in the green, if not KACHING'ing! I'll also try not to panic when BCW hits National!::o


I wouldn't completely ignore TV. Again, perhaps look at a smaller size station than you would normally go with in order to get a larger chunk of the ad revenue. If WWE, for example, went to WGN or some regional affiliate looking to start a show (when they can and do have shows on national/international/huge networks), that smaller station would be more than happy to give them a bigger chunk of ad revenue just for the cachét of saying they have their own WWE show. You don't have to be Global for your size to work to your advantage.

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