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Secrets of the Ring Volume Three : Jillefski Takes Manhattan (NYCW 2013)

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I don't know that its "right", in that there is no other way to do it. I do think it makes the most sense, and even a lot of promotions that do monthly shows use an approach of buliding things up through mid sized shows (for them) leading up to a bigger show. But I definitely find it easiest to write. When I first started Gen-S, I don't think I used TV to build toward the PPVs enough and the PPV ended up feeling like just another show. The reality, however, is that PPV is really the lifeblood of a promotion and TV should be used to sell viewers on buying that PPV. The cycle of TV leading to PPV gives you more of a chance to reload things and build things up.



Exactly. Thanks for saying what I was trying to say, correct-like. :D



Great to see you back and delivering top quality work as always NN.:)


Thanks TK. I'm really enjoying your new BHOTWG diary. Congrats on the DOTM win.





I'll be putting up the next entry tomorrow.

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“Working Toward ‘One More Time’, we had a bit more of a sense of what we wanted to get across, product wise.”



“It was our first ‘four TV shows and a big event’ cycle, and it was our only trial run before August and “Empire State Showdown” which was to be NYCW’s first ever pay-per-view, thanks to the XWA. So that made it doubly important in that sense.”



“But I think we were going about everything the right way.”



“Actually, I know we were going about it the right way. The numbers didn’t lie.”










“I think Phil and I had set things up really well with our plans for the TV and trying to do everything in three or four month cycles.”



“And that’s the bigger story arcs too; we didn’t make everyone sit through the ECA and the McWades until November. Don’t worry.”



“But one of the things that had almost vanished in modern pro wrestling was the long term storyline; three months is an eternity of time for TCW and SWF, especially with all of that TV programming time to fill? Four or five hours a week? It was forever.”












“The OLLIE thing was something that I cultivated at around the same time we were looking into the Japanese show.”



“This business is all about having the right connection at the right time…..”



“…and I have all the right connections; always have, always will.”










“I was totally upfront with Alex and Rip about our contact with them.”



“Apparently, Rip burned some bridges with them as well, while he was trying to put together the XWA.”



“Go figure, right?”



“Talked to all three of the big players down there; lied to all three of the big players down there. Very open and shut for OLLIE and SOTBPW. MPWF gave him a second chance, which he promptly screwed up. I guess he tried to play them against each other.”



“Were there hard feelings? Sure. On Rip’s part. Probably on Alex’s part, too, because declining an invitation to the XWA, to him, meant you weren’t business smart like he was.”



“I only wanted to have them come up to New York, see? Save for a few matches up in Boston for RIPW, they were only going to work for us. Not Rip Chord. Not Alex DeColt.”



“And that was a big deal to them. They were very anti-Rip Chord.”



“As I’m sure they had their reasons to be.”







Up Next: Show #5 Preview Mid- Day Tomorrow

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Show #5 Preview






Show Five Preview








Madman Boone vs. Larry Wood



Another “ghosts of hardcore legends past” challenge for the NYCW Unified Champion Madman Boone as the psychotic Larry Wood invades Manhattan to challenge for the gold. Madman has been on quite a roll since unseating “Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez for the belts almost six weeks ago, can he continue his run against one of the noted lunatics in the history of the sport? Or will NYCW…..GET WOOD?”







Ace Express vs. Jackpot Jordan/Ernie Turner


After last week’s cheap finish cost them the match, Johnny Martin and Rick Sanders, the Ace Express, challenged Jackpot Jordan and Ernie Turner to a rematch, which the arrogant tandem agreed to. Can the veterans take the win back from Jordan and Turner or will they drop another, signaling the beginning of their trip into the twilight?









El Heroe Mexicano vs. El Jefe Militar


One of the hottest feuds from south of the border brings its heat all the way to New York City. In conjunction with our new international initiative (the same one that brought you the NYCW-BHOTWG Supershow) two of OLLIE’s fastest rising talents will square off in their first matches outside of Mexico when El Heroe Mexicano takes on El Jefe Militar. If you have not seen these two go at it, find the clips on the internet or link to them via the NYCW website. This week, they will look to make their first impression on the American wrestling market….in our ring.






Dean McWade vs. Sayeed Ali


The McWades and the East Coast Assassins are embroiled in a terribly violent feud of late. This week’s installment sees the first singles match of the ‘series’ when Dean McWade steps into the ring, live on NYCW TV, to take on the man he and his brother bloodied at “VFAL”, Sayeed Ali. This will no doubt turn into a brutal affair, probably with appearances from one or all of the other men involved in the feud. Can you miss it?














-An update on the medical condition of Doug Peak.



- DWN vs. JD Morgan at “One More Time”? We’ll hear for sure.



- And what of James Justice’s unfinished business with Morgan?



- Stardust? Powell? They’ll both be in the building. That will be volatile, no question.



- Will James Brandon make another surprising appearance?





NYCW TV is professional wrestling television produced for the professional wrestling fan. If you want your wrestling slow, filled with rest holds, and your superstars aging right before your very eyes, cutting the same tired promo they’ve been cutting for years…..



…..we’re probably not for you.



But if you want something fresh, aimed at you, fast paced and innovative, maybe even a little violent.



Well, I’d like to introduce you to NYCW.








-Quick Picks-


Madman Boone vs. Larry Wood


Ace Express vs. Jackpot Jordan/Ernie Turner


El Heroe Mexicano vs. El Jefe Militar


Dean McWade vs. Sayeed Ali









(OOC: Show #5 wil be posted on Friday afternoon :).)

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Madman Boone vs. Larry Wood


I know Boone's NYCW's guy, but Wood is just... better.


Ace Express vs. Jackpot Jordan/Ernie Turner


There are a lot of reasons to de-push the Ace Express, but pushing Jordan and Turner is probably the worst of those reasons.


El Heroe Mexicano vs. El Jefe Militar


Hey, why not?


Dean McWade vs. Sayeed Ali


This is not going to have a clear winner. If it did, I'd go for Sayeed too -- he's a lot more viable outside the context of a team -- but this match is not going to be allowed to finish.

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Quick Picks-


Madman Boone vs. Larry Wood

I had both in my CGC diary. Wood rose to main event level, Boone..sucked.


Ace Express vs. Jackpot Jordan/Ernie Turner

Because Martin and Sanders are at the point they need to be putting others over


El Heroe Mexicano vs. El Jefe Militar

One of the best wrestlers around


Dean McWade vs. Sayeed Ali

Ali seems to be the better bad ass

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Madman Boone vs. Larry Wood


This one should get wild, as wild as things can get with two old has-been's who can't really wrestle and have to rely on using inanimate objects to have a good 'wrestling' match. :p That may be a bit harsh on Wood who does have some decent psychology but I think Boone retains.


Ace Express vs. Jackpot Jordan/Ernie Turner


Ace Express are at that point where they should be putting other's over, but Jackpot Jordan & Ernie Turner ?! Aren't there better people they could be giving the rub to, the crowd's indifference to these two teams last match certainly suggests that to be the case. Anyway the past-it's even the score here, to set up a rubber match few if any will care about


El Heroe Mexicano vs. El Jefe Militar


Unless Jefe has really improved, Mexicano is the safer pick.


Dean McWade vs. Sayeed Ali


McWade wins to keep the McWade's ahead in this feud.

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Madman Boone vs. Larry Wood Wood is good, but Boone is the hardcore icon of NYCW. Should be a great match.


Ace Express vs. Jackpot Jordan/Ernie Turner Pssh. J/T doesn't even have a team name.


El Heroe Mexicano vs. El Jefe Militar Always, always Heroe.


Dean McWade vs. Sayeed Ali McWade is ancient, Ali is a beast in training. More potential for ultra-violence. Could be a sleeper for MOTN if McWade has his working boots on.

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Show #5 (NYCW July 2013 Wk 2 TV )






-Show Five-

“By Another Name"

(July Wk 2 TV)















The show begins in the ring as Lee Bambino and Phil Vibert face the hard camera and wait for their cue to kick off the show. But as the house music hits…….










…….James Brandon begins pushing his way through the people in the upper part of the arena, making his way down through the packed-in, rabid masses and heading toward the ring. He is massive and quickly forces his way through the fans, even the uncooperative ones, before climbing over the barricade and getting into the ring, standing alongside Vibert and Bambino.



LB: “James Brandon, you…..”



Bambino is cut off as Brandon unceremoniously shoves him down to the canvas and onto his ass, snatching his microphone rudely.



JB: “You sit yourself right there, Lee Bambino. Don’t move or you might find yourself the next victim of……..”



The boos cascade down from the very top of the building, but Brandon seems to revel in it and lays into his TCW catchphrase, hating them with it.




JB: “…….The Affliccccccccccc………tion!”



When Brandon turns in his direction, Vibert just puts his hands up and slowly backs away. This makes Brandon smile before he turns back to the camera.



JB: “And that’s why I’m here tonight, marks. Doing business for the boss, Tommy Cornell.”



His name draws heat.



JB: “James Justice, I’m calling you out! Come on down; the Affliction is in the house!”



Brandon waits but there is no sign of James Justice.



JB: “Don’t make me come back there, Justice. I won’t be able to keep my temper in…..”









He is cut off by some cheering as the super hot Dawn Davis walks through the curtain, shouting something toward the ring. In seconds, Justice’s music hits and he comes out, walking toward the ring while keeping a close eye on Dawn who seems to be herding him there.



JB: “Glad to see Dawn found you before I had to come looking for you, James.”



Justice nods and motions with his hands that he is curious as to why he has been called out.



JB: “The reason why I wanted to see you James is because I come bearing gifts, my friend. I come bearing an invitation to the big dance, signed and stamped by the man himself, Tommy Cornell, inviting you to ditch this territory sh*t and step back up where you belong, the big leagues; TCW.”



Justice is stunned, unclenching his fists which were at the ready.



JB: “Did you hear what I’m saying to you? Total Championship Wrestling wants YOU.”



Dawn nods along.



JB: “You, James. No more cheap hotels; no more arenas that smell like nerds and piss.”



The NYCW fans let him have it, stopping the momentum for a few seconds.



JB: “You shouldn’t have to think about it. You really shouldn’t. It’s a no-brainer, James.”



Justice just stands there.



JB: “But, since I have heard some stories backstage about how you like your weed…..”



Cheap pop.




JB: “…..that means you’re probably a little slow on the uptake.”






JB: “I’ll be back next week with the whole package, Affliction t-shirt, leather jacket, limo, fat contract…..the whole nine yards.”



He smiles; a close up.



JB: “And I want your answer then.”



With that, Dawn sits on the middle rope, holding the cables apart for Brandon while simultaneously flashing a few front row fans thanks to the shortness of her skirt. As Justice just shakes his head, processing everything he just heard, Brandon and Dawn push their way through the crowd and make their way to one of the building’s side exits, leaving with a slam of the steel door.





Grade: B-















Sayeed Ali vs. Dean McWade


Result: Sayeed Ali wins via pinfall @ 5:03


Danny’s Notes: The fact that this match even came to have a finish is a miracle and a question for whatever higher being you tend to side with. Both McWades and all three East Coast Assassins are brawling in or around the ring before the first minute elapses.



It is out of control.



Amidst the chaos, Ryan Holland follows Ali back into the ring as he prepares to guillotine Dean with a steel chair. But at the last second, Dallas evades Roach’s running boot in the floor and slides back into the ring, blindsiding Ali with a crunching left hand that knocks him out cold. Dallas stomps out any attempts by Shady K to get into the ring as Dean, semi conscious ‘his-own-self’, rolls over onto Sayeed Ali and gets the three count.



Roach pulls himself together, but rather than engage the McWades again, they wait until the trailer park bullies leave the ring before they climb in and check on their fallen partner.



PV: “I get the feeling this isn’t over, what about you?”





Grade: D+

















The cameras are backstage when Doug Peak charges into Madman Boone’s locker room (which is really just a stall with a singapore cane in it) and begins flipping things and screaming that Boone show himself. The Madman obliges, stepping into the shot from the right, laying three quick cane shots onto the already bandaged head of Peak. He goes down like a ton of bricks, into a defensive heap, his arms pulled up to avoid the inevitable. Madman gives him two or three seconds to let his guard back a bit before letting the obligatory torrent of cane shots go, leaving long purple bruises on every single exposed body part.



The room quickly fills with event security and some local police; they are successful in getting the Madman off of the brutalized Peak and push him toward the door.



LB: “This is just getting crazy. I feel like one of these times, one of these fights is going to leave one of them dead.”



PV: “My money would be on Madman Boone……”



He thinks about it.



PV: “…..not dying. He’s far too insane to die. Madman for the win.”





Grade: C-












El Heroe Mexicano vs. El Jefe Militar


Result: El Heroe Mexicano wins via pinfall @ 5:09


Danny’s Notes: As far as debuts go, this was one of the best I’ve ever seen. That only a handful of people outside of Mexico even know who these guys are is a fact that is going to change overnight following a match like this, without question, thanks to the internet community. It starts off super hot, with a back and forth speed chain wrestling sequence that featured each man matching the other’s sequence exactly, armdrag for armdrag, rana for rana. Things reach a huge pitch where it seems like neither man can outdo the other…..when finally the heel Militar knees El Heroe in the groin and shoves him through the ropes to the floor.



El Heroe pulls himself together, but catches a boot in the face from Militar who is out on the apron. In a flash, Militar has run El Heroe headfirst into the ringpost and tossed him over the barricade and into the front row, clapping his hands until the fans begin to do the same.



With Mexicano holding his head among the front row fans, unable to get to his feet, Militar pulls the guardrail back about a foot before climbing back into the ring and mounting the top of the nearest turnbuckle. The crowd hushes for a just a second before exploding when Militar lands and wipes out Mexicano with a picture perfect moonsault, getting huge air before crashing down onto his already stunned opponent.











The finish comes just as it should, a few moments later as the peak moment of another spectacular sequence that started with each man unsuccessfully trying numerous times to use a steel chair from ringside. Leaving it open, but unused, they hit simultaneous cross bodies on each other, leaving both masked men huffing and puffing on the mat.





LB: “These two just went to a thirty minute time limit draw down in Mexico City for OLLIE less than forty-eight hours ago…….”



PV: “And now they’re going balls out for the great fans of NYCW! This is just fabulous!”



Militar gets to his feet first and whips El Heroe into the ropes, catching him coming off with a swinging DDT that stiffens the young luchadore’s body. But somehow, as Militar tries to turn El Heroe and position him for a top rope move, El Heroe springs back up onto the balls of his feet and chops his stunned opponent three or four times before whipping him into the ropes. Coming off, it looks like Militar is going to reverse the whole thing into some sort of tilt-a-whirl buster, but as he comes around Mexicano grabs hold of his head and drops, giving Militar a tilt-a-whirl TKO facefirst onto the forgotten-until-now opened steel chair.










The three count is a formality but the fans go crazy for it regardless. El Heroe Mexicano leaps up onto the second buckle and really plays to the crowd, patting his heart and pointing to the NYCW logo. They eat it up. What a match!






Grade: D-














An agent runs through the curtain and charges down to the ringside area where most of the ring crew has gathered to watch the OLLIE match in some standing room spots they found. The agent yells something to them and they quickly all hop the barricade and begin heading up the ramp. For a few seconds, there is a feeling of unrest in the crowd.



As they get to the top of the ramp…..












…..Jefferson Stardust tears through the curtain, sprinting down the aisle and sliding into the ring, only to bail out the other side and hurdle the guardrail. Expectedly, Teddy Powell comes running through the cloth himself seconds later, looking for Stardust, who is now safely pushing his way through the fans and heading for an exit.










Powell is furious by the time he gets into the ring, calling for a microphone with a wave of his hand.



TP: “Next week, Stardust. It’s going to be me and you in this ring. No more running, no more bullsh*t, just me and you; we’ll see who’s what around here!”





Grade: D+












<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=JackpotJordan.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/JackpotJordan.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=Ernie20Turner_alt4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/Ernie20Turner_alt4.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=RickSanders.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/RickSanders.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=JohnnyMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/JohnnyMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jackpot Jordan/Ernie Turner vs. Ace Express


Result: Ace Express win via pinfall @ 4:06


Danny’s Notes: You can call me a glutton for punishment for booking this match again; I’m sorry. I wanted to make sure. In this case, I’ll wear my dunce cap in the bathroom, which is overcrowded and full of creative profanity about this match while it is going on. I can only imagine what it’s like for the guys in the ring.



Tonight, the NYCW ringside fans stood up when the bell rang. About seventy or so started it before another handful jumped up, just to be in on something, copying the guy next to him.



Arms crossed.



Backs to the ring.



They hate Jackpot Jordan and Ernie Turner with such a passion they came up with a way to let us know.






Martin wins with a jack-knife rollup at just over the four minute mark.





Grade: E-















Davis Wayne Newton is standing backstage with James Justice and he really lets his inner fan out.



DWN: “Man, that’s crazy. James Brandon? TCW? The Affliction?”



Justice nods.



JJ: “I know, right?”



Before Newton can even ask the question, Justice offers an answer.



JJ: “I’m not going to take it. I couldn’t, I mean……”



DWN cuts him off, his excitement getting the best of him.



DWN: “You’re not even going to think about it? Aw’ man, that takes guts.”



Justice sighs.



DWN: “Because, I mean, it’s got to be a lot of money. A LOT of money, man.”



Justice nods. He knows.



DWN: “Not to mention it is TCW. You’d get to wrestle some of the……”



Justice cuts him off this time. In just a few seconds, he has boiled over. Something has set him off.






He starts to storm off, but Newton stops him.



DWN: “Hey! I’m sorry, that’s not how I mean for you to ….”



Justice nods, but doesn’t turn back around to face him.



JJ: “The fact is I CAN’T, ok! You don’t know sh*t about sh*t, man. Butt out of my business.”



With that, Justice does walk off and Newton doesn’t say anything about it, letting him stomp angrily down the hallway muttering the whole way.






Grade: C+















Madman Boone vs. Larry Wood

-NYCW Unified Title Match-


Result: Madman Boone wins via pinfall @ 6:58


Danny’s Notes: Hardcore squash, Madman style. Larry Wood’s best days are most certainly behind him but he brings all of his trademark stuff, including his willingness to take any bump, and is really treated well by the New York audience. However, Madman is their favorite psycho and they pop for every little thing he does now.



Larry grabs a cookie sheet from the ‘ringside accessories’ cache and bashes Boone in the face with it repeatedly; maybe six times. It bloodies his lip and reopens his ever present between-the-brows wound, but it leaves him smiling and waving Wood in, inviting more.



Wood obliges, switching to a chair after finally staggering the Madman with the eighth or ninth sheet shot. But when Boone shakes the cobwebs free and sees Wood sizing him up, chair in hand, he drops to a knee and snatches his rattan cane, waving it toward Wood and stepping him back.



LB: “Now they’ve both got their weapon of choice; it’s a hardcore dual in the center of the ring!”



Madman is just too quick with the stick. He sidesteps the first chairshot and baseball-bat style blasts Wood in the side of the head, causing him to drop the chair and start to crumple. But Boone snaps his wrists again and again, drilling the hardcore veteran three or four more times as he falls to the mat in a motionless heap.



He raises the cane over his head and wipes the blood from his eyes as he rolls Wood onto his back with a boot. With three quick slaps of the mat by referee Ryan Holland, this one is in the books.



Before going back to the ring where the Madman stomps around the ring to his music and soaks in the fan’s adulation, we roll a quick highlight package that gives the late arriving viewer a quick recap of the whole show.



LB: “While it might’ve looked to you like the best wrestling show on TV today, for us it was just another night in the city. Good night fans.”






Grade: D+

(post C-)






Show Grade: D+

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Internet Exclusive







-Internet Exclusive-




(This was recorded after Friday night’s NYCW TV and posted to the internet messageboard as an attachment to the next show’s preview.)











James Brandon and Dawn Davis stand behind The Ministry, their black and chrome Hummer sticking out like a sore thumb against the otherwise dreary Queens background. It is idling quietly as the camera moves up and closes in on their faces.



JB: “James Justice, I heard through the grapevine that you said on TV that you weren’t going to be accepting the offer to join the Affliction.”



He shakes his head.



JB: “That’s a bad move.”



Dawn nods and makes a sexy face at the camera; she’s smoking hot



JB: “I spoke to Tommy Cornell and he didn’t like hearing what I told him.”



Brandon pulls off his sunglasses and nonchalantly tosses a piece of gum into his mouth.



JB: “He’s not a man that hears the word ‘no’ often.”



He offers a piece of gum to Dawn. She declines.



JB: “He told me to give you a second chance. And he told me to help you to make the right choice this time.”



They both nod.



JB: “So next week, Justice, I’m going to be showing up with some reinforcements that’ll point you in the right direction…….”



He pulls open his leather jacket and points to the Affliction logo on his black and white t-shirt.



JB: “…….and they’re going to do it in the ring.”



This draws another smile out of him.



JB: “So bring a friend, come alone; whatever.”



A close up.



JB: “But when The Affliction rings the bell, you’d better answer.”



With that, Brandon opens the drivers side door and jumps into the seat, holding the door open from inside as Dawn crawls over his lap into her seat, seductively twisting her hips for the camera the whole way. When Brandon closes the door, the window comes down and he lets his arm come to a rest in the opening.



The camera gets close because it looks like he is going to say something more, but instead he just rears back and spits his wad of chewing gum toward the lens and floors it, laughing c*ckily as he tears off, leaving a cloud of kicked up grit and dust.




Grade: B






(More In-Between Show's Stuff Tomorrow. Hope everyone is enjoying getting back into this. :) )

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Show #6 Preview






Show Six Preview








James Justice/Partner TBD vs. James Brandon’s Surprise Team


As was first reported on NYCW.com, James Brandon said after last week’s show that he’d be bringing “some reinforcements” to Manhattan this week to help James Justice make up his mind about joining TCW and the Affliction. Who could it be? Brandon has connections all over the wrestling world, and through his boss, there are an infinite amount of possibilities. The bigger question, will James Justice have anyone standing by his side when Brandon and Dawn Davis arrive with their hired guns?








Jefferson Stardust vs. Teddy Powell


There has been a lot of talking and posturing since Teddy Powell took offense to Jefferson Stardust disrespecting him and wrecked him with a steel chair. There has also been a lot of running away on the part of Jefferson Stardust. This week on NYCW TV, the time for talking (and running) is done and the time to settle things with violence is upon us. Will Jefferson Stardust continue to roll over the competition, as he has done since his arrival in NYCW? Or will Teddy Powell’s newfound aggressive attitude prove to be the ingredient that he has been missing in his recipe for success? This one is surely not to be missed.








El Orgulloso vs. Pajaro Del Fuego vs. El Heroe Mexicano


Our first OLLIE match left the fans begging for more, so much so that our messageboard was flooded with folks hoping that we’d be bringing back the Mexican superstars as soon as possible. Is this week too soon? If El Jefe Militar is El Heroe Mexicano’s current nemesis, El Orgulloso is his permanent rival, with the two having quite the colorful history as both opponents and tag team partners. This week they engage in the next chapter of their rivalry, taking on Pajaro Del Fuego in a triple threat match that will once again balance classic lucha libre stylings with New York wrestling sensibilities.










Jorge & Leftie Wilkes vs. The Cali Dragons

-Winner Gets a NYCW Contract-


Two of the hottest tag teams on the west coast independent scene make their way to Manhattan to vie for an NYCW contract. It’ll be as simple as it sounds: win and you’re in, lose and get back on the plane with a one-way ticket back to the chitlins circuit. Who’ll emerge victorious between the high flying Cali Dragons (Frankie Perez/Mikey James) and the hard hitting, tough as nails team of Jorge and Leftie Wilkes?








It's the last show before "One More Time". Don't forget to set your DVR's for 10pm EST on USA Cable: Tri-State, it's the best hour of professional wrestling on TV, bar none.









-Quick Picks-


James Justice/Partner TBD vs. James Brandon’s Surprise Team


Jefferson Stardust vs. Teddy Powell


El Orgulloso vs. Pajaro Del Fuego vs. El Heroe Mexicano


Jorge & Leftie Wilkes vs. The Cali Dragons -Winner Gets a NYCW Contract

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James Justice/Partner TBD vs. James Brandon’s Surprise Team

I've got a funny feeling that DWN will screw over Justice.


Jefferson Stardust vs. Teddy Powell

I just like Jefferson.


El Orgulloso vs. Pajaro Del Fuego vs. El Heroe Mexicano

From my TEW experiences, El Heroe Mexicano is the better worker, therefore gets my vote.


Jorge & Leftie Wilkes vs. The Cali Dragons -Winner Gets a NYCW Contract

Do you really want jobbers on your show. If not, The Cali Dragons get the win.

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-Quick Picks-


James Justice/Partner TBD vs. James Brandon’s Surprise Team

Without the stip that Justice must join TCW if he loses, I see Brandon's team taking the win here to further the feud


Jefferson Stardust vs. Teddy Powell

Despite the attempts of Eisen-Verse to make Powell into a big star, he just has career midcarder written all over him, whereas Stardust seems to be developing ala a Miz or Morrison type character into a future major star.


El Orgulloso vs. Pajaro Del Fuego vs. El Heroe Mexicano

Mexicano is the bomb, and three years of development should make him nigh awesome.


Jorge & Leftie Wilkes vs. The Cali Dragons -Winner Gets a NYCW Contract

Stip should be changed to the Wilkes get the crap kicked out of them for the Cali Dragons job audition.

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I'm going to be traveling for work on Friday, so I thought I'd get the next show up sometime early tomorrow instead.


Anyone wanting to join in with predictions, feel free.


And also, welcome to MichiganHero. Glad to have you onboard. :)

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Show #6 (NYCW July 2013 Wk 3 TV )






-Show Six-

“A Wave Hits the City"

(July Wk 3 TV)











When the show goes live, “Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez is standing in the ring. Not having been seen since dropping the NYCW Unified Titles to Madman Boone in a fairly one sided affair almost two months ago now, the response from the fans is mixed. He is in jeans and an orange Freedom Caribbean Wrestling t-shirt with the sleeves torn off.



SG: “I’ve had other things to attend to back home in Puerto Rico. In fact most of you internet savvy fans know that my boys in Lobos de Noche are kicking all sorts of ass in FCW and that we hold every belt that matters down there, including the XWA Six Man Tag Titles”



Again there is a mixed bag of cheers and boos. Many fans know and respect the Lobos but an equally large group looks down on the FCW product as ‘too old-school’.



SG: “But don’t think I’ve forgotten about you taking my belts here, Madman Boone, or the hurtin’ you put on me that night.”



I’m sure many in attendance, including Gonzalez expect “I’m a F*ckin’ Madman” to come cascading out of the house PA…..but it doesn’t, so he continues.



SG: “I earned those belts and defended them back before all of this “new NYCW” stuff started happening, you know?”



He stops and lowers his voice a bit, adjusting his do-rag before continuing.



SG: “And I know I don’t fit into management’s plans for the future around here…”



He waits a couple of seconds, waiting to hear the crowd’s reaction.



SG: “…… so before I go……I want to let you know that I have petitioned for and received the rematch that I am due as the former Unified Champion.”



Another mixed bag of cheers and boos. Probably more cheers; it will be an anticipated rematch.



SG: “At ‘One More Time’, I’m taking back what’s mine, Madman, and I’ll use whatever means I have to.”



He gets more serious.



SG: “Because you may be a Madman…….but I’m a little bit loco too, man.”



He drops the microphone and raises his hands, finally drawing the pop he is looking for before climbing out of the ring and heading back up the aisle, going through the curtain just as the applause dies out.






Grade: C+











El Orgulloso vs. Pajaro Del Fuego vs. El Heroe Mexicano


Result: El Heroe Mexicano wins via pinfall @ 5:43


Danny’s Notes: The crowd is jacked to see another OLLIE match after last week’s barnburner and these three men deliver, wrestling another electric bout filled with high impact offense and non-stop innovation. They are already familiar with El Heroe Mexicano and greet him as such, Orgulloso and Del Fuego both get respectful rounds of applause until they flip off the crowd; both are hated south of the border.


The action is ridiculously fast and surprisingly even until the finish which comes just before the six minute mark.


El Heroe, rallying, steps under a clothesline attempt by Pajaro Del Fuego and catches him, dropping the young rudo on his head with a death valley driver and sliding in for a cover afterward, only to have it broken up by Orgulloso at the possible last second.


Orgulloso stomps El Heroe a few times and drags him into position for his feared four-fifty splash. But as he climbs the ropes, El Heroe recovers yet again and gets to his feet. He has little time to react as Orgulloso takes to the air, but at the last possible second he jumps himself, twisting and whipping Orgulloso over with a rana and cradling his legs on the way over.


The three count gets a huge ‘count-along’ pop from the crowd who are in mark ecstasy as El Heroe Mexicano holds his head and has his arm raised. Pajaro Del Fuego just stands with his hands on his hips shaking his head as he hops out of the ring. Orgulloso is very animated and angry when he realizes what happened, but cannot get anywhere with Ryan Holland, who lets the tiny masked Mexican chest bump him twice before he shoves him down.



LB: “The Hardcore Ref doesn’t take crap from anyone.”



PV: “Except Madman Boone, remember. That guy terrifies Holland.”



LB: “Still though, a great showing from our friends from OLLIE. And you can hear how much the fans appreciate it.”





Grade: E+















James Justice grabs Davis Wayne Newton as soon as he gets to the building. His face tells the story.



JJ: “Davey, I’m sorry. I…..”



Newton puts his hand up stopping Justice and shaking his head. Justice pauses, but then can’t help himself as DWN starts walking away, blurting out the rest of what he was going to say.



JJ: “Look, I don’t know who it’s going to be, but I need your help with Brandon’s hired guns. There, I said it. I need your help.”



Newton stops having only taken three or four steps.



JJ: “I know I said some stupid things, Davey, but I’ve been under a lot of pressure that I haven’t told you about; at home stuff, you know?”



Newton’s shoulders sag a bit, it is a personal affair. Justice’s personal problems clearly pain him as they are friends. But before he can continue any further, Newton straightens up and slowly starts walking away again, leaving Justice alone, without an answer. Lee Bambino and Phil Vibert tie the scene together.



LB: “So who else does Justice know backstage? Is he close with anyone else?”



PV: “I think DWN was his only chance. And judging by that exchange between them, it looks like he’s going to have to face whoever Brandon brought in all by himself.”







Grade: C+

















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Jorge & Leftie Wilkes vs. The Cali Dragons

-Winner Gets a NYCW Contract-

Result: The Cali Dragons win via pinfall @ 4:37


Danny’s Notes: An outstanding back and forth tag team wrestling match; this bout really displays both teams’ talents in the best possible light. The fact that it is for a regular spot on the roster ratchets things up, too. Frankie Perez and Mikey James really flourish right out of the gate, standing toe to toe with the hard hitting Wilkes brothers and doling out the offense themselves. James in particular gets the opportunity to shine, drilling both Jorge and Leftie with numerous variations of the spin kick in sets of three to send both brothers to the floor.



As it goes in tag team wrestling though, the Wilkes brothers begin bending the rules a bit and gain the advantage. And while they are known to take to the air from time to time, Jorge and Leftie decide to slow things down, laying into Perez and James with some interesting looking two man submission holds that have serious Japanese influences.



The finish comes after a scorching hot tag saves Perez from certain defeat and puts the martial artist James back into the ring. He begins bouncing around, scoring with everything he throws: fists, kicks, and elbows. But Leftie sucker punches him when he is turned to square up on Jorge and whips James into the ropes, catching him coming off with a vicious over-the-knee backbreaker. Perez is seemingly no help….until he levels Jorge with a spinning backfist and dives toward Leftie, tackling him just as he is sizing up James for his finisher.



From out of nowhere, Frankie Perez lifts Leftie onto the second rope and steps under him, putting him in position…..



LB: “Oh boy, we’ve heard about this move.”



…..for the “Perfect Parity” (ultimate fisherman’s buster from the second). The crowd gets up and pops hard when Wilkes is dropped on his head and left sprawled, motionless. Mikey James slides across the ring on his knee pads and cuts off Jorge while Perez covers the unconscious Leftie for three.



LB: “The Cali Dragons will be coming back to compete in NYCW, but the Wilkes brothers will be heading home.”



PV: “You have to respect the effort from them though, Bambino. They are a scrappy team with a solid future, in my opinion. And I know what I’m talking about.”





Grade: E+












A short video plays for the at home audience, recapping how the Teddy Powell/Jefferson Stardust feud started. It touches on everything and really does its job getting the viewers ready for the match, which is next.



Grade: C-















Jefferson Stardust vs. Teddy Powell


Result: Stoppage @ 6:04


Danny’s Notes: The fans are super excited for this match and I can’t say that I blame them a bit. You can feel the tension in the arena as soon as both men are introduced and standing in the ring, waiting for the bell. As soon as the bell rings though, Jefferson Stardust ducks through the ropes closest to him and jumps to the floor, looking to exit through the crowd as he has done to avoid many an interaction with Powell of late. But the ringside fans stand strong and block his escape route for long enough that Teddy Powell is able to catch up to him and grab him by his hair, pulling him backward over the barricade by his ponytail to everyone’s delight.






Powell is all over him, hopping on and burying the egomaniacal partyboy with a barrage of punches on the arena floor before whipping him into the far side barricades and following him in with a knee to the gut. He is all business upon rolling Jefferson under the bottom rope, continuing his assault on the man who called him a jobber with a plethora of stomps and an elbow drop.



But given just an inch, Stardust reaches out and stuffs his thumb into the corner of Powell’s right eye and his middle finger into his left, stopping his momentum instantly. Without hesitation, Stardust heads for the ropes and hops down from the apron onto the arena floor.



LB: “If he tries to run away again, so help me….”



But Stardust does not run. Instead, after turning and blowing a snot at a particularly vocal ringside fan, he pulls up the logo and slides a long ladder from under the ring.



PV: “I think business might be picking up.”



LB: “Just a bit, I’d say.”



Powell throws a couple of punches, but in his nearly blinded state, doesn’t come close to Stardust. In a flash, Jefferson has the ladder inside the squared circle, laying it flat and propping it partway open, not locking the brackets. Just as quickly, he is behind Powell, spinning him around and drilling him into the ladder with an “Idolizer” (pump handle slam).



Referee Ryan Holland had been allowing things to progress, but seeing how things were going, he decides to stop the match and calls for the bell. But Stardust isn’t finished, regardless of the decision, rolling Powell into the ladder and closing it on top of him.



The fans in the first couple of rows begin to stand up as Jefferson begins climbing to the top turnbuckle, forcing many of the rest of the floor seated fans to do the same.



Powell is trapped but can no doubt see the shadow Stardust’s body casts against the spotlight as he tumbles in the air and not-too-gracefully flips and legdrops the ladder, disgustingly sandwiching Powell even further and drawing a collective gasp from the crowd.



His music hits and it kind of helps to usher him out of the ring. Stardust holds his hip and grimaces a bit as he walks back up the aisle.



PV: “I know we didn’t get to see a finish, but that was every bit the violent encounter I expected it to be.”




Grade: D+

(post) D














It begins to look like James Justice is set to go to the ring to face James Brandon’s mystery team by himself when……





……Davis Wayne Newton walks up and stands beside him, extending his hand. Justice starts to try to say something, but Newton stops him.



DWN: “Water under the bridge, my man.”



Justice smiles.



DWN: “I do have a lot to learn about being a pro, I know. But this may not be the smartest thing to get into, and I’m standing here willing to go to war with you……”



Justice nods at him.



DWN: “…..and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”



They high five each other and wait for their music to play, united.





Grade: C+












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James Justice/Davis Wayne Newton vs. New Wave


Result: New Wave win via pinfall @ 15:55


Danny’s Notes: During his run with NYCW, there a few matches that define this part of Davis Wayne Newton’s career. On this night, we get to witness one of the first.



DWN and James Justice are treated like your standard hometown heroes by the New York faithful; they really hear the love and respect from the fans when they are introduced and they take their time soaking it in, slapping every hand extended in their direction. But when the New Wave’s music hits and Guide and Scout walk out through the curtain and stand, hands-on-hips, all bets are off; it is deafening. Their unyielding service to the now defunct DAVE has kept them in the fan’s hearts since the day they left and tonight is proof of that fact, even given their ties to TCW's Affliction and James Brandon. It is downright bonkers.



Newton starts the match with Guide and the action is just as you might expect, hard hitting, stiff, and right in your face; it has a very modern feel to it. Scout hits the ring and the action level doesn’t even come down a tiny bit. He and DWN bounce around the ring recklessly trying to outdo the other with wicked kicks and suplex variations, the only lull coming when Newton and Scout walk to the center of the ring after a lengthy exchange to jaw at each other a bit. Both are puffed up, surprised the other is able to hang with them.



“This-is-Awe-some!” “This-is-Awe-some!” This-is-Awe-some!”



Eventually though, the fact that Guide and Scout have been a tag team for more years than DWN has been in the business begins to show. And when he takes a second to finally respond to the relentless jabbering from James Brandon at ringside, the New Wave are on him in a flash, breaking out a double dropkick and planting the soles of all four of their combat boots squarely on the chin of the XWA United States champion.



They begin to batter him for all he is worth and he takes it without so much as a whimper of offensive opportunity, weathering a storm that includes a snap suplex, a pair of twisting powerslams and a double running high knee during a tag exchange.



Justice, fresh on the apron, stretches out as far as he can and the fans are firmly behind him, their loyalty to the New Wave out the window during the heat of the match. But try as he might, DWN is seriously hurt from the beating and cannot quite make his way across the ring.



On three separate occasions he gets to within inches of Justice’s outstretched hand, only to be pulled back into the middle of the ring by either Guide or Scout, both men keeping him trapped in variations of the cross-arm breaker.



Tired of waiting, Scout rushes Justice in the corner and knocks him off the apron to the floor, tearing back across the ring and tagging Guide while leading DWN around by the hair, looking for a finish.



A well oiled machine, the New Wave head in different directions. Guide puts Newton in position for a power bomb and puts his arms up, celebrating a bit early, as Scout climbs to the top rope and reaches down for a chair being offered by James Brandon.



With Justice still down, Guide lifts Newton up, but somehow the plucky youngster goes all the way over, sliding down the New Waver’s back and landing on his feet. Seemingly on instinct, DWN shoves Guide into the turnbuckles, facefirst, knocking Scout from his perch and sending him to the floor.



Guide bounces out from the momentum and walks right into Newton, who hooks him and sends him over on his head.






As James Justice ambles his way back up onto the apron, and Newton and Guide both lay on their backs, looking up at the lights, trying to pull it together, the crowd gives the men involved some much deserved respect.



“This-is-Awe-some!” “This-is-Awe-some!” This-is-Awe-some!”



Slowly, both Guide and DWN begin stirring, trying to get up onto their feet. Scout crawls his way back up onto the apron and now joins Justice in screaming for his partner to get over to him and make the tag.



Newton is done and it shows as every small physical effort he makes seems to pain him. Guide is in much better condition and makes his way to one knee before leaning out and slapping Scout’s palm.



Scout hustles through the ropes as Newton musters up one last charge and, falling down as he does so, steps toward his corner and toward Justice’s outstretched arm, flailing.






……at the last second…..



……Justice pulls it back.



He twists his face into a most evil grin, staring at the shocked Newton before dropping off of the apron and walking backward toward the base of the aisle, never breaking his gaze.



As DWN is spun around by Scout and nearly decapitated with a back kick, Justice is joined by a celebrating ‘oh-you-didn’t-see-that-coming’ faced James Brandon who has his fist in the air. Dawn Davis appears from backstage a few seconds later and slithers under his other arm.



LB: “I don’t believe it; he set him up. Justice joined the Affliction and set him up.”



They stand there and watch giddily as Newton is seated up on Scout’s shoulders before getting blown off, destroyed with an extra fierce “Guided Missile” off the top turnbuckle. He flips completely over and lands on his face and chest with a disgusting thud, getting turned face-up by Guide, who covers him a second later.



The three count is barely in the air long enough to make it official when the torrential downpour of hatred begin to rain on the Affliction. Guide and Scout join the congregation as they move back toward the curtain, basking in the plastic cup and pizza napkin shower they are receiving from the angry fans.



LB: “I don’t even know what to say…..”



PV: “I know what to say, Bambino. This is the beginning of something big, this thing with Newton and the Affliction. DWN may be the XWA United States Champion and one of the best young talents in this business, but he may be in over his head with a group like that.”



Vibert pauses.



PV: “They struck first. They landed the first blow…….and Newton never saw it coming.”













Grade: B-






Show Grade: C+

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Nice, didn't expect the Justice turn. If anything, I would have thought it would have been DWN turning. You'd think that TCW and Affliction would be targeting the younger, still rising star. Instead Justice comes out of nowhere and pulls a Hulk Hogan like NWO turn.
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Great show and love the Justice turn. Like D-mack and Reaper, I fully expected it to be DWN.



Nice, didn't expect the Justice turn. If anything, I would have thought it would have been DWN turning. You'd think that TCW and Affliction would be targeting the younger, still rising star. Instead Justice comes out of nowhere and pulls a Hulk Hogan like NWO turn.





Definitely didn't see that swerve. I'm with Mack on this one. I figured DWN would have done the turning.






Glad you guys enjoyed the show. To be honest, I went back and forth while I was writing the last few shows, trying to decide whether or not it would be Justice or DWN that turned on the other. It was set up to go either way. DMack pointing out that it was like an NWO Hogan turn made me smile, because that's essentially what I was going for; Justice's turn was the more 'shocking' way to go.


Also, I figured that Affliction, already an entity in my version of the C-Verse, would be going after the more established stars instead of the young up and comer. Like the old boys club, so to speak. (Or Millionaires Club or Main Event Mafia or NWO or....) Justice has been there and done that and thus is a proven commodity and a known entity. Newton is someone who could steal their thunder and push them toward their eventual end in USPW.


I feel like I've got my feet under me with the writing again and that "One More Time", the next show (an event) is the best of the lot.


Thanks again for reading ya'll. And thanks for the comments and predictions; all of which are fuel for this writer. :)

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