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MDC2: I'm Batman

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The name is Hunter Riggs. Just a city boy born and raised in South Detroit. I have the feeling that today is going to be a good day...or so I hope.


I'll be meeting with the one...the only...the man himself! Stan Lee. Lets not mess this up. How did I get here? Well...I guess it all started with this cheesy opening....



I've been writing stories about Lee's wrestling show. Very sad for a 34 year old. Anyways back on track. All of those stories have been only something I had, but one day I felt it was needed for the world to know and comment on my work. I was really just looking for some tips and awesome comments saying how awesome I am to help my ego. Few days pass by.


"Nice comments...all except for those spammers. "


Hmm...yes. Inner monologue. I love it. More helpful and kind comments, then a call. I pick it up




A rugged voice on the line replied with "Hey kid. Hunter Riggs?"


"The one and only." This voice...sounds familiar.


"Well today is your lucky day. From what I've read. You know me, but to help. My name is, Stan Lee."




"Do I sound like a man who would be joking with you?"


"N..no sir. Just hold on." Okay hit the mute button. Geek out mode! Okay...mode over


"Sorry sir."


"It's fine kid. Now down to business Do you want to book shows for my company?"


"Yes. Yes I would love to." Thank you God.


"Good. I'll get my secretary to e-mail you the address to meet me at tomorrow. See you then."


"Sure thing, sir."


And that is how it started. Lets not mess this up like all of my interviews...better get ready.


Now OCC time: I, Huntman, am a first time diary writing. So...try to be not so "You suck" at me. Tips...I would love tips for the diary. Thanks to crayon for the epic mod. I would also like some nice...or mean comments.

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Okay got my suit, my sunglasses that say "Hey I'm the most awesome person ever even if these glasses were 5 bucks at Super Wal-Mart" and my bubblegum mmm...bubblegum. I found the place and opened the front door to see a hot secretary. I should use one of my amazing pick up lines.


“Hello Mister?”


“Riggs. Hunter Riggs.” Awesome.


“Well Mister Riggs. Mister Lee should be in the office down the hall, 6th door on the right. I’ll tell him you’re here.”


“Thanks…hot stuff.”




“Wh..what? I..what? Who..where..wh..bye.” Smooth.


I walked off really fast and found the room. I knocked and a voice called me in at the same time I was coming in. How fun.


“Hello Mister Lee.” He stood up and we shook hands and I sat down


“Call me Stan, kid.”


“Okay Stanley.” I laughed. He didn’t.


“Right. Now down to business kid. Over the weeks I’ve been reading your little internet story thing and the way you wrote everything was just…amazing. The feuds, and the interviews. What I’m saying kid is would you like to be our head booker?”


“Let me thin-yes.”


Stan laughed and welcomed me to the team.


“Your office is right next door to mine, but left side.”


I nodded got up and went off to my office. ADVENTURE! Whoa..that was weird. I twisted the knob and went in.


“Oh my God…how bland. I love it…just need some touching up. Wait why am I talking to myself?” I started planning where to put the office stuff like desks, chairs, file cabinets, and all that. “As soon as I get this place set up I can start writing feuds, storylines, and the whole damn roster. Oh hey pen and paper. It looks like it is time to write Blam on the floor. Awesome. Damn...I'm doing it again.”


Quick Pick Card.

Onomatopoeia & Catwoman Vs. Warpath & X-23

Deadpool Vs. Deathstroke the Terminator

Green Arrow Vs. Black Flash

Elektra Vs. Black Canary

Wolverine Vs. Bane

Red Skull Vs. The Flash

Batman Vs. The Joker


AND MORE...maybe.


OCC: So...what I'm going to do is book Blam and Pow first without any feuds and storylines so I can watch everything un-wrap.

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Looks interesting and I'm toying around with an MDC2 diary myself, so I'm excited to see what you do.


Onomatopoeia & Catwoman Vs. Warpath & X-23 - I find Warpath and X-23 largely pretty boring.

Deadpool Vs. Deathstroke the Terminator - Draw. Double DQ IMO :p

Green Arrow Vs. Black Flash - Tough one for me to call.

Elektra Vs. Black Canary

Wolverine Vs. Bane - Wolvie will win, pushing him up the card, getting ready for matches with The Flash and Batman.

Red Skull Vs. The Flash - Red Skull bores me :p

Batman Vs. The Joker - Not a lot of future upside to having Batman quickly beat his greatest foe.


Also, just a comment: 7 matches for a 2 hour show with a 50% match ratio is good for now (especially as you are learning the details of your roster) but you could probably get by with 5 or so in the future, to keep the repeat match counter down.

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OoOOoo, umm lets see:


  • Onomatopoeia & Catwoman Vs. Warpath & X-23
    • If X-Force are in effect, I think Wolvie's team is going to establish themselves from the go

    [*]Deadpool Vs. Deathstroke the Terminator

    • Deadpool wins uncleanly and generally pisses Deathstroke off

    [*]Green Arrow Vs. Black Flash

    • Mayhaps getting ready for a Flash vs Flash

    [*]Elektra Vs. Black Canary

    • Tonight we're always betting on Black :p

    [*]Wolverine Vs. Bane

    • Bane couldn't take enough drugs to beat Wolverine

    [*]Red Skull Vs. The Flash

    • Red Skull trickery for the win

    [*]Batman Vs. The Joker

    • Think I'll have to go with d_w_w on this one

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Dark Match: Ravager defeated Wolfsbane




http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/CharlesXavier_alt05.jpg & http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/JJonahJameson_alt01.jpg


Charles Xavier and J. Jonah Jameson welcome everyone to the show and welcome those watching at home.


Onomatopoeia & Catwoman Vs. Warpath & X-23


http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/Onomatopoeia.jpg & http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/CatwomanII_alt01.jpg Vs. http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/WarpathX-Force_alt01.jpg & http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/X-23X-Force_alt01.jpg


Pretty good opening match up with the two teams. Warpath got a lot of offense on Onomatopoeia. Ono also made a lot of sound...because that is his gimmick...or something like that. No one liked it. There was a great spot in the show when Warpath suplexed Ono out of the ring letting X-23 run ringside and tackle Ono. The match ended when Warpath and X-23 connected with a super-plex on Catwoman for the pin at 9:45.


Rating: D


Prof. X: "What a match if I do say so myself."

Jameson: "Yeah, but I mean it was a unfair win. Warpath pinned Catwoman."

Prof. X: "Well sir. We do allow women to hold their own in these promotion and they can hold their own here."


Deadpool Vs. Deathstroke the Terminator

http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/Deadpool_alt03.jpg Vs.http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/Deathstroke_alt02.jpg


Very even match between these two men. Deathstroke managed to copy a ton of Deadpool's moves. However Deathstroke didn't have the technical skills like Deadpool. Deathstroke managed to break out of a lot of Deadpool's holds. The match ended with Deadstroke getting a chair at the same time as Deadpool. Referee Ron Troupe tried to stop the two men, but it was too late as they both connect the chair shot on another. The match ended due to a double DQ at 11:45


Rating: C


Jameson: "Damn! I was hoping for this match to go on longer."

Prof. X: "It was a good match, but I don't think Deadpool could take any more of Deathstroke's little games."


A camera turns on in the locker room, it seems to be a hidden camera, in the middle of the room there is a dark figure. It seems as if the person is jabbing their arm with a part of broken glass.


?: "Well...well...well. The Dark Knight, Batman...ohh Batty. You're...really rough..and I like that!"


The figure leans in close and smiles




Joker: "Nice try...with the little camera. Batman, Batman, Batman. Tonight...tonight I am going to win. I know you are thinking that it would be im..impossible, but nothing. I repeat. Nothing is impossible. He hasn't got the power to beat me. Those here think your little hero...will save you. This man is like me. We're freaks...we both try to hide it. Him with his little Bat mask and me with my...war paint...but I love it when you all joke and say it is make-up...IT ISN'T! No..oh no...it is not. Tonight I'll get the last laugh."


Joker smacks the camera down as the camera is fading he lets out a laugh until the feed is cut off all the way.


Rating: B+


Jameson: "Well..that was..was..something."

Prof. X: "My, my fellow. It seems this man has scared you. How funny."

Jameson: "Shut up Bald ass."

Prof. X: "Great insult."


Green Arrow Vs. The Black Flash


http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/GreenArrow.jpg Vs. http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/TheBlackFlash.jpg


Twas a good match. The match was really open and the men got in their fair share of offense. Towards the end of the match Red Arrow ran in as the referee was down. Red helped Green up only to turn on him! He left the ring and Black Flash got the pin at 8:28


Rating: C-


Jameson: "What a twist! Green's friend, well former, turned on him! Letting Black Flash get the win."

Prof. X: "I'm just as shocked. He is the last person I would have guessed to come in."


Elektra Vs. Black Canary


http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/Elektra_alt02.jpg Vs. http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/BlackCanary_alt01.jpg


This was a very awkward bout. It was still a pretty good match. Even though it was awkward it was really open, letting both women look nice. It ended when Elektra used a Triple Pronged Grecian Skewer to get the pin at 5:41


Rating: D+




As we come back from a recap of the match, we are in the backstage with these 4 in their locker room


Wolverine: "Do I have to take opening floor?"

X-23: "Yes."

Warpath: "You are the leader."

Wolverine: "Fine. Hey everyone. Wolverine here with Warpath, X-23, Wolfsbane, and me. I'm here to let you all know. We're back. Not as normal wrestlers or superstars, but as the X-Force."

Warpath: "I'll take it from here since you are having trouble."

Wolverine: "Eh shut up."

Warpath: "Right. We need to watch each other’s back. As singles we will fail. As a team...as a team we will rule. The fans will be behind us on this."

X-23: "And we will...be powerful. If one of us was to be alone. We'll be there to help. No one will be left behind."

Wolfsbane: "I'll make sure of it."

Wolverine: "We'll all make sure of it. Anyone who forgets that...will be kicked out. Showing that you aren't brave. You'll just a wimp and willing to break easy. That is final...and we're out."


You can hear the roar of the fans cheer as the camera fades away to the booth


Rating: C-


Wolverine Vs. Bane


http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/WolverineX-Force_alt02.jpg Vs. http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/Bane.jpg


The match opened with Bane getting a whole lot of offense. A good spot was a powerbomb outside to the barrier. Bane tried breaking Wolverine's back much like Batman's, but Wolverine managed to kick Bane in the face. The match started to get awkward towards the end as Bane was getting tired. It ended when Wolverine got a Berserker Barrage on Bane for the pin at 11:35.


Rating: C


Prof. X: "I can't believe what Bane tried doing."

Jameson: "Yeah as if Wolverine needed more on his plate. Bane tried snapping him in two!"


The two continue to talk as we fade to backstage with Lucius Fox




Lucius Fox: "Hello everyone. Lucius Fox here. I am going to be the new backstage interviewer. I guess that would be the word. Now for my first guest. The man, the legend, the Dark Knight."




Batman appears from the shadows all creepy and stuff like that. Oh man this is just so awesome...what? Oh right...interview


Fox: "Nice having you Batman."


Batman: "Yeah...let's get this over with."


Fox: "Sure thing. Tonight you're against long time rival, The Joker, any feelings?"


Batman: "If one was to let his feelings out before going against a cheater like Joker...you'd lose. He would use your feelings against you. When you least suspect it to happen. It will."


Fox: "Well with you being in a hurry. Two more questions. Do you think Joker will cheat against you tonight?"


Batman: "Yes. The real question is...when?"


Fox: "Good point there. Final question. Any plan for the title?"


Batman: "I always have it on my mind. No worries. I'll get it."


Fox: "Well thank...where did he go?"


The camera turns to where Batman was and shows there is nothing, but wall..and the snack table a little to the left.


Rating: C


Red Skull Vs. The Flash


http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/RedSkull_alt04.jpg Vs. http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/TheFlash_alt02.jpg


Good match-up. The Flash was really lucky with his speed as Skull was able to get a number of powerhouse moves on him. After Skull got a chance to trip Flash during a fast running he was in control of the match. When it seemed like it was the end of the match for Flash. The Star Bangled Banner started playing as Captain America walked down the ramp. Skull was amazed as the man he had killed came back. Skull focused on him while Flash got up and connect on a roll-up for the win at 12:41


Rating: B


Jameson: "I can't believe it! He is back!"

Prof. X: "That he is. That he is. However it seems Red Skull isn't finished. He is running up the ramp!"




Captain America is backstage talking to a crowd of staff members. It goes on for a little until...




Red Skull comes out of nowhere and begins a attack on Captain America as the staff tries pulling him off. After more came in to help, they get Red Skull off.


Rating: C-



Batman Vs. The Joker


http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/Batman.jpg Vs. http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss99/TheHuntman470/TheJoker.jpg


Talk about a great main event! Batman stopped Joker from doing any tricks, but at the same time. Joker got in a great offense. Batman was able to fight back and block most of the attacks. During the match Batman picked up Joker and connected with a powerbomb to the outside. Batman climbed out and picked Joker up by his shirt, but Joker threw some dust into Batman's eyes. Joker laughed and slammed down Batman's head on the steel steps. Joker climbed into the ring as the referee counted at 7. It was almost 10 when Batman climbed into the ring. Joker tried a clothesline on Batman and connected with it. Batman got up and tackled Joker and went with a total ground and pound on Joker. The referee pushed Batman off Joker and yelled at him while The Joker got up. Ran and tackled Batman, knocking the referee down as well. Joker got off and connected with a stiff kick to the head of Batman. He pulled a cigar out of his pants pocket and placed it in Batman's mouth, lit it, and walked to the other side of the ring as it exploded! What a foul move! Joker pulled the ref to his feet and pinned Batman for the win at 18:53.


Jameson: "What a match...until the end however."

Prof. X: "True words my friend. I don't know why I'm shocked at this, but I am."


Even though the match was over The Joker kept beating down Batman. Soon officals came in to try to stop Joker, but Joker pulled out a gun on them. He laughed and pulled the trigger...only to have the word "Bang!" on a flag, then officals tackled him down.


Rating: Match B-, Beatdown B+


Prof. X: "Thank you for joining us."

Jameson: "See ya next week."


Overall: D+


OCC: Well that sucked, the overall rating I mean. I'm going to edit that product so I can have more matches. Thanks for everyone who made comments.

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Great effort for a first time diary post, I gotta say. Interested to see what's going on with Red Arrow, and I liked the brief match write-ups which gave a bit of all sorts of info.


Only 4 out of 7 picks though, I'll definitely have to improve on that :)

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Yeah lets just say Arrow isn't getting a push to the moon, but he is better then a opener. Plus he was a heel when the game started so I didn't feel like making it different. I'll get a write up of the roster after Pow!
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OCC: This is totally made up by me. I figured it would help the readers understand how Captain America came back even though it wasn't the first one.


First Feud - Captain America vs. Red Skull


This feud sparked off in 2007 after the death of Steve Rogers. Bucky Barnes took the place of Captain America. The two caused damage all around the arenas they were in. During the middle of 2008, Red Skull shot Bucky thinking he had killed him. As of last week we saw Bucky come back to re-spark the feud. Now Bucky is back, looking to get back at Red Skull.

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Overall: D+[/center]


OCC: Well that sucked, the overall rating I mean. I'm going to edit that product so I can have more matches. Thanks for everyone who made comments.


It was a fun card - interested to see where you take things.

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Quick Pick

Iceman Vs. Parasite

Zoom Vs. The Sentry Vs. Metallo Vs. Ares

Daredevil Vs. Bullseye

Abomination Vs. Captain Marvel

Cyclops Vs. Superman-Prime

Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man Vs. Doomsday, Venom, and Iron Patriot

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This might be just wacky enough for me to get into it. Loved the Deadpool/Deathstroke Double DQ... although I find it hard to believe Deathstroke could copy Wade's moves. He's crazy! He makes it up as he goes along! :D


Iceman Vs. Parasite

Zoom Vs. The Sentry Vs. Metallo Vs. Ares

Daredevil Vs. Bullseye

Abomination Vs. Captain Marvel

Cyclops Vs. Superman-Prime

Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man Vs. Doomsday, Venom, and Iron Patriot

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Iceman Vs. Parasite

Zoom Vs. The Sentry Vs. Metallo Vs. Ares

Daredevil Vs. Bullseye - I'm calling the match a no contest with it being interrupted

Abomination Vs. Captain Marvel

Cyclops Vs. Superman-Prime

Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man Vs. Doomsday, Venom, and Iron Patriot

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This might be just wacky enough for me to get into it. Loved the Deadpool/Deathstroke Double DQ... although I find it hard to believe Deathstroke could copy Wade's moves. He's crazy! He makes it up as he goes along! :D


Well that is just building up for something. Deathstroke getting inside Deadpool's head and messing with him./

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Loving it so far.


I tried to run MDC2 but had to stop. Way too many wierd DC characters I don't know (what's with the giant racist egg?). Nice job.


Oh how I love this mod.


Iceman Vs. Parasite

Zoom Vs. The Sentry Vs. Metallo Vs. Ares

Daredevil Vs. Bullseye

Abomination Vs. Captain Marvel

Cyclops Vs. Superman-Prime

Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man Vs. Doomsday, Venom, and Iron Patriot

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