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CZCW: And Justice For All

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I lay on my back, trying to catch my breath. As I heard Ray Johnson’s voice over the few thousand people in attendance, I knew it was time to get moving. I picked my body up off the canvas and pushed up to my feet. Across the ring was Aaron Andrews, a man I knew was the future of the business. We stood at the same time and came together in the center of the ring.


“Take it home guys.”


Ray’s voice registered in my head again. Aaron fired a right hand that I sold a little too much as a rib. I answered back with a right of my own. Aaron took the blow and then immediately fired another of his own. I blocked it and fired another. I blocked two more and began nailing three right hands in a row before planting my boot into his gut. I lifted him into a torture rack position on my shoulders and took the customary time to allow him to protect himself before I pushed him into the air. I sat out as he fell, finishing off my Burning Hammer variation finish. As I rolled over and hooked his leg, I could only think of one thing; I hope I performed well enough.


“One! Two! Three!”


The bell rang after Ray Johnson’s hand slapped the mat for the third time. I climbed to my feet and had my hand raised; a truly surreal experience. A lot of the fans in attendance applauded our efforts and I even heard a few shouts of my name as I exited the ring. This wasn’t the first time I had performed in front of 5,000 fans for TCW, but it was my first victory. I hoped that was a sign of good things to come. My ten minute pre-show tryout had concluded and I headed for the showers, waiting for the word.




Tommy Cornell was gracious enough to invite me to enjoy the show from the locker room. I wasn’t a stranger in the TCW locker room by any means; I had worked multiple dark matches before. The show had been over for a half hour now and I was patiently waiting for that conversation with Tommy; one we had had a few times before. Even at the age of twenty-two I was ready to gain steady employment with a single big company. Ready both mentally and talent-wise.


I grew up a wrestling fan. It was a release of sorts for me. I grew up watching Rip Chord in his latter days, Sam Keith among others. I knew at a young age that I wanted to become a professional wrestler. I enveloped myself in the business. I’d save my allowance so I could attend shows anytime they came near my small Iowa residence. It didn’t matter who it was, local promotions, the national companies, I went. As I got older I was able to pick up some of the simple secrets of how things worked, but it wasn’t enough for me. Once the internet came along I used that to further my knowledge even more. As soon as I graduated high school I found a place to train. I made my professional debut in December of that same year and haven’t looked back. Along the way a lot of people had commented on my seemingly natural booking mind to come up with intriguing finishes to my matches. It was something I was truly proud of.


Finally after what seemed like an eternity, Tommy strode into the locker room. I sat in the corner shooting the breeze with Sam Keith as I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I glanced up and saw Tommy standing there, signaling my exit. As I stood, Sam gave me a pat on the shoulder.


“Good luck kid.” He laughed.


I followed Tommy out of the locker and around a corner to his office for the evening. His head booker, Joel Bryant, was already waiting for me. I took a seat across from Tommy and next to Joel as the air filled with an awkward silence.

“Well Tyler, you did good tonight.” Tommy started off. “You’re a hell of a worker for someone your age.”

“We’ve been thoroughly impressed with your appearances here and around the country for some of the independent promotions lately.” Joel added.


I sat silently, waiting to hear what else they had to say.


“Tyler where do you want to be five years from now?” Tommy asked.


I took a second to think before I spoke.


“Signed with a bigger company and working anywhere on the card.” I started. “I don’t care if it was jobbing or main eventing, as long as I was working full time for a promotion."

Tommy nodded slowly as he leaned back in his chair. He looked to Joel and sighed.

“Tyler, keep doing what you’re doing and you will be.” Joel said. “There’s no doubt in my mind you’re going to be a star someday.”


I still wasn’t sure what to think. It all became clear to me as Tommy spoke again.


“Just not right now. Not with TCW at least.” He said. “Joel and I don’t feel as though your style of wrestling is right for the current image of TCW. You’re very physical in the ring, which is a popular thing nowadays. But TCW just isn’t the place for it.”


I sighed and let my head drop a bit. I’d have been lying if I told them I wasn’t disappointed.

“Sorry Tyler, it’s just not the right time.” Joel said.


I lifted my gaze back up as Tommy opened the drawer to his makeshift desk and pulled a white envelope out. He extended it across the desk in my direction.

“Here’s your pay for the night.” He said. “I threw in a little extra, seeing as I’m a nice guy and all.”


I couldn’t help but smile.


“Thanks Tommy.” I replied.

“We’ll keep in touch. When we come back through here again, I’ll ring you up.” Tommy finished.


He stood as did Joel Bryant. I followed suit and shook both of their hands before turning and walking back to the locker room for my bag. I had a long drive ahead of me that I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to make due to a written contract. I had a booking in Detroit the next night.


As I walked out the rear doors and towards my car, I spotted a figure standing near it. I had a feeling I knew what it was about and I wasn’t in the mood for dealing with him.


“Not tonight Mr. Porter. You’ve already had me in court once.” I said as I approached my car.


There was no reply initially. Eventually as I got closer the response filled the air.


“Well, the name’s not Porter and what did you go to court for?” He said.


I recognized the voice. As I got to my car, the face became clear to me. It was Cliff Anderson; owner and head booker for CZCW.

“Oh Cliff. Forget about it.” I said, brushing off his inquiry. “How’s it going?”


I didn’t look to him as I dropped my bag into the back seat.

“Good. I’m here to make you and offer.” He said. “Judging by the tone of your voice you’re still an independent wrestler I take it.”


I said nothing.

“Well Tyler, my mind isn’t as fresh as it once was.” He stated. “After fifteen years as owner and head booker in this business I don’t think the stuff I come up with for CZCW is intriguing enough anymore.”


“I’ve been on your shows lately, Cliff.” I said. “You’re doing okay.”


He let out a chuckle and took a deep breath.


“Kid, you came up with half the finishes for the last show.”


I shrugged and hopped onto the trunk.

“How would you like to come on board and book for me?” He offered.


I was a little taken back to say the least. Me a Head Booker? I had dreamed of running a promotion, but not until I was sixty and a piece of crap in the ring.


“You want me to book your shows?” I asked.


He nodded and moved closer.


“Why don’t you come by my office tomorrow and we’ll talk it over?”


Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out, holding up a finger as I slid it open. It was a text message from the guy I’d be wrestling for the next day.


Building canceled on us, show is off


I took it as a sign.

“Yeah Cliff, let’s do that.” I replied as I closed the phone and held it in my hands.


“Excellent. Come by around noon.” He said.


I nodded and hopped from my perch. My plans for the next five years might have just changed.

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“So you’re giving me pretty much free reign on this thing?” I asked with a tone of disbelief in my voice.


Cliff nodded.


“Discipline, booking, storylines, hiring and firing. The works, with a few exceptions.” He replied.


I sat awake the night before thinking of how I was going to handle the meeting today. This would be a big turning point in my career. Would I go on as an independent wrestler, working four nights a week for eight hundred bucks a show? Would I continue to bust my ass four nights a week in hopes to get noticed by one of the big boys? Or was I going to run a promotion and wrestle exclusively for them for the foreseeable future? I had come prepared. In my insomniac state the night before, I made a list of things I’d need to do.


“Cliff, you’re making a dream of mine come true forty years before I planned on trying.” I started. “I’ll accept your offer on one condition; you have to give me the right to jumble things up.”


He raised an eyebrow into the air.

“I’m open for just about anything kid.” He replied. “What did you have in mind?”


I opened my notebook. Cliff leaned over, impressed with my full page of notes already made.


“You knew coming in here you were going to take my offer, didn’t you?” He asked.


I cracked a smile and looked down to my list.


“First things first, events need to go at the end of the month for now.” Cliff looked a bit confused by this and I quenched his curiosity before he could ask. “People will have their bills paid at the end of the month. They’re going to know if they have the extra money to go to a wrestling show. Give it time and I bet we see an increase in attendance.”


He nodded. I was making progress as I took a pen from my pocket and made a check mark.


“Second, we’ve got to rename some of the shows. You’ve got some good ones no doubt, but some of them sound like a backyard fed.” I stated.


Cliff shrugged and nodded.

“Kid, I’ve got faith in you.” He said. “Let me just give you some simple guidelines and the rest is yours.”


I nodded and sat back to listened, ready to jot them down.


“First, let’s get our bank up to the $750,000 mark in the next few years.” He said. My eyes grew a bit larger. “Let’s not lose any ground either; I want to be where we are now or higher in the rankings in a few years. And here are my limits on talent for now; no criminals, nobody that has low understanding of the basics and let’s bring in some guys who have a bit of a reputation in the business too.”

I nodded again as I finished jotting them down. None of these limitations would affect me too much. I could pull this off.


“I’m glad you’re putting your faith in me Cliff. It means a lot.” I said. “And I’ve already got some phone calls waiting to be returned.”


Cliff shook his head as I cracked another smile.


“What do you have in mind for storylines?” He asked.


I had a few ideas, jotted down further back in the notebook. I flipped to them and slid the pad of paper across his desk. He glanced at the first and most definite one I had come up with the night before and nodded in agreement.

“I think we’re going to be all right kid.” He said with a smile.

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“First things first, events need to go at the end of the month for now.” Cliff looked a bit confused by this and I quenched his curiosity before he could ask. “People will have their bills paid at the end of the month. They’re going to know if they have the extra money to go to a wrestling show. Give it time and I bet we see an increase in attendance.”



Lol too bad TEW works the other way around, at the start of the month people have money at the end they have spent it all so get in as early as you can hehe.

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Lol too bad TEW works the other way around, at the start of the month people have money at the end they have spent it all so get in as early as you can hehe.


Seconded. I'm not sure if that's a wise choice but hell, it's your game and your diary. :o

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Lol too bad TEW works the other way around, at the start of the month people have money at the end they have spent it all so get in as early as you can hehe.


I was basically looking for a reason to move my events to the end of the month. It would give me time to get things in order in January, not to mention the challenge of James Prudence taking off on me. Now I have possibilities wide open in the main event. As long as I'm putting on good shows, people will come. :-)

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This has actually been categorically denied by Adam on more than one occasion. Time of month makes no difference.


Wow then that is a pretty strong TEW boards urban myth as I have seen it stated many times by other experienced posters. TY for clearing that up Phantom.

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This has actually been categorically denied by Adam on more than one occasion. Time of month makes no difference.


Oh yeah. I always confuse it with the thing that if you held several shows in one place during one month, the last show would have a lower attendance than the first one because you have already visited that place several times in that very month.

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“Okay Tyler just tell me when you want me to let go.” She said.


It was a glorious late spring day. The sun was shining and a there was a slight breeze intruding on the tree branches. Tyler Harper sat upon his new Huffy adorned with elbow pads and a helmet. He looked up to his mother and smiled as widely as he ever had before. He nodded and began pedaling as she placed her hand on his back and pushed him forward. She steadied him for a few moments until he yelled out.


“Let go!” He exclaimed.


She held on for just an extra second and then let go. She slowly jogged along side him while he struggled to keep his balance. He made it no more than fifteen feet when she had to lunge out and stop him from toppling over. She let out a small giggle and he looked at her with fear in his eyes. She smiled deeper at him.


“It’s okay. You want to try again?” She asked.


Tyler nodded and they turned the bike around. She told him the same thing as before and began pushing him again. She held on for an extra moment this time and he shouted for her to let go. Again he made it to their front lawn and gently lost his balance. She was only two steps behind him as he extended his leg and caught the fall. She laughed again and he looked up at her with a smile. As they turned and reset to give it another go the loud roar of an engine began to invade the peaceful air. Neither of them looked for it’s origin as Tyler readied himself again. The truck came into view five houses away as the Chevy roared around the corner. It turned into their driveway and came to a halt. She smiled at him again and began to slowly push him down the sidewalk. As they progressed the vehicle door slammed shut and a shout came.

“What in the hell are you doing?” He yelled.


At that moment Tyler shouted for his mother to let go. She did and he began pedaling down the sidewalk. The man walked up behind Tyler’s mother and grabbed her arm. She spun around to face him and saw the case of Old Style in his hands.

“I’m teaching him to ride a bike. Something you should be doing.” She replied.


He scoffed at her comment and lifted his other hand. He took a drink from the beer he held and stared back at her. She sighed at his drinking and began to say something but was snapped around by the cry of her son. She saw him on the sidewalk just past their lawn with one leg underneath his bike. He had fallen to the ground and was struggling to get the contraption off of him. His cries subsided a minute amount as his mother rushed over and lifted the bike up. He crawled from beneath it and climbed to his feet as she laid the bike back down.

“Jesus Christ. Go ahead and baby him. He’ll never be a man.” He said.


She looked up and rolled her eyes at him as she consoled her child. He pointed to his knee amidst the sobs and she peered down. The only place he hadn’t been protected was scraped. She told him it was okay and lifted him into her embrace.


“Is that a new f*cking bike? Where did you get the money for that?!” the man yelled.


She rolled her eyes again and began heading towards the house. Before she entered she turned back with her son still held in her arms. She gently rubbed her hand on his head as he continued to sob.


“I’ve been saving. He deserves nice things. If you won’t give them to him I will.” She said.


He stared at her and took the last gulp of his beer before crumpling the can. She turned and walked inside the house ready to care for her son.


At least someone cared for him.



I went ahead and changed the names of a few of the events scheduled for the year. Cliff had some okay names chosen, but they sounded too childish for my likings. I also took the liberty to change the name of the Xtreme Title. Its name shouted violence, but its purpose was far from it. It had a weight limit of Middleweight which was another thing that bothered me. I decided to leave the belt as one dedicated to the youngsters, but was removing that weight limitation. The CZCW LiveWire Title would make its debut at the end of the month.


Elsewhere I did a personal evaluation on the roster. When I finished, I knew there were some guys that, depending on their performances, would not have their deals renewed. There were also a few workers I really needed to watch and work with to see what we could get out of them.


Related to this evaluation was the talent I contacted to be brought in. I knew I needed to bring some others in, but wasn’t exactly sure what I could do financially yet. In my head I figured we could probably afford one or two bigger names at higher prices, but anyone else would need to be kept under a grand per show.


I also set up a few working agreements with owners around the country to supplement what we already had with MAW and MPWF. TCW, USPW, NOTBPW and CGC were the highlights of my agreements. These would be vital to our success in the future. Everyone knows that the big guns come knocking when we produce the talent they want. Now we’d be able to hang onto our talent when they were signed by the bigger promotions. Except for SWF. Richard was a monopolizing bastard.



“There you go. All better.” She said.


His mother leaned down and lightly kissed the bandaged wound before lifting him down from the bathroom sink. He smiled up at her and stretched out his leg, loosening the band-aid’s grip on his skin.

“Thanks mom. You’re the best.” He said.


She kissed his forehead and they both walked from the room. She shut the light off and walked into the kitchen to tend to the food. As she stood at the stove Tyler sat in the living room pushing a toy car around on the floor.


“So you’ve been hiding money from me?” Came a booming voice.


Tyler looked up to see him enter the kitchen with a fresh beer in hand. His mother looked up from her cooking and gave him a look. She went back to stirring the meal and began to speak.


“I haven’t been hiding anything from you. I’ve been saving the money I earn at the restaurant. You make money and spend it on beer. I make money and spend it on my son.” She replied.


Tyler kept pushing his car around the living room but was inching closer and closer to the hallway. Back in the kitchen he took a swig of his beer and sat down at the table.

“We can’t afford you spoiling him. I have bills to pay.” He said.


Tyler let out a sigh and began making engine noises to drown out what he was hearing. The two in the kitchen continued to gripe at each other.


“I wouldn’t call a new bike and a toy car spoiling him. My son is not going to grow up without any idea of what a childhood is.” His mother replied.


The engine noises became louder. He slowly pushed his car into the dark hallway. His timing was just about right as the voices from the kitchen began to overlap his own. He quickened his pace down the hallway until he reached the door at the end.

“Can we not do this in front of Tyler?” She asked.


“I don’t f*cking care if he can hear us.” He responded.


It was time. Tyler stood and opened the door. He walked into the closet with his car in hand and shut the door behind him. He sat and began pushing his car in the dark as he heard the voices escalate again. How long would it be this time? An hour? Four?






Two minutes?

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Interesting start. I always appreciate a bit more backstory then "I won the lottery..." or "the phone rings and I get a random job..."


Good luck with CZCW. I could never take them seriously. They have a lot of awesome workers (Remmy Skye, Insane Machine) combined with bizarre characters I never know what to do with (Masked Cougar, Fox Mask,.... I mean, besides the obvious animal gimmick, what the hell are you supposed to do with them?)


While your renaming events you can rename a few workers as well :D


Or just hire Air Attack Weasel, T-Rex, and have NOTHING but animal workers

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Interesting start. I always appreciate a bit more backstory then "I won the lottery..." or "the phone rings and I get a random job..."


Good luck with CZCW. I could never take them seriously. They have a lot of awesome workers (Remmy Skye, Insane Machine) combined with bizarre characters I never know what to do with (Masked Cougar, Fox Mask,.... I mean, besides the obvious animal gimmick, what the hell are you supposed to do with them?)


While your renaming events you can rename a few workers as well :D


Or just hire Air Attack Weasel, T-Rex, and have NOTHING but animal workers


Not seeing the problem. Then again I've been booking promotions with a good amount of masked wrestlers in them. The key is not to see the mask for most of the wrestlers and find something else about them to focus on. Alts are important with this however as it's hard to see some wrestlers as a heel or a face depending on the mask.

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(Masked Cougar, Fox Mask,.... I mean, besides the obvious animal gimmick, what the hell are you supposed to do with them?)


This is the sort of question that always puzzles me. Consider the following:


Besides the obvious masked gimmick, what the hell are you supposed to do with Rey Mysterio?


Besides the obvious foreign gimmick, what the hell are you supposed to do with Finlay?


Besides the obvious brothers gimmick, what the hell are you supposed to do with the Hardys?

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“No Tyler. You change what we offer that much and you’ll ward off any of the fans we currently have!” Cliff shouted.


I had come to him with a proposal to change the image of CZCW. I knew in the long run it would work. It was the style that myself and actually a lot of the workers Cliff already had employed would thrive on.


“Sure we’ll take a hit in the beginning, but you gave me two and a half years to hit that money goal.” I stated. “In the long run, this change of product is going to be beneficial.”


I had infuriated him with all the changes I had wanted to make. My main intentions was to take the focus off of gimmicks and place it on matches and the actual storylines we’d be running.

“Absolutely not.” He said as he shook his head. “Something drastic would have to happen to make me change my mind.”


It was fate. Cliff’s phone rang just then. He answered and listed as the young voice on the opposite end spoke. Cliff’s face went from stern to sad as he continued to listen.


“I see. Well, we wish you nothing but the best, kid.” He forced out. “Good luck up North.”


The conversation was short and simple. Cliff hung up his phone and dropped his gaze to my proposed changes.

“Do it.” He said.


My eyes lit up with glee as the words rolled from his mouth. But then another thing struck me. I knew what “up North” referred to. But who was he talking with?


“Who was that?” I asked innocently.


“James.” Cliff said somberly. “He took a deal from SWF. Have fun with your new product kid, we’ve got a vacant Heavyweight Title now.”



I brought in around ten names to help round out our roster. Two of them asked for more than a thousand a show, but with James Prudence leaving I felt we could do it. Most of the rest of the month was talking to all of the workers about my plans and where I wanted them to go in the future. One of the big things we needed to hit was our face versus heel ratio. I personally liked to have a nice balance at each level of the card which was easy to accomplish until I got to the main eventers. It took me some time and thinking, but I was able to come up with plans to get us to an even balance there as well.


My first show as Head Booker was approaching fast and I had big plans for it. A lot of new faces would be coming to our roster as I started my reign. I told Cliff I wanted to shake things up and I was. Not only would we be having new wrestlers coming in, but I also had plans set in place for some managers and a new authority figure to come in that did better work on the stick.



Elsewhere, SWF has really raided the independent scene. Aside from our own James Prudence, Darryl Devine, Steven Parker and Chris Caulfield signed on with them. I wish all of those guys, great wrestlers in their own ways, the best of luck at the big show.



Ryan Powell was able to defeat Trent Shaffer for the CGC Canadian Title at last night’s “Elimination” event. The match was hardly spectacular, which surprised me as both Trent and Ryan are solid workers.

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Couple interesting things to note as we head into Revolution. Just days after joining SWF, James Prudence went public today with his intentions to change his style from Cruiserweight to Super Junior. I’m interested to see how it works out “up North.”


Secondly, Erik Strong defeated Mean Jean Cattley in the finals to win the 2008 Rip Chord Invitational. In a booking sense, it surprised me that they did not have him defend the Mid Atlantic Championship throughout the tournament. It would have been an easy way to build him up, not to mention explain the idea that the winner of the tournament receives a title shot. Mean Jean Cattley was by far the star of the show as he was involved in the three best matches of the night.


Lastly, The Natural and Owen Love, collectively known as The Can-Am Blondes captured the NOTBPW Tag Titles from The Kelowna Playaz.



CZCW Revolution 2008

The Snake Pit

Attendance: 780


The crowd murmurs as a face familiar from the independent scene pushes through the curtain as some flashy dance music plays. She carries her frame down the aisle and into the ring as the thoughts of her work in BSC run through everyone’s mind…..



Sara Silver


“I’m going to bet that all of you are wondering what I am doing here in CZCW.” Sara starts out. “You see, nobody was impressed with the way Rita Charles has been handling things around here so as the saying goes out with the old and in with the new.”


A few scattered cheers are heard as she pauses for dramatic effect.


“So here I am. I’ll be taking my perch at the announce table on Color Commentary as well. The only problem I have is that I have to put my beautiful body on display in front of you retched pieces of garbage.” Sara continues.


The crowd loudly begins to boo her now, but instead of getting worked up, she smiles and welcomes the jeers.

“As my first official act here in CZCW I have decided to shake things up. The Xtreme Championship, effective immediately, will be now known as the Livewire Championship. This belt will begin the new era of young and deserving talent to get their shot at glory. Secondly and more importantly, I am taking care of the CZCW Heavyweight Title left vacant when James Prudence left for SWF.” She started. “Tonight we will have four singles matches and the winners will be placed in a Four Corner Survival next month to determine a new champion.”


Before much of a reaction can be had for the announcement, Donnie J’s music hits the system and he strolls out to the ring. The crowd cheers his presence and become quiet as he enters the ring and looks to Sara Silver.


“Well now Miss Silver; Now that James Prudence has left everybody knows that I am THE man here in CZCW.” Donnie states. “I’m going to make this short and simple; declare myself as the NEW CZCW Heavyweight Champion. There is nobody in this company that can stop me now.”


The crowd boos loudly at Donnie J’s uncharacteristic behavior. Their boos last only moments as Matt Sparrow makes his way from the back and enters the ring.


“You sir have changed. As for your comment, I believe I have what it takes to “stop you.” Matt says.


Donnie laughs as Matt makes quotation marks in the air and stares at his new found foe.


“You don’t have chance in the world.” Donnie retorts.


The crowd remains silent until Plague pushes from the back and enters the ring. He takes a look at Donnie and then diverts his attention to Matt Sparrow.

“Plain and simple, I can kick both of your asses.” Plague says gruffly.


The microphones are silent as the three exchange words amongst themselves, things escalating every second. Finally the argument gets to the boiling point, causing Plague to fire a right hand at Matt Sparrow. The masked man looks to Donnie J and the two share a glare, but shrug it off as they both begin laying into Sparrow. The crowd boos loudly as they continue to lay boots to the now fallen star. Their boos finally turn to cheers as a somewhat familiar face rushes from the back…


Tyler Justice

Justice pulls Plague from Sparrow and begins exchanging right hands. At the same time, Tyler’s entrance was enough of a distraction to allow Matt to begin fighting back against Donnie. The two pairs of men brawl on separate parts of the ring as the crowd goes crazy at the action. Tyler and Matt hold the upper hand for a moment or two and have their foes lines up for clotheslines to the outside when the lights suddenly go dark. The arena goes silent as the lights remain out. Finally they come back on and reveal a shrouded figure standing in the center of the ring….


Fumihiro Ota

Ota begins his fight with both Sparrow and Justice, allowing Plague and Donnie to regain their composure. The three men quickly gain the upper hand on Tyler and Matt, bringing another chorus of boos from the crowd sitting in The Snake Pit. After a few agonizing moments they have new found hope as Ultimate Phoenix rushes from the back and slides into the ring. He goes for the three attackers, but is quickly outnumbered. Plague, Donnie J and Fumihiro Ota continue their assault as the crowd boos. All the while, Sara Silver has taken her spot at the announce table and calls the in ring brawling. Amidst the chaos, Mikey James runs from the back to the crowds pleasure, but he immediately starts laying boots into the already fallen Ultimate Phoenix. Together, the four men hated by the crowd continue their dominance on the fan favorites until some new music hits the system. The men are stopped in their tracks as the music continues to play for a few moments before a VERY familiar face runs down the aisle…



Steve Flash


Flash slides into the ring and begins clearing house, starting with Mikey James. James gets tossed over the top rope and lands hard on the outside. Feeling the odds in their favor now Tyler, Matt and Ultimate Phoenix begin to turn the tides on their foes. Before long the crowd is in a frenzy as their favorites have cleared the ring, leaving the four men standing alone to look at each other.



Tyler Justice vs. Plague for a shot at the CZCW Heavyweight Title

This was a fast paced match to continue the buzz from the previous segment. We were able to carry it throughout and put on a good match. As the match wore on it turned into a hard hitting battle, but finally ended at the twelve minute mark as I hit a Cradle Piledriver and pinned Plague to move on to next month.

Winner: Tyler Justice (C-)




Out from the back walks former CZCW Authority Rita Charles with an upset look on her face. Even through the disgust she was still an attractive young lady and that was enough to bring a few cat calls from the crowd.


“Since I have been so kindly ejected from my position of power here in CZCW…” Rita said as she glared in Sara Silver’s direction. “…I have decided to take it upon myself to guide a man destined for stardom. This man is someone you will know and remember after he makes his debut tonight and when the time is right, he will take the LiveWire Title from that poor excuse for a wrestler, Flying Jimmy Foxx. Ladies and gentlemen I give you….”



Kirk Jameson


Kirk saunters to the ring, playing to the ringside fans as he climbs onto the apron and approaches Rita. They shake hands before Rita speaks once again.


“Now to begin this rise to stardom correctly, I’m going to issue an open challenge to any man in the back that thinks he can take down my new client.” She challenged.


The air stood silently for a moment until Marc Speed pushed through the curtain and began making his way to the ring. The crowd cheered his new found courage as he slid into the ring.



Marc Speed vs. Kirk Jameson

I’m not sure whether it was nerves in his debut or if he couldn’t multi-task, but Kirk was off. He did pick up some performance skills from Speed, which is why I’m wondering if he was so focused on learning he forgot how to wrestle temporarily. Either way he gained the victory in about five minutes after The Bullseye.

Winner: Kirk Jameson (D)




Backstage Tyler Justice stands in front of the CZCW backdrop. He is still dressed in his competitive attire and looks to still be on the adrenaline high from his match with Plague.

“Anyone here probably knows who I am.” Tyler started out. “I’ve worked here for the better part of the last six months and I tend to believe I’ve made a lasting impression on the fans in the Coastal Zone. The thing is, previously, I had only seen CZCW as a paycheck. Living halfway across the country, there were too many things near my home that prevented me from giving this company more than I did. That all changes now as CZCW becomes my priority. Now that Donnie J thinks he owns this place, I vow to remain here and take things to a whole new level.”




Mikey James vs. Matt Sparrow for a shot at the CZCW Heavyweight Title

The match was hard hitting and not bad at all, but the crowd was a little irritated by the lack of in-ring activity thus far and that hurt this match. It was still okay though and even helped Matt to improve his technical abilities. Mikey James picks up a surprise victory in eleven minutes to gain a spot in the title match next month.

Winner: Mikey James (D-)




Al Coleman comes to the ring and simply issues a challenge to anyone in the back. It doesn’t take long for an opponent to answer….



Davis Wayne Newton



Davis Wayne Newton vs. Al Coleman

This was a solid match by one of CZCW’s under-appreciated talents and a new star in the making. It is very clear that Newton is to be a star in the business and I figured I’d get what I could from him. The match ended just past the five minute mark when DWN tapped out to an Ankle Brace.

Winner: Al Coleman (D-)




Backstage Remmy Skye and Frankie Perez hold their tag team title belts as they cut a promo, speaking of their next title defense against Rich and Famous. They each take turns poking fun at Jake and Jackpot before getting serious and guaranteeing the titles remain with them.



Kashmir Singh vs. Flying Jimmy Foxx [c] for the CZCW LiveWire Title

First things first; Little Miss Sunshine did good work as Foxx’s manager. The match was okay, but nothing great and the fans continued their hardship from the show’s opening by crapping on the match. Foxx retains in seven minutes with a Flying Foxx.

Winner: Flying Jimmy Fox (D-)




Post match, Kirk Jameson rushes in and attacks the champion from behind. Rita Charles is in tow and begins directing traffic. Kirk lays the champ out with a Bullseye and then yells the words “In due time” before leaving the ring, much to the crowds displeasure.



Rich and Famous vs. Remmy Skye and Frankie Perez [c] for the CZCW Tag Team Titles

Well, I’ll just chalk this one up to experience. Remmy was off in a bad way. Match that with how green Jake and Jackpot are and you’re left with Frankie Perez, a man who hates selling so much he doesn’t even bring his own t-shirts to the show, to carry the match. The champs end the train wreck in six minutes when Jackpot tapped out to Frankie’s P-Clutch. The only upside is that Jackpot and Jake showed improvement in many areas.

Winners: Remmy Skye and Frankie Perez (E)




The crowd cheers as yet another familiar face comes to the ring to little fanfare…



Jacob Jett


Jett looks to Sara Silver and requests a spot on the CZCW roster. Silver ponders the thought and then offers him a chance. She says if he can win a match against Snap Dragon, he can have the spot. Jett agrees and awaits his opponent.




Jacob Jett vs. Snap Dragon

A good flippy match that got the crowd back a bit. Dragon fought with everything he had, but Jett matched him step for step. The two teased a couple of high spots from the top, but eventually Jett nailed the Jett Take Off and secured the victory.

Winner: Jacob Jett (D-)




Ultimate Phoenix vs. Donnie J for a shot at the CZCW Heavyweight Title

Each man learned from the other as Phoenix showed some better brawling and Donnie showed some better flying. The two laid it all out trying to get the crowd back from the night so far. A solid series of false finishes led to Donnie hitting the Death on Miami Beach to win the match.

Winner: Donnie J (C-)



Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota for a shot at the CZCW Heavyweight Title

I love chemistry. These two showed fantastic knowledge of each other as they knew each other’s next step. The match was good and Ota even picked up a few tips for his own performance. The two used a very old school approach of mat wrestling before finally taking to the air and pulling out all the stops. Steve Flash gets the win in thirteen minutes after a Flash Bang.

Winner: Steve Flash ( C )




Overall Rating: C-


Definitely better than I expected. I guess the crowd did not come ready to adjust to our new focus on angles, but I hope that changes in time. We were quite heavy on them tonight, but it was needed to get a few things in order for what is to come. Donnie J, Mikey James and Marc Speed all had successful heel turns as well.

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Just a small OOC post here. I'm not dead :-) I spent this weekend at the Chicagoland Speedway for the NASCAR races. I'm back now and raring to go, so I'll be getting something up here shortly. We've got some backstage antics, our performance for January and a card February to come. What did everyone think about Revolution?
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I had an idea to make myself still seem like one of the guys at shows. I figured everyone would start to resent me if I plastered myself into an office down the hall from the locker room. It would make me look like a prima donna. So I had plans to set up something make shift in the locker room for February’s show. Too bad I hadn’t done it this month. I forgot my shampoo in the showers following my match and when I opened the locker room door to come in what I saw infuriated me.


“What in the hell happened?!” I yelled.


I looked as Steve Flash was holding our referee, Pee-Wee Germaine, and Davis Wayne Newton was holding Al Coleman. The two men had labored breathing, which led me to believe that if they hadn’t actually scuffled, they had come damn close.

“Al thought it would be funny to fill Pee-Wee’s bag with shaving cream.” Steve explained.


That’s when I saw it. Just behind Pee-Wee was a black sports bag covered in the white fluff. I wanted to snicker, but knew I couldn’t. I inspected the mess, seeing none on the carpeting or woodwork of the lockers, so I contemplated how I should handle this.

“Take a walk with me Al.” I said.


He was released by Davis as I walked past and placed my arm around his shoulder. I escorted him out of the locker room and into a hall where our conversation would be private.


“Al, you should know better.” I started. “I know you’re young and just want to have fun, but this kind of thing crosses the line.”

He said nothing as I continued to look at him and speak.


“Luckily it doesn’t look like anything got on the carpeting or woodwork, so you’re safe in that aspect.” I said. “So you’re going to get away with this first offense with a slap on the wrist.”


Al finally responded by nodding.


“I’ll try to not let it happen again.” He said.


I thanked him and he turned to head back to the locker room as I went the opposite way.


Until I remembered I had forgotten my shampoo again. If my memory is this bad now, old age is going to suck.




“What game do you want to play?” She asked.


She followed her son in through the front door. The cool breeze of the late afternoon pushed in as the door was open. She had rushed him home from the babysitter’s after her shift at the diner hoping to avoid the rain from the impending thunderstorms.


“Candy Land.” He replied.


She smiled and nodded to him as he dropped his book bag onto the floor in the living room. He ran to his room to retrieve the game as she took her hair from its pony tail and ran her fingers through it.


“Take off your shoes before you come back out.” She said.


When he returned he had done what he was told and took a seat on the floor. She said she’d be right there and walked past him into her own bedroom to change. When she returned a couple minutes later he had the game out and was staring at the directions. Tyler looked up to his mother and smiled at her relaxed clothing. Sweatpants and a tank top. It felt good to see his mom relax.


“Can you read that yet?” She asked him.


He shook his head and set the direction off to the side as she sat across from him. She helped him to finish setting up the game and then quickly read through the directions to refresh herself on the rules.

“How was school today?” She inquired.


He took a moment before he answered as he searched through the box to find the game piece he wanted to use. Once he was satisfied he put the cardboard figure onto its holder and looked to her.


“It was fun. We got to learn what an illustrator is. I want to be one. All he does is draw pictures!” Tyler said enthusiastically.


His mother laughed as she put the directions down and began the game. They almost made it five minutes before they were interrupted by the rumble of an engine in the driveway. She sighed and tried to concentrate on the game as the noise ended. The front door opened and an audible clap of thunder was heard before it closed.




“Well kid, did you make me any money this month?” Cliff’s gruff voice asked.


“Actually I did.” I started. “We ended up almost twenty five grand in the black for January.”


I could hear the glee form in his voice as he continued.


“You know Tyler I’ve been thinking.” He said. “Networks are looking for new shows for their next season and I’ll bet we could get on board with Los Deportes Hoy.”


I smiled as he looked at me from across his desk. I had learned a few things about Cliff in the couple of years I’ve worked for him. First and foremost the man liked money. Secondly, he wanted to be top dog someday. Even if it meant moving a bit too fast to get there.


“I don’t think it would be worth it Cliff.” I said. “First off, both the economy and interest in the industry are down. Really close to rock bottom in fact. The economy is weakening it seems while the industry is getting stronger though.”


Cliff glared at me as I shot down his idea. I had to give him credit though; this was his company and he could flat out tell me I was wrong and set up meetings with the Executives at the network if he wanted to, but he was listening to what I had to say.

“Sure we could get on Los Deportes Hoy, but what good would that do us?” I asked. “It only shows here in the South West in the US. I actually wanted to pitch you an idea completely opposite of that.”


His eyes narrowed as he pondered what I had in mind.

“Go ahead.” He said.


“I want to make them available on our website. For free.” I started.


I could see the look in his eyes when I made mention of anything being free. But I had good reason.


“We can still turn a profit taking away our DVD sales.” I continued. “Plus we get access to fans all across the country. That way when we do start to expand outward, we’ve already got some fan base there.”


I hoped for the best as I finished, but expected to be canned for suggesting we give anything away for free. Did I forget to mention that cliff can be unpredictable too?


“Hell kid, go for it.” He said.



He paused as he entered the living room allowing the flash of lightning to light up his face. It was eerie in a way that Tyler couldn’t understand. Why would this man scare him? Tyler diverted his attention back to the board game as the man moved on.


“Hey now. No cheating Tyler.” She said.


Tyler just flashed a smile at her that brought one to her own face. They sat there silently enjoying the time they had together. Another clap of thunder sounded but it was comforting for the both of them. Their peace didn’t last long as a shout came from the kitchen.

“Six thirty and there isn’t any f*cking food on my table?!”


Tyler’s mother sighed and rolled her eyes, trying to ignore her husband. It was her turn and that is what she was concentrated on. She continued playing as Tyler watched on. But soon his glare moved upward from the game board and over her right shoulder. The man’s hand came down and grabbed hers, violently lifting her to her feet.


“What is with you lately woman?” He asked forcefully.


She pulled her arm from his grasp and backed away right onto the game board. She stared right back at him as a small pitter-patter of rain began to fall on the roof. A flash of lightning and clap of thunder filled the air momentarily.


“I worked two hours of overtime at work and Tyler wanted to play a game. I figured you’d be out getting drunk again.” She replied.


This time his mother was forceful in her own right. Tyler slowly began backing away from the game as the rain began to come down harder. It was now he looked at the man and saw the same white and red can in his hand.


“I don’t give a s*it what he wanted. When I get home I expect food on the table. Do you understand me?” He yelled.


He pushed forward until he was right on top of Tyler’s mother. This brought Tyler to his feet, cowering in the corner of the room. He watched his mother raise her hands and shove the man backward. Once he regained his balance he came forward and raised his right hand into the air. Just as it began to move forward a flash of lighting lit up the sky as if it were day and darkened the house like night. A clap of thunder followed and by the time the weather was silent again Tyler could hear his mother sobbing. His six year old body was still cowering in the corner when he heard foot steps in the kitchen and another can open.


“Mommy?” he whispered.


When he got no answer and only heard more sobs his eyes began to get blurry. Soon the taste of warm liquid was in his mouth and he was running down the hall. It seemed like the door was a mile away but he finally got there.


To the closet.


The only place he felt safe.




CZCW Vendetta

CZCW Heavyweight Title: Tyler Justice vs. Donnie J vs. Steve Flash vs. Mikey James

CZCW Tag Team Titles: The Ring Generals vs. Remmy Skye and Frankie Perez [c]

CZCW LiveWire Title: Jeremiah Moose vs. Flying Jimmy Foxx [c]

Ultimate Phoenix vs. Plague

Matt Sparrow vs. Fumihiro Ota

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CZCW Heavyweight Title: Tyler Justice vs. Donnie J vs. Steve Flash vs. Mikey James

CZCW Tag Team Titles: The Ring Generals vs. Remmy Skye and Frankie Perez [c]

CZCW LiveWire Title: Jeremiah Moose vs. Flying Jimmy Foxx [c]

Ultimate Phoenix vs. Plague

Matt Sparrow vs. Fumihiro Ota

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CZCW Heavyweight Title: Tyler Justice vs. Donnie J vs. Steve Flash vs. Mikey James

CZCW Tag Team Titles: The Ring Generals vs. Remmy Skye and Frankie Perez [c]

CZCW LiveWire Title: Jeremiah Moose vs. Flying Jimmy Foxx [c]

Ultimate Phoenix vs. Plague

Matt Sparrow vs. Fumihiro Ota

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OOC: I screwed up the format I wanted to follow, so I’ve got this big long news/random thought post before the show. Sorry guys.


I really wish we were a larger company right now. Gino Montero, son of the legendary Luis Montero, debuted this month. I’ve seen his training tapes; yes he’s THAT good.


PSW surprisingly did not ask Steven Parker to drop the National Title before he left for SWF. Tank Bradley defeated Dead Bolt to claim the vacant title.


In a related story, well not really related just equally as stupid, SWF called RIPW Champion Nevada Nuclear up to the main roster. In true Richard Eisen fashion showing he doesn’t care about any company but his own, Nuclear never dropped the belt. Cheetah Boy defeated Kentucky Bill to claim it.


Guide and Scout, collectively known as New Wave, captured the TCW World Tag Team Titles by defeating The Machines. Maybe Tommy has decided that the Syndicate storyline needed some freshening up because shortly after they lost the titles both Brent Hill and John Anderson turned face.


Both of the “big boys” have news regarding TV this month. SWF has reached an agreement to show Supreme TV on Canada On-Air. Meanwhile TCW signed a deal with GNN to debut a new show, Pain.


SWF continued its broadcast expansion by agreeing to a deal with Seleccion Mexico to air their pay per views.


Sam Keith announced his plans to retire from active competition and take a behind the scenes role in TCW. Normally I’d highlight the accomplishments of a wrestler who was retiring, but if you don’t know what Sam Keith has done in this industry, you’re just not a wrestling fan.


Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott defeated The Bigz Boys for the SWF World Tag Team Titles.


Sticking with SWF, they have me a nervous wreck. With their last show, Nothing To Lose, they have risen to global status. Rumor has it that Richard is looking to expand his roster. Hopefully he doesn’t look to us.


Our own Frankie Perez signed a pay per appearance deal with NYCW.

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<p>SWF has signed the likes of Eric Tyler and Grandmaster Phunk, among others, but has left my roster alone. At the same time I was able to negotiate a new nine month deal with Frankie Perez. He was humble when he asked for a one hundred dollar pay raise. He’s a hell of a worker, so I thought he deserved it.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="font-size:12px;">CZCW Vendetta</span></span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Live From The Snake Pit</strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance: 755</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Matt Sparrow</span></strong> vs. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Fumihiro Ota</strong></span></p><p>

We decided to open our show with a match this month. They started out nice and slow to let the crowd get into things nice and easy. The match came out a bit awkward as Matt was off tonight. A lot of back and forth near the end with a few false finishes before Sparrow hits the Bird Brain Buster and picks up the victory in about twelve and a half minutes.</p><p>

Winner: Matt Sparrow [D]</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The crowd lets out a chorus of boos as <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Kirk Jameson</strong></span> makes his way to the ring flanked by <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Rita Charles.</strong></span> Even over the loud booing a few scattered cheers are heard. The two climb into the ring and Rita takes a microphone from ringside.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Tonight is another step my client takes on his way to becoming a champion here in CZCW.”</span></strong> She stated. <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"> “We want to make this quick so we can leave this dump and get out on the town, so bring out his next victim.”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

As simple as that she hands the microphone to the ring announcer and turns to Kirk, whom is standing in the corner focused on his upcoming match.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Kirk Jameson</span></strong> vs. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Cal Sanders</strong></span></p><p>

This was just your typical squash match. Actually it was a bit different, because the two men had good chemistry with one another and it boosted the reaction from the crowd. Kirk picks up the victory just shy of two minutes in when he makes Sanders tap out to the Kirk-Hold.</p><p>

Winner: Kirk Jameson [D+]</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Al Coleman</span></strong> comes to the ring with a look of purpose on his face. He grabs a microphone and gets into the ring as he waits for the boos to die down.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">“I’m out here tonight to prove that I deserve a shot at the Heavyweight Title.” </span></strong>He says. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>“You see I’m more known as a tag team wrestler here in CZCW, but my partner Insane Machine is busy raking in the cash in Japan. So what better time for me to prove that I can hang with the big boys? I’m issuing and open challenge to anyone in the back that thinks they can beat me!”</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>


He hands the microphone off and looks back to the aisle as some familiar music begins to play. He wanted to hang with the big boys and he’s going to get his chance to prove it because out comes….</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj105/robeclave/FoxMask.jpg</span><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Fox Mask</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Fox Mask</span></strong> vs. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Al Coleman</strong></span></p><p>

These two played a different story in their match. Al Coleman dominated the early portions of the match using eye rakes and low blows to cheat his way towards victory. But the veteran Fox Mask was able to recover and one up Coleman by hitting the Fox Hunter and gain the pinfall at around seven minutes.</p><p>

Winner: Fox Mask [E]</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, the happy demeanor of <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jacob Jett</strong></span> fills the screen as he walks backstage. He greets just about everyone he passes and then rounds a corner as some bizarre music fills the air. </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="</p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bAN7Ts0xBo&hl=en&fs=1&" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bAN7Ts0xBo&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param</a> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bAN7Ts0xBo&hl=en&fs=1&" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bAN7Ts0xBo&hl=en&fs=1&"</a> type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Just as he rounds the corner, he bumps into <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Kashmir Singh</strong></span>. The collision knocks the boom box from Singh’s hands and it crashes to the ground.</p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“What in the hell was that music?” </span></strong> Jacob asks.</p><p> </p><p>

Kashmir stoops down to collect the boom box before responding. He straightens up and presses play, allowing the song to blast through the air once again.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">“This is the greatest song of all time.”</span></strong> Kashmir started. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>“Tunak Tunak Tun as sung by Daler Mehndi. One of the Middle East’s greatest musical minds.”</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Jacob smirks and shakes his head as he reaches up and pauses the song.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">“It sounds like blabbering to me.”</span></strong> He said.</p><p> </p><p>

Kashmir flashed him a glare as he started the song again.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">“It should to you.”</span></strong> Kashmir stated. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>“It is sung in my native language.”</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Jett reaches up and stops the music once more.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">“Well enjoy it when I’m not here.” </span></strong> He said simply.</p><p> </p><p>

Kashmir blocked his path as he tried to leave.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">“I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t we meet in the ring to settle our dispute?”</span></strong> He offered.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Marc Speed </span></strong>vs. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Zeus Maxmillion</strong></span> vs. <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Angel de Mexico</strong></span></p><p>

Two of the guys I brought in last month make their debuts in this unannounced match. These guys worked the triple threat match rather well together and kept it flowing the entire way through. There were a lot of nice three man spots as well. Marc Speed picks up the victory at about six minutes when he makes Angel de Mexico submit to a Cross Armbreaker.</p><p>

Winner: Marc Speed [D]</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Tyler Justice and Steve Flash</strong></span> are seen walking together. They speak of their match later tonight when out of nowhere <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Mikey James</strong></span> and <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Donnie J</strong></span> attack. Donnie J pairs off with Flash and James pairs off with Tyler. The element of surprise is enough to allow James and Donnie to destroy their opponents, throwing them from wall to wall and even through some of the catering tables. As the two fan favorites lay in a heap, Donnie J stoops over them and shouts a few choice words.</p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“That’s what you two can expect from us later tonight.”</span></strong> Donnie J says. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>“Divide and conquer. We take you out and then me and Mikey here can fight for the title ourselves.”</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

The two of them put an exclamation mark on the attack by landing a few stomps before departing together.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Jacob Jett</span></strong> vs. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Kashmir Singh</strong></span></p><p>

These two tried to use a little bit of comedy in their match, but the crowd didn’t really respond to it that well. They quickly realized it and aborted to get into the wrestling. In all I thought it was a solid back and forth contest, but the failed comedy was enough to bring the crowd down. Jett picks up the pinfall after a Jett Take Off in just over seven minutes.</p><p>

Winner: Jacob Jett [E+]</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Jeremiah Moose</span></strong> vs. <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Flying Jimmy Foxx [c]</strong></span> <strong>for the CZCW LiveWire Title</strong></p><p>

These two worked okay together, but the inexperience of Jeremiah and the vast lack of skills on Jimmy’s part hurt the match. They did what they could, but the crowd still crapped on it. Moose gets a nearfall with a brainbuster, but Foxx retains his title with a Flying Foxx in eight minutes.</p><p>

Winner: Flying Jimmy Foxx [E]</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

As Jimmy Foxx receives his belt, <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Kirk Jameson</strong></span> rushes down the aisle and slides into the ring. He blindsides him much like last month and dismantles the champion for a few minutes. Rita Charles eventually gets into the ring and directs her client. To finish it off, Kirk plants the LiveWire Champion with the Bullseye and locks in the Kirk Hold until referees come out to break it up.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">The Ring Generals</span></strong> vs. <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye [c]</strong></span> <strong>for the CZCW Tag Team Titles</strong></p><p>

Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler make their CZCW debuts with a shot at the tag titles. I’ve found the tag division the hardest to plan for, aside from the champions. This wasn’t an overly terrible match, but the crowd was still upset about the last few matches. Remmy and Frankie made Dean and Marv look good in their debut and there was even some miscommunication on the champions’ end that led to a believable nearfall. But they recover and the champs retain their titles when Remmy hit a Skye Driver on Dean for the pinfall at ten minutes.</p><p>

Winners: Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye [D-]</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Tyler Justice and Steve Flash</strong></span> stand in front of the CZCW backdrop. They rub their necks and hold their backs, wincing in pain from the earlier attack at the hands of Mikey James and Donnie J. Tyler looks to Flash, who motions for him to go on and Tyler speaks first.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">“Tonight I am going to step into the ring with three men.” </span></strong> Tyler starts. <strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">“One man is a living legend that has never been given the opportunities he deserves. That man stands next to me right now. And two other men that define the term ‘coward’ with their actions. Donnie J and Mikey James knew they didn’t stand a chance against Steve or myself, so they had to take the easy way out and soften us up.”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Steve’s hand falls onto Tyler’s shoulder, causing him to stop. To everyone’s surprise Steve Flash steps forward and speaks.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">“Well all you’ve done is manage to piss us off.”</span></strong> Steve said. <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>“We’ll see you later tonight when either Tyler or myself walk out as the CZCW Heavyweight Champion.”</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>


With that, the two fan favorites push past the camera.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Ultimate Phoenix</span></strong> vs. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Plague</strong></span></p><p>

One thing became apparent to me just a minute or two into the match. These two men didn’t mesh very well. The upside is that, being veterans of the industry, knew how to work around it to still put on a decent match. They worked different styles here, transitioning from strong style to technical and into high flying. Plague picks up the victory in thirteen minutes following a New Jersey Turnpike.</p><p>

Winner: Plague [D+]</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Post match, <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Matt Sparrow</strong></span> pushes through the curtain and stands at the top of the aisle, staring down into the ring. He lifts his microphone to his mouth to speak.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">“I’m going to make this short and sweet. Plague, I want you one on one next month!” </span></strong> Sparrow shouts.</p><p> </p><p>

Back in the ring, the masked man simple nods his head, much to the crowd’s pleasure.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Steve Flash</span></strong> vs. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Donnie J</strong></span> vs. <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Tyler Justice</strong></span> vs. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Mikey James</strong></span> <strong>for the CZCW Heavyweight Title</strong></p><p>

Finally we get an excellent match to help bring the crowd back a bit. The four of us went out and did everything we could in this elimination style match. Things were paired off to begin with, Steve with Donnie J and Tyler with Mikey. The crowd was hot in the opening parts as their favorites got revenge for the attack earlier in the night. Finally though, underhanded tactics put a stop to their momentum. Donnie J and Mikey James did just as they said they would; divide and conquer. They planted Tyler Justice with a double sit-out powerbomb and rolled him from the ring to focus on Steve Flash. The aging legend tried to fight back, but the odds were not in his favor. It looked like Steve was going to be eliminated after a brainbuster by Mikey James followed by a Death On Miami Beach from Donnie J, but Tyler broke up the pin just before the three. This seemed to bring new life to Steve Flash as he recovered and landed the Flash Bang on Mikey James for a three count and an elimination.</p><p> </p><p>

With the match down to three competitors now, Mikey James slowly rolled to the apron and out to the floor, seemingly holding an injured arm. He remained laying on the outside for some time as the action continued in the ring. Donnie J was left fending for his life as Tyler and Steve began dismantling him as a punishment for the backstage attack. Credit needs to be given to Donnie though, as he did kick out of several pinfall attempts. Tyler looked ready to land his Justice Driver finish on Donnie J, but as he lifted him up into the torture rack position Mikey James scampered in and landed a low blow on Tyler as the referee checked on Steve Flash. This allowed Donnie J to slide down Tyler’s back and roll him up, placing his feet on the ropes for leverage. Before Steve Flash could do anything, a three count was applied and Tyler Justice was eliminated from the match.</p><p> </p><p>

Now down to two, Donnie J winked to Mikey James as he retreated to the back, showing his arm was fully functional. This was a mistake by Donnie though, giving Flash the opportunity to attack and gain the upper hand. The two fought hard, trading strikes as the match neared the fifteen minute mark. Donnie J used his youth and speed in comparison to Flash to keep the edge in the match. But the resilient old timer kicked out in several false finishes. Finally, Donnie J rolled Flash up and placed his feet on the ropes once again, but as Pee-Wee Germaine brought his hand down for the third time, he saw the breach of the rules and halted the count. Donnie J took his eye from Flash to argue, backing the referee into the corner. After about thirty seconds of yelling and claiming he was screwed, Donnie J turned around, right into the clutches of Flash. Flash planted him with the Flash Bang and got the pinfall to become the new CZCW Heavyweight Champion.</p><p>

Winner: Steve Flash [C]</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Flash is handed the title and he takes time to climb each turnbuckle and thrust it into the air. As he reaches the final corner, with the fans frantically cheering for the old man that could still go, Donnie J approached from behind and powerbombed him into the center of the ring. The fans booed in disapproval as Donnie picked up the belt he had held before and posed over the limp and lifeless body of the new champion.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>--------------------------------------------------</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:10px;">Overall Rating: C-</span></strong></p></div><p></p>

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<p>w000000t Steve Flash, because you can't get a regional promotion to get C ratings without the Flashman backin you!</p><p> </p><p>

that's why I'm always stuck in the d's and e's... <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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