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Tuesday Night War

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Not bad, but a few more referances to the events proceeding the show would help.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Texas Pete


Awesome Thunder vs. Krusher Karloff


Aaron Andrews and Davis Wayne Newton vs. Danny Fonzarelli and Joey Minnesota


New Wave and Giant Tana vs. Party Bus and Sammy Bach (Challengers vs. Champions Tag Match)


American Buffalo vs. Joel Bryant (Running with Wolves Challenge Final)

A heel and a heel go against each other to find out who's going to challenge a heel?


The Young Guns vs. The Machines


Eddie Peak and Koshiro Ino vs. Sam Keith and Wolf Hawkins


Rick Law and Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell and Giant Tana!

Great night for Tana..

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Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Texas Pete

Awesome Thunder vs. Krusher Karloff

Aaron Andrews and Davis Wayne Newton vs. Danny Fonzarelli and Joey Minnesota

New Wave and ??? vs. Party Bus and Sammy Bach (Challengers vs. Champions Tag Match)

American Buffalo vs. Joel Bryant (Running with Wolves Challenge Final)

The Young Guns vs. The Machines

Eddie Peak and Koshiro Ino vs. Sam Keith and Wolf Hawkins

Rick Law and Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell and a new Syndicate member!



I enjoy the Fluff!! Can't wait for my prize signing to debut! =)

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Jimmy P over Mamoru Nagahama - D+


Randall Hopkirk over Rudy Velasquez - D-




The entire Syndicate is in the ring. Cornell bruses back his hair before taking the stage.


"TCW fans! Your president, Tommy Cornell, would like to make a statement regarding the state of TCW!"


The four other Syndicate members clap, and the crowd reacts as they usually do, with hate.


"I took over Hollyweird Grappling Company in 2004 with a mission in mind. To fulfill the desires of wrestling fans, to be the savior of a company stuck in a loop of failure. My success came harsh and quickly, and many of you were turned off by my actions. Last summer I created my Syndicate. I created a group of Knights to fight for me. The Twin Knights, John Anderson and Brent Hill. The Knight of Youth Wolf Hawkins. The Knight of Experience Sam Keith. However, TCW remains a cest pool of poor taste and poorer still wrestling. Still you fans boo me, as I seek to rid this company of said rubbish."


Sam Keith takes the microphone.


"Personally, I've never understood you wrestling fans. You'll cheer a man such as Eddie Peak, but boo Cornell or myself. What has Eddie Peak done to deserve your respect? Compare that to the lineage our Syndicate hold! A total of 35 championships held by us all!"


The Machines step forward. John Anderson speaks.


"A pair of dominant Machines. The Twin Knights, the guardians of Cornell's will."


Brent Hill lifts up a microphone.


"The Twin Knights. The Machines. The greatest tag team of all time."


Wolf steps forward, all kinds of confidence emanating from him, even more so than from Cornell or Keith.


"The best of today and tomorrow. That is the mission of the Syndicate!"


Cornell steps forward, smiling.


"It is today that this mission reaches it's climatic step. 2008 will be known as the Year of the Purge. I will personally cleans this company of all the filth and terrible wrestlers that crawl along the coattails of us talented elite! I will exterminate those among us who don't deserve to breath our air!"


He lets out a little chuckle.


"And for those in the audience who can do simple math, us five alone do not possess 35 championships. Tonight will be the revealing of the Fifth Knight, the Knight of Steel!"





Jasmine Saunders bounces out and says she is honored to reveal Sammy Bach's number one contender: Steve Flash!


While the reaction is solid, it seems to be a let down after Cornell's epic speech.


E- (Uh oh!)



  • The New Wave seem to be inspired by having Flash as a partner, as Guide takes the fight right to M.V.P.
  • Anytime M.V.P. tries to use power, Guide slips out.
  • Of course these attempts wear him down, and he tags out to Scout.
  • Scout is caught with an unlucky elbow from the big man.
  • Paine takes the opportunity and tags in Stone.
  • Now we have a battle, as Stone and Scout take it to the ground!
  • Scout almost gets Stone in the Stone Ankle Stretch for irony, but Stone reverses it!
  • He gets some great offense in.
  • Party's Over!
  • Showboats to some fans...as Scout crawls and tags in Flash!
  • In a snap Flash is on Stone, beating him around the ring!
  • Bach blind tags in and goes to surprise Flash with a springboard cross body...
  • but Flash ducks!
  • Flash Bang!
  • 1!2!3! Flash just pinned the champ!


Guide, Scout and Steve Flash defeated Edd Stone, Maxx V. Pain and Sammy Bach in 11:31 when Steve Flash defeated Sammy Bach by pinfall with a Flash Bang.


D+ (Oh, for f's sake)



Krusher Karloff vs. Awesome Thunder


  • These two seem to work well together.
  • Thanks to that this wasn't a complete mess.
  • Karloff battered Thunder around for a few minutes.
  • Rythm and Bruise, which Ariza corrects as Hammer and Sickle!


Krusher Karloff defeated Awesome Thunder in 4:28 by pinfall with a Hammer and Sickle (Rythm and Bruise).





The Machines vs. the Young Guns


  • John Anderson took it to both Young Guns to start out.
  • Gumble and Allen used frequent tags, while Anderson seemed keen on doing it himself.
  • Anderson rocked both Guns with release German Suplexes one after another.
  • He set up and locked in the Guilt Trip on Gumble and Gumble taps, but Allen is the legal man.
  • Allen blindsides Anderson and starts knocking him around.
  • Allen goes to the top... flying fist drop!
  • Goes for the pin, but Anderson kicks out.
  • Anderson storms back, with a frenzied attack!
  • Finally, after Allen is down, he arrogantly tags in Hill...
  • ...who is caught with a Savate Kick from the newly tagged in Steve Gumble.
  • Pin... broke up by Anderson!
  • Allen distracts Anderson and Anderson Ammo Dumps Allen!
  • Anderson turns right into a Savate Kick!
  • Brent Hill's recovered and hits a big suplex on Gumble.
  • Hill collapses momentarily and the bell rings...



The Young Guns drew with The Machines in 14:00 when the time limit expired.





Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Texas Pete


  • These two botched more moves than TCW fans are used to seeing.
  • It's quiet clear they do not click.
  • Pete tries to out brawl the slumping Johnson, but cannot.
  • Johnson start to get some momentum...
  • ...out comes Genghis Rhan, which distracts RDJ.
  • Pete tries to capitalize, but falls victem to a Southern Justice.
  • Rhan runs in as soon as RDJ isn't looking and attacks Johnson, causing the DQ.


Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Texas Pete in 7:32 when Texas Pete was disqualified when Genghis Rahn brutally turned on Ricky Dale Johnson. During the match we also had Genghis Rahn run in and attack RDJ.


D+ (CURSE YOU ZEEL! And Phantom. Stop running TCW better than me)


Rhan continues his assualt on RDJ by lumbering to the outside and grabbing a chair. He slides in from behind Johnson and swings as hard as he can. Johnson drops as if hit by lightning.


"You and me, Johnson! Hardcore match! Right now!"





Genghis Rhan vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Hardcore Match


  • Rhan's turn shouldn't be too surprising, given his character
  • RDJ is a bit surprised, and almost falls victem to two quick pin attempts.
  • Johnson starts his climb back, hitting a deadly lariat.
  • However, the hardcore arena provides the advantage Rhan needs.
  • Not to mention the beating he just doled out pre-match.
  • Rhan takes it with a Rhan to the Hills.


Genghis Rahn defeated Ricky Dale Johnson in 7:35 by pinfall with a Rahn To The Hills.





  • A lot of newer talent on display here
  • Fonz starts by beating around DWN, who tags in Andrews.
  • Andrews handles Danny, until Danny tags in Minnesota.
  • Andrews, not wanting anything to do with Joey, tags in Newton...
  • who falls to a quick Minnesota salute.


Danny Fonzarelli and Joey Minnesota defeated Aaron Andrews and Davis Wayne Newton in 3:55 when Joey Minnesota defeated Davis Wayne Newton by pinfall with a Minnesota Salute.





American Buffalo vs. Joel Bryant


  • Both men look determined.
  • Goldworthy pushes Buffalo forward in the early going, yelling as Buffalo attacks.
  • Bryant turns it around with an intellegent counter into a DDT. He escapes out of the ring to recover.
  • Goldworthy looks to distract him, but Bryant ignores him and focuses on Buffalo.
  • Buffalo goes to work on Bryant again, this time outside of the ring.
  • Bryant again counters into a DDT.
  • Intellegently, Bryant slides into the ring.
  • Buffalo joins as well, just before the 10 count.
  • One Shot Drop!
  • Bryant is the Number One Contender!


Joel Bryant defeated American Buffalo in 7:46 by pinfall with an One Shot Drop.





  • JD Morgan gets a decent heel response, as his DaVE fans hate to see him by Cornell's side.
  • RDJ and Morgan start, and the big Texan beats Morgan around a bit.
  • That is, until Morgan gets Johnson down!
  • Using some technical skill, Moran works on the leg of RDJ.
  • RDJ powers out of a rest hold and tags in Law.
  • Morgan respondes by tagging in Cornell
  • Cornell starts to dominate Law!
  • Law mounts a small comeback, only to be squashed with a mighty Rough Ride.
  • Cornell arrogantly tags in Morgan who applies the Cross Atlantic Stretch.
  • Law taps quickly!


Tommy Cornell and JD Morgan defeated Rick Law and Rocky Golden in 12:40 when JD Morgan defeated Rick Law by submission with a Cross Atlantic Stretch.





  • Keith and Hawkins use quick tags to stay fresh.
  • Both Peak and Ino try to go it alone, only tagging when absolutely neccisarry.
  • While both Peak and Ino wrestle better than Hawkins and Keith it is the quick tags that do them in.
  • Ino starts to domiante Keith around the ring with stiff kicks, until Hawkins blind tags in.
  • Hawkins hits the Full Moon Rising on Ino.
  • Keith tags back in, looking for quick revenge.
  • Proton Lock! Ino taps!


Sam Keith and Wolf Hawkins defeated Eddie Peak and Koshiro Ino in 17:36 when Sam Keith defeated Koshiro Ino by submission with a Proton Lock.


B- (Razzle frazzle Sam Keith refusing to job...)


The same video that played early in the month plays again, this time adding in a bloody chess board and shots of people tagging to Morgan's Cross Atlantic Stretch. It again ends with a guillotine dropping and the words "Not my Gods" on the screen.






C (Wow, for that level of disaster, I'm okay with a C. Gotta step up the game somehow.)

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Ouch, on the Pete/RDJ match. I swear, I wasn't lying, that got a B for MiW's Dark Match! It must be the popularity that gave it that extra boost, Pete's teaming with Stone gave him enough pop to get him to Upper Midcarder. Plus, I've kept RDJ a good bit stronger then you have..also, they had neutral chemistry in my game.


As for the D+ on Bryant/Buffalo I'm not surprised with that. Even against guys like The New Wave, and at Main Event popularity, Bryant has only gotten a C+, max, so what did you really expect him to get out of Buffalo?

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Ouch, on the Pete/RDJ match. I swear, I wasn't lying, that got a B for MiW's Dark Match! It must be the popularity that gave it that extra boost, Pete's teaming with Stone gave him enough pop to get him to Upper Midcarder. Plus, I've kept RDJ a good bit stronger then you have..also, they had neutral chemistry in my game.


As for the D+ on Bryant/Buffalo I'm not surprised with that. Even against guys like The New Wave, and at Main Event popularity, Bryant has only gotten a C+, max, so what did you really expect him to get out of Buffalo?


Hmm, maybe it's just me but I thought his stats would give him more than a D+.



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23662" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Another great night of exciting SWF entertainment on tap! As the dust settles from a fantastic night of wrestling last week where Christian Faith shocked the world and beat Almighty Dollar with Groucho Bling!<p> </p><p> Looking to get there revenge, Commissioner Money has made two one on one matches, Remo vs. Elmo Benson and Commissioner Money vs. Groucho Bling. Can High Concept defeat the Ruling Duo or will Money reign Supreme?</p><p> </p><p> Also, a match with great implications that Emma Chase coerced Money into making ended in a double DQ. The board has decided that there will be a rematch, in a Supreme Cage! And it'll be for the SWF World Heavyweight title!</p><p> </p><p> Angry Gilmore has been ... "pestering" Steve Frehley for a few weeks now. Finally he makes his return to active wrestling, partnering with Joe Sexy to take on the odd team of Warrior Force, Lobster Warrior and Big Smack Scott. Will either Steve Frehley or Vengeance be able to stay away, folks?</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of Vengeance he will be in action against Brett Biggz. Brent has said he is looking to stick up for his brother who was brutalized by Vengeance last week.</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of Bart Biggz, he will face Enforcer Roberts, with the winner likely taking on Groucho Bling for the North American title!</p><p> </p><p> All this and Eric Eisen gets a DaVE fighter 1 on 1!</p><p> </p><p> Keep it locked on C.A.N.N. for 90 minutes of in your face entertainment!</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Elmo Benson vs. Remo</p><p> Commissioner Money vs. Groucho Bling</p><p> Sexual Aggression vs. Warrior Force</p><p> Brett Biggz vs. Vengeance</p><p> Bart Biggz vs. Enforcer Roberts</p><p> Eric Eisen vs. ???</p><p> Brandon James vs. Jack Bruce © in a Supreme Cage for the SWF World Heavyweight title</p>
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<p>Elmo Benson vs. <strong>Remo</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Commissioner Money</strong> vs. Groucho Bling</p><p> </p><p>

Sexual Aggression vs. <strong>Warrior Force</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Brett Biggz vs. <strong>Vengeance</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bart Biggz vs. <strong>Enforcer Roberts</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Eric Eisen vs. <strong>Giant Tana</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Brandon James vs. <strong>Jack Bruce ©</strong> in a Supreme Cage for the SWF World Heavyweight title</p>

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<p>Elmo Benson vs.<strong> Remo</strong></p><p>

<strong>Commissioner Money </strong>vs. Groucho Bling</p><p>

Sexual Aggression vs. <strong>Warrior Force</strong></p><p>

Brett Biggz vs. <strong>Vengeance</strong></p><p>

<strong>Bart Biggz</strong> vs. Enforcer Roberts</p><p>

Eric Eisen vs.<strong> ???</strong></p><p>

Brandon James vs. Jack Bruce © in a Supreme Cage for the SWF World Heavyweight title</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I had to pick a few matches different then my competition just to see if I can gain some ground!!</p>

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<p>Elmo Benson vs. <strong>Remo</strong></p><p>

<strong>Commissioner Money</strong> vs. Groucho Bling</p><p>

Sexual Aggression vs. <strong>Warrior Force</strong></p><p>

Brett Biggz vs. <strong>Vengeance</strong></p><p>

<strong>Bart Biggz</strong> vs. Enforcer Roberts</p><p>

Eric Eisen vs. <strong>???</strong></p><p>

Brandon James vs. <strong>Jack Bruce</strong> © in a Supreme Cage for the SWF World Heavyweight title</p>

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Los Swarm defeated Samoan Streetfighters and Death Row - D


Squeeky McClean defeated Enygma - B-



We start with Almighty Dollar in the ring. Money does all the talking, as Remo just looks menacing.


"High Concept. Stupid little kids. You aren't ready yet. It's not your time yet. You can't touch us. Not Faith. Not James. Certainly not Money. You want to try to break through the glass ceiling kids? Do you? You forget that this is wrestling, nothing is ever easy. You should've planned, schemed. Thought of the best way to make it to the top. Instead you joined a big name to take down a big name. Stupid. That is the very definition of the glass ceiling. Starting tonight, I will personally guarantee that Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling never become the big names. I am your glass ceiling, and you will never break me!"




Garcia: Remo gets to bruise and brutalize one of those stupid kids right now.

Fry: I tell you what, Elmo and Groucho aren't two to be taken lightly!

Michaels: Here comes Elmo, and we have



  • Benson shows great bravery against the bigger, stronger Remo.
  • All of Benson's early offense is focused on the head of Remo, possibly setting up for a Shockwave.
  • Remo just scatters hits around.
  • A low dropkick gets Remo to his knees, and that seems to show Remo he's in a serious match.
  • He runs ... Spear!
  • Hoists Benson up ... Destroyer!


Remo defeated Elmo Benson in 7:39 by pinfall with The Destroyer.




Michaels: A valiant effort by Elmo!

Garcia: Here comes the Glass Ceiling!


Money runs and Remo lifts a woozy Benson up. Dollars from Heaven! Groucho Bling comes with a chair, but the damage has been done!




Fry: Completely uncalled for!

Michaels: Lucky Groucho came down before it got worse!


Jessie has a microphone and is sitting with the Biggz Boyz.


"Boys, can I get a moment"


It's Brett who interrupts. "Jess, hun, you're our manager, don't give us that formal ****. You want a scoop, here's your scoop. Vengeance! You crossed a line. Defeating Bart was okay. Attacking him after the match ... well I'll show you today why that is so not cool."


Bart smiles, "As for me, I get Enforcer Roberts, then a match with Groucho Bling for the North American title. Now that ... that's so cool."


Jesse has a bit of a smile too. "That's the scope, back to you Peter."





Garcia: They're funny.

Fry: How so?

Garcia: They think they can win.



Brett Biggz vs. Vengeance


  • Vengeance grabs Brett by the hair...
  • Skull Krusher!


Vengeance defeated Brett Biggz in 0:37 by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.




Garcia: So cool.

Fry: Such domination! At least he left without sending another "message".


Jack Giedroyc comes out with a microphone.


"Thanks. Thanks. However I will not be facing Mr. Eisen this evening. No, that right will go to ..."






  • Acid is definitely game for the chance to take on Eric Eisen
  • Eisen impresses a lot by sticking around early...
  • Acid starts up the high risk offense!
  • It looks like Eisen is going to go down here.
  • However, as Acid turns to climb a turnbuckle, a downed Eisen rolls him up for a 3 count.


Eric Eisen defeated Acid in 5:34 by pinfall with a fast roll up.




Michaels: Acid in SWF! That's huge!

Garcia: Not that huge, he lost Peter.


Lobster Warrior starts off the rant.


"WOWOWOWOWOWO! The Crustacean Crusader is locked in! Kids, it's time to holler and help your hero! WOWOWOWOWO!"




"In that strength we will defeat Sexual Aggression, a team attacking your innocence kids."




Lobby nods solemnly as the two walk away.




The scene pans over to Eric Eisen.


"What the fu- oh hey!"


Eisen jogs over to what is revealed to be Enforcer Roberts.


"Roberts. I was looking for you. I could use your he-"


Roberts puts up a big hand over Eisen's face.


"Let me stop you there. One, I worked for Richard, not you. Two, I'm retired from the ass kicking for hire business. Three, I'm busy and four, fight your own goddamn fights."


Roberts stomps away leaving Eisen looking very annoyed.




Garcia: Wow, I don't think Eisen's going to take that lying down.

Fry: Roberts is his own man now.



Bart Biggz vs. Enforcer Roberts


  • Roberts seems to have the answer to Bart Biggz.
  • He is able to slow Biggz down, and when Biggz attempts any "real" wrestling Roberts is there for that too.
  • Biggz does get a bit of offense in the middle, which the crowd responds to.
  • However six and a half in, Roberts gets the RCT locked in, and the tapping starts.


Enforcer Roberts defeated Bart Biggz in 6:31 by submission with a R.C.T..




Garcia: Wow, what a win!

Fry: After that show, I've got to believe Roberts is #1 Contender for the North American title.

Michaels: Bling better not be too focused on that glass ceiling.


Gilmore walks to the ring with a microphone.


"I'd like to take this time to thank the fans. Thank them for being stupid enough to watch SWF without Angry Gilmore. Thanks for being stupid enough to pay tickets to see a needle cushion and a lobster fight a masked "demon". Thanks. Now I get a paycheck for kicking ass and taking names. First name ... Steve Frehley. Tour of Destruction? You've beaten who? Robbie Retro? I'm a multifaceted talent with many areas of expertise. Your "Tour of Destruction" is official OVER!"




Micheals: What a grade A ass!

Garcia: I agree but why are you checking out his ass?



Sexual Aggression vs. Warrior Force


  • A lot of contrast here.
  • An Acolyte of the Force, a Lobster Man, a Sex addict and poor Angry Gilmore.
  • Sexy and Force go at it in a sloppy but effective brawl.
  • Then Gilmore tags in. With the Force reeling from brawling with Sexy it's easy pickings.
  • Until Lobby tags in...
  • runs in, all excited...
  • right into a big boot from Vengeance!
  • Anger Management, and the pin.


Sexual Aggression defeated Warrior Force in 5:46 when Angry Gilmore defeated Lobster Warrior by pinfall with an Anger Management. During the match we also had Vengeance run in and attack Lobster Warrior.




Garcia: Joe! Joey!

Fry: He ignored you...

Garcia: He always does...


Commissioner Money is backstage walking to the ring when he bumps into Squeeky McClean.


"Mr. Money-"


"Ahem... Commissioner."


"Yes, right, Commissioner Money. I just wanted to do a little something to show my appreciation for the excellence you've provided SWF Supreme TV over the last month.


Money looks a bit shocked but makes no motion to stop McClean. McClean takes a step back and clears out his throat.


"You're the best, Oh-oh-oh. Nothings gonna ever keep you down!"


"Thank you John-"




Money walks away trying not to laugh as McClean looks confused as to why Money would leave before the songs over.





Commissioner Money vs. Groucho Bling


  • Money's look of amusement is gone. He's looking for blood as Michaels puts it.
  • Bling too has his usual goofy smile replaced by a focused look.
  • The match starts slow, with Money trying to outmuscle Bling.
  • Bling sneaks around back and chop blocks Money's knees out.
  • Bling applies the boots, much to the fans delight.
  • Money counters with a take down, and applies a seated facelock.
  • Bling squirms out and bounces off the ropes.
  • Big clothesline!
  • Money gets up...
  • Big clothesline.
  • The goofy smile returns!
  • Money gets up...
  • Big - no!
  • Money ducked and hit a neckbreaker.
  • Money slows the match down, again trying to outmuscle Bling.
  • Bling catches Money with a jawbreaker...
  • Springboard headscissors.
  • Money's staggering...
  • Bling collects Money ... Bling Thing!
  • He gets the three count!


Groucho Bling defeated Commissioner Money in 10:57 by pinfall with a Bling Thing.




Fry: Did he just break the Glass Ceiling!

Garcia: Not so fast! One match does not a main eventer make.

Micheals: I think she meant he needs to prove himself more.




Brandon James vs. Jack Bruce

Steel Cage Match


  • With no Emma Chase to help him, James seems lost.
  • Bruce, however is fired up for this defense.
  • He starts hot, flinging his body around to take down the bigger James.
  • James gets in some power offense, but eventually Bruce counters.
  • Welcome.
  • To.
  • N!
  • Y!
  • C!
  • The Big Man's down. As he rises Bruce signals...
  • New York Minute!


Jack Bruce defeated Brandon James in a 1 vs 1 Cage Classic match in 9:51 by pinfall with a New York Minute.




Bruce celebrates as the show goes off the air!







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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23662" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Here it is folks!<p> </p><p> <span>http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/MNW/MaliceinWonderlandcopy.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>TCW Malice in Wonderland!</strong></p><p> </p><p> TCW has 8 planned matches for your entertainment. </p><p> </p><p> The night starts with a huge match in the All Action Division! Aaron Andrews will take on Chance Fortune! While the two haven't met recently, that doesn't mean there is a lack of motivation. Both competetors know that winning on a PPV means a lot in determining the next number one contender for the All Action Championship!</p><p> </p><p> Last week we saw Joel Bryant defeat American Buffalo and end his four week journey to become number one contender. Has those hard fought battles left him too tired to fight, or gotten him in perfect shape to end to reign of the Wolf!</p><p> </p><p> Last week Steve Flash debuted and since then the TCW fanbase has been talking! Flash is a vetran if the East Coast War, and a great wrestler to boot. Sammy Bach isn't a slouch either and fought in DaVE, winner of the East Coast War. How will this clash of styles of the All Action Title end?</p><p> </p><p> Also last week, Genghis Rhan reverted back to the Chair Swinging, Pain Bringing, Bell Ringing Madman we in TCW know best. He did so at the expense of Ricky Dale Johnson, and one can imagine that RDJ is not amused by such an action. Can RDJ exact a measure of revenge? Can Rhan beat RDJ in a non-hardcore match?</p><p> </p><p> The Young Guns pushed the Machines to the limit. They also stated they have a special surprise awaiting John Anderson and Brent Hill. Can the Machines work there way back into the Championship picture? Will the Guns surprise turn the tide of this battle?</p><p> </p><p> In another championship match we see yet another clash of styles. Man, does TCW have parody or what! New Wave is considered the best Tag Team of all time. Hailing from DaVE they have dominated the last ten years of wrestling. Party Bus reminds many of the old Party Crashers (<img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />) with a great team of talent and an unfortunate love of the bottle. Can Edd and MVP focus long enough to retain the titles they won just recently? Can the New Wave add another stamp of gold to there stellar resume?</p><p> </p><p> Eddie Peak. Madman. Psycho. Enemy of the Syndicate. Sam Keith. Calm. Calculated. The Syndicate's Knight of Experience. With all that Eddie Peak has done recently to the Syndicate (attacking the Machines to be precise) Keith has taken it upon himself to right the wrong that is Eddie Peak. Which goal will be met, Keith protecting the Syndicate, or Peak destroying it?</p><p> </p><p> Finally! The MAIN EVENT! The Golden Hope! Rocky Golden! The Best Alive! Tommy Cornell! Can Tommy overcome Golden's size and skill? Can Golden overcome the Rough Ride? Neither man is lacking any confidence going into this match. Can Golden fulfill his promise and rid the world of Cornell? Will the Syndicate interfere? </p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Aaron Andrews vs. Chance Fortune</p><p> Joel Bryant vs. Wolf Hawkins © - International title </p><p> Sammy Bach © vs. Steve Flash - All Action title</p><p> Genghis Rhan vs. Ricky Dale Johnson</p><p> Machines vs. Young Guns</p><p> New Wave vs. Party Bus © - World tag Team</p><p> Eddie Peak vs. Sam Keith</p><p> Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell - World Heavyweight</p>
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<p>Aaron Andrews vs. <strong>Chance Fortune</strong></p><p>

Joel Bryant vs. <strong>Wolf Hawkins ©</strong> - International title </p><p>

<strong>Sammy Bach ©</strong> vs. Steve Flash - All Action title</p><p>

Genghis Rhan vs. <strong>Ricky Dale Johnson</strong></p><p>

Machines vs. <strong>Young Guns</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>New Wave vs. <strong>Party Bus ©</strong> - World tag Team</p><p>

<strong>Eddie Peak</strong> vs. Sam Keith</p><p>

Rocky Golden vs. <strong>Tommy Cornell</strong></p>

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Aaron Andrews vs. Chance Fortune

Joel Bryant vs. Wolf Hawkins © - International title

Sammy Bach © vs. Steve Flash - All Action title

Genghis Rhan vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Machines vs. Young Guns

New Wave vs. Party Bus © - World tag Team

Eddie Peak vs. Sam Keith

Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell - World Heavyweight

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Party Bus Arrives - C-


Clark Alexander defeated Jimmy P and David Wayne Newton - D+


The Syndicate, minus Cornell, cut a promo - C+




We start this PPV as we've started all since the Syndicate formed, in the office of Tommy Cornell. He is lounging in a large red velvet chair, working on a laptop. Behind him is an ever-changing array of pictures. This month it is Cornell among the crowd at the DaVE Back in Black 2004 show. We know this because he's holding up the program (Which has Eddie Peak on the cover) and smirking.


"You know, I've started up quite the little thing with Eddie Peak. It got me thinking, about good ol' DaVE and even hardcore wrestling. I started to wonder why it failed. As a connoisseur of wrestling it worried me that I could not think of a reason... then it hit me.


It didn't have Tommy Cornell!


Well TCW does, so let us out do another company, although this one is dead instead of dead in the water."


Cornell chuckles to himself at the SWF potshot.


"Tonight TCW starts its march towards hardcore.


One match. A test match, per say, but with, dare I say, two of the best test dummies alive. Sam Keith. Eddie Peak.


Hard. Core. Match.


Let the great experiment begin."





Aaron Andrews vs. Chance Fortune


Aaron Andrews’ ****iness is really something to behold here. He knows he has a shot of backing up his claims against the oft-neglected Chance Fortune. Fortune comes out high-fiving fans and overall giving the fans a reason to cheer for him.


The match starts with Andrews casually locking Fortune up in a grapple. Fortune slides out the side and clobbers the off balance Andrews in the back of the neck. Andrews hits the canvas hard, and Ariza shows a replay of Andrews’ head bouncing off the canvas. Fortune celebrates a bit, before bouncing off the ropes and baseball slide kicking Andrews in the head. Andrews crawls around for a few seconds, long enough for Fortune to race to the top rope. As Andrews slowly rises, Fortune hits a top rope legdrop over his doubled over foe!


It takes a few seconds for Fortune to regain himself, but he does. While rising to his feet, he motions to the crowd. After receiving enough applause, he reaches down for Andrews ... and gets poked in the eye! Andrews, still a bit sluggish, almost instinctively bounces up and hits a crisp dropkick to the dazed Fortune. With both men downed, Andrews drags himself close to Fortune. He takes hold of Fortune’s necklace and begins choking him with it. The referee begins his count, and Andrews lets it work to 4. Slightly rested, Andrews gets up and sets up for his Cutter. Smartly, Fortune rolls to the corner, away from Andrews.


Andrews stalks over to Fortune, but Fortune reverses Andrews’ casual grab and flings him into the corner. Andrews' head bounces off the steel ring post! Andrews is staggering... Stroke of Luck! Fortune covers for the three count!


Chance Fortune defeated Aaron Andrews




After a frustrated Andrews leaves the ring, Rick Law walks down to a fairly big pop. After leaning back and forth a little in an ‘aww shucks’ manner he raises the microphone.


"Well, gee thanks Nevada. Good to see ya'll too. I'm out here to address what happened to TCW. The Syndicate. I dare any of them to come out and accept justice on behalf of the Law!"


Out stomps JD Morgan, ready for a battle!





JD Morgan vs. Rick Law


Law throws his cap into the crowd and smirks as the newest Syndicate hops around a bit to get loose. The crowd starts a small "Long arm!" chant and the bell rings.


Morgan begins by trying to take the big man to the ground. Some of the smarky fans begin a ‘J! D!’ chant. Morgan immediately rolls Rick over and pulls Law's arm out. Viciously he elbows at the shoulder. Stepping on Law's wrist he drops his knee on Law's shoulder.


Morgan continues to ground the big man in preparation for the Cross Atlantic Stretch. He gets it and torques. Law is in the middle of the ring... he can't do anything! Law taps!


JD Morgan defeated Rick Law.




Hawkins vs. Bryant hype featuring clips from the Running with Wolf Challenge





Joel Bryant vs. Wolf Hawkins


Bryant comes out to a new theme, shocking many in the audience. When he finally appears he is wearing a black shirt with the word "Warriors" written in red. He walks down without acknowledging the negative reaction to the crowd, and seems completely focused on the match ahead. Wolf comes out smirking. His boos are profoundly louder and he motions his arms, as if telling the crowd to "bring it on".


When they enter the ring, Hawkins immediately snaps off a dropkick aimed at the knees. Bryant takes a step back, then forward. The kick misses, and Bryant immediately mounts the overconfident Syndicate member. Bryant barrages Wolf with punches, until the referee almost pulls Bryant off. Bryant makes a show of looking at his fists, then the downed Hawkins. As Hawkins slowly rises, Bryant lands a crisp punch to the side of his head. Wolf collapses and all hell breaks loose.


Sensing that the International reign of Wolf Hawkins maybe nearing an end, John Anderson and Brent Hill jump the railing and slide into the ring. Bryant backs up away from Hawkins and into a corner.


Warriors ... come out and pla-ay!


Out runs Harry Allen and Steve Gumble, who slide into the ring and flank Bryant. They too have Warriors shirts on. The Machines and Warriors stare down before both back down.


The distraction is enough for Wolf to get up again. Bryant kicks him in the gut, and sets it up. One Shot Drop! Bryant covers and Harry and Steve count along.










Joel Bryant defeated Wolf Hawkins in 7:34 by pinfall with an One Shot Drop. The match also had a lot of interference: Brent Hill targeted Joel Bryant, John Anderson attacked Joel Bryant, Harry Allen attacked Wolf Hawkins, and finally Steve Gumble interfered against Wolf Hawkins. Joel Bryant wins the TCW International title.




Rhodes and Ariza describe the Total Twist 6 Way match. Eliminations happen via over the top rope until two remain, then it is a normal match. The winner gets a shot at the International title in the future.





A short match deserves a short write up. Valasquez runs at Karloff, but he hoists him up, and over. Hopkirk seems hesitant to brawl with Karloff, attacking Texas Pete instead. Fonzarelli and Minnesota work on Karloff, beating him down. However, with Karloff down, Minnesota whips Fonzarelli to the ropes and dropkicks him out of the ring. He jogs to Karloff and gives him the same whip dropkick treatment.


Hopkirk is able to down Texas Pete with a Randallism, but is met with a stiff kick from Minnesota. Whip, dropkick and Randall Hopkirk is gone. Now Minnesota must win by pinfall. He hits the Nemesis Arrow on Pete and collects the pin.


Joey Minnesota defeated Krusher Karloff, Danny Fonzarelli, Randall Hopkirk, Rudy Velasquez and Texas Pete in 9:45; the order of elimination was Rudy Velasquez first, then Danny Fonzarelli, then Krusher Karloff, then Randall Hopkirk, and finally Texas Pete.




Koshiro Ino walks into the ring. He takes a microphone and waits for the crowd to die down.


"Hello. My name is Koshiro Ino. I come from Japan. I seek a challenger."


The crowd enjoys the soft spoken manner of his challenge.




Floyd Goldworthy and American Buffalo walk out to Buffalo's theme, and we have a match.





American Buffalo vs. Koshiro Ino


Buffalo doesn't wait for the bell to ring. As soon as Goldworthy points, Buffalo races at the Japanese superstar. Ino is ready, however, and slides out of the ring to meet the rushing Buffalo. Ino catches Buffalo as if to attempt a DDT, but The 'Lo is much too powerful! Ino's back arches as Buffalo pushes him backward and Ino slams into the side of the ring. Still holding Buffalo's head, Ino releases it, but as Buffalo raises his head it is met with a stiff elbow. It dazes Buffalo, and Ino grasps his wrist and whips him into the ring steps. The crowd chants "Ko Shi Ro" as he reenters the ring and waits for Buffalo.


Buffalo takes his time, stomping around, distracting both the referee and Ino. Goldworthy slips behind Koshiro and slams a steel chair into his back, just as Buffalo starts to scream at the referee. Goldworthy exits the ring as Buffalo enters. He clubs the downed Ino in the back of the head. Something seems to snap in Ino as Buffalo clubs down. He lifts him self up push-up style, with the Heavyweight Buffalo still on top of him. This off puts Buffalo long enough for Ino to escape his clutches. Ino gets up and bounces off the ropes. Running elbow to Buffalo's face. He bounces off the ropes again. Dropkick right to the knees of Buffalo! Buffalo's down!


"Ko Shi Ro"!


Buffalo doesn't stay down for long, but as the 'Lo scrambles to his feet, Ino prepares. Stiff kick! Buffalo drops. Ino continues stalking his downed opponent, downing him whenever he tries to rise. Goldworthy tries to distract Ino, but gets pushed off the ring apron for his efforts. Buffalo's up ... Kudo Cutter! Ino pulls Buffalo up again ... Kobra Bite!








Koshiro Ino defeated American Buffalo in 13:14 by pinfall with a Kobra's Bite.




Sammy Bach vs. Steve Flash hype video. Bombed, due to most of Flash's highlights being in black and white.





Sammy Bach vs. Steve Flash

TCW All Action title


The crowd seems to be a bit more behind Flash now, for whatever reason. Bach seems fired up, as he and Karen keep yelling at each other in a "we're so hyped" kind of way. Bach is screaming at everyone, for anything.


The match starts, and Bach and Killer scream "Adreneline Rush!" in unison. This distracts Flash, and Bach is spring off the ropes onto Flash's shoulders. Leg scissor takedown! Bach moves quickly ... Bach on Your Back! Flash is struggling, but he's too far from the ropes! Bach is screaming "Submit!" as Flash twists and flails. He can't get out ... eye rake! Bach snaps off, and the referee admonishes Flash, but the veteran got free.


Flash continues the momentum with a kick to the shoulder of the downed Bach. Killer is screaming at the referee to disqualify Flash, and while the referee is distracted, he low blows Bach. Smirking at the crowd, he signals for the Flash Bang, and the crowd pops. Flash can't come through with his silent promise, as he gets speared by Killer. He doesn't seem hurt, more surprised by the little manager. Killer is pulled away by the referee, but the distraction gives Bach time to recover. Adrenaline shot... No! Flash grabs the incoming Bach boot. He wags his finger at Bach and slams his elbow into Bach's thigh.


Bach hobbles around a little bit. Flash looks right at Killer when he signals the Flash Bang. He turns to Bach, and receives an Adrenaline Shot right to the face. Bach covers.








Bach goes to move Flash to his stomach, but the Wiley One refuses. Getting frustrated, Bach goes to the top rope. Bach leaps.


Flash springs to his feet! FLASH BANG! Flash caught Bach and snapped his neck with a Flash Bang!


Spear! Killer knocks Flash down again! She crawls off Flash and shoves Bach out of the ring. The referee has no choice but to count Bach out.


Steve Flash defeated Sammy Bach in 12:31 by count out.




RDJ vs. Rhan hype video, showcasing the turn by Rhan and RDJ's recent losing streak.





Genghis Rhan vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Rhan starts the match by shocking the veteran RDJ. He goes for some old school wrestling takedowns, getting RDJ on his back. Once Johnson is on his back, he employs the technical ten fist rain, before the referee pulls Rhan off. RDJ stumbles to his feet, more confused than hurt.


Rhan tries to advance again but Johnson simply kicks him in the shoulder. Rhan hits the mat, and Johnson employs his own 10 fist rain, but dismounts before the referee is forced to interfere. Rhan rises up but is taken down with a lighting fast arm drag take down.


RDJ continues to dominate Rhan for the next five minutes, with the hardcore one getting little offense in.


RDJ looks to set up a Southern Justice on the outside of the ring, as the referee tries to get them back into the ring. Rhan shoves old striped shirt aside, and RDJ goes to check on him. Rhan gets a chair and lightly tosses it to RDJ. He falls to the ground and the ref turns around. DQ! RDJ has just lost this match by DQ!


Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Genghis Rahn in 13:26 by disqualification.




Machines vs. Guns hype video, highlight past matches between the two long time TCW teams.





The Machines vs. the Young Warriors


What an impressive showing by these two teams! Steve Gumble started in the ring with Brent Hill. Hill confidently begins to attack Gumble, but is off put when Gumble does not stay down. It is as if this new name has given the Young Warriors a new lease on life. Hill hits a vicious release German suplex that sends Gumble halfway across the ring. As Hill approaches, Gumble strikes, a leaping clothesline that downs the former tag champion!


Out of almost desperation Gumble tags Allen, and business picks up. Running knee to the temple of Hill. Allen bounces off the ropes, running clothesline. Allen springboards ... flying back elbow to the temple of Hill. Hill stumbles to Anderson to make the tag.


Hill doesn't leave the ring, and referee tries to get him out. That's when Joel Bryant sneaks into the ring and snaps a One Shot Drop on Brent Hill, punctuating his turn. The ref screams at Bryant to leave while Allen and Anderson brawl on the outside. Over the barrier leaps Wolf Hawkins...


Full Moon Rising! Wolf and John Anderson stand tall...


Suicide Dive! Gumble takes out John Anderson. Wolf grabs Gumble and whips him into the steps. Bryant runs to Wolf and starts laying the blows into him. The bell rings as the ref has lost complete control and calls this a double count out.


The Machines drew with The Young Warriors in 17:47 following a double count out. During the match we also saw Wolf Hawkins run in and attack Harry Allen, and Joel Bryant also attack Brent Hill.




A old dirty ring is shown, with two no name wrestlers wrestling. Suddenly the room starts shaking and both wrestlers look concerned. The screen goes black, to much confusion.




Backstage, we have THE Edd Stone and M.V.P. Unfortunately, it is Maxx with the mic.


"Yo. Look. Listen. I was a big part of some rock band. We ripped **** up. Titles. Records. Woman. Booze." He tosses the mic over his shoulder, and Edd catches it behind his back."


"Yeah, and I'm the world's most famous Stone! The 24 Hour Party Animal. Oh, and by the way, WE are the current champs. You'd think with the talk, New Wave was."


Maxx smirks. "I feel ya' now Aretha."


Edd goes to talk, but Scout and Guide walk up.


"SHUT UP" They yell in unison, causing both Maxx and Edd to back off a bit. Scout moves in close to Edd.


"You guys keep taking shortcuts, these title matches are going to become grudge matches. You want to face two pissed off soldiers of the New Wave, with the entire support of the New Wave Army behind them? No. Then stop ****ing cheating. See you in the ring."






The New Wave vs. Party Bus

TCW World tag Team title


THE BEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY makes there way down to the ring high-fiving fans. They slide in under the ropes and pop up fast to face the crowd. With a loud ‘HOAH!’ they salute the fans, who return the ‘HOAH!’ right back. The New Wave lovefest is interrupted by Edd Stone and M.V.P. Rhodes notes that even if the crowd doesn't like them, Party Bus has been having a ton of success against the New Wave as of late.


M.V.P. and Scout start us out with a good old-fashioned slugfest. Paine has added a few new moves to his arsenal, including an ankle stomp and a headbutt. Maxx seems to be able to overpower the fan favorite for a spell, but eventually Scout counters a punch and throws Paine into the corner. Guide reaches out as Scout scrambles over and tags the flattop fury in! One clothesline to Paine! Two clotheslines to Paine! A third clothesline to Paine, and M.V.P. is down for a while.


Guide seems to be waiting for the Guided Missile, but just as he starts to run, Edd Stone reaches in and trips him up. M.V.P. rises and sees Guide down, and quickly hits a sloppy baseball slide to the downed modern day warrior.


M.V.P. walks over and tags in Edd, who jumps into the ring to a small smark pop. One diving senton keeps Guide down long enough for Edd to make his way to the top rope. After pointing to a lady in the front row, he drapes a top rope leg drop on Guide's head. Instead of pinning, however he looks around. Seemingly he seems intent on an empty chair near the front. A look of disappointment crosses Edd's face, but it quickly passes. Edd grabs Guide's ankle and begins to torque it, locking in the Stone Ankle Stretch. It's in the middle of the ring, and Guide has no choice but to tap out.


The Party Bus defeated The New Wave in 12:58 when Edd Stone defeated Guide by submission with a Stone Ankle Stretch. The Party Bus make defense number 1 of their TCW World Tag Team titles.




Sam Keith is backstage lounging on some equipment. Ariza notes the confidence of Keith, relaxing before a major match. He seems to be looking off screen as if we caught him in a private discussion.


"What is wrestling? We got out there to enter to entertain these people. We slap locks on each other, we beat the tar out of each other. It's the same in Canada, Mexico, Japan or America. Blood creates a frenzy. Once someone bleeds they go crazy and you are labeled. Warrior. Fighter. Hardcore hero."


The camera pans out to Eddie Peak, lounging on some equipment nearby. "I've never noticed. To me fighting is fighting. In front of ten, one hundred or a sold out national arena broadcast live on PPV. A fight is a fight. Blood happens. Injury happens." He shrugs. "They seem to like me for it though."


Keith laughs. "Don't I know it. You know what the difference between now and when I was cheered is? I wear a suit now."


Peak chuckles a small, slightly scary laugh. "Well, I can see why. You do look dumb in a suit. Perfectly good reason to boo."


Keith shakes his head and smirks, getting up off the equipment, "See you in the ring, *******."


Peak nods, "Let's lose some blood tonight, 'legend'"





Eddie Peak vs. Sam Keith

Hardcore Match


What a difference a few minutes makes. No smiling. No comfort. Focus. Pure focus on the face of both competitors. Both men bring a chair to the ring, being prepared for the carnage we are about to witness.


The bell rings and Peak swings chair first. Contact, right to Keith's forehead. Keith returns fire with the chair, and domes the Great White Shark. Peak swings again, and nails Keith. Keith swings again and nails Peak! Peak screams and drops the chair. Right hand to Keith. Rapid fire now, Keith can't respond and drops the chair to defend himself.


Peak pushes Keith back into a corner and punishes him. Irish whip into the opposite corner! Peak tries a running clothesline, but Keith slips out and drop toe holds Peak's face into a turnbuckle.


Keith goes to the chair. He picks it up and slams it into the back of Peak two times. Taking a bit of time, he sets Peak up in the corner, with the chair in front of his face. Keith moves back slowly, calculating. Running drop kick! The impact is sickening, and Peak is busted open. Keith drags the lifeless Peak to the middle of the ring.








Keith rolls off and takes a moment to recover. Peak slowly rises to his feet, but Keith is there. Keith grabs Peak by the hair, but Peak latches onto Keith’s face. Peak of Perfection (Codebreaker)! Out of nowhere a Peak of Perfection! Both men are down. Exhausted. It takes until a 7 count for either men to stir, and they both get up slowly.


It is Peak who takes the advantage. He slinks over to Keith... DDT onto a chair! What a stroke of luck that the chair was there! Peak almost glides out of the ring, and walks over to the timekeeper. Under the table he pulls out ... a 2 x 4! There's tacks glued onto it! A Peak specialty!


Keith is up. Peak puts the 2 x 4 down on the announcer table, and plays to the crowd. Keith lines up his shot, thinking Peak is too preoccupied to see him. As Keith runs, Peak picks up the 2 x 4. As Keith jumps, Peak swings! The impact silences the crowd, but only for a second. Peak raises the 2 x 4 high, now with less tacks, but more blood.


Peak grabs the limp, bloody Keith and rolls him into the ring.


1 ...


2 ...






Peak did it!








ROPE BREAK! Keith got his foot on the rope at the last minute. Keith struggles to stand as Peak is incensed. He screams that there is no rope break in a hardcore match. Meanwhile Keith stumbles to Peak. He winds up, and swings. Peak collapses! Keith throws away the brass knuckles.











Peak seemed dazed still, and Keith capitalizes by snapping in the Proton Lock. Peak struggles, blood dripping off his face. Eventually the pain is too much, and he passes out.


Sam Keith defeated Eddie Peak in 12:35 by knock out with a Proton Lock.




Standing in the interview set is a serious Rocky Golden.


"I used to stand here and spit these lies to you all. I used to claim to know that I would win. I used to tell you I was not afraid, I would not lose. I lied. We are all afraid. We all lose. Sam Keith has lost. RDJ has felt fear. Tommy Cornell has lost, and I... I am afraid.


I'm not afraid of Cornell. I'm not afraid of injuring myself and losing my paycheck. I am not afraid of death. I am afraid of letting you all down.


For too long I mocked you. For too long I played you all. I told you a Golden Age was upon us. Tonight there is no Golden Age. No Golden Hope.


Tonight the Age of Blood begins. You want to hurt me Tommy, hurt me. You want to maim me Tommy, maim me. I can take what you give. I can take it and give it right back. Tonight I make myself a true force in the TCW upper echelon! Tonight I walk to the ring with true confidence.


Because I know, Tommy. I know. I. Know."


Golden leans close to the camera.


"You are afraid too."





Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell

TCW Heavyweight title


As the fan's excitement builds. Golden yellow confetti starts to rain down from the sky into the crowd. Rocky Golden is raised up from below the stage. His hair is in his face and an ornate crown rests on his head. The Golden Hope continues to look down while taking the crown off of his head. Raising it high he holds the pose, arm raised high with the crown, head down while golden pyro shoots up from behind him. Flicking his head back he uncovers a confident smirk. As he walks to the ring to roar is huge.


That is until one note from a live guitar is heard. A Judas Priest cover band walks out and begins to play.


"You're going to..."


As Golden enters the ring a simultaneous pyro goes off from the ring posts and at the ramp.




As the pyro goes down it reveals Tommy Cornell, in ring gear, ready for war. He simple walks to the ring, his gaze unmoving from Golden. As he steps in the ring, he unstraps the TCW World Heavyweight belt from his waist and holds it high to a chorus off boos.


The match starts fast. Golden runs strait at Cornell and attempts a clothesline. Cornell ducks, and as Golden is going by slips an elbow shot to the back of the big man's head. Cornell locks up for a German suplex, but Golden returns the elbow shot and slips around Cornell. Golden tries to lock in for a German Suplex, but Cornell slips out the back. A swift kick to the back of the knee causes Golden to lose a bit of balance. Cornell goes for the DDT.


BUT GOLDEN IS TOO STRONG! Golden grabs Cornell by the hips and powers the Syndicate leader over his head. Cornell uses the momentum to pendulum over the head of the giant hoss. Moving his hands ever so slightly he converts a regular DDT into a devastating neck breaker.


Except Golden reaches out behind his head and catches Cornell. After a second of adjusting Golden tosses Cornell high... AND INTO THE RACK!


Golden torques Cornell's head down towards the ground, and Cornell's back arches over the massive shoulders of Golden. The crowd is screaming, hollering, demanding the Golden Hope live up to his promise! Cornell lifts his hand, but instead of tapping, he throws an elbow at Golden's head. The first misses, and Golden torques some more. This seems to release adrenaline, as Cornell fires off three elbow shots that bounce off the head of Golden. Golden relaxes the hold for a second, but that's all it takes with Tommy Cornell. Tommy spins and slips and drops Golden to the ground with a creative version of a bulldog! Golden and Cornell crash to the ground, and neither move for a few seconds.


Cornell rises up with the assist of the ring ropes. He looks at Golden for a long while as he rises. After Golden rises, he seems to go from hurt and groggy to 100% instantaneously. He runs at Cornell hoping to score a big clothesline ... and does. Both men tumble out of the ring. Golden is quick to rise and pulls Cornell up by the hair. The cover band begins to play the music again, as John Anderson and Wolf Hawkins rush the ring. Golden takes his eyes off of Cornell for a second, and Cornell drops a big dropkick into the chest of Golden. Cornell turns and screams at Hawkins to get the hell to the back. Anderson and Hawkins retreat, right as Golden rises. Cornell backs off a bit, over the scorer’s table (who keeps score in pro wrestling?) Golden punches Cornell in the jaw, and Cornell flops over the table. Golden reaches to lift Cornell up, but Cornell scoops Rocky's crown and drives it into Rocky's face. He points to his head, and chuckles a bit. Cornell even goes a bit further by putting the crown on and strutting around before entering the ring.


As Golden rises, he seems angry. Angry at himself. He enters the ring with a full head of steam. Cornell is surprised by how fast the shoulder blocks come. One! Two! Three shoulder blocks knock the champ down hard! Golden immediately goes for the pin.













Golden rises up fast, and goes to the turnbuckle. Rocky Golden is going to the turnbuckle! He screams to the crowd, and the crowd reciprocates. He drops down and nails a huge elbow drop into the sternum of Cornell.

















Golden lifts Cornell up... a second Rack attempt! The crowd starts a "Ni~ice Ra~ack" chant, as Tommy Cornell struggles in the grip of Rocky Golden. Using veteran know-how, Cornell reaches back just enough to get a finger on the ring rope. Golden drops Cornell and looks to scoop him in again, but Cornell has other plans! Low dropkick! Golden is on one knee...


Springboard Full Moon Rising!


"This is awe-some!" CLAP CLAP CLAPCLAPCLAP!


Slowly Cornell flips Golden onto his stomach... Guilt Trip! Golden's an entire ring's length away from the ropes. Cornell picked his spot beautifully! Golden holds out as long as he could, but eventually taps.


Tommy Cornell defeated Rocky Golden in 13:17 by submission with a Guilt Trip. Tommy Cornell makes defense number 2 of his TCW World Heavyweight title.




A video is shown hyping all the Syndicate’s wins. It fades to an old chair and the words “The experiment was a failure”.







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Aaron Andrews vs. Chance Fortune

Joel Bryant vs. Wolf Hawkins © - International title

Sammy Bach © vs. Steve Flash - All Action title

Genghis Rhan vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Machines vs. Young Guns

New Wave vs. Party Bus © - World tag Team

Eddie Peak vs. Sam Keith

Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell


4/7. Not bad. And I would've had Peak win had Keith not pulled his creative control.


Aaron Andrews vs. Chance Fortune

Joel Bryant vs. Wolf Hawkins © - International title

Sammy Bach © vs. Steve Flash - All Action title

Genghis Rhan vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Machines vs. Young Guns

New Wave vs. Party Bus © - World tag Team

Eddie Peak vs. Sam Keith

Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell - World Heavyweight


4/7. No one expected poor Mr. Bryant to get a title. How sad for him.

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SWF Supreme TV


Champagne Lover and Joe Sexy vs. Warrior Force

Eric Inc (Enforcer Roberts and Eric Eisen) vs. Jack Giedroyc and Acid

Elmo Benson vs. Runaway Train

Brandon James vs. Rich Money

Christian Faith vs. Remo


Let's get back into this...

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Champagne Lover and Joe Sexy vs. Warrior Force

I love CL, but Warrior Force is a much bigger team.


Eric Inc (Enforcer Roberts and Eric Eisen) vs. Jack Giedroyc and Acid

I don't see Roberts getting many big wins.


Elmo Benson vs. Runaway Train

I don't see Benson getting many big wins.


Brandon James vs. Rich Money

James starts out as the bigger name.


Christian Faith vs. Remo

Remo's a future World Champ, but it's a bit early for him to be getting a win as big as one over Faith.

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Champagne Lover and Joe Sexy vs. Warrior Force - Lobster will try and snip Champagne Lover but Champagne will grab some of the best French product available and Lobster will become addicted, find it tough to regain his balance and present Joe Sexy with a roll up pinfall.


Eric Inc (Enforcer Roberts and Eric Eisen) vs. Jack Giedroyc and Acid - In most diaries I'm not the biggest fan of Eric Eisen. Erik Watts on the other hand...


Elmo Benson vs. Runaway Train - All about the squash train..


Brandon James vs. Rich Money - Brandon James won't be able to clear this cheque...


Christian Faith vs. Remo - Big time Christian Faith fan. as of course is

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