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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PPV%20Logos/crunchtimelogo.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23671" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The big news as October comes to an end is that Crunch Time has experienced a time crunch; Tommy Cornell, in his capacity as Chief Investor, has announced that rather than attempt to fit too many matches onto the card, the Cornell/Remo contest will be put aside for another month, taking place instead at A Little South Of Sanity next month.<p> </p><p> With that being said, there are plenty of matches still to come anyway. Let's see what's in store on Sunday night...</p><p> </p><p> A steel cage will surround the ring as the night begins; Champagne Lover and Rhino Umaga, looking to settle their grudge, with Umaga demanding the cage to ensure Lover can't run away.</p><p> </p><p> Lover's original target, before running into the spoiler that is Umaga, was Jeremy Stone, and as fate would have it Stone's match against Generation Omega's Marc DuBois, the man who made it through to the challenge, is up next. Will it be youth and guile or age and experience that carries the day?</p><p> </p><p> The first of the night's title matches is up next, as Freddy Huggins defends against Team KOBRA's chosen representative, Hidekazu. With the selection of Hidekazu having created a furore in the KOBRA ranks, can he live up to Koshiro Ino's faith in him?</p><p> </p><p> Four-team action is on the slate to follow as Tag Wars return to TCW. The British Lions will defend their title against Darkwave, the Easy Riders, and some combination of the Texas Outlaws - but which combination is, so far, not specified.</p><p> </p><p> Another title follows that, with Chris Rockwell defending his Hard-Hitting Championship. The challenger is another of Generation Omega's bright stars, former tag champion Davis Wayne Newton. With the match No Holds Barred, who can pull out all the stops for victory? Chris Rockwell has let it be known that Rocky Golden will stand with him at ringside to keep Vibert in check.</p><p> </p><p> On the line next isn't a title, but is something that might be as prestigious. When the Badge of Honour TV show began a year and a half ago, Rick Law was entrusted by Mayhem Midden with the right to select the main events of each show. Now, for the first time, the Enforcer challenges the Rule of Law. If he wins, the Enforcers gain a lot of bargaining power every Friday night...</p><p> </p><p> In the night's first triple-threat, Edd Stone heads (by default of his position as champion) an all-Canadian trio of excellence, as the International Championship is on the line against Sean Deeley and long-term challenger Canadian Elemental. Whatever else you might think of the three men involved, there's no denying their skill or their determination.</p><p> </p><p> In tag team action, Kate Dangerous and JeriLynn Stone unite against the Leading Lights, looking to settle the order of challengers for JeriLynn's Women's Championship. There's a lot on the line here, just in terms of what a win will mean for the individual who scores it - and the individual who takes the fall.</p><p> </p><p> Matthew Keith shocked TCW fans last night by stealing away the Blonde Bombshell from Johnny Bloodstone's side. Hopefully we'll hear more on why, but one thing we know for certain - these two will collide, and even the winner is going to look like they've been put through the wringer. This one's the TCW.com staffers' pick for match of the night.</p><p> </p><p> In the main event, the World Heavyweight Championship will be defended under triple-threat rules, which could be said to favour challenger Troy Tornado, though the sheer athleticism of Art Reed and Wolf Hawkins' clear will to retain - not just to retain, but to win - are likely to be factors, too. Who'll come out of Crunch Time with the most prestigious title in wrestling?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Prediction Key:</p><p> CAGE MATCH</p><p> Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga</p><p> </p><p> Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert</p><p> </p><p> TCW All Action Championship</p><p> Freddy Huggins © vs. Hidekazu</p><p> </p><p> TAG WARS</p><p> TCW World Tag Team Championship</p><p> British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Darkwave vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Goldworthy</p><p> </p><p> NO HOLDS BARRED</p><p> TCW Hard-Hitting Championship</p><p> Chris Rockwell w/ Rocky Golden © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert</p><p> </p><p> BADGE of HONOR MAIN EVENT RIGHTS ON THE LINE</p><p> Jack Marlowe vs. Rick Law</p><p> </p><p> TCW International Championship</p><p> Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</p><p> </p><p> Leading Lights vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous</p><p> </p><p> Johnny Bloodstone vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p> TCW World Heavyweight Championship</p><p> Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado</p>
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<p>CAGE MATCH</p><p>

<strong>Champagne Lover</strong> vs. Rhino Umaga</p><p>

<em>This one depends about who you want to push. Umaga is the guy who would get more from the win but I just don´t see him going over Lover for some reason.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jeremy Stone</strong> vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert</p><p>

<em>You are pushing younger guys so DuBois looks like logical choice but I still go with Stone.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW All Action Championship</p><p>

<strong>Freddy Huggins ©</strong> vs. Hidekazu</p><p>

<em>Huggins isn´t losing the title just yet.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TAG WARS</p><p>

TCW World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<strong>British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins</strong> vs. Darkwave vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Goldworthy</p><p>

<em>Surely Jobworthy isn´t managing Outlaws? Anyway this one could go for anyone but I play safe and pick champs to retain. </em></p><p> </p><p>


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship</p><p>

Chris Rockwell w/ Rocky Golden © vs. <strong>Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert</strong></p><p>

<em>DWN has getting not so suple push lately and I see no reason why that should change here. By the way is Hard-Hitting Championship a floating title? For some reason it has always felt like that to me, probably because Keith was the first champ.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Jack Marlowe </strong>vs. Rick Law</p><p>

<em>Law´s booking rights haven´t been used that much lately so maybe change is in order.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Championship</p><p>

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. <strong>Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</strong></p><p>

<em>Not sure if Deeley is actually above International belt right now but I figured that since he is in the match he might as well get the win.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Leading Lights</strong> vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous</p><p>

<em>This one is interesting as the stipulation might actually favour Stone/Dangerous if Lights ego´s gets in their way and they start to argue about who gets the pin. Still, usually challengers are set to look strong before the title match so I go with Lights picking up the win regardless.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Bloodstone vs. <strong>Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell</strong></p><p>

<em>Bombshell changing camp was a real shocker to me and it´s likely the deciding factor here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Wolf Hawkins ©</strong> w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado</p><p>

<em>I´m little bit torn on this one as I feel that Hawkins vs. Cornell doesn´t need to have the belt on the line so Hawkins could well drop the title. The thing is, Troy got some serious built-up with all those triple threat wins and I feel that the opposite momentum rule will hit in and deny Tornado the win here, while Reed isn´t ready for the belt yet. I go with Wolf retaining here but I could see Troy taking this as well.</em></p>

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<p>CAGE MATCH</p><p>

<strong>Champagne Lover </strong>vs. Rhino Umaga <em>But a moral win for Umaga</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Jeremy Stone </strong>vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert <em>DuBois may be better in your game, and overness is always a factor, but he won't benefit from winning at this point</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW All Action Championship</p><p>

<strong> Freddy Huggins ©</strong> vs. Hidekazu <em>The Japanese contingent have something going on that wouldn't be best served by a win here - although it might just heighten tensions... </em></p><p> </p><p>

TAG WARS</p><p>

TCW World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<strong> British Lions ©</strong> w/ Laura Huggins vs. Darkwave vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Goldworthy <em>Best in the world? Apart from Kreed, maybe, but better than the other teams in the match for sure</em></p><p> </p><p>


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship</p><p>

Chris Rockwell w/ Rocky Golden © vs. <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong> w/ Phil Vibert <em>A sneaky win for the Triple Threat</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong> Jack Marlowe</strong> vs. Rick Law <em>Law's just too nice, and Badge of Dishonor would make for an interesting change - even if only for a month or two</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Championship</p><p>

Edd Stone © vs. <strong>Canadian Elemental</strong> vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins <em>It's time</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Leading Lights</strong> vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous <em>Not that JL would lose the title match...</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Johnny Bloodstone</strong> vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell <em>Hard to believe BB's genuinely turned heel. We'll see, I guess</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong> Wolf Hawkins ©</strong> w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado <em>There's only one person who can beat Wolf, and much as I love Art, that person's not in the match</em></p>

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<p>CAGE MATCH</p><p>

Champagne Lover vs. <strong>Rhino Umaga</strong></p><p>

<em>So, let's see. Who wins here, the racist guy or the guy who's being racially insulted? Who ought to be put over by this plotline? I don't think TCW really want to say, 'Hey, this guy is being played as a racist dickhead, but you know what, he's more important to us than ths Samoan!'</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jeremy Stone vs. <strong>Marc DuBois</strong> w/ Phil Vibert</p><p>

<em>A bit of a gamble. Will mind games prevail?</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW All Action Championship</p><p>

<strong>Freddy Huggins ©</strong> vs. Hidekazu</p><p>

<em>No reason to suspect a change.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TAG WARS</p><p>

TCW World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<strong>British Lions ©</strong> w/ Laura Huggins vs. Darkwave vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Goldworthy</p><p>

<em>A pure guess, this could go any way.</em></p><p> </p><p>


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship</p><p>

<strong>Chris Rockwell</strong> w/ Rocky Golden © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert</p><p>

<em>He's not going to win this, he's going to win Ticket To The Top, remember?</em></p><p> </p><p>


Jack Marlowe vs. <strong>Rick Law</strong></p><p>

<em>Rick shows off his dark side to bring down Marlowe.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Championship</p><p>

<strong>Edd Stone ©</strong> vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</p><p>

<em>I like Edd.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Leading Lights vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous</p><p>

<em>Draw! Drag it out a bit.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Bloodstone vs. <strong>Matthew Keith</strong> w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p>

<em>Johnny goes crazy, Matt earns a hugely significant victory.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Wolf Hawkins ©</strong> w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado</p><p>

<em>By shenanigans, because only Tommy can end Wolf's first reign.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Also, what the hell? Bombshell turned on JB? What?</p>

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<p>CAGE MATCH</p><p>

Champagne Lover vs. <strong>Rhino Umaga</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>It seems slightly early given how long Rhino's been around, but he's been getting a lot of face time, and the Lover is kind've a dick.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jeremy Stone</strong> vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert</p><p> </p><p>

<em>JEZZA.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW All Action Championship</p><p>

<strong>Freddy Huggins ©</strong> vs. Hidekazu</p><p> </p><p>

<em>I think Freddy needs it for longer.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TAG WARS</p><p>

TCW World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<strong>British Lions ©</strong> w/ Laura Huggins vs. Darkwave vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Goldworthy</p><p> </p><p>

<em>It would be lame ducks if these guys lost the straps so soon.</em></p><p> </p><p>


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship</p><p>

<strong>Chris Rockwell w/ Rocky Golden ©</strong> vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Ticket to the top.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Jack Marlowe</strong> vs. Rick Law</p><p> </p><p>

<em>I think the stipulation becomes somewhat pointless if Marlowe doesn't win, much as I vastly prefer Law.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Championship</p><p>

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. <strong>Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>I've felt like a change is brewing, but I just can't get behind Thrill Seeker (the mask makes me like him less). Deeley deserves some time in the mix properly.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Leading Lights</strong> vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Gorgon still seems to be waiting in the wings... but I suppose Jeri needs some other challengers too.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Bloodstone vs. <strong>Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Bloodstone loses it, and it costs him.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert</strong> vs. Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado</p><p> </p><p>

<em>None of these names are Tommy Cornell.</em></p>

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<p>CAGE MATCH</p><p>

Champagne Lover vs.<strong> Rhino Umaga</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>This feels like a match where the heel should be dealt his comeuppance, plus the fact that I feel Umaga benefits from the win more. </em></p><p> </p><p>

Jeremy Stone vs. <strong>Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Stone already has the legacy (albeit not necessarily a TCW based one) to bounce back from defeat here, DuBois is still building his and this could be a notable win to get him into the World Title hunt, even if his own Gen-Omega team mate is holding the belt right now.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW All Action Championship</p><p>

<strong>Freddy Huggins ©</strong> vs. Hidekazu</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Hidekazu fails to win the belt for Team KOBRA, resulting in more tensions between the group...I'm not even going to guess now when those tensions will actually boil over, it's been burning painfully slowly for so long.</em> <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

TAG WARS</p><p>

TCW World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<strong>British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins</strong> vs. Darkwave vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Goldworthy</p><p> </p><p>

<em>British Lions had a slow build towards them climbing from nobodies to champions, so I don't see them dropping the belts only a few months into their reign.</em> </p><p> </p><p>


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship</p><p>

<strong>Chris Rockwell w/ Rocky Golden</strong> © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert</p><p> </p><p>

<em>DWN's singles push, is going to be a slow and gradual thing...where he will win some big matches but also lose a few along the way. This is one I reckon he will lose, because ultimately I don't think the plan involves him winning this particular belt.</em> </p><p> </p><p>


Jack Marlowe vs. <strong>Rick Law</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rick Law IS Badge on Honor and he stays comissioner of the B-show for another year. Besides does a B-show really need some heel's in charge running amok?</em> </p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Championship</p><p>

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. <strong>Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Deeley's ready for some singles gold, and I think he takes advantage of the real feud here being between Stone and Canadian Elemental, who can continue their personal vendetta without the belt on the line. </em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Leading Lights</strong> vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Stone and Dangerous have been the leading babyfaces of the women's division since it's inception but Leading Lights took them to a time limit draw in their first match and in order to build more heel challengers for JeriLynn's title, I feel the heel duo (probably through some form of cheating) pick up the 'shock' win here.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Bloodstone vs. <strong>Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>A personal vendetta feud, between two fairly well evenly matched opponents- booking 101 says that the heel takes the first encounter.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

TCW World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert</strong> vs. Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Even though the eventual Hawkins-Cornell encounter does not need the belt on the line, I still feel that is where we are heading towards.</em></p>

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Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga


Rhino takes this feud and becomes a legit midcarder.


Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert


We can't have another main eventer in GenOmega.


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Hidekazu


The Hugmaster General takes it. Also, KOBRA breaks up.



TCW World Tag Team Championship

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Darkwave vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Lions are too good to be transitional champs.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell w/ Rocky Golden © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Via... Rocky Golden heel turn! No, not that. Via DWN being really good, and Rockwell not being so great that a heel with DWN's potential can't legitimately beat him.



Jack Marlowe vs. Rick Law


Law needs to get back into the main event game -- remember when he was pulling A* matches? (Before EVERYONE was pulling A* matches?) At this point in his career, Badge is holding Law back, but Badge would make Marlowe a full-scale roster member.


TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


It seems like time. Agreed on the Stone-CanEl feud being a way to take both of them out of the running, and then Deeley takes advantage and wins it. (By the way, I'm the other way around -- I like the idea of Canadian Elemental, but the fact that it's the one-dimensional Rivera kind of spoils it for me.)


Leading Lights vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous


I'm still just not into the women's division, and I cannot stand Apocryphal Stone, so I might not know what's going on here. But the way I see it, you don't give a team such a bizarrely long build-up and then not even push them. That's early-'90s WWF style, and TCW is better than that.

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Bloodstone gets angry, and it costs him the match.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado


Much as I'd like to say Reed takes the belt, that doesn't seem likely. (Even if past storylines have established that Reed can go toe to toe with Wolf.) Tornado is a former belt holder, and between that and his awesome string of three-way matches, he's legit without the belt. As people have said, this is going to Wolf vs. Cornell at Malice.

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<p>Okay, I think I saw that Bombshell turned on Bloodstone. Not saying I read that <em>properly</em>, meaning that maybe I, y'know, actually saw someone commenting on...let's say...Bloodstone turning on...Jeremy Stone? I dunno.</p><p> </p><p>

But if, IF I'm correct, then this only proves what I've been ranting about for years:</p><p> </p><p>

Bombshell is going to get with Matthew Keith, who will then win the title. And feud with Hell Monkey whose masks give him typed-immunity to particular Mists, as apropriate to the mask and mist in question.</p><p> </p><p>

Then we can have Jericho/Mysterio moments where Hell Monkey is unmasked, only to have another mask underneath. Or, potentially, a different color.</p><p> </p><p>

Or where Matthew has to start using different colors in his matches.</p><p> </p><p>

And now I'm thinking about Katamari Damacy and the Royal Rainbow.</p><p> </p><p>

And now for the spoilery part of whether I was right or wrong, and my reaction to what actually happened:</p><p>

"<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Matthew Keith shocked TCW fans last night by stealing away the Blonde Bombshell from Johnny Bloodstone's side. Hopefully we'll hear more on why, but one thing we know for certain - these two will collide, and even the winner is going to look like they've been put through the wringer. This one's the TCW.com staffers' pick for match of the night."</span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">

Well, I believe I win, then. WOO!</span>"</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Anyway, hey PS: <em>is</em> your world title the most prestigious in wrestling, or are there some other belts (in Japan) at 100 prestige as well?</p>

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TCW Presents Crunch Time


Sunday Week 4 October 2009


Live on America 1-Select, U-Demand Canada, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp, UK-1 (5.07)


Held at Rolling Fields (Tri State)


Attendance: 62,894




Jason Azaria – Mayhem Midden - Horatio Dangerous



The cage is already in place for the first match as the opening pyro dies away. And already in the cage is the Blonde Bombshell. She moves toward the cage wall, running slender fingers over it, and raises her microphone.


“I know... that you guys... are wondering. About. About me and Johnny, what happened yesterday. About Matt.


“And I know I owe you an explanation, I do...


“I owe YOU an explanation. I owe the FANS. But I don't owe Johnny anything.


“Look at you, gathered here today... families. Happy families, at that.” She smiles slightly, suddenly seeming a little less... vulnerable. “On your own, with friends, with your date, with your family... you're here for a good time. And you've got no reason to worry about anything else; this is your time off, when you can just sit tight and have fun.”


Her face falls abruptly. “I can't remember the last time I had time off,” she says simply. “Getting together with Johnny was fun. Exciting. Getting back into wrestling alongside him was cool. And before the shine wore off... before the glow wore off... Johnny was allied with Art, and Sam Keith needed help...


“But ever since I met Johnny, I have been the only thing keeping his temper in check. And if I ever stop... then I feel, I felt, I feel, like what happens is my responsibility.


“I look at you from inside this cage and it's no different to how I felt with Johnny once I woke up to what was going on. I can't take time off. I can't go anywhere. I can't stop caring, can't stop looking after him for a moment – and you know what?


“I can't cope. And Matt... Matt was the one guy I felt I could tell. Johnny, I was just trying to tell him that we all had issues, just trying to get him back on our team... but the more I talked, the more I realised... I can't do it anymore, Johnny. I can't.


“You needed a wakeup call, and Matt gave me a reason to give it.” She steps through the ropes and out of the cage's door.


“Sooner or later I was going to break, Johnny. And when I broke, you were going to break somebody. And it's always going to feel like my fault... but I'm out of the cage now, Johnny. I'm out... I'm free. I'll learn to live with the rest.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RhinoUmaga.jpg

Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga

Hell of a battle, this one. Two men go to war inside the cage, Lover out of desperation, Umaga with a certain swagger, a certain confidence – and a hell of a lot of determination.


That's not to rule the luchador out, because it's undisputably true that Lover flies with the best of them, at one point leaping to rebound, two-footed, off the cage into a hurtling neckbreaker. The impact is massive, and Lover moves to capitalise – but Umaga powers out, practically throwing the Mexican superstar off him and into the cage wall.


Lover battles back well, eventually setting up for the Lover Stunner. He goes for it, but Rhino catches him on the way down, boosting him into the air and over onto Umaga's big Samoan shoulder.


Rhino promptly charges the cage, smashing Lover into it once, then twice, then twists and leaps, planting his opponent on the mat with a big powerslam. A cover later, he picks up his first PPV victory.

Rhino Umaga defeated Champagne Lover

Rating: B+




The camera, at this point, finds its way backstage, moving speedily down a corridor to the source of a major commotion.



It arrives just in time to see a team of EMTs loading Kate Dangerous onto a stretcher, her neck wrapped in a neckbrace. She seems to be unconscious.


“No prizes for guessing who did that, right, Mayhem?” Jason Azaria offers as the stretcher is loaded in its turn into an ambulance.


“Might have actually been the Enforcers,” he says softly. “But you're right – this has to have been the Leading Lights' work.


“I'll deal with them, don't worry.”


“Let's hope JeriLynn Stone can find a new partner for the match...”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarcDuBois-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

The pace of this one is a lot slower than the opening match; between one savvy veteran and one cunning youngster looking for an opening, neither side wants to up the ante. It's methodical, and that gives Azaria room to shine.


Every move, every hold, every action and avoidance is examined and dissected, both in its own right and as part of a match strategy.


As Midden notes, between what's going on in the ring and how well Jason's handling it, this PPV is going to be a must-buy for aspiring professional wrestlers who want to learn how to wrestle at the highest level.


DuBois gets the upper hand on the veteran in the early going, thinking fast and moving to keep it going, employing trick after trick and moving fast to capitalise.


This isn't a bad strategy, but Jeremy Stone has the kind of endurance that only the House of Stone can breed into you. He doesn't tap – and trying to make him submit puts you in reach of his own grasp, never exactly the safest of ideas – and he has the wherewithal to kick out.


As time ticks by, even the master of mind games is hard pushed to find new tricks that Jeremy Stone hasn't seen before. It's not a problem he'd have with many wrestlers, but Jeremy Stone really has seen it all; ultimately, he rolls through, applying the Stone Ankle Stretch to secure the submission.

Jeremy Stone defeated Marc DuBois

Rating: A




Before the ring announcer can even finish proclaiming Jezza's victory, a jeans-clad Joey Minnesota is in the ring, coming out of the crowd.


Vibert cold-c0cks the ring announcer, tossing his mic to Minnesota, who goes nose to nose with Stone.


“Nice fight,” he says. “But I've got to say...


“I could do better. You're due to be left in the dirt, old man, and I feel like being the one to do it.”



Stone grins slightly – and then drops, abruptly, as the hollow BOOM of a microphone-assisted punch echoes around the arena. Joey, with a smirk, hits the ropes and dropkicks the downed legend in the face, before Wolf Hawkins rolls into the ring, undoing his belt from around his waist as he does.


He drapes it over Jeremy's face, gold down – and Joey Minnesota lands a soaring elbow drop on the belt, driving it into Stone's face.


The two Generation Omega men look satisfied with their work, continuing to lay down punches.



And then Aaron Andrews is in the ring. He meets Minnesota with a lariat, followed by a dropkick as Joey rises. Wolf comes to him, firing off punches, and the two youngsters throw hand for hand against one another – until Jeremy Stone regains his feet, taking the champion down with a Stone's Throw.


Refs hit the ring moments later, separating the two sides.


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Hidekazu_jtlant.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

Freddy Huggins © vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily

Surprisingly slick, this, as the contest doesn't fire the imagination as much as many of the matches on this card – but it certainly gets people's attention during the match.


A smooth technical contest shows exactly how good Freddy Huggins can be – and just how much of Eric Tyler's skillset he's started to slowly absorb. Once again, though, Huggins comes through, outwrestling Hidekazu and positioning himself to connect with the HugginDriver, picking up the victory.

Freddy Huggins defeated Hidekazu

Rating: B




“It was a good effort,” Midden concedes. “But Huggins is a good, strong champion.”




Team KOBRA emerge, Koshiro Ino already carrying the bokken in hand, anticipating. But there's one man who doesn't come down with them.


“I expected him to be out here,” Azaria says. “If only to gloat.”


Thunder Snake is nowhere to be seen.




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British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins


vs. Darkwave

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vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

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vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

The four teams show their attitudes in the opening moments; Christian Faith and Sammy Bach step straight in for their teams; the Easy Riders, seeing that, confer with Carl Batch before putting Peter Hopper in, and the Lions talk man to man, eschewing Laura Huggins' advice, before Walter Morgan steps into the ring first.


With the four men who'll open the contest in position, the bell rings and the battle begins. Morgan sees Hopper coming, dropping to the floor with a drop toe-hold, while Faith beckons Bach in coolly.


A leaping leg lariat gets ducked; Bach turns around only to find a quick right jab that rocks his jaw back off the impact, then another, then another; Faith grabs his wrist and shoots him to the ropes, setting up for a Faith Hammer, only to eat a dropkick as the former 'Elation Sensation' recovers.


Morgan, meanwhile, has Hopper grounded; a prone front chancery is a surprisingly good move to trap someone, if you know what you're doing – and there's no one better at submission wrestling than Walter Morgan.


He cranks back on the neck for a little while before Hopper finally manages to get back to one foot through sheer power. From that restored vertical base, he brings his hands up and shoves Morgan off, nearly collapsing again as the force of throwing Morgan off the lock wrenches his neck – but as Walter rebounds, there's a huge lariat coming.


Bach senses opportunity. Vaulting to the second rope, he arcs backward into a big moonsault, coming crashing down across Walter's chest. He goes for the cover, hooking a foot on the second rope for leverage – but before he makes it to two, Ray Johnson sees it, formally and audibly admonishing Bach while, in the background, Hopper and Faith hammer away at one another.


The two big men's exchange starts to draw the crowd in, voicing their approval as Faith hits and their disapproval as Hopper fires back. Christian slowly – oh so slowly – begins to get the upper hand, hitting three punches to Hopper's three, then one to two, then a run of four massive right hands.


Again he snares the wrist, looking to whip the Easy Rider to the ropes, but Hopper has the weight and strength to counter, closing in with a short-arm lariat that staggers Faith but doesn't topple him.


Ever the opportunist, Bach pops into sight, leaping onto Faith's back to apply his famed Bach on your Back, dragging the big legend down to the mat. He cranks back on the submission, and Texas Pete steps through the ropes to save his partner – except that he stops short at Faith's outstretched hand – with a finger pointed at Hopper.


With a toothy grin, Pete spins Hopper around, boots him in the gut, and plants him with the Lone Star Drop. Not a legal man himself, he grabs Morgan and boosts him up in the air, up above his head in a military press.


“Ref!” he calls. As Johnson wheels, he drops Morgan – in cross-body position across the prone Hopper. Suddenly there's a pin to count, and Johnson takes that instead of the submission, as Pete storms across the ring, converting his famous through-the-ropes suicida into a spear at the corner that brings Billy Fonda crashing to the guardrail with Texas Pete close behind.




Elimination #1: Easy Riders


Floyd Bowman's hand is already pounding at the ring apron, beating out a steady, powerful rhythm. The crowd quickly pick it up, a thunderous beat that seems to energise Christian Faith, who slowly powers free of Bach's hold.


He whips the younger athlete to the corner and goes for the Leap of Faith, but Bach is too quick for him, rolling clear. Faith crashes into the turnbuckles, staggers backward -


Hopper, back on his feet, spins him around, punches him hard in the gut, scoops him up and powerbombs him back down. As Walter Morgan makes the tag to O'Curle, bringing in the fresher man, the eliminated Hopper mounts Faith, raining down punch after punch, until Texas Pete slides back into the ring.


Hopper's ready for him, going for the big boot, though Pete ducks it successfully before nailing one of his own. It looks like the Texas Outlaws have made their own save – and then Fonda nearly decapitates Pete with a charging elbow strike.


O'Curle looks ready to help intervene as Ray Johnson's efforts to eject the Riders come to nothing – but Zimmy isn't having it, pouncing with a springboard legdrop to bring the Irishman down while the Riders deliver the Emergency Stop to Pete, then again to Faith – across Pete.


Zimmy climbs to the top turnbuckle and soars off with a huge frog splash, covering both members of the Outlaws in the ring, shoulders to the mat. The combined weight of Zimmy and his legendary partner is enough to keep Pete's shoulders down for three.


Elimination #2: Texas Outlaws


That leaves it down to Darkwave and the Lions, and O'Curle, shaking his head to clear the impact from Zimmy, beckons his young challenger on. A judo flip brings the faster man down, but Zimmy's to his feet too fast for the Irishman's characteristic rise-and-punt-to-the-shoulder, one of his favourite ways to set up for the Celtic Wreath.


Zimmy attempts a jump-up huracanrana, but O'Curle moves fast, dropping to one knee, locking Zimmy's shoulders against the floor. ONE, TWO, TH- The Darkwave man kicks out.


Merle snags the leg, turning him into a single-leg crab, cinching back on it, leaning back with his free hand – Morgan tags in, clambering unsteadily to the top rope before coming off, almost gingerly, with a legdrop across Zimmy's shoulder.


He shifts position, grabbing the arm and hooking the head, looking for the Wigan Wrench. Zimmy manages to roll through, blocking rather than breaking the hold, and tags Morgan with a dropkick to get free. He snags Walter's arm and goes for a whip to the ropes, but Walter rolls out of the ring instead.


Zimmy turns – and eats a European uppercut, then a volley of chops to the shoulder. He drops – and O'Curle nails the punt to the shoulder, before grabbing his arm, drawing him to his feet with an arm wringer, then bringing him back down with a single-arm DDT.


Bach soars from the top with a beautiful moonsault, and O'Curle, at Laura Huggins' squeal, rolls clear, leaving Bach to impact on his partner. Shrewdly, the former DaVE tag champion shoves Zimmy out of the ring under the bottom rope, rolling clear to avoid a running elbow drop from O'Curle before popping up with his springboard coast-to-coast bulldog – except O'Curle's waiting for it!


He rides Bach down into the Celtic Wreath! Azaria is screaming about how the Lions never lose the same way twice as, on the outside, Morgan re-applies that grounded chancery, keeping Zimmy from being able to rescue his partner. Under the ministrations of two of the greatest submission wrestlers currently active, Darkwave find themselves trapped and, grudgingly, Bach taps out.

British Lions defeated Darkwave, Easy Riders and the Texas Outlaws

Rating: A*




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Chris Rockwell © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

The contest here is pretty good, though not the best either man's been part of, with Newton having Rockwell on the ropes in the early going before the veteran really starts to fire back. At that point hold and counter-hold goes into full effect.


Close-ups on each man's face as they break between hold exchanges show smiles. Rockwell, in particular, is clearly enjoying himself, and it has to be said that he often manages to get the upper hand.


A snapmare, in particular, sees Rockwell immediately grab an armbar, driving his elbow repeatedly into Newton's head, busting him open quickly. Newton counters, eventually, with a handful of hair, dragging Chris off him as Azaria points out that under No Holds Barred rules that kind of thing is entirely legal – as would have been the low blow Newton tries to follow up with; however, Rockwell's ready for it.


They take a moment again, Newton nodding to himself, and then they collide, and the smiles of respect are gone. The self-proclaimed 'Triple Threat' takes over again, unleashing a fury of kicks before trying something truly ludicrous; a test of strength lock-up followed by Newton twisting, backflipping off the second rope, bringing him to the mat with a huge straitjacket lungblower as he crashes to the mat behind Rockwell.


It's a massive move, and the crowd are duly appreciative; that said, it takes Davis a good five seconds to recover enough to try for a pin, and before three more seconds can elapse, Rockwell gets the shoulder up.


The battle goes back and forth a lot after that, both men shining, but while they duel over the chance at a superplex atop the turnbuckle, someone else takes matters into their own hands.



Frankie Perez slips into the ring while Phil Vibert, on cue, tries to grab Eugene Williams' attention.


Frankie steps onto the second rope, using that extra height to launch a huge hook kick. It'd be beautiful, too, except that Rockwell seemed to see it coming, stepping off the ropes and landing on the mat while his former ally's foot connects with Newton's head.


The Triple Threat topples. Rockwell promptly grabs a chokehold on Perez, and with a huge grin on his face he chokeslams Perez from the apron to the mat, much to the fans' cheers.


A few moments later, Rockwell is applying the MMA knees to Newton's head with a will, effectively knocking the youngster unconscious before rolling him over for a cover. It's now an easy enough title defence...

Chris Rockwell defeated Davis Wayne Newton

Rating: B





Rick Law is taping his wrists backstage when there's a knock at the door. He glances up. “Yeah?”



Merle O'Curle pushes the door open. Showered and changed, he's holding his title belt in one hand, looking in curiously.


“Just want t'say g'luck,” he says. “Ye gave me m' first main event here, an'... well, it helped.” He holds up the title belt as if in illustration. “Thanks.”


Law smiles. “I appreciate that.”



O'Curle nods, hesitates awkwardly, then ducks out of sight, leaving the door open. Rick turns back to the tape, and after a few moments, Aaron Andrews pokes his head in. “Just heard Merle say thanks,” he says. “Well, he wasn't the only one. And I can't see Jack Marlowe supporting the young guys so well.


“I'm pulling for you to win, is all.”


Law smiles again. “You earned your place, Aaron,” he says. “But if you want to say I helped, I'll thank you.”


Andrews nods and moves on.



A longer pause occurs. Law sets the tape wrong; we can tell, because he clucks his tongue in disapproval and tears it back off, picking up the roll again. In the background, we see Shingen Miyazaki appear. Seeing Law's work, he steps into the room, taking the roll from him. “Permit me to pay my respects,” he says, beginning to tape Law's wrists from the outside.


Rick regards him with what looks like very real surprise. “You too?”


“Without the chance you gave me, I should not have earned my chance to battle for the All Action Championship,” he says simply. “My title reign came from your generosity.”


He finishes the taping, tearing the tape precisely and setting it in place. Law smiles. “I appreciate that,” he says. “Maybe I can make some more champions, once this is over with.”


Miyazaki smiles, nodding approval. Drowning Pool's Soldiers begins to play.


“That's Jack,” Law says. “Best I get where I'm going.”


Shingen nods his head and steps aside, and Law walks from the room.






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Jack Marlowe vs. Rick Law

A real humdinger of a brawl from beginning to end. The pace never lets up, and the blows get harder and harder.


Law gets an early opening with a Squad Car Slam, but Marlowe kicks out. He ducks the Long Arm of the Law, booting Law down and bloodying him with a series of big punches, before whipping him to the corner.


Before he can get there with a charge, however, Law explodes out of the corner in turn with a second Long Arm of the Law, this one connecting! He covers – but again, the Enforcer manages to get the shoulder up.


Frustrated, Rick tries to up the stakes. For the first time, a Squad Car Slam is delivered from off the top turnbuckle. As happened with Newton's big move in the prior match, though, by the time Law recovers enough for a pin attempt, Marlowe's recovered enough to kick out, and he takes the initiative in the moments following, hammering away at Law before setting up his own deadliest move, the Jackhammer – and that one gets the three count.

Jack Marlowe defeated Rick Law

Rating: B+


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Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

More excellent, fast-paced action, but this triangle match is a very, very different kind of contest from the prior brawl. It's a contest of one-upsmanship between Stone and Elemental, with both targeting one another and targeting Deeley.


At the same time, however, Sean Deeley has a challenge of his own, a focus he brings to things, and that focus is earning his first TCW championship.


He's an equal-opportunity mat technician, looking to take apart either opponent as the chance presents itself – but his problem is that his skills are in submission, and with two others who both want to come out of this match champion, the odds of a successful submission without interruption are low.


He eventually gets a chance – Edd Stone is woozy after an Elemental Suplex, but he manages to roll out of the way of CanEl's Phoenix Firebird Splash, and Sean locks in the Front Choke Lock on the masked marvel.


Cinching it in and locking it down, Deeley looks like he's guaranteed the win. Sam Sparrow moves in to check on the arm; it drops once – twice -


Edd Stone breaks it up with a shooting star press down onto the pair of them.


Moments later, he has CanEl's shoulders pinned to the mat, and with Deeley stunned by the impact and the heir to the Elemental legacy unconscious, that's enough for Stone to notch up another successful defence.

Edd Stone defeated Canadian Elemental and Sean Deeley

Rating: A




One Girl Revolution begins to play, and JeriLynn Stone comes down to the ring dressed to compete, her championship belt around her waist. She collects a microphone, climbing into the ring.


“Not all the girls are here tonight,” she says. “The ones who are, well... I'll be honest, I've only really made one friend since I got here, and Leading Lights have a reputation.


“So I don't have a partner... but I'll still fight. Kate's in hospital, so you're damn right I'll fight.


“Come get me, girls.”


That seems to be all it takes for the Leading Lights to emerge, running down to the ring, while JeriLynn unstraps her belt.


She meets Serena Starr with a belt shot - “fighting smart!” as Midden notes with a certain grim satisfaction – but Michelle Cox tags her with a dropkick before Stone can turn her attention to her.


It seems like a noble effort, but ultimately there are two Lights, and they lay down a hell of a beating along the way, before Cox collects a microphone, Starr still laying in the beatdown.


“None of you are gonna believe us,” Cox says. “But we had nothing to do with Dangerous getting taken out. You got other problems... but we're the biggest.”


And then...


Someone comes over the guardrail. Long blonde hair flashes in the lights as she hops onto the apron and then vaults the top rope like she's been doing it her whole life.



Alicia Strong brings Michelle Cox down with a Strong Arm Tactic, and it's the sheer familiarity of that move that wakes up a lot of her audience as to who she is. Serena Starr gets a big belly-to-belly suplex, and as Alicia throws her hair back, rocking back on her heels from the impact, the crowd really start to cheer.


She helps JeriLynn to her feet, with the crowd cheering all the – ANGEL DRIVER ON THE CHAMPION! THE OGIWARA CLUTCH HOLD IS LOCKED IN!


Music hits. “Wait a goddamn minute,” Midden explodes. “How the hell did Alicia Strong get music cued...”


He trails off for a few moments as the zebra herd hit the ring to separate Alicia Strong from the champion, leaving his next utterance a little while for the audience to put the pieces together themselves. Aggressive... young... coming over the guardrail, wearing street clothes... evidence she has a contract Mayhem Midden doesn't know about...


“VIBERT!” he explodes. “So help me God, I'm going to skin that bastard alive...”


Finally separated from JeriLynn, Alicia Strong Arm Tactics Ray Johnson, breaking the refs' hold on her and allowing her to escape through the crowd.




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Johnny Bloodstone vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Keith is waiting for Bloodstone in the ring, watching him close in with a slight smirk. Bloodstone's expression is a lot less friendly; the two circle, the Bombshell watching on the outside, and Johnny makes the mistake of turning to face her.


Matt promptly rushes in, and as Johnny turns back to lock up, the prodigal Keith instead jumps into a low dropkick, taking Bloodstone's knee out from under him.


Following up fast, he grabs the leg, lifts – and jams it back down to the mat, his foot in the back of the knee. And then he bails, as fast as he can, as Bloodstone comes up furious and hungry for blood; Matt backpedals all the way to the ropes, then ducks Bloodstone's first punch.


He aims for a quick jab of his own, but Johnny's turning fast, elbow out, and he catches the younger man on the jaw. A chop follows, then a straight left which puts Matt on his back. A stomp follows, then Johnny goes to his knees, firing elbows, and it's all the younger man can do to bring his legs up, hook a headscissors, and pull Bloodstone away so Matt can get to his feet.


The next charge from Bloodstone sees Keith roll away, hitting a Russian legsweep as a takedown as he does so. A quick cover turns out to be a mistake when Johnny grabs a headlock and starts raining in punches, forcing Keith to change tack again.


He slithers backward, Johnny hold in and being dragged with him until Matt gets his feet on the floor outside the ring, using that for leverage to break the hold and bail away. Bloodstone follows him out and gets met with a big shoulderblock, then Matt immediately slides into the ring again, away from the fury he's created.


Johnny comes up snarling, sliding straight back into the ring – only to be met headlong with a baseball slide dropkick. Nonetheless, he gets back to his feet, throwing rights and lefts that drive Matt into the corner as the announce team speculate on how wise the prodigal Keith actually was to infuriate Bloodstone like this – and then Matt shakes the cobwebs off enough to duck clear, landing a neckbreaker a second later and popping up again, crossing the ring and hopping onto the second rope.


Johnny rises back to his feet and eats a missile dropkick. Matt again rolls clear, but the former NOTBPW Canadian Champion comes up in a low crouch, moving fast, and corners him again – this time accelerating to spear him down.


Matt hits the mat hard, but this time goes with a bodyscissors to pinion Johnny, rolling into position to press his shoulders to the mat – ONE, TWO – Bloodstone kicks out with authority, driving Keith a good six paces back. Johnny scrambles up and comes in again, but Keith is waiting with an enzuigiri.


Once again he goes to the legs, stepping over the downed Bloodstone and hooking a double-leg crab, going to work on the former champion's back, cranking down on it.


Johnny snarls, twisting, and looks to drag Matt down by turning under himself to break the hold... and it takes a long time, but he manages it, immediately moving to mount his opponent and start hammering down punches.


Somewhere in all this, Matthew Keith gets bloodied, and that seems to light a fire under him; he gets both arms up to block a punch and then applies an armlock on the punching arm, converting it into a hammerlock by sneaking out past Bloodstone, bearing down on him – and then, as if in deliberate mockery, he grabs the other arm too, arcing forward into Johnny's own Bloodstone Mutilation.


A quick cut to the Bombshell shows that she really isn't enjoying this match at all. Meanwhile, Johnny is trapped, visibly thrashing, until he catches sight of her... then closes his eyes, concentrating, and reveals a stunning counter, breaking the hold.


The followup is a lock-up, then a quick transition and a snap suplex – hardly the sort of fury that he's exhibited all match, and he transitions neatly to set up a German suplex only for Matt to hook his foot, blocking it, then roll his shoulder to send Johnny tumbling forward – which allows Matt to nail him with a dropkick.


Moving quickly, he grabs those legs again, shifting into a Stone Hold that seems deliberately positioned to face Bloodstone directly toward the Bombshell.


For a long moment, Johnny gazes at her, working to unfurl his legs and break the hold – but then she turns away, and the fight seems to go out of him. He doesn't tap, but by the end, the arm drops three times and Eugene Williams has to rule the victory for Matthew Keith.

Matthew Keith defeated Johnny Bloodstone

Rating: A*


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Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado

It could hardly measure up to the preceding, and indeed, it really doesn't; there's nothing objectionable about the match, but it doesn't have the same flow.


The energy is there, the big moments are there, and the heart is there... but the match doesn't meld with the crowd's hopes and hatreds in the same way. Hawkins takes it to Tornado; Tornado tries to bring the crowd in on his side; Art Reed remains a wrestling machine, bringing it to the mat and showing some stunning feats of his own – notably leapfrogging Tornado from a standing start to dropkick Hawkins while the two others were throwing punches.


All three get a number of near-falls, with the crowd perhaps roaring loudest for Tornado's countering Hawkins' solo Spanish Fly with the Whirlwind Kick atop the turnbuckles, but in the end, there can only be one winner. After Art Reed nails Tornado with the Dark Matter, Wolf Hawkins nails the Full Moon Rising to pin Reed, putting the former tag champion out of contention.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Art Reed and Troy Tornado

Rating: B+


Show Rating: A

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<p>Great show PS, and Bombshell's justification is solid, although it's a shame the turn appears to be genuine. </p><p> </p><p>

It must have been a disappointment to have the final match not at least get an A - even if the show won't have hurt you overall, I presume.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm inclined to look at Tornado as the weak link in the match, although I know you've had a long time to develop him. Still, considering the quality of match Hawkins and Reed can put on, Tornado appears to be the -X factor. The only other possibility would be the match being two faces against one heel - did you get penalised for that at all?</p>

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<p>The big problem appears to be Psych, as that was the big ding - the highest Psychology in the match is Tornado's 87, with Hawkins and Reed at 83 and 82 respectively. A long enough match to main-event a PPV is a strain on that level, sadly...</p><p> </p><p>

(Take a look at Wolf's PPV opponents. I almost always have the deck stacked in Psych on the other side.)</p>

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The big problem appears to be Psych, as that was the big ding - the highest Psychology in the match is Tornado's 87, with Hawkins and Reed at 83 and 82 respectively. A long enough match to main-event a PPV is a strain on that level, sadly...


(Take a look at Wolf's PPV opponents. I almost always have the deck stacked in Psych on the other side.)

What's your current product settings? What's the current lean in terms of popularity and performance?

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Even pop/performance split.


...Seriously, in remembering that Hawkins and Reed have delivered, don't neglect Tornado. He's pulled a lot of A*s himself.

*Shrug* could have been the match before was so good, that it didn't live up to the one before it... also, depending on what your product is, it makes it easier or harder to do certain things.

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Monday 1st November 2009

Alicia Strong – and for the first time, I'm wishing I was booking the womens' division. I'd told Ricky, some time ago, that there was room for a Generation Omega woman, if we could find the right one; we'd gone over what he was doing with the established heels and realised that none of them fit.


And I'd forgotten about it – and it hadn't occurred to me that Alicia would want to jump companies, but with her father out of the business, the reins of USPW in someone else's hands, and Ricky making her the offer, she took the contract; a bigger paycheck and international exposure.


I'm sure Ricky will do her justice, and I know she has the chops to make his ideas work; we talked earlier today and the gimmick he has in mind is great. But I'll admit it; for the first time I want more to do with the womens' division than offering Ricky the occasional intergender tag when storylines coincide.


JeriLynn and Kate are third-generation wrestlers, and both with pretty big names. But if there's a bigger name in this business than Strong and Stone... it's Cornell. And so far, that's not on the horizon – but this...


I'm biased. I'll say that, sure, but these three's matches deserve to sell out arenas. They deserve to be dream matches. Alongside her father and her uncle Edd, JeriLynn helped make Gorgon a Woman of the Hour, with the two girls becoming the first women Tommy presented with the champagne bottle. Kate's history in Japan is stellar.


And I saw Alicia wrestle when she was just six months into training, when she spent a course in the Danger Zone. That was long before she really took off – one of her brief trips around the USA before Sam got her a chance to train with Sensational Ogiwara. To put that in perspective – it's like being Wolf Hawkins, Tommy's hand-picked student, or the first and only TCW Wrestling School graduate, Aaron Andrews.


Even then, when we were just filling out her basics, it was obvious she could follow her dad to the top, except that the top in womens' wrestling is much lower.


JeriLynn and Kate want to change that. I've not had a chance to talk to Alicia yet, but I'm sure she does, too. With Alison (Gorgon), Sherie (Cherry), Stephanie, Lauren, Makuda-sama and Suzanne as the top of the rest of the division, and people like Amber, Tamara and Melody just below, it's possible they will – but they won't see the benefit.


The benefit will come when the generation of young girls they hook on our profession grow up; a wider assortment of women wrestlers, and an audience for them big enough to fill arenas. If she goes into the family business, Lucy Stone-McFly could be the first true international superstar of womens' wrestling; she has the pedigree, and the House of Stone turns out great wrestlers.

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*Shrug* could have been the match before was so good, that it didn't live up to the one before it... also, depending on what your product is, it makes it easier or harder to do certain things.


Yeah, this is all true. Honestly, I expected it not to do as well. On the other hand... Well, every new champion needs a couple of matches where you test the waters on what they can manage. Wolf has - no disrespect to him here - been carried by facing the very best, and it's testament to his abilities that he's been able to keep up his end of the bargain. You could say the same about Art, and when Troy was champion, about him.


By the time my top tier of match-calling geniuses retire, the three of them, plus Joey et al, may well be right where those guys left off...

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The nights are getting longer and the weather's getting colder, but the tensions in TCW are just heating up. We're well and truly on our way to Malice in Wonderland now and it's very, very possible that the current champions will still hold their belts into TCW's big two-day event... but will they?


We'll start answering that question this very night. In the opening match... well, Sean Deeley demanded a one on one match for the International Championship, and Edd Stone has agreed, in his characteristic way - at least, we're pretty sure "Let slappy show, but I'm gonna be the one Codename 47ing the other team," is a match acceptance.


Deeley's stablemates are up next, as the British Lions will be facing off with the Fly Boys in non-title action, no doubt looking for another dominant win as they look to carve out a record with the belts to stack up alongside greats like the Machines and the Vessey Brothers.


She made her presence and her intentions known Sunday; this Tuesday, Alicia Strong gets her first opportunity to prove herself as a TCW contracted grappler. Her opponent is Amber Allen, who'd love to score a victory over a big name like that.


The next scheduled match is something of a surprise, but we're told that Mayhem Midden booked it after a number of the Board of Investors lobbied for it. Who and why, we don't know, but after the exhibitions through 2008, we can happily find room in our hearts for another Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith contest.


In tag team action, Troy Tornado once again unites with the American Tiger to oppose old foes - in this case, Jack Bruce and Sammy Bach. Tornado's been seen scrutinising Darkwave backstage lately, but to our surprise, it looks like his attention isn't on Bruce, but on Bach... Will we see Tornado's suspicions flare Tuesday night?


Lastly, the main event. The result of an open challenge thrown by Wolf Hawkins, the match will be contested under the rules of legendary British federation the Royal Wrestling association - in up to five five-minute rounds, the match will be decided by two pinfalls, one submission, or a knockout. His opponent - the man who answered the challenge - is Greg Keith, scion of the legendary wrestling family.


Prediction Key:

TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys (non-title)


Alicia Strong w/ Phil Vibert vs. Amber Allen


Sam Keith vs. Tommy Cornell


Jack Bruce & Sammy Bach vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado



Greg Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

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Edd Stone © vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Deeley is still good choice as champion but I think that the PPV match would have been better spot for title change that the show after that so I go with Edd retaining.

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys (non-title)

Non-title gives Fly Boys a change but unless you plan to give them big push I just don´t see them winning against Lions.


Alicia Strong w/ Phil Vibert vs. Amber Allen

Debut win


Sam Keith vs. Tommy Cornell

Tough one but Cornell is younger and Sam has slightly more troubles right now with Bombshell leaving their group.


Jack Bruce & Sammy Bach vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado

I see Tornado and McFly as bigger names so they pick up the victory.



Greg Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

Again non-title gives Keith a shot but I doubt that he will go over your main champ.

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TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Heh. Hitman.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys (non-title)



Alicia Strong w/ Phil Vibert vs. Amber Allen

Not sure if JOBBER, but definitely is when next to Alicia Strong.


Sam Keith vs. Tommy Cornell

Because he's Tommy Cornell.


Jack Bruce & Sammy Bach vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado

Because seriously, there's just no equivalence in terms of push.



Greg Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

I can't bet against the champ, gimmick match, non-title or no.

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TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


NOW Sean gets it. I don't have a problem doing a lower-level title change on TV... it keeps things interesting.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys (non-title) - NO CONTEST


I don't think it could be any clearer that the Fly Boys are not contenders, even in a fluke sense. And the Lions don't need their legitimacy proven... not only are they the champions, they just took out three better teams in an epic match last show. So the question becomes who's going to interfere with this...


Alicia Strong w/ Phil Vibert vs. Amber Allen


Does anyone think Strong's going to drop this?


Sam Keith vs. Tommy Cornell


Tommy is still a guy who can beat anyone, Sam is an obvious gatekeeper. Tommy shouldn't need this match.


Jack Bruce & Sammy Bach vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado


Even if Bruce and Bach are in the same stable, they don't beat 2 of the top 3 faces right now.



Greg Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)


Nothing against Greg, but he's not at the level to shake up the main event yet. It's pretty clear Art Reed isn't going to figure in the title chase, even -- and Art is clearly the bigger guy in the Kreed. And with Malice approaching, it has to be Tommy vs. Wolf, right? If it's not, it's definitely SOMEONE vs. Wolf, and not Greg either. This is no time to make Wolf look vulnerable against second-tier opposition.

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TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys (non-title)


Alicia Strong w/ Phil Vibert vs. Amber Allen


Sam Keith vs. Tommy Cornell


Jack Bruce & Sammy Bach vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado



Greg Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 1 November 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 16.69)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.14)


Held at Maryland Wood (Mid Atlantic)


Attendance: 18,823




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Sara Silver



The opening credits fade away to reveal Alicia Strong in the ring next to World Heavyweight Champion Wolf Hawkins and Phil Vibert.


While Vibert remains as sharply suited as ever, the two Generation Omega competitors are dressed for the street; Alicia's white jeans and grey tank top are tight, but otherwise not unusual. Hawkins, meanwhile, is sporting a Syndicate era Tommy Cornell T-shirt, with the face having been sprayed over with red paint.


Alicia raises her microphone to her lips. “Everyone sitting here drinking your cheap soda or your cheaper beer. Everyone at home glued to their TV watching this and scratching themselves. All of you...


“Welcome to the House That Strong Built. Welcome to my house.


“If it wasn't for Strong, you wouldn't have this to watch. If it wasn't for Strong, this wouldn't be here. And if it wasn't for Strong...” She grins.


“Phil and my other partners wouldn't have anything here to take over. But I'm here, because the House that Strong built no longer belongs to Strong. Believe me... before we're done, it will.”


Breakin' The Law hits, and as Wolf swivels, his smile turning feral, to face the entrance, the crowd erupt.



Tommy Cornell stares his protege down. After maybe twenty seconds of silence, he breaks to look around the crowd, who respond by getting loud again. He raises his microphone.


“This is the House that Strong Built... and Chord, and Johnson, and Stallings... and Cornell.


“Two of those didn't run away when it got hard.


“But that's not why I'm here. I'm here, Wolf, to tell you what's going to be happening A Little South Of Sanity – which is you've got another three-man match. It's gonna be you...


“...it's gonna be a man who deserves his title shot, the man who nearly won when you inserted yourself into his match, Jeremy Stone...


“...and just to make things interesting, it's gonna be Joey Minnesota.


“Aaron Andrews wants to know which of you really is the better man. Bein' honest, I kind of do too – and hey, I still oversee the company. So we'll see... and we'll see if you still have a belt around your waist when we're done.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Edd Stone © vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

It's hard not to like this match. Technical excellence clashes with Edd-Fu throughout, with Edd's flexibility and strategic acumen making for a tough challenge, while Deeley's dogged nature means that a number of the odder tricks employed by the Master of Edd-Fu don't distract him.


A hell of a battle ensues, with Edd Stone slowly finding tricks that work, notably a sequence where Deeley looks to counter a victory roll – only to find that Edd was setting up what kids might call a 'horsey ride' – at the end of which he leaps forward and, as a disoriented Deeley straightens up, nails him with the Edd-Renaline Shot superkick. A close pin attempt nonetheless fails there, however.


Sean tries to come back, but while it takes a while, Edd outthinks him each time, at one point improvising something very like a Bronco Buster – terrifyingly, in the centre of the ring.


Deeley eventually fights back and, perhaps unwisely, looks for a powerbomb. As he starts going up, Edd wears a broad grin, and YOU CAN'T POWER-



Edd sees Canadian Elemental perched on the apron, and freezes – and Deeley finishes the powerbomb, before locking in a camel clutch variant to finally force the submission.

Sean Deeley defeated Edd Stone

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_jhd3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg

Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy

The pace doesn't slow down – rather, it speeds up, with O'Curle and Morgan actually managing, at times, to match the pace of the Fly Boys. Nonetheless, they appear to have chosen to use this match for perfecting defensive strategies; there are a number of opportunities to pursue the attack that they opt not to go for, and the result is that the Boys get to really show their stuff.


This comes to a head when Merle O'Curle finds himself stood on the top turnbuckle, with Donnie and Jimmy on either side, setting up for the Spanish Fly – a move that's put both the Lions down before.


Walter sprints across the ring, vaulting onto the second rope and delivering a forearm to the back of Donnie, halting the attack. He steps up another level...


Merle and Walter turn the tables, delivering a stereo superplex to send the Fly Boys crashing painfully to the mat. O'Curle, still the legal man, crawls to where Jimmy lies prone, slowly locking in the Celtic Wreath to finally force him to tap.

British Lions defeated Fly Boys

Rating: B




Shout At The Devil then hits, as Mayhem Midden appears at the entryway.


He holds a microphone, and he's all smiles.


“Merle, Walter, I need you to pay attention Friday,” he says. “See, I had to pull together Tag Wars last month to settle the question of who your contenders were. This time I want to see what you can do given the chance to go two on two to defend your titles, so I'm not going to give it any chance to get confusing.


“Badge of Honor this week is going to be purely a tag team gauntlet. The winners are going to be the new number one contenders – so whoever wins, be they the Machines, the Texas Outlaws, Kreed, or anyone else – they're going to have proved that they deserve to be on top.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AliciaStrong.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AmberAllenALT2.jpg

Alicia Strong w/ Phil Vibert vs. Amber Allen

A strong debut, pardon the pun, as the newcomer storms through Amber Allen, shrugging off her attempts to even the score and laying her out quickly with the Angel Driver. The crowd were barely aware the match had even begun by the time it was all but over, but Strong gets that all important first win.

Alicia Strong defeated Amber Allen

Rating: C



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SamKeith.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt1jt.jpg

Sam Keith vs. Tommy Cornell

The announcers take the time, as this match is beginning, to go over the fact the contest was made by Mayhem Midden, but that he's stated it was following the request of a significant portion of the Board of Investors.


As the two competitors start out, it's pretty clear that they may respect one another, they may be getting on reasonably well again after the prior year's war, but being in the ring across from one another is getting their competitive juices flowing again. Keith won the war in 2008, but Cornell clearly wants to even the score – and the crowd is divided, uncertain which to favour.


The story of the match writes itself – veteran against one of the very best wrestlers in the world today – and the crowd are happily getting into the contest, cheering for their choice to win, when, around the fifteen minute mark -





Remo wipes Cornell out with a huge charge from across the ring, drawing an immediate disqualification and provoking major frustration from the crowd, who respond by hollering their displeasure at the supreme specimen.

Tommy Cornell won via disqualification

Rating: B





Still in the ring, the jeans-wearing Remo calls for a microphone, snatching it one-handed from the air as it's thrown in.


“You were given a deadline, bossman,” he begins. “Maybe you overstocked Crunch Time. Whatever; it don't matter to Remo. You missed your deadline – and that means the gloves come off. Your life turns into hell, and, matter of fact...”



With barely any warning, he surges across the ring, nearly breaking Sam Keith in half with a second spear. “Anyone else I feel like, their life turns into hell, too. You make this happen, boss man. I guess you want to talk problems, but... hell, they don't matter to Remo neither.”



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Jack Bruce & Sammy Bach vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado

Bruce starts alongside Tornado. They circle the ring completely twice, then Tornado avoids Bruce's opening lock-up attempt. He puts himself between Bruce and Bach, then closes in again, this time allowing the lock-up.


Bruce wins the exchange, shifting to a headlock which he cranks back for a couple of seconds before shooting Tornado off the ropes. Both men go for dropkicks, both connecting simultaneously, putting themselves on the mat even as Azaria notes that this is a very different opening to the kind of intense brawls the two men engaged in at the height of their feud.


Before the two downed men recover, Bach vaults to the top rope, flipping forward to hit a somersault legdrop on Tornado. Jack Bruce, getting to his feet, moves to continue but Bach waves him off, aiming for more damage on Tornado – and now there's a brawl.


Sammy rains down punches solidly for a while before grabbing something very close to an illegal chokehold to drag Troy back to his feet.


Troy jerks forward, lashing out with a headbutt to interrupt Bach's assault, firing off chops in return before Sammy blocks one, reversing the situation and slamming Troy into a turnbuckle.


A straight right to the jaw follows; the camera picks up a snatch of dialogue, too, Bach growling “-tay away from my band-” before Tornado gets a knee up, driving his assailant back a step; the former World Champion then goes over the top rope and out to the floor on his own steam, landing on his feet.


Bach watches him go, appearing, for a moment, to be surprised – but he doesn't have longer than that; Sean McFly is on him, supporting his tag partner by backing his play. A forearm to the back heralds a whip to the far turnbuckle; McFly hits the ropes at speed and comes at Bach, rebounding from the corner; he flows into him, up and over in a high-velocity Makuda Roll. ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Jack Bruce is in to make the save, and Sammy takes the cue himself, rolling out of the ring. Azaria and Dangerous use the sudden break in the pace to catch their breath, then bring up the issues that seem to be rising between Troy and Sammy – issues that neither man's yet explained. Sara Silver chimes in to tell the duo that Troy has apparently spent a lot of time talking to Darkwave's junior members backstage recently.


Bruce stops staring McFly down and closes, snapping off a kick to the gut and trying immediately for a New York Minute; Sean ducks clear of it, looking for a backbreaker, but Bruce is able to counter that in his turn, bringing both men to the mat with a headlock takedown.


On the mat, Jack's quickly in trouble against the House of Stone man, but he's still a former world champion himself, he still has ring savvy and to spare. Hooking a foot on the ropes, he forces the hold to be broken. A quick transition sees Bruce take the advantage with a series of chops and kicks, before nailing an enzuigiri. A quick cover – one, two, t- but McFly kicks out.


Sean fires back and locks up, but Bruce has the power advantage, and he nails a suplex before tagging back out. In comes Bach – springboard splash – McFly rolls clear! Sean exits the ring and Tornado comes back in with a full head of steam! The charging lariat connects, and a volley of punches staggers Bach further.


Troy whips him to the ropes, catching him on the return with a Tornado Driver. The cover attempt is immediate – ONE, TWO – Bruce breaks it up with a kick to the back of Tornado's head.


Troy back to his feet and another lockup commences – go-behind by Bruce – German suplex attempt, Troy hooks his foot; elbows clear – WHIRLWIND KICK!


Rather than go for a cover, Tornado rolls from the ring. McFly comes in again, answering his partner's silent request. Bruce makes it back to his feet after a tense moment, but he eats an elbow, then a slam. McFly ascends to the top turnbuckle, imitating JeriLynn's finger-gun salute before soaring out in the From Canada With Love. He impacts hard on Bruce, and moves to cover...


...Sammy Bach crashes down on him with a massive splash. In comes Tornado again; he cuts Bach's assault off, knocking him back against the ropes with a discus punch, then hits a charging lariat to carry both those men out of the ring and to the floor.


In the ring, unconscious, Sean McFly remains draped over Jack Bruce, and Eugene Williams does his duty, counting three.

Sean McFly & Troy Tornado defeated Jack Bruce & Sammy Bach

Rating: A*



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Greg Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

Round 1

The two young wrestlers square off as the bell rings to signal the start of the first round. A cautious circle, and Greg closes in – Wolf backs off a pace, causing his attacker to hesitate – and that hesitation is just what the champion was looking for!


A quick football tackle puts them both on the mat, with Wolf looking to play position, getting leverage for a good hold – but against the son of Sam Keith this isn't always a good idea. Greg uses the momentum to roll into a grounded crossface chickenwing, aiming for an immediate, early submission – one of two things that can end a RWA Rules match in just one decision, alongside a knockout.


Hawkins knows the ring, however, and with a minimum of fuss he gets his free hand to the ropes, breaking the hold. Rather than take the time for a breather, he attacks immediately, drilling Greg in the jaw with a hard forearm, then setting for a DDT – though Greg counters out of it. He tries for a short-arm clothesline, but Wolf manages to duck under it, rolling him up for a schoolboy as he does so.


A quick two-count later, the two men are facing off again. “Hard to say who has the advantage here,” Azaria notes. “They both seem to have the other pretty well scouted.”


This time Greg gets the better of the lockup, driving Wolf into the corner. He wraps his arm around the top rope and delivers a series of chops to the shoulder, looking to weaken it, then backs off a step – and plants a pitch-perfect dropkick in the same place! Rolling clear, it becomes very obvious that Keith has been learning from his tag partner.


Wolf aims a half-kick, half-stomp at Greg's knee, driving him down, and jumps forward in an improvised lariat to bear both men to the ground. He goes for a quick cover, but Greg gets his shoulder up after a bare one count – then grabs Hawkins and jerks him over into a surprise cover of his own! ONE, TW- NO!


A crisp dropkick from Hawkins puts Greg on his back, and Wolf follows up with three stomps before whipping him to the turnbuckle and crashing into him with a charging shoulder, driving the air from Greg's gut. He goes for the cover – the bell rings -


Round 2

After a brief moment to collect his thoughts, Greg is ready this time. He gets a drop toehold, and immediately snags an armbar, looking to keep Hawkins grounded as much as to continue his strategy.


After a few moments, he transitions into a keylock, looking to keep it held, and this time Wolf has to reach and struggle to get to the ropes.


Greg promptly grabs Hawkins' wrist again, twisting his arm over before planting his foot in Wolf's armpit and dropping back, again wrenching the shoulder. Back up, he goes for a suplex only for the champion to battle out with a series of forearms, then a left-handed DDT, already showing the effects of the injury. He goes for a cover, and again Greg counters that, hooking the injured right arm and using that for leverage in a cradle pin – ONE, TWO, THREE!


With that, the round comes to an end about a minute early.


Round 3

Hawkins comes out fast and hard in this one, opening with a big dropkick, then managing almost one-handed to powerbomb Keith. A quick cover – ONE, TWO, THR- NO! Greg rolls clear, his one-fall advantage maintained, but he has to shake his head to clear the cobwebs – and Wolf tries a left-handed lariat, catching Keith in the jaw.


A brief pause while Wolf climbs the turnbuckle, and it turns out to be too long a pause, as Greg joins him on the top. In something of a reversal of events earlier in the night, Wolf counters Greg's superplex attempt, grabbing him and hitting a solo Spanish Fly. A long moment later, Wolf crawls into position to make the cover – ONE, TWO, THRE-


Keith barely gets the shoulder up, but it's Wolf Hawkins to his feet first. He takes Greg down with a Russian leg sweep and again goes for a cover, only to be twisted round into a headscissors armbar. It's pretty clear who has the advantage on the mat, and it takes Hawkins a long while before he finds a way to force himself clear.


Left-handed chops follow when he finally does, then a massive uppercut. He gathers Keith in for the Wolf's Call, hitting it well, but he has to take a moment to test his shoulder before making the cover, ONE, TWO, THREE!


Round 4

With the scores tied and a maximum of ten minutes left on the clock, both men are drained, physically hurt, and clearly feeling their exertions. Nonetheless, when the bell rings, they close in again, close in fast, and it's Wolf who wins the initial issue, countering Greg's chop rally with a big boot.


He measures Keith while he's grounded, then drops a leg across the back of his head. Another climb to the top turnbuckle follows, but Greg doesn't respond the same way this time; a jumping dropkick takes Wolf's leg out from under him, sending him crashing to the mat. Both men take a few seconds to regain their feet.


Greg leaps, aiming for a tornado DDT, but Wolf does something unusual; he grabs the ropes with his good hand, preventing his head from being driven into the mat, leaving Keith to crash into it himself.


Wolf moves to cover – Greg counters the cover once again into one of his own – ONE, TWO, T- NO!


The champion kicks out again. Back to their feet, Wolf snags Greg's head, dropping to his knees for a one-handed jawbreaker. Keith staggers backward – and Wolf surges forward, and he hits a beautiful Full Moon Rising. A quick cover follows – ONE, TWO, THREE!

Wolf Hawkins defeated Greg Keith by two falls to one

Rating: A*





Hawkins sits back up, checking his shoulder, as Phil Vibert comes into the ring with his title belt to support the victorious champion. Greg, meanwhile, lies prone for a while before struggling back to his feet, clutching the back of his head.



And Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds To Mars kicks in, heralding as an inevitability Matthew Keith and the Elite Express, the Kings of Wrestling. Matt has a microphone in hand as he sneers down on what he sees before him in the ring.


“Congratulations, Greg,” he taunts. “The favoured son... but there's no question you can't get it done, hmm? No question at all.


“Don't worry, though. Mom'll still be proud soon enough. What you see before you... the uncrowned Kings of Wrestling... well, it really won't be long before we're the crowned Kings. World Heavyweight Champion and Tag Team Champions.


“Hold on to that belt a while longer, Wolf. When I want it... it's mine.”


It's Matthew Keith's confident smirk that the show ends on.


Show Rating: A

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