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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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At a guess, the tag match scored higher than the main event? But an A* match should always be 100%- or 99.1+, anyway. I know the best I've managed is a few 99s (not jealous, much).


So... considering some of the A* shows you've got, I think there's just a random +/- of 0-2% on any show to wind people up. That, or... Alicia Strong tanked your show rating :p

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At a guess, the tag match scored higher than the main event? But an A* match should always be 100%- or 99.1+, anyway. I know the best I've managed is a few 99s (not jealous, much).


So... considering some of the A* shows you've got, I think there's just a random +/- of 0-2% on any show to wind people up. That, or... Alicia Strong tanked your show rating :p


Remember, it took something like 15 months before I got my first.


And yeah, Alicia didn't do as well as she might have... still, she jumped a full 9 points in pop off the show, so I'm confident she'll turn in better results soon.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 November 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.36)


Held at the President's Hall (Puerto Rico)


Attendance: 3,323





Steve Smith – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson

  • In the first match of the Tag Team Contendership Gauntlet, Conquering Kings got a win when Barry Kingman pinned Kirk Jameson of Elimination Protocol following the Crippler Bomb. (Rating: B-)
  • The Kings put up a good following in the next match but ultimately fell to the Precision Driller of the Elite Express. (Rating: B)
  • Alicia Strong was seen backstage cutting a promo on how she deserved a title shot in the House That Strong Built, with the Leading Lights interrupting to warn her to wait her turn.
  • The Elite Express continued their winning ways, Nate Johnson pinning Tooth & Claw's Lobo Blanco off a Natural Order. (Rating: B)
  • Against Golden Law, however, the Express failed to make it three in a row, Golden forcing the exhausted Johnson to submit to the Rack. (Rating: A)
  • Floyd Bowman cut a stirring if mostly-censored promo as the Texas Outlaws came out, only for his team to be blindsided and cut down by the Easy Riders. Mayhem Midden appeared to bar the Riders from competing in the Gauntlet, and as the Outlaws were in no state to compete, to call in the next team along.
  • The New Wave overcame Golden Law in a close-run match, with Guide pinning Golden after what looked like a low blow/handful of tights combination. (Rating: B)
  • The Machines took the New Wave out in what seemed an early and anticlimactic finish, Brent pinning Guide with a King of the Hill. Still, despite the out-of-nowhere finish, the match was great. (Rating: A)
  • A video aired featuring the tensions between Generation Omega and Cornell & Andrews, as well as the question of what Troy Tornado's fixation on Darkwave is all about. It promised that Autumn Gleeson would try to get more details on both on Saturday Night Showcase.
  • Acid Dragon stepped up to challenge the Machines, with John Anderson ending their challenge when he managed to counter the Dragon Drop into an Ammo Dump on UK Dragon. (Rating: B+)
  • While that had been supposed to be the final match of the Gauntlet (with the Outlaws and Riders eliminated), Jack Marlowe emerged to use his new rights for the first time... and make a main event of the Gauntlet survivors versus the New Wave, one final match for the Gauntlet!
  • A rested New Wave tore into the Machines, with both sides lasting longer than before, though ultimately Anderson fell to the Wave of Mutilation, awarding the New Wave the contendership. (Rating: B+)


Show Rating: A

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As the first week of November comes to a close, there's still plenty of classic wrestling to watch. Coming up on Saturday Night Showcase is a packed card...


The British Lions, current tag champions, will open the show granting Elimination Protocol a match with them. While the match is non-title, it's a chance for the Protocol to add a second win to their record - and a big, important win at that.


Another non-title match will follow, with Eric Tyler requesting the match explicitly to match the pace of Huggins' Heroes; Freddy Huggins will take on Chance Fortune, though his belt will nto be on the line.


While they have only recently been medically cleared, JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous have been insistent on wanting to wrestle the match they had set for Crunch Time. The stipulation is still the same - the member of Leading Lights who does best gets first shot at JeriLynn Stone's championship. Which duo will make the bigger statement?


Aaron Andrews is also in competition, taking on one of the bigger men on the roster - the fast and powerful American Buffalo. Andrews' reasons for requesting this match have not been made public yet.


Marc Speed of the Machines and Acid of the School of Tradition recently got into quite a spirited dispute backstage. Breaking it up, Midden offered them the chance to settle the argument with a win bonus at stake - and that opportunity comes tonight!


Sean Deeley won his International Championship on Tuesday. He's already set to defend it - answering Zimmy's challenge, he looks to make sure his record doesn't stop immediately.


Lastly, in the main event, Phil Vibert issued a challenge to Tommy Cornell and it's been answered; face Joey Minnesota of Generation Omega in the same British-style rules that Wolf Hawkins showed he'd mastered Tuesday night. The challenge is clear, and Cornell has accepted, so RWA rules make their return.


Prediction Key:

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Elimination Protocol (non-title)


Chance Fortune vs. Freddy Huggins (non-title)


Leading Lights vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous


Aaron Andrews vs. American Buffalo


Acid vs. Marc Speed


TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy



Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Elimination Protocol (non-title)

It´s non-title only because Protocol haven´t done enough to warrant a title shot.


Chance Fortune vs. Freddy Huggins (non-title)

Fortune haven´t done anything that succest him having a shot here even when this is non-title.


Leading Lights vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous

This one is little bit hard as I feel that Stone and Kate need to win as they have been little bit behind so far IMO but Lights winning will probably make more sense... Oh well, why not? I go with Kate and Stone just because I feel they need it more.


Aaron Andrews vs. American Buffalo

Buffalo is lost into shuffle and I don´t see that changing here.


Acid vs. Marc Speed

I hope that Acid would get the win but Speed is singles guy from these two so I assume that he gets the win.


TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy

Deeley isn´t losing the title on his first defense.



Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

Minnesota has title shot coming and Remo might well interfere too so Minnesota picks the win.

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Is that all in one year? Crazy.


Prediction Key:

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Elimination Protocol (non-title) Lions won't job to the guys who jobbed for the whole gauntlet, I suspect.


Chance Fortune vs. Freddy Huggins (non-title) Non-title perhaps, but Chance Fortune seems to be a busted flush - shame, when he's actually a genuine talent.


Unless he's just coming back from development, in which case he'll win to ignite a feud with Huggins.


Leading Lights vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous Don't think the LL have lost yet, so time to remedy that.


Aaron Andrews vs. American Buffalo Buff's still around? Eeesh...


Acid vs. Marc Speed Machine > Automaton. As much as I love Acid and wouldn't push Speed without a gun to my head, you've made him a much bigger star then I could have imagined.


TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy Oh, sure, you could have Deeley lose here. But you won't.



Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell Did I miss something with the RWA rules? Or is it just Tommy saying 'anything you can do...' to Wolf?

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Did I miss something with the RWA rules? Or is it just Tommy saying 'anything you can do...' to Wolf?


As noted in the main text:


Lastly, in the main event, Phil Vibert issued a challenge to Tommy Cornell and it's been answered; face Joey Minnesota of Generation Omega in the same British-style rules that Wolf Hawkins showed he'd mastered Tuesday night. The challenge is clear, and Cornell has accepted, so RWA rules make their return.
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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Elimination Protocol (non-title)



Chance Fortune vs. Freddy Huggins (non-title)



Leading Lights vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous

Match gets thrown out after Strong attacks both sides.


Aaron Andrews vs. American Buffalo

What? He's still employed? M.A.D. are such JOBBERS.


Acid vs. Marc Speed

The third Machine will hopefully bring home the bacon.


TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy

Sorry, Zimmy. Maybe one day.



Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

Tommy Cornell is British, damn it all. No way he loses this.

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Elimination Protocol (non-title)



Chance Fortune vs. Freddy Huggins (non-title)



Leading Lights vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous

Match gets thrown out after Strong attacks both sides.


Aaron Andrews vs. American Buffalo

What? He's still employed? M.A.D. are such JOBBERS.


Acid vs. Marc Speed

The third Machine will hopefully bring home the bacon.


TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy

Sorry, Zimmy. Maybe one day.



Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

Tommy Cornell is British, damn it all. No way he loses this.


I hate being this lazy, but I pretty much agree with Regis' picks and his reasons behind them.

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Most of the same picks here, actually.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Elimination Protocol (non-title)


EP is looking strong, but not THAT strong. They've got a "losing close matches to the best" push going, so pushing the champs a little will fulfill that without making the Lions look bad.


Chance Fortune vs. Freddy Huggins (non-title)


Fortune really is what Huggins was threatening to become for a while.


Leading Lights vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous


I wouldn't be surprised if Strong gets involved, but the Lights/Stone/Dangerous need their own matches too. She's Alicia Strong, not Poochie.


Aaron Andrews vs. American Buffalo


Andrews-Khoklov might give me pause. Andrews-Buffalo, not so much.


Acid vs. Marc Speed


It's fairly apparent that Speed is getting a hypothetical long-term push... I've never seen any evidence that the same's true of Acid.


TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy


Too soon for Deeley to drop it, plus Zimmy's getting a slow push if at all.


Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

75% Cornell beats one of Hawkins' cronies to build to Hawkins-Cornell at Malice, 25% chance Omega ambushes Cornell for a DQ win and more heat for Hawkins-Cornell at Malice. I'm going with the former, because I don't think Hawkins-Cornell needs more heat... anyway, Omega can beat on Tommy AFTER the bell.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 1 November 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 13.35)

Rebroadcast on Euro Cable Sports 1 (Rating 0.16)


Held at the Kamloops Royal Athletic Park (British Columbia)


Attendance: 12,799





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_jhd3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KirkJameson.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WarrenTechnique.jpg

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Elimination Protocol

A blitz of technical excellence, the Lions dominate here with occasional fightbacks from the Protocol, and Saunders jumps at the chance to compare the British style of submission wrestling to the Canadian style evidenced by Warren Technique.


When it comes to it, though, this match is a showcase for Walter Morgan. He hits a top-rope cross-body on Technique at one point and outsuplexes the 'Marksman' Kirk Jameson with a string of brutal variants – and it's clearer and clearer that Morgan is expanding his skillset, moving well beyond his traditional repertoire, even as he goes back to it to make Jameson tap to the Wigan Wrench.

British Lions defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChanceFortune.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg

Chance Fortune vs. Freddy Huggins

The crowd isn't as interested in this one, but the long-term TCW mainstays do their best nonetheless to keep their attention. And not only are they putting on a better match together than in the past, but they're also keeping the fans' attention better than before – while it's far from a great match, it's also definitely not a bad one, and Duane Fry gets into it strongly, making it better.


Freddy has control for much of the match, though Fortune arguably gets the biggest moment, avoiding the Huggins Kiss superkick with a massive vertical leap, actually vaulting all the way over it to come down into a sunset flip.


Freddy kicks out, however, and a few moments later, when he has a shot at the HugginDriver, he stops short, instead converting it into an inverted DDT. He sets up again for the Huggins Kiss, and Fortune evades again – which seems to anger the All Action Champion.


Freddy's focus becomes total on landing the kick, and thankfully, on the third attempt, he makes it, scrambling for the pin and getting it.

Freddy Huggins defeated Chance Fortune

Rating: C+




The Crippler begins to play and Frankie Perez emerges – from the main entrance, and dressed to wrestle. He heads down to the ring, stony-faced, grabs a microphone and climbs into the ring.


“I know how these things work,” he says. “A group like Generation Omega doesn't let you make too many mistakes – and I'm done with the idea of having failed. So as of right now, before anyone throws me out, I quit Generation Omega.


“That makes this time to make a point. I've been All Action Champion. I've been Tag Champion. I feel like I can be champion again soon enough.


“Rockwell – I'm doing what Davis didn't. I'm giving you my challenge up front.”



iThink begins to play, and Jack Bruce shows at the entrance ramp. “You know, that's not exactly how it works,” he says. “And you know something? I haven't held gold for a year... and I never lost the gold I had. Seems like it's time I got on with winning again...”



Walk This Way plays, and Chris Rockwell emerges in his turn. He holds out his hand toward Bruce, who shakes his head. “Get your own damn microphone,” he says.


Rockwell calls for one to be thrown to him by the ring crew. “Both of you are overlooking something,” he says.


“Frankie, you're overlooking the fact you and me used to team. And I'm not seeing why I'd want to give an opportunity to someone who already betrayed me.


“Jack, you're overlooking the fact that since you and I moved out of our old home town and came here, only one of us has proved... well, jack.


“I do have to give you some credit for the music thing, though. You guys actually made some impact on the charts, that's pretty cool.”


Bruce, having looked irate at the previous comment, actually cracks a smile at that one.


“I've been World Champion,” he says. “You want me to prove I can hang with you?” He grins. “I'm looking forward to it.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KatherineGoodlooks_Self2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JessicaBunny_Self3.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeriLynnStone.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KateDangerous.jpg

Leading Lights vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous

Hectic action once again sees these two teams evenly matched, the Lights' willingness to bend the rules and push their counts being an even counter to the third generation stars' arguably superior skills.


Around the ten-minute mark, both teams are clearly deadlocked. They up the ante, almost simultaneously – Stone soars over the top rope to crash down on Starr on the outside, while Cox sends Dangerous shoulder-first into the cold, unfeeling steel of the ring post.


By the fifteen minute mark, Serena Starr is bleeding – which doesn't stop her fighting, it has to be said; while JeriLynn is setting up for the From Canada With Love, Starr springs across the ring, jumping onto the second rope and converting her momentum into a tremendous, crashing DDT.


The resulting cover is broken up by Kate Dangerous, and the battle goes on. Another two minutes and -



Alicia Strong is in the ring, and Dangerous takes a big boot. Moments later, Michelle Cox is crashing to the canvas in an Angel Driver, and JeriLynn Stone gets a Strong Arm Tactic – and then Serena Starr, already bleeding, is dragged into the ring, slammed, and she takes a big leg drop.


“You think she could handle them when they aren't already feeling the pain of a match?” Fry asks.


“I'm sure we'll soon see... but I'm not sure who'll be champion then. The Lights definitely deserve their shot, off these showings.”

Leading Lights went to a double-DQ with JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous

Rating: B




Autumn Gleeson appears in the interview area. “Hello again, everyone. With me tonight is one of the pioneers of modern tag team wrestling, a man who helped to introduce a whole new rule, and a champion I don't even know how many times.


“Please join me in welcoming Floyd Bowman!”



Floyd steps into shot. “Don't worry, Autumn,” he says. “One of the guys running around with tiny little ****in' clipboards told me your interviews are supposed to be god-damn profanity ****ing free. So I'm gonna be really ****in' careful not to swear.”


He lets that hang in the air for a few seconds, then smirks. “Well, shit.”


Autumn grins in response. “Floyd, I'm from Australia. You can't scandalise me by swearing; that's like giving a horny guy a wristy.”


“Well, ****, how can I turn down a lady who asks so nicely?” Floyd grins. “Hey, you mind if I take this? I've got kind of a message I wanna get out there... need to call three big shits and one little **** on their bullshit.”


She steps back, gesturing toward the camera.


“**** yeah,” Floyd continues. “Alright... Now, I know what the Easy Riders are up to. Shit, me, Austin, and the rest used to do that ****in' stuff the whole ****in' time.


“This shit gets old, though. I'm not comin' cryin' because it was done to us this time, not by us. That's basically ****in' irrelevant.


“What's relevant is that you don't get by the Texas Outlaws without ****in' earning it – so here an' now, I'm saying to Carl 'punk ass bitch' Batch that he wants to think long and hard about whether he thinks his boys're gonna survive, they go up against Ricky Dale Johnson, the Cowboy from Hell, and Christian mother****ing Faith.


“Either way, we're gonna come out on top. Shit, you already knew that. Autumn, I'm out. How's that for a wristy?”


And with that he walks off.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AmericanBuffalo_AJA.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs. American Buffalo

A test for Andrews only insofar as he's not used to wrestling men with Buffalo's size, this one kept the crowd in their seats by a simple method; very early in the match, Andrews tried for the Game Breaker and, try as he might, he couldn't lift Buffalo for it.


Watching to see how he'd overcome this difficulty became a significant focus of the contest, with Aaron trying various things including his old flying cross body – which saw him caught and dumped with Buffalo's Colt Killa, though Andrews managed, barely, to get his shoulder up.


In the end, Aaron pulled out a different approach, managing to hit a big spinebuster – and that was enough to pick up the pin.

Aaron Andrews defeated American Buffalo

Rating: B-




Autumn flashes that smile at the camera once again. “Hi again, and welcome back. Anyone who caught Badge of Honor last night knows I have a couple of situations I want to get some answers to – partly for you fans, and partly because I'm a fan, and I sure as hell want to hear the answers.


“So let's start. My guest right now is the lead singer of Painful Procedure and a former World Heavyweight Champion, who went through all but one of Generation Omega inside a month – he is Troy Tornado.




“Troy, we're coming up now on close to a year since Jack Bruce returned to TCW, and through that time, you and he have been locking horns, it seems like. He came in chasing your championship and your band, then Darkwave and Painful Procedure had the Battle of the Bands, and just when it seemed like that had blown over – well, it seems like you're taking interest afresh. Why is that?”


Troy takes a little while trying to figure out his response. “I feel like... OK, no, I know I've been missing something.


“It started bugging me a while back. I remember Jack from before he left. I know how he wrestled, and he came back... and OK, people change. But Jack never used to be jealous. You rock out, and it just inspired him to rock out harder. Then he comes back and it's suddenly all about him...


“Well, I got to watching Darkwave. And to make sure I got that right, I didn't just watch their matches, I watched a couple of the concerts.


“And then I started just paying attention, and you know what, it shoulda been obvious.”


“By that, you mean...?”


Troy smiles. “Wrestlers focus on the next match, all the time. We don't tend to think about the past except when we haven't paid someone back. But I'm not just a wrestler, I'm a rocker – and if you can't appreciate the classics, you're never going to be the star.


“I watched the tapes – all the tapes – and let me tell you, when I put it together... well, our problem child's plan is suddenly really obvious.”


“And it is...?”


A grin. “Oh, no. I want to surprise him... but you'll find out soon enough.


“No one messes with the music and gets away with it.”


He turns and leaves, with Autumn watching, staggered. “I... guess back to you, Jason.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarcSpeed_FIN4.jpg

Acid vs. Marc Speed

The fluidity of this match is the real standout. These two just move together easily, dropkicks and armbars, bulldogs and leglocks, and the whole thing is the story of two evenly-matched wrestlers – but then, Acid can be an even match with anyone; it's pretty much what he does.


Going airborne starts to give the masked man the advantage as the match progresses, though Speed shows some little quickness of his own; but as the two battle on the turnbuckle, Acid goes for an uppercut, tumbling Speed to the mat. He launches out for the Acid Rain Bomb – and Speed rolls with it, grabbing the super junior as he impacts and locks in the Cross Armbreaker.


It takes a long time, but the Machine finally makes the automaton tap.

Marc Speed defeated Acid

Rating: B




And for the third time this evening, Autumn Gleeson's face can be seen as she prepares for another backstage segment.


“I'm oh for one at the moment,” she admits. “But I'm not planning to finish the evening scoreless. So we're going to see about the other question I raised now.


“In the last few weeks the locker room in TCW has gotten tenser and tenser, and a lot of that is this feeling that Generation Omega is making enemies who are starting to unite – the feeling that big chunks of the locker room are on a collision course.


“With me is one of those people. He started his rise through the ranks with a strong ally in Joey Minnesota. As the Rising Stars they helped to end the Syndicate and seemed poised for tag team stardom, but with my guest's battle against Tommy Cornell, he captured the attention of our fans – and at the first ever Fight To The Feedback, you selected him as a challenger for the International Championship.


“Aaron Andrews captured that belt and lost it only through Joey Minnesota's actions – and Minnesota sought support from the newly-formed Generation Omega. With that support, it was some months before Aaron got the win he was chasing, and with it came a warning from Phil Vibert. In recent weeks we've actually seen Andrews team with former rival Tommy Cornell, and it seems like they've been looking for others. Aaron, what's your take on all this?”



Andrews smiles slightly. “We haven't been looking for others, Autumn – they've come to us. Ricky Dale Johnson may be a Texas Outlaw now, but he was the first man to step up alongside Tommy Cornell before he really proved himself, and we know that if we need him, he's got our back. But he's not the only one. Two weeks ago, Eddie Peak made a bit of a comeback after some time out of the spotlight, and he had a new look – new for him, old for the fans.


“When Joey Minnesota was in DaVE he was Phil Vibert's darling. No one there is going to dispute Joey's talent – neither am I, come to that – but he was a Phil Vibert guy first and foremost. You know Eddie Peak?


“Eddie Peak was a John Campbell guy. Eddie Peak was a Nemesis guy. And considering it's Nemesis who taught me the Game Breaker – well, I guess if I had to pick between the two, I'd be a Nemesis guy myself.


“Eddie never lost touch with John, and nor did I, and honestly that's been part of the problem. See, I figure everyone hearing this already knows... A little while ago, Nemesis and Tommy Cornell had... kind of a falling out.” He grins as the crowd responds, memories of the legendary match echoing through their minds.


“Well, that's as maybe. Nemesis has his practice, though, in standing up to Phil Vibert. Nemesis knows what it's like to see what you were working toward overturned when the new power comes in. Remember when DaVE TV nearly ended up on that HD channel?”


There's a pause as a chant breaks out in the audience. “Cu-ban sucks! Cu-ban sucks! Cu-ban sucks!”


Aaron raises his hand, acknowledging their reaction. “Slightly missing the point, guys. Nemesis gave Eddie a few inspirational words... and I guess, now, we know the results; he's taken on a few of the ideas.


“I get the impression Generation Omega want us to treat this like a war – and wars have rules. But Wolf's posse doesn't have rules – so hell, why should we?


“This is the official declaration. Me, Tommy, Eddie, anyone else who wants to jump on board, and Rick and Ricky who you can rely on if you have a good cause any time, we're going to take the fight to Generation Omega, Generation Omega's way. This is guerrilla warfare. This is counter-terrorism.


“You guys are up against Freedom Fighters.”


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZimmyBumfhole_alt1.jpg

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy

Sometimes a match can look, on paper, like a real good time, but fizzle out. Sometimes, two men just aren't able to find enough common ground, and that's definitely the case here.


While it remains watchable, the spark that Zimmy's had in many matches and the flair Deeley can inject into his mat game simply aren't present.


Still, by the end, the Blood Rush has been blocked and Sean has clapped on the Front Choke Lock to retain his belt.

Sean Deeley defeated Zimmy

Rating: B-



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt1jt.jpg

Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

A cautious circling to begin with which doesn't stop Fry being as excited as any fifteen-year-old watching the Blonde Bombshell secretly from the shadows. “This,” he promises, “is going to be a barnstormer!”


Once the circle is complete, Cornell closes in for a lockup, and Minnesota steps in as if to respond; bearing downward as he does, he persuades TCW's owner to drop to one knee in preparing to receive the lock, and Joey abruptly shifts gear, driving his knee sharply into Tommy's sternum.


Another big knee, and Cornell is back to his feet but staggering backward; Joey closes in but Cornell snags an outstretched wrist and goes for a big whip, sending Tommy caroming off the ropes – hip toss attempt – Cornell plants his feet, blocking it, and uses a burst of strength to hip toss Joey in turn.


Minnesota rolls clear and comes up on one knee in the fighting pose. The pair acknowledge a quick stalemate, and resume circling.


This time it's Joey who takes the initiative, shaking out his hands, coming in, again feinting to a lock-up – but this time, Cornell and Joey simultaneously lean back, firing off kicks to the other's midsection; they stumble backward simultaneously – then Joey comes in for a lariat, and Cornell ducks it, nailing him with the two-handed Blade Chop as Joey turns.


Another whip to the ropes, this time by Cornell, and he gives Joey a huge backdrop, closing in for a quick pin – one, two – Minnesota kicks out, and the two once again stand off.


Using the ropes for momentum, Joey comes in with a big shoulderblock, putting Cornell down in his turn; he immediately snags the legs and goes for the Minnesota Cloverleaf. Tommy fights it all the way, but eventually he's turned over into it. Slowly but surely he crawls for the ropes – Joey drags him back away – and then the bell sounds.


Round 2


Circling once again, Cornell knows he needs to make up lost ground. He comes in fast and low, and this time it's Cornell who feints the lock-up – then takes Joey down with a double-leg. He immediately floats through into a pin, both legs hooked – one, two – Joey rolls through and over to pin Cornell – one, two – Cornell counters back – one, two – Minnesota shifts tack and transitions back to the Minnesota Cloverleaf – but it's too close to the ropes, and Tommy gets the escape.


The hold has to be broken by Ray Johnson, and as he's backing Minnesota off Cornell, with a grin, tags Joey above Johnson's head with a right jab. As Johnson backs away, Tommy hits a lariat and goes to ground, looking for the Guilt Trip, but Joey escapes – only to walk straight into a snap suplex! Cover – one, two – Joey counters! Cover! ONE, TWO, THREE!


Joey Minnesota leads by one fall


Round 3


Cornell looks a little grim, Joey staring him down with just a trace of a smirk. He rolls his neck, then comes in fast – and Tommy counters his rush. German suplex! Both men up – boot to the gut by Cornell – DDT! Cover! ONE, TWO, NO!


Back up again and Tommy doesn't let up, peppering Joey with chops and whipping him to the corner. A running shoulderblock gets nothing but turnbuckle and Joey's in position, as Tommy rebounds, to scoop him up on his shoulders – Empire Spiral attempt – Cornell lands on his feet – Russian leg sweep – Guilt Trip attempt – Minnesota kicks him off into the turnbuckle – fast cradle pin by Minnesota! ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Cornell gets to his feet first, and a lariat puts Joey down.


Before Tommy can do anything else, however, the bell rings, signalling the end of the third round.


Round 4


Tommy starts the round, uncharacteristically, up on the second rope. Joey approaches cautiously – not cautiously enough! Three Inch Shrink! Neckbreaker attempt – countered – backbreaker by Minnesota!


Joey once again looks for the Minnesota Cloverleaf, but by now Cornell has it scouted, drawing him in for a quick cradle of his own. He rolls it in tight – ONE, TWO, THREE!


Final fall to decide, Round 5


Vibert opens the round by protesting that Cornell had his hands on Minnesota's tights, and the contest doesn't pick up speed as fast as it otherwise might as a result. The announce team – and the replay – don't exactly give Vibert's claims much credence, but it does allow Joey to take over with a superkick.


A quick grounded beatdown ensues, and Joey follows that up with an explosive Olympic-style slam, then a quick cover attempt, but Tommy elbows free on that one. He whips Joey to the ropes, meeting him with a jumping high knee, and scoops him up again, going for a Rough Ride – Joey slips free, meeting Cornell with a Minnesota Salute as he turns – EMPIRE SPIRAL – NO! Cornell shoves clear, and as Joey rebounds – GAME BREAKER BY CORNELL! COVER! ONE, TWO, THREE!

Tommy Cornell defeated Joey Minnesota

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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Saturday 6th November 2009

It's probably actually Sunday by now, if I'm honest. I just want to make sure I get this written down before I forget to.


Dan Stone Senior never used to visit the competition, even to see people backstage. That attitude mellowed in recent years – I've written already about 'Whipper' Spencer Marks' final retirement party – but he seems to feel much freer now that he's fully retired.


Accordingly, with our show near his holiday home tonight, he stopped by; Sean McFly and Jeremy against Eternal Party in the dark evidently entertained him, and the rest of the show got one of the few men in wrestling whose tastes are more old-fashioned than mine's grudging approval.


That's not what I want to talk about, though – what I want to talk about happened after the show, when the crew were propping up the bar of our usual Kamloops hotel, and when Dan joined us.


The man Dan wanted to see was his son. Edd. By the time this book comes out, if it does, this might be old news – but as of right now, the arguments between Dan and his youngest are kind of legendary. They're why Edd wrestles for TCW, for one thing; the issues got bad enough that Dan fired his son, and a while later, Joel and the old booking committee seized on Edd's talent as being enough to justify his backstage attitude.


I should talk about that for a second, actually. I've never had a problem with Edd since I started. That might just be the locker room atmosphere at TCW – it mostly polices itself, and it seems like that just gets truer as people like Christian Faith comes in – or it might be that Edd's growing up. I can say that telling him he was dropping his belt didn't get a word of protest; he seems to be enjoying himself, and confident he's not going to fall by the wayside any time soon.


I've never thought that the arguments were all of it; Dan Senior is a headscrong, forthright man, and it's been my experience that the same's true for all of his sons. Arguments are going to happen – but Edd doesn't wrestle the same way as his brothers, and during his time with NOTBPW, Edd was known for... well, for phoning it in fairly regularly. For not having the same dedication to crafting his matches as his brothers – and so on.


Well... If I had to ask one of our Stones to put together a match, I'd still ask Jeremy first. But Edd's put on some scorchers since he got here, and he's gotten better about not phoning it in, too.


I got to watch Dan talk to his son about their arguments. I got to watch Dan praise his tag match, and talk about the work he's done lately – and, after Dan quizzed me on what Edd's been bringing to the table, I got to watch Dan give Edd his blessing, and apologise.


I'm not crazy enough to take any of the credit for this. All TCW did was give Edd the atmosphere and the chance; it's Edd who took that, stepped up to the plate, and made it work. But they seem to be a family again... and that's good news in anyone's book.

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We stay in Canada this Tuesday, and a lot of our big names will be out performing in front of the Canadian crowd. So what do we have on tap?


All Action and International title scenes link together, as an unusual tag match opens proceedings - All Action Champion Freddy Huggins teams with Edd Stone against International Champion Sean Deeley and Edd's bitterest rival, Canadian Elemental. It's Canadian excellence versus a pair of Canadian animals - and who's going to win out?


Adam Matravers made a little noise with International Air's debut tag performance. This Tuesday is the first time we'll have a chance to see the high-flying Brit's solo skills as he takes on all round legend Eric Tyler one on one. With Tyler's stable holding two of his fellow Britons, is Matravers about to get schooled, or will he be walking a Mile High?


The Elimination Protocol's will to compete has set jaws waggling all around town in the last few months. With one recorded win to set off against their losses, these two just don't stop getting back in the ring, getting used to the big stage. Their opponents this week are seasoned tag team perennials the Young Guns, and you can bet Harry and Steve will be wanting to get back on the gold trail themselves.


Christian Faith is, no question, one of the supreme legends of this sport. His opponent this week has become the talk of the Internet with some stunning performances at TCW house shows building on a career of success in Europe, the UK, and Japan - UK Dragon, who's taken a while to establish himself but remains a force to be reckoned with. Can Faith add another victory to his tally, or will the Dragon dig down deep and find what it takes to succeed in North America, too?


One last tag team match before the main event - the Machines clash with Generation Omega again. This time, it's Davis Wayne Newton and Remo Richardson representing Vibert's dangerous faction - but the tag team match is still the Machines' territory, and you underestimate them at your peril.


And in the main event, after last week's challenge laid down in British rules by Wolf Hawkins, Tommy Cornell has retaliated. Facing Matthew Keith in a Lucha Libre match, Cornell has decreed that Hawkins will be wrestling the same style on Saturday Night Showcase against an as-yet unnamed opponent. Anything you can do, I can do better, indeed - except that so far, it's hard to say who's outperforming who.


Prediction Key:

Canadian Elemental & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins


Adam Matravers vs. Eric Tyler


Elimination Protocol vs. Young Guns


Christian Faith vs. UK Dragon


The Machines vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert



Matthew Keith vs. Tommy Cornell

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Canadian Elemental & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins


Could go either way, but Deeley is the bigger belt.


Adam Matravers vs. Eric Tyler

If you were going to give Matravers a big push, this would be the kind of guy you'd have him beat. I just don't think he's going to get a big push, is all.


Elimination Protocol vs. Young Guns


I think this is the week they finally do it.


Christian Faith vs. UK Dragon


Dragon is a pretty standard undercard worker... of course, he's way better at actually wrestling than Faith, but you're not going to do this to Faith.


The Machines vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


If you wanted DWN to be a tag wrestler, you would have kept him with Frankie.



Matthew Keith vs. Tommy Cornell


I imagine we'll be seeing Cornell and Hawkins trading wins again here. Well, unless someone gets disqualified for a piledriver.

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Canadian Elemental & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins

Close one but I see Deeley being higher on the ladders than Huggins and that tips the scale to faces favor.


Adam Matravers vs. Eric Tyler

Tyler might not win many big matches anymore but he isn´t jobber either. Matravers on the other hand is.


Elimination Protocol vs. Young Guns

I could see Protocol taking their first win here but I hope that isn´t the case.


Christian Faith vs. UK Dragon

Sadly, Dragon is just a jobber so no way he goes over legend like Faith.


The Machines vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

I almost did go with Machines thanks to their tag experience but the fact is that they are lost into shuffle while Remo & DWN are enjoying big pushes right now.



Matthew Keith vs. Tommy Cornell

I know that Keith has a good shot winning this one but I still can´t pick him over Cornell.

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Canadian Elemental & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins

I really can't call this. None of them would look good with the loss, you've got a champion on each side. Draw it is.


Adam Matravers vs. Eric Tyler

Holy Shit, Adam Matravers is here. Well, got to keep the grumpy old man sweet.


Elimination Protocol vs. Young Guns

Finally, JOBBERS big enough to lose to Elimination Protocol!


Christian Faith vs. UK Dragon

Yeah but no.


The Machines vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

A bit controversial, but I think that DWN no longer gives a toss about tag competiton. He's a singles guy now, and OH GOD PLEASE LET THE MACHINES WIN SOMETHING!



Matthew Keith vs. Tommy Cornell

Sorry, Matt. You're still paying your dues for the Main Event.

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