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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Champagne Lover

I think it´s still little early for Deeley to lose the title.


TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell

Oh well, why not? Now, I´m not sure how much New Wave would need the titles but them getting those would be a nice way to highlight how important Bombshell is to any team.


Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

I know this one could go either way but I still see Tornado being a step or two above Bach.


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Jack Bruce

Not sure here but I see Bruce being the bigger name so might as well give him the belt.


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. John Pathlow

Huggins could use a longer title run.


Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone

Elemental failed to get the title off from Stone but now that Edd doesn´t have it anymore, it might be time for Elemental to go over.



Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

I´m guessing that Tommy will put Remo over here.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Michelle Cox

Since Starr is waiting her own shot I doubt that Cox is abe to take the title here.


Matthew Keith vs. Sam Keith

Sam puts his son over.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

I don´t see Jeremy getting the belt and while Minnesota getting it would be interesting I play safe and go with current champion.

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La Mistica. I don't even know how a 450 dive would safely convert into an armbar, or why.


Let's say that the guy taking the move is facing away from the turnbuckle. Then the guy hitting the move does a 450, ending (well..."landing") with his feet/legs around the guy's shoulders. So now the guy taking the move is standing with a guy wrapped around his neck facing downward.


Then the attacker proceeds to use the momentum to roll forward, leaving the guy DAMMIT THAT'S AN INVERSE HURRICANRANA.




Okay, so there's a




The Gauge/Keith fight will go down like the Fighter with a totally-not-stupid finish that doesn't totally ruin the movie.






The Keith clan is very much on the road to Malice right now, every bit as much as Wolf and Tommy and Stone vs. Stone, to say nothing of the whole Matt Keith/Blonde Bombshell hawtness scene.


Unspoiled that for you.


Er...spoiled it for you? I guess?

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TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Champagne Lover

Both men deserve it, but I'll stick with the champion as the safest bet.


TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell

The New Wave haven't had anywhere near enough build to take the belts.


Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

A win over Troy Tornado would establish Bach as a legitimate main event level competitor, breaking out of the upper-mid/lower-main-event bracket that he currently occupies.


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Jack Bruce

JB has produced erratically, Rockwell has not.


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. John Pathlow

Freddy deserves a longer reign.


Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone

For god's sake, let Edd get back to wacky shenanigans already!



Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

Same as every Last Man Standing match ever.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Michelle Cox

Heh. Cox.


Matthew Keith vs. Sam Keith

Really, no contest.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

Tommy vs. Wolf for the championship. You know it.

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TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Champagne Lover


TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell


Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Jack Bruce


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. John Pathlow


Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone



Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Michelle Cox


Matthew Keith vs. Sam Keith


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

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Prediction Key:

TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Champagne Lover

I don't think CL's been built up enough to take the title.


TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell

Just a hunch. They have Bombshell now, afterall.


Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

I don't think Bach's quite on Tornado's level yet. I guess he could win with some help..


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Jack Bruce

Like somebody else said, I don't think "Hard-Hitting" when I see Jack Bruce.


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. John Pathlow

I bolded Pathlow at first, but I couldn't think of a way to explain it.


Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone

I don't think I need to explain this..



Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

A loss here would really hurt the Tommy/Wolf build.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Michelle Cox

Stone's reign still has some legs to it.


Matthew Keith vs. Sam Keith

Same as Tommy. Matthew's building towards the bigger match at MIW and needs the win.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

No way he's losing the title now.

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TCW Presents A Little South Of Sanity


Sunday Week 4 November 2009


Live on America 1-Select, U-Demand Canada, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp, UK-1 (5.08)


Held at Rolling Fields (Tri State)


Attendance: 63,553




Jason Azaria – Mayhem Midden - Horatio Dangerous



As the pyro dies away the cameras turn to the trio in the ring. The Kings of Wrestling glower out at the crowd moodily. In the centre, Matthew Keith has a microphone. He squats down, hugging his knees to him, staring at the mat, and raises the mic to his lips.


“So here we are,” he begins.


“Maybe some of you know why tonight is important to me. I look around...” He does so, eyes glittering in the spotlight. “I don't see anyone out there I know. I can't say for sure, but I'm guessing some of you have gone into the same job as your dad.


“So you spend your whole time getting compared to him by everyone else.” He looks up, grinning sardonically. “And he's been doing it his whole life...


“Well, you know what? I've gotten to be fine with that. People compare me to my brother. People compare me to my dad. And tonight, when I put my dad down, you'll all learn how that comparison actually goes.


“There always has to be a best. There always has to be the one head and shoulders above the others. Look at any family in wrestling Dan. Steve. Tommy. Adrian. Rhino – and he couldn't beat me, so that shows something.


“My family is the best, and I'm the best of my family. I'm the King of the Kings of Wrestling. I'm the one true Keith, the one all the others will end up compared to. And that's the way it should be – and that starts tonight.


“Matthew Keith. It's the only name you need to remember.”


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpg

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Champagne Lover

This one lives up to the promise, mixing that famous Canadian technical emphasis with one of the best lucha libre competitors out there today to get the fans involved and on their feet from the very beginning.


Champagne Lover comes close twice after an early run of dominance by Deeley, but he can't quite get the job done. The International Champ keeps getting his shoulder up, no matter the beating he takes along the way, and when Lover goes for a second Lover Stunner, Deeley counters, blocking the kick and tacking him down to secure a win with the Front Choke Lock.

Sean Deeley defeated Champagne Lover

Rating: B




Shout At The Devil hits, much to the crowd's obvious satisfaction. Mayhem Midden stands up from his position at the announce desk, Charlie Thatcher – seated beside him – rising alongside him and collecting his baseball bats. The two climb into the ring, Midden wearing his announce headset and looking down at his phone.


“Sorry to interrupt,” he says. “We'll get back to the matches soon – and for anyone who's not sure, it's gonna be the tag titles next.


“I want to ask Phil Vibert to step out here.”



There's a longish pause before the cameras catch sight of Vibert on the move, as he heads to the ring with Wolf Hawkins and Remo Richardson by his side. The Generation Omega trio, as has become their custom, are coming through the crowd.


They halt on the other side of the crowd barrier, Vibert holding out a hand to the ring announcer with a sneer, the man looking at Remo before handing the microphone over.


“What can I do for you today, Mayhem?”


The Board's Representative glances down at his smartphone screen again. “Just a confirmation,” he says. “A few months ago, now, you were made to put your in with the Board of Investors on the line – the man you had blackmail material on would have to sell his shares if your man lost, which he did.


“Since then we've had a lot of turnover on the Board. One consortium bought that man's shares, then three others. That big voting bloc has been throwing its new weight around – which is why Remo there's match with Tommy tonight got last-minute reclassified as Last Man Standing-” a murmur from the crowd, who aren't sure whether to relish this or wince in sympathy with Tommy Cornell - “but I just got some interesting feedback.


“How long have you been running Dave Campbell Holdings, LLC, Phil?”


Vibert just grins.


“Let me do you a favour, Midden,” he says. “Let me remind you that DCH owns more of this company, right now, than Tommy Cornell, and it's only the terms of his deal with the Board that mean he has more influence.


“When the AGM comes up after Malice in Wonderland, that deal can be voted on again – and this company can be renamed again. Generation Omega Wrestling has a ring to it, don't you think?


“Anyway, I was doing you a favour. Midden – this place will be mine, and soon. You want to think hard before you make sure the Board doesn't dismiss you from the biggest and best salary you've ever had in your life.”


The Board's Representative glowers. “TCW isn't going to stand for this,” he says.


“Well, I guess we'll see in February, won't we?” Phil grins. “Actually, I might keep you on anyway. Making you my errand boy is really tempting right now.”


Without waiting for a reply, the trio head back out through the crowd.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_jhd3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell

The opening exchange between O'Curle and Scout has the crowd riveted, a brilliant, dazzling sequence of chain wrestling which only ends when Scout tags out on finding himself unable to counter a wristlock.


Guide vaults the top rope and enters the fray with something between a dropkick and a stomp, and the brawl is on. It's an area in which the Wave have significantly more experience, and they start to run the champs ragged.


Notably, Guide is back as the legal man after a flurry of quick tags when Walter Morgan's throat crashes down across the top rope, whiplashing him across the ring – and allowing Guide to blast across the ring in a Guided Missile. He hits it with so much momentum that as Morgan crumples, Guide flips forward, landing on his feet much to the shock of the audience.


Unluckily for the New Wave, that isn't enough to put the British Lions down; Merle O'Curle is there to blast him with a charging high knee, and while Scout intervenes, the Irishman is able to lure both of the Wave out of the ring.


By the time Scout returns to the ring, Walter Morgan has recovered, and he gives the Wave's submission stylist a lesson – so Guide re-enters, standing by Scout's side, drawing a warning from Ray Johnson. Neither of the Wave leave, however, and that draws Walter Merle O'Curle back in.


There's a moment's stand off, then both teams explode into each other in a brawl. Guide bundles Morgan over the top rope, tumbling out with him, but that doesn't last for long, as Guide slides back in to double-team O'Curle – and Walter is right there behind him, much to Johnson's frustration.


Scout sweeps his wool cap from his head, bundling it around his fist, and nails O'Curle in the head, the punch busting the Irishman open. He goes for a cover, but Morgan darts in, left arm whirling in a circle as he draws back his right foot and just goes for it.


More blood flies as Scout whiplashes off the cover and to the mat, with Horatio Dangerous applauding “a kick that would've converted any try you care to name for Rugby's own British Lions”, much to the confusion of many of the Americans.


Guide snatches up his partner's wool cap and fiddles with it a few seconds, again bundling it around his fist. Walter Morgan ducks his swing, though, and grabs a wristlock that sends the cap flying, leaving Ray Johnson in perfect position to see the knuckledusters it had concealed.


He starts trying to strip the knucks from Guide's hand as, despite the Blonde Bombshell's protests, Scout slides into the ring on the far side with a steel chair. He puts O'Curle back down behind Johnson's back, tossing the chair out before the ref can turn around.


The Wave combine for a stereo suplex on Walter Morgan, but Johnson refuses to count the pin without Guide handing over the knucks. By the time the Wave man agrees, Morgan's sufficiently recovered not just to avoid being pinned but to lock Guide into the Wigan Wrench.


Frustrated, Scout starts raining down stomps on Morgan's head, and Ray Johnson does the only thing he can do under the circumstances – he rules the match no contest, no direct witness to cheating but far too much suspicion to continue.

British Lions fought to a no contest against the New Wave

Rating: B




“-cut to that camera, asswipe!” comes Alicia Strong's unmistakable voice over the PA system as the big screen shifts away from the British Lions' highlight loop to a shot of Davis Wayne Newton, wearing a 4C T-shirt with the words GENERATION OMEGA daubed over it in silver spray and baggy jeans, leaning against one of the control desks in the production truck, looking back over the cameraman's shoulder with an amused smile.


“We good?” he asks quietly.


“We're good,” Alicia returns. Newton looks at the camera.


“TCW Pay-Per-Views go out worldwide,” he says. “More countries can see these shows than see our regular TV. So I'm here on PPV to say what I have to say, and what I have to say is blindingly simple.


“If you don't recognise Davis Wayne Newton when you see him, you don't deserve to call yourself a wrestling fan. And that's after I've been here less than a year. Phil Vibert found me. Phil Vibert picked me for Generation Omega – but Mayhem Midden picked me, too.


“Out of all the tapes he was sent for the open invitational, he chose me. They knew, even then, that they were looking at the best of the future – and they both wanted me with them. Midden – you should've made a better offer.


“I made a promise when I first got here. You probably forgot it, but that's fine – you didn't know to watch Davis Wayne Newton yet. But that promise is coming due soon, and Davis Wayne Newton is a man of his word.


“At Malice in Wonderland, I'll be in the Shot At The Top match. I'll walk out with that briefcase, and I'll hold on to the Ticket To The Top for one full year – and Malice In Wonderland 2011 will see me the World Heavyweight Champion.


“In the meantime I'm going to need to keep busy. So here's a new promise – whoever Mayhem Midden wants to throw at me, I'll take them on. And I won't tap out, and nobody will pin my shoulders to the mat for three seconds.


“I want to work my way through the Machines. I want to topple the whole institution that is Christian Faith. I want to pin Rick Law. Johnny Bloodstone can barely survive Kirk Jameson, so I know he can't beat me. And Sean McFly – your time with the youth records is coming to an end. The only title that matters in this business will be round this waist in fourteen months.


“You can believe that. Remember, Davis Wayne Newton is a man of his word.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg

Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

The inaugural lock-up is broken cleanly in the corner, Troy seeming to have a slight power advantage. Bach shoves Tornado away before the former champion can deliver more than two chops to Bach's shoulder.


Troy goes back to that, though, nailing a dropkick to the shoulder before twisting the arm round in a ringer and aiming a flexible high kick to the shoulder, with Bach having to forearm Tornado to free himself.


Sammy switches sides to show his ambidexterity and chops Tornado to the mat, and pulls him up for a belly-to-belly release suplex – but Troy manages to corkscrew slightly in midair, landing on one shoulder and rolling to his feet, hitting the far ropes smoothly for momentum.


That doesn't help as much as it might; Bach stops Tornado’s momentum off the ropes with a spinebuster, covering quickly with the leg hooked – one, two – Troy kicks out.


A fast spear from Troy puts him back on the offensive. He drags Sammy to his feet and fires off punches, but even as Fry comments that against a DaVE graduate going punch for punch isn't always a smart move, Sammy's return fire has Bach in the driver's seat.


He whips Tornado to the ropes, and Troy grabs the top rope, vaulting and landing on the apron to avoid running into the Adrenaline Shot superkick Bach seemed to be queuing up; undeterred, the Darkwave man leaps to the second rope on one side, rebounding with a flying forearm to send Troy crashing from the apron to the floor and into the guardrail.


On the outside, Sammy measures Troy as he starts back to his feet, charging in only to be caught and spinebustered by Troy who promptly rolls himself back into the ring for a breather, shaking his head slightly in what looks like surprise at how well the master manipulator's fighting style is doing.


Back on the apron, Sammy drives his shoulder into Troy's gut, then leaps up, reverting to his Adrenaline Rush era persona by delivering the Rusher Dropper to snap the former Triple-Threat Champion's neck across the top rope, dumping him fast back into the ring.


Sammy hangs out on the apron, waiting for his chance. As Troy pulls himself back to his feet at the far end of the ring, Sammy leaps, going for that springboard coast-to-coast bulldog – and he connects! Cover! ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Troy stays on the mat after that and Sammy steps away for a moment, looking him over with a sneer. He hits the far ropes, coming in for something-


- Tornado pivots, taking Bach's legs out from under him with an extended legsweep, twisting onto his back and raising his knees so that as the Darkwave puppeteer falls, he crashes gut-first into those knees, driving the air out of him. Troy immediately covers – ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Bach kicks Tornado away and gets to his feet, keeping him off balance with an elbow to buy a chance for a sunset flip – but Troy rolls through, looking for a pin of his own. Bach is close enough to the bottom ropes to grab them.


They break, and Bach opens up with a combination of punches and kicks that stagger Tornado. He follows up with a suplex, climbing afterward to the top turnbuckle. A big swanton connects, but Bach doesn't cover – instead, he goes to the next turnbuckle along, soaring off with an elbow drop which also connects.


To the third turnbuckle, and this time Sammy opts for a moonsault – but Troy rolls clear. A Manhattan drop follows as Sammy regains his feet, with Troy hitting the ropes while Sammy winces – STAR MAKER! COVER! ONE, TWO, THRE-


Zimmy drags Troy out of the ring. The Painful Procedure frontman stares at him for a second, blocks a punch, boots him in the gut, wheels around and nails the Whirlwind Kick. He rolls back into the ring – Adrenaline Shot attempt by Bach, ducked. DDT – No! Sammy plants his feet and blocks it. Neckbreaker by Bach! Cover! ONE, TWO, T- NO!


Back to their feet and Tornado palm strikes Bach, but Bach takes him overhead with a belly-to-back suplex. He delivers a lariat next and measures for the superkick; for the second time, Tornado evades the Adrenaline Shot and drops him with the Tornado Driver. ONE, TWO, THRE- NO!


Troy takes his turn to climb to the top, soaring off with a moonsault. This one connects! ONE, TWO – NO!


Lucky grab of the ropes by Bach. Troy seems frustrated; he sets up for a Randallism, but Bach blocks it. Adrenaline Shot finally connects! Cover! ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


On their knees close together, the pair trade rights and lefts. Sammy rolls clear, shouting at Sam Sparrow over the failed pin.



He has the ref's full attention, and that gives Zimmy the chance to sneak in, nailing a Blood Rush! Zimmy drags Tornado back to his feet, shoots him off the ropes, dives from the ring – ADRENALINE SHOT NUMBER TWO! COVER! ONE, TWO, THREE!

Sammy Bach defeated Troy Tornado

Rating: A*




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JackBruce_alt8.jpg

Chris Rockwell © vs. Jack Bruce

The No Holds Barred rules make it more than possible for both of these men to take a lot of shortcuts, but since Troy Tornado first started pointing it out, Jack Bruce's behaviour is under a lot of scrutiny from the announce team.

If anything, Rockwell pushes the line more often – but then, Chris Rockwell is very aware of the limits of a No Holds Barred match, as the reigning champion.


Bruce takes him to the limit, over and over again, but Rockwell fights back zealously and nearly scores a pin of his own several times.


It's hard to say which of these two men has the upper hand, as Azaria remarks – but that just draws derisive mockery from Dangerous and Midden, who both point out that questions like that are exactly what these matches are held to decide.


The battle becomes all about Rockwell's arms and Bruce's legs, with Bruce seeking to neutralise the Furusawa Armbar, while Rockwell clearly fears the New York Minute.


And in the end, that's the thing that decides it; Chris Rockwell nails a big boot, then goes to the MMA knee flurry to score the pinfall as the announcers put over the flexibility in skills he needed to get there.

Chris Rockwell defeated Jack Bruce

Rating: B




Darkwave hit the ring to console their lead singer. With the recent discussion of the whole thing, Azaria feels compelled to point something out; Sammy Bach is in the centre of the pack, and it does look like the others are listening to him more than anyone else.


“Maybe he doesn't feel the need to hide it, now he's been rumbled?” Midden suggests.


“That makes sense, I guess,” Azaria says. “But I've been behind this desk now for twelve years, Ken, and I don't accept something as true just because I'm told it is. The evidence is mounting up, but I won't agree until it's a sure thing.”



The camera changes its focus, suddenly, looking at the entrance ramp, where Troy Tornado and the Young Guns stand, watching the Darkwave men thoughtfully.


“Well,” Azaria says. “What do you think? Are we coming up on a battle for Jack Bruce's soul?”


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HellMonkey_alt4.jpg

Freddy Huggins © vs. John Pathlow

Speed is very much the issue here, and Freddy Huggins is acting as fast as he can, hitting springboard hit-and-run moves, concentrating on a striking game, and while this means he's neglecting a lot of the tricks Eric Tyler has been teaching him, it also makes it very difficult for his American Dojo challenger to grab him and set up one of those puroresu throws, slams, bombs and/or drivers he enjoys so much.


That starts to change when Huggins grabs his opponent, pulling him in for a HugginDriver attempt that gets turned into a tight inside cradle which nearly picks up the win out of nowhere.


That closeness triggers Huggins' dogged determination, and Pathlow engages in a variety of blocks and counters, each one followed up with a huge, explosive suplex.



Pathlow starts to gain the upper hand and seems to be heading for victory when Shingen Miyazaki walks down to ringside, studying the combatants inside. Having set up for the 1st Dan, Pathlow falters, looking at Miyazaki. He turns back and eats the Huggins Kiss, but crashes backward into Eugene Williams as he does so, laying the ref out.


Huggins badmouths the ref, but picks Pathlow up, whipping him to the corner. John wakes up fast enough to duck an incoming lariat and tries for a backdrop driver, but Freddie squirms clear and tries for a HugginDriver, only for Pathlow to evade in his turn.



Pathlow turns around and comes face to face with Jack Marlowe, steel chair in hand. Marlowe swings, Pathlow ducks – and Freddie Huggins crashes to the floor off the chair's impact.


Pathlow wrenches the chair away and tosses it from the ring; Marlowe bails, and as Eugene Williams recovers, John Pathlow covers to pick up the win and the title.

John Pathlow defeated Freddy Huggins

Rating: B




Unknown music begins to play as the big screen comes to life. On the screen, amber whiskey slowly pours into a cut-crystal glass; the camera changes focus, showing a drinks cabinet where sporting trophies mingle with expensive decanters in the background.


Refocusing to cover the glass again, the camera pulls back, showing a buxom blonde with a broad, beautiful smile dressed in a figure-hugging not-quite-tuxedo, who sets the scotch bottle down out of shot before presenting the glass – on a silver platter – to a dark-skinned, obviously athletic man.




He turns to look at the camera, and with a flourish, Kashmir Singh puts on his custom sunglasses.


“Ladies and gentlemen,” he grins, his teeth dazzlingly white. “Welcome to my home. I had to invite you; after all, soon you will all be inviting me into yours, where I shall bless you by showing you the same thing you see here; perfection.


“I am perfection in action, ladies and gentlemen. I am flawless... and so is my home, except for one thing.” He gestures, and the camera revolves – taking in the blonde again, and lingering slightly – to show a wall with elegant paintings, a stag's head mounted on a shield, a framed gold record, a plinth which bears a baseball clearly burdened with signatures, perhaps a game ball... and a space.


“I have to say that a championship belt would go well there, don't you think?” Singh continues. “Perhaps only a minor one – there was only a silver record next to it, at first – but we can work up to true perfection. It'll be mine soon enough, after all.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CanadianElemental.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg

Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone

And if you thought earlier matches were fast...


This is easily one of the most fast-flowing matches on record. Edd Stone was the consummate joker – until he ran into Canadian Elemental.


Canadian Elemental, meanwhile, is a young man striving to live up to the weight of perhaps the most prestigious mask in professional wrestling, a legacy every bit as important as that of a Stone or a Keith.


The seriousness with which Edd Stone has been wrestling as this feud has cranked up in intensity is in full effect here. No joker here, and no Edd Fu.


This is as serious as death to both men – but that doesn't make it a grudge match. That makes it an exhibition, each man trying to top the other. It's rare for both men to be on the ground for more than about thirty seconds at the same time – in fact, it might not happen all match.


As the match goes on, it becomes clearer and clearer that this one is going to end only when someone does something absolutely exceptional.


The exceptional event in question comes from Canadian Elemental, at a time when both men appear almost dead on their feet; he soars from the top turnbuckle in a Phoenix Firebird Splash, but on impact he keeps moving, collecting the arms and dragging Edd back to his feet, hitting the Elemental Suplex as a single flowing consequence of the splash. Holding on to the bridged suplex, he picks up a very hard-fought win.

Canadian Elemental defeated Edd Stone

Rating: B+




By the time the announce team has finished going over the highlights of a match which has a lot of them, Edd Stone is heading through the backstage corridors to the locker room – where he finds Champagne Lover, his tag partner, pacing back and forth outside.


“Well,” the Lover declares, his English impeccable if accented, “tonight's been one steaming heap of ****, hasn't it?”


Edd looks at him blankly for a long moment. “Don't worry, 'Tonio,” he says. “I've got a plan.”


“You had a plan for the Elemental,” the Lover retorts. “That didn't help.”


“It did!” Edd protests. “I'd have lost in the first two minutes if I hadn't had a plan. You see what he did? How does anyone plan for that?


“No, I'm done trying to outdo him on his game. It's time we outdid people at our game, 'Tonio. Get in their heads, and their shoulders will soon be on the mat.


“Let's go after the tag team belts, hunh?”


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Remo.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt1jt.jpg

Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

Cornell offers a handshake as the bell rings. Remo sneers slightly – and Cornell answers that with a cocky grin. He hauls off with a huge slap – Remo fires back, with Tommy only staying upright by ducking. A snapmare follows, putting Remo on the mat, just barely.


The supreme specimen is up fast, and Tommy baits him in, taking him down with a headlock, but Remo rises to his feet and throws Cornell off with a tremendous show of strength, sending him sailing to the far ropes. Tommy grabs on, desperate for safety.


He ducks the next lariat, rolling clear and back to his feet, and off Remo's next charge he gets a strong hip toss, dumping the big man carefully then working back to the headlock – but Remo grabs his arm, twists it to clear out the hold, then almost decapitates Tommy with a short-arm clothesline.


Remo waits for Tommy to get up - running shoulderblock! Another is attempted, but Tommy instead lands the drop toe hold, then baits Remo in for another charge, this time backdropping him out of the ring.


Tommy hits the ropes at speed, sending Remo crashing into the announce table with a baseball slide. Uncharacteristically, he then scrambles to the top turnbuckle -


SUICIDE CROSS BODY BY CORNELL! Both men are down directly in front of the announcers, and Sam Sparrow begins the count. By four, however, Cornell is stirring, and Remo, at six, makes a statement by kipping up.


Cornell's face is contorted into an agonised expression of frustration at that show. Rolling back into the ring, he goes on retreat, holding Remo at bay with a volley of chops, then abruptly nails a jawbreaker before taking Remo down with a single-leg. He starts stomping on the knee, dragging Remo intermittently to the corner where he slams Remo's knee into the steel post.


Remo yanks his leg back, slamming Cornell into the upright as the supreme specimen gingerly makes his way back to his feet, testing his knee and hobbling slightly.


Back into the ring, Tommy Cornell goes into straight Sam Keith mode, clipping the knee and dropping his own on it. He backs off for a moment, inviting Sparrow to start the count, but Remo is up by four.


Tommy hits a series of chops and goes for the blade chop, but Remo nails him with a straight right before he can connect, watching Cornell fold up off the impact. He yanks the company owner back to his feet and tosses him into the corner, closing to punch again, keeping Cornell reeling.


Remo winds up for a huge one and Tommy manages to duck it before getting a Russian leg sweep and going for a single-leg crab; Remo kicks him off, and Tommy pauses to recover.


Tommy senses his opportunity here and charges, but Remo boosts him up like a flapjack – except Cornell faceplants into the top of the steel post. As he recoils, Remo hits the far ropes and lariats him down. He mounts Cornell and fires off punches, but has to break or the count can't happen. It's a struggle, but Cornell makes it back to his feet at the count of five.


Tommy hits a dropkick, then another, then another. Remo goes down, but forces his way back up. More chops from Tommy, but Remo lashes out, catching him by the throat. CHOKESLAM!


Remo backs away as the count begins again. Around seven, Tommy is back to his knees; angry, Remo comes forward and drives him down with a DDT. He pulls him back up and looks for the Destroyer – Cornell shoves him off. Blade chop! ROUGH RIDE – NO!


Remo manages to shove clear at the last moment, but crashes into Sam Sparrow as he does, knocking the ref down. Another Destroyer attempt – countered – tornado DDT by Cornell! He bails, bringing in the steel steps, and staggers Remo with a Three Inch Shrink, then goes for a piledriver onto the steps. Remo's bleeding, now, and there's a dent in the steps.


Tommy bails for the corner, using the ropes to hold himself up. Slowly, Sparrow makes it up and starts counting; with the extra time, Remo would've been out, but he makes it to his feet at eight.


Tommy tries putting him down with a big boot, then goes to the top turnbuckle. Anothr Three Inch Shrink – no! REMO PUNCHES HIM OUT OF THE AIR!


Another Destroyer attempt, but Cornell rolls down Remo's front. Single leg crab again! Remo crawls, but eventually turns it over and kicks free.


A stiff right from Remo, and another Destroyer attempt – no! This time it hits! Remo demands the count! ...five... SIX... SEVEN... Cornell stirs... EIGHT... to one knee... NINE... Cornell's up! Remo comes in in a fury and once again throws Tommy to the corner.


This time, though, he boosts Tommy to the top turnbuckle, then goes up there with him. Could this be a top-rope Destroyer? No – Tommy elbows free. Remo falls. REMO FALLS!


Diving legdrop from Cornell and both men are down off that one... six... Cornell makes it to the ropes... SEVEN... he starts to pull himself up... EIGHT... Remo rolls onto his knees... NINE... BOTH MEN ARE BACK ON THEIR FEET!


“It could be that Remo's lack of options is going to bite him in the ass here,” Azaria says excitedly as another Destroyer attempt sees Tommy land on his feet. He goes for the Rough Ride – Remo powers clear! Tommy crashes chest-first into the turnbuckle, and off the rebound Remo boosts him up over one shoulder, grabbing his neck with that arm, his legs with the other, bending him over that shoulder in a backbreaker submission hold. He keeps it locked down...


Tommy manages to get his hands to the ropes, and somehow pulls free! He lands awkwardly, and Remo tries for a spear, but his leg gives out partway across the ring. Rough Ride – no! Remo grabs Cornell from behind – he throws him out of the ring and head-first into the guardrail!


Remo demands the count! …EIGHT... Cornell finally starts to move... NINE... one hand on the guardrail... TEN!

Remo Richardson defeated Tommy Cornell

Rating: A*





Phil Vibert snatches the ring announcer's mic as soon as he's done heralding Remo the victor.



He hustles forward to where Cornell lies, having fully collapsed again after the match was decided.


“Let me do you a favour, Tommy,” Vibert crows. “You're clearly not ready to challenge Wolf in two months. Let me just go ahead and file your forfeit paperwork-”


Of Wolf And Man begins to play. Vibert's arrogance dies away and his head whips up as he looks around, seeking the World Heavyweight Champion as he approaches.


The camera finally picks up Hawkins as he heads for the ring, already in his ring attire for later in the night, though his wrist tape is hanging from his left wrist, unfastened, and absent from his right. The Champion is in the middle of his pre-match preparation.


He locks eyes with Vibert and shakes his head, holding out his hand for the microphone. Apparently grudgingly, Phil hands it over.


“I am the World. Heavyweight. Champion,” he growls. “And I have been asking for a match with Tommy Cornell most of this year. I have the right to choose a challenger, and I am sick and tired of people trying to stop this match happening.


“Leave it, Phil. I got you the in to get Remo his contract. I got you in position to start Generation Omega. And I'm going to break Cornell down, I'm going to break these Freedom Fighters down, and remember that when we own this place, I'm going to be the money maker.


“This match is my price, Phil. Accept it.”


Vibert falls silent. After a long moment, he shrugs, and Hawkins grins.


Generation Omega leave, with Cornell finally making it back to his feet. The crowd salute him as a hero as he makes his way back to the locker room under his own steam.


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeriLynnStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KatherineGoodlooks_Self2.jpg

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Michelle Cox

Throughout their few encounters thus far, Stone has had the edge – so long as everything stays legal. Of course, throughout their encounters, legality has quickly gone out of the window.


Cox uses every trick she has, keeping the champion dazed and off balance, often bailing to the outside to recover or set an ambush.


It works, for quite a long time, but backfires once JeriLynn recognises the strategy, instead soaring over the top rope to wipe Cox out with a suicide plancha. A brief battle outside the ring sees JeriLynn driven face first into the steel post, and after a moment's breather, Cox hops up onto the apron, looking to escape back into the ring – but Stone vaults up behind her, grabbing her around the waist-




Michelle Cox crashes to the floor across three fans in the second row. JeriLynn, meanwhile, pushes off too far before releasing and, like Cornell in the match before, slams head-first into the guardrail.


Neither woman stirs as Eugene Williams begins the count, and neither woman has stirred by the count of ten – leading to an unfortunate draw.

JeriLynn Stone was counted out alongside Michelle Cox

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewKeith.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SamKeith.jpg

Matthew Keith vs. Sam Keith

The battle here is a long one, and it's very much an exchange of two evenly-matched warriors. Matthew certainly has both a strength and a speed advantage, but Sam has deserved fame for his cardio and endurance – and while Matthew Keith has as wide a range of tactical options as almost anyone, it becomes clear over the twenty-five minutes that this war lasts that Sam Keith hasn't taught his sons everything he knows.


Few people, for example, knew that the Proton Lock has an obscure counter which allows a new Proton Lock to be applied in retaliation, and judging by his reaction, Matthew Keith was not among their number.


Luckily for Matthew, this reversal takes him close to the ropes, and he's able to make his father break it; that event, at around the ten-minute mark, heralds the end of the scientific wrestling portion of the match when Matt decides to dispense with the pleasantries and launch into an assault of violence, throwing punches, chops, kicks and stomps.


Sam does his best to even the score by keeping it technical, and occasionally by hitting hard in his turn, but he's slowly whittled down – and yet, try as he might, Matthew Keith cannot put his father away. The Proton Lock has a counter, the Neutron Plex is well scouted...


But perseverance can do exceptional things, given enough time.


Matthew finally blocks a Neutron Plex of Sam's own, and he gets an opportunity. A dropkick sends Sam into the corner; an avalanche splash conceals what later replays reveal; the Asian Mist. And then a move Sam Keith doesn't have scouted; Art Reed's Dark Matter puts the veteran flat on his back, and Matt's pin cover blocks sight of the spray, guaranteeing Keith the victory.

Matthew Keith defeated Sam Keith

Rating: A



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

The tension in the air is absolutely electric here as the three men stare one another down. The bell rings, and champion Hawkins rolls out of the ring.


Stone and Minnesota look at him, then at one another, then at him, and simultaneously slide out of the ring on either side of him.Wolf nails Jeremy with a punch, then Minnesota, but before he can turn again Jeremy Stone again, the veteran grabs him and puts him down with an inverted DDT.


Minnesota rolls his stablemate back into the ring. He looks at Stone, and in a gesture of respect the two back four paces away from each other, out of range, and then slide into the ring. By this time, Wolf is back on his feet; he boots Jezza in the gut, then grabs him in a side headlock – and runs forward, leaping, going for a sidekick to Minnesota as well as the bulldog – but Joey ducks it.


Wolf brings Jezza down to the mat hard, starts to rise, and eats a German suplex by Minnesota, who holds on, perhaps looking to capture a victory by surprise – but the champion is out at two.


Back on their feet, the two Generation Omega men stare down – and smile, at the same time. They bump fists, then both strike at once, Wolf firing off a kick to the midsection, Joey driving a hard punch into the temple. Both recoil, then close in against one another.


“This isn't Generation Omega falling apart,” Midden says quietly. “Tommy gambled, and he gambled wrong. Generation Omega are quite happy to face each other down. They were even planning on it, they told us all along, and we never believed them.”


The punches start to fly faster and faster, both Generation Omega wrestlers almost nose to nose. In the background, Jeremy Stone makes it back to his feet, hits the ropes – double clothesline! The former head trainer at the House of Stone makes a real impact.


Looking between them as they're prone, he grins, stepping forward. He picks Minnesota up and slams him onto Hawkins, then steps grabs Wolf's legs, lifting Joey's up with them. He steps through-


“No way,” Azaria breathes. “No goddamn way...”


With visible effort, Jeremy crosses both pairs of legs and turns them over into the Stone Hold!


Wolf and Joey visibly struggle, but both of them are great wrestlers. Both of them know Jeremy Stone and know his arsenal – and after a few seconds, they seem to start moving in almost eerie synchronisation, obviously following a plan both had rehearsed to escape, twisting and crawling through Stone's stance to freedom.


Joey collapses onto the mat for a breather. Meanwhile, Hawkins makes it back to his feet, hitting the ropes fast. Jeremy looks to meet him with an overhead belly-to-belly, but Wolf hangs on, twisting in midair, and the result is much more of a neckbreaker against the Stone man.


He lands carefully, taking a moment to get a breather, and Joey Minnesota drags Jeremy from the ground – picks him up, holding him across his chest – walks past Wolf as the champion sits -




Minnesota breaks it up, then scoop slams Stone – and this time, Wolf moves out of the way, back to his feet. Superkick on Minnesota! Joey pulled back up – whip to the corner. Wolf spears him against the turnbuckles, then boosts him to the top rope – climbs up after him -


Joey elbows free of the solo Spanish fly. Punches are exchanged on the top rope – Jeremy Stone is up, now – crosses to the brawl, up onto the second rope – DOUBLE SUPERPLEX!


Stone takes a few moments to recover, then crawls – cover on Hawkins – ONE, TWO, TH- NO! Jeremy crawls further – cover on Minnesota – ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


Stone seems frustrated. Joey's kick-out shoved Jeremy down his body a distance. Jeremy takes a leaf from younger brother Dan's book, grabbing Joey's leg. He grapevines – STONE ANKLE STRETCH!


Minnesota almost seems too beaten to writhe for a few moments, then starts to twist and fight it. Wolf Hawkins is back up, though, and he drops a knee across Stone's nose, busting it open and bloodying the veteran.


“There is no way anyone finishes this match with a submission hold,” Dangerous pronounces. “But that's not to say you shouldn't lock them in. Twenty more seconds and Joey might not be able to stand.”


Hawkins drags Stone back to his feet. He peppers him with three lefts and a right, then aims for the Full Moon Rising – and Jeremy steps into it, grabbing him out of the air for a twisting spinebuster! Back to his feet, he meets a charging Minnesota with a massive chop, spins him around – STONE'S THROW!


Jeremy wipes the blood away from his nose, pulling Wolf to his feet. He locks in a front chancery, firing off knees into the midsection – boosts him up – BRAINBUSTER!


Stone turns his attention back to Minnesota, pulling him up then shoving him into the corner. A running lariat staggers Phil Vibert's longest-serving protege, allowing Jeremy to hop onto the second rope behind him.


He reaches forward, hooking an arm under Minnesota's jaw, setting up for his daughter's trademark move – and points his finger like a gun at the locker room in her gesture, making the message even clearer. Flipping forward, he drives Minnesota's head into the mat with the Girl's Best Friend.


Jeremy looks around for a moment, recovering his breath, then covers. ONE, TWO -




Jeremy bails out of the ring and gives chase. Wolf, meanwhile, crawls over to Joey, slowly, and covers – ONE, TWO, T- NO!


On the outside, Jeremy Stone has Vibert by the back of the hair. He holds him, looking around, and the crowd bay for something, though they don't seem sure what. After a long moment, Stone drops to one knee and drives his balled fist into Vibert's crotch, leaving the manager to collapse.


“If Vibert does take over, that was a bad move,” Dangerous says phlegmatically. Midden explodes in a lengthy rant worthy of Mayhem Midden and just as censored.


Back in the ring, Jeremy rejoins a Joey and a Wolf who are back to their feet and a three-way punchathon breaks out. It's Stone who staggers backward first, with Wolf promptly leaping for a tornado DDT on Joey, but Joey counters by dumping him across the top rope, leaving him hanging on it.


The two Generation Omega men make eye contact – but only for a fleeting moment, as Stone dropkicks Minnesota from behind, sending him crashing into the champion and sending the champion to the outside.


Jeremy sets up for another Stone's Throw, but Minnesota elbows clear. EMPIRE SPIRAL! During the spin, Sam Sparrow caught Stone's boot to the face, so Minnesota doesn't cover. Instead, he locks down the Minnesota Cloverleaf, looking to at least take Stone out of contention – and Jeremy reverses. “STONE HOLD! STONE HOLD! STONE HOLD!” Azaria bellows, obviously partisan to the bald fan favourite.


This time, Joey can't escape the hold, and after maybe forty seconds he taps – but Sparrow is still down!


"Jeremy's going to make Horatio Dangerous eat his words!" Azaria screams.


Wolf Hawkins is back in the ring, though, and history repeats itself. He steps onto Minnesota's back and nails the Full Moon Rising to the back of Jeremy Stone's head – exactly as he did to win the World Heavyweight Championship when he cashed in his Ticket To The Top back at Total Mayhem.


Satisfied, he looks at both fallen men and grins. He helps Minnesota back up – WOLF'S CALL ON MINNESOTA! COVER! ONE, TWO, THREE!

Wolf Hawkins defeated Jeremy Stone and Joey Minnesota

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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19 minutes to spare. Bravo.



Who's Adrian?


The opening exchange between O'Curle and Scout has the crowd riveted, a brilliant, dazzling sequence of chain wrestling which only ends when Scout tags out on finding himself unable to counter a wristlock.


He can't counter a wristlock?


and grabs a wristlock that sends the cap flying


Oh. Had you told me this was the patented "send **** flying" wristlock, then yes, that would be hard to counter.


That was a hell of a long match for it not to A*. Huh...


Zimmy drags Troy out of the ring.


That's not a DQ?


On the screen, amber whiskey slowly pours into a cut-crystal glass;




Canadian Elemental defeated Edd Stone


THANK YOU. God. Now we can get a not-stupid feud for CanEm, like with Lover or somebody (I saw his face below the match). Let Edd and Giant Tana do nothing with the "funniness". Hate that jerk.


Not Tana; him and Marlowe had that A awhile back, remember?




“Let's go after the tag team belts, hunh?”




Michelle Cox crashes to the floor across three fans in the second row.


What's Cox's Sex Appeal >____________>


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Who's Adrian?


There's a family of wrestlers associated with this diary not in the regular Cornellverse, one of whom is currently WLW champ.


He can't counter a wristlock?


Watch yourself some Johnny Saint or Johnny Kidd, or better yet, both. Walter Morgan's got one of the highest technical scores in the game and comes from that kind of training. He knows how to keep a hold applied.


That's not a DQ?


No time in the last 15 years in any major US promotion.


I think this is gonna be another German suplex/shoulder up double pin thing for you, I'm afraid.


What's Cox's Sex Appeal >____________>



Same as in the regular data, I'd assume. I don't check.

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Took me a minute to work this out too, but so far as I can make out:


Dan. Stone

Steve. DeColt

Tommy. Cornell

Adrian. Dangerous

Rhino. Umaga


Some families are more equal than others - and he didn't mention Sammy and Helen Bach either ;)


Someone will mention this, so in white text: Sammy and Helen Bach aren't related

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I approve of this PPPW nod, Casey. :p



How old are the Dangerous family anyway, PS? I imagine all the kids must be in at least their thirties unless they started REALLY young.



Oh and great show. I called a heck of a lot of it wrong, but it was enjoyable to read nonetheless. Digging the fully-heel New Wave.

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Oh, yeah. Forgot Dangerous had a kid that wasn't Kate.


And now I'm thinking about Lost. I want to burn this diary.


...I hated Lost's Kate-centric episodes. So. Much.



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I approve of this PPPW nod, Casey. :p



How old are the Dangerous family anyway, PS? I imagine all the kids must be in at least their thirties unless they started REALLY young.



Oh and great show. I called a heck of a lot of it wrong, but it was enjoyable to read nonetheless. Digging the fully-heel New Wave.


From memory:


Richard Dangerous was born in December 1978. The twins were born, I think, August 1980, Kate just ahead of baby brother Adrian.


This was a fun show to write and put together, just a long one at a time when I was getting other games of other things started, hence the delays. A lot of setup, but I hope also enough payoffs to make it worth the while.

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Took me a minute to work this out too, but so far as I can make out:


Dan. Stone

Steve. DeColt

Tommy. Cornell

Adrian. Dangerous

Rhino. Umaga


Some families are more equal than others - and he didn't mention Sammy and Helen Bach either ;)



In hindsight, two names that should be on the list are 'Rip' and 'Bryan'.


If TCW were more snipey in their war with SWF, things like calling the new Enforcers Brandon and James 'real big money' would have been topped off by adding onto the list 'Jerry'.

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Monday mid-afternoon and I am still jazzed from A Little South Of Sanity last night - and we're two months ONLY from TCW's first ever double-header PPV, the latest instalment of the legendary Malice in Wonderland!


But we've got some way to go first as the route leads through a Psycho Circus - and it seems we're going to hear something about Psycho Circus' main event, as my buddy in TCW's telecomms division has told me he's been tasked with setting up a satellite transmission from Tommy Cornell's hospital bed to the arena in New Hampshire, and it's a sure bet that'll have something to do with World Heavyweight Champion Wolf Hawkins.


In the meantime we have the matches that'll be happening Tuesday night, so let's have a look...


Tag team action will begin, with Acid Dragon staring down the Balcony Express. While their televised win/loss records aren't great, go here for highlight reels of their work on the non-televised house show circuit and see just why you should be hyped!


Aaron Andrews takes on a true veteran of the sport next in the shape of Joel Bryant. Always a wily customer, Bryant has of late been expanding his repertoire, but the wave of momentum Andrews is riding has few equals in this sport's history. But that can always change in a single match; heck, it can always change in a single suplex.


Mayhem Midden would like it on record that the following contest has been requested by Dave Campbell Holdings, LLC, but that their share in the Board is such that he cannot reject it. He went on to state that he isn't sure what they're planning, but believes that there must be something, as Art Reed teams with Kate Dangerous to take on Davis Wayne Newton and Alicia Strong.


Eddie Peak becomes the second Freedom Fighter with an outing Tuesday night, as Sayeed Ali has issued a challenge. Could Ali be looking to put himself on the map in no uncertain terms? A win over the 'Bloody-Handed God' would mean massive things for Carl Batch's protege.


Six-man tag in the main event will see the Kings of Wrestling take on those legends, the Texas Outlaws, in a battle with a tremendous amount of pride on the line - and not only pride, but obvious ramifications for the contenderships of every major TCW title.


The main event, we've been told, is of Tommy Cornell's making: the American Tiger, Sean McFly, against Wolf Hawkins in a non-title match. It seems that Hawkins will have a busy schedule if this is anything to go by...


Prediction Key:

Acid Dragon vs. Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk


Aaron Andrews vs. Joel Bryant


Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Kate Dangerous


Eddie Peak vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch


Kings of Wrestling vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


Sean McFly vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

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Watch yourself some Johnny Saint or Johnny Kidd, or better yet, both. Walter Morgan's got one of the highest technical scores in the game and comes from that kind of training. He knows how to keep a hold applied.





Well, I'd say Morgan's Chain Wrestling might be a touch low, but...



Acid Dragon vs. Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk


Unless Acid chameleonizes Balcony's suckitude.


Aaron Andrews vs. Joel Bryant


I still don't care for Andrews in general, but hell, kid's getting a push. Though I like the veterans, but...yeah, Aaron's going to win.


Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Kate Dangerous


Vibert doesn't even get the satisfaction of losing.


Eddie Peak vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch




Kings of Wrestling vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


Payback for you "accidentally" mis-booking the Trios tourney.


Sean McFly vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)





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Acid Dragon vs. Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk



Aaron Andrews vs. Joel Bryant



Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Kate Dangerous

Keep DWN strong!


Eddie Peak vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch



Kings of Wrestling vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

Actually, revise this pick from earlier. Didn't see this was a triple-threat, got the KoW confused with the EE. Keith stays strong.


Sean McFly vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

Draw, because really.

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Acid Dragon vs. Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk

I´m playing favorites here but to me Acid Dragon has been the slighly stronger team so far.


Aaron Andrews vs. Joel Bryant

Andrews is the more important one.


Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Kate Dangerous

Could go either way but I go with heels since they can always cheat.


Eddie Peak vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch

I don´t see Peak losing to Ali yet.


Kings of Wrestling vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

Kings are doing more or rather Matthew is.


Sean McFly vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

Non-title and McFly is one of the top challengers so I go with champ taking a loss here.

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Just simmed the show for writeup purposes.


...I feel really, really sorry for the SWF. On the same day that TCW finally pulls another A* show rating, Supreme TV delivers a C, headlined by Enygma vs. Genghis Rahn.


Sorry enough that your next project will be getting Horatio fired from TCW, jumping to SWF and dismantling the beast you've created? ;):p

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