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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

Tornado's still the best challenger going for Tommy's title, whilst I think The Young Guns are being positioned for a tag title shot


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota

Joey should be main eventing for you very soon (seriously, in my TCW game he was a main event player by Malice in Wonderland), whilst Thatcher really does suck.


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell

I just like them better


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists

There's no reason to give the Tag Team Specialists the win except that you don't seem to be pushing The New Wave much at the moment- also, I like the Specialists


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith

I have seen people I cared about less that Koshiro Ino, but not recently

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Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns


Tornado is still probably the best babyface challenger right now, and the new look Young Guns are on the rise but it's Tommy Cornell & The Machines they are facing.


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota


Thatcher sucks, as good a reason as any why Minnesota should win this match every time.


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell


Coin flip, honestly could go either way this one...as both sides here have their strengths and weaknesses. I'd give the slight edge to the non Syndicate team.


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


New Wave's re-push probably begins here, the Old Man Tag Team role is to put over the teams that are set to get a title shot and beat the teams that are not and it's the New Wave's turn once again.


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith


What has 1PW fan got against Koshiro Ino ?! Hardly the most blandest worker on the TCW roster, or does he just have an irrational hatred of face painted Japanese wrestlers ?


As for this match, I think Ino will retain the title. Keith doesn't need the International belt and losing to Ino isn't exactly going to ruin his 'legend' aura.

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Prediction Key:

Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith

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Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell

The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith

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What has 1PW fan got against Koshiro Ino ?! Hardly the most blandest worker on the TCW roster, or does he just have an irrational hatred of face painted Japanese wrestlers ?


It's not that I hate Ino per se, but I'm not a huge fan of Puro wrestlers, especially not the ones who come over to the US and immediately get turned into top title contenders on account of their home scene. If it was Champagne Lover or Walter Morgan getting that push I probably wouldn't mind so much

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Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith

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It's not that I hate Ino per se, but I'm not a huge fan of Puro wrestlers, especially not the ones who come over to the US and immediately get turned into top title contenders on account of their home scene. If it was Champagne Lover or Walter Morgan getting that push I probably wouldn't mind so much


Of course, Walter Morgan doesn't start the game with B- national popularity anywhere - it'd be hell to instantly give him a major American strap, and I love England's finest shooter dearly.


And bear in mind that the diary's nearly six months into Ino's TCW career. Yes, he's holding the number two belt five months in - but if I'd stolen an Ino-equivalent from the SWF, he'd be holding it five months in, too.


His match record since the game started is 11-2-6, match average B- - and that rating's a lot higher if you only take diary-time, as the diary shift coincides with when he started facing off with the Syndicate. That said, he dragged Ronnie V. Pain to a C- early on...


Ino is good. Is he the greatest I have? Not by a long shot - not, in fact, in any skill category. But he's good, and he's fresh, and the Syndicate need fresh faces to work against at the moment.


A big part of what I'm trying to do at the moment is help people who weren't already in TCW's main event in TEW07 get there, and people who weren't major players below that become major players below that - but not at the expense of what assets the people who are there have.


Painful Procedure, for example, have as their one saving grace overness, and ideally I won't destroy that while other people rise to supplant them - because they've got a while left on their contracts yet, and I'd prefer them not to be useless for most of it.


Eric Tyler is as over as he was when the game began, but Aaron Andrews is now at C- rather than D. Tyler's got more than overness to offer, but he's one of the five who are flagged up on Time Decline, so I'm cagey.


(Sam Keith's prime, apparently, was all the way back in 1990. He's 18 years beyond it, and has years left on his contract. In the ring, Keith still offers a lot; my goal is to make sure that when he decides to retire, I can still use him.


And yes, he's another entry on the long list of better colour commentators than Kyle Rhodes - but these days, so are both Jasmine Saunders and Shawn Doakes).

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Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

I really don't hate Allen or Gumble, but even if they both become Main Eventers, and face him in a Handicap match, just seconds after he just went through a 20 Minute Hell In A Cell with Tyson Baine..I still wouldn't see the gaining a win over Tommy Cornell.


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota

Really? Seriously? Picking Thatcher to wim here would be like picking A-Train to beat Shawn Michaels..


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell

Damn. That's a tough win. I don't think either really need a loss at this point..maybe a draw?


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists

No comment needed.


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith

Ino losing on his first defense doesn't seem smart, and Keith winning it doesn't seem likely. But I like the idea of the International Title Main Eventing. Has a bit of an old-school feeling to it, as before all the belts were considered high enough to Main Event a show. And the International title has gone from one Main Eventer to another here, (Ino does not need much to get to that level) so at the moment, it really does seem like a pretty big championship.

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Prediction Key:

Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith

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Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

Sorry, I can't see Cornell jobbing to any team with the Young Guns on it.


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota

Because he's Joey Freakin' Minnesota


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell - Draw of some kind


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Best Tag Team in the World versus well, two over the hill guys.


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith


It may get screwy and complicated, but Ino will walk out with the title and winner's purse

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Prediction Key:

Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith

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Prediction Key:

Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

Via heelish shenanigans.


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota

Piss off, Charlie.


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell

You're currently elevating Johnny to the top, and Edd and Wolf can afford to take a loss here.


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists

TTTS, alas, are not due another run at the top.


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith

Koshiro looks like having a strong run with this belt.

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Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

Of all the matches on the card that I could see ending in a draw, this is the one that just feels right. It would give a nice Popularity boost to everyone that doesn't have their own universe.


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota

The role of the bodyguard is useful. You've got to be menacing to pull it off, though.


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell

Out of three Syndicate matches, I need to pick them to win at least one of them. This will only escalate things between these four.


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists

I think this'll be another chair-induced DQ.


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith

Ino's popular enough to take the win over the Living Legend. Keith really only needs to be beating people that are below him, and staying there.

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Tommy Cornell & the Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

Tornado and the Guns have been looking quite strong lately. So I think it's time that the Syndicate gets a sizeable win here.


Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota

Minnesota is more talented and, on that alone, he's going to win


Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell

Stones and Hawkins may just about be the more together team here


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Tag Team Specialists do the job and pick up their pension...sorry, pay check


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith

I like what you're doing with Ino - it appeals to me when someone not normally chosen for a push gets one

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 2 June 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 3.26)


Held at the Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England)


Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out!)




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes



As the show opens, Troy Tornado and the Young Guns are gathered in the center of the ring. Tornado raises a microphone.


“People make a lot of assumptions about Painful Procedure,” he says. “They look at us playing music and they say hey, these guys aren't serious wrestlers. They're dressed like rock stars, they don't pay attention, they're just dithering between wrestling and rocking.


“It ain't quite like that. A lot of you watching out there are going to be musical types. Some of you will be in bands of your own.


“And some of those bands – they're made up of the other guys you met at your job who're into music.


“So you get together. You start jamming. Maybe you get good. Maybe you get a couple gigs.


“The only difference between you and us is where we go to work.” He pauses, looking around, making the entire arena feel he's made eye contact with them.


“Now I'm not going to say we're not good at what we do – but so are some of you. Most of my nights off you'll find me hitting clubs playing unsigned acts. I might run into you next. You might sell me one of your CDs. It's more than possible.


“If we're more famous, we started with a bigger stage.


“But we're wrestlers.” Another pause, another slow look around.


“Wrestlers who've spent the years learning our craft. Wrestlers who compete at the highest level.


“Please don't underestimate us just because we rock.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal_alt4.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HarryAllen_Grunge3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveGumble_Grunge2.jpg

Tommy Cornell & The Machines vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

Six-man tag matches are not the most popular of styles with the TCW faithful, and that may have weighed this down slightly, but even Cornell and Tornado can't pull this far above what the Machines and Guns are producing on a regular basis.


Tornado and the champion shine whoever they're in the ring with, and that may be part of the problem; whenever Tornado collides with Anderson, the fans have difficulty believing that even the talented Human Arsenal can get one over on him. Similarly, neither Young Gun alone has much of a chance against Tommy.


As a consequence, first the Machines and then the Guns resort to that traditional standby of tag team competition; the double-team. A double powerbomb for Tornado, a Spanish Fly on Cornell...


Steve Gumble in particular seems to be maturing almost before the eyes of the fans during this match, taking a lot of cues from the Syndicate side.


And it's Harry Allen who finds himself down and in pain to the Guilt Trip at the finish, with his Procedure allies unable to reach him in time.

Tommy Cornell & the Machines defeated Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

Rating: C+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CharlieThatcher.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg

Charlie Thatcher vs. Joey Minnesota

Minnesota repeatedly looks to be damn near killed during this one as Charlie Thatcher gets visibly angry – more so than he ever has before.


The thing is, it doesn't matter how hard you put someone down if, when you go to cover, you've slammed their foot onto the bottom rope. And Minnesota is a resilient man.


After five or six uninterrupted minutes of lethal looking beatdown by Thatcher, Joey shakes the cobwebs out and manages to block something. A hammerlock follows, then a drop toe hold, and a keylock with a crossface added.


Minnesota starts to wear Thatcher down strategically, essentially half-choking him out. A few minutes of this allow him to score with the Empire Spiral. Thatcher's foot, too, lands on the bottom rope, but Minnesota's savvy enough to hook it away.

Joey Minnesota defeated Charlie Thatcher by pinfall

Rating: C-





We find ourselves once again in the video serialisation of Johnny Bloodstone's interview. When it left off, Johnny had just begun talking about Jeremy Stone's training process...


“An hour straight of high-intensity training is hell. You'd get sixty to eighty guys showing up, some of 'em serious, some of 'em not, some of 'em – like a lot of the athletes – there to scoff and say pro wrestlers ain't so tough.


“Usually speaking, they got to about twenty minutes from done and there'd be ten to thirty left. Less than half. And it was always single figures at the finish.


“The session wasn't about learning to wrestle. One hour will not teach you that, even if you've been competing in college or whatever. It was about determination.”


“Determination... meaning the will to stick to training.”


“Stick to training. Stick to your guns. Pay your dues. Learn past training – because you don't stop learning when your teacher says you're fit to take your first paying match.” Bloodstone nods. “A lot of people think professional wrestling is easy. I haven't done the amateur stuff but I'm not convinced what we do is any easier. It takes dedication, and if you don't have what it takes to get through an hour like Jeremy and Dan Junior offered, you may not make it. They wanted people who would make it.”


“And they had a tremendous success rate,” Horatio says, glancing at his notes. “These sessions, held across Canada, boiled down ultimately to twelve people in two camps of six. Out of a group of twelve, most trainers would be happy to get two or three well-known wrestlers or one superstar.


“Your six, however,” he glances at the list. “Your six was something else.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RobertOxford.jpg

The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Guide and Scout's big issue here is a very simple one – blind fury is slowing them down. They concentrate on inflicting pain, not on getting the win, and the Specialists are all to happy to exploit the openings that gives them.


It takes a while, but eventually the younger men fully take over despite that, getting themselves under control and confining the match to the ring.


Which is precisely when the Specialists start stalling. Fans at ringside get argued with, they roll in and out, they break to argue with the ref...


At commentary, the oldest man available puts his finger on it, as Dangerous says “They're waiting for something.”



Something rapidly arrives, chair in hand, and that something is Eric Tyler. Guide goes down to a chairshot, Ray Johnson calling the DQ, and Rick Law hits the ring immediately to put Tyler down with a Squad Car Slam.

The New Wave defeated the Tag Team Specialists

Rating: C




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStoneNedew.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach w/ Blonde Bombshell

Four seasoned competitors and a world of grudges.


Bach and Bloodstone clearly don't get on from the first, and Bloodstone spends a lot of time in the ring, more than his partner. While Johnny looks to be probably the most dangerous man in the ring at the moment, the Syndicate double-team him – a lot – and that can tip the balance one way or the other.


At one point the submission demon actually gives up and – out of frustration – breaks for a tag – only to find that Bach isn't paying any attention, staring at the Bombshell with a hungry expression.


Johnny gets pulled back in and Wolf and Edd set up for what looks likely to be a stereo Full Moon Rising – only for Wolf to break off, staring, when Edd begins by assuming the Karate Kid crane stance. Taking advantage of the distraction, Bloodstone grabs Edd's leg and hits a dragon screw whip, spinning Edd into the shocked Hawkins.


Things start to break down toward the end, with all four men in there. Bloodstone gets the Bloodstone Mutilation on Wolf Hawkins; in immediate one-upmanship, Edd DDTs Sammy Bach and applies a Stone Hold. The camera focuses on the delirious look of pleasure on Bach's face and a timer appears, counting down the last twenty seconds...


Hawkins won't tap and Bach actually appears to be enjoying himself. The match reaches a time limit draw.

Edd Stone & Wolf Hawkins drew with Johnny Bloodstone & Sammy Bach

Rating: B+




Mayhem Midden makes his way to the ring now, carrying with him a holdall. “Few people I'd like to be here for this,” he says into a microphone. “RDJ. Baine. Peak. Rocky Golden. Even that ******* Buffalo.


“You boys head down here.”




And so they do, Floyd Goldworthy accompanying his client.


“Alright,” Midden says at the end. “I'm gonna keep this short and sweet, because I've got other stuff to announce on Friday and I'm taking up enough wrestling time as it is.


“You five boys are the heaviest hitters we got in this company. That means my respect, as anyone who knows me could guess. But it's also why people pay to watch your matches.


“RDJ – you're the man who took Tommy Cornell to the limit. You don't stop for anything. You are one of the greatest fighters in this company.


“Eddie – you're the god-damn Great White Shark. DaVE's scariest man to the end.


“Buffalo – you beat Eddie. You wrestled a full week last week despite cuts we can still see running down your back. Whatever else you are, you're a scary son of a bitch.


“Tyson – you beat Buffalo. You made those cuts. Go back a bit and you destroyed Sam Strong. If people aren't scared when you come for them it's because they're blind.


Rocky – where the hell has your head been this year? You have all the potential in the world but you gotta be in the game to win it.


“Well, I tell you this – you're back in the game if I have to force you in there myself.


“Specifically...” He unzips the bag. “You're in this game.”



Belt credit to ReaperR


“This is the Hard Hitting Championship. We're going to give it to someone – most likely someone stood here - at Excessive Force. You've got between now and then to make me want to give you the shot.”


Goldworthy immediately steps forward and snatches the microphone from Midden's hand. “My client has been receiving assurances from the Board for some time that-”


Mayhem Midden's head snaps forward, skulls collide, and Goldworthy goes down like he just took a bullet rather than a forehead.


The Buffalo takes a step forward, but both Baine and Peak step forward, obviously hungry to intercept, and the Buffalo hesitates. Midden collects the microphone again.


“I didn't call you out here, and I didn't include you in the people who get to make their pitch,” he tells Goldworthy, putting the belt back in the bag. “Now, here's the way this belt is going to work.


“Any match for the Hard Hitting Championship is No Holds Barred. What that means is simple – no run-ins. No weapons. You stay in the ring. You can't be disqualified so long as all you do is use your body to hurt the other guy, but you don't get to mob the place, your buddies can't help, and you can't hit them with weapons.


“I miss those kind of matches,” he says reminiscently. “And unless I miss my guess, so do some of you – and so do our fans. Goldworthy, consider your in with the Board revoked.”


He leaves the ring. The assembled massive men take a long look at each other.


Peak punches the Buffalo. Baine joins in. All hell breaks loose.


Total Wrestling goes to commercial.





TCW International Championship

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SamKeith_alt2.jpg

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sam Keith

It's not quite on the level of their last meeting, perhaps due to the chaos reigning elsewhere.


But it's a good match, nonetheless, as both men go to it. This time they change up a gear from the prior demonstration of the puro style and each man uses everything at their disposal.


Keith has, of late, been a weakened force; Ino continues that theme, and while it takes a full twenty-five minutes to put the legend away, he does it, going two for two in his matches with the legend.

Koshiro Ino defeated Sam Keith

Rating: B





As Ino celebrates, the big screen comes on. Music starts to play. The Kobra and his manageress stand, watching the enigmatic message on the screen...





Show Rating: B+

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A hoss division belt ? :D


Actually not sure that your roster is quite big enough for another belt but I trust your judgement on this one. I guess the International belt will be more for the singles wrestlers who can actually wrestle but aren't quite ready to challenge for the World Title. To be honest outside of Tornado who is really a credible World Title challenger right now ? So that's why I'm kind of surprised you created the hoss belt, because even though the likes of Baine or Golden aren't great wrestlers they at least provide short term challengers for Cornell, whilst you builld someone better up.


Peak could be that guy but I can't take him seriously as a possible world title contender, whilst he plays a psycho and is a babyface. Psycho heel yeah, as a babyface he just comes across as though he's taken too many shots to the head...if he turned heel he'd come across as menacing.


I'm guessing the All Action Belt will essentially be the B-show title, with the young up-coming talent competing for that.

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Midden's personal choice does indeed have it marketed as what you might call a hoss division belt early on. But take a moment to think what 'No Holds Barred' means to, say, the inventor of the Proton Lock and the Dread Lock, Sam Keith - or what it would mean if Johnny Bloodstone finally snapped while defending the title.
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Cool to see that belt I requested pop up again. I always use it in TCW as they have plenty of good big men and like you said technicians can also work for the division. I kinda use it like an anti- all action/cruiserweight midcard belt and get very good ratings out of it. Man I am now even more stoked for this diary then before if possible.
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But man, did Rahn pick a bad time to walk out. I bet he'd be a fine fit for that division.


I wouldn't normally say this about Genghis, but I was gutted to lose him. If you check the alt pics thread a couple of months before this diary started, I'd requested an alt for him, I had a chunk of storyline in mine for him, but the age he was when he walked out and how SWF have been using their guys, I know that if they cut him loose I won't be able to use him for it.

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Friday 14th June 2008

Got to the venue the night before I had to. So did everyone, even the guys who'd worked a house show the night before – I think any time we go to Hawaii we're going to see people scramble to get a full day in advance.



Edd Stone at the Club Absinthe the night before our first Badge of Honor there.

He'd sober up by midafternoon


Watched the SWF PPV with Tommy, Sam, and a couple of others. It might just be my being on the other side, but the Bruce/Remo feud they've got going just doesn't seem to be delivering as well as you'd hope. A shame; Remo Richardson strikes me as a hell of a natural talent and they do seem to be behind him. Jack's reign as a whole just hasn't been where you'd hope it would be.


Now, on the other hand, I'm back out at the airport with Sam Keith. We're picking up our two newest signings, and the word we've been given is to make them feel at home – so it's me and Sam, two guys they've had dealings with in the past.


Truth be told, I don't mind so much. Since I sat in on the contract discussions with these two, something our accounts rep mentioned has been stuck in my head, and this is the first time I've had a chance to raise it privately.


“Sam,” I said in the car, “I was going over paperwork the other day.


“Apparently you have creative control.”


“Yeah, why?”


“Well, it just... threw me,” I told him. “I hadn't realised.”


He shrugged, keeping his eyes on the road. “I don't like to make a big deal of it,” he says. “Joel knew, Tommy OK'd it, I assumed you knew.”


It probably was mentioned somewhere in the mess of paperwork I got sent when I took the job, but large chunks of that I just skimmed.


“You don't seem to use it much...” This is an understatement. Maybe Joel had issues with it. Maybe Sam threw it about a lot when he first joined. But I've never, ever had Sam refuse to do the job.


He shrugs again. “I wanted to be sure I wasn't going to just job my way down the pole when I jumped across,” he says, “and I had Tommy kind of over a barrel. He needed a big name for the Syndicate's mystery man inside a month and when the Nemesis deal he had going fell through, he was pretty much out of luck.



The Syndicate's secret advisor?

Maybe if the Election had gone to plan


“From what I've been told, around the time I was eating the heat for the Election story failing, the front runners were trying to do a deal with Rip or turn RDJ.”


Ah, the Election storyline of SWF 2007. When's this book coming out, if it does? No clue. Let's just Cliff's Note that a bit in case you need it: Richard Eisen, owner in storyline and real life, of the SWF, saw his sons Jerry and Eric duelling for control of the SWF. For reasons I'll never understand, a chunk of this came down to a fan vote – the 'Election' the story's named for – rather than settled in the ring.


It didn't go down well, and Sam Keith held the book at the time. I haven't asked him whether it was actually his idea or not, but it drove him to us. Anyway, that's off the point.


“So,” Sam continued, “I'm available and Tommy's desperate.” He grins. “I don't think I took him for too bad a deal, but it was a pretty good one for what I've got to offer. I knew I was going to be losing to RDJ early on, maybe to Tyson. I just didn't want to be losing to everyone, you know?


“My stock's higher now than it was when I jumped. Yeah, there's more people above me than there were, but I haven't been hurt by it. That's all I wanted it for.”


And then he grins, looking slantwise. “Mind you, given how Tyler's doing, I'm still glad I've got it. I'll let you know if you ever cross a line I don't think's fair.”

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When I first started TCW a bunch of months ago, I kind of assumed Keith had Creative Control. Just felt like something that was likely. But I've never had any problems where it came up either. I didn't know it for sure until someone on here mentioned it. Just checked, and he's actually a humble guy - especially for someone who's done as much as he has. Never come up for me, either..but then, I'm not exactly jobbing him out to Chance Fortune every week.. :p
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When I first started TCW a bunch of months ago, I kind of assumed Keith had Creative Control. Just felt like something that was likely. But I've never had any problems where it came up either. I didn't know it for sure until someone on here mentioned it. Just checked, and he's actually a humble guy - especially for someone who's done as much as he has. Never come up for me, either..but then, I'm not exactly jobbing him out to Chance Fortune every week.. :p


I didn't assume it the first time I played TCW, but I found out about it fairly early on - I think I was looking through contracts for something.


On the other hand, we're nearly six months of gameplay in and he has yet to object to anything. It's kind of remarkable.

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Badge of Honor emanates this week from Club Absinthe in beautiful Hawai'i!


Rocky Golden, following a dressing-down on Tuesday from Mayhem Midden, is back in the ring - taking on Fumihiro Ota.


The Young Guns take on two technical experts in their warm-up before facing the Machines - Hawai'an native Clark Alexander and his irregular tag team partner Barry Kingman will square off with Painful Procedure's newest band members.


Also in tag team action tonight; Aaron Andrews and Joey Minnesota take on the Tag Team Specialists who appear to have aligned themselves with the School of Tradition.


Two youngsters are faced with a real opportunity to prove themselves, as Eric Tyler's protege Freddy Huggins will get into the ring with Rick Law and Shingen Miyazaki faces off against Eddie Peak.


Lastly, a main event that seeks to answer the questions of past weeks, as Troy Tornado and RDJ's running mate Danny Fonzarelli step into the ring with Frankie Perez, the man who arguably cost Tornado his title opportunity last month while RDJ officiated. Is Frankie Perez with the Syndicate? We hope to find out.


Also confirmed: Mayhem Midden will unveil the match stipulation for Edd Stone's first All Action Championship title defence at Excessive Force!


Prediction Key:

Fumihiro Ota vs. Rocky Golden


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Young Guns


Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law


Andrews & Minnesota vs. The Tag Team Specialists


Eddie Peak vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez vs. Troy Tornado

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