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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Prediction Key:

Fumihiro Ota vs. Rocky Golden


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Young Guns


Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law


Andrews & Minnesota vs. The Tag Team Specialists


Eddie Peak vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez vs. Troy Tornad

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Fumihiro Ota vs. Rocky Golden

Would love to see it going the other way..but I don't.


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Young Guns

Kingman and Clark, eh? That seems like a nice team, actually, I like that. Young Guns to win this, though. I also like them being added to Painful Procedure, it makes them look tougher, and PP's overall skill level rises a good bit.


Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

Yeah, no.


Andrews & Minnesota vs. The Tag Team Specialists

It seems I'm the one that pushes TTTS and you're the one that pushes PP. Aside from that, the younger team could use a win here, I think.


Eddie Peak vs. Shingen Miyazaki

Yeah, no.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez vs. Troy Tornado

Yeah, no.

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Fumihiro Ota vs. Rocky Golden


Straight forward win for Golden.


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Young Guns


The Guns are getting a pretty good push right now but I agree that Kingman & Alexander could have the potential to be a usesful addition to the tag ranks, if they don't have any chemistry problems


Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law


Extended squash


Andrews & Minnesota vs. The Tag Team Specialists


I actually see the Senior Citizens Tag experience giving them the edge here and they'll eek out the win in some underhanded manner.


Eddie Peak vs. Shingen Miyazaki


See Huggins, Freddy vs Law, Rick.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez vs. Troy Tornado


Tornado's the number one babyface right now, he's not losing to either of these two.

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Prediction Key:

Fumihiro Ota vs. Rocky Golden

An easy win for Rocky, taking down the lower-card guy while learning.


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Young Guns

The Guns are on a roll.


Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

It's his show, damn it!


Andrews & Minnesota vs. The Tag Team Specialists

TTTS... maybe. Keep the School Of Tradition strong.


Eddie Peak vs. Shingen Miyazaki

There's blood in the water...


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez vs. Troy Tornado

Only one Main Event dude on this list.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 2 June 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.29)


Held at Club Absinthe (Hawaii)


Attendance: 928




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FumihiroOta_FS.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RockyGolden.jpg

Fumihiro Ota vs. Rocky Golden

Short and sweet contest here, made a little more interesting as Ota plays off a few spots Golden's established. Notably, when Rocky applies the Rack, Ota goes for the same crucifix counter that Wolf Hawkins used to use – but this time Rocky rolls through with it, ending up with the former ninja back in the air and back in the Rack. That's what will get it in the end, but Ota doesn't look bad in defeat at all.

Rocky Golden defeated Fumihiro Ota

Rating: C-




The video screen bursts into life. Motorcycles roar into life and pull out, racing forward, racing for the horizon. Their riders are indistinct.




In short, barely-more-than-subliminal flashes, an image of Karen Killer as she's been seen on TCW television for years appears, the bikes remaining the focus.


The main image of the bikers dissolves; leather-gloved fists wrap chains around them for emphasis.


The image of Karen changes, moments later; a still of Randall Hopkirk on the ring apron as, on the outside, Billy Jack Shearer tucks Karen's head, doubled-over, between his legs as if for a piledriver or a powerbomb.


The two bikers step into a bar, and the flashes of the still image of Karen begin to stay onscreen longer. Another photo along, Shearer lifts her for a cradle piledriver.


The final image of the sequence appears, with Hopkirk coming off the apron to spike Killer's head on the mat. A moment later, the silhouetted thugs in the other image explode into action, the short flashes easily able to conceal their identities.




The image dissolves out into Karen Killer's face.


“The bitch is back. And the bitch is coming for you.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BarryKingman.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HarryAllen_Grunge3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveGumble_Grunge2.jpg

Kingman & Alexander vs. The Young Guns

Once again, this isn't a great contest, and neither side has the ultimate in crowd support – but neither side relies entirely on that support, either, and the result is better than Procedure/Storm had been.


It's not been an auspicious first few matches for Kingman & Alexander in terms of their win-loss ratio, but their exposure is, slowly, winning them respect from a few of the fans in attendance. That's not enough, though, for anyone to feel they're equipped to take on the tag team contenders and win, just to put up a good fight – which is more or less what happens, with native hero Clark Alexander suffering the ultimate indignity when Harry Allen puts him away with a Flying Fist Drop.

The Young Guns defeated Kingman & Alexander

Rating: D+





Shout At The Devil plays and Mayhem Midden emerges. “Quick bit of business,” he says. “Then I'll let you get back to the wrestling.


“So, Excessive Force. As always, all championships will be on the line. And Edd Stone came to me with a suggestion for the match he wants to use when he defends his All Action Championship.


“It's new. It's different. I'll be honest; it may not work. But I like the idea, so I'm giving it a chance.


“Someone back in the production truck wanna hit the white spots?”


Midden gestures upward as a secondary lighting set activates. Above the crowd nearest the ring – above a fairly wide space, except for a circle about nine feet across above the centre of the ring – at a height of about twenty feet it's possible, under this lighting, to see a net such as the ones circus acrobats land on if the trapeze fails. The net's close-enough woven that someone could put their feet down with little worry of catching their toes, but open enough that the audience could see through it from beneath.


“Edd got the idea from... actually, I'm not going to repeat the explanation. It ended up in a tangent I'm pretty sure I can't repeat on the air. But I kind of like it.


“See, I'd be the first to admit my wrestling days are long behind me. I was a traditionalist even for the 1980s. And I still remember watching scaffold matches as a fan, and I didn't care.


“And then I wrestled one. And man... it was fun. Tough as hell, but fun. But you couldn't see a damn thing.


“So here it is. The Hangtime Match. The object is to punt your buddy through that hole above me. You lose when part of your body – and pray its your feet, not your head – hits canvas. You win when everyone else has lost.


“If it's great, you'll see it again. If not, I promise you you won't.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg

Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

The youngest member of the School of Tradition makes this one a surprisingly close contest. He doesn't hit as hard as Rick; he can't take a beating so well, either, but he seems to have found the fire that Rocky Golden has been accused of lacking recently.


And that does make Law's job trickier than it might have been. He can't just be lazy himself. He can't rest on his laurels. He has to pull out all the stops, and does, eventually getting the win with a 360-revolution Squad Car Slam.

Rick Law defeated Freddy Huggins

Rating: C-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RobertOxford.jpg

Andrews & Minnesota vs. the Tag Team Specialists

A somewhat hectic contest, this one starts with the grudges between Andrews, Minnesota and the School of Tradition and gets worse.



Earlyish on, Laura Huggins makes her presence known at ringside. She seems to be concentrating on Aaron Andrews, which means that he ends up with issues concentrating himself. After a while Ray Johnson intervenes, sending her to the back -



And, as he does so, Guide dashes across the ring and clobbers Bryant, waiting for his tag, hard enough that both men tumble to the floor. Andrews slips out of a slam attempt by Oxford, makes the tag, and Ray Johnson turns back just in time for the Minnesota Salute to drop Robert Oxford. The pinfall swiftly follows.

Andrews & Minnesota defeated the Tag Team Specialists

Rating: D+





Back from commercial and in the back; Frankie Perez listens to the sage advice of Syndicate member Edd Stone.


“...Fonzarelli always forgets to guard his legs after a punch,” he says. “So what you do is, you drop into a toe hold, or a disco sweep...”


“A disco sweep?” Perez asks, sceptical.


“Yeah, you know... straight into a breakdance elbow,” comes the reply. Perez shakes his head.


“So,” comes a voice from behind. “You are running with them, huh?”



Perez turns to see Tornado approaching.


“I'm just who I am,” Perez says. “Taking the chances I get.”


“Yeah, well...” Troy sighs. “You're better off on your own, Frankie. Remember that.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShingenMiyazaki_alt1.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Shingen Miyazaki

The best-received match of the night to date; Miyazaki starts out as if this one contest could make or break his entire career, and he takes it to Peak, who seems halfway to amused by this – but as time goes on and Miyazaki keeps fighting, Peak becomes less and less amused. After a while he manages to close him down, and three or four straight rights daze Miyazaki... And then the Peak of Perfection is uncontested, and the match is rapidly ended.

Eddie Peak defeated Shingen Miyazaki

Rating: C




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg

Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez vs. Troy Tornado

A good strong endpoint for the show. Fonzarelli's looking to make his name, Perez is looking to do much the same, and Tornado is almost entirely focused on trying to make Perez pay for the end of the last World Heavyweight Championship match.


The contest as a whole is stiff and fast-paced, notable among other things for the P-Clutch attempt by Fonzarelli, which works for a while before Frankie manages to twist clear.


It's probably also notable for the ending; Tornado dropkicks Frankie into the ropes, Fonzarelli dumps him over the top, and Fonzarelli turns – right into the Star Maker. Tornado shrugs, then pins Fonzarelli, and Perez escapes nigh-unscathed...

Troy Tornado defeated Danny Fonzarelli and Frankie Perez

Rating: B-


Show Rating: B-

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A number of winners with a clean sweep this time, as is likely to be a trademark of the more 'star-heavy' episodes of Badge of Honor.


So going out to WrestlingGeek, Bigpapa42, foolinc, Zeel1, Hyde Hill, Marcel Fromage and the Candyman...



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Sunday 14th June 2008


Going to be a slow night at the house shows, but not just for us; while the retirement going on over this weekend isn't a historic moment outside of the wrestlers themselves, it is for us.


I'm backstage as I write this at the CGC Title Bout Wrestling show. Last night, I was backstage at NOTBPW's PPV Jeopardy in June. Both are being held in Calgary. And while I, Eric, Tommy, Sam Keith, Johnny Bloodstone, and Edd Stone would be considered invaders on any other weekend, we're just as welcome here as Crippler Ray Kingman taking his ease by the monitor talking wrestling holds with a young kid called Shooter Sean Deeley – who I suspect will be known beyond Canada's borders by the time this book sees the light of day.


What's caused this?


Whipper Spencer Marks.


The older fans, like myself, will know that name. The students of great tag team wrestling will know that name. And Canadian wrestling historians know and revere it.


Whipper Spencer Marks, Dan Stone Sr, George DeColt, Sam Keith, Tommy Cornell, & Eric Tyler backstage at Jeopardy in June.

38 top title reigns between them!


Whipper Spencer Marks is so well respected in tag team wrestling that the art of taking a beating from the heels while striving valiantly to tag in your partner is still called 'playing Spencer Marks'. He was a top champion on five occasions on his own, but between the first three of those – in California – and the last two, Whipper was one-half of the Calgary Wolverines with George DeColt. For a little over a decade they were the top team in Canada, rivalled only by the duo of Frenchie Marcel and Jean-Pierre Baptiste.


Marks hasn't competed in the ring in nearly twenty years, but he's been backstage all that time. Off the top of my head, all the current crop of DeColts, John Maverick, Dan DaLay and Tim Westybrook have all benefitted from actual training from him. Wrestlers across the US and Canada have had him help lay out matches and sing his praises as a result – especially if it was a tag match.


He matters to us, I guess. And both Dan Stone Senior and George DeColt wanted to honour their friend on the occasion of his finally walking away from all this – and so here we are. Dan Jr came out to explain what Whipper meant to his family and the CWF during Jeopardy last night. At the moment, Whipper's out there in the ring with George DeColt. The otherwise-retired Frenchie Marcel and his friend, Jean-Pierre Baptiste, are waiting for their cue to run-in one last time and let Whipper stand tall.


The Calgary Wolverines against Baptiste & Marcel: 1978 (above) and 2008 (below)



This has nothing to do with my booking. But this is my diary, and I wanted to record my respect for my friend here. When I worked for the CWF, I challenged the Calgary Wolverines regularly, usually alongside T-Bone Thompson, and there was no better way to learn about tag team wrestling.


I can't help but wonder how big the party will be when George or Dan retire.


Thanks locating some of the C-Verse 75 images to Comradebot

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[OOC: Apologies for the delay - my computer was unavailable due to me being cack-handed between Monday evening and today.]




This week's Total Wrestling looks set to open with a bang, as possible Syndicate presence Frankie Perez takes on a man who was briefly being courted if he could take the All Action Championship from Sammy Bach, Johnny Bloodstone. Both men have come into TCW recently with fires to fuel them and there's no question that they'll give of their best.


We are, of course, also expecting the final instalment in the Dangerous/Bloodstone interview to air this week.


Tag Team Champions the Machines - now holders of those titles for over a full year - will take on Painful Procedure this week in a non-title match, presumably to send a message to the Young Guns. But which side will be sending a message?


Eric Tyler continues to lead his School of Tradition into tough battles to prove themselves. This week he and young protege Freddy Huggins will unite to face off with the New Wave in tag team action.


Eddie Peak and Rocky Golden will square off tonight as part of the competition to be chosen by Mayhem Midden to face off for the Hard Hitting Championship. Rumour has it that the Syndicate are upset that none of their members were singled out for this; that may lead to more than just the next match on our list.


Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins will unite to face Tyson Baine - still looking to make a name for himself in time for the inaugural Hard Hitting Championship match - and a man who knows Wolf Hawkins very well, International Champion Koshiro Ino.


Finally, Ricky Dale Johnson is back where he belongs - in the main event, taking on an unidentified individual who asked for a match with RDJ to prove something, apparently to Koshiro Ino. Could this have something to do with the closing image to last week's show, as person or persons unknown asked Koshiro Ino "Have You Got What It Takes?"


Prediction Key:

Frankie Perez vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Machines vs. Painful Procedure (non-title)


The New Wave vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden


Koshiro Ino & Tyson Baine w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. ????

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Prediction Key:

Frankie Perez vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Because damn it, it's Bloodstone!


The Machines vs. Painful Procedure (non-title)

Hard to vote against the Machines here.


The New Wave vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

By cheating. Damn it, I'll vote for the School Of Tradition until they actually win something!


Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden

Rocky just hasn't had the push, and can't deliver as well as Eddie.


Koshiro Ino & Tyson Baine w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Draw, keep things up in the air.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. ????

Never bet against ????

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Frankie Perez vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


Bloodstone seems to be getting the slightly stronger push


The Machines vs. Painful Procedure (non-title)


The result won't be in doubt, what's in doubt is that can the Machines carry Painful To Watch to a half decent match


The New Wave vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


New Wave get the win here, they're the proper tag team and it's not going to hurt Tyler by him and his lackey Huggins putting them over.


Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden


Golden's not been pushed all that much, so I'll expect Peak to go over here


Koshiro Ino & Tyson Baine w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


I agree with Regis, this has schmozz draw finish written all over it, to keep all four guys strong.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. ????


Intriguing, perhaps the mystery man will make an instant impact here.

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Frankie Perez vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Machines vs. Painful Procedure (non-title)


The New Wave vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden


Koshiro Ino & Tyson Baine w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. ????

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Prediction Key:

Frankie Perez vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Machines vs. Painful Procedure (non-title)


The New Wave vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden


Koshiro Ino & Tyson Baine w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. ????

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Prediction Key:

Frankie Perez vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Machines vs. Painful Procedure (non-title)


The New Wave vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden


Koshiro Ino & Tyson Baine w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

(No winner.)


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. ????

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Frankie Perez vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Machines vs. Painful Procedure (non-title)


The New Wave vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden


Koshiro Ino & Tyson Baine w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. ????

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Frankie Perez vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Machines vs. Painful Procedure (non-title)


The New Wave vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden


Koshiro Ino & Tyson Baine w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. ????


I will take a risk on the last match. Dun, dun, dun.

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Frankie Perez vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Machines vs. Painful Procedure (non-title)


The New Wave vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden


Koshiro Ino & Tyson Baine w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Giant Tana

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