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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Monday 8th July 2008

It's occasionally the case that I write something which experience tells me TCW's lawyers will ask if I'm sure I want to leave in. It's even more occasionally the case that I can't see their point, but...


When Preston Holt wrote his book he put it out through the SWF, and he actually phoned me up at one point because the lawyers had him worried.


Now, there's a level on which this was entirely fair; if I didn't agree that walking when he wouldn't give me a particular raise screwed CPW over for a year or two, then yes, absolutely, it might have been something I took offence at and sued.


Something else he said, elsewhere, though – there was a period where I was exclusively working for the Lone Star Stampeder down in the TWL. Sometime during that period, Preston felt I'd be useful and tried to hire me, and I turned him down because I didn't feel I had the time to divide between the two. (This was when rented planes were just beginning to affect the business; little two-engine jobs were starting to be used to get wrestlers from one company to the next if it was absolutely past what you could drive.)


The lawyers felt I might get antsy about what amounts, in the book, to “I was pissed off because he was good but too loyal to another company to sign.”


So I know that this is going to cause issues, because my original pick to replace Robert Oxford – who consequently has to be someone pretty good, ideally with the veteran status the School of Tradition really calls for, although we can work around that – was the Calgary Assassin, Mike Watson. And he's good, but he's working for INSPIRE and he won't sign for us when he can stick with them instead.


So it's going to have to be someone else. This could get interesting, but we'll see where we stand in a little while.


Robert, meanwhile, has stuck to his ribbing ways, though at least in a fairly mild way right now. I'm told he tried to persuade the doc that the 'knee injury' from Friday's opener was legit, but thankfully it's not...


To his credit – and over the course of his career, Robert Oxford has earned a lot of credit – he's taking his last month and trying to make it mean something. He's personally doing a lot of putting people over on the house shows, and the Specialists are working the dark whenever they're not on a main TV card, helping our newer tag teams learn the ropes. I'm not jobbing him constantly in these by any means, nor do I intend to – but I want to make that clear. Robert Oxford's been a hell of a worker his entire career, and wherever he finishes up (my money's on USPW or NYCW at the moment, though I could be wrong) he'll do well for them. I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see him still pinning people aged fifty.

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JD Morgan is a perfect replacement imho.


I'd say yes, but I'd prefer someone nearer Joel's age or a little younger than Joel - which I *think* (save is currently advanced to booking, so I can't check) rules JD out. As a general rule of thumb, I'd always rather use an older guy to get a younger guy over. Certainly the Specialists have a bit of a variation with that, but...


As it goes, I have someone in mind, but he's an odd fit. Haven't made up my mind yet, so watch this space...

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Closer now to Summer Showdown and all we know for sure is that, for the first time since December 2006, Tommy Cornell will not be involved in the World Heavyweight Championship match.


He's going to be active this Tuesday, though, as he'll face off with Rocky Golden in the opening contest on Total Wrestling. And there's more Syndicate action to follow, as the Machines face off with the legendary Tag Team Specialists for the first time in years.


The young Frankie Perez will be up against Eddie Peak, and the next instalment of Perez' interview with Horatio Dangerous will be shown.


Eric Tyler and Freddy Huggins continue their foray into tag team competition, taking on the team of Kazuma and the Kid. Huggins and Kazuma Narato are fairly familiar with each other, but the others don't have that kind of familiarity.


Danny Fonzarelli's in action next, facing off against the young if arrogant Sammy Bach in what promises to be a pretty brutal match. Will we see Fonzarelli lock in the Back on your Bach?


And then a pair of co-main events; the Syndicate have booked a match with Troy Tornado with the stipulation that, if their man wins, Tornado will have to face them at Summer Showdown. We don't know who they're entering, but unless it's a new member, it's a fairly safe bet...


Finally, Sam Keith defends his Hard-Hitting Championship - in the customary No Holds Barred match - against Tyson Baine.


Prediction Key:

Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell


The Machines vs. Tag Team Specialists


Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez


Kazuma & The Kid vs. Tyler & Huggins


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach


Troy Tornado vs. ????


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tyson Baine

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Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell

Golden desperately needs promo time or a fued...or something. The man has been sitting on his hand so far under the Dangerous reign. And because of that he's not going to be the former 17-month Champion...unless this IS the start of something. Food for thought.


The Machines vs. Tag Team Specialists

TTTS get caught in the gears.


Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez

When you think about it Frankie Perez has had one of the oddest pushes you'll see around. He's had at least a dozen or more matches, is always made out to be strong but almost never wins. The guy has only two wins I think...one when he tagged with Cornell, the other last show when he beat Kingman. All his pop his basically been leeched from standing tall with more popular stars or having segments with them


Kazuma & The Kid vs. Tyler & Huggins

I wonder, in what second of being in the Tradition Lift will Kazuma or The Kid tap? The first or the second? Probably the first


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach

The hardest match to call IMO, Bach for the win...I want to see him pushed more.


Troy Tornado vs. ????

Chuck Norris...Chuck Norris himself could walk down that ramp, sights set on Tornado, and even he couldn't beat Tornado, running so hawt off beating Cornell


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tyson Baine

The Main Event for the A Show...hmm, I wonder if this match can deliever what it needs to.

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Prediction Key:

Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell

Really, no contest.


The Machines vs. Tag Team Specialists

Once again, no contest.


Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez

P-Dawg is failing his way up the card.


Kazuma & The Kid vs. Tyler & Huggins



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach

Fonzie will never get the support of the booking team until he sheds the gimmick.


Troy Tornado vs. ????

For once, I do not vote for ????


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tyson Baine

By DQ when he gets his with a chair shot - just to protect him, of course.

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Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell


The Machines vs. Tag Team Specialists


Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez


Kazuma & The Kid vs. Tyler & Huggins


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach


Troy Tornado vs. ????


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tyson Baine

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Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell


The Machines vs. Tag Team Specialists


Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez


Kazuma & The Kid vs. Tyler & Huggins


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach


Troy Tornado vs. ????


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tyson Baine

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Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell

Golden's essentially main event fodder, until eventually matches with guys like Cornell and Keith make him into a solid worker.


The Machines vs. Tag Team Specialists

Heel/Heel? I predict this to end in some sort of strange and near-immediate DQ..


Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez

At first I really didn't give Perez much of a chance with this, but now that I think about it, you did put Perez over Peak's Total Control partner a while back, didn't you? :p All the same, I'll go with Peak.


Kazuma & The Kid vs. Tyler & Huggins

Basic sqaush.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach

While unlike in my diary, Fonzarelli has been..well, present, Bach's most definately the more valuable asset at this point.


Troy Tornado vs. ????

It's best to keep a World Champ who just recently got the belt going strong for a while, lest he look like a fluke champ.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tyson Baine

As I said, this belt would be a good way to give guys like Baine a major title run that they probably deserve, without putting the World Title on them, but it's far too early for that.

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Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell


I agree with Zeel, that Rocky is basically a main event JTTS. Until he improves his in-ring skill to a more required level to justify going over the likes of Cornell, he'll continue on in this role or slide down the card if he doesn't show improvement


The Machines vs. Tag Team Specialists


The Old Men are basically jobbing their way to their pension these days


Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez


Perez actually appears to have been more prominent that Peak of late, and it's not unfeasible that he could win this but I see the 'Great White Shark' (oh wrong fed...having flash backs to his time in DaVE) winning here and reminding the fans just how dangerous he is.


Kazuma & The Kid vs. Tyler & Huggins


School of Tradition 2K9 get to beat up on some job fodder


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach


Fonzarelli has been sort of semi pushed with his semi-regular teaming with RDJ but it's more a push by association and I see Bach getting the win here.


Troy Tornado vs. ????


Yeah the whole mystery thing is their to make us cast doubt that Tornado could lose in his first match as champ, but yeah don't see that happening. Cornell could absorb that sort of loss if he just won the belt back, even RDJ if he had won the belt again but it would look bad for a first time World Champ.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tyson Baine


Keith isn't losing the belt in his first defence

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Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell


The Machines vs. Tag Team Specialists


Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez


Kazuma & The Kid vs. Tyler & Huggins


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach


Troy Tornado vs. ????


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tyson Baine

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Prediction Key:

Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell


The Machines vs. Tag Team Specialists


Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez


Kazuma & The Kid vs. Tyler & Huggins


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach

Just to disagree with everybody else on something...

Troy Tornado vs. ????


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tyson Baine

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Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell



The Machines vs. Tag Team Specialists

It'll be interesting to see if Joel Bryant shows signs of getting upset with his partner, turning on him, to push Oxford out the door.


Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez

Eddie Peak has been surprisingly quiet, throughout most of the diary, whereas Frankie Perez has been working the losing-to-the-top gig about as well as anyone ever has. Peak needs to win this, lest he be seen as irrelevant.


Kazuma & The Kid vs. Tyler & Huggins

Continuing their build towards a Tag Title match


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach

After taking the fall (literally) at the PPV, Bach has shed himself of the All-Action division, and can truly start his rise to the top.


Troy Tornado vs. ????

It'll be interesting to see who the Syndicate has as Tornado's opponent, although it will likely be Wolf Hawkins, since he's not in action elsewhere (neither is Edd Stone, but that match doesn't make sense). Tornado has to go over, not only to validate his championship win, but also to remove the Syndicate from the hunt, for the time being.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tyson Baine

Keith is the inaugural champion. That calls for a long reign, to establish the belt, just as he said he would.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 2 July 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 3.40)


Held at the Louisiana Auditorium


Attendance: 10,000




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RockyGolden.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpg

Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell

Straightforward and simple, but Cornell does run somewhat roughshod over Golden, who more and more appears to be fulfilling Midden's description of him, last month, as having lost his fire, lost his motivation.


Golden tries his best, but it's clearly not good enough – not when Cornell's as angry as he is. And Cornell is cutting loose. Eye rakes. Stomps. Shots that could almost be called low blows. Full five counts every time – it's brutal.


Rocky Golden taps when the Guilt Trip locks in, clearly scared of just how much damage Cornell will do if he hesitates.

Tommy Cornell defeated Rocky Golden

Rating: B-





Backstage, and in the Syndicate's locker room Sam Keith is deep in conversation with the rest of the group.


“First off, Brent,” Keith begins. “I want to apologise that none of us came out to help you on Friday. It's this new rule of Tommy's that you always save interference for the titles.


“Wolf, I know this is going to be hard to hear, but if Tommy's going to get that belt back the way he's acting, it's going to take the Syndicate getting involved. And I don't think he'll be happy with us doing that the way we'll have to.”


Hawkins shrugs noncommittally. “So here's the plan,” Sam says. “Whatever else we do, we've got to get that belt back in the Syndicate, then we can do a switch nice and easy. It can't be Edd doing it, and it can't be me, and Midden won't let Tommy. So-”


Two Minutes To Midnight begins to play, and as the Machines head out toward the ring, the camera follows them.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal_alt4.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RobertOxford.jpg

The Machines vs. The Tag Team Specialists

More simple stuff here, but it's good simple stuff; this is old-school tag team wrestling at its finest. Isolate a rival, isolate a rival's body part, work it the hell over and destroy them.


And the difference between the two teams? Coming into the match, Robert Oxford's knee is taped and supported, still clearly hurting after his match on Friday. The Machines very quickly get to work and savage his knee, and for all Oxford's attempts to escape, for all Joel Bryant's inspired – if illegal – attempts to even the score – that's what decides it, with John Anderson eventually pinning Oxford with one foot stomped down on that pained, stressed, twisted knee.

The Machines defeated the Tag Team Specialists

Rating: C+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez

A brawl, pure and simple. One which Peak absolutely dominates, though Perez does well just to hang on as long as he does, and he does manage to catch Peak with some big kicks, too, one of which draws blood – a big, big gusher – from the bridge of Peak's nose.


That does, however, lead to a fast Peak of Perfection shortly afterward, and Perez doesn't kick out til three-and-a-half.

Eddie Peak defeated Frankie Perez

Rating: B-





Backstage, Chris Rockwell is lacing his street boots back up, by the looks of things having changed out of wrestling gear ready to head out.



There's a cough from behind him and slowly, nonchalantly, apparently carelessly Rockwell turns his head. The camera tilts with him, showing Baroness Emily and, behind her, International Champion Koshiro Ino.


Emily glances back at Ino, who nods stoically. She sighs and turns back.


“My client... would like to offer you...” She trails off, clears her throat, and starts again, as Rockwell finishes tying his boots.


“After I... intervened... in your match with the Kobra,” she says again, “he has decided to offer you another shot at his International Championship. As his disqualification prevented you from a fair shot, that is.”


Rockwell laughs and shakes his head. “Sorry,” he says. “Look in the record books. Chris Rockwell beat Koshiro Ino.


“Why the hell do I want to give him a chance to get that win back?” He grabs up his sports bag. “Now Bloodstone, him I drew with. You,” and his finger stabs at Koshiro Ino, “I beat. Bloodstone I gotta lock up with again, gotta prove I can beat. You, if anything, you gotta prove something. But we know you won't.


“We both know you don't have what it takes to beat Chris Rockwell. Excuse me...” And he shoulders past them, bag in hand. “There's a stewardess holding my Mile High pass on the next flight. I gotta go.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KazumaNarato.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TheCannonballKid.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Kazuma & the Kid vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

No one expected this to be the match of the night, and as much as anything its purpose is to serve as another marker in the development of Freddy Huggins. Sure, the former Cruiserweight and All Action champ still takes to the air like his opponents but, like his partner, he's getting more and more willing to brawl his way through rivals, and the pair dominate by keeping things violent.


Eric Tyler is very much the pivot of this match. He steers it. He focuses it. He destroys his targets. And, as Freddy Huggins keeps Kazuma Narato out with a Huggins Kiss, Eric Tyler holds the Cannonball Kid in the painful Tradition Lift until he surrenders.

Tyler & Huggins defeated Kazuma & The Kid

Rating: C





The World Heavyweight Champion emerges, alongside Mayhem Midden, and the pair make their way down to the ring. Tornado is dressed to compete, and Midden looks psyched but, at the same time, a little frustrated.


“So,” he begins. “The Syndicate have a challenger, and a win here would make them the number one contender.


“Of course, they haven't provided Troy with any idea who this guy-”


Tornado cuts him off. “We can guess,” he says. “Either it's someone we know, or the Syndicate's scored someone new.


“And if they're willing to risk this one shot at getting back in the title hunt, it's got to be someone good.


“So who do we know who's just come on the market? Oh, that's right – someone who'd be on my side.” The reference to Jack Bruce gets a quick pop, mingled with a little disappointment; some of the crowd had evidently been hoping.


Tornado grins. “Besides, he's got himself a title, right? Can't challenge.


“So I figure it's one of your boys, Tommy. Bring them out.”



Of Wolf And Man begins to play, and, flanked by the two senior members of the Syndicate, Wolf Hawkins comes out.


Tornado's eyebrows raise, and then he nods.


“No, no,” he says to the crowd, flapping a hand to lower their reaction. “It's not a bad idea. You have any idea how many times he and I have wrestled each other? Hell, we both teamed up with the same guy, it's bound to lead to some understanding.


“I'll tell you this – I've got no idea how many times we wrestled each other. And I couldn't even tell you who's got the most wins-”


“Me,” Hawkins supplies, his poker face fully in place. “Hundred and eight to hundred and three.”


Tornado pauses, seemingly considering, then nods. “You might be right,” he says. “What I can tell you, though, is I'm the one with the belt.


“You're on, Wolf. Let's see what you've got.” He grins. “I'm looking forward to it.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg

Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach

What happens when you've got a brawler and a flyer and the two men can't mesh their styles together?


One mess of a match. In fairness to the competitors, Bach's current gimmick – the unflappable, almost unfeeling engine of destruction that doesn't start moving until the fight is on in earnest – doesn't help.


It's something of a clunker enlivened primarily by a finishing sequence in which both men go for the Bach on your Back repeatedly. In the end Sammy Bach displays a better knowledge of how to counter the move, and Danny Fonzarelli's the man made to tap out.

Sammy Bach defeated Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: D





The show goes over, now, to a pretape, continuing the Dangerous/Perez interview.


“So,” Horatio says, moving on. “As we briefly touched on, you've always been something of a lone wolf. I understand that your tag team victory came after you were somewhat forced into the match, and certainly when you mention Remmy Skye, your former partner, you don't sound as if you remember your time together fondly.


“So with that habit of standing on your own well established, let's move on to the obvious question. Why the Syndicate? Are we seeing a new phase of your career?”


Frankie just smirks. “I'm not with the Syndicate, old man. Never have been.”


Dangerous raises an eyebrow. “Then...”


“You know how an actual wrestler makes his money in this company, Dangerous? You get matches. You don't get the winner's share when you get beat, but if you don't wrestle you don't make much money.


“You know how you get matches? You make your name. You kick some ass. You get in people's faces.


“That's all I did, old man. I got people's attention. Here's Tommy, right, and he needs some backup against Tornado and his crew are banned from the ring. Here's me, and I need to get people's attention.


“It's a perfect match. And Tommy, he understands where I'm coming from. He agreed to give me some tags with his crew. I got some wins, I had some losses, most of all I made some money. We both profited, you know?”


He laughs. “Hell, when his buddy Keith asked me to join the Syndicate, I was almost tempted.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg

Troy Tornado vs. Wolf Hawkins

The TCW main event company continues to have a surprising amount of chemistry issues, as Hawkins and Tornado seem – perhaps just under the microscope, under pressure – to lose their ability to work together to their best here.


Which is actually not to say that the match is bad; it's just nowhere near what it might be otherwise. The fight goes back and forth on a regular basis and both men almost seem to be using it as a chance to rehearse all their old styles.


Wolf Hawkins looks, at points, like he genuinely might get a win, but Tornado does manage to turn it around before the end. A Star Maker followed by a Tornado Driver make for the final pin.

Troy Tornado defeated Wolf Hawkins

Rating: B-





http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SamKeith_alt2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TysonBaine.jpg

Sam Keith ©vs. Tyson Baine

Keith beat Baine for the title, but he did it when two other men had done serious damage. One on one, Sam has the chance to really work his submission holds – but Tyson Baine has the power and the anger to do a lot more when no one's breaking his momentum, and after the first five minutes the match becomes an extended beatdown.


Keith does rally on a few occasions, but he's getting old and he's taking some nasty hits from Baine – who's been getting more and more violent as the weeks go by, flying off the handle more and more often.


And so it is that Sam Keith's on his last legs when he finally manages to get Baine disoriented. He starts to chop the big man down, and he's actually finally turning things around – finally winning...



And Tommy Cornell rolls into the ring.


The first chair shot catches Keith in the back of the head. Ray Johnson calls the disqualification, and Tommy Cornell waits a moment, hears the bell, nods in satisfaction – and then smashes Keith across the face with the chair for good measure before stalking back out.

Sam Keith won by DQ

Rating: B


Show Rating: B+

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Good show, PS. Still loving your characterization of Rockwell... though I'd mark like crazy if he came out in the lobster costume just once. And the feud between Cornell and Keith should be epic....


Chris Rockwell has become one of those characters who write themselves. As for the lobster... that bit might be tricky. (And I actually like that character).


On the other hand, Cornell/Keith, and everything else associated with it, was one of the central ideas that I wanted to build the diary around. The pieces are, now, more or less all in place (again I note that it's a shame I don't still have Genghis Rahn) and we're pretty much set to get rolling with it.


The plans have to be kind of flexible, though - you never know when it'll be time for Sam to retire.

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Friday 14th July 2008

My boys were in one of the early matches of the SWF's biggest PPV of the year last night, and unfortunately I missed it; I'll have to catch the rerun Saturday night.


I missed it because I was in a recording studio doing fake commentary for the TCW video game they're working on. (Lucky for me, the storylines don't require much extra effort. Sam tells me that the SWF used to make its writers come up with stories that'd only ever be played through on these games; we use storylines that never quite got used – someone got injured at the wrong time, someone's contract came up and one of the wrestlers involved got diverted from the angle to be their first opponent, that sort of thing.)



Jack Bruce, former Painful Procedure frontman and briefly the top dog in the SWF


By all accounts, though, the Supreme Challenge wasn't all it might have been. I'll cut Peter Michaels some slack here, which the fans won't; when Richard Eisen let Jack Bruce, their champion for almost a full year, walk with a week to go before the Challenge – and when he didn't take the belt off him before he left – he pretty much shot Michaels in the foot as far as the planned matches go.


On the other hand, the planned main event appears to have been Jack Bruce against Eric Eisen, and I really don't think it'd be unfair to say that this isn't the best main event they could have gone for. (Particularly when Vengeance wasn't even wrestling.)


Steve Frehley won a one-night tournament last week to step into Bruce's shoes and took the vacant belt. On the positive side, it was one of the night's best matches. On the downside, it was one of the night's best matches.


In a real indication that he's slowing down, Runaway Train's match against Christian Faith got a worse reaction, particularly when Train went over.


Tom Gilmore and Joe Sexy are both good workers and, while Gilmore could be doing a lot more, their tag title run has usually been pretty good – but up against a team including Big Smack Scott, they're always going to have problems working at their best.


And really, that's about all that's notable; the only other thing that stands out is Genghis Rahn's continuing regret that he signed for them, as Elmo Benson is added to the list of SWF men who've beaten him. In four matches since crossing over, Rahn's lost three and gone to a no contest in the other, and the only man who's beaten him who you'd expect to deserve it is Remo.


Even with the facepaint, Genghis Rahn should not be losing to Big Smack Scott

Alt credit to Marcel Fromage


I remember a time when you were happy that the other company was doing well, because it gave you somewhere to go when you'd worked programs with everyone in yours. Now, though, I don't think TCW men are going to be too confident about following Rahn's example (I hope) given what's happened to him.


Hopefully it won't work both ways; certainly Chris has done better since removing the lobster mask.

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Washington State Gymnasium plays host to TCW for the first time in its history this Friday as Badge Of Honor arrives in town. And what will the lucky fans be witness to?


Painful Procedure are back in action, squaring off with the Tag Team Specialists. In their last two matches, the Specialists have lost out due to Robert Oxford's injured knee - can they turn that around here?


That's not the only representation of TCW's favourite rock band, either, as the Young Guns will be in action against the Fly Boys in what's sure to be fast-paced action.


And the tag action continues, as does Eric Tyler's drive to beat respect into Aaron Andrews - respect I, personally, feel he already shows plenty of - when Tyler & Huggins take on Aaron Andrews and his occasional tag partner Joey Minnesota.


Following what's likely to be a brawl, Badge of Honor presents some excellent technical wrestling; John Anderson of the Machines will be in singles competition against the Submission Demon Johnny Bloodstone. Budding wrestlers would be well advised to study this one if it goes anything like we think it will.


And then there's the main event. Rick Law has claimed his privilege on his show and made the main event match, this time ahead of time - and this time, not as a response to ungentlemanly conduct on the show. No, Rick Law has instead used his prerogative to ensure that an instalment in one of the most famous match series virtually no one saw will be played out on a bigger stage.


Art Reed and Acid both made their big splashes in a series of matches up and down the East Coast for smaller promotions. Eventually, both men found themselves in DaVE, but the rematch never quite came. Now, in TCW, we can present that rematch. Tape traders slather over the originals - and we're bringing it to you for no greater price than setting your TiVo.


Prediction Key:

Painful Procedure vs. The Tag Team Specialists


The Fly Boys vs. The Young Guns


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Tyler & Huggins


John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Painful Procedure vs. The Tag Team Specialists

The tag team with a use that spans further then overness really should get this win. Besides, The Young Guns are getting pushed seriously, so they should be made to look like the stronger tag team of the PP stable.


The Fly Boys vs. The Young Guns

As said above.


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Tyler & Huggins

Huggins slow rise continues.


John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

I don't really see a B-Show loss for either of these two, I predict a draw, maybe by time limit.


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell

I just prefer Acid, by a tad.

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Painful Procedure vs. The Tag Team Specialists



The Fly Boys vs. The Young Guns



Andrews & Minnesota vs. Tyler & Huggins

It's time Andrews got some measure of revenge on Huggins and Tyler


John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Bloodstone looks unstoppable at the moment


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell

Why the hell is this the main event? Hell, why the hell is this match even on TCW? Hell shouldn't these two be a bingo hall somewhere in Pittsburgh? Hell. TCW Rulz...SWF used 2 b gud but now it sux...PS don't support indie wrestling, how can it b gud if it's in a small venue? Hell.[/weird hater speech]

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