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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Prediction Key:

Painful Procedure vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Despite PP being on the sh*tlist, I really wasn't sure about this. PP are being jobbed, sure, but they have a future as jobbers, whereas with Oxford leaving, TTTS don't. Still, I think TTTS are going to be built up to a final blow-off at a PPV, while PP are only getting occasional work.


The Fly Boys vs. The Young Guns

There will come a time when the Guns are the main contenders to the Tag Team Titles, and the Fly Boys will not derail that.


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Tyler & Huggins

Andrews still misses putting one over on Tyler, stringing this feud out even longer.


John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Tag Team guy versus Singles guy, jockeying for number one contendership? One day, John will get a singles push that will make this rematch be in some doubt. But not yet.


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell

He's the Modern Day Warrior, a pure athlete of extraordinary skill, an incredible technician, fan's darling, and he's not a flippity-floppity super junior in a company that pushes Tyson Baine.

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Painful Procedure vs. The Tag Team Specialists


The big lugs that are Hopkirk and Shearer are pretty much the PP job squad these days and though the Tag Team Geriatrics days may soon be numbered, I think they'll pick up the win here.


The Fly Boys vs. The Young Guns


Young Guns have taken over as Painful Procedures main tag force, and they'll pick up a win against the Job Boys in a battle of the high flying tag teams.


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Tyler & Huggins


School of Tradition find yet another way to get one over on Andrews & Minnesota.


John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


I'm with Zeel on this one, I see this going to some sort of Time Limit draw.


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


I prefer Acid (as I am rather fond of masked high flyers), but fact is I see Reed eventually being built up enough to get amongst the International Title mix. Reed's recent win over Frankie Perez showed that you are serious about pushing Reed to a relatively high level.

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Prediction Key:

Painful Procedure vs. The Tag Team Specialists


The Fly Boys vs. The Young Guns


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Tyler & Huggins


John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 2 July 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.28)


Held at the Washington State Gymnasium (North West)


Attendance: 1880




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BillyJackShearer.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RandallHopkirk.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RobertOxford.jpg

Painful Procedure vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Not the best tag team match that either side have ever been involved in, but then we're talking about one team working a knee injury gimmick and, well, Painful Procedure.


Still, it's reasonably enough received under the circumstances. Randall Hopkirk does seem to be developing a better awareness of the ring than he's shown before, and it shows in his wrestling – he keeps himself close to the ropes whenever it looks like the Specialists are going for a submission hold, moves further away when he wants to apply a lock of his own, and so on. Billy Jack Shearer sticks to a stand-up brawl philosophy – not a situation where you'd expect Joel Bryant to give as good as he gets, but Bryant, who spends most of the match in the ring to protect Oxford's knee, seems to be fired up after a recent couple of losses.


Moment of the match, indeed; the big form of Billy Jack Shearer hoisted and sunk with the One Shot Drop as the Specialists pull one back.

The Tag Team Specialists defeated Painful Procedure

Rating: D+





The bell rings, the match ends – and two newcomers slide under the ropes. Randall Hopkirk gets hit with a double clothesline, and Shearer is lifted from the mat, held between the two men – who look at each other then hurl him higher into the air, moving into a sitout powerbomb/neckbreaker combination.


“We obviously can't use the names you may know these newcomers under,” Kyle Rhodes says on the announce desk. “But after last week's video confirmed their identities, Jason and I did some digging.



“Their real names are Billy Fonda and Peter Hopper, and it seems Karen Killer,” who at this point is approaching ringside, shouting directions to the bikers, “has registered a managerial contract for them with TCW in which they'll be known as the Easy Riders.”


Meanwhile, one of the newly-christened Riders hoists Hopkirk, then drops him into a backbreaker, holding him there as the other hits the ropes then comes back, getting enough height on a legdrop to guillotine his neck.


Killer shrieks with laughter and satisfaction, and she and the Riders head to the back.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HarryAllen_Grunge3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveGumble_Grunge2.jpg

The Fly Boys vs. The Young Guns

Fast-paced, furious, and every bit what the prior match wasn't, the Boys and the Guns show exactly why all four were cornerstones to the Cruiserweight Division.


The difference here, though, is a very simple one; Steve Gumble and Harry Allen function as a single wrestler might, so closely in sync are they. Meanwhile, Donnie J and Jimmy P still can't match up with each other; they show flashes of it, particularly when they hit the same spots that made the Fly Boys favourites so long ago, but by and large, they're easy to divide and easy to overcome.


Donnie does his level best to keep Jimmy alive in pinfall after pinfall, but when Steve Gumble gets the Savate Kick on Donnie and Harry Allen comes off the top rope a second later with a flying fist drop, Jimmy doesn't return the favour. He's already walking back to the locker room by the time the third count is made.


“I guess someone just doesn't want to be the guy down in the record books as being pinned,” Jasmine Saunders observes.

The Young Guns defeated The Fly Boys

Rating: C





Just past the entrance ramp and back into the Crippler Position, even as the Guns celebrate in the ring, the Fly Boys are confronted by what, to many, is a disquieting sight; Floyd Goldworthy and the American Buffalo.


“Alright, boys?” Goldworthy smiles. “I think you and I need to talk...”


The Fly Boys look like they want nothing to do with this, but with American Buffalo glowering behind him, they stay silent.


“I've been watching your progress, you know,” Goldworthy says. “Your big problem's actually pretty simple; you just need focus, you need to get back the teamwork you once had.


“I can get you that focus. I can help you get your teamwork back. And I can do more to help on top of that.


“Frankly, you're not going to win anything until you can work together, and Jimmy, it's clear you can only work against Donnie right now.”


He passes both men thick bundles of paper, presumably contracts, nods, and moves off, the Buffalo going with him. Donnie turns to face Jimmy.


“What'd he mean by that?”


Jimmy shrugs.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Andrews & Minnesota vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

No one on either side of this match likes either of their opponents, and it's clear.


This one is a brawl. It's violent, it's furious, it's lethal above all, and Andrews and Huggins are both bleeding heavily by the end. Around the nineteen minute mark, Andrews snaps Huggins up for a hotshot and boosts him further and the youngster – already bleeding – goes facefirst into the ringpost, taking him well and truly out of the equation. A reaction shot from Laura Huggins sees her staring at Andrews, eyes bright with tears.


It's Andrews and Tyler for the next minute, and right near the twenty minute mark Aaron Andrews slips out of the Weight of Tradition and brings the veteran down with a spinebuster.


Immediate cover!






TIME LIMIT DRAW! Aaron Andrews, just a moment away from pinning Eric Tyler, collapses in frustration as the show goes to commercial.

Andrews & Minnesota drew with Tyler & Huggins

Rating: B-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal_alt4.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

A match in almost completely the opposite idiom to the previous one, both sides seem to view this as a technical showcase rather than a match; after one early exchange of counters they break and Anderson offers a handshake.


Bloodstone takes a moment to decide, but accepts, they shake, return to circling, and close in again with no sign of deceit from Anderson.


Back and forth, back and forth, and then Bloodstone steps up a gear. From that point on Anderson's in a certain amount of trouble which just builds... and builds... until finally he's facedown on the mat, the arms are hooked, and Bloodstone flips forward into the Bloodstone Mutilation. Anderson tries three or four different counters, none of which work in the long run, and in the end, he taps.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated John Anderson

Rating: B





The Bombshell rolls into the ring to embrace Bloodstone and Art Reed walks down the entrance ramp applauding – and almost side by side with him comes Brent Hill, who slides into the ring and talks quietly for a few moments with Anderson before the two Machines head backstage.



As they do they pass Rick Law, who makes a point of shaking Anderson's hand before heading to the ring.


“Ladies and gentlemen,” he begins, “As you've already heard, the Board have awarded me the right to make the main event, if I choose, at any Badge of Honor show.


“I requested this as a way to help make Badge of Honor a show where your ability can stand out, where cheating can be easily punished.


“But this week, that's not why I did it.


“Many of you won't know this, but this man,” and he gestures to Art Reed, “made a name for himself among the more hardcore wrestling fans going up against the School of Tradition's masked man Acid.


“I say that many of you won't know this because the shows weren't televised. If you didn't follow wrestling closely in the 2001-2003 period, you wouldn't even have heard about it. And tapes of the matches are hard to come by.


“Still, these matches made names for two men. They led to those competitors being signed to DaVE, and it's what those men did in DaVE that brought them here, right to the peak.


“So tonight, I choose to make a match in peace. Tonight, I choose to make a match because when they were wrestling that series of matches, I was busy – too busy to see them.


“And tonight, I make a match as a fan of wrestling. As a fan of the talent TCW has under contract.


“Tonight, we turn back the clock.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell

Sad to say, the match likely isn't much better received than they originally were. By TCW's standards these two men are not yet big names, and while they've got followings, it's still not all it could be.


With that said, it's refreshing to see that Art Reed and Acid still retain their chemistry together. Hyped up to expect something special, the fans don't embrace this match as well as you might hope for.


Reed and Acid seem evenly matched throughout, just as they used to be; Art Reed has, perhaps, a slight advantage.



And then it happens, a real downer of an ending. Acid 'lands badly' and Sam Sparrow goes to check on him; Eric Tyler dives into the ring and catches Reed with a set of brass knucks to the face, then rolls clear. Acid bounces back to his feet, to the top rope, and hurtles outward...


The Acid Rain Bomb lands...


And the School of Tradition carry the match after their leader interfered.

Acid defeated Art Reed

Rating: C-


Show Rating: C+

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Show notes:


- Laura Huggins is getting a lot of work these days. On the other hand, she's improved a lot.


- The Easy Riders' moveset is liberally stolen from a currently-active team in an American company. I suspect some of my readers can tell which. It just seems to fit.


- Reed and Acid both need to be more over.


- When this diary started, people commented on the tag scene being stagnant. Over the past few months, I hope it's begun to look a bit more interesting...

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Show notes:

- Reed and Acid both need to be more over.


Well what the hell did I tell you, hell, they're just DAVE jobbers! They've a long way to go before they're even on the same level of superstars like Giant Tana or Painful Procedure, hell. Hell, they don't know how to entertain since they've only ever drawn 46 fans to a bingo hall in Pittsburgh. Hell, it doesn't matter anyways, I didn't even bother to watch the match much anyways because Tuesday night football was on and you don't have to be loyal to TCW when they put jobbers on. Hell. Hell.


Ok joking aside I think I probably jinxed that main event with my WWElitist style stuff. My bad :p

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No unanimous voting here - nor any fully-accurate nominations. This time, The Celt, Bigpapa42, and Hyde Hill split the honours, and as such they get something that'll soon be historic... One of the last TCW Tag Team Specialists shirts apiece:



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Well what the hell did I tell you, hell, they're just DAVE jobbers! They've a long way to go before they're even on the same level of superstars like Giant Tana or Painful Procedure, hell. Hell, they don't know how to entertain since they've only ever drawn 46 fans to a bingo hall in Pittsburgh. Hell, it doesn't matter anyways, I didn't even bother to watch the match much anyways because Tuesday night football was on and you don't have to be loyal to TCW when they put jobbers on. Hell. Hell.


Ok joking aside I think I probably jinxed that main event with my WWElitist style stuff. My bad :p


Heh. To be honest, I dithered over putting it in the main event because a blind guy who'd never encountered wrestling could have guessed that Bloodstone/Anderson would do better. It ended up the way it did so that Rick Law could make it, playing up a bit more of Law's character, actually making use of the stip regarding the Badge of Honor main event - for more of which, see next week - and draw some attention to the bout's history without putting enough focus on it that it'd need pushing beyond a B-show main event.


And, of course, it's a B-show. I'm not horribly worried if the main event doesn't deliver. Mostly I'm pleasantly surprised that this save gave Reed and Acid the good chemistry you'd suspect from the Cornellverse site.

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Saturday 15th July 2008

Whenever wrestlers argue backstage, it's always about money or something that comes down to it. How high on the card you are is money. How popular you are with the fans is money; it affects how high on the card you are and how many gimmicks you move at the merchandise table.


Or that's what we tell people, anyway. In practice, the idea that anyone's making enough money for people to get pissed off at them goes back only as far as Mickey Starr – and most of us were fine with Starr earning the big money so long as he kept drawing the big gates for the rest of us. Time goes by, though, and TV makes more stars on that level.


And ego comes into it then. So we get these arguments – but it's rare. Money is usually a cover for something else, because unless you're, say, Cliff 'Dark Angel' Wilson and you're pissed off that Sean McFly is making more from Dan Stone than you are (and for the record, I have no idea if that's true, and I doubt that Cliff would get mad about it anyway) the amounts involved just aren't big enough to get irate about. Personally, I think the growth of arguments over how much the company pushes people mostly say that we've got a lot more people wrestling now who haven't let go of seeing the business the way they did as fans.


I mention all this because Thom Barrowman – you probably know him better as Guide – and Edd Stone are no longer speaking. All either man will tell me is that it's about money, but it's commonly accepted that Barrowman started the argument – apparently following a house show last week that featured all the champions against the Syndicate as its main event - and he earns four thousand a month more than Edd. The two are no longer on speaking terms, from what I can gather.


My money is on Edd Stone accidentally (whatever else you could say about him, he wouldn't do this deliberately) having approached Thom's girlfriend at some point. But I'm the booker, and my time in the locker room is limited; I don't expect to ever find out, if I'm honest.


In other news, Acid's been antagonising Robert Oxford a little, probably taking advantage of the fact Robert (and it's weird, but I've never known anyone call him Rob or Bob) is going to be leaving pretty soon.


Backstage, Joel Bryant and the Huggins twins are the best members of the School. In the ring, they're all good. Good enough to keep them on – I still wish I hadn't lost Robert.


Be interesting to see how Joel's new partner does.

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The only way we can describe what's coming up in this edition of Total Wrestling is to call it 'stacked'. To give you some idea, the opening contest is a number one contenders' match for the Hard-Hitting Championship; Ricky Dale Johnson will face off against Tyson Baine.


Following that, the Machines will once again be in action against the duo of Barry Kingman and Clark Alexander. It seems like the Syndicate's powerhouse tag team are positioning themselves for a return to glory after the record-breaking length of their last tag team title run.


Edd Stone faces off against Art Reed after that. The All-Action Championship will not be on the line, which we suspect will be something of a relief to Mr Cornell.


Koshiro Ino will also be in action, again non-title action against the firebrand Frankie Perez. Perez, who's been low on wins but impressive in his fighting, has a chance to really step up here against the Kobra.


Following that is another contendership match; this one's for the World Heavyweight Championship. Chris Rockwell will face off against Wolf Hawkins who, we note, has already had one chance to become the top contender. We don't like to comment on Syndicate favouritism, but...


In the main event, Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith appear to have settle their differences. The duo have issued a challenge to Troy Tornado for a tag-team match, to which Troy is welcome to bring any partner he can. At the time of writing Tornado's partner is unknown, though Tyson Baine is known to have turned him down in no uncertain terms. Giant Tana is becoming a favourite guess on our message boards.


Prediction Key:

Hard-Hitting Championship #1 Contendership Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Machines


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone (non-title)


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Match

Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins


Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado & ????

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Hah! First!


Hard-Hitting Championship #1 Contendership Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine RDJ is kinda too big for the belt, so Baine takes this


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Machines Yeah.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone (non-title) Just to emphasise how the rest of the Syndicate are kinda doing well


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily (non-title) Ino seems to have lost a little sparkle of late


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Match

Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins I can see Wolf getting another shot, but Rockwell is your boy, so I think he gets the duke as Troy's first non-Syndicate challenger. A match with Troy would be good for his image, and a loss won't hurt him, therefore he gets the honour of being the first new face up top for a while


Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado & ???? I'm a little lost with Keith/Cornell... But the feuding partner storyline is as old as wrestling, so I can see this one going to the Syndicate somehow

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Hard-Hitting Championship #1 Contendership Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine


Agree with Mr Casey, RDJ seems a bit above this belt but a loss to Baine won't hurt him.


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Machines


Jobbers du Jour ain't going to get a win over The Machines, who obviously still have some more mileage as a Tag pairing.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone (non-title)


Outside of when he's putting his All Action belt on the line, Stone has probably been brought into the Syndicate to be their fall guy, so Reed who probably doesn't have designs on Stone's belt gets the win.


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)


I'd say Ino wins here just to remind everyone that he is still a force and whilst Perez has been prominent on the shows, in all honesty he only seems to be beating those lower on the card than him.


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Match

Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins


Interesting, as this is essentially heel vs heel...hopefully they'll pull out a good enough match for it not to be an issue. I call a draw here to set up Tornado's first PPV title defence as a three way.


Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado & ????


More problems between the Syndicate leaders leads to Tornado and his mystery partner (Rick Law ?) getting the win.

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Hard-Hitting Championship #1 Contendership Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Machines


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone (non-title)


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Match

Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins


Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado & ????

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Hard-Hitting Championship #1 Contendership Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine

Baine just seems like a slightly better choice for this.


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Machines

K&A aren't beating The Machines for their first Prime Time win..


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone (non-title)

Reed seems to have been pushed rather heavily, so I pick him over Stone. Although, I could see this ending in a bit of a draw as well..


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)

Hmm..a win over the International Champion would be an easy way to make him look like a good contender for it, but I still go with Ino.


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Match

Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

I'm not seeing either of these guys going 1-on-1 with the champ on PPV..maybe a DQ/Time Limit draw, to set up a Triple Threat?


Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado & Giant Tana

Tana single handidly defeats both Cornell and Keith, then proceeds to hit the Rough Ride on Cornell, Keith, Tornado, Azaria, Dangerous, Doakes, any referee he can get his hands on, a couple of fans, including sign guy, the hot dog vendor, and Bill from accounting. Just because he is the man who you best beleive is The Juggerna-, I mean, Giant Tana, b*tch!

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Hard-Hitting Championship #1 Contendership Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine


Agree with Mr Casey, RDJ seems a bit above this belt but a loss to Baine won't hurt him.


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Machines


Jobbers du Jour ain't going to get a win over The Machines, who obviously still have some more mileage as a Tag pairing.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone (non-title)


Outside of when he's putting his All Action belt on the line, Stone has probably been brought into the Syndicate to be their fall guy, so Reed who probably doesn't have designs on Stone's belt gets the win.


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)


I'd say Ino wins here just to remind everyone that he is still a force and whilst Perez has been prominent on the shows, in all honesty he only seems to be beating those lower on the card than him.


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Match

Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins


Interesting, as this is essentially heel vs heel...hopefully they'll pull out a good enough match for it not to be an issue. I call a draw here to set up Tornado's first PPV title defence as a three way.


Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado & ????


More problems between the Syndicate leaders leads to Tornado and his mystery partner (Rick Law ?) getting the win.


I'm going to back TK"s picks here, including the #1 contender match draw. I couldn't really decide on that one and a draw just seems an interesting way to go.

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Prediction Key:

Hard-Hitting Championship #1 Contendership Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Machines


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone (non-title)


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Match

Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins


Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado & ????

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Sorry have fallen behind in my reading this last couple of weeks, PS. Need to catch up...


Hard-Hitting Championship #1 Contendership Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Machines


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone (non-title)


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Match

Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins


Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado & ????

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Prediction Key:

Hard-Hitting Championship #1 Contendership Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine

Always gotta vote for RDJ, although it might be a DQ win as Baine Heels out massively.


Kingman & Alexander vs. The Machines

One day, we may see K&A vs. Kazuma and The Kid as our Tag Team Title match, pulling down the ratings that deserves. But not yet.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone (non-title)

Non-title clinches it for me. Edd's cool, but Reed is due a hot start.


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)

Betting against Perez is not a bad strategy these days.


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Match

Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

Because Wolf Hawkins just doesn't have what it takes.


Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado & ????

Bloodstone's my guess - he'll be over enough to get past Team Creative Control.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 3 July 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 3.14)


Held at the Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England)


Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


#1 Contendership – Hard Hitting Championship

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TysonBaine.jpg

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine

It ain't pretty, I'll tell you that. Johnson falls easily enough back into the role of the underdog fighting hard as Baine continues to work up a bigger and bigger head of steam, fury and rage. More than once, one of the announce team just says flatly “He's losing it.”


What he actually loses, however, is the match, when Johnson out-of-nowhere manages to get the Southern Justice on the big man. After nearly a quarter of an hour, RDJ becomes the next contender.

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Tyson Baine

Rating: C+





Baine gets back to his feet almost instantly and RDJ backs off, keeping an eye on him. Baine looks like he might snap at any point – and then one man's applause starts to sound through the arena.



Sam Keith is stood on the entrance ramp as RDJ and Baine square off.


“Congratulations, Ricky,” Keith offers, smirking. “I think you got him mad.


“Now let's be fair – you also got a shot at this,” and his hand pats the belt. “But you put yourself through a lot to do it.” He grins. “And at Summer Showdown we're No Holds Barred.


“Looking at you now I can see you favouring your shoulder. That's just standing.” Johnson glances at it, unimpressed; Baine's eyes, on the other hand, lock on, smouldering with rage, in the back of shot. “Imagine what it'll be like when you're wrestling.


“And when I get to use any hold I care to.


“Get your health insurance paid up, Ricky. I'd rather not retire you all the way.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BarryKingman.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal_alt4.jpg

Kingman & Alexander vs. The Machines

The Machines turn in their usual high-paced, high-efficiency work, but – as there has been since they lost their titles – there's a little hesitation to it.


So maybe it's that. Maybe it's Barry and Clark learning to work together more effectively – certainly Clark's there immediately to break the pin attempt following a King of the Hill.


Maybe it's a fluke. Whatever the case, John Anderson's Ammo Dump attempt is blocked and reversed into the Hawaiian Breaker, giving Kingman & Alexander the win as Barry blocks an interception. Looking around the crowd, it seems few people believe what just happened.

Kingman & Alexander defeated The Machines

Rating: C







The voice sounds over the PA even before the former World Heavyweight Champion is visible, stalking angrily down the ramp microphone in hand.


“Brent, John, I'm disgusted,” Cornell continues. “How the hell could you let these two get past you? The New Wave I can understand. But this – this-”



Gimme Shelter begins to play, and Sam Keith heads down the ramp after Cornell. Behind him, one a little worried, the other nonchalantly slapping hands with the crowd, are Wolf Hawkins and Edd Stone.


“Tommy,” Sam says, locking eyes with the head of the Syndicate. “Anything can happen on the night. You know this. I know you know this, because you brought me in to stop these things happening.


“But I can't do that when you're making us save ourselves for title matches. Especially when there isn't a goddamn title match to save ourselves for!”


Cornell stares back at him. “Sam,” he says quietly. “You're bloody lucky to still be in this company. If I fire you from the Syndicate, you won't be.


“Save me your crap. Brent, John – we're going to discuss this. Backstage.” He glares at the other Syndicate men. “You all better win tonight.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt13.jpg

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone

Edd Stone. So innovative. So smooth. Gifted. Brilliant.




Art Reed. Widely trained. Smooth. Dedicated. Expert.




That's the contest here, and it's one that by and large delivers on that opposition. When Edd is good, he's incredible – at one point blocking a lift for a powerbomb, sweeping Reed's legs and flipping forward to pin, once again proving that whatever you're approach YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB EDD STONE.


At another Edd counters an arm wringer with a backflip dropkick to break the hold, landing on the top rope and sailing off again for a splash – but if he'd looked before leaping, rather than mugging for the crowd, he'd have seen that Reed was already rolling clear. And ultimately, that's what settles this one; Art Reed mops up after a nasty spill, clamps down the Dread Lock, and makes Edd tap.

Art Reed defeated Edd Stone

Rating: C





We return now to the final instalment of the Horatio Dangerous/Frankie Perez interview. At the end of the last instalment, Perez had explained that he was tempted by the Syndicate's offer but refused it.


“So why not?” Dangerous asks, clearly curious.


Perez shrugs. “Tommy Cornell has a rule,” he says. “He needs it, I guess, to keep that crew together. But it's not a rule I could agree to.


“Anyone watching this probably remembers a few years ago when Cornell had a different crew for backup. The Specialists. Charlie Thatcher. They didn't do so well, but then, they weren't this crew. The Specialists know what they're doing, but...” He shrugs.


“So OK. The Syndicate – Sam Keith, right? His record speaks for itself. Wolf Hawkins. The Machines, who're both phenomenal.


“They're good people to have at your back. Actually, they're incredible people to have at your back. But we've all seen groups like that fracture and bicker.


“Tommy Cornell has a rule to dodge that, and it's one you have to agree with if you're in the Syndicate.


“And it's not one I can accept.”


Dangerous raises an eyebrow. “I'll admit, I've not heard this...”


“Course not,” Perez shrugs. “You only hear it if you're good enough to be pitched.


“It's very simple. If you want to run with him. If you want that kind of backup – then you have to agree that whenever he's got the World Heavyweight Championship, or when he's eligible to claim it, you gotta get out of his way.


“As much as maybe I can't win it yet, I couldn't agree to that. On any given day, who knows who I might beat?”


Dangerous looks back at Perez, silent, and Frankie just grins. “Anyway,” he says. “You ask me, there're people I could work with who'd get more out of me and I'd get more out of them.”




“As if I'm going to give up an advantage before I need to.”




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Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

In what may be Frankie Perez' best performance to date, he and Koshiro Ino simply brutalise each other in pure puroresu style.


It would be hard to say who actually comes off worst – one of the biggest moments is a backdrop suplex by Ino; Perez twists and lands clean and hits his own, dumping Ino out of the ring. While that one would easily have kept the International Champion down for three, Frankie can't get him back into the ring in time – and by the time he does, Ino comes back with an uppercut and three blinding lariats.


The Kobra tries to land the Kobra's Bite, but Frankie twists clear and scores with a big hook kick to the head. A bulldog attempt by Perez gets turned into a backdrop suplex, but Perez kicks out, coming back with a lariat of his own and a Ganso bomb. Ino kicks out – just barely – and Perez goes for the P-Clutch, only for the Kobra to find the wherewithal to move and force Frankie's shoulders to the ground, scoring a narrow pin.

Koshiro Ino defeated Frankie Perez

Rating: B





Back from commercial, and through the arena's corridors the Blonde Bombshell walks with a purpose. Behind her, Johnny Bloodstone and Art Reed follow in silent solidarity.



The Bombshell raps her knuckles against a door. Troy Tornado emerges to answer.


Bombshell chuckles. “Your fight tonight.”


“What about it?”


“You still need a running mate?”


Tornado's eyes run over Bloodstone, who's stayed silent.


“He offering?”


Bloodstone inclines his head, just very slightly, and Troy smiles. “Alright,” he says. “We'll rock.”




Number One Contendership – World Heavyweight Championship

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg

Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

Rockwell and Hawkins seem to have difficulty meshing in the early moments, but they don't let that stop them; this is fast, this is hard-hitting, this is practically Wolf Hawkins' coming-out party while Rockwell does not in any way look weak.


Which is, of course, why Hawkins looks so good. He and Chris deliver a mat classic broken up by airborne assaults, comfortably within each others' capacity to work with, and while there's nothing unique about it, it's the emotion that really sells it.


Both men want this. Both men really want this, and it looks like both men are perfectly happy to almost die to get it. And that gives both men the drive they need.


No one fails to kick out. No one fails to reach the ropes. And with Eugene Williams vigilant throughout, neither man is willing to risk disqualification (though Chris Rockwell remains unafraid to sweep the leg.) This one goes all the way to the twenty minute mark undecided.

Chris Rockwell drew with Wolf Hawkins

Rating: B



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Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado & Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Sometimes, two men just can't find their rhythm as a team.


You'd expect that, tonight, to be Cornell and Keith, but for all the dissent clearly evident on both men's side, they still function better than Tornado and Bloodstone, and that means that the match just never really gets going, never hits its stride.


At least Bloodstone and Tornado end the match still in alignment, however; after too many slightly late tags, after too many harsh words, tempers flare in the Syndicate team just a little too much. Cornell tags Keith, uses the ropes to slingshot him into the ring, stomps him, lifts him up, and hits the Rough Ride on him.


After that, he leaves the ring. Tornado, almost seeming to shrug, pins Keith – then helps him up. The camera seems to see him mouth “sorry about that, man.”

Troy Tornado & Johnny Bloodstone defeated Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell

Rating: B-


Show Rating: B

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A fair range of results for Total Wrestling this time out, but the majority are still winners. With four correct guesses apiece, Tigerkinney, Hyde Hill, Zeel1, Bigpapa42, Candyman and Regis all walk away with the new American Buffalo shirt:




That's right, it's the only good reason to cheer for Buffalo.

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Wednesday 17th July, 2008

I do feel sorry, it has to be said, for Barry Kingman. And Clark Alexander – actually, Clark in particular.


Barry was brought into TCW a couple of months before I fully took over on my recommendation, as a talented enough worker whose role would be to work with our bigger but less talented names – I'm thinking here of folks like American Buffalo, and for that matter, had the disappointment with Natural Talent not taken place, Painful Procedure. Charlie Thatcher. That kind of thing.


Circumstances – largely the need to flesh out our tag team division – have given the pair more work than they would otherwise have had, and other circumstances – their being, currently, probably the best-received of our undercard face teams – led to a recent win over the Machines, who are easily one of our three biggest-name teams.


So why do I feel sorry for them?


Because the angle that led to them being given the win – while hopefully that win will help their perception – was an angle that followed. A public dressing-down of the Machines due to the enormity of this loss.


And that doesn't make Clark and Barry sound very good, does it?


Still... it's a win, in a big company, on our big show. And the original purpose of signing Barry having evaporated due to the level of improvement we're seeing out of workers in Coastal Zone, I'm glad we've found something new for him. In time, these two may become more successful.


Thursday 18th July 2008

And speaking of Coastal Zone... I'm in town, at the training camp they've set up (chiefly with TCW funding, to be fair), and I'm watching people train. I think, with Pete Hall's addition to the team, that our coaches can now provide a good to excellent grounding in absolutely every area of the business.


And most of the people we've got in here are responding to that excellently. Looking around, I see another four tag teams (including Natural Talent) being nurtured. Some of them may not make it. Some of them may spend only a brief while in TCW, like Natural Talent's first run. But they're definitely all performing better than they were when they were signed.



Marc Speed, presumably moments after biting into a lemon

Alt credit to FINisher


There are others, too. The bar to Marc Speed's achievements currently remains the fact that only a very few internet enthusiasts have heard of him. Cliff Anderson is cultivating Marc slowly, exposing him to the locals. We can hope that the crossover audience support whenever we're in the area will help Marc look good when it's finally time to call him up, but I'm looking forward to it. It's rare to see such an all-rounder in the ring; nothing stands out as a major strong point, but equally he can go to any style his opponent chooses. Louis Figo Manico and the Speedball are active now, running through a spot that I imagine will be seen on next week's TV; it's fast, it's slick, and I'm not going to try to set it down in text.


I take a break, talking through potential stable plans with a couple of the guys closer to call up – according to current plans, anyway. By the time I turn back, Steve Flash is running the show, and it's Texas Pete he's working with.


Pete Goldman has a grin on his face, working backstage here, that I can't recall seeing on Total Wrestling or any of his old SWF work. But then, I suppose, he'd been promised stardom for six years when he came here and stepped, by virtue of the level he'd established himself at, into a main event role.


I wrote before that I felt Pete treated being kicked down to dev as a shot in the arm, a galvanizing force. He's still easily the biggest party animal we have – with due respect to Edd Stone's growing collection of nicknames – but there's been focus to his work here. Enthusiasm. Dynamism.


He's actually learning. He might just be learning faster than anyone else we've got here.


(As I wrote that, Pete hit the ropes and hit something best described as a leaping big boot. He then transitioned to a single leg crab. I'd have preferred a hold that worked the head – There we go. Steve made the same point.


Yes, that way works much better. Where was I?)



Texas Pete: Rebranding Himself


It's a new look for him, too. A goatee – which doesn't look great to me – and long hair. With the speedier moves he's applying, it's much better than the crew cut under that Stetson. The hair's motion opens up a real sense of dynamism. And that means he'll 'seem' to be moving faster. And that, of course, means his moves look like they're hitting harder and tougher to dodge.


Pete Goldman was promised he'd be a champion for four years, with the SWF. After an incident I don't know the details of and won't go into, he left for TCW. For the first time, I'm seeing indications that one day, we genuinely might want to make him a champion. If he tightens up the underpinnings of his game, he could be very good.

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Guest cmdrsam
Phantom I have been a lurker for sometime now. But I really like what your doing. Your display of the coming tension between Keith and Cornell really has me marking. Keep up the good work.
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Phantom I have been a lurker for sometime now. But I really like what your doing. Your display of the coming tension between Keith and Cornell really has me marking. Keep up the good work.


Your kind words are definitely appreciated, sir. July 2008 is not shaping up to be the Syndicate's best month... Mind you, June didn't turn out that way either. Who thinks they'll make it past the summer?


Love the new look for Texas Pete. If I had used that alt, I might have felt okay with pushing him in the SWF. And maybe if he was a bit more talented...


He really is coming along well in dev, I've got to say. Mostly in terms of developing more options, but it's getting to be something I'm enthusiastic about. Every couple of weeks now I ponder calling him up versus giving him another little while of rapid education...


For what it's worth, the 'alt' isn't really an alt, it's a future worker called the Texas Hangman I stumbled across while planning the game out and looking for Texas Pete alts. If I end up employing them both in 2017, I'll have to figure something out. But it's a rare diary that reaches nine years, and rarer still when you've nine shows a month.


If I have to worry about it I'll be happy to have the problem.

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