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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Eddie Peak vs. Sammy Bach

Tough call. I'll take Eddie as the slightly more rounded. Plus, he just lost on PPV to Cornell. If Bach beats him here, it doesn't make Cornell look all that great.


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Miyazaki & Ota

Andrews gets to kick on after his PPV success.


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Painful Procedure

A strong debut win for the Riders although PP will doubtless be back for more.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell

Rockwell bounces back after defeat


Danny Fonzarelli vs. John Anderson

Anderson suffers as the Machines' malaise continues


Brent Hill vs. Rocky Golden

Hill suffers as the Machines' malaise continues!


Johnny Bloodstone & RDJ w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

I think RDJ and Bloodstone are probably too strong to lose this, but the SoT should look decent in defeat.


Sam Keith & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

The heels need to build some momentum. This is a good time to do it.

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Eddie Peak vs. Sammy Bach


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Miyazaki & Ota


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Painful Procedure


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell


Danny Fonzarelli vs. John Anderson


Brent Hill vs. Rocky Golden


Johnny Bloodstone & RDJ w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


Sam Keith & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

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Eddie Peak vs. Sammy Bach


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Miyazaki & Ota


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Painful Procedure


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell


Danny Fonzarelli vs. John Anderson


Brent Hill vs. Rocky Golden


Johnny Bloodstone & RDJ w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


Sam Keith & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

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Eddie Peak vs. Sammy Bach


Just feel Peak needs the win more, as Bach will rise up the card up eventually.


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Miyazaki & Ota


Simple booking here, Andrew follows up his PPV win over Tyler.


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Painful Procedure


Booking 101 again as the debuting and hyped team come in with a win.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell


Rockwell appears to be considerably higher up the card


Danny Fonzarelli vs. John Anderson


With the Machines in a sort of slump, I agree with the others here and see Fonzarelli taking this. Hope this Machines slump is going somewhere and that two good workers (be it Tag or singles) aren't going to waste


Brent Hill vs. Rocky Golden


See above


Johnny Bloodstone & RDJ w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


School of Tradition are midcard bullies, so they beat up on jobbers but lose to those higher on the card.


Sam Keith & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Normally those in the challenging position, pick up the wins in these sort of matches, to justify their position of being credible challengers.

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Eddie Peak vs. Sammy Bach

Have to agree with Tigerkinney. Bach didn't loose a lot by loosing to Ino, but Peak will need rebuilding.


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Miyazaki & Ota

Joey's already established, and Andrews needs to keep the win streak going.

Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Painful Procedure

PP are not near good enough to beat a debuting team.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell

Art's still working his way up the card, and Chris needs the win after last night's loss.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. John Anderson

Gotta go with Anderson, probably with some unwanted interference, to forward the machine's unhappiness with the direction of the Syndicate


Brent Hill vs. Rocky Golden

Golden is higher up the card, and with his partner winning,, Brent's loosing, again forwarding their unhappiness.


Johnny Bloodstone & RDJ w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

Bloodstone is on his way to being a real contender for the world title, and RDJ needs the win.


Sam Keith & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

TC ain't loosing on tv.

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Prediction Key:

Eddie Peak vs. Sammy Bach

Why? Because Eddie just under-performed in a match against Tommy Cornell, while Sammy pulled a better grade with Ino. To the better loser go the spoils.


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Miyazaki & Ota

Miyazaki and Ota are, unfortunately, still jobbers.


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Painful Procedure

After this much hype? No way they go down.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell

Reed's good, but he still doesn't have what it takes... to be Chris Rockwell. By which I mean overness and a Main Event push.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. John Anderson

Maybe the disposable midcard Face jobber to the stars will pick up a win?


Brent Hill vs. Rocky Golden

Rocky won't take it here - his losing streak continues.


Johnny Bloodstone & RDJ w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

I mean seriously, not a chance.


Sam Keith & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Don't just job the champs out on free TV, especially not after their big PPV victories.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 1 August 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 4.06)


Held at the Mayor Street Arena (New England)


Attendance: 12,906




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes



The opening video dies away, and Tommy Cornell stands in the ring alongside Wolf Hawkins. “I'm sure you all already saw it,” Cornell begins. “Summer Showdown has come and gone, and the World Heavyweight Championship is still out of our hands.


“Not for much longer, though.” He smiles, and pats Hawkins on the shoulder. “Matter of fact, next month we're going to bring back at least two of the belts. I'm locked in with Sam Keith, and that means no byrule is going to keep me from getting that belt away from him.


“Especially since he cares about it so much – but double that because once he's lost it, I can fire him.” A smirk. “See...” He pauses. “No,” he says. “Screw that. You saw how it went down, him and me. You know what he did. I don't need to justify myself.


“But that's not the only thing.”


Hawkins, microphone in hand, chimes in. “See, Tornado didn't beat me – he beat Rockwell. At the end of the day, it wasn't me who got pinned. It wasn't me who lost.


“I figure I deserve in the next World Heavyweight Championship match, right? And this time, I'm going to take the win away with me... And the belt with it.”



Cornell nods, and Fury of the Storm begins to play. Troy Tornado emerges, followed swiftly by Sam Keith, both men wearing their championship belts as they make their way to the ring.


Tornado snatches Hawkins' microphone out of his hand. “Wolf,” he says, “don't take this personally.


“But let's look back at last month, yeah?”


“They told me I was up against a Syndicate member and if he won he got a title shot. Didn't tell me who. I said fine.


“You lost, Wolf. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you couldn't beat me, but here's the thing – that day, you lost.


“So that was your first shot at being number one contender.


“SOMEHOW, mentioning no influential names, Tommy, Wolf got himself a second shot.


“Now I'll give you this, on that second shot. You didn't lose.


“I mean, you didn't win either, but hey. So that's two goes to almost prove yourself – the fact you didn't win doesn't look too impressive to me.


“So that's my piece said. And as for what you've been saying about Sam, Tommy...” He pauses, considers. “You know something?” He wheels on Keith. “I hear a lot of people saying they're still not sure this isn't some kind of Syndicate master plan. Still not sure that Sam Keith isn't playing Tommy's lackey.


“I can kind of see what they're saying, and what kills me...


“If they're right, we'll find out at Hotter Than Hell. But some of us need to know before then. If this is a trick, you bought yourselves a free month.”


Keith takes the microphone from Tornado and nods. “I'm not asking for immediate forgiveness,” he begins. “And you know, I can understand that you might have trouble trusting me tonight. I just have to keep going until I've proved myself, I guess.” He gives Tornado a long stare. “Right now, it's time to start.” He drops the microphone and lunges at Cornell. Hawkins tries to cut him off, and after a long moment watching, Tornado gets involved.


The crowd are roaring approval by the time the referees hit to try and separate the brawl.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Sammy Bach

This pair still demonstrates that remarkable innate understanding they have together; and the match is a very simple war of escalation. Peak hits Bach with a massive lariat right at the beginning that's enough to snap him out of that blank zone he enters at the start of every match, and what follows gets rapidly bigger and bigger.


Bach finally turns it from an even contest into his favour with a dropkick to the nuts that Peak sells like a champion – referee Sam Sparrow was unfortunately unsighted – and the beatdown, insofar as you can beat down Eddie Peak, begins.



It only ends it when a fan yanks Bach off Peak. In doing so, his hoodie falls back, and Sammy stops in his tracks, staring, as Teddy Powell glares daggers at him. The Motion Censor leaping superkick follows a moment later, and naturally enough, the match ends there.


The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell, the DaVE theme of Adrenaline Rush, hits. “Someone backstage,” Doakes notes grimly, “knew this was coming or that song wouldn't be ready.”

Sammy Bach defeated Eddie Peak by DQ

Rating: B




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Andrews & Minnesota vs. Miyazaki & Ota

So here they are; three men who at least until recently were among the roster's small fry, with Joey Minnesota the only longstanding big name in the match. And the result, in terms of the crowd's reactions, is on a par with a PPV tag title match involving Painful Procedure. Minnesota seems to play a role as the general amid the chaos, with the other three playing exuberant warriors, going over the top with everything they can.


Notably, for example, Miyazaki delivers a series of punches ending with a discus uppercut that actually catapults Minnesota over the top rope and to the floor; Aaron Andrews hits a spinebuster that actually looks more effective than either of his current finishing moves...


It's all fast-paced and it all looks pretty painful, but Minnesota eventually comes through, cutting off a second Miyazaki volley of punches and hoisting him for the Empire Spiral. Ota comes in to intervene, but Andrews cuts him off with a top rope crossbody.

Andrews & Minnesota defeated Miyazaki & Ota

Rating: C





Andrews remains in the ring afterward; Minnesota collects a microphone and tosses it into him before heading backstage with a smile.


“Eric,” Andrews calls. “You owe me, Eric. They signed off on the stip... so get out here...”



Eric Tyler is out not long afterward, accompanied by his sour expression and Laura Huggins. “First off,” Tyler says, “It wasn't the stip I specified. Second, that whole thing is null and void if members of the School got involved – and, tragically, Sean decided to do so. Nothing I can do about it, Aaron...”



Shout At The Devil begins to play, and Mayhem Midden appears behind Tyler.


“Not quite true,” he says. “Let's go to the tape, shall we?”


On the big screen behind him, a clip plays.


“Loser has to admit respect for the other,” Midden says.


“That's what I said!”


“Not quite,” Midden points out. “But close enough. Alright, Eric; you've got your match. Should be fun. Oh – but if your School get involved, you can't enforce the stipulation.”


Mayhem Midden grins. “Never said anything about Aaron not being able to, did I?” he says, and gestures to the ring. “He asked, Eric. Off you go.”


Tyler, instead, starts stalking back toward Midden, who shrugs. “Hold on a second there, Eric,” he says. “I brought someone along who might want to see an honorable pledge be lived up to...”



My Hero begins to play and Rick Law is standing behind the Board's Representative. Tyler halts and seems to be considering his chances right now. Law places a hand on his nightstick, and Tyler swallows before heading back to the ring.


After a long moment, he manages to make himself extend a hand to Andrews, who takes it and shakes. Tyler looks back to the entrance ramp, where Midden and Law stand.


He releases the grip and turns to face them, pointing at Law. “Bad move,” he says. “My schedule just cleared. Your ass is in for a world of hurt...”




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Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Painful Procedure

A pretty by-the-numbers hoss brawl, but the Riders at least change things up a little. The brawl ends only when Billy Jack Shearer finds himself on the end of Peter Hopper's fearsome RPM Bomb, leading to the pin.

Easy Riders defeated Painful Procedure

Rating: D+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell

And the pace picks right back up.


It's almost exclusively a mat-based contest, though neither man is afraid to punch their way out of a hold if it's the only option available. They keep things quick, clean, and crisp, with Rockwell at the end winning after an open-handed slap to the face makes Reed get angry and he misses on a charge; Rockwell takes him down and unleashes a series of grounded knee strikes which leave Reed so dazed that Rockwell can collect the pin.

Chris Rockwell defeated Art Reed

Rating: B





Rockwell promptly calls for a microphone. “Before you go anywhere,” he tells the Bombshell, “I want you to take a message to your other client.


“See, I'm chasing him for a win back. And I thought that might be fun to do soon. You want to ask him?”


The Bombshell looks pointedly at Rockwell's position, stood over Reed and in position to do some damage if she says no, and finds herself relieved of the need to say anything as Break Stuff starts playing.



Johnny Bloodstone strides down to the ring and goes face-to-face with Rockwell, then suddenly grins.


“You don't need to make this kind of fuss about it,” he begins. “Not for a match with me. You're a good fighter, Chris. And if I don't wrestle good fighters, I'll lose my edge.


“So you bet – you got it.”



Rockwell grins, and then more music starts to play – Battle Without Honor Or Humanity heralds the arrival of the International Champion Koshiro Ino.


“Did I miss something?” he asks, as Baroness Emily whispers something, looking worried.


“I offered you a rematch because our fight ended in disqualification. You say no. That's for a title – this isn't, and you're chasing this?


“What's going on?”


Rockwell smiles. “Titles are incidental,” he says. “The goal is the winner's share of the purse, man. Sure, that's bigger when you've got a shiny belt in question, but I'm here for me and money, man, me and money.


“If I beat someone then you can look in the record book and see my name and a mark in the win column. Pretty simple.


“I proved I can beat you, man. Why would I want to give you a shot at pulling that back?”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal_alt4.jpg

Danny Fonzarelli vs. John Anderson

It's not on a par with the prior match, but it's a good, solid contest as Fonzarelli continues to show an evolving grasp of the game, taking Anderson to the limit and doing well against Anderson's attempts to wear him down. Around the ten minute mark, Fonzie lands the Ammo Dump to walk away with the win.

Danny Fonzarelli defeated John Anderson

Rating: C+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill_alt2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RockyGolden.jpg

Brent Hill vs. Rocky Golden

While Golden continues to refine the technical side of his game – or, to put it less politely, to try stuff like armbars – Hill and Rocky are very different stylists and the quality of their wrestling, too, is different. It's not a combination that leads to a sensational match, though in the end Brent gets a decent reaction when he turns the Rack into a takedown and promptly follows up with a King of the Hill for victory.

Brent Hill defeated Rocky Golden

Rating: C-





Back from commercial and, in the Syndicate locker room, Cornell seems frustrated with the Machines.


“So,” he says, after a moment. “Explain Sunday.”


Hill looks at him. Anderson shrugs. “What do you mean?”


“Sunday,” Cornell snaps. “Summer Showdown. The little matter of you two being called in to help in the main event – which I would remind you is your job, now you don't have belts of your own.”


Hill and Anderson exchange glances. After a long moment, Hill breaks the silence. “My wife called,” he says. “My boy'd injured himself. I was busy.” Anderson nods.


Cornell glowers. “Don't let it happen again,” he says in the end, and storms out.


Anderson exhales. “He bought it,” he says, and Hill nods.




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Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

RDJ and Johnny Bloodstone showed an astonishing understanding of each other's styles for two people so unused to teaming together, which can only have been an asset to the match. Just as important, though, will have been Bryant and Deeley's own technical skills in making this one of the best tag team matches of the year to date.


The School are clearly outclassed, but they don't let that stop them, and when RDJ winces after Deeley hits him in the shoulder most affected by the Proton Lock, they go to town, aiming to wear that arm down and pick up the win before Johnson can tag out.


It almost works, especially after a couple of ref distractions by Laura Huggins mean that Bloodstone's initial tag isn't recognised. But in the end, it's difficult to keep RDJ down, and a Southern Justice on Deeley gives him the break he needs.


Bloodstone comes in, takes Deeley back down, suplexes Bryant as he tries to intervene, and then clamps the Bloodstone Mutilation onto Deeley, forcing a tapout.

Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson defeated School of Tradition

Rating: B+




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Sam Keith & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

We start hot and we get hotter. All four men are about as familiar to this crowd as pro wrestlers ever get, and this leads to something intense.


The Syndicate make use of their trust to really tear both Keith and Tornado apart in the early going before – as Azaria shrewdly suggests – Tornado starts to just trust that Keith will have his back, evidently figuring that if he worries about it too much he'll get injured anyway.


That manages to turn the tide for a while, and after Keith tags back in it seems like Wolf Hawkins is in serious trouble.



And then someone else enters the ring. Tyson Baine doesn't seem, on the face of it, to have anything to do with this match – but he enters the ring, takes Eugene Williams out from behind, and promptly sinks Sam Keith with a Hades Bomb before yanking Tornado into the ring and doing the same thing. By the time Williams revives, a lifeless Keith is clamped in the Guilt Trip, but it's all for show – Cornell can't make an unconscious man submit. Williams awards the Syndicate the win, and Baine re-enters the ring to raise their hands.

Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins defeated Sam Keith & Troy Tornado

Rating: A


Show Rating: B+

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Just getting into this now as I catch up on a bunch of diaries. Sorry I didnt get to it earlier as I am only on the first full show write up ( I wish I could get 4 pages of comments between shows on my diaries :eek::p ) but it looks fantastic. I will hold off predictions till I am fully caught up, which should be a few days, but rest assured I will be following this faithfully from now on.
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Tuesday 2nd August 2008

Just barely Tuesday, though. Like I said in my last entry, I spoke to the boys about the concerns Rocky raised last week. As this is – in theory – a diary of my booking decisions and the logic behind them – I'm going to put down roughly what I said here. I'm bound to get some of the wording wrong, but this was the rough idea, after Tommy OKed it. (You do NOT talk about financial matters to everybody without the boss giving you the green light. Fortunately, Tommy knows that the gang are going to need pay hikes considering the advances we've made.)


“First of all,” I said, “I've been asked about the apparent direction of the company, with most of the belts on newcomers and other new guys getting heavy pushes.


“It's a fact that we've brought in a lot of new talent in the past year. This is hardly just my doing, mind you, but I'll admit that a lot of them have been spotlighted more since I came in.


“Now, here's the thing. When I was hired I was specifically asked to shake up the main event scene. Does that mean I think the main event wasn't doing it's job as it was? No. But one of my priorities was to freshen things up. Some of that, it's obvious how you do it – with Tommy off the belt we can bring Wolf up, with Sam out of the Syndicate we can shake other things up. Some of that has been about using what Joel set up. I'm told that back last summer, as Eddie, Sammy, Joey and the New Wave were signed up, the instructions were to not put DaVE over as on par with TCW. I shouldn't have to explain why – it had just gone bust. Tell the fans you're 'only' as good as a company that went out of business and you follow them.”


The first wave of TCW's DaVE signings: Better off not part of a doomed faction


Eddie grinned at this; Joey had been looking affronted until the explanation when he relaxed. The DaVE graduates are proud of their time there, and speaking as someone who had the book for a company it bought out, I can't say I blame them.


“Anyway, the long and short of it is that this is why it took a year for the New Wave to make it to the top, and why things like a major push for Eddie are only just being lined up. Add in Johnny and Chris – and to be fair, Chris in particular got rushed up the card, more or less of necessity – and we have a very different looking main event.


“The question is...” I took a look around to see how many of the crowd were looking annoyed. “Where does that leave the rest of you, right?


“Sooner rather than later, the new main event is going to need shaking up. We've pushed these guys hard to position them where we need them – and we now need you guys who've been losing to put in the work and get yourselves on equal footing. That means some more wins for you, but it doesn't mean you get everything you gave these guys back right away.


“Realistically, the company is more popular than it's ever been. What's in that for you guys is that, also, individual stars are more popular than they used to be. Those of you who have percentages of your merch in your contract will be seeing the results of this with the next quarterly payment. Those of you who don't – trust me, your merch is on the up, and I've got Tommy's authorisation to say that we know you deserve a slice of the pie next time your contracts come due. That slice may or may not come with merch rights, but if it doesn't, you can expect a better dollar figure at the end of each month.


“Financially, you're doing fine. Creatively, you may not be so well off now – but as we finish establishing the new guys, we get more room to give you what you need in that area as well. If you've got a problem with what we have you doing now, talk to me about it. If I don't have a good explanation for it, it needs fixing.”



Thursday 4th August 2008

Randall Hopkirk called me from a payphone at today's house show. Apparently, he's been thinking things over and wants to start moving toward a backstage position. He's asked to be taken off the active wrestling roster around this time next month.


He's got about nine months after that on his contract, and I'm not sure what we'll do with him, if anything. Realistically, he's maybe a hair better than Kyle Rhodes is on colour, but Kyle's contract runs longer and we have other obvious replacements who've been being groomed for the job.


Billy Jack Shearer, too, doesn't exactly benefit from this news. The biggest advantage the pair have is their experience and exposure as a duo, and without his partner BJS is, well... simply the worker with the least range to their skillset on our books, and unlikely to step his game up notably given his age.


On the other hand, some good news today, again brought to my attention by Jennifer Cornell; TCW now has TV coverage outside of GNN Total Sports. Continental Sports X1, a network covering the UK and Europe, has signed to take Total Wrestling on as part of its broadcast package. It's not a big network by any stretch of the imagination, but further coverage should help us; we already air PPVs in Europe, to a generally positive response from the few fans who follow TCW online and know what's going on.


Making it easy for the casual fan to find reasons to care enough to buy PPVs – and merchandise – is a good thing, and that's what this deal does. It should hopefully motivate the British fanbase – once TCW has a British fanbase, rather than Tommy having a British fanbase – to start prodding their own PPV networks about us, and that kind of fan support makes it a lot easier to cut a deal with those providers.


Fortunately, we've got some new arrivals in place who should be able to help us nurture that interest.

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Following his shock appearance Tuesday, Teddy Powell is losing no time before introducing himself to the roster on a wrestling basis - and he's bringing a friend. Teddy and his unknown ally will be facing off with the Fly Boys to open Badge of Honor, and personally I'm hoping we'll hear some more about why he attacked Sammy Bach on Tuesday - and how it was that the sound system was ready to play Adrenaline Rush' old DaVE theme tune.


Next up, the Machines will be taking on two men who've been the toast of the Japanese scene as they face off with Art Reed and Hell Monkey. Is this the beginning of a new tag team in the swelling, competitive tag division? Can the Machines reverse their recent misfortunes?


Tyson Baine is also booked to be in action, and he'll be facing off with up and coming talent the Cannonball Kid. (We hear that Horatio Dangerous and current All Action Champion Edd Stone will be joining together following this match to discuss Edd's past, present and future rivals in the division.)


Aaron Andrews and Frankie Perez will face off following that. These two hard-hitting youngsters have both been making waves recently, but Andrews has done it with wins and the admittedly talented Perez has done it with controversial alignments and challenges against the best TCW has to offer. Which of them has learned more from their recent issues?


Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins step up next. It seems strange to me - Tyler seems focused on Rick Law, and yet he asked for this match to prove himself in a tag context, as the Tyler & Huggins alliance take on Kingman & Alexander.


Lastly, Wolf Hawkins will be one half of our main event, and he'll be taking on Badge of Honor's favourite son Rick Law.


Prediction Key:

The Disrespected (Teddy Powell & ????) vs. The Fly Boys


Art Reed & Hell Monkey w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Machines


The Cannonball Kid vs. Tyson Baine


Aaron Andrews vs. Frankie Perez


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tyler & Huggins


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

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Prediction Key:

The Disrespected (Teddy Powell & ????) vs. The Fly Boys

So, a debuting team versus bickering jobbers, eh?


Art Reed & Hell Monkey w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Machines

Go Go Syndicate!


The Cannonball Kid vs. Tyson Baine



Aaron Andrews vs. Frankie Perez

Tyler tries to interfere, but Law's counter-attack gives AA the rub.


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tyler & Huggins

Despite earlier shenanigans, T&H go over the jobbers.


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

Maybe by DQ, but it's a win nonetheless. It's his show!

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The Disrespected (Teddy Powell & ????) vs. The Fly Boys


Regis summed it up...debuting act versus jobbers who don't get along only one way this is going


Art Reed & Hell Monkey w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Machines


Despite Reed & Monkey having the talent and The Machines having their problems of late, I don't see you giving an untried and tested team the upset win


The Cannonball Kid vs. Tyson Baine


Someone's going to have to come along and scrape a certain Mr Samuel off the mat.


Aaron Andrews vs. Frankie Perez


Intriguing B-show match between two future stars, Andrews stock is finally on the rise, whilst Perez has been competitive (mostly in losing efforts mind). I see Frankie sneaking out the win here, following an inteference or perhaps just even a distraction from Eric Tyler.


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tyler & Huggins


I think I've said it before the School of Tradition are midcard bullies who get wins over the lower card acts but come unstuck against those higher up the card than them.


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins


I'll go for the DQ win here too, Hawkins still gets to look relatively strong but we all know that Law just doesn't lose on Badge of Honor.

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The Disrespected (Teddy Powell & ????) vs. The Fly Boys

A win to give the new team some credibility.


Art Reed & Hell Monkey w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Machines

Machines continue their loosing streak.


The Cannonball Kid vs. Tyson Baine

Very short squash.


Aaron Andrews vs. Frankie Perez

Frankie continues his loosing rise up the ladder.


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tyler & Huggins

The SoT are in need of a win or two to stay a threat.


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

Ricks gonna lay down the law again!

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The Disrespected (Teddy Powell & ????) vs. The Fly Boys


Art Reed & Hell Monkey w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Machines


The Cannonball Kid vs. Tyson Baine


Aaron Andrews vs. Frankie Perez


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tyler & Huggins


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

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Finally all caught up on this



Prediction Key:

The Disrespected (Teddy Powell & ????) vs. The Fly Boys

Powell is heading into a feud with Sammy and the Fly Boys are still dysfunctional


Art Reed & Hell Monkey w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Machines

Reed & Monkey arent established as a team yet.


The Cannonball Kid vs. Tyson Baine

semi squash


Aaron Andrews vs. Frankie Perez

Double DQ due to outside interference


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tyler & Huggins

They get another surprise upset


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

Hawkins is still positioned as #1 contender

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 August 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.35)


Held at the Grissom Auditorium (South West)


Attendance: 2000




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/StevieGrayson_alt1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TeddyPowell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg

The Disrespected vs. The Fly Boys

Not the greatest of matches on record, it has to be said. But the four competitors fly around pretty well. After Grayson stands revealed as Powell's ally, speculation runs rife on the announce desk as to what that means, and for that matter what the name of their team implies.


It's Jasmine Saunders who comes up with the likeliest explanation thus far; Powell has been left behind by a former tag team partner, and so has Grayson – twice, in fact, in TCW, as Troy Tornado and then Wolf Hawkins rose well past him. Perhaps they're here, now, to claim the respect their former partners command...


It would explain why Teddy and Stevie seem to be adding a lot more of a physical aspect to their game in this match; they're not just jumping, they're hitting hard. Teddy catches Donnie, the legal man, with the Motion Censor; Stevie promptly drags Jimmy over the top rope and DDTs him onto his partner before Teddy covers for the pin.

The Disrespected defeated The Fly Boys

Rating: D+





Stevie's rolling back into the ring with dual microphones even as Sam Sparrow raises Teddy's arm in victory.


“We'll keep this short,” Teddy begins. “Sammy Bach, you *******, you got yourself a cushy job, and you didn't even try to keep me with you. I don't know whether I want this job. But I deserved a chance to find out right from the start – and you cut me out.


“So I'm going to make sure you don't get this gig anymore. And then?” He smirks. “We'll see.”


Grayson shrugs. “I got the cushy job,” he begins. “I had a good time, you know? I stood alongside Troy. I stood alongside Wolf before he got his taste for suits.


“I worked here for years. I've bled here. I've been thrown into dangerous matches to prove a point. I walked out of the arena with a sore back night after night for years, and I had my money to show for it, and the roar of the crowds, and nothing else.


“Cushy? As cushy as anything is in wrestling. But I had it. And then two and a half years ago Wolf told me he wasn't interested in teaming up anymore.


“Half a year later I got a letter. No longer required.


“Hadn't I earned it? Hadn't I fought hard enough?


“But of course Wolf became the boss's pet. And I'd found myself without the team I was used to. Without a team, when it's all I knew how to do. And that meant I looked bad, I struggled. I was learning to prove myself, I was learning to wrestle on my own.


“And I got canned just as I was getting used to it.


“Now, Wolf – you helped cause that. And I've drifted for a while, now, and I've learned – but I've found someone who's got my back. And we have business to conclude with the pair of you.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HellMonkey.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal_alt4.jpg

Art Reed & Hell Monkey vs. The Machines

Fast-paced. Technical. High-octane. Hard-hitting.


Kyle Rhodes knows far too many cliches, but despite them constantly being in circulation, the Machines and the Japanese-trained team manage to keep the crowd interested with a mix of familiar and new moves, rolling on for almost fifteen minutes before one side finally lands a decisive move that can't be countered by the other side. That being said – one thing's clear.


The Machines are back. The lips of Anderson and Hill have quiet smiles almost throughout, and the pair move with a purpose, fighting efficiently and with clear enjoyment.


When it comes, Hell Monkey goes for the Hell Fire Kick; John Anderson steps inside, catches him, plants him with a powerslam and rolls over to tag Hill.


Hill comes off the top with the King of the Hill as Anderson sprints across the ring, dropkicking Reed off the apron. The pinfall comes swiftly after that.

The Machines defeated Art Reed & Hell Monkey

Rating: C+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TheCannonballKid.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TysonBaine_nachtfalter16.jpg

Tyson Baine alt credit to Nachtfalter

The Cannonball Kid vs. Tyson Baine

A new look for Baine now, and as he takes the sunglasses off before the match it becomes clear that he's also discarded the red lenses.


And the Cannonball Kid is the recipient of Baine's first revitalised assault, with Baine brutalising him, hurling him around the ring like a ragdoll.


Abruptly, after three minutes of destruction, Baine lifts him up and props him against a turnbuckle, letting him stand, then steps away and waits. The Kid takes a few moments to recover, then stares. Baine smiles, and raises a hand, beckoning.


The Kid takes a deep breath, rises up onto the second rope, and comes off with a dropkick; Baine goes back a pace, then smirks, and waits. A dropkick to the back of his knee follows, then a diving clothesline attempt – and then Baine plucks him out of the air, hoists him, and snaps him down with a crisp, clean Hades Bomb. The pincount follows swiftly.

Tyson Baine defeated the Cannonball Kid

Rating: C




A piece of prerecorded footage airs next. The scene is the TCW production suite, and present are Horatio Dangerous and All Action Champion Edd Stone. Dangerous smiles at the camera. “I'm here tonight with Edd Stone; over the next couple of weeks, we'll be shining a spotlight on the division he's currently at the top of, the All Action Division.


“Of course, many of those competitors are also busy elsewhere. But let's see how we stand...”


They turn and regard footage on a screen, which expands to fill the view.


To begin with, the footage is of Sammy Bach.


“Yeah,” Edd's voice chimes in. “I just got done with Sammy, I guess. Fast guy, seriously, and he hits hard – like, crazy hard. But crazy's the word, you know, Doc?”


“I'm no doctor, Edd,” Dangerous offers.


“Course not, Doc,” Edd returns. “If Sammy's got a problem, it's that ego of his. That whole thing with names, and if you are one then he wants to cripple you and if you aren't he doesn't give a hoot about you. Which means you can get in under his guard or you can ride the crazy out.”



The view changes, moving on to Kazuma Narato. “Now,” Dangerous says, “of course we know Kazuma better as a tag team representative, but he's done some impressive solo work too, over in Japan. Edd?”


“I'll be honest,” Stone says. “I don't know his work much, but – whoa!” On the screen, Kazuma Narato runs up the ropes, backflipping over his opponent and twisting into a bulldog takedown. “Show me that again!” he demands. “Come on – I don't know how to do that! I gotta... Man...”


Dangerous chuckles. “Not what you were expecting?”


“No way no how,” Stone returns. “That's cool, man...”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs. Frankie Perez

And this one actually is a well-received contest, with the crowd responding more favourably to both men than they were only a few months ago. Perez and Andrews slug it out with gusto, shifting up gears from time to time to deliver nasty-looking slams, swift matwork, and even the occasional airborne attack.


It's a pretty even contest for most of the match; Perez takes a moment to uncover a turnbuckle, however, and while Sam Sparrow is reattaching it he hoofs Andrews below the belt, promptly slapping on the P-Clutch and yelling for Sparrow's attention.


The submission isn't far behind.

Frankie Perez defeated Aaron Andrews

Rating: C+





“Hey!” Rick Law runs out and gets into Perez' face following his shady tactics. Perez smirks, and the two men argue for a few moments before Acid soars into shot, taking Law down with a dropkick to the head.



Freddy Huggins promptly follows up with a legdrop to the neck, and Eric Tyler is in to drop a couple of elbows before Joel Bryant grabs a crabhold and Deeley locks Law's arm down. Tyler then proceeds to lay the boots in around the trapped man's head, the beatdown continuing for several more minutes before the referees manage to clear it off.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BarryKingman.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Kingman & Alexander vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Another good, decent tag team contest, marred only by Huggins' occasional outbursts of cheating – and by the announcement, conveyed to the fans at home partway through the match by the announcers, that following the assault by the School of Tradition Rick Law will not be active in the main event, and that Danny Fonzarelli will take his place.


Still, most of this contest is a solid technical exhibition livened up by the occasional Huggins highspot – leading neatly to the end, as an illegal superkick from the apron drives Kingman backward into the Tradition Lift.

Tyler & Huggins defeated Kingman & Alexander

Rating: C




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg

Danny Fonzarelli vs. Wolf Hawkins

Fonzarelli doesn't look as happy as he usually does on entrance. He looks frustrated, driven – Azaria speculates that Fonzie feels stung at being the second choice for this match.


As he squares off with Hawkins, it's hard to say who looks less like a fun-loving fan favourite, and as the match begins, Fonzarelli continues to show that kind of anger.


And Hawkins uses that, rides it, and stays a step ahead, capitalising on every mistake he can find. After ten minutes or so, a second Full Moon Rising finally ends things, with Fonzarelli this time unable to kick out.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: B


Show Rating: B

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Monday 8th August 2008




Brent Hill's contract is coming to an end, and we're not the only company that have made him an offer; there's a pair of Japanese promotions that have feelers out.


We can offer him more money, more recognition, and we're in the process of repositioning the Machines – all of which he knows – but it's been a few days since we spoke, and I'm just praying that he'll actually sign. I'd hate for the Machines to break up with a whimper – if we end them, I want to end them with the bang their work deserves.


What's puzzling me right now is that the SWF haven't made an offer. He's better-known than Genghis Rahn was when the poached him, and younger – he's got more to offer in a lot of ways, and would be a good replacement or even upgrade for Phil Roberts.


Also, he's someone they'd be advised to take away from us before he really has one last huge run. But maybe that's just me talking, knowing the plans I have for him, paranoid. Over the past year, the Machines have become more and more a unit in their wrestling, but in addition Brent and John remain very, very sound wrestlers capable of delivering, and it wouldn't take much enhancement of either man's credibility to make them viable top workers in the company. (Similarly, if Richard lets Phil's contract drop, I'll pounce. The man may have hit forty but he could still give us some good years before going in to help with development.)

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Not one but two championships are on the line this week, and one of them goes on the line in the opening match; the New Wave are set to face off with newcomers the Easy Riders, who appear to be taking a break from their persecution of Painful Procedure to take a shot at the highest prize in tag team competition.


Immediately after that, Sam Keith's Hard-Hitting Championship goes on the line against Sammy Bach, who's been in and out of contention for almost every singles title TCW has all year long.


And then the All Action division has a chance to shine, as WLW imports collide with Acid facing off against Hell Monkey. You may need frame-by-frame to catch everything that goes on in this contest...


Ricky Dale Johnson takes on a newcomer to the promotion in former three-time DaVE Extreme Champion JD Morgan, providing the newcomer with as tough a debut test as anyone could ask for.


Another DaVE graduate continues to prove his worth after that - Art Reed locks up with Wolf Hawkins in what has to be seen as a real opportunity to move up for the newcomer against the Syndicate's fortunate son.


We can report that the next match was made only after a loud argument between Mayhem Midden and Tommy Cornell and appears to have been at Syndicate request. We can't tell you why Midden and Cornell were arguing, however, as Midden loves to watch a good match and on the face of it, World Heavyweight Champion Troy Tornado and International Champion Koshiro Ino facing off against the Machines should be an excellent spectacle - particularly if the Machines can retain the fire they surprisingly showed on Friday's Badge of Honor broadcast.


Last and far from least, it's the match made last week - Chris Rockwell and Johnny Bloodstone. They fought to a draw last time they faced off - what will happen in Total Wrestling's main event?


Prediction Key:

TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Sammy Bach


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hell Monkey


JD Morgan vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Wolf Hawkins


The Machines vs. Koshiro Ino & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily


Chris Rockwell vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Losing Hill would hurt. Helluva talent.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Sammy Bach


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hell Monkey


JD Morgan vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Wolf Hawkins


The Machines vs. Koshiro Ino & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily


Chris Rockwell vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Losing Hill would hurt. Helluva talent.


Believe me when I say I'm on edge here. Yes, the Machines have taken quite the drop over the past month or so - but that doesn't mean I don't love both of those guys, and Brent in particular could easily take a shot at the main event before he's 40. (See: Zeel1's game, apart from anything else.)

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