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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Consider him the trade-up for Buffalo, in some ways...




He needs to learn to talk soonish, though I'm sure that'll happen with time. He needs some rounding out. But he fits quite nicely into my vague plans for a post-Syndicate TCW timeline, and it's time, really, that the groundwork for that starts getting laid. I know the Syndicate will roll into 2009 and be a major presence for a while yet; I equally don't want them to outstay their welcome a la the nWo.


(As will probably be becoming apparent, I tend to lay groundwork for long-term plans waaaay in advance, and even try to tease shorter arcs with time to spare.)


Good trade-up, I must say.


He's not the perfect monster heel, but Kholov is quite impressive. There are some weak spots, as you point out, but hopefully he can develop in those areas. As for learning to speak, it might easier to pair him with a manager for the early going. Even using Eric Tyler in that role.

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Good trade-up, I must say.


He's not the perfect monster heel, but Kholov is quite impressive. There are some weak spots, as you point out, but hopefully he can develop in those areas. As for learning to speak, it might easier to pair him with a manager for the early going. Even using Eric Tyler in that role.


He'll still hurt any angle he plays a role in until it changes. Honestly, it's just gonna take some time.


As for Tyler, he won't be playing manager, for reasons slated to be covered in the next week...

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Well, Khoklov will hurt any angle in which he has to talk... but I think he can manage okay with angles where all he has to do is beat on a guy.


(Does Khoklov even know English?)


Not yet, no. He does speak passable Japanese, though, so he's got people he can talk to - unlikes SWF'10, for example.


His lack of English will penalise any segment, but with his Menace as it is, I suspect we can cope until he learns to speak it.

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Tuesday 23rd September 2008

Wrestlers rib each other constantly. I've stopped even noting half the ones that Eddie Peak plays on me – me having made myself appear to be the kind of guy who's willing to take them.


Most of them, I can happily ignore. To be perfectly honest, most of them I never even hear about. Those ones don't cause any kind of problem.


Why do wrestlers do this the whole time? I've been asked this a few times, when a rib gets blown into the public eye, and it makes me pause every time. Ask a fish why he breathes water.


For better or worse, it's part of the industry. And there are defences, arguments for it; wrestlers are on the road together near constantly (less so now, in smaller companies, as cheaper air fare sees more workers wrestling for more promotions all over the world). They see more of each other than they do their family – likely more than you see of yours, if you work eight hours a day.


People go a little stir crazy. Frustrations build and come out, as (mostly) harmless jokes.


On top of that, there's the issue of... testing people, I guess, is the way to put it.


When I was last in the SWF, I wrestled Sam Strong, I wrestled Rip Chord, I wrestled Bruce the Giant, I wrestled a whole bunch of people... And I lost, quite often. (This was the period where I was paired with Andrew Barber, who gave me my job at Philly Power Pro Wrestling some years later.)


Whether it was the Strong Arm Tactic, the DDT, or a chokeslam, I had to rely on the man executing that move to keep me safe while he hit it.



Rip Chord destroys Horatio Dangerous' SWF Championship hopes with the DDT, Christmas Clash 1991


I put my body in their hands. I had to trust them, and I trusted them.


You get a measure of someone, when you rib them. It helps you trust them – or know not to.


And then there's the simple question of the rib as a way of making sure the younger generation put in their dues... Which brings me to Eric Tyler.


I believe that this is the reason for Eric Tyler's usual pranks. Sometimes, sure, they go too far – as today, when I had to tear a strip off him for the way he was behaving with Donnie.


Donnie found, today, that his girlfriend's number had been deleted off his cellphone, replaced with the Des Moines number for Dominos. And, as the Idaho Punisher isn't on our books, I figured Eric for the culprit.


Donnie didn't have another record of her number, so the whole thing damn near turned into a brawl. I had to break it up. Thankfully, Jimmy's dating one of her friends – a girl down in Coastal Zone by the name of Rita Charles – so we got it sorted with less trouble than there might have been.


I need to work out how to get Eric Tyler a little less... active... backstage. I don't know how yet. Expect more rambling along these lines.

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For the first time in over a year, Edd Stone will team with one of his brothers on Total Wrestling this week - facing off with another sibling team, as the Syndicate once again clash with Sam Keith's camp. The Stone Brothers versus the Keith Brothers.


After that, the Machines reunite at Mr Cornell's order, set to face the Easy Riders. More of Mr Cornell's 'punishment matches'?


A match requested by Eric Tyler and OKed by Mayhem Midden comes next; four of our All-Action Division face off in a singles battle. Representing the School of Tradition are both Acid and Freddy Huggins - will they work together? Acid's occasional tag partner, however, also features in this match - the international star UK Dragon. And rounding out the contest is the ever-dangerous Hell Monkey...


Koshiro Ino has been looking, over the course of nearly three months now, to get his rematch against Chris Rockwell and settle matters once and for all. At Total Wrestling, he'll square off against Rockwell's semi-regular ally, Frankie Perez, in what should be a very tough contest.


Rockwell himself will be in action shortly afterward; Mr Cornell has taken the self-named Triple-Threat Champion, Troy Tornado, at his word, and before the title defence at Destructive Energy, Troy steps in the ring in a non-title bout with Chris Rockwell... and Eddie Peak. Will Troy even make it to Destructive Energy?


Tommy Cornell and his protege Wolf Hawkins are in action, too, in the main event. Their opponents? The strange combination that is Ricky Dale Johnson and Cornell's other opponent on Sunday, Johnny Bloodstone. Johnson and Bloodstone have shown themselves, in their one joint outing before, to be a brutally effective duo. How much of that will come through here?


Prediction Key:

The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. The Machines


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hell Monkey vs. UK Dragon


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Chris Rockwell vs. Eddie Peak vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

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Prediction Key:

The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. The Machines


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hell Monkey vs. UK Dragon


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Chris Rockwell vs. Eddie Peak vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. The Machines


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hell Monkey vs. UK Dragon


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Chris Rockwell vs. Eddie Peak vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Stone Brothers

Keith Brothers continue to look impressive in defeat. Jeremy in particular needs the win to keep looking strong.


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. The Machines


The bikers have looked dangerous so far, but the Machines ARE dangerous.


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hell Monkey vs. UK Dragon


So weird to see Eric Tyler and Acid basically on the same side. Monkey and Dragon are basically midcard jobbers at this point, and of the others, Freddy means more to the story so far.


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


One part marking for Emily, one part knowing that Ino's the bigger guy.


Chris Rockwell vs. Eddie Peak vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


I think this MIGHT be a way to give one of the other two main event cred, but I don't know which. Split the difference, give it to Troy.


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


You still need to give me a reason for Cornell to lose. And since you're trying not to tie RDJ to the Syndicate storyline, a win for him would raise too many plot points here. (Though let me tell you... if I'm RDJ, I'm letting you tie me to the Syndicate storyline at this point. That dude has virtually disappeared lately.)

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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Stone Brothers

Popularity-wise, this might be closer than it seems. But I think the vets need to be stronger right now thant he youngsters.


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. The Machines


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hell Monkey vs. UK Dragon


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Chris Rockwell vs. Eddie Peak vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. The Machines


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hell Monkey vs. UK Dragon


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Chris Rockwell vs. Eddie Peak vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

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(Though let me tell you... if I'm RDJ, I'm letting you tie me to the Syndicate storyline at this point. That dude has virtually disappeared lately.)


No question whatsoever; RDJ is the big point where I've fallen down on booking. Partly that's keeping him away from Tommy (and, thus, much of the Syndicate once Keith turned face, until such time as Wolf's program - or Jeremy's - finishes) but it's also been a question of not fitting him into other programs.


RDJ is planned to pick up more work post-Destructive Energy, and I intend to reinsert him into major stuff by the end of the year. How that pans out, we'll see.


Wow. I haven't had a lot of opportunity to watch TCW lately, but from what I have seen I can tell that Harry Dangerous is doing a damn fine job of booking. I wish him all the luck, because it sure ain't easy when you've got so many promotions below you just waiting for you to slip up.


Thank you kindly, sir.


I remain massively enthusiastic for this one - so much can be done with TCW's starting roster, and I think you'd have to say it's gotten stronger. (If a little overpowered in places.)


As you can tell, I am not much of a predictions guy. However, I love this dynasty. May I suggest Carl Batch as a possible manager for Marat?


I like Carl, but he doesn't, to me, fit for Marat. I'm not sure who would, though...

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Prediction Key:

The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Stone Brothers



Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. The Machines

But if anyone can pull off an upset here, it's the Riders.


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hell Monkey vs. UK Dragon

Hell Monkey has no friends in this ring. UK Dragon and Freddy Huggins can both call Acid a friend. Acid can count both of them as friends. Plus, Eric Tyler made this match. With that in mind, Acid for the win.


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Not worth sacrificing the Kobra Kommander to Perez.


Chris Rockwell vs. Eddie Peak vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

Tornado stays strong going into his title match.


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

A match so loaded that it really has to be a draw so as to keep everyone strong.

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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Stone Brothers

Another harsh learning experience for the Keith boys


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. The Machines

Seriously? Brent and Anderson could be main eventing if you'd wanted them to.


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hell Monkey vs. UK Dragon

Monkey deserves it the most. Also, how is Laura supposed to be in two corners at once?


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Koshiro's been in a good feud, while Frankie's jobbing to the top.


Chris Rockwell vs. Eddie Peak vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

Troy keeps up the hero antics


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Cornell doesn't lose without a damn good reason.

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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The Stone Brothers


One day there will be a time where the Stones will put over the Keiths, but this is not that moment in time.


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. The Machines


The Machines are the established TCW act here and both have the potential to one day be a strong part of the main event scene, a loss to the Riders would do them more harm that it would be do good for the biker duo.


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hell Monkey vs. UK Dragon


Hell Monkey does have no allies, but then again the allies could all get greedy and get in the way of one another as they all end up going for the win. Saying that I still think Acid wins here.


Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Perez is still in the looking good, whilst losing phase when up against opponents the calibre of Ino.


Chris Rockwell vs. Eddie Peak vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


Could be a chance to get someone else into the main event scene by them pulling off a non title win, but I think you are more likely to keep the champ looking strong.


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Not totally unfeasible for the faces to win, but I think the Syndicate pair will stay strong in this one.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 4 September 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 6.41)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.00)


Held at the Utah Park Reservation (South West)


Attendance: 15,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


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Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Stone Brothers

There must just be something about siblings. Jeremy and Edd have never been a regular team, nor do they employ particularly similar styles – but just as the twins do, they act almost ahead of when they could know what their brother needs.


The result is one of the best opening contests in TCW TV history, maybe in all of TCW history.



It's not without incident, thoughl; around the twelve minute mark, Wolf Hawkins and Tommy Cornell appear while Jeremy Stone occupies Eugene Williams. Edd looks a trifle disturbed by this, though the Keith brothers don't get a chance to do more than offer some resistance before being beaten down.



Sam Keith promptly hits the ring, grabbing Hawkins from behind, tossing him out of the ring. Matthew Keith, freed from assault, tackles Cornell from behind, going low as Greg instinctively unleashes a standing lariat. The hi-lo topples the Syndicate leader and Sam Keith is immediately on him,seizing the arm weakened by the Hotter Than Hell Proton Lock and slamming it into the ringpost before applying a hammerlock and dragging him away.


The twins watch – their mistake, as Jeremy Stone slams into them, ejecting Matthew Keith from the ring with a Stone's Throw before slapping the Stone Hold onto Greg to pick up the submission.

Stone Brothers defeated the Keith Brothers

Rating: A





Sam and Tommy are still throwing punches at each other, with Jeremy, Edd and Wolf joining the action fast – recovering quicker than the Keiths in the ring, or having had more time.



Art Reed rapidly joins the fray, giving Sam a small measure of aid, but it's not really enough...



And then Charlie Thatcher, brass knucks in evidence on each closed fist, crashes into the affray at speed. A massive punch fells Hawkins; Jeremy Stone takes a big boot.


Cornell steps back and the two stare down for a moment. Edd Stone springboards from the guardrail onto Thatcher's back, latching on a sleeper hold, but he's thrown off.


Rolling to his feet, the camera follows him as he rises...



Face to face with an unsmiling Mayhem Midden, whose head jerks forward and foreheads collide. There's a thud, and Edd drops, suddenly bleeding across the forehead.


“Think I have your attention,” Midden says. “Pack it in, Tommy. Unless you want me to make some stips for tonight's main event? Ban your boys from ringside, make it hardcore?”


Cornell halts.


“Yeah,” Midden says, grinning cheerfully. “You don't wanna be hurting going into Sunday.


“I don't want you to be, either, Tommy. I want the best goddamn show we can deliver, and like it or not, you being on form is part of that.


“So is Sam... So is Jeremy, and Edd, and Art... And there's time for more matches to be made yet.


“I've got enough trouble on my hands, Tommy, with someone inviting a monster with no TCW contract onto last Friday's show. With a few other things, too.


“I don't have time to nursemaid your damn ego. So I'm not going to play nice with you, alright?


“Those stips aren't on yet. But don't screw me about tonight...”




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Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. The Machines

Not the same kind of match at all. Hill and Anderson face a pair of devastating, focused brawlers. They do their best, early on, to work around that, to take the fight to the Riders using tactics the Riders can't duplicate.


That works, after a fashion; more specifically, it infuriates the Riders They're powerful lads, however, and they function as a team would on roughly the same level as the Machines do – so pinfalls don't happen, and submission holds are broken.


But the Riders can't make any inroads.


In frustration, as Peter Hopper exchanges blows with Brent Hill, Billy Fonda rolls into the ring and catches Brent round the back of the head with a steel chair.


Eugene Williams calls for the bell.

The Machines defeated the Easy Riders by DQ

Rating: B




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Acid w/ Laura Huggins

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vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


vs. Hell Monkey


vs. UK Dragon

A fairly by-the-numbers contest here for much of the match, consisting of high-speed high-risk offence by all four men.


Freddy seems to offer Acid near-constant support, but Acid himself evidently prefers to go it alone. Laura Huggins' expression, throughout, is thoughtful, preoccupied, and her normal vivacious and active ringside presence just isn't there.


Toward the end, a beleaguered Hell Monkey sends UK Dragon out of the ring with a Tumbling Monkey. Freddy hits the Huggins Kiss to send Monkey out after him, and -


Laura Huggins gets Sam Sparrow's attention. Acid low blows Freddy and rolls him into the Acidity Test submission.


Laura, her face set and solemn, watches as Freddy briefly tries to fight out before surrendering to the pain, tapping out.

Acid defeated Freddy Huggins, Hell Monkey, and UK Dragon

Rating: C





Wolf Hawkins, backstage, is strutting along, a plate loaded with sushi in one hand, a bottle of beer open in the other. He may still be in his wrestling gear, he may be due to head out again to wrestle later, but he's looking cheerful and enjoying himself.



Wolf turns a corner... and runs into Sammy Bach.


Bach lifts a foot, leaning against one wall, his leg planted on the far wall, blocking the way.


Hawkins smirks. “How's your head?”


Bach smiles for a moment, the tip of his tongue tracing his lips. “It was a noble effort on Teddy's part,” he says, and laughs softly.


“A little crazy, though.


“But... you and I...


“You came to me with a problem... And you asked for help...”


“And you turned me down,” Hawkins retorts sharply. “We done here, or you just want to rub it in my face?”


“Actually...” Bach smiles. “A little pain's no big deal for me. But you... I've seen the way you look at all this. How you think, how you react...


“Grayson and Powell will eat you alive, Wolf. You don't have the edge you need to fight through the pain.


“You bottle out. You protect your looks.”


“And?” Hawkins' face is impassive, which is a pretty good indicator to long-term viewers that he's angry.


“And I have a chance to help you with that... In return for a favour or two.”


“Like what?”


“I haven't decided yet. But, if you want my help... then at Destructive Energy we'll get in the ring together, and we'll deal with this.”


Hawkins considers for a long moment. “What the hell,” he murmurs. “Sure.”




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Frankie Perez vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Something of a puroresu exhibition unfolds as the match goes on. Perez and Ino aren't exactly playing, but they focus on just that aspect of their skills for the longest time... and as it becomes clear that the Kobra has the upper hand, Frankie slowly widens his focus somewhat.


And, when that doesn't work, Frankie goes back to what he's been doing before. A thumb to the eye is followed by a swift cradle, but Ino kicks out.


Ino tries the Kobra's Bite, Frankie ducks it. Hair grab, Ino gets slammed to the mat, and only because he's near the ropes does Koshiro manage to survive the P-Clutch.



Danny Fonzarelli is there moments later. Perez catches sight of him, hesitates, and turns right into the Kobra's Bite. There is no kickout.

Koshiro Ino defeated Frankie Perez

Rating: B-





Fonzarelli rolls into the ring and stares down Perez as he recovers, the two of them watching each other warily... extremely warily, as a matter of fact.



Ino watches both men, and as Frankie lunges for Danny, Ino falls, smashed to the ground by Chris Rockwell, Perez' regular ally, who rolls in behind him.



“That's ENOUGH!” comes a bellow from the entrance ramp, and Mayhem Midden emerges again, stalking down to ringside.


“The four of you, pack it in, NOW.” After a few moments, they do, turning to look at the Board's representative.


“You guys are giving me a headache,” Midden growls. “Four wrestlers. Two grudges. And will you actually agree to get in the damn ring together and earn your paychecks?


“Will you hell.


“Now I've been nice, I've been friendly, I've let you all screw about – but that ends now. Rockwell, the Kobra offered you a rematch, a chance to show which of you can actually beat the other – something like last match together completely failed to do.


“You ducked him. He started chasing you. You punched out his manager because she pointed out you used to rely on being a joke for your money.


“I miss anything there?”


Rockwell's lip curls.


“Well,” Midden continues, grinning. “I'm through being nice, I'm through being friendly. What I have at my hands is the single most incredible collection of wrestling skill I have ever seen – and it's not doing what it's supposed to.


“Chris. Kobra. Destructive Energy, you two face off. You get in the ring. You wrestle. And I don't want to see any screwing around to get a DQ win again, Chris, or I'm not gonna be Oking any title shots for you til well into 2009.


“Moving on.


“Danny. You had a match with Frankie, he yanked your hair, he got the win. He did it again in a tag team match, even if you managed to win that.


“He's done it a few times since, and you started getting involved. Now, Danny, this past – what? Year? Year and a half? However long the Love Doctor's been going, you've been doing considerably better than you used to.


“You're wasting your own time with all this. I can see why – don't get me wrong, he's been bugging me and I'm far from a fan of his tactics – but you're wasting your own time, and it's something you shouldn't have to handle.


“Frankie. You're pissing me off. You want to keep the kind of exposure you've been getting? You want to earn your pay? You want to start getting the winner's share?


“You're going to have to earn it, or I'm gonna start blocking your match approvals.


“The pair of you are irritating me – you have a grudge with someone in this company, you make arrangements, you get in the ring, and we settle it. You don't run about pulling stunts like these.


“So I'm not giving you two any way to dodge this, either. On Sunday, you two show up, you two go in the ring, and you settle it there. And because you've pissed me off, and because you're bickering about this, whoever loses doesn't get to keep their hair.”



Disturbed's The Game begins to play, and Rocky Golden appears, summoned by the track as ever.


He strides down to the ring, stepping in, and takes Midden's mike from him.


“I have a grudge,” he says, “against someone in this company.


“And I want you to make some arrangements so he and I can get in the ring and settle it.


“Just like you asked.


“I want that big ape from the School of Tradition.”


Midden regards him somewhat nervously. “You sure you want to take on someone like that, son?”


The close-up catches Golden's eyes narrowing. “Don't patronise me,” he growls. “Yes, I do...”


There's a trace of a smile on the Representative's lips. “OK,” he says, “Rocky, if it was up to me, I'd make that match now.


“But he's why I'm run off my feet tonight. See, Eric Tyler didn't bring him in – says you'd be crazy to try and control him. He didn't actually get a contract for him, even.


“And because he's not under contract, I can't really sanction a match between you and him.”


Rocky snatches the microphone back. “I. Don't. Care,” he growls.


“You come out here, you lecture these two on not doing it properly. I come out here, I do it properly, I ask...


“I know there'll be no health insurance for this. I don't care. He and I get in the ring, and I either settle it or I know damn well I tried.”


Midden pauses, considering. “Alright,” he says after a long moment. “Speak to me at Badge of Honor. I'll see what the Board say.”




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Chris Rockwell vs. Eddie Peak vs. Troy Tornado

Short and sweet, with Eddie Peak doing a lot of damage to everyone, Rockwell laying low, playing a long game, and Tornado doing his level best to weather the storm no matter what.


It's a pretty brisk contest, too, difficult to keep track of. Peak really does dominate for much of the match – though, after an attack from behind his back by Rockwell, he turns his attention away from the champion, who takes time to recover.


And, in the end, Tornado capitalises; Rockwell has (barely) reversed a tombstone piledriver into one of his own, and he turns around into the champion's Star Maker. Tornado promptly pins Rockwell to score the win.

Troy Tornado defeated Chris Rockwell and Eddie Peak

Rating: A




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Strange to see RDJ matched up more closely with Hawkins than his mentor, but Bloodstone and Cornell, perhaps due to their upcoming triple-threat championship match, are clearly focused on one another.


Once again, it's an incredible contest here, as both sides work hard to make sure the crowd are into it. From the off, this is a war of their biggest moves, close falls and near submissions being the order of the day. Bloodstone keeps Cornell in the Bloodstone Mutilation for twenty seconds or more before Hawkins breaks it up – and the Syndicate's leader is, now, even more clearly injured than ever before.



After around ten minutes, Hawkins ducks the Leaping Lariat and RDJ drops Sam Sparrow. Hell breaks loose – quite literally, as Tyson Baine storms in, crashing into Johnny Bloodstone as RDJ tries to fend him off.



It takes RDJ and Troy Tornado together to overcome Baine, but the end result is that Bloodstone hangs back – and RDJ allows him to recover, holding off from the tag. In the end, a Full Moon Rising catches him and Cornell locks in a slightly looser than usual Guilt Trip to produce the submission.

Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins defeated Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson

Rating: A




Lightning crashes across the big screen and the show transitions into a hype package for Destructive Energy set to VNV Nation's 'Nemesis'.




The key points: Troy Tornado's triple-threat challenge, Tommy Cornell's rising temper, Jeremy Stone's blistering debut performance, Chris Rockwell punching Baroness Emily, Rocky Golden assaulting Marat Khoklov during his own debut, Sam Keith's steady attention to Cornell's injured shoulder and Johnny Bloodstone's cold, calculating offence.


Show Rating: B+

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Thursday 25th September 2008




We worked together years ago and we're both buddies with Mike, so I figure I can just come out and say it.


Did I turn into Runaway Train's good twin or something?


Assuming I get permission so the lawyers don't have a heart attack, this entry starts off with some of an email I received today.


The man who sent it to me? Ricky Dale Johnson.


I'm glad he spoke up. You know, having read this far, that I feel somewhat guilty about having left Ricky floundering. It only occurred to me after the email that he didn't know that.


Phoned him up today and we spent the next hour, hour and a half, talking potential programs while he and Danny Fonzarelli drove from Memphis to Nashville for tonight's house show.


Which leads to the age-old question...


How soon is too soon to reuse an old angle?


More to the point... how soon is too soon when the old show is going up once a week on SWF's paysite?


Every booker reuses storylines sooner or later. They lift from other companies, too.


And the angle with RDJ will not turn out the same as the Philly Pro version. It probably won't start that way either – once it kicks off.


But sometime in 2009, I'm going back to the well...

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More tag team action to open this week, as the Keith Brothers go face to face with the British Lions. O'Curle and Morgan have to be considered the underdogs despite their experience, but when you face that degree of submission knowledge, anything can still happen.


Aaron Andrews makes a rare foray into solo action this week, facing off with JD Morgan. Morgan has more tricks up his sleeve, but Andrews has demonstrated a knack for finding a way past veterans in the past...


Kazuma & the Kid make a return to our screens too, taking on Floyd Goldworthy's newest acquisitions, the Fly Boys. The Boys have not exactly been on the same page lately - now they appear to see eye to eye, can they turn their luck around?


The Young Guns are also going to be in action this week. It's said they've lost their fire, which might just be the break that Miyazaki & Ota have been looking for - both men have demonstrated their ability as solo competitors, but right now their team's having difficulties.


As a special treat for the Arkansas Colliseum fans, John Anderson has promised to defend his International Championship against the School of Tradition's masked man Acid. Anderson does not yet have a challenger for Destructive Energy, and after this match, he may not need one...


Lastly, Rick Law will return to action. In keeping with his statement last week, he has reiterated that Eric Tyler will not be fighting him - and indeed, at Law's request, Eric Tyler is not competing at all tonight. Instead, Law has offered Peter Hopper of the Easy Riders a chance to compete on a singles stage following the Riders' win over Law and Golden a few weeks ago.


Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Aaron Andrews vs. JD Morgan


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Kazuma & the Kid


Miyazaki & Ota vs. Young Guns


International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


Peter Hopper vs. Rick Law

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British Lions vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

Time to give a win to Keith Brothers


Aaron Andrews vs. JD Morgan

Andrews have more going at the moment


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Kazuma & the Kid

It seems that Fly Boys got things shorted out


Miyazaki & Ota vs. Young Guns

I kind of like them and it´s not like Miyazaki & Ota have done all that much so far anyway.


International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins

Not that Anderson would need any help, but I think that Freddy will attack Acid.


Peter Hopper vs. Rick Law

Easy Riders might be on the roll but this is Law´s show and Hopper can take a loss in singles match

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Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Aaron Andrews vs. JD Morgan


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Kazuma & the Kid


Miyazaki & Ota vs. Young Guns


International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


Peter Hopper vs. Rick Law

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British Lions vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Aaron Andrews vs. JD Morgan


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Kazuma & the Kid


Miyazaki & Ota vs. Young Guns


International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


Peter Hopper vs. Rick Law

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