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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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British Lions vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Aaron Andrews vs. JD Morgan


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Kazuma & the Kid


Miyazaki & Ota vs. Young Guns


International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


Peter Hopper vs. Rick Law

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British Lions vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Well, this is certainly a time to give the Keiths a win. They've earned it too.


Aaron Andrews vs. JD Morgan


JD Morgan's Job Tour '08 continues.


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Kazuma & the Kid


If the storyline is that the Fly Boys are in order and ready for a run, they need to have a win. And if they need to have a win, well, Kazuma and the Kid are no huge thing to lose.


Miyazaki & Ota vs. Young Guns


It's not a good week for Japanese wrestlers, is it? I mean, if you gave me Ino, I'd probably vote for him.


International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


I know sometimes things happen at Badge of Honor, but a title change -- in the non-main event, no less -- seems like a bit much.


Peter Hopper vs. Rick Law


No contest. It's a classic rivalry, cop vs. biker, but you can't have what happened last week and then go back to Law dominating the main event. (But you can't have Hopper winning either.)

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British Lions vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Neither team has been winning alot lately, but the big difference is that the Keith's losses have been in high profile matches against a collection of the very best in TCW, the sort of losses where they've been made to look strong in defeat, here they actually look strong and win.


Aaron Andrews vs. JD Morgan


Morgan has basically been brought in to be veteran job fodder, there to put over and pass over his knowledge to the up and coming talent in TCW.


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Kazuma & the Kid


Fly Boys do seem to be back on the same page again, and Kazuma & the Kid are pure job fodder at this stage.


Miyazaki & Ota vs. Young Guns


The Young Guns get back on the radar with a win, after fizzling out a little of late. Apart from Ino, all the guys who have travelled across the pacific ocean from the land of the rising sun aren't going to be seeing much in the W column.


International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


I like Acid, but he's not going to be winning the International Championship anytime soon, especially on a B-Show with no build.


Peter Hopper vs. Rick Law


Hopper is a tag wrestler, tag wrestler's don't go over singles stars.

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Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell



Aaron Andrews vs. JD Morgan



Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Kazuma & the Kid



Miyazaki & Ota vs. Young Guns



International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins

JOB... No, wait, not a jobber. Still, not on Anderson's level.


Peter Hopper vs. Rick Law

It's his show.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 4 September 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.40)


Held at the Arkansas Colliseum (South East)


Attendance: 2000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


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British Lions vs. The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

Hardly a contest received on the same level that the Keiths' match on Tuesday was, but you wouldn't expect it. The Keiths play this as a game of one-upsmanship, focusing on the submission skills of O'Curle and Morgan and doing their level best to outdo them – doable with O'Curle, though he has plenty of counters, but not so much in the case of Morgan whose submission holds are brutal looking.


Greg and Matthew, however, have the teamwork and mat sense to be able to get clear every time and, ultimately, that's not the case for Walter. By the end of the contest, Matthew has the Proton Lock in and Walter can't find an appropriate counter.

The Keith Brothers defeated the British Lions

Rating: C+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JDMorgan.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs. JD Morgan

If anything, this contest's a bit weaker, but then, Aaron Andrews doesn't look like his heart's in it.


And yet, Andrews does dominate, and the speed's pretty good, Morgan stepping his game up to try to match Aaron in a few places he hasn't normally. It's good stuff, but in the end, Andrews gets the spinebuster and collects the win.

Aaron Andrews defeated JD Morgan

Rating: C-





“Laura, wait!” Freddy Huggins chases after his sister through the corridors backstage. Up front. His sister rolls her eyes, then spins on her heel to face him.


“Not this again,” she groans. “Freddy, we covered this Tuesday night...”


“Yeah, but-”


“No, Freddy,” she snaps suddenly. “You got Eric full in the face with the Huggins Kiss. You had to pay the price, OK?”


“Yeah, I get that,” he fires back. “I'm even OK with it, just about.


“But Acid damn near pulled my head off my neck. Where were you with the towel?”


Laura's expression shifts a moment later and she glances away. The camera catches her as she bites her lip for a moment.


“Eric would never have bought that,” she says, finally. “You know how many times I've stepped in for you this past couple of years, Freddy. I think it was meant as a judgement on both of us...”




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Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Kazuma & the Kid

Every so often, more evidence presents itself that Painful Procedure really couldn't hold up their end of the bargain.


This was never going to be a great match – but despite the fact neither team has made much progress with the fans in the past while, they still keep the fans' interest better.


That said, the Fly Boys are the cause of interest here, finally combining into a solid, dependable team which rapidly positions Kazuma Narato for the Death on Miami Beach

Fly Boys defeated Kazuma & the Kid

Rating: D+





If It Ain't Broke, Break It plays and Randall Hopkirk walks to the ring, microphone in hand. Troy Tornado and the Young Guns follow him, their faces set and sober.


“So...” Randall Hopkirk begins. “The good news is, I can just about move like I should again.


“The bad news is a bit... bigger.


“Painful Procedure, the team, it ain't coming back...”


He looks around the crowd; there's a decent amount of response, at least. And he smiles.


“Billy Jack woulda been here to tell you, too, but...” A shrug. “We did a gig in Puerto Rico in February – kind of celebrating that we were back on the same page as Troy – and Billy met this girl and, well...” A shrug.


“He's gonna be busy in Puerto Rico for a while. Says he might come back if being a new dad doesn't put him off wrestling, but he's got a lot to take care of now, you know?


“Anyway, why I'm here... Without Billy Jack, the fun's gone out of it for me. I'm going to hang up my boots... But I'm not, N-O-T, gonna go away. The band's still here – I mean, yeah, we need someone to fill in for Billy, but we're still here – and I intend to stick around.


“I've thought a lot, this last month, about what I can offer TCW if I'm not wrestling anymore, and I've made up my mind.


“The one thing in this business I really know is tag teams. I'm gonna find a pair of hopefuls who can cope with life on the road the Painful Procedure way, and I'm gonna help them become the kind of stars you can get behind.


“...That's all for now. You've been one hell of an audience all these years. Keep on rocking.”




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Miyazaki & Ota vs. The Young Guns

Again, not a great match, as the Young Guns struggle to get their feet back under them and produce. Good enough work, though, which ends when Harry and Steve once again land the finisher combination they're calling the Blitzkrieg Bop and Steve Gumble pins Shingen Miyazaki.

The Young Guns defeated Miyazaki & Ota

Rating: D+





http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

John Anderson © vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins

Anderson stands there for a few seconds after the bell rings, looking at Acid. Thinking. Planning.


Acid returns his gaze, his stance shifting, little by little. Both men stand, for a moment, as mirror images – Anderson's stance precisely reflected in Acid.


Anderson moves in. Lockup. Anderson drives Acid to the corner, turnbuckle whip – reversed, and as Acid sends John past him he jumps, catching him two-footed in the back of the head with an exceptionally fluid dropkick. Anderson stumbles and Acid hits a standing shooting star press immediately...


And doesn't go for the pin.


He climbs the top rope – Acid Rain Bomb – Anderson rolls clear – Acid flips and rolls to his feet, not wiping out.


Both men go for a running clothesline, and the two crash to the floor.


That's how it begins, and that's how it goes. Acid is vicious, pausing, taking his time, watching, and striking mercilessly. Anderson is the cagey, careful mat wrestler, and the result is slow, quiet, predatory...




Twice, too, Acid passes up pinfalls to inflict more damage. Eventually, however, it's not enough; he climbs to the top rope and Anderson gets to the corner in time, cutting him off with a punch to the gut, hooking his arms, dragging him backward into the ring and smashing him down with the Ammo Dump to secure the victory.

John Anderson defeated Acid

Rating: B





Anderson recovers his belt, clearly in pain, nursing his lower back, and turns around -



Eric Tyler's in the ring with him, as is Laura Huggins.


“Congratulations,” Huggins says. “So far as I understand it, John, you don't have an opponent for Sunday.


“Well, my client here would like to be that opponent.”



Anderson, still obviously in pain, nods, and Mayhem Midden emerges.


“Sounds like a hell of a match to me,” he announces. “And the pair of you like it – so yeah. Let's do that – why the hell not?”


“It's made, then?” Eric asks. Midden nods.


Tyler grins. “Let's see Rick Law deny me a match when I can hold the belt to ransom,” he says, almost growling.



Midden frowns, but then The Game begins to play again, and Rocky Golden emerges to stand next to Midden.


“Rocky,” Midden smiles. “You still want that crazy match?”


Golden nods.


“OK,” Midden says. “You understand, TCW cannot sanction this match. Hell, we can't guarantee Khoklov will show up.”


Golden nods.


Midden's smile becomes a beam. “I knew you had it in you, son,” he says. “Come on – there's some waivers the Board tells me you gotta sign...”


The two head backstage.




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Peter Hopper w/ Karen Killer vs. Rick Law

Maybe not as good as the preceding match, this is, nonetheless, pretty solid entertainment.


Law and Hopper make it a straight-up fight from the off, and while Law would normally have the edge in a singles situation he's visibly still hurting from Khoklov's assault. It's all he can do, for much of the match, to endure Hopper's assault, particularly when Hopper tries the whirlwind sit-out powerbomb formerly known as the RPM Bomb – something that would have ended the match had Law, off the impact, fallen from the ring to the outside.


Rick never really gets going, but along the way he does show some ingenuity – eventually, as Hopper goes for a second RPM Bomb, Law tumbles forward and down his back, scoring the win out of nowhere with a sunset flip.

Rick Law defeated Peter Hopper

Rating: B-


Show Rating: C+

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Saturday 27th September 2008

I suspect this is going to be contentious.


We're making money, it should be said up front. Quite a lot of money – nearly a million a month in profit, currently, and I suspect that that amount will only increase as our overseas PPV and merchandise audiences grow – something that's happening with every pay-per-view, chiefly trading on the quality of the prior offering.


I'm saying this ahead of time to put things in context. TCW is a growing company; our last Total Wrestling was more than a full ratings point better-watched than the prior record off the back of heavy hype for the big matches.


For the first time ever, our TV ratings are actually pretty close to what the SWF was pulling in at the start of the year. This isn't me saying things to boast; the point, again, is that we're a growing company and pulling in major profits.


And then two things happen at once.


Karen Killer's contract comes round for negotiation and Tommy Cornell announces that TCW is planning to build an arena of our own near LA, a big, exclusive venue – perfect for us to base a chunk of our Pay-Per-Views out of and plenty of juicy press.


Press which, I suspect, is likely to sour slightly among the fans when news breaks that Karen didn't extend her contract over a monetary dispute.


So let's clarify this a little, way after the fact; I'm not at liberty to discuss Karen's contract as it currently stands, but I can say this; it was signed in March 2007 – when we were significantly less well-off and, as a matter of fact, when Karen brought less fan recognition to the table.


I can also say that the contract we eventually offered her, before taking additional perks we were willing to grant into account, was already worth more than six times what we'd been paying her.


Karen felt this wasn't enough. That's her right – if she plays her cards right, she'll be attractive to the SWF now, quite possibly in a higher-level position than here (with correspondingly more job satisfaction) and might take a different approach – she might go back to being head booker for somewhere smaller.


There could be any number of ways she could find worthwhile deals by cutting loose from us. In all honesty, what I see here is someone for whom money isn't as important as job satisfaction, and at the moment, the Easy Riders are not high on the list of assignments likely to create job satisfaction – though their push is due to get better in short order.


I respect Karen for her decision – we couldn't pay her enough to compensate. And I think whoever she goes to will benefit.


I do wish we still had her with us... A second shock return may be in order, down the line. Worked well for the Bombshell, after all.

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Coming to you this Sunday, live from the Manhattan National Center, TCW presents Destructive Energy, set to be as explosive a pay-per-view as any you've seen this year! You don't want to roll into Halloween season without this one.


The steel cage will be in place before the show begins, ready for the opening contest as Eddie Peak and Tyson Baine lock up in an environment Baine "can't run away from," as Peak put it. Last month Baine squeaked through with the use of the ropes - what's going to happen this time?


After two solid months of taunting and assaults, the Disrespected step in the ring together against the objects of their anger. Abandoning their tag partners, Sammy Bach and Wolf Hawkins have gone on to become major TCW names - but those partners are out for revenge tonight. What favour will Sammy Bach claim from Hawkins for agreeing to this match? And can the Disrespected settle the score?


Last month, you, the fans, chose Art Reed to get into the ring with Edd Stone for his TCW All-Action Championship, and Reed won when Edd was counted out. With a victory notched up over the champion, Art squares off with Edd again, hoping to come away with the belt...


Eric Tyler is the challenger for the International Championship. Effectively banned from wrestling on Badge of Honor by Rick Law, Tyler intends to take John Anderson's title to force Law into a third confrontation. The first was a draw, the second saw Law win - but it's anyone's guess what would happen with championship gold on the line. First, though, Tyler needs the championship itself, and anyone who overlooks John Anderson is a fool.


A real grudge match to follow that; Danny Fonzarelli and Frankie Perez' rivalry has come to boiling point over the past month following Perez' habit of securing a win with a handful of hair. Frustrated by them both, Mayhem Midden has put their precious locks on the line - following this contest, the loser will be shaved bald.


The other major grudge set to be settled during Destructive Energy is a very different one. TCW would like to make it clear that the contest between Marat Khoklov and Rocky Golden is Unsanctioned and that no rules but the ending will be enforced. It would be difficult to do so; unless things have changed since Khoklov's first appearance, the monster isn't on TCW contract.


After months of chasing his rematch to settle the question, it seems Koshiro Ino will finally be head to head with Chris Rockwell. When this issue arose, Ino was the International Champion and Chris Rockwell was the challenger; Rockwell has, since, headlined a TCW PPV going after the World Heavyweight Championship and Ino no longer has his title belt. But it's all coming to an end Sunday, with pride on the line...


The New Wave will defend their tag titles in a rematch from last month, too, following Sean Deeley's appeal to Scout. This time, can the School of Tradition man counter the Special Force when the gold is on the line? The New Wave have to know - and I'll be honest, so do I.


They're considered icons. One has won gold all over the world. The other, the newest member of the Syndicate, has stayed in his home country and become possibly its greatest wrestler, earning the nickname of the 'Canadian Wrestling Machine'. Defending his Hard-Hitting Championship in a No Holds Barred match, Sam Keith takes on the Syndicate's own Jeremy Stone.


He calls himself the 'Triple-Threat Champion' and he made this match with Mayhem Midden's backing. He is, of course, Troy Tornado, and he wants to prove a point to Tommy Cornell concerning last month, where the World Heavyweight Championship was not defended last. He also wants to offer Johnny Bloodstone, a man who's bailed him out of trouble a time or two, a chance to step up and fight for the coveted gold. And so, in our main event, Troy Tornado, Tommy Cornell, and Johnny Bloodstone collide. Who will walk away with the belt? A key ruling to bear in mind - should interference arise on behalf of any of these men, that man will be suspended without pay for two months.


Prediction Key:


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


The Disrespected vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez



Marat Khoklov vs. Rocky Golden


Chris Rockwell vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


TCW World Heavyweight Championship - Should anyone interfere, the competing wrestler they're aligned with will be suspended without pay for two months

Troy Tornado © vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


The Disrespected vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez



Marat Khoklov vs. Rocky Golden


Chris Rockwell vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


TCW World Heavyweight Championship - Should anyone interfere, the competing wrestler they're aligned with will be suspended without pay for two months

Troy Tornado © vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

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Prediction Key:


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


The Disrespected vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone (c) vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez



Marat Khoklov vs. Rocky Golden


Chris Rockwell vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


TCW World Heavyweight Championship - Should anyone interfere, the competing wrestler they're aligned with will be suspended without pay for two months

Troy Tornado © vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


The Disrespected vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez



Marat Khoklov vs. Rocky Golden


Chris Rockwell vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


TCW World Heavyweight Championship - Should anyone interfere, the competing wrestler they're aligned with will be suspended without pay for two months

Troy Tornado © vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

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Prediction Key:


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


Keeping the Syndicate's Enforcer strong


The Disrespected vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins


There's a reason why Bach & Hawkins went on to bigger things might have to do with the reason that they are both better.


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


Edd retains the flippity floppity gold


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


The feud between Tyler and Law does not need the gold on the line.



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez


I'll go for the heel losing his hair here, and besides going bald could do wonders for Perez stiff kicking bad-ass image. Him having the poncey long hair never sat well with the sort of wrestler that he is.



Marat Khoklov vs. Rocky Golden


Khoklov makes an instant impact by going over Golden, who has basically settled into the role of someone who spins their wheels just above the midcard.


Chris Rockwell vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Coinflip this could go either way, but as this seems to be a feud ender (at least for now) I'll go for Ino getting some retribution on Rockwell.


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


I just can't see Deeley & Bryant being the one's to topple The New Wave as champs, in fact it wouldn't surprise me too much of the New Wave after their long chase, hold these belts for a lengthy run themselves.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


I'm so tempted to go with Stone winning here, but as the Hard Hitting belt is on the line, I'll go for the safe choice of Keith navigating another succesful defence.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship - Should anyone interfere, the competing wrestler they're aligned with will be suspended without pay for two months

Troy Tornado © vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell


I see Bloodstone eating the pin here, to further set up a possible one on one rematch between Tornado and Cornell.

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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine

Going to go for Baine over Peak this time - Peak's cred can be rebuilt more easily than Baine's can.


The Disrespected vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins

Glorified jobbers. They may not make it past this feud.


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell

Edd Stone remains the only Syndicate member with a belt, and is likely to remain that way.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

Not on Tyler's retirement tour.



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez

Because you don't have anything to do with The Love Doctor.



Marat Khoklov vs. Rocky Golden

Rocky gets crippled (by which I mean 'sent to dev' and Khoklov gets thrown out for another few months for much the same reason.


Chris Rockwell vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Rockwell is more suited to a high slot on the card than Ino is.


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

If the SoT take it, then I guess it'll be third time lucky.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

Sam builds up an awesome run on the belt, losing it only as he retires.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship - Should anyone interfere, the competing wrestler they're aligned with will be suspended without pay for two months

Troy Tornado © vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

Champ retains, Cornell fumes.

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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


This is probably more what I want to happen than what actually will happen... but of course Peak deserves the push more.


The Disrespected vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins


More like "The Justifiably Disrespected," am I right?


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


Another one that's more a wish than a prediction. Art Reed is more a technician than a high flyer, but we've already established I'm pro-Art Reed under virtually any circumstances.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


Tyler has enough things to do without a belt being involved. So does Rick Law, if it comes to that.



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez


Honestly, I don't have any opinion on this... someone pointed out that bald Perez would look a lot less weird than bald Fonzarelli, and that reasoning works for me.



Marat Khoklov vs. Rocky Golden


Too early to make Khoklov look vulnerable. I say Rick Law goes over him in, oh, let's say 3-4 months. But nobody now.


Chris Rockwell vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Face wins the blowoff. How dare Rockwell hit Emily?


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


There's dissension brewing between Freddie and Laura. Some part of me wants to say they get the belt, so that whatever's brewing comes to a head with the title as a backdrop. Another part of me says "no, you're not jeopardizing the belt's reputation to pump up a B-story about a midcard tag team."


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


The Syndicate needs a belt, and Stone is legitimately the better wrestler.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship - Should anyone interfere, the competing wrestler they're aligned with will be suspended without pay for two months

Troy Tornado © vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell


I think the real question is who interferes. You don't hang a stipulation like that out there without the intent to pull the trigger. Can you really sit out Tommy Cornell for two months? Would Bloodstone's allies resort to such tactics? Some part of me is looking for a Mayhem Midden heel turn run-in -- he's aligned with Tornado! Tornado is out! -- but Midden is pretty crucial to half the plots you're running. You don't ruin your whole promotion's structure for the sake of one (admittedly awesome) moment. My real guess? Edd Stone loses the belt, the Syndicate isn't happy, he makes a desperate attempt to redeem himself and ruins everything.

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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


The Disrespected vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins

TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez



Marat Khoklov vs. Rocky Golden


Chris Rockwell vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


TCW World Heavyweight Championship - Should anyone interfere, the competing wrestler they're aligned with will be suspended without pay for two months

Troy Tornado © vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


The Disrespected vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez



Marat Khoklov vs. Rocky Golden


Chris Rockwell vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


TCW World Heavyweight Championship - Should anyone interfere, the competing wrestler they're aligned with will be suspended without pay for two months

Troy Tornado © vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

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TCW Presents Destructive Energy


Sunday Week 4 September 2008


Live on U-Demand, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp (2.56)


Held at Manhattan National Center (Tri State)


Attendance: 30,000 (Sold Out!)




Jason Azaria – Mayhem Midden - Horatio Dangerous



The cage is already in place as the show begins, illuminated by stark white lights, as Number of the Beast hits, which can mean only one thing – Tyson Baine is coming down to the ring.


He makes his way down, steps into the cage, and tests its strength with a couple of quick two-handed shakes; nodding – this thing won't give when a big guy smashes into it – he steps back to the centre of the ring and turns to face the entrance ramp.


Crashing Around You sounds, and Baine stands, waiting for Eddie Peak to come down the ramp.



Meanwhile, to a major pop, Eddie Peak emerges from beneath the ring behind him. Scaling the cage with astonishing speed, the big man squats, perched on the top rail, and waits. After a few moments referee Eugene Williams spots him up there and calls for the opening bell...



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TysonBaine_nachtfalter16.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine

Eddie plunges from the top of the cage as Baine turns to ask Williams what's going on, catching the Syndicate man with a truly massive diving clothesline. Baine is on the back foot for much of the match, trying to shake off the effects of the clothesline, and Peak takes full advantage. Before too long, both men are bleeding, using the cage to its fullest.


Baine begins to rally, even scoring with the Hades Bomb, but this time Peak kicks out. Baine boots him and goes for another, only to have Peak punch his way out of it.


Eddie plays to the crowd for a moment, then turns back -


Smack into a big boot. Baine looks down at him, obviously contemplating another Bomb attempt, but as Peak begins to stir he seems to change his mind, and begins to ascend the cage.


He's at the top when Peak makes it to his feet. Eddie steps across to the door and kicks it, then again - and the close-up of the padlock flying off from the impact will be enshrined in any Peak highlights video for some time to come.


Baine drops from far higher than he was comfortable with. Peak dives.


The crowd, waiting for the big screen action replay, are agog, as is Eugene Williams.


When it comes, the footage is stunning; Peak and Baine cannot be separated. Both men hit the floor simultaneously.

Eddie Peak drew with Tyson Baine

Rating: B+




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The Disrespected vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins

What is there to say about a contest like this? Hawkins plays a cagey game, less infuriated than the Disrespected, doing everything he can to turn aside the assaults of a near-psychotic Stevie Grayson.


Which leaves Bach and Powell. Powell has a real fury here, but Sammy revels in it, lowering himself willingly to their level. The result is carnage on a grand scale. Powell's repeated, screamed refrain - “I'm gonna see you BLEED!” is prophetic, but not for the man he expects; Wolf Hawkins finds himself busted open when, after Powell grounds him and flips into a Last Chancery, Grayson rockets off the ropes with a dropkick to Hawkins' exposed, unguarded face.


But Sammy Bach doesn't bleed. Not until the end.


Not until an enraged Teddy Powell goes after him with a chair. Ray Johnson calls for the bell, but Teddy doesn't stop – not until the zebra herd hits the ring.

Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins won by DQ

Rating: B





In a pre-taped segment, Horatio Dangerous is shown backstage with Eric Tyler and Laura Huggins. “So,” Dangerous begins. “A big night for the School of Tradition tonight, Eric – two title matches and an unsanctioned bout...”


Tyler cuts him off with a snarl. “Stop right there,” he growls. “I don't know how many times I've got to say it – Khoklov is not with the School. Hell, he's not even a TCW wrestler. And you've just got to look at that idiot Goldworthy to know managing someone with a temper like that isn't worth it.”


Dangerous raises his hands. “Point taken,” he says. “It's a natural question to raise, though, with your bringing him here to attack Rick Law...”


Tyler smirks. “People tell me they won't face up and give us respect at their own risk,” he says. “Law's been pissing me off since the Andrews business. This whole thing's dragged on for near enough half a year already. I aim to finish it off to my satisfaction soon, though, so don't you worry about that.


“Law doesn't want to face me; fine, I got no problem with that. But I can make him want to.


“Badge of Honor's his show? Fine. I'm just going to take it over. With the International Championship, I should be able to write my own ticket – and then Ricky boy gets what's coming to him, doesn't he?” He grins.


“Especially if the new tag team champions are giving him crap...”


Laura Huggins smiles. “Either one could make Rick's life hell,” she says. “For as long as it takes. Mind you... I know what we've been planning. I don't see any way Rick's life isn't going to turn into hell until we get what we're after.” She winks. “You don't get away with it that easy, believe me.”



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Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell

Without interference this time, Edd and Art settle down to have what, ultimately, ends up being a well-executed bout without much in the way of crowd response – except for some of the more Eddtastic spots, notably a springboard shooting star which Edd attempts to turn into a tornado DDT, only to be dropped with a brainbuster.


Reed ultimately, as so many have, loses out after discovering that YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB EDD STONE!

Edd Stone defeated Art Reed

Rating: C+



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John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

The contest between former players in the East Coast war runs quite a long time; slick technical wrestling all the way, with Laura Huggins offering constructive comments on the outside – comments which, Mayhem Midden expresses shock to realise, are actually smart advice.


There's nothing which would particularly stand out here as being spectacular, but it's the kind of match that definitely keeps the crowd interested, and they do very well for themselves; after fifteen minutes, however, Anderson blocks a suplex with a jawbreaker and promptly scores with the Ammo Dump, picking up a successful pinfall.

John Anderson defeated Eric Tyler

Rating: B




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Danny Fonzarelli vs. Frankie Perez

Two slightly lesser lights step out into the spotlight here, and they do... pretty well, all told. Perez comes on very strong early on before Fonzie bounces back, attacking with a goodish impression of Perez' style and even finishing with the P-Clutch. He's got it in the bag -



And Chris Rockwell comes in fast, blindsiding him, breaking the hold and rolling out of the ring. Sam Sparrow falters, not wanting to call a DQ in a match like this. Rockwell's still at ringside -



RDJ jumps Rockwell as, in the ring, both men's proteges lock up again. Fonzarelli, however, has lost his momentum, and this time Perez is the one to apply the P-Clutch, drawing the submission.

Frankie Perez defeated Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: C+




Dejected, beaten, Fonzarelli wearily submits as Perez and Rockwell gleefully set to work with the clippers...







As the shaving continues, the broadcast segues into a video showcasing Troy Tornado's defeat of Tommy Cornell, Johnny Bloodstone's explosive rise up the ranks, and Cornell's own recent victories. Over all of this, Troy Tornado's voice is played:


“Tommy, man... You held this belt, what, eighteen months? In all that time, you had the main events – and no one begrudged it.


“I've had it two months now. And on Sunday night, TCW broke tradition.


“You went out after me, Tommy. You kept the main event for yourself.


“Now, I get why. You wanted the moment everyone remembered to be you breaking Sam Keith. You wanted to make damn sure that that was what everyone took away.


“The World Heavyweight Championship, Tommy. The biggest prize TCW has to offer – and your obsession.


“At Destructive Energy, I want you, in the Main Event, in a match designed to mean something – and to keep your boys away.


“At Destructive Energy, Tommy, YOU are going to give something back to this company.


“It seems like I'm doomed to defend this belt in triple-threat matches. So I want you... and me... and I want that man on the ramp, Johnny Bloodstone, who's helped me out before and who I owe.


“And we're going to make it a stipulation – I just cleared this with Mayhem before I came out here – that if someone interferes, the man they interfered on behalf of will be suspended for the rest of 2008 – WITHOUT PAY.


“Goes for you too, Tommy.”




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Marat Khoklov vs. Rocky Golden

This isn't exactly a long match. Rocky does his best – and he comes to the ring armed with a wooden baseball bat – but it's not enough.


Khoklov absorbs punishment for a while, as Golden simply overwhelms him with fury – then, at last, he snatches the bat from Rocky's hands, snaps it in two, and goes to work. By the time he deigns to pin Rocky, Rocky is virtually comatose.

Marat Khoklov defeated Rocky Golden

Rating: B-





Khoklov doesn't seem to be finished, even as the EMTs hasten down with a stretcher. They do their best to hold the giant back while loading Rocky onto the stretcher, neck brace in place, and then Khoklov lunges forward...



And My Hero hits. Rick Law runs halfway to ringside, and the Russian turns and lumbers after him. Nodding, Law vaults the guardrail and starts leading Khoklov away from the ring, away from Rocky, before escaping out of the arena with the Russian in pursuit.


“He didn't think he could hold him off, then,” Dangerous murmurs.




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Chris Rockwell vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

And here they come... Neither man has any reason to hold back, not after what happened to Emily, and neither man holds back at all – Destructive Energy seems to have become a whirlwind of grudges.


Ino is brutal here, clinical, destructive. Rockwell appears, at times, desperate; at other times, arrogant. While the Kobra relies on his methodical approach, Rockwell plays a waiting game, hitting hard when the opportunity presents going for some fairly significant gambles from time to time.


It's one of those that decides the match; Ino goes for the ropes, gathering momentum for the Kobra's Bite, and Rockwell feints toward Emily. Ino falters – an enzuigiri takes him down. Elbows clamp down, knee strikes drive into Ino's head, over and over...


After ten seconds, Rockwell breaks off and rises, backing away. Ino cannot return to his feet, not even after a count of ten – he's out cold.

Chris Rockwell defeated Koshiro Ino

Rating: B



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New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

Not bad, but not great – certainly not on a par with what either team has shown themselves capable of. The tag division remains TCW's great challenge.


The real rivalry developing here is Scout and Deeley, who put on a submission clinic in between the times that their tag partners are in the ring. But, in the end, it's Joel Bryant in the ring as it finishes, as Scout catches him in the Special Force to secure the submission.

New Wave defeated School of Tradition

Rating: C+





Gimme Shelter begins to play. Hard-Hitting Championship around his waist, Sam Keith, accompanied by his sons and the Blonde Bombshell, makes his way down the entrance ramp, stopping to talk to many of the fans in attendance. He's smiling – only just, but he's smiling.


Entering the ring, he hands the belt off to Ray Johnson and waits, his sons taking seats near ringside.





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Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

The Syndicate have their grudges with Sam Keith, no disguising that. But there are, at times, smiles on the lips of both men here.


In around five decades' competition between them, Sam Keith and Jeremy Stone have never locked up one on one before now. It's been the subject of so much speculation. So many debates. Who can counter what? Who has the speed advantage? What price Keith's regular reliance on unfair tactics?


Now, we add another question – who knows more usually illegal holds, the SWF's most devious son or the heir to all the holds of the House of Stone?


Hard to say, but we see quite a few of them. Azaria covers for the fact he doesn't recognise these moves far better than he has been recently – evidently practice helps – but the main thing here is just an exhibition, as two great talents test themselves. It seems as if they've set aside the greater rivalry in favour of simply seeing which man is the better wrestler.


And you'd be hard put to it to say that that debate is settled – Sam Keith may have pulled out the win, but it was a shocker when he managed to roll through a Stone Ankle Stretch and get the Proton Lock. For some time before that, Jeremy Stone had been the better man, much more in control...

Sam Keith defeated Jeremy Stone

Rating: A



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Troy Tornado © vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

What a match.


Probably set to stand as the best TCW match of 2008 – though I think every fan will be happier still if it's beaten – Troy, Johnny and Tommy have the perfect excuse to work a match with zero interference, a pure contest of skill, showcasing all-round ability, airborne skill, and submission mastery.


Cornell's injured arm provides a focus for both his opponents, but at the same time, Tommy often bails to pit Tornado against the man he feels he owes, who got this match at Tornado's insistence.


And neither man, under these circumstances, will let up.


And, regularly, in comes Tommy when he sees an opening.


The three men dance, picking their marks, going after one another, keeping the fight going, flowing from move to move, counter to counter, etc...


The end is one that will be analyzed for some time. Troy attempted to take Bloodstone out with the Tornado Driver; Bloodstone blocked it and broke loose, ending the move stood outside the ropes on the apron.


Cornell promptly dropkicked Tornado into him. Johnny spilled to the outside and Tommy Cornell proceeded to drag Troy to the centre of the ring and apply a figure-four leg lock, looking to ground Tornado.


The crowd cheer for Troy as, after a few moments, he begins fighting to turn the hold over. Cornell tries to stop him but, in time, Troy turns them both to their stomachs.


Now the hold puts pressure on Cornell, and he can, in theory, break the hold himself – but as soon as Troy turns him, Johnny Bloodstone rolls into the ring, hooks Cornell's arms, and flips forward to lock in the Bloodstone Mutilation.


Caught in twin submission moves, Tommy Cornell taps out.

Troy Tornado and Johnny Bloodstone made Tommy Cornell submit

Rating: A





Both Troy and Johnny instinctively rise to celebrate as Dangerous and Azaria explode into debate. Both men were legal, both had the submission applied...


Midden is silent for a long time. Eventually – as Troy and Johnny simultaneously turn to see the other man celebrating – he says “I'll have to talk to the Board.”



Wolf Hawkins rolls into the ring to support Tommy on wobbly legs. The three men stare each other down, and Sam Sparrow holds the belt uncertainly.



The Blonde Bombshell takes matters into her own hands, decisively raising Tornado and Bloodstone's hands into the air simultaneously.


“Whatever else,” Azaria signs off, “whatever happens on Tuesday, I can promise you this.


“Tommy Cornell is NOT the World Heavyweight Champion.”


Show Rating: B+

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Monday 1st October 2008

Breaking records and waiting for shoes to drop.


The main event last night is being hailed as the best match we've put on all year. I can relax on one score, at least; Troy Tornado can deliver. (Admittedly, put someone in the ring with Tommy Cornell and Johnny Bloodstone and you'd hope the result would be enjoyable, but this one went all the way to becoming a standout).


The buyrate is, compared to Just Another Day?, the final PPV before I came on board, 0.90 higher. Some of that is actually having exposure, but some of it is pretty much guaranteed to be Our USA provider, U-Demand, is actually coming to the end of its deal with us; one more show, and then from A Little South Of Sanity onward we should be working with a bigger provider – hell, we might be able to land a deal with North America Prime Select, the SWF's current carrier, though I kinda doubt it.


Either way, we're doing well – unsettlingly well. Philly Pro was at the height of its popularity when it died; I get edgy when I'm in charge of this kind of success.


They tell me we're negotiating for a PPV launch in Australia for the next show – Crunch Time. If this goes well, then the only significant market area we won't have a presence in is Scotland.


Not that we have any Australian talent on the active list, of course. Still, we're getting a foothold in the UK, and we're jobbing any Brit not called Cornell out.


...Oh, yeah. That.


Tommy's cousin started taking bookings for wrestling dates this month. I'm told he's actually not that bad.


But we won't be hiring him. No storyline fit for him, and while I think Matt and Greg can benefit – to whatever extent they need to, given the matches they're having – from a rub from their dad, a lot of the reason I think that is that I don't expect Sam to see out 2009. Exposing the twins to an audience used to their dad so early is all about having them ready to step forward as he retires.


If Edward Cornell was as good as his cousin - no judgment on him; I was never as good as his cousin, and I've done pretty well for myself – then this would be fantastic. Bring him in, establish him, tease a feud, give the crowd a couple of years to want it, and then you've got one hell of a match. The storyline would write itself. (Especially as they look almost alike.)


The difference between Sam and Tommy is a very simple one. Sam is likely to retire in less than two years. I would be stunned if Tommy retires inside twelve.


I guess whoever's got the book here in ten years should take another look at young Ed, right?


Tuesday 2nd October 2008

Just got word; we're instigating some form of drug policy. Not sure what the details are going to be – to be perfectly blunt, I'm not even sure who it'll affect.


Regardless, it's a Good Thing. Probably somewhat overdue, too. Tommy's on about a lot of backstage discipline right now - “setting an example for the industry,” “responsibilities of the flagship,” all that jazz. Basically, he's still in a really good mood about the perceived 'victory' over Richard Eisen. I'd be in a happier mood myself except I remember when Terry Lambert felt the same way.


(For those of you who don't know who Terry Lambert is: Exactly.)


So we need some form of backstage discipline beyond what we normally have. Rules.


Personally, I'm just gonna phone up Rip and ask what he did, as I recall his ten making sense when he ran them by me the first time.

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Personally, I'm just gonna phone up Rip and ask what he did, as I recall his ten making sense when he ran them by me the first time.


And he knew what he was talking about...


Great show, PS. More gimmicks than I'd realised, but Fonzie losing his hair should be interesting, and Stone/Keith was a blinder.


I was half-expecting the triple threat to end with Syndicate interference on behalf of Tornado, meaning he might have to vacate the title, but that was a bit Sports Entertainment. A draw like that reminds me of the classic Benoit/HHH/Edge match (I think?) on Raw a few years back. Good times.

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Good show. Interested to see where you are going with Kholov.


Plus, you're closing in on 1k posts!


Keep up the great work, PS.


1,000 posts (almost), over 35,000 views... Kind of surreal, really. Although, also, kudos to Adam for producing a game that creates these kinds of results.


And he knew what he was talking about...


Heh. Hoped someone would pick up on that... It's not the Idaho Punisher characterisation piece from Philly Pro*, but it's fun.


Great show, PS. More gimmicks than I'd realised, but Fonzie losing his hair should be interesting, and Stone/Keith was a blinder.


More gimmicks and more matched than I realised, to be honest, and I put the thing together.


Fonzie losing his hair...


A lot of people, early on, mentioned how difficult it is to take Fonzie seriously as a credible wrestler with that gimmick. I agree, honestly. So this has been planned since... virtually the start. (I tend to keep finding stuff to do before I kickstart these things). He hasn't been played much as the Love Doctor, but it's time to move away from that entirely - hence the shaved head, and, coming up soon, the debut of a new look based around that.


I was half-expecting the triple threat to end with Syndicate interference on behalf of Tornado, meaning he might have to vacate the title, but that was a bit Sports Entertainment. A draw like that reminds me of the classic Benoit/HHH/Edge match (I think?) on Raw a few years back. Good times.


Yeah, that was a good match - set up the Elimination Chamber for the first New Year's Revolution, right?


I was actually drawing on a later version of the finish - there was a point just before TNA dropped the NWA championships where there was a tag match, and the dude who gets the win gets the belt, and Angle ankle-locked someone and then Sting comes in to do the same, and there's Controversy over Who Gets The Belt - controversy that made no sense, as Sting wasn't the legal man so couldn't win. So this is, partly, an attempt to do that right, and, partly, something to do with when ReapeR did something awesome that made me change my booking plans. (I have now, however, been reminded of the RAW match and am happy as a result, so there's a win.)


* - "I don't like Idaho."

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After the end of Destructive Energy a lot of questions have been raised - many of them by us as much as you. We can't tell you what the situation is with the World Heavyweight Championship - when we asked the Board's Representative, Mr Midden told us we'd have to wait until he made his second announcement of the night - and so, I guess, will you guys.


But Total Wrestling is about more than just the fallout from last night - we've got some big matches lined up, too.


Jeremy Stone continues to test himself against another famous family, taking on Matthew Keith one-on-one in the opening contest.


The School of Tradition look to get back to winning ways, facing off as Mr Midden's insistence with the Machines. Speculation here at TCW HQ suggests that Rick Law asked for this match to be made - no confirmation as yet.


We're also due to see the Easy Riders lock up with the Rising Stars, Andrews and Minnesota. Mr Midden has indicated that this has to do with his first announcement - a number one contendership match, perhaps? Or the start of some contest?


A man with a claim to the World Heavyweight Championship is in action tonight, too - Johnny Bloodstone, wrestling with English submission maven Walter Morgan. There's no way this isn't going to turn into an exhibition, but we still wish Walter a lot of luck under the cirumstances.


The Kobra, Koshiro Ino, has requested a match against Shingen Miyazaki. We've been speculating on why Shingen in particular for a little while now...


Off the back of the chaos that was Destructive Energy's hair vs. hair match, Frankie Perez has been challenged to a match by Ricky Dale Johnson. Johnson holds a convincing lead in this series - how well can Perez do in turning that around?


Sam Keith has his hands full this show; he takes on the massive and dangerous Tyson Baine. It's not No Holds Barred and so his title isn't on the line - just his continued health.


Lastly, in our main event, Troy Tornado teams with Eddie Peak against Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins. We're told Mr Midden will make his second announcement "once they're too tired to raise hell," and I'd assume that means following this match.


Prediction Key:

Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


The Machines vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Rising Stars


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)


Eddie Peak & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

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Prediction Key:

Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


The Machines vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Rising Stars


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)


Eddie Peak & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

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Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


The Machines vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Rising Stars

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)


Eddie Peak & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

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Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


Maybe one day Matt Keith, but not right now


The Machines vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


In their post Syndicate Membership state, The Machines are getting the stronger push be it as singles or still when they are together as a Tag Team.


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Rising Stars


DQ win, I don't think you want to kill Rising Stars gradual push as a credible threat in the Tag Division, but I still think you want Easy Riders to keep some of their bad-ass aura before they turn into Painful Procedure Version 2.


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan


Tommy Cornell's going to be the only British star in HIS company. :p


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Well at least one Japanese, isn't going to be looking up at the lights...sadly for Shingen Miyazaki it won't be him.


Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Defeating Danny Fonzarelli is one thing, defeating RDJ is a whole other matter.


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)


Non title...says I see you keeping the Sydicate's resident Monster enforcer looking strong here.


Eddie Peak & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Keep Tommy looking like a credible threat, by having him and his BFF bounce back with a win.

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