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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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British Lions vs. the New Wave (non-title)

You'll get over one of these days, but not this day.


Fumihiro Ota vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily




Edd Stone vs. Stevie Grayson vs. Teddy Powell vs. Wolf Hawkins (non-title)

I say Wolf gets the nod, but only because it's non-title. Get some more heat in the Syndicate.


Art Reed & Hell Monkey w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. the Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Have Donnie and Jimmy ever won a match while teaming together? I don't like going with a thrown together team over an established one, but that's what happens here.


Aaron Andrews vs. Tommy Cornell

You're getting there, Aaron, but Tommy's the boss.


Acid, Eric Tyler & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota, John Anderson & Rick Law

Possibly by shenanigans.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 3 October 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.47)


Held at Perry Hall (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 2000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


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British Lions vs. The New Wave

O'Curle and Morgan seem to be developing a minor following following their unique – for TCW – style of matwork, but they're clearly not in the same position as the Wave, who cheerfully plough through them by dint of being fast and a unified team in a way the Lions can't yet claim to be.


Of particular note is the Guided Missile Guide scores on O'Curle with, a spear hit with so much speed that he's able to continue his momentum and flip forward, landing on his feet before making the cover.

The New Wave defeated British Lions

Rating: C





They don't get long to celebrate, however. The Easy Riders are on them immediately from behind. Scout becomes the victim of a release powerbomb by Hopper that sends him from the apron to the floor; Guide is levelled by Fonda's big boot and set up for the Emergency Stop.



Karen Killer emerges, walking down to ringside, and Fonda releases Guide, tossing him aside.


Killer gets into the ring with both Riders and lifts a microphone to her lips. “Do you two know what this kind of behaviour gets you?


“This kind of behaviour gets you disqualified from the tournament. This kind of behaviour means you don't get your shot.


“I brought you in here to punish Painful Procedure, but I thought you knew that tag team championships were coming – but you have to do it smart, you understand?”



“Yeah, I understand,” comes a voice from behind her. Another face familiar to DaVE fans – the second such new arrival in a week – emerges, strutting down the ramp. “I understand you been holding these boys back.


“These are my boys, sugar. I know people like this. I take 'em places no one else can – because no one else will take the steps I take.


“I took the Peak boys under my wing. Look where Eddie is now.


“Now, sugar – I know you've been beaten up and kicked out once this year. You get a free shot, right now, at not having it happen ag-”


Fonda punches Killer in the gut. The Riders send her straight into the Emergency Stop and leave her lying.


Batch shrugs. “Maybe you don't,” he says. “Sam Keith – get your boys to beg off, or Tuesday? This is them.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FumihiroOta_FS.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

Fumihiro Ota vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Ah, Ota, Ota, Ota... still producing well above where he's placed; nonetheless, it's a good thing, as his assault on Ino in the opening minutes is well received. The former Burning Hammer man does prove to have the advantage, however, to at least some extent; he weathers the storm well and, by the end, is in position to score with the Kobra's Bite.


And that's all it takes, in the end... Ino takes a long, long look at him after the count of three, nodding to the Baroness.

Koshiro Ino defeated Fumihiro Ota

Rating: B-



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt13.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/StevieGrayson_alt1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TeddyPowell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg

Edd Stone vs. Stevie Grayson vs. Teddy Powell vs. Wolf Hawkins

Looking at the sheer amount of skill in the air, it's no surprise that this is watchable.


When the bell rings, Stone and Hawkins target Grayson from the off. Powell spears Wolf, sending him nearly over the edge of the net structure, but the Syndicate's golden boy has a handful of the net, saving him from crashing to the mat. Edd shifts gears, dropkicking Powell as he recovers, and Teddy barely saves himself from crashing to the mat – but save himself he does, and for a moment both of the Disrespected line up with Edd – and then go after a Wolf Hawkins who's clawing himself back onto the net, trying to tumble him off.


It doesn't work; Wolf clings on to Stevie's boot as he stomps away, and Edd Stone backs to the back of the structure – and takes a run-up, scoring with a massive bulldog, letting go partway through to grab the netting on the far side. Grayson, however, crashes to the mat and takes a powder.


Stevie Grayson Is Eliminated


Teddy keeps stomping away at Wolf, but it's not great – after a little longer he readjusts, realising that a stomp's of limited effectiveness when the surface you're fighting on has this kind of give in it.


Edd works his way back around to the main fight and goes for a superkick; Teddy ducks it and goes for the Motion Censor in response, but Hawkins yanks his leg out from under him and scrambles away from the edge of the net.



Powell climbs back to his feet and goes for Edd, who sidesteps – and Sammy Bach is suddenly visible standing on the webbing, arms folded, not far from Teddy.


Powell turns toward him, Hawkins low blows him from behind, and Edd Stone further cements his position as the craziest person in TCW as he catches Teddy into a cutter – sending them both off the webbing structure and twelve or more feet down to the ring.


Teddy Powell Is Eliminated

Edd Stone Is Eliminated


Wolf Hawkins is the last man active, and thus the winner.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Edd Stone, Stevie Grayson and Teddy Powell

Rating: B





Hawkins and Bach lower themselves down from the webbing; Hawkins offers a hand, and Bach clasps his arm warmly before calling for a microphone.


“Sometimes,” he begins, “people do not leave well enough alone.


“See, this isn't a movie, Teddy. Yeah, I know, in the movies you'd get your call up to the big leagues or whatever, you'd make yourself a major success, and in the final scene you'd come after me on pay-per-view, probably for the championship, and you'd win where the credits roll...


“But the whole ****in' point of those movies, Teddy, is you're the underdog. You're the plucky guy with a lot of heart who's never had the talent to make it on this level.


“And, well, you don't have the talent to make it on this level. Which is why they signed me and not you.


“You had to sell them on this whole thing. Had to get approval. Had to get them to feel sorry for you, to hope that maybe you'd get the wins you needed to prove something...


“All I had to do was come here. So if Wolf's agreeable, how about, Crunch Time, we do this whole tag team thing again – and this time, we make sure you can't score a win off a disqualification. This time, we see if you can make it to the final scene – or if I'm just gonna have to make some changes to the script.


“There's nothing wrong with your movie, Teddy, except the casting. You just don't have what it takes...”



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Art Reed & Hell Monkey w/ Blonde Bombshell


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The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Maybe it's just how stirred up the crowd is, but this match actually gets a better reaction than the tag champs' defence earlier. The Fly Boys are becoming more and more unified, while Reed and Hell Monkey don't have that kind of experience – but they are, probably, better wrestlers in their own right than either Donnie or Jimmy.



It's nearly ten minutes in that interference happens; American Buffalo comes down while Goldworthy has Ray Johnson occupied, and Hell Monkey eats a Stampede almost immediately.



Not long afterward, however, Clark Alexander's in the ring too. Reed and Alexander play a ranged game, staying out of the Buffalo's reach and tagging him, until Hell Monkey's recovered – and a Tumbling Monkey staggers the big man before Alexander and Reed manage to topple him with a hi-lo attack. Jimmy P tries to interfere, and Reed catches him, swinging him out into a uranage and clamping on the Dread Lock afterward.


Clark Alexander takes Donnie to the floor, and Jimmy's forced to tap out as Johnson finally returns to the action...

Art Reed & Hell Monkey defeated the Fly Boys

Rating: C+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs. Tommy Cornell

If proof were needed that Aaron Andrews is a star in the making, it's about to be delivered. In ten minutes, Aaron Andrews rises to produce, alongside Tommy Cornell, on a par with many TCW main eventers, showing as he does so the kind of understanding with the company owner that's needed to reach to the very heights.


More than that – Andrews nearly pins Tommy once, twice, three times, with a strong reaction the second time and a larger one the third, as the crowd really start to buy into this one. And in the end, as he sets up for the spinebuster that's been the closest thing he has to a finishing move lately, only Tommy Cornell managing to counter it on the fly into a Guilt Trip ends it in the Syndicate leader's favour.

Tommy Cornell defeated Aaron Andrews

Rating: A





Backstage go the cameras, and Phil Vibert's watching the end of that match on a monitor, nodding thoughtfully to himself, making notes in a spiral-bound notepad.



Someone else drops into the seat next to him; Chris Rockwell.


“How you doing, Phil?” he grins. “Ain't seen you since I moved back to Canada...” Smiling, he offers his hand. “Just figured, since you're talking about a....” He grins, and makes air quotes, “ 'supreme' athlete to represent come Crunch Time... Well, you saw me win the XFW belt live. You know I've won plenty since then. So whoever you were planning on... I've got to be the best choice to replace them, right?”


“No,” Vibert says, closing the notepad with a snap. “Yes, Chris, I do remember you, and I know just how good you are.


“But you've forgotten. I remember when what it took to be Chris Rockwell was to be the best wrestler out there. When you had to know, every time, that no one could beat you.


“That's not the Chris Rockwell I've seen in TCW, who ducks rematches where he 'won' by DQ, who skimps on things, who picks fights by interference rather than making himself the man to pick fights with.


“This new Chris Rockwell is...” He considers, standing up. “...petty. And besides – I suspect you'll be busy with Ricky Dale Johnson come Crunch Time, because he's not the type of guy to sit on his ass and take what you've been giving out.”


And Phil Vibert walks out of the room, leaving Rockwell staring at him in disbelief.




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Acid, Eric Tyler & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins



Joey Minnesota, John Anderson & Rick Law

Well, this one's quite the brawl all the way along, with all six men forgoing the traditional feeling-out sequence. There seems to be some genuine bad blood running all the way through this contest, and the result is some intense violence.


Law takes something of a back seat, however, and the result does draw this one out – though, ultimately, after a long stretch in which Deeley and Anderson perform well against each other, Tyler tags back in – and is promptly hit with the Ammo Dump. Acid attempts to break up the pin, but in arguably the moment of the match, Joey Minnesota catches him in mid-air off an Acid Rain Bomb attempt and dumps him with the Empire Spiral.


"No interference," Saunders says on commentary. "Where was Freddy Huggins?"

Joey Minnesota, John Anderson & Rick Law defeated Acid, Eric Tyler & Sean Deeley

Rating: B-


Show Rating: B

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As a side note, the TCW's arena-naming poll is now closed. I thank all 42 of you who took part, and am somewhat surprised, but mildly happy, to announce the winner...


The Jennifer Cornell Coliseum


Because, as we know, Tommy is egotistical, but not quite dumb enough to slap his own name on the thing.

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Saturday 22nd October 2008


It's not difficult to have a good match with Tommy Cornell in the ring. I've seen limited wrestlers manage it; I've seen flat-out bad wrestlers, so long as they had crowd support, get the fans engaged and entertained.


Most people can have a good match with Tommy.


Aaron Andrews just had a great match with him. Not the best of the year – not the best of the month, on our current form – but as a throwaway, with no storyline to it, as nothing more than a quick tryout to launch a Syndicate B-plot... a 22-year-old kid from the midcard blew the crowd away against Tommy Cornell.


When I started talking with Joel, before I took over his job, he mentioned something to me. Tommy has a number of guidelines he wants me to follow, and those I've stuck to well – but the thing Joel told me isn't explicit the same way.


But it's this: Aaron Andrews cannot be allowed to not become a big name.


Aaron debuted a little over two years ago, the first guy to graduate from the TCW School of Pro Wrestling – and still the only one. He's a proof of concept for the School, the spotlight kid – word has it that Arnold Westberry booted four or five other wrestlers – some of them now making a good living in the independents – before they'd finished the course. There was a definite, deliberate move to picking the best poster boy for it all.


I've been treading water on that one – let's face it, Aaron's 22, he's got plenty of time to rise up the ranks – and, while treading water, pairing him with people like Joey Minnesota, facing him off against veteran teachers like Eric Tyler, helping him hone his skills.


But I don't think, at this point, I can afford to hold back much longer.


Which means I may – just may – know where that B-plot is going ahead of time...

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Following Phil Vibert's surprising appearance - and challenge - last Tuesday, Mayhem Midden's had quite a busy week, it seems...


This week we'll be kicking off with the Tag Team Contendership final between the Keith Brothers and the Easy Riders, one of whom will go on to face the New Wave for the belts at Crunch Time. Given the Riders' aggression under their new manager, this one could get brutal fast.


Similarly likely to be brutal is the contest between Tyson Baine and Steve Gumble of the Young Guns. Can Gumble survive the Syndicate monster's onslaught?


The International Championship goes on the line afterward, as John Anderson will defend his belt against Jack Marlowe of the Syndicate team Enforcers at Tommy Cornell's insistence.


In apparent response, Mayhem Midden has made the tag team match of RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli versus Sammy Bach and Wolf Hawkins. This month, the Disrespected haven't been a constant presence for these two - just close enough to mean that when they're not there, the question of whether they'll arrive still has an effect. So where will that leave this contest? Can Danny Fonzarelli get back to winning ways?


And in the semi-main event, Mayhem Midden has declared a tag team contest to showcase the four men we know for sure will be involved in Crunch Time's double main event; Troy Tornado teams with Sam Keith against Tommy Cornell and Jeremy Stone.


Which brings us to tonight's main event. Phil Vibert suggested that the third space in the World Heavyweight Championship match be filled by means of a one-on-one contest; Mayhem Midden has instead made a ten-man battle royal. The guest list is not yet fixed; we know, however, that it is only open to people not already booked to compete at Crunch Time or on this evening's Total Wrestling. We know that Johnny Bloodstone, the other possible World Heavyweight Champion, has been invited; that Eddie Peak has been invited, that Chris Rockwell has secured a place - possibly evading the match against RDJ quite neatly - and that Mayhem Midden has awarded Aaron Andrews a spot after his showing against Tommy Cornell on Friday. And, of course, Phil Vibert's man will make his debut. We don't know the other competitors - yet.


Prediction Key:

Tag Team Contendership

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Steve Gumble vs. Tyson Baine


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Jack Marlowe


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins


Jeremy Stone & Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Keith & Troy Tornado


10-man Battle Royal for the remaining slot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Crunch Time


Johnny Bloodstone, Eddie Peak, Chris Rockwell, Aaron Andrews, ????, ????, ????, ????, ???? & Phil Vibert's client.

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Tag Team Contendership

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

The RIders can always pull off a win, and their new manager can lead them to victory.


Steve Gumble vs. Tyson Baine



TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Jack Marlowe

Marlowe can hold this well, but he'll need more of a push first.


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins

I don't want to job out Danny and RDJ... but do we want to weaken the guys with a programme? Disrespected interfere.


Jeremy Stone & Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Keith & Troy Tornado

The champ takes home the victory, Tommy's on a roll but he can be stopped.


10-man Battle Royal for the remaining slot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Crunch Time


Johnny Bloodstone, Eddie Peak, Chris Rockwell, Aaron Andrews, ????, ????, ????, ????, ???? & Phil Vibert's client.

Oh, it's going to be big.

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Tag Team Contendership

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

New Wave are face team so I pick heel team here.


Steve Gumble vs. Tyson Baine

Gumble have been lost for some time and he isn´t getting a win against Baine


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Jack Marlowe

Standard title defence for Anderson


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins

I find it hard do predict against RDJ so I go with he´s team winning when Disrespected interference


Jeremy Stone & Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Keith & Troy Tornado

I think that Jeremy needs a win here more than others


10-man Battle Royal for the remaining slot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Crunch Time


Johnny Bloodstone, Eddie Peak, Chris Rockwell, Aaron Andrews, ????, ????, ????, ????, ???? & Phil Vibert's client.

Likely a very big name so he should make some impact

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Tag Team Contendership

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Steve Gumble vs. Tyson Baine


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Jack Marlowe


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins

Jeremy Stone & Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Keith & Troy Tornado - Draw


10-man Battle Royal for the remaining slot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Crunch Time


Johnny Bloodstone, Eddie Peak, Chris Rockwell, Aaron Andrews, ????, ????, ????, ????, ???? & Phil Vibert's client.

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Prediction Key:

Tag Team Contendership

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

new mgr, new attitude, and possible syndicate interference


Steve Gumble vs. Tyson Baine



TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Jack Marlowe

Marlowe is good but not at the same level


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins

interference from Powell and Grayson cost Bach & hawkins the match


Jeremy Stone & Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Keith & Troy Tornado

Stone is being set up as next challenger, so he needs to win here.


10-man Battle Royal for the remaining slot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Crunch Time


Johnny Bloodstone, Eddie Peak, Chris Rockwell, Aaron Andrews, ????, ????, ????, ????, ???? & Phil Vibert's client.

Going with Phil Vibert's client, and anticipating a Big Cat sighting.( or a time warped Nemesis from when he was 15 yrs younger, but that would be too much awesomeness to be contained :D )

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

Easy Riders get a win thanks to their new manager, while the Keiths can afford to take another loss.


Steve Gumble vs. Tyson Baine

Gumble's a jobber.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Jack Marlowe

Don't think Jack's done enough to earn a title, especially not on live tv.


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins

These two are in a high profile fued, and need the win heading into the PPV.


Jeremy Stone & Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Keith & Troy Tornado

This one could go either way, actually.


10-man Battle Royal for the remaining slot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Crunch Time


Johnny Bloodstone, Eddie Peak, Chris Rockwell, Aaron Andrews, ????, ????, ????, ????, ???? & Phil Vibert's client.

Rockwell gets back to his old form.

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Keith's are the better talents and have more long term upside but for this feud to have some legs the Easy Riders have to take the first win.


Steve Gumble vs. Tyson Baine


The image update briefly breathed some new life into the Young Guns but they are still job fodder.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Jack Marlowe


Another relatively routine defence for the former Syndicate man, against one of the latest syndicate goons.


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins


Inteference from the cornellverse Marty Jannety's help's RDJ & Fonazarelli to the win in this one.


Jeremy Stone & Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Keith & Troy Tornado


Could go either way, but with Stone and Cornell in the position of challengers, I see them getting a psychological advantage over their respective opponents by picking up the win here.


10-man Battle Royal for the remaining slot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Crunch Time


Johnny Bloodstone, Eddie Peak, Chris Rockwell, Aaron Andrews, ????, ????, ????, ????, ???? & Phil Vibert's client.


This has instant impact debut written all over it, so I'm going for Phil Vibert's client to win here, as other's have pointed out Big Cat Brandon making the jump from SWF would make sense here.

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Prediction Key:

Tag Team Contendership

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell - Carl Batch is a big factor for my choice here, I doubt he'd accept the Easy Riders going down to the young Keith boys.


Steve Gumble vs. Tyson Baine - Baine could very well destroy Gumble here


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Jack Marlowe - Jungle Jack eh, he's got a great ability to hold a match together with some excellent performance skills, but I think John Anderson has a lot of things in his favour and suits the International Championship


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins - I just feel a win would greatly assist their momentum going forward


Jeremy Stone & Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Keith & Troy Tornado - son of a.... what a great, great, great match this should be. Cornell, Keith, Stone, epic names, let alone Tornado.


10-man Battle Royal for the remaining slot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Crunch Time


Johnny Bloodstone, Eddie Peak, Chris Rockwell, Aaron Andrews, ????, ????, ????, ????, ???? & Phil Vibert's client. - Mr Squiggles AKA Questionmark always gets my vote. But not when you've indicated Phil Vibert has someone outlandish coming in. Big Cat Brandon smacks of being obvious, but I'd love to see what you could do with Marc Du Bois to be honest.

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Prediction Key:

Tag Team Contendership

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

Someday, this will be a no brainer the other way. The Keiths aren't there yet.


Steve Gumble vs. Tyson Baine



TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Jack Marlowe

Not quite a squash, but a no brainer nontheless.


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins

Perhaps by DQ...I think Fonzy's struggles will continue.


Jeremy Stone & Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Keith & Troy Tornado

Time limit draw or some kind of non finish here to keep both sides strong.


10-man Battle Royal for the remaining slot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Crunch Time


Johnny Bloodstone, Eddie Peak, Chris Rockwell, Aaron Andrews, ????, ????, ????, ????, ???? & Phil Vibert's client.

It's not Big Cat since he starts with a five year deal...I'm guessing Remo or Vengeance here for the win.

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OOC: Music links in this edition of the show, other than the title, are somewhat NSFW. Warning is hereby given.





TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 3 October 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 6.66)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.00)


Held at the Oregon Gardens (North West)


Attendance: 15,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


Tag Team #1 Contendership Final

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CarlBatch.jpg

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewGauge.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

Good stuff from both teams – though TCW fans are coming to expect that – and the Keiths show they can brawl with the best, furious at the way the Riders have been smashing their way through other tag teams this past month, particularly the assault on them and their father not too long ago.


And it's tough to say which team brawls better; the Keiths, of course, have more to their repertoire, but it's a question of trying to get to use it – whenever they try, Carl Batch is right there, catching Eugene Williams' attention – and that, swiftly enough, leads to interference and double-teams by the Riders. That keeps them on top, ultimately, and after a couple of near-things on both sides, Hopper and Fonda catch Greg in the Emergency Stop, getting the pin when Batch catches Matthew's leg on the apron and prevents him from breaking up the cover.

Easy Riders defeated the Keith Brothers

Rating: B-





We cut now to a video package. Centred around the Test of Steel roofed cage, the injuries inflicted in it, the voiceover is by Sam Keith.


“The Test of Steel... it's a new one on me, a new experience...”


Bryan Vessey finds himself tossed into the cell wall by Cornell's Rough Ride


“But with only nine matches in the Test of Steel in all of history, that's no surprise...”


BLZ Bubb crushes Sam Strong's head against the cage with a running boot


“They say that only the worst, deepest, most cutting grudges ever make it to the test...”


Liberty hangs from the ceiling at the centre of the cage for a long moment, looking down on Rip Chord. With a final swing, he plummets, driving the elbow right into Chord's heart from twenty feet up


“That only the very greatest can survive...”


Ricky Dale Johnson drives Cornell back-first into the cage before wheeling around to plant him with the Southern Justice


“That it is the absolute last resort.”


After the match is over, Sam Strong stands over a devastated, broken Peter Valentine, looking down on him, and shakes his head sadly.


“You didn't offer me a choice, Tommy, but I'll take it.”


Tommy Cornell stares down Sam Keith before their Hotter Than Hell match


“You kicked me out, Tommy. And you tried to break me.”


Cornell's attempt at the Rough Ride is blocked and countered into the NeutronPlex


“But I came through, didn't I?”


Sam Keith locks in the rope-assisted Proton Lock on Cornell, wrenching his arm out


“I survived you...”


Jeremy Stone hits the Stone's Throw on Sam Keith


“...and your attempt to take my title...”


The music changes. Tyson Baine wipes out Keith with a chokeslam


“...and then you picked up the pace.”


Baine hits the Hades Bomb. Cornell clamps down the Guilt Trip.


“We're not gonna be done with this until either I'm out of the game or you can't do this anymore, Tommy. I get that.”


Back to the staredown. The Test of Steel cage fades in


“So be it – this ends, Tommy. The only question is... can I stay in the game long enough to break the Syndicate?”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveGumble_Grunge2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TysonBaine_nachtfalter16.jpg

Steve Gumble vs. Tyson Baine

Gumble actually does pretty well for himself here, twisting clear of Baine's assaults, hitting him hard and getting out quick. He even gets the big monster – briefly – off his feet, coming off the top rope with a modified Savate Kick – but Baine kicks out before the count of one, powering out so violently Gumble lands on the outside with an audible smack.


And that clearly rattles him, as Baine gets hold of him and grins. What ensues is nothing short of destruction, ending with a simply brutal Hades Bomb.

Tyson Baine defeated Steve Gumble

Rating: B-



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JungleJack_FIN4.jpg

John Anderson © vs. Jack Marlowe

Former Syndicate man against his replacement here, and tensions clearly run a little high as a result. This one is a brawl, too, playing to Marlowe's strengths, but Anderson has the experience to stay out of Marlowe's reach much of the time, allowing him to turn the tide in his favour.


Marlowe gives him everything he has, it seems, and Anderson finds himself for a little while on the ropes – and then actually over them, following a tremendous uppercut by the Syndicate man. Sam Sparrow backs Marlowe away from the ropes and Anderson uses almost the entire ten count to get his bearings and recover – but once he has, he re-enters the ring like a man possessed and Marlowe can get in virtually nothing. The Ammo Dump ends this one.

John Anderson defeated Jack Marlowe

Rating: B-





We come now to the final instalment of Horatio Dangerous' interview with Jeremy Stone. At the end of the last instalment, Stone had effectively declared himself the greatest wrestler alive today.


“Let's talk about Bloodstone,” he says quietly. “Your prize student, you say, in quite a collection – I mean, the list of people you trained is incredible-”


Jeremy, smiling, nods. “Absolutely,” he says. “Some people are going to say that Bloodstone wrestles more like I do than anyone else, so that's why I call him best – but you've just got to watch him. He's devastating – to almost anybody.


“There's a short list who have Johnny scouted. Part of that's his tendency to lose it and just get angry-”


“That seems to have calmed since he came here,” Horatio says mildly. “The Bombshell-”


“Whatever,” Stone retorts, waving a hand. “Doesn't matter – pure and simple, Johnny has more than one problem. The other one is that Johnny doesn't innovate.


“What I taught him to do, he does better than any man alive. But he never invented a new hold of his own. He's got limits – and after all these years, I know those limits better than he does.”


Horatio purses his lips slightly before changing tack. “Your thoughts on his allies?”


“Sam Keith is good,” Jeremy says. “Hell, he beat me at Destructive Energy, I've got to give him that. He's good.


“But he's not going to be a problem, because Tommy has his plans set up. I'm glad I got to wrestle him; he's not going to have many more matches left to go.


“Art Reed was always a little below Johnny. Good, innovative, athletic – he has as assets what Johnny's missing. He lacks a certain finesse.”


“Any chance you're saying this because he tagged you badly in training?” Dangerous asks.


Jeremy abruptly laughs, a genuine, spontaneous reaction. “The dropkick thing?” He chuckles. “Maybe... Yeah, maybe. Art was a pleasure to work with when he was learning, I'll give him that.”


“And now?”


“Now? He's pretty good,” Stone nods, assessing. “He's pretty good, yeah.”


Dangerous nods. “I can see I'm not going to get much more than the Syndicate line asking these questions,” he says. “So, something else – how's your daughter?”


“JeriLynn's fine,” Jeremy grins. “She graduates in the spring, and when she does, I'm putting money on her showing up on the wrestling circuit. You want someone I think is going to become my very best student? JeriLynn has learned so much.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli_FIN3.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg

RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins

Quite the back and forth here, with RDJ holding his own even as Fonzarelli seems to be having trouble finding a new pace. Ricky just goes for it, though, and he's doing as well as he can against two excellent opponents who are clearly finding their footing together.



The Disrespected appear in the tenth minute, making their way down to ringside, and they split up – one on either side of the ring, staying on the outside. Sensing a break, RDJ tags out and Fonzie comes back in – which goes well for a little while, but ultimately, Wolf starts to overwhelm him – meanwhile, Sammy Bach hurtles over the top rope in a corkscrew plancha, wiping out Teddy Powell.


Stevie Grayson takes the opportunity to slide into the ring as Ray Johnson's attention is distracted by the dive, and Wolf ducks his swing, letting it drop Fonzie. Grayson follows up, and for a moment Wolf is on the ropes, but Sammy slips back into the ring, Johnson ordering Powell to the back, and the pair suplex Grayson onto Fonzarelli. Moments later, the Full Moon Rising finishes things.

Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins defeated RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: B-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone_alt1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SamKeith.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg

Jeremy Stone & Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Keith & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

An all-out brawl ensues very quickly, and it turns into four men, each with someone to hurt, each with someone to weaken for the Sunday to come – but equally, each with a friend, an ally, watching their back.


The result gets the fans on their feet from the off, baying for the Syndicate pair's blood, and shows just how bad the beating Baine put on Keith at the start of the month actually was. He's clearly still hurting, and the main thing that keeps him alive is Troy Tornado's boundless energy, often hitting a move on one and then the other Syndicate man to buy some time, focusing on Cornell...


Despite the fact that, ultimately, allowing Jeremy Stone a chance to watch you, to pick his time, and to jump you... it's just a bad idea. Stone works Troy over pretty hard, though by the end, as he sets up for the Stone's Throw, Tornado shows some resilience, twisting to land on his feet and come back – so that as the time limit elapses, the two big images are Sam Keith caught in the Guilt Trip and Troy Tornado landing the Star Maker on Jeremy Stone.

Jeremy Stone & Tommy Cornell drew with Sam Keith & Troy Tornado

Rating: A





The wrestlers involved in the main event begin to emerge; Johnny Bloodstone comes first, his Canadian belt around his waist, the Bombshell by his side informing the camera that it's “time to bring the belts back together this Sunday.”



Eddie Peak is next, striding down to the ring, tongue running over his lips, rubbing his hands together.



Aaron Andrews walks down to the ring alongside Joey Minnesota, both men entering to Aaron's music – but both men get in the ring, the tag team there as a whole.



Rick Law comes out next, smiling slightly, playing to the fans, followed by a focused, determined-looking Chris Rockwell.



Koshiro Ino comes out shortly behind Rockwell, eyes locked on the back of the head of the man who fought him just a month ago. Shortly beind him comes Eric Tyler, checking his wrist tape, looking sober and determined as Azaria and Dangerous discuss the stakes for Tyler – a risky match at his age, but a chance to catapult himself up in the company as a whole.



Next comes Brent Hill, who is unique in offering absolutely no hint of his feelings toward this match. His poker face here is total.



And lastly, Phil Vibert emerges. We get a shot of Rockwell glaring daggers at him before he begins to speak.


“You know,” he says. “I really ought to thank Midden for this one. I'd expected a one-on-one, but this... this is a chance to take apart half of TCW's best at one fell swoop. And that's no trouble for my man. The supreme specimen here... who you should all be sure to catch on Sunday as he dethrones the champion...


“But first, it's time to clear the other potential contenders just exactly as fast as he can. So with no further ado, let me give you your chance to bow down and respect the man himself...”




Remo Richardson stalks into view. Phil Vibert smiles, watching the reactions of the men in the ring, and then nods – and Richardson charges the ring. The bell rings as he slides under the bottom rope...



Aaron Andrews, Brent Hill, Chris Rockwell, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler


Joey Minnesota, Johnny Bloodstone, Koshiro Ino, Rick Law, Remo Richardson

Peak, Minnesota, and Bloodstone go straight for Remo. He bowls Minnesota and Bloodstone back with single punches, tries the same with Eddie, and it doesn't work – but it does drive him back a step. The two begin to exchange punches – and someone steps over the guardrail.



Tyson Baine climbs into the ring and grabs Peak from behind. Freed, Remo promptly spears Brent Hill and promptly grabs Koshiro Ino, lifting him for the Destroyer.


Peak's fist slams into Tyson's jaw and drives him back, but Baine has a rebuttal; one hand is curled into a fist surrounding that same, still bloodstained chain Peak used on Baine – and the punch staggers Peak. Another dazes him, and Baine bundles him over the top rope, giving him a Hades Bomb on the outside before he leaves.


Elimination #1: Eddie Peak


Law and Tyler have renewed their long-standing issue, both of them teetering over the top rope. Aaron Andrews interferes, punching Tyler to double him over before joining with his tag partner, Minnesota, to suplex him over the top and out.


Elimination #2: Eric Tyler


Meanwhile, in the centre, Chris Rockwell is struggling with Koshiro Ino, having tried to shove him out of the ring while he was still dazed from the Destroyer. Brent Hill intervenes with a dropkick, and promptly receives a Destroyer from Remo himself.


Richardson seems to be in no hurry to eliminate anyone, simply prowling around doling out pain – but as Rick Law tries for a Squad Car Slam, he twists loose and decks Law with a single punch. He then grabs Aaron Andrews, hoists him one-handed into the air, and lobs him out of the ring and the match.


Elimination #3: Aaron Andrews



A little more room to breathe, now, and the match begins to slow down. Hill and Rockwell are battling, which turns into a mat war shortly after Hill almost got Rockwell over the top rope – Chris staying as far from elimination as he can. Rick Law gets back into it with Remo, but it doesn't last long – Freddy Huggins enters the ring as a punch sends Law reeling against the ropes. The Huggins Kiss dazes Law, and Remo promptly lands a double clothesline to send both Law and the interloper Huggins to the outside.


Elimination #4: Rick Law


Rockwell gets clear of Hill and attacks Joey Minnesota. He does pretty well until the Minnesota Salute hits – and Koshiro Ino follows up with the Kobra's Bite, tumbling Rockwell from the ring to get some measure of revenge.


Elimination #5: Chris Rockwell


Johnny Bloodstone grabs hold of Remo at this point and tries an armlock, wrenching at his shoulder. Brent Hill promptly hits the ropes and comes off with a dropkick to the same shoulder, weakening it further – and Richardson roars like an angry beast, charging toward the ropes, dumping Bloodstone over the top with ease. Suddenly, we're down to the final four.


Elimination #6: Johnny Bloodstone


Minnesota, Ino, and Hill all line up against Remo. Brent charges; Remo lifts a boot, punting him in the head to drop him. Minnesota exploits the distraction, getting the Minnesota Salute – and for the second time in the match, Ino follows that up with a Kobra's Bite. The two then try to clothesline Remo over the top – and not only do they fail but, after he shoves Ino away, he tosses Minnesota himself.


Elimination #7: Joey Minnesota


Ino tries for a third Kobra's Bite, but the 'supreme specimen' blocks it and counters, suplexing him out of the ring.


Elimination #8: Koshiro Ino


With a roar of satisfaction he turns to face Brent Hill, who's pulling himself up by the top rope – and he charges.


Brent sidesteps, grabs, and lifts. Remo's throat comes down hard on the top rope and he rebounds, hitting the floor on his back.


Brent Hill scrambles to capitalise, reaching the top rope. As he launches into the King of the Hill, Remo kips up and grabs him in midair.


Brent struggles, punch after punch trying to distract Remo, but he takes another charge and hurls Brent from the ring with a running Destroyer.


Final Elimination: Brent Hill

Remo Richardson won the battle royale

Rating: B




What follows is a music video for Crunch Time, obviously cut together over the course of the show. It most prominently features moments from the builds to Test of Steel, the Peak/Baine rivalry, and the selection of the Tornado/Stone/Remo triple threat, ending with Azaria's disbelieving cry “FIVE ELIMINATIONS!”


Show Rating: B+

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Guest cmdrsam
Very good show sir. I particulary liked the Sam Keith promo. Just wanted to drop a quick note saying I was still reading and enjoying what you present.
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Very good show sir. I particulary liked the Sam Keith promo. Just wanted to drop a quick note saying I was still reading and enjoying what you present.






Nice show, and nice snag!


- Sonfaro


Thanks, guys.


There's a big discussion back some few pages about how much I've drawn on Flair for Sam Keith (though that seems to have faded now - I like to imagine the guy essentially half-shooting on his life while he's in this 'dream match' stage of his TCW run) but in this case, the core inspiration for the Test of Steel promo is...


...infuriatingly, not on YouTube.


At the opening of the first New Year's Revolution, Bishoff cut a promo about the Elimination Chamber from inside it. Soft-spoken, ignoring the facts and figures, talking about what it must be like for the participants. He was carrying a short lead pipe; I recall he struck the metal floor three times with it to prove a point, but mostly he just cut this quiet, measured promo, while it cut occasionally to video clips from the first two Chambers of the big moments - and then the video clips shifted as he started to explain that this would really prove who deserved to be champion; they became about the lead in to the Chamber.


It remains the best video I've seen for making the Chamber seem epic, and as I say, it's not on YouTube.


The Test of Steel, as a quasi-HitC equivalent, really needed something like that, and Sam Keith got the nod because he seems to be the guy I like doing this stuff with.





As for Remo, yeah. Good solid acquisition, or should be, and is likely to do well for himself - and has some really interesting potential feuds ahead, I think. There's a very short list of SWF names I'd want to bring into TCW; he happened to be both on it and abruptly too big for Richard Eisen to re-sign, so here he is. I need to stop signing in-ring talent, though, for a while...

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Good show, PS. Just gonna echo the already-stated sentiments - Sam Keith promo was very good, and I love the addition of Remo. He's a guy that I always wish I had done more with in my SWF diary. He features heavily, but I never got far enough for him to really stand on his own. There are so many interesting things you can do with such a high-profile signing - really looking forward to seeing things play out.
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Good show, PS. Just gonna echo the already-stated sentiments - Sam Keith promo was very good, and I love the addition of Remo. He's a guy that I always wish I had done more with in my SWF diary. He features heavily, but I never got far enough for him to really stand on his own. There are so many interesting things you can do with such a high-profile signing - really looking forward to seeing things play out.


Nice work with Sam Keith.


Glad to see Remo come through and go over. The more I explore the CVerse the more the name Remo Richardson strikes me as a quality prospect.


Another quality show, ..... yet again!


My thanks to you both, guys.


I'm excited about Crunch Time, but then at the moment I'm usually excited about what's coming next. It's time to start lining things up for events coming in the new year, so watch this space... Remo promises to be the catalyst for two or three shifts in other workers.

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Tuesday 22nd October 2008


Sam Keith is waiting with a broad smile and open arms as Remo arrives at the arena for tonight's show. His first appearance anywhere with TCW, and Remo is ready.


He seems just as happy to see Sam, ultimately; but then, he should; as the head booker at the competition when Remo was recruited, Sam Keith has been one of Remo's biggest backers for the past six years.


Interesting to see what happens afterward; Chris is greeted with a grin and a foam rubber Lobster Warrior hat; Remo explains it as “on clearance so why not?”


Rick Law stops over and shakes his hand; they spend a couple of minutes exchanging anecdotes about Rich Money. Meanwhile, I'm watching the rest of the locker room; it's often a good way to gauge any trouble you might be letting yourself in for.


Oddly, the usual political suspects are quiet. Watching and waiting, I'd guess, to see how he's received before they decide whether or not to start pitching.


“My only regret,” Remo tells me, “is timing. Three months ago and I might've made it into the new video game here as well as with the SWF.”


He grins; I'm not sure whether he gets his kicks from the money or from seeing versions of himself out there. I've known both types, and the second is much easier to handle.


I guess, with time, I'll know.

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Man, I've got to catch up with this, it had slipped off my list of regular reads; shame on me. Thanks for namedropping in the alt thread and reminding me of it.


If you'd ever like JL to make a cameo appearance in your version of the C-verse I'd be honored; I think you'd do her justice.

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Arguably the best American tag team today takes on arguably the best Canadian tag team today, as the Machines will kick off our Badge of Honor show facing the Elite Express, Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson. The Express are newcomers to the company, but certainly not to tag team gold - they know exactly what they have to do.


And the tag team action will continue, as the Rising Stars look to pull one back on the School of Tradition. Aaron Andrews and Joey Minnesota both broke into the main event on Tuesday, hoping for a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship, but it wasn't to be. Can they get back to winning ways tonight?


Art Reed will be looking to prove himself against submission maestro Merle O'Curle on Badge of Honor. Those of you who like the traditional hold-for-hold game are encouraged to watch, as this one should be simply amazing.


In his continuing quest to pit himself against "the best of the rest" Mr Cornell once again goes up against a talented wrestler who's yet to break out from the pack in TCW. Hell Monkey will be trying to outwit the Syndicate head honcho this week - can he go one better than Aaron Andrews and pull out the win?


The Conquering Kings will be in action, too, taking on current tag team contenders the Easy Riders. The odds are stacked against Kingman and Alexander, but arguably, that's been when they've been at their best. Can they pull one out this time?


Remo Richardson will be in action again following his dazzling debut last week. Phil Vibert's 'supreme specimen' will face off with Danny Fonzarelli, a target hand-picked by Phil Vibert. Much as we support Danny, we have to say... it was nice knowing ya, champ.


And in the main event, Rick Law has accepted a challenge made by Floyd Goldworthy to take on his client, the American Buffalo. Law's been a game contender the last month, but it's obvious he's still feeling the injuries from his impromptu 'match' with Marat Khoklov - can he survive the Buffalo, let alone the likely-lurking School of Tradition?


Prediction Key:

Elite Express vs. The Machines


Rising Stars vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle


Hell Monkey vs. Tommy Cornell


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Rick Law

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Elite Express vs. The Machines

I found it really hard to predict against Machines in tag matches.


Rising Stars vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

Win for the youngsters here

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle

Merle haven´t done anything that make me think that he could beat Reed


Hell Monkey vs. Tommy Cornell

Monkey puts up a decent fight but this can only go one way.


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

Riders are kept strong before their tag title match.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

If Remo wins a ten man battle royal that includes guys like Bloodstone, Hill and Law then he have no trouble dealing with Fonzarelli in one-on-one match

American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Rick Law

I would usually go with Law but Buffalo needs a win and School might interference which would give Law a reason to lose here.

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