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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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I went round and about on that. Ultimately, though, the story that's going to unfold with Pete's character means I want the link to be present - and hey, Cowboy Ricky Dale barely changed his name a few years back.


Fair enough, I just find it hard to take anyone seriously who doesn't have a last name... or just a first name. Big Smack Scott falls into this category somewhat, but it's Scott so he doesn't need to be taken seriously.


Ricky Dale (Johnson) earned a last name and lost his Cowboy hat.

Texas Pete is still from Texas (which is fine) but he doesn't have a last name... yet. That could be a part of the story you want to tell. I just thought it could have been a good chance to erase the Texas from his name and give him a clean slate.

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Fair enough, I just find it hard to take anyone seriously who doesn't have a last name... or just a first name. Big Smack Scott falls into this category somewhat, but it's Scott so he doesn't need to be taken seriously.


Ricky Dale (Johnson) earned a last name and lost his Cowboy hat.

Texas Pete is still from Texas (which is fine) but he doesn't have a last name... yet. That could be a part of the story you want to tell. I just thought it could have been a good chance to erase the Texas from his name and give him a clean slate.


Interesting take on it; I actually mean that, too.


Will give it some thought; as I say, though, he needs to start off Texas Pete, at least, for this to work.

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It's a step-by-step process, which I can understand - Pete's a big name for a small fed, but for the ascendant TCW, not so much. So for him to be a big name player, he has to build that name: One step at a time.


Nice shout out, btw :p


Best example of the company-owned-mask feature I can think of. ;) Just have to ignore the fact that the first one would only just have been getting started around now...

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Phantom Stranger" data-cite="Phantom Stranger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23671" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Interesting take on it; I actually mean that, too.<p> </p><p> Will give it some thought; as I say, though, he needs to start off Texas Pete, at least, for this to work.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I know I have a reputation around here as the 'wacky prediction guy' but I also do know my stuff and it wouldn't have been the first time someone reinvented themselves on a big stage, JBL is the most recent example that pops into my head... or John Morrison.</p><p> </p><p> I just find guys without last names hard to relate to. Tugboat Tim didn't have any success until dropping Tim and becoming Typhoon. Or Big Josh. Or Bushwacker Luke. I honestly believe there is a hard limit on how high someone without a last name can go. (Sting doesn't count as he doesn't have a normal first name.)</p>
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I know I have a reputation around here as the 'wacky prediction guy' but I also do know my stuff and it wouldn't have been the first time someone reinvented themselves on a big stage, JBL is the most recent example that pops into my head... or John Morrison.


And in the C-Verse you've got, for example, Danny Fonzarelli. (We can talk about how smart the reinvention was separately.)


And Fonzie is actually an example of what's at the root of this one - Fonzie was a reinvention designed to persuade the fans he was more credible than before without there necessarily being a visible improvement/expansion in moveset/etc (see also JBL).


Texas Pete, on the other hand, just spent nine months in development, so you want people to look at him and ask themselves "Holy crap, did Pete just hit a dropkick? ...He just clamped down a leglock! What the hell happened here?"


The character has a lot coming down the pipe at him soon, however.


Interested to see how this plays out - I had not seen that Pete alt (which looks quite cool, btw)...


It's an awesome pic, but sadly not an alt. I've borrowed it from 2017 new worker Texas Hangman. If Hangman and Pete are ever in the game together, I'll have to figure something out.

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The Conquering Kings are back in action as we return to the North Carolina Biker Museum this Friday. Alanis Springsteen's men will be staring down the challenge of Shingen Miyazaki & Fumihiro Ota, as both teams look to get back to winning ways.


And there's more tag team action to come, as perennial Conquering Kings enemies the Fly Boys will face off against the Young Guns. The Guns started the year with incredible energy, but they've not been doing nearly as well lately - is it time they reversed course, or can the Fly Boys topple them from their perches?


Chris Rockwell has requested a match against Matthew Keith, and Mayhem Midden has heartily approved. Rockwell will be looking for a swift win to reestablish his credentials - but Matthew Keith may not be the man to try that against. Who's going to come out better in this one?


Edd Stone, who with his brother laid down a challenge to the Tag Team Champions on Tuesday, will also be active, taking on in singles competition one-half of another remarkable sibling partnership, as Greg Keith steps into the ring against him. Two famous names, but when you strip away the pedigree, who'll come out on top?


Mr Cornell's challenges to "the best of the rest" continue this week, as newcomer to TCW Lobo Blanco will face off against him. Given Sam Keith's assertions on Sunday, could this wolfish name be a confirmation of Cornell's intentions?


And, lastly, the main event. Frankie Perez faces off with Rick Law in non-title action; Last time these two fought in singles competition was February, where Law got the better of Frankie twice; however, Frankie Perez has stepped up his game significantly over the last seven months. Could the tide have turned?


Prediction Key:

Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Miyazaki & Ota


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Young Guns


Chris Rockwell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Lobo Blanco vs. Tommy Cornell


Frankie Perez vs. Rick Law (non-title)

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Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Miyazaki & Ota

I don´t remember if Miyazaki & Ota have won even once but they definitely haven´t won that often so it´s safe to go with the Kings here


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Young Guns

My head says that Fly Boys probably wins but I like Young Guns more and this should be fairly close match.


Chris Rockwell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Rockwell should pick up a win here


Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

This one is hard but I´m not sold that Edd has what it takes to win here


Lobo Blanco vs. Tommy Cornell

Nope, newbie isn´t going over Cornell here


Frankie Perez vs. Rick Law (non-title)

Law seems to be too big name for Perez right now

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I understand PS, you've gone the alternate route to what I was suggesting. You see some cache in the value of Texas Pete's name whereas I'm not sure the 'big SWF signing who went down to development for nearly a year' has that value. But both are legitimate takes on Texas Pete. The other being the Fonzarelli - which is a total repackaging and ignoring his past history. That's likely more cyber ink than Pete's had on these boards in years. Moving on...


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Miyazaki & Ota

- The Kings need to position themselves as a good tag team, while Ota and the 'zaki are good individually, the Kings are a team.


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Young Guns

- Draw due to my apathy. Time Limit Draw as I don't wake up until after this match is over.


Chris Rockwell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

-The Keith boys' trials begin here...


Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

- and their tribulations don't get any better here.


Lobo Blanco vs. Tommy Cornell

- I know... WTF Beeker are you crazy? Not really. Lobo wins by DQ when he 'reveals' himself and Cornell goes 'football hooligan insane' on him. Leaving Blanco lying in a pool of sangre.


Frankie Perez vs. Rick Law (non-title)

- Law loses due to the 'feud that will never end'.

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Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Miyazaki & Ota


King's have established themselves as a middle ranking Tag Team tandem, where-as the Japanese boys have been pure jobber.


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Young Guns


Hard one to call as Fly Boy's seemed to have sorted out their differences and whilst the Young Gun's had a small push with the image change that seems to have faded and they seem to be heading back to jobbersville. Either you continue to gradually allow the Fly Boys to rise up from Jobberdom or you put the brakes on the Young Guns going the other way. I'm going to stump for the former.


Chris Rockwell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Keith's push seem's to be more as a tag team right now and Rockwell could do with putting a W on the board.


Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


As said with the previous match, Keith's push is more as a team right now.


Lobo Blanco vs. Tommy Cornell




Frankie Perez vs. Rick Law (non-title)


Non Title or not Law would win this match regardless due to being more over.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 November 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.48)


Held at the North Carolina Biker Museum (Mid Atlantic)


Attendance: 2000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BarryKingman.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShingenMiyazaki_alt1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FumihiroOta_FS.jpg

Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Miyazaki & Ota

Hardly the greatest tag match in TCW history, but an example, once again, of how talent can produce better results than the pivotal Painful Procedure contest. The fans react to this much more warmly due to the effort on display.


Clark Alexander gets the majority of the plaudits in this one, but it's the Kings as a team who finish it off, laying out Shingen Miyazaki with the Crippler Bomb.

Conquering Kings defeated Miyazaki & Ota

Rating: D+





The Kings get a second to celebrate – and American Buffalo blindsides Barry Kingman, then hits Alexander with the Stampede. Alanis Springsteen panics – but the big man has a long stide, grabbing her – the Colt Killa lands and the Buffalo rises from his knees, smirking, and turns to glower at the entrance ramp.



Floyd Goldworthy looks full on terrified.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HarryAllen_Grunge3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveGumble_Grunge2.jpg

Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Young Guns

And... the same level of crowd involvement continues, as the Guns do their best to pick the pace back up.


The Fly Boys go with them, but it's not really enough, and while Jimmy P is definitely developing, both teams are only capable of producing so much without better opposition.


Harry Allen counters the Death on Miami Beach into a Gunslinger's Revenge, which captures the win for him as Donnie J crashes and burns.

The Young Guns defeated the Fly Boys

Rating: D+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewGauge.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Chris Rockwell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Now these two just seem to get it, when they step in the ring together, and the crowd wakes up so fast it's a wonder they don't injure themselves. The pace is as fast as the airborne teams, though the match has a much more technical bent, and there are, well...


The biggest moment of the match saw Matthew Keith attempt a backdrop driver; Rockwell twisted loose in midair, taking Keith down to the canvas. Moments later, he has the grounded MMA-style knee flurry moving, and while Matthew Keith twists away, he's dazed. Rockwell follows up with an enzuigiri and goes right back to it; Keith counters away again, and gets levelled with a clothesline.


A few more knees follow, and then the pinfall...

Chris Rockwell defeated Matthew Keith

Rating: B+





Backstage, and the Easy Riders are prowling the interview area, Carl Batch at their head. Batch is fuming.


“Let me...” he begins, “let me just get this straight.


“My boys win through a tournament – a whole tournament – to get a title shot against the New Wave. And when that title shot took place, did they get pinned? Did Scout make them tap out?” A sneer. “Did some damn fool manager throw in the towel?


“Well, I was the manager on the scene, and I'm no fool. Billy – you get pinned?” He snorts in disdain. “You tap out?” Growling, Fonda shakes his head.


“How about you, Peter?” Hopper sneers, shaking his head in turn.


“Huh,” Batch says, feigning thoughtful ignorance. “So seems to me, you boys didn't exactly get booted out of contention.


“Seems to me you're still in the running.


“So the Stone boys must just think they're all that, mustn't they? They must just think they're really, truly, that good...”


He frowns. “Well, boys, you can still wait your goddamn turn, as far as I see it.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt13.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Edd Stone... He had a bad Sunday, didn't he? Took quite a nasty kick to the head, lost his title...


He's not subdued, though. Coming out, he's as enthusiastic as ever, showing a touching lack of comprehension as to why his Syndicate gear might not leave the crowd friendly toward him.


And the Edd Fu is as inspired – not to say chaotic – as ever. It takes Greg Keith a while to get a handle on what's happening, and meanwhile Edd is cartwheeling into backflip punches, vaulting from the top rope to apply submission holds, and periodically just leave the ring to play to the crowd.


That's how Greg gets him, though. As Edd tries for a flying headscissors, Greg Keith manages, somehow, to turn it into the NeutronPlex. The announcers are still bickering over how that happened as Greg walks back through the curtain, his job done.

Greg Keith defeated Edd Stone

Rating: B-





Mayhem Midden stalks the corridors backstage, accompanied by the silent Charlie Thatcher. “We're live now?” he asks someone behind the camera, getting a “Yeah, Greg just won,” in response, and he nods, then smiles at the camera.


“My job... it's got a lot of downsides. But occasionally, there's an upside. Occasionally, a shining moment makes all the bad bits worthwhile.


“Like those moments where Troy and Johnny get recognised for the talents they are. And moments like this...” He smiles grimly. “I've been waiting to deliver this edict. Thought you at home might want to see.”


And he pushes a door open. He and Thatcher step through into the School of Tradition's locker room, and as the door opens raised voices are heard for just long enough to register before they die away.



Laura Huggins takes the opportunity to get between Sean Deeley and her brother Freddy. Perhaps worth noting – it's Freddy she pushes backward.


“Hope we're not bothering you?” Midden asks cheerfully, beaming around the group. “Nothing to do with you this time, Eric – I'm as surprised as you are.


“No, it's Sean and Freddy I need to speak to...”


He glances between the two. “Good news, I suppose, boys. The Board is already looking at the structure for A Little South Of Sanity, and we've decided that the All-Action Championship will be defended in a four-man match.


“Freddy and Sean are both on the shortlist. I know you two have had your differences, so...” A shrug. “We feel the fairest way to do all this is to tell you that one of those spaces goes to... One of you.”


He looks between them, then turns and looks directly at Laura Huggins. “We're happy for the pair of you to decide who gets it, OK?”


“Now, hold on a minute,” Laura Huggins interrupts. “Sean... Sean and Freddy have been having some disagreements...”


“That's his point,” Tyler growls. “He wants the School at each other's throats.


“It's not going to happen, Midden.”


“Well,” Midden smiles. “I'll be happy to make it official once you've decided who's in the match. OK now? Bye...”


Leaving the room, Midden and Thatcher are smirking. Thatcher bursts out laughing just before the door shuts behind them.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LoboBlanco.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpg

Lobo Blanco vs. Tommy Cornell

Shorter than last month's test contests, this one sees Cornell in a much better position as he takes on the Mexican technician. Even Lobo Blanco gets one or two shining moments in, but in the end, Tommy hits the Rough Ride – and doesn't even bother, as has become customary, to transition to the Guilt Trip to finish.

Tommy Cornell defeated Lobo Blanco

Rating: B-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg

Frankie Perez vs. Rick Law

Last time around, Perez lost handsomely – but that was in February, and there's no dispute whatsoever among the TCW fans that P-Dawg has improved radically over the last few months.


The All Action Champion gives as good as he gets, though Law rallies the crowd strongly behind him, on more than one occasion using that to fight back, to recover, to break the P-Clutch...


Rick and Perez seem to be almost exactly evenly matched. Frankie blocks the Squad Car Slam and lands a DDT, but Law kicks out.


He follows up with an Arabian press; same story. “On Tuesday,” Jasmine Saunders notes, “Rick Law kicked out of a Destroyer. Frankie needs to rely on submission...”


Law makes it back to his feet, booting Perez in the gut, and whips him to the corner. A big boot follows; Law's still moving, heading for the far ropes as Perez stumbles back out of the corner – and then, the Long Arm of the Law slams home.


It's enough.

Rick Law defeated Frankie Perez

Rating: B


Show Rating: C+

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Friday 5th November 2008

Julian Watson is throwing his weight about. At this point, only Eric Tyler and Acid have caused more havoc, and they've done it in around double the time.


In this case, Watson's developing his vendetta against Sam Sparrow. I'm not completely sure what it stems from – scuttlebutt says some kind of incident on the house shows, where Sparrow apparently mistimed a finish the Enforcers were using – and it doesn't seem major compared to some of the issues – Kyle Rhodes is usually more vocal about his issues with me, and those stem primarily from my telling him off when he got into it with Acid.


Nonetheless, minor or not, Julian Watson has made this pretty open, and with the rumours going around, I felt I needed to explain to him exactly where we all stand.


It didn't help that Sparrow's wife was backstage. Accusations involving a ring rat could have got very out of hands if Rebecca Sparrow didn't trust Rick Law.


Julian says it won't happen again. I guess we'll see how that goes.


Monday 8th November 2008

The first renegotiation period for Badge of Honor rolled around this month, and today was the best day for myself, Tommy, “Lenny From Accounts” and the GNN rep handling our shows to get together.


Last time, I had to do a chunk of the talking. Warren – our GNN rep – needed to understand what we planned to do with that valuable time. He wanted assuring that, even though we were concentrating on developing new talent, we'd have enough name talent on show that it would be a worthwhile hour and a half as far as his advertisers are concerned.


This time, much less work was needed. I guaranteed that Tommy Cornell would be appearing on Badge of Honor for the next little while – adding some name value – and that we'd continue to launch the odd surprise moment there to make sure it stayed 'essential viewing'.


But the fact that our viewing figures have spiked a little over 25% over the past month and a half definitely helped. This was, mostly, Tommy and Lenny.


The end result was: Badge of Honor remains for another two seasons. We're making out better on the deal, too, and briefly kicked around the idea of a second big TV show, perhaps something for the Saturdays – it bugs me, and it bugs Tommy, that our go-home show before the pay-per-view is the minor show mostly populated by talent that won't be on PPV.


I tried not to say too much about how we'd define that show. Part of that is that, as yet, I don't know. Part of it is that, additionally, I'm not sure we can support two shows with our current roster. There's a hefty development bill, so in the future it's a definite possibility, but I've not planned anything yet.


But the biggest part is... Tommy and I have our eyes on CBA. With the SWF currently ticking along on The Pop! network we've got a space open. Adding another major show might be just how to get on there. And at this stage, they could hardly say we don't have the star power...


Maybe in the new year. A lot of things will have changed by our next negotiations.

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Texas Pete surprised a lot of the TCW faithful last week when he defeated Joey Minnesota. He impressed some of the wrestlers, too - notably John Anderson, who, in his continuing efforts to be known as a fighting champion, has offered Pete a shot at his International Championship. It's clear that we're dealing with a much better competitor than the man who left TCW to learn nine months ago - but can he add a championship to his resume, the first in his six year career?


The American Buffalo will follow these men into battle. He's thrown down a challenge to the man John Anderson succeeded as International Champion, Koshiro Ino. His agent, Mr Goldworthy, commented that "give him the match, it'll shut him up for a few days. I need time to prepare..." What's meant by that, we wouldn't care to speculate.


Sean Deeley and Freddy Huggins have been ordered to team together today by Mayhem Midden. Following the revelation Friday that one of them will receive a title shot at A Little South Of Sanity, can they coexist? Their opponents, Art Reed and Joey Minnesota, have a lot in common - technical skills, the legacy of DaVE, and a desire to get back on the winning road.


Sam Keith is also scheduled to be in action. He'll be taking on English submission specialist and three-time DaVE Extreme Champion, JD Morgan. His mind is likely to be on the recent announcement that Wolf Hawkins will challenge for the Hard-Hitting Championship at the end of the month, but this clash of the veterans is one for aspiring wrestlers to record and study. We don't want either man's techniques to retire with them.


Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins will be presenting a united front in tag competition next, squaring off with Sam Keith's twin sons. This has to be the toughest challenge the Keith Brothers have faced, but we're confident that they'll give of their very best.


Children and those with weak stomachs are, however, advised to skip out the following contest. Eddie Peak teams with Ricky Dale Johnson; Remo Richardson teams with Marat Khoklov. You do NOT want to be the man in the middle.


And, last of all, the Triple Threat Champion takes on the Canadian Wrestling Machine. It's Troy Tornado against Jeremy Stone, and while the title is not on the line, you can bet that pride will be.


Prediction Key:

TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Art Reed & Joey Minnesota w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


JD Morgan vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)


The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Eddie Peak & Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Marat Khoklov & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Jeremy Stone vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

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TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete

Pete fights hard, but isn't able to put away the champ.


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Buffalo is expandable.


Art Reed & Joey Minnesota w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Because Huggins and Deeley cannot co-exist.


JD Morgan vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)

JD: He's a jobber.


The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

The Keiths aren't ready for this level of mega-push yet.


Eddie Peak & Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Marat Khoklov & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Schmozz. It all goes to hell in a hand-basket.


Jeremy Stone vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

If in doubt, go for the champ.

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John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Art Reed & Joey Minnesota w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


JD Morgan vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)


The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Eddie Peak & Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Marat Khoklov & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Jeremy Stone vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

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TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Art Reed & Joey Minnesota w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


JD Morgan vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)


The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Eddie Peak & Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Marat Khoklov & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Jeremy Stone vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

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TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete

Too early to give the title to Pete


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Buffalo haven´t done all that much so far

Art Reed & Joey Minnesota w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Huggins and Deeley will lose and it will continue the issues between Huggins and the rest of the school


JD Morgan vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)

Morgan just isn´t big enough name to go over Keith here


The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Keith Brothers still have a long way to go before they can really challenge Tommy and Wolf


Eddie Peak & Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Marat Khoklov & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

It´s pretty hard for me to pick against Khoklov he´s just so damn big


Jeremy Stone vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

Non-title inticates that Stone takes this one likely with some kind of cheating.

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TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete


Like many I was shocked to see Texas Pete not only win but have a good match, however I'll perhaps be even more shocked if he wins a title in just his second match back.


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


I'm not sure if American Bungle is expandable but he certainly is expendable.


Art Reed & Joey Minnesota w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Minnesota bounces back from his loss to Texas Pete and Huggin's issues with the rest of the school continue to escalate that little bit further.


JD Morgan vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)


Non title this may be but Morgan simply isn't over enough to be going over Sam Keith in this one.


The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Maybe one day for the Keith's but not right now nor anytime soon


Eddie Peak & Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Marat Khoklov & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Got to side with the heels on this one, Khoklov needs to come across as an unstoppable monster to have any point to his existance and Remo Richardson still has that 'hot new acquistion' smell coming off him.


Jeremy Stone vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


Stone is certainly at the level to defeat Tornado and non title makes me think that he could well pull the win off here even more, than if the belt was on the line.

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TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete

-Holy Crap Petey did a leglock! Yes, but he'll still lose.


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

- Buffalo seems to be focused on running in and hammering people, I can't recall the last match he won. Floyd starts to mull over retirement in Florida... and USPW.


Art Reed & Joey Minnesota w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

- I think the ongoing tension between Huggins and Deeley is furthered by them somehow succeeding, also Joey can go on a mini-losing streak before doing something to freshen up his character.


JD Morgan vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)

- Title or no, I don't see Morgan winning. That's a big overness gap.


The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

- See above. And if Cornell won't lay down for Lobo what chance to the Keith pups have? :D


Eddie Peak & Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Marat Khoklov & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

- Monsters only work when being booked as Monsters. Khoklov and Richardson should take this, but if they lose it's after Dominating Peak and RDJ and getting DQed.


Jeremy Stone vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

- It's non-title and Tornado can afford to drop a match to make Stone look like a dangerous, legitimate competitor for the title.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 2 November 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 6.58)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.00)


Held at the Illinois State Park (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 15,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes



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John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete

Quite the brawl, here, and if anything, it exceeds the standards of Pete's match last week, despite the confusion as the match wraps.


Anderson and Pete seem to be evenly matched, and certainly both men are presenting a solid offensive attitude. But, after nearly fifteen minutes, someone else enters the equation.



Sam Sparrow is checking on Anderson, who appears to have quite a cut over one eye. Wolf Hawkins ducks into the ring and catches Pete from behind with the Full Moon Rising; the big Texan staggers forward, and Anderson, almost on reflex, delivers the Ammo Dump, getting the pin.


It's only then that he notices that Hawkins is in the ring – and has a microphone in hand.

John Anderson defeated Texas Pete

Rating: B





“Pardon me if I'm interrupting,” Hawkins smirks. “John, you're holding something that used to belong to me. I'm here to tell you – it's coming back home.”


Azaria blurts out “But he was confirmed to be challenging for the Hard-Hitting Championship!” on the microphone.


Some of the crowd seem equally confused, but Hawkins is still there, nodding. Pete has just about recovered enough now to work out what's going on – he lunges for Wolf, who rolls clear and stands off from both other men, walking backward up the ramp. “It's coming back home,” he repeats. “Nowhere else.”




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American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

A brawl, pure and simple. Ino gets a little practice at looking like a less-than-huge man, fighting from underneath, and Buffalo... continues to be big, and angry, and dangerous, and...


Predictable. With people like Khoklov, Baine, and even the slightly-smaller but no less powerful Remo around, Buffalo's power just doesn't seem as overwhelming. He's out of his league.


Ino... may not be Remo Richardson, but he's better than Buffalo, and he shows that here by outsmarting Buffalo, dodging a Stampede and getting the Kobra's Bite as Buffalo whiplashes back off the turnbuckles. That gets the win.

Koshiro Ino defeated American Buffalo

Rating: B-




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Art Reed & Joey Minnesota w/ Blonde Bombshell


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Freddy Huggins & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Sharp and sweet, Reed and Minnesota unleash a technical masterclass, and while Sean Deeley goes with them, Freddy Huggins has to stay out of range and try to turn it into his kind of fight.



Which very much keeps him unsettled and uneasy, though he gets up to speed five minutes in, when, with Laura Huggins holding Eugene Williams' attention, Acid joins him. The two men run wild on Art Reed, using their speed and partnership to close to destroy him, but when Minnesota joins the fray, the tide turns slightly, and Eugene turns around -


Acid gets sent to the back! Eugene Williams is actually ejecting him!


Meanwhile, Huggins rakes Minnesota's eye and staggers to the turnbuckle -


Sean Deeley steps back away, out of reach. Freddy has a moment to look heartbroken, and there's half a second's shot of Laura Huggins folding her arms, smiling grimly -


Minnesota grabs Freddy and plants him with an Empire Spiral, then makes the cover.

Art Reed & Joey Minnesota defeated Freddy Huggins & Sean Deeley

Rating: C




“C'mon! Quick!” The speaker is unidentifiable, a TCW staffer to judge by his polo shirt, but he beckons as he scurries down a corridor backstage and the camera follows him. As it rounds a corner, raised voices can be heard.



“...were supposed to cripple Keith and take HIS belt off him,” we hear Tommy Cornell shout. “What the hell are you looking back for?”



“It's MY decision, Tommy!” Hawkins fires back. “I have my reasons. Let Tyson deal with Keith – he almost broke him last time.”


“He can't try for another five months!” Cornell yells.


“Then... Hell, I don't know. And I don't CARE, alright? I made my choice.”


The Syndicate's locker room door, previously slightly open, slams open and Wolf Hawkins stalks out, clearly furious. “I'm doing him a favour,” he yells back over his shoulder.




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JD Morgan vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

No one could say that Morgan had set the world alight since his arrival in TCW, but he remains a solid hand, and this match has an air of something different to it.


Keith and Morgan both switch down everything but the British catch-as-catch-can style, going for a pure submission exhibition. No suplexes, no punches, no slams, no kicks; nothing but takedowns and holds. For nearly eight minutes both men circle, collide, grapple, and break apart; by five minutes in, both men are smiling, and Dangerous' voice with that distinctive faux-British accent seems to agree with them; he's enjoying the commentary, discussing the holds, explaining what they do, why they hurt, and occasionally how they evolved.


Once again, TCW – and Sam Keith in particular – have shown that any style of wrestling might emerge on its programming, and capture the audience's attention.


Nevertheless, by a little under eight minutes in, the Proton Lock has been applied. Morgan is forced to tap out.

Sam Keith defeated JD Morgan

Rating: B-





Keith calls for a microphone, and turns to face the entrance ramp. “I think I have a right here,” he begins, “to know what's going on.


“Now, it was my understanding that Wolf Hawkins had been chosen to challenge for my championship. I'd got absolutely no problem with that. He's a good wrestler.


“Apparently he's not interested... Apparently, someone is getting his match with me as a favour.


“I think I have a right, here, to know who that is.”


The crowd are suddenly loud, and Sam Keith – well, you can see his expression change as he realises what that means. He turns around -



The chair is in the air. He catches it, reflexively, and Sammy Bach lands the superkick to smash it into his face.


“Surprise,” he sneers, before stomping the chair into the face of the downed legend. “See you A Little South of Sanity, Sam...”




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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Cornell & Hawkins

Now this was a riveting fifteen minutes. The Keiths give Tommy and Wolf a real run for their money, particularly as their loyalty to each other is still perfect; it's obvious that the Syndicate pairing's relationship is currently strained.


At one point, indeed, Matthew and Greg debut something remarkable, as Matthew Keith vaults over Tommy Cornell, taking him up and round for a sunset flip bomb – which lands on Greg Keith's outstretched knee. Azaria dubs the move the Photon Breaker, and the resulting pinfall almost wins – but Wolf Hawkins manages to break it up.


Hawkins seems to rally Cornell, who comes back to life, ultimately catching Greg Keith into the Guilt Trip. Wolf prevents Matthew Keith from rescuing him, and Cornell forces the submission to score the win.

Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins defeated the Keith Brothers

Rating: A




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Eddie Peak & Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Marat Khoklov & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

It's not a match for very long. Everyone has a point to make, and no one wants to be out of the ring. The resulting slugfest builds and builds, and before too long, Peak and Richardson are both collecting chairs.


With the crowd hyped like crazy, Eddie nails Khoklov – which doesn't seem to faze him – and Remo nails RDJ – which does. The double-DQ follows inevitably.

Eddie Peak & Ricky Dale Johnson drew with Marat Khoklov & Remo Richardson via double DQ

Rating: B





Remo leaves, his job done, and RDJ lies there. Peak and Khoklov, however, go at each other hammer and tongs, frenzied, with the Russian bleeding after the fourth chairshot, but still refusing to fall or waver. A Moscow Lariat lands just as Azaria sends it to commercial.




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Jeremy Stone vs. Troy Tornado

A hell of a match, sir; a hell of a match. Stone and Tornado seem more or less evenly matched, though “I hate to admit it,” Azaria confides, “given his ego, but...


“Jeremy Stone has the advantage here. He actually does seem to be as good as he claims.” That draws a snort from Dangerous.


“No one's as good as Jeremy Stone claims.”


Troy rallies and goes for the Star Maker, and the Canadian Wrestling Machine actually leapfrogs over it, drawing a huge reaction from the crowd – who don't immediately realise, with their attention on Stone, that Sam Sparrow is now out of it.



The Enforcers arrive, beating down Tornado as Jeremy Stone watches, smirking, before delivering the Gojira Falls suicidal superplex onto the champion. As he lies there, Stone covers and the Enforcers leave.



Sam Sparrow's still not conscious. Jeremy Stone is hauled unceremoniously out of pinning position by two newcomers – the Easy Riders – who promptly sink him with the Emergency Stop.


“Stay out of our business!” Fonda yells at Stone before the Riders, too, leave. Slowly, Tornado starts moving – he crawls to Stone – he covers as Sparrow stirs -


- one, two...


no! Stone kicks out! Wearily, Troy moves away – Jeremy moves with him – Stone Ankle Stretch!


Tornado rolls forward – the hold's broken – Jeremy rebounds off the ropes – STAR MAKER! One, two, three!

Troy Tornado defeated Jeremy Stone

Rating: A


Show Rating: B+

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Tuesday November 9th 2008

I don't know what you do for a living, faithful reader. But some of you, to judge by the fans I've talked to for decades, are in charge of people, from work gangs in dockyards all the way up to company directors (yes, some of them do watch wrestling. Yes, even the successful ones.)


Some of you know that sinking feeling you get, in the pit of your stomach, when you watch something you put together go wrong – before you even know it's gone wrong. That moment when all you know for sure is your instinct says there's something wrong.


Some of you know the prickles down the spine and across the shoulderblades that follow it, as something unfolds that wasn't supposed to happen.


Wrestling is a dangerous game, and while TCW keeps a tight rein on the very worst of the dangers – weaponry is an exception, not the rule, and the crazier moves are limited to those who show they can handle them – at the end of the day, we still drop each other on our shoulders, throw ourselves through the air to land on other people, and, yes, hit each other on the heads, arms, and backs with weapons. There's no way to make that entirely safe, because any of these involves two people. You trust Ricky Dale Johnson to come off the second rope and hit you with a lariat – uncontrolled once he's in the air – and he trusts you not to step too far in so he collides head-first with your sternum... and he trusts you to start bumping in time that his arm doesn't slam into an unmoving figure.


It's often impossible to tell who was at 'fault' when something goes wrong, but inevitably everyone in the locker room will have their own ideas. 'Causing' a serious injury early in your time with a company can cause serious issues for the rest of your time with them.


Tonight, we had a big four-man match between four of the best brawlers on TCW's roster. It was booked to go to double-DQ and then to an all-out, four-man brawl.


Anyone who watched the show and recalls the program might know already that the stand-up brawl featured only Marat Khoklov and Eddie Peak. That was when the prickles kicked in.


The uneasy feeling had started just after Ricky took Remo's chair to his raised arm. I've seen Ricky take dozens of chairshots that way, over his career – and I've seen Remo give out a fair few, too. This time, for whatever reason... whoever's fault... the chair impacted on the point of the elbow from a bad angle. Ricky's arm was too far across, or Remo's aim was a little off – deliberately or otherwise, in both cases.


They covered it well, but then in Ricky and Phil Vibert you have to great minds for rebooking on the fly. Ricky got himself right back to the trainers, Remo looked dangerous – it worked. And as it turns out, he'll be fine for A Little South of Sanity, but Remo and he won't be wrestling in the interim. I just hope this isn't used by the boys as an excuse to mess with Remo...

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One hell of an opening contest this Friday, as Johnny Bloodstone will step into the ring against fellow Canadian talent Sean Deeley. We're looking forward to this one.


The Easy Riders have the second contest of the night, going up against a team called Tooth & Claw. One half of this team, Lobo Blanco, debuted last week; the other, a masked youngster calling himself American Eagle, will appear for the first time tomorrow. The Riders have looked strong for quite some time now, so Tooth & Claw have their work cut out for them - but a win here would catapult them toward tag title contention.


Shingen Miyazaki continues his quest for a breakout win within TCW as he steps into the ring against last Disrespected standing, Teddy Powell. Powell has declared that he intends to move into the All Action division and cement his place in TCW by taking the belt - a win here would be a good start.


Three-man action for the All-Action division is showcased after that; Acid, Steve Gumble, and the UK Dragon will all be in action. All men have been champions in their history; only one of them can strengthen their case for the four-man match at A Little South of Sanity this week.


Aaron Andrews faced Tommy Cornell around a month ago; there, he came out marginally the worse in what many people have called a breakout performance. He steps into the ring against another Syndicate member this Friday; can Jack Marlowe of the Enforcers secure another win against the talented youngster?


Speaking of Tommy Cornell, his test series is scheduled to continue this Friday, and we're informed that one half of Randall Hopkirk's tag team proteges will be in action against him. We have no word yet on this man's identity, however, but will strive to keep you posted.


And Rick Law will be active in the main event, as ever. His opponent this time is another member of the School of Tradition, the wily veteran Joel Bryant.


Prediction Key:

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Tooth & Claw (Lobo Blanco & American Eagle)


Shingen Miyazaki vs. Teddy Powell


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Steve Gumble vs. UK Dragon


Aaron Andrews vs. Jack Marlowe


Tommy Cornell vs. ???? w/ Randall Hopkirk


Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

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Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Tooth & Claw (Lobo Blanco & American Eagle)


Shingen Miyazaki vs. Teddy Powell


Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Steve Gumble vs. UK Dragon


Aaron Andrews vs. Jack Marlowe


Tommy Cornell vs. ???? w/ Randall Hopkirk


Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

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