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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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The Machines vs. Texas Pete & Wolf Hawkins - Sorry, even a new 'n' improved Texas Pete ain't taking out the Machines.


Stone Brothers vs. Tooth And Claw - Um...yeah.


American Buffalo & JD Morgan w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave (non-title) - I'm tempted to go shenanigans, but I'll go w/ the safe peak.


Eddie Peak vs. Merle O'Curle - Alas Merle, I knew you well.


Joey Minnesota vs. Marat Khoklov - Joey will be a good challenge, but not quite ready to take out Marat.


Elite Express vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell - Canadian JJTS versus one of the World champs and Sam F'ing Keith.


Art Reed & the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins - Draw as we get a schmozz.


Aaron Andrews vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert - Remo's gonna kill you.


Tommy Cornell & Tyson Baine vs. Troy Tornado & ???? - I say Tornado's partner no huge deal and the lead Syndicate team pulls off a victory.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 3 November 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 5.88)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.01)


Held at the Oregon Gardens (North West)


Attendance: 14,281




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


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The Machines vs. Texas Pete & Wolf Hawkins

Pete's resurgence as a force to be reckoned with continues here. He's a powerhouse here, but a powerhouse with speed – and one who actually hits dropkicks on both Machines at one point.


It's pretty clear that Texas Pete has learned a lot while he's been away, and the other three men are already well known as excellent talents – which makes for a fast, smooth, fluid fight and a hell of an opening contest.


But the Machines have something Pete and Hawkins don't – can't. The Machines have teamwork. Instinctive, almost, understanding together – a level that was clearly not there as 2008 began. And that's what turns the tide, as Brent and John finally keep Pete down after both an Ammo Dump and the King of the Hill splash.

The Machines defeated Texas Pete & Wolf Hawkins

Rating: B+




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Stone Brothers vs. Tooth and Claw

It was never going to equal the preceding contest, but this one is actually surprisingly good. Tooth and Claw seem more than motivated following their loss on Friday, and for a little while there, they actually carry the day, taking it to an unprepared and arrogant Stone duo who just weren't ready.


But over time, the Stones fight back, and they get the upper hand. Things come to a head, ultimately, with Lobo Blanco crashing to the mat following a Stone's Throw. Jason Azaria notes that the Easy Riders took almost exactly as long to defeat the new team.

Stone Brothers defeated Tooth and Claw

Rating: C+




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Eddie Peak vs. Merle O'Curle

What a match.


O'Curle has shown a real tenacity in his TCW appearances – what he hasn't shown yet is a chance to win, but considering the caliber of much of his opposition, that shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Given that he remains favoured by virtually no one, this match is not one which carries real suspense – but Merle manages to pull off quite a few tricks to shock the crowd before the Peak of Perfection hits.

Eddie Peak defeated Merle O'Curle

Rating: B-





Peak remains in the ring, waiting, before the next match begins. And Psalm 69 starts to play, and Marat Khoklov comes down to the ring, slow but sure.


The two stay clear of each other, eyes locked on one another, as Peak leaves and Khoklov enters.


Long after they're out of range, the two massive warriors are still watching each other.




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Joey Minnesota vs. Marat Khoklov

Minnesota does his best here. He's sharp, fast, cool under pressure. He has all the tools needed for a great warrior.


Khoklov, on the other hand, is a force of nature. The King of Monsters. A leglock is no good if you can't take them off their feet to apply it, and the Suplex Kid, as he was once known, will have difficulty taking an opponent Khoklov's size off his feet.


Marat has no such difficulty, and really, that's all you need to know. Minnesota suffers a Moscow Lariat in short order.

Marat Khoklov defeated Joey Minnesota

Rating: C+




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New Wave vs. American Buffalo & JD Morgan w/ Floyd Goldworthy

This one is, ultimately, pretty obvious, and the New Wave use it as nothing more or less than a chance to crash through two opponents before their three-way title match.


Toward the finish, Scout traps JD Morgan in the Special Force. Guide sends Buffalo crashing to the outside with a Guided Missile and then climbs the turnbuckle. Without even looking, Scout breaks his hold and climbs in his turn. The Wave of Mutilation ends it.

The New Wave defeated American Buffalo & JD Morgan

Rating: C




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Elite Express vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Hectic pace to this match, which is down to the Express; they know how much they stand to gain if they can pull out a victory here, and they're more than willing to try.


Where on Friday Bloodstone's opponent looked to drive him off his game through inciting him to rage, here the Express just seek to hit faster, to move too fast to be attacked, to dodge, duck, and evade, and to make the most of their teamwork.


For a while, it even works, and they stay on top for quite a while. Bloodstone manages to snag Nate Johnson's ankle, though, and cut him off from the tag. Systematically, Bloodstone works Johnson over, assaulting him, targeting him, making the most of it.


Bobby Thomas, clearly irate, has Eugene Williams' attention when Johnson taps, and the match continues. Thomas keeps the referee's focus on him, and someone else arrives.



Chris Rockwell slides into the ring for just long enough to punch Bloodstone and get out. Replays will show the brass knuckles on his fist, but for now, what happens is that the hold is broken. Johnson crawls for the tag, and while he's on the way, Keith manages to tag in for Bloodstone.


Bobby Thomas' charge is cut off, and Sam Keith scores with the Neutron Plex for the victory.

Johnny Bloodstone & Sam Keith defeated the Elite Express

Rating: B





We cut to a video now, as Sammy Bach perches above the camera, looking down on it, his black guitar cradled loosely in his hands. He idly picks out Gimme Shelter, Sam Keith's theme, as he watches, unblinking, staring at the camera. It's a little harsh on the steel strings of the unplugged Gibson – and it slowly gets worse, as Bach begins to twist the chords, turning it into something horrible, something truly unpleasant, as he begins to smirk.


“What a name,” he whispers at last. “What a name to collect, the name of Keith...”




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Art Reed & the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


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Chris Rockwell, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

What's terrifying about this contest, especially the fan reactions, is the fact that at the start of the year none of these six men were in TCW – but the crowd have taken all six into their hearts, whether they support them or not.


And they make the most of it. This is slick. This is fast. This flits between styles, though the majority of it is a technical showcase.


There are big moments – arguably the biggest being only the second ever appearance of the Photon Breaker, the Keith Brothers' new sunset-flip-bomb into a backbreaker.


And throughout it all, Chris Rockwell stalks, and he's...




It looks like he's fighting off an incoming mental breakdown. There's a pent-up fury here, one he's struggling to hold in check – just about – but at the same time, periodically there's a glimpse of... terror? Panic? Nerves? Hard to tell.


It certainly makes him dangerous, though; the finish comes when he gets Matthew Keith trapped, driving the knees relentlessly into his head. Greg lunges to help, but Frankie Perez is there with that hook kick of his, literally kicking the man out of the air. Rockwell makes the pin, and the contest is over.

Chris Rockwell, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley defeated Art Reed & the Keith Brothers

Rating: B+




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Aaron Andrews vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Short, sweet, and a fair bit of fun, Aaron Andrews gives Remo everything he has – but Remo haas strength, speed, outside assistance and a couple years' experience on him, and the result is only ever going to go one way.


Remo plants him with the Destroyer and moves on.

Remo Richardson defeated Aaron Andrews

Rating; B-





Following the contest, Phil Vibert enters the ring alongside his client, microphone in hand, and stands over Aaron Andrews, looking down.


He applauds suddenly, and the crowd go silent, wondering what's coming.


“Not bad,” Vibert says. “Aaron, I know everyone tells you this anyway – but you've got talent.


“So does your tag partner. And you're not the only young talent in TCW - hell, you just got steamrollered by the very best young talent around.


“But it takes a lot more than just skill to be a champion, Aaron. It takes more than just skill just to win.


“I intend to manage all the big winners in this company. And what I want to say is, today, you had a chance to persuade me and Remo that you had the rest of what it takes.


“You didn't. You don't get to be my second client, Aaron.







Back from commercial now, and Tommy Cornell is in the ring, flanked by Tyson Baine, and he's smirking.


“I'm looking forward to this,” he begins. “See, last week, we had this lined up, me and Tyson against Troy Tornado and everyone's favourite choke artist, Ricky Dale Johnson.


“And then, LAST week, Remo Richardson injured Ricky. So he can't make it.


“So Troy needs a new buddy.


“And who's he going to go for? Painful Procedure's halfway to dead. Both the Young Guns together couldn't handle Tyson. His usual mates were all busy.


“But Troy – the match happens tonight. End of.


“So I hope you've got someone. Because either way, tonight, I'm going to show everybody why you do not deserve to be champion.”



Fury of the Storm plays, and Troy Tornado comes out – and stops on the top of the entrance ramp, looking back at them, staring at them.


He has a microphone in hand, and as his own music dies away, he lifts it to his lips. He gets ready to speak, then lowers it again, and raises his right arm, calling for something.



My Hero hits loud, and Rick Law makes his way out to stand alongside Troy.




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Rick Law & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Tyson Baine

And wouldn't you know it, but Law and Tornado seem to find a groove alongside one another as if they'd been doing this for years.


They just mesh – and that seems to be how they do their best against the Syndicate duo. Tornado spends much of the match beckoning Cornell into the ring, but despite his words, Cornell seems unwilling to step into the ring.


He's in and out briefly, but always briefly, relying on the giant Baine.


Baine is his usual powerful, nigh-unstoppable self, but the champion manages to rally – and Rick Law comes in to really even things up. Much to Cornell's fury, Eugene Williams lets the pair go two on one for a short while, ignoring even the five count.


And then it happens. Law goes one way. Tornado goes the other.


The Long Arm of the Law hits as Law dives from behind Baine, his running lariat turned into a diving scythe to sweep Baine's legs out from under him, and simultaneously, Tornado takes to the air, catching Baine in the windpipe with the Star Maker.


Tornado makes the cover and, as Cornell finally comes in, Law intercepts him with the Squad Car Slam.

Rick Law & Troy Tornado defeated Tommy Cornell

Rating: A

Show Rating: B+

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Thursday 18th November 2008


Sam Keith.

Eddie Peak.

Johnny Bloodstone.

Sammy Bach.

Jeremy Stone.

Edd Stone.

Frankie Perez.

Chris Rockwell.

Remo Richardson.

The Keith Twins.

The Easy Riders.

The New Wave.

Koshiro Ino.

Marat Khoklov.

What do all these names have in common? None of them have so much as a year and a half's tenure with TCW, and none of them were brought in to job. All of them have had some degree of success – over half of them have held championship gold – but the point I'm groping for here is that this is a LOT of change at the top in the course of eighteen months.


Is this a bad thing? Ultimately, no – they're all talented wrestlers, to one level or another, and at this point almost all of them have contributed to drawing fans to buy Pay-Per-Views to some degree. But... when you add in the regular movement of those below them between promotions, what Mike Nero calls “undercard churn”... At that point you get a potentially very fractured, shifting situation.


I've been careful to keep our former DaVE talent from doing too much work together, so that they can reestablish themselves – rebrand themselves, almost – as being TCW talent first and foremost in the fans' eyes. This is also part of why a couple of the other SWF talent now wishing they had the security of a written deal aren't being brought in; it'd be difficult not to align them with Remo and Vibert, and that's the last thing I want.

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What a show we have lined up for you this Friday. The main event looks likely to be one of the best, if not the best, in Badge of Honor history. But that's not all, so let's take a look at what we can expect...


Following their unofficial 'time challenge' as they both took on Tooth And Claw recently, the Easy Riders and the Stone Brothers are getting set to take out one another before A Little South of Sanity. Two dangerous teams go head to head this week...


Randall Hopkirk's new proteges, the Balcony Express, are also going to be in action - taking on the hefty challenge that is the School of Tradition. Hopkirk has stated in interview that he considers the Balcony Express to be 'a work in progress, compared to teams like the Guns and the Wave'; Friday is a chance to see just how true that is. Are they ready for TCW? Or are they about to start learning fast?


Following that, two six-man matches will be held. These matches were open-invitation to the All-Action division, excluding the champion, Sean Deeley, Freddy Huggins, and Acid - owing to Midden's ruling regarding the School of Tradition being allowed to enter only Deeley or Huggins for the upcoming four-way match.


You see, the winner of each six man match earns entry into the four-way All Action championship match coming up A Little South of Sanity.


Signed up for the first match: Both Keith brothers, the Elite Express, American Eagle, and Chance Fortune.


Signed up for the second: Art Reed, the Fly Boys, Lobo Blanco, Hell Monkey and Merle O'Curle.


Remo Richardson will also be in competition. The man looking to make his name this time? Teddy Powell. We commend Powell's courage.


Chris Rockwell, too, has requested a match, and Mayhem Midden has matched him up against Danny Fonzarelli. What that says about Midden's estimation of Rockwell's recent form and behaviour is, as ever, another question.


And lastly, that Main Event we mentioned... Rick Law has requested the opportunity to go one on one with Wolf Hawkins. No official word has come down on why, but we imagine that, following the events of Tuesday, he wants to test himself against the Syndicate with a view to stepping up to TCW's top tier.


Prediction Key:

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

American Eagle vs. Bobby Thomas vs. Chance Fortune vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Nate Johnson


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jimmy P w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Merle O'Curle


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell


Chris Rockwell vs. Danny Fonzarelli


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

American Eagle vs. Bobby Thomas vs. Chance Fortune vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Nate Johnson


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jimmy P w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Merle O'Curle


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell


Chris Rockwell vs. Danny Fonzarelli


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers

I think this will be draw so we can have three way tag title match in next PPV.

Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

Normally i would go with School here but that situation between Freddy Huggins and Deeley will likely affect on the end result.


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

American Eagle vs. Bobby Thomas vs. Chance Fortune vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Nate Johnson

No idea here really, likely going to be one of the Elite Express or Keith brothers but since I´m not a big fan of putting one guy over his tag partner, I will go with Fortune who haven´t been seen much for some time now.


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jimmy P w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Merle O'Curle

I think this one is between Reed and Monkey and Reed have done more so far.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell

Remo isn´t losing to Teddy here


Chris Rockwell vs. Danny Fonzarelli

Rockwell is higher on the food chain rignt now.


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

Could go either way but I give this one to Hawkins

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Prediction Key:

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

American Eagle vs. Bobby Thomas vs. Chance Fortune vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Nate Johnson


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jimmy P w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Merle O'Curle


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell


Chris Rockwell vs. Danny Fonzarelli


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers

Could be a draw, but I like the idea of Jeremy getting to hold some gold.


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

Statler and Waldorf aren't going anywhere this quickly, especially not at the expense of Sean Deeley. Deeley 4 World Champ!


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

American Eagle vs. Bobby Thomas vs. Chance Fortune vs. Greg Keith w/Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Nate Johnson

Much as I love the idea of the Keith boys making it in singles competition, I've got to give it to Chance. He deserves the shot.


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jimmy P w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Merle O'Curle

Art Reed is money.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell

Powell? Seriously?


Chris Rockwell vs. Danny Fonzarelli

What is Danny up to?


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

Go go Rick Law

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Prediction Key:

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers - Part of me wants to say DCO/DDQ to set-up a three-way, but I'll go w/ the sure thing.


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins - More tension, but not enough to lose to the new jobbers.


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

American Eagle vs. Bobby Thomas vs. Chance Fortune vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Nate Johnson - Random guess


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jimmy P w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Merle O'Curle - To even out the sides in the match.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell - Teddy's dead.


Chris Rockwell vs. Danny Fonzarelli - Speaking of people lost in the shuffle, hi Chris!


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins - Syndiference.

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers The Stones nearly slipped up last time, and the Riders are a tougher prospect all-round.


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins Love the name, but the SoT are the better team on virtually ever level


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

American Eagle vs. Bobby Thomas vs. Chance Fortune vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Nate Johnson Heaven only knows


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jimmy P w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Merle O'Curle Easier to call, I'd say


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell If Aaron didn't impress, then Teddy won't either


Chris Rockwell vs. Danny Fonzarelli What the heck. Can't see this being clean, but if Rockwell's flipping out, there has to be a gratuitously violent DQ loss somewhere


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins Syndicate revenge. Maybe.

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

American Eagle vs. Bobby Thomas vs. Chance Fortune vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Nate Johnson


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jimmy P w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Merle O'Curle


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell


Chris Rockwell vs. Danny Fonzarelli


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers

If anyone can upset JEZZA and his brother, it's the Easy Riders.


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

Work In Progress, eh? There's confidence for you!


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

American Eagle vs. Bobby Thomas vs. Chance Fortune vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Nate Johnson

Chance only just returns, and straight away gets a PPV title shot? I think not. Give one of the Keith boys a go.


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jimmy P w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Merle O'Curle

Because Art Reed rules!


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell



Chris Rockwell vs. Danny Fonzarelli

Because Danny just doesn't have what it takes... to be Chris Rockwell.


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

This is still his show, right?

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers

The Stone Bros. aren't a real team, and given that they didn't dominate Tooth and Claw, they're not being sold as such. But they certainly make the Riders look a lot more credible.


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


I don't know what's ahead for the School when Tyler retires, and that's always a looming threat. But I don't see the Balcony Express getting any kind of push for some time, even against a decidedly midcard team like the School.


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

American Eagle vs. Bobby Thomas vs. Chance Fortune vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Nate Johnson


No strong opinions about most of these guys... so why not go with a random Keith?


Entry into the All-Action Championship Four-Way Dance

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jimmy P w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Merle O'Curle


Well, it's unlikely Reed and a Keith will both make it. If Hell Monkey was in the other match, I would've voted for him... as it stands now, I'm basically deliberately choosing wrong. Go, Air Attack Eagle!

Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell


I want to see Powell pick up a fluke win, resulting in Vibert having to manage the guy. It's not going to happen, but I want to see it.


Chris Rockwell vs. Danny Fonzarelli


Rockwell DQ loss sounds pretty plausible, but it's not my theory, so I'll leave it alone. Listen, nobody's excited about Fonzarelli. But there he is, and Rockwell is clearly a more vital character.


Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins


Law can be in the title picture, or he can be the star of the B show, or he can tag up with Tornado on a semi-regular basis. He can maybe do two of those things. But he can't do all three. And after the brilliance of the last main event, I'd be shocked not to see Tornado and Law again some day.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 3 November 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.50)


Held at the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom (Puerto Rico)


Attendance: 2000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers

Tensions must have been running high. Three of these men engage in a high-stakes running brawl. The fourth man is Edd Stone, who does exactly what he always does. At times, it's a pleasant distraction, just to see something that isn't brutality.


What's surprising, though, is the finish; at a nod from Jeremy, Edd turns from the battle, hitting a corkscrew suicide tope onto Carl Batch, smashing him against the guard rail. Billy Fonda promptly peels off to protect his manager, as does Peter Hopper – who gets caught from behind with a Stone's Throw, and Jeremy immediately follows up with the Stone Hold to get the win as Edd bails.

Stone Brothers defeated the Easy Riders

Rating: B



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Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk


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School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

The School get going early, and the Balcony Express are, once again, on the back foot from the off. Oh, they show bravery, and they're certainly willing to try – but that's only worth so much against a team as skilled as the School.


Bryant is in the ring toward the end, as Waldorf gets hoisted for the One Shot Drop, Statler comes in to try to break it up. Deeley cuts him off with a German suplex, rises -





Laura Huggins screams as Waldorf comes crashing down and Bryant, ever unflappable, makes the pinfall.

School of Tradition defeated Balcony Express

Rating: C-





Freddy puts the boots into Sean then goes to the turnbuckles, climbing slow and deliberate. Laura Huggins scrambles into the ring, standing between Freddy and his obvious target.


There's a shouting match between brother and sister as Freddy tries to persuade her to move out of the way, but fails. She seems absolutely furious.



Eric Tyler makes his way down to ringside and starts talking quietly with Freddy. Laura drifts over, and from gestures we can tell that they remain furious, as Joel Bryant helps Sean Deeley to his feet.


Suddenly, there's uproar; a replay explains why, as while the camera dwelt on the tag team's solidarity, Laura Huggins has punched her brother in the crotch. He topples from the top turnbuckle as Eric Tyler's expression goes from shocked to furious.




Entry Into The All Action Championship Four-Way


American Eagle


vs. Bobby Thomas


vs. Chance Fortune vs.

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Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs.

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Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs.


Nate Johnson

There's no one alive who could track all of this, but the fans come away with the very strong impression that they've just watched a hell of a match. The bulk of this one actually comes down to a Keiths/Express standoff, with Chance Fortune coming in to hit his spots periodically and the American Eagle participating in most of the bigger moments, often as the victim but sometimes as the man hitting the move.


Thomas and Johnson, however, eventually get down to business; stunning the Keiths with stereo dropkicks, they grab Chance Fortune and toss him from the ring. Grabbing the Eagle, Thomas hoists him for the inverted piledriver, and Johnson comes off the top rope with a double-stomp to spike the driver, a move Saunders tells us they've dubbed the 'Precision Driller'.


Matthew Keith is up by now and gets a Precision Driller of his own for his troubles, and Greg Keith takes advantage of the moment after the move, snapping Thomas' face into the ground with a DDT and backdropping Johnson out of the ring.


He looks around for a moment, but the only body still in the ring is his brother's. Greg drops to his knees and makes the cover – and Matthew doesn't kick out.

Greg Keith defeated American Eagle, Bobby Thomas, Chance Fortune, Matthew Keith and Nate Johnson

Rating: C+




Entry Into The All Action Championship Four-Way

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Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell

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vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy


vs. Hell Monkey vs.

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Jimmy P w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs.


Lobo Blanco vs.


Merle O'Curle

Another good solid contest here, and livened up partway through. Hell Monkey has been on fire all contest, taking on or down all comers, when the Fly Boys seem to almost have a chance of taking him down together; they fail, but only because Monkey slips free, not because he turns the tide.



He takes a moment to play to the crowd, and turns around, straight into the big boot of the American Buffalo.



In almost immediate retaliation, the Conquering Kings simultaneously hit the ring, taking him off his feet with simultaneous kicks to the back of the knee. The Buffalo sinks to his knees and one by one, Merle, Reed, Blanco and the Monkey try him with one move or another, leaving him down and out, while the Kings bundle the Fly Boys out of the ring.


Reed ejects Lobo Blanco and O'Curle takes his opportunity, catching the Monkey square in the plums with a kick before applying the Celtic Crossface. Reed breaks it up and he and O'Curle go through hold and counter-hold for a short while, before Reed manages, in countering a hammerlock, to dump the Irishman from the ring.


Hell Monkey rises to his feet and goes for the Tumbling Monkey, but Reed sidesteps and locks in the Dread Lock. It's too much for the already injured Monkey.

Art Reed defeated Donnie J, Hell Monkey, Jimmy P, Lobo Blanco and Merle O'Curle

Rating: C+





Following a commercial break the camera goes backstage, and we see Mayhem Midden holding Floyd Goldworthy against the wall by his throat, with Charlie Thatcher staring down the Buffalo with the aid of a baseball bat.


“...they're here,” Midden is saying, evidently answering a question Goldworthy has asked and jerking his thumb toward the camera, “because this is a formal warning, Floyd. That lump's TCW contract is subcontracted out through your manager's licence. You are responsible for him, Floyd. You sharpen him up or there'll be trouble.”


“You didn't do this to Chris Rockwell,” Buffalo snarls. Midden stares at him for a long moment, then turns back to Goldworthy. His head snaps forward in that lightning headbutt of his, and as he releases the manager, Floyd slumps to the ground.


“For your information,” Midden growls, “every wrestler under direct TCW contract gets fined a thousand dollars every time they stick their nose into a match they aren't booked in.


“The boys under managerial contracts – their manager gets the fine, and can pass it on or not as they choose. You didn't know that happens, you're either too dumb to read your paycheck, or your manager is too scared to pass it on.


“Either way, you aren't getting disciplined. So if you keep this up, we'll have to change that, get me?”



Midden and Thatcher stalk off. The Buffalo stares down at a slowly-recovering, bleeding Goldworthy, snorts, and walks off – revealing that stood behind him, watching, were Phil Vibert and Remo Richardson, both of whom have smirks on their faces. “Problems, Floyd?” Vibert enquires cheerfully.


“I remember when I had to use a fake name in this business... and you made out you had it all figured out.


“You believe I was naïve enough to think he was right, Remo?”


The big man just laughs, and the pair move on.




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Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell

Give Teddy his due, he's not afraid. The bell rings and Powell launches with the Motion Censor, catching Remo right in the face – and the supreme specimen falls back one step, then lunges forward with a clothesline. Powell goes down fast, but gets back up after a moment.


That describes much of the match, actually. Teddy refuses to die – pure and simple refuses – but Remo has the advantage, the whole way, and eventually Remo gets tired of it. He barges Teddy into the corner, hammers him with punches to the gut, drags him back out, and sinks him with the Lumbar Puncture backbreaker.

Remo Richardson defeated Teddy Powell

Rating: C+





Applause sounds from the entrance ramp, and Remo and Vibert turn to look. Chris Rockwell is there, grinning manically.


“Nice,” he says. “I mean, you practically killed him, big guy. Nice work.


“But I remember you, Remo. I remember going round and round with you in our last job. I remember being on your level – AND I STILL AM, DAMMIT!” he screams.


This isn't the Lobster Warrior. This isn't the arrogant Chris Rockwell who came to TCW. It's certainly not the man who made his name before the mask. He's... unhinged.


“Now, I got myself into Bloodstone's business,” he continues, back to grinning. “He's got that big shiny belt. I'm going to take that belt off him. I'm going to unite the title belts. I'm going to be the champion here.


“You are going to beg me to be your client, Phil. You're going to beg me to make you money. You're going to beg me, because you'll see I can hang with Remo. I can hang with anyone.


“You're going to beg me, and if you're very lucky, I'll say yes. Because a champion should have the best, and you – you're that. I know that much.”




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Chris Rockwell vs. Danny Fonzarelli

Fonzie gets slaughtered here. Rockwell charges him before the match begins, slamming his spine into the guard rail twice, then bouncing his shoulder off the ringpost before he rolls him into the ring and the match can begin.


From then on, it's all about the shoulder. He keeps looking up at the timekeeper, screaming questions about how long it's taken. After four and a half minutes of abuse to the shoulder, he wrenches Fonzie to the mat and slaps on the Furusawa Armbar, screaming for Fonzie to submit.


Fonzie dutifully does just seconds later, leaving Kyle Rhodes to note, in his trademark deadpan, “Well, if he was trying to win faster than Remo, he made it.”

Chris Rockwell defeated Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: B




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Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

Not a bad little contest between these two, and for that stretch where it's genuinely one on one, it's particularly good.



That doesn't last long, however; Texas Pete arrives at ringside early on, and with Sam Sparrow checking on a Law who's been dropkicked out of the ring, Pete goes after Wolf.



Sparrow eventually notices the brawl and tries to break it up and eject Pete; meanwhile, the Enforcers come out of the crowd, beating down Law and rolling him back into the ring just after Pete sinks Hawkins with the Lone Star Drop.



John Anderson appears ringside with a chair, chasing away the Enforcers and Pete both, and with that reassurance, Sparrow allows the match to continue.


Law recovers first, and goes for the Long Arm of the Law; Hawkins ducks it and goes for the Full Moon Rising, but Law steps into it, catching him in midair to plant him with the Squad Car Slam – which gets two. Hawkins fights back, catching the Full Moon Rising this time. He covers – but Law's foot is on the ropes.


Wolf takes a runup, hits the ropes, comes back -


Long Arm of the Law was waiting! Law covers – and surprisingly, Hawkins doesn't kick clear.

Rick Law defeated Wolf Hawkins

Rating: B


Show Rating: B

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Saturday 20th November 2008

Tommy's found out.


Sunday 21st November 2008

I don't appear to be fired.


Tuesday 23rd November 2008

Rather than try a conference call when half the booking team's flying, we waited until before the show tonight. Tommy, Sam, Joel and I have spent the last two hours shut in one of the arena's offices arguing about strategies to bring them in – among other things.


One of the big questions is whether or not to approach my daughter, to bring her in. She's certainly an amazing talent, and the travel to keep up her commitments in Japan and with Sam Strong is taking its toll on her, but I don't particularly want to turn myself into the controlling father again – and I'd rather avoid the risk of being seen as playing favourites.


On the other hand, one of the reasons Kate is as good as she is is her long-standing determination to re-establish women's wrestling as a tradition in the United States. (Never let a girl spend the years between age eight and age twelve listening to Heidi Brooks, or this is pretty much guaranteed to happen. Not only did I let her, but Heidi's Kate's godmother.)


And USPW's women's division, while it certainly started with the talent needed to do that, isn't looking like it's going to, being more a showcase for Sam's daughter. (This is not, actually, a knock on the division. NOTBPW's Young Lion's division did wonderfully, and it was pretty clearly intended as a way to showcase Edd's skills.)


So... I don't know. How can you tell, in a situation like this, whether you're doing what your children would hope for?

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Another packed week on Total Wrestling coming up. We're told that Troy Tornado has made plans to arrange his match for A Little South of Sanity. On top of that, we've got some great matches coming up.


The New Wave, for example, will be in non-title action against the Keith Brothers who many feel should have won last month's tag team contendership tournament.


The American Eagle remains in action, this time taking on the Syndicate's massive problem solver, Tyson Baine. How high can eagles really soar?


Eric Tyler has demanded a match, feeling that he's been left out of recent events, and Mayhem Midden has paired him up against Koshiro Ino. Both men, earlier in 2008, looked like they might go all the way, something Tyler has little time left to do. Can he turn the tide in his favour, or will the Kobra gather in the momentum he needs?


Quite a clash is due after that; Remo Richardson and Sammy Bach tag up to face off against Sam Keith and Eddie Peak. Power, skill and speed will all be on display.


Laura Huggins has requested that Sean Deeley receive a match tonight "as a warm-up for A Little South of Sanity". We've had no official word on whether it will be Deeley or Huggins who goes through, though, so it's going to be interesting. In any case, can Deeley pick up momentum when his opponent is the indisputably talented Brent Hill?


Finally, a match made by Mayhem Midden: on one side, Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins, and on the other, John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone, and Troy Tornado. A match like that could run and run...


Prediction Key:

Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. New Wave (non-title)


American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. New Wave (non-title)

Non-title but since I expect titles to change ownership in next PPV I assume that champs take this one.


American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine

There is pretty much just one option here


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Not sure about this one but I go with Tyler who is having little bit more going right now


Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert

Could go either way but Remo seems to be the guy wiht biggest push right now.


Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Deeley still have to deal with Freddy before he is going to pick up wins on oppoenents of Hill´s caliber


Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

Could go either way but it´s always a good idea to let owner get some wins.

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Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. New Wave (non-title)

Think the Brothers win to set up a change


American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine

Baine should cruise


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

close one


Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert

The Bombshell contrbutes in some way.


Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Hill is the stronger of the two.


Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

Good matchup, but as Zergon said, it is Tommy's baby.

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Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. New Wave (non-title)


American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell


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Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. New Wave (non-title)


American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. New Wave (non-title)

Give The New Wave some momentum, and the brothers some more experience.


American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine



Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Ino looks to have a plotline kicking off, while Tyler is putting people over on his way to retirement.


Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert

Sammy to take the fall, with Remo looking like a monster.


Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

But Sean puts up one hell of a fight.


Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

Honestly? Because I've predicted for the Faces most of the show so far.

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Prediction Key:

Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. New Wave (non-title)


American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Prediction Key:

Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. New Wave (non-title)


American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell


I'm going to second D-mack's picks.

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Guest cmdrsam

Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. New Wave (non-title)


American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Prediction Key:

Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. New Wave (non-title) - Upset to set up the PPV.


American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine - Baine kills a man.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily - Tensions within the SoT continue to rise.


Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert - Don't think Remo's first loss will be in a tag match.


Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins - Close one, but Hill pulls out the narrow win.


Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell - Rockwell's a little crazy, but won't cause the Syndi's to lose.

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