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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Elite Express vs. Young Guns


Eddie Peak vs. Rhino Umaga


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Hell Monkey vs. Teddy Powell vs. UK Dragon


Team VIPER vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Jeremy Stone vs. Rick Law

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Elite Express vs. Young Guns

Hard to tell, but when he doubt, stick with the incumbents.


Eddie Peak vs. Rhino Umaga

Same here.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily

Come on... Hidekazu?


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Can't see Freddy going over Koshiro.


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Hell Monkey vs. Teddy Powell vs. UK Dragon

Ahh, the hardest one to predict. I'm pretty sure Teddy Powell is not going to take it, and UK Dragon is improbable. Hell Monkey deserves it, but isn't quite there yet. That leaves Acid, Art Reed, and Aaron Andrews. Tough call between the three.


Team VIPER vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

I can't see Tommy losing to them.


Jeremy Stone vs. Rick Law

This one is a bit tougher, but I have to say Rick Law... unless you are building Jeremy Stone up even further.

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Elite Express vs. Young Guns

I go with Elite Express here though this could go either way


Eddie Peak vs. Rhino Umaga

Umaga is good but he isn´t beating Peak

Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily

I can´t see this going any other way

Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Ditto here, Ino is too strong for Huggins and Huggins have other troubles as well.


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Hell Monkey vs. Teddy Powell vs. UK Dragon

I think this is between Andrews, Acid and Reed and with that finisher discussion with Andrews I´m going to predict him in hope that thsi is where the push starts.


Team VIPER vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

No way Tommy and Hawkins could lose this one.


Jeremy Stone vs. Rick Law

I think Law might have taken a little bit too big task here.

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Elite Express vs. Young Guns


Elite Express could do with actually picking up a win and the Young Guns haven't been relevant for months.


Eddie Peak vs. Rhino Umaga


If Rhino was getting a strong push from the start he would debut on the A-Show, B-Show debuts tend to be jobbing debuts.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily


I can't see this being anything other than a squash


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Huggin's will put up more fight than Hidekazu but can't see past an Ino win here.


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Hell Monkey vs. Teddy Powell vs. UK Dragon


Andrews is the one here most on the cusp of really climbing to the uppper echelons of the TCW ranks


Team VIPER vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Can't see this going any other way.


Jeremy Stone vs. Rick Law


Stone will give a Law a very tough test but this isn't Canada and it is Law's show !

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Prediction Key:

Elite Express vs. Young Guns

The Guns are effectively jobbers, and are possibly due a stint in dev.


Eddie Peak vs. Rhino Umaga

Peak is a megastar. Rhino is not.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily

Hidekazu is a good indie-level player, but he's not going to go over the established veteran.


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

The Kobra Kommander is having a new lease of life with his stable behind him.


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Hell Monkey vs. Teddy Powell vs. UK Dragon

AA debuts a new finisher and picks up the win in spectacular style.


Team VIPER vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

VIPER begin jobbing their way to the top.


Jeremy Stone vs. Rick Law

His show, his victory.

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Elite Express vs. Young Guns


Elite Express could do with actually picking up a win and the Young Guns haven't been relevant for months.


Eddie Peak vs. Rhino Umaga


If Rhino was getting a strong push from the start he would debut on the A-Show, B-Show debuts tend to be jobbing debuts.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily


I can't see this being anything other than a squash


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Huggin's will put up more fight than Hidekazu but can't see past an Ino win here.


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Hell Monkey vs. Teddy Powell vs. UK Dragon


Andrews is the one here most on the cusp of really climbing to the uppper echelons of the TCW ranks


Team VIPER vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Can't see this going any other way.


Jeremy Stone vs. Rick Law


Stone will give a Law a very tough test but this isn't Canada and it is Law's show !


Just to be different I will second someone else this month instead of them using my choices. :p I agree with these picks and the reasoning behind them.

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Guessing on about half of these:


Elite Express vs. Young Guns


Complete Guess.


Eddie Peak vs. Rhino Umaga


Unless Khoklov decides that he wants more Eddie.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily


If this was Deeley instead of Tyler, I'd go the other way, because of Freddie.


Koshiro Ino w/Baroness Emily vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Here comes Deeley...


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Hell Monkey vs. Teddy Powell vs. UK Dragon


Complete Guess, Part II.


Team VIPER vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


As someone one said, unless the VIPERs bring guns to the ring, they cannot win. And even then they might still lose.


Jeremy Stone vs. Rick Law


Should have challenged Edd, Rick.

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Elite Express vs. Young Guns

I go with Elite Express here though this could go either way


Eddie Peak vs. Rhino Umaga

Umaga is good but he isn´t beating Peak

Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily

I can´t see this going any other way

Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Ditto here, Ino is too strong for Huggins and Huggins have other troubles as well.


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Hell Monkey vs. Teddy Powell vs. UK Dragon

I think this is between Andrews, Acid and Reed and with that finisher discussion with Andrews I´m going to predict him in hope that thsi is where the push starts.


Team VIPER vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

No way Tommy and Hawkins could lose this one.


Jeremy Stone vs. Rick Law

I think Law might have taken a little bit too big task here.


Since Zergon was right last time (got the tag team match right, before all the second/third/fourthing started), I'll second him this time.

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Yes and no.


Yes, they're getting much better than they were, and no, there are a lot of jobber tag teams at the moment. As the tag division settles, the plan has always been to rotate a couple of the teams at the bottom in and out (you may also have noticed that Kazuma Narato and the Cannonball Kid are not currently active) with the goal of getting that team exposure when in TCW and experience both down below and in TCW. Current plan is for Natural Talent to return earlyish in the new year. We'll see how long it actually ends up taking.


Yeah, I was JUST about to ask about these two. Thanks for the update!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Candyman" data-cite="Candyman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23671" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Since Zergon was right last time (got the tag team match right, before all the second/third/fourthing started), I'll second him this time.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You likely made a mistake by seconding me, you know what they say about lightning not hitting twice:p</p>
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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 December 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.49)


Held at the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom (Puerto Rico)


Attendance: 2000 (Sold Out!)




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BobbyThomas_jhd.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/NateJohnson_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HarryAllen_Grunge3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveGumble_Grunge2.jpg

Elite Express vs. Young Guns

It's a good back and forth, this one. The Express and the Guns seem pretty much evenly matched, and both sides are willing to double-team where necessary.


Bobby Thomas, somewhat surprisingly, manages to kick out of the Blitzkrieg Bop. The Guns seem stunned by this; Thomas and Johnson take advantage, with Johnson launching himself off the top rope to take Gumble down with a rana and Thomas DDTing Allen.


Thomas then hoists the legal man, Gumble, and the pair deliver the Precision Driller inverted piledriver/mushroom stomp combination to secure the win.

Elite Express defeated Young Guns

Rating: D+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RhinoUmaga.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Rhino Umaga

Rhino Umaga actually does pretty well for himself here, and between that and Peak's power, the match is extremely well received, with both men receiving strong reactions.


Umaga gets a few good hits in, along with a strong fightback and, significantly, it takes two Peaks of Perfection to finally put him down.

Eddie Peak defeated Rhino Umaga

Rating: B+





Chris Rockwell emerges again, with Lauren Easter by his side, coming down to the ring, microphone in hand.


“I've heard this question a lot,” he begins. “Why didn't I fall back on the P-Dawg? Why bring Lauren with me?


“The main answer is pretty obvious, really. First of all, just look at her.” Easter obligingly – and smirkingly – poses for a moment. “And like I say,” Rockwell continues, “the girl can wrestle.” He grins, then his face falls once again. His tongue darts out, licking his lips, and his eyes shift from side to side.


“But here's the thing – Frankie was meant to be there. He had his belt. He'd retained. And where was he? Nowhere-”



The Crippler hits, and Frankie Perez emerges, belt around his waist, and walks slowly down to the ring. Rockwell's face keeps shifting between fury and panic.


Perez rolls into the ring and stands opposite Rockwell for a long moment. Rockwell raises the microphone to his lips again, and Perez snatches it from him.


“I only side with winners,” he says, dropping the mic and turning away.


Rockwell, in a fury, lunges for him; Perez pivots, catching him with a hook kick. Easter promptly dropkicks him from his blind side, and as Rockwell recovers, Perez bails, realising he's outnumbered.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Hidekazu_jtlant.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily

A good, old-fashioned wrestling match from the off, these two men come off as pretty close to equal throughout. Certainly Hidekazu impresses on his debut, but Tyler...


Eric Tyler, when it comes right down to it...


Cheats. A thumb to the eye here, then the Tradition Lift, and the match is as good as over; Hidekazu submits not much later.

Eric Tyler defeated Hidekazu

Rating: C





Floyd Goldworthy appears on screen as the commercial break ends, flanked by the Fly Boys. He's close to the camera, and whispering.


“Don't rule my clients out,” he says, glancing to one side. “They've been champions here, and they're going to be champions again – I'm going to make sure of it. But-”



“He's here,” Donnie says, with a look of worried urgency. Floyd's eyes go wide with panic, the door slams open, and the American Buffalo enters the room.


“Where's my title shot?” he demands.


“Uh-” Floyd begins. “Look, the petition is with the Board of-”


“Where's. My. Title. Shot?” the Buffalo repeats. Floyd glances back at the camera, more than a little worried.

“It's – coming,” he offers, with a long swallow. The feed cuts back to the ring before we see the Buffalo's reaction.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

A faster match, and a better received contest, too, as Ino and Huggins go toe to toe and – somewhat surprisingly – hold for hold.


Ino looks as shocked at this as anyone else, but Huggins is clearly pouring his heart into it, and even, at one point, calls for the Kobra's Bite – but as he hits the ropes for momentum, his sister catches his ankle. A couple of moments later, a recovered Ino drills him with a stiff forearm and lands a Kobra's Bite of his own to score the victory.

Koshiro Ino defeated Freddy Huggins

Rating: C+





Aaron Andrews vs.

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs.

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


vs. Hell Monkey vs.


Teddy Powell


vs. UK Dragon

Speed and skill play their parts here, with everyone moving constantly. The result is almost a highlight reel of a match, as what gets broadcast is everyone's big moves, leading up to a finisher-fest; the Motion Censor on Hell Monkey, followed by the Dragon Drop on Powell, the Acid Rain Bomb on Powell, a Dread Lock on Acid, the Tumbling Monkey on UK Dragon as Hell Monkey recovers, and then a spinebuster on Hell Monkey by Aaron Andrews who immediately picks up the pinfall.

Aaron Andrews defeated Acid, Art Reed, Hell Monkey, Teddy Powell and UK Dragon

Rating: C+





Back in the Syndicate locker room, Tommy Cornell turns away from the screen. “You can't deny he's a perfect candidate.”


Wolf Hawkins stares daggers at him. “You. Are. Not. Replacing. Me.”


“For the last sodding time,” Cornell practically explodes, “that's not what this is about! We both have to keep the Syndicate's interests in priority if this is going to work, Wolf. We need to keep it strong.”


Hawkins remains silent. Cornell sighs.


“OK,” he says. “Look. That Tooth & Claw team pretty much failed the test. Let's see how these guys do, alright?”


Hawkins shrugs. “We've got the Enforcers,” he says. “But after he took my belt off me, I've got to admit,” he grins suddenly, wickedly, “that screwing with Ino really does seem tempting.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FumihiroOta_PS.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShingenMiyazaki_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg

Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Team VIPER actually look, on a few occasions, like they might win this; they're a lot more unified than Cornell and Hawkins seem right now, and they take the fight to them. Ota concentrates on Hawkins, Miyazaki on Cornell, but it's never the case that their backup isn't right there to reinforce them – and that gives them quite an edge.


Finally, however, Hawkins realises how close they've come to losing, and seems to shift gears. Cornell suddenly has backup, too, and it's backup that easily outweighs Team VIPER. Ota gets caught and eats a Rough Ride; Miyazaki catches the Full Moon Rising on the apron, and Cornell pins Ota to secure the win.

Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins defeated Team VIPER

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone_alt1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg

Jeremy Stone vs. Rick Law

Jeremy Stone seems to know instinctively how to handle Law, and vice versa. It's a hell of a fight, therefore, with Stone trying to turn it into a mat match, only to be overpowered by the younger man. On one occasion the Stone Hold serves as only a starting point for Law to rise to his feet and land the Squad Car Slam.


Stone kicks out, of course, and the two go right back to it; it looks like nothing's going to stop either man...



Then Tyson Baine steps into the ring and Stone immediately bails. Law turns, exhausted – big boot from Baine, then a Hades Bomb, then another, then another. By this stage, Sam Sparrow has already called for the DQ.

Rick Law wins by DQ

Rating: A


Show Rating: B+

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Monday 8th December 2008

It's becoming pretty clear to me that, for my family, 2009 will be very different from 2008.


Kate, bless her, has signed for TCW, and will be moving back to America. I'll see a lot more of my daughter, and I anticipate having the chance to call a good many of her matches – which I'm looking forward to. Maggie's delighted about this – I've not told her what the first program Kate has lined up will involve for me.


That said, the apartment she has on lease in Nagana is being retained – because another Dangerous is taking over duties in Japan.


Richard and Adrian's contracts both came due just before the start of the month. The Dangerous Brothers, as a tag team, have lost a lot of traction this year – coming into 2008 strong, they've been booked effectively as singles wrestlers most of the time and losing almost exclusively the rest of the time. For whatever reason, as a team they were effectively written off.


Adrian took Haru Kurofuji's offer to go to WLW as a golden opportunity, therefore. The Dangerous Brothers had been a team for ten years this August, but it looks likely that there'll be a gap now, as Adrian is going to be with WLW exclusively for a while.


Richard? Richard's considering his options. A middle of the year series against Rich Money over the North American Championship means that he could, very feasibly, be looking at a minor feud with the SWF Champion in the near future. It's also possible I could soon have two sons in Japan – PGHW and Burning Hammer would both welcome him, and at the moment PGHW are offering exclusive deals.



The family reunite: Horatio and Kate discuss an upcoming angle backstage, December 2008

Awesome Kate Dangerous render courtesy of jtlant


Losing one child and gaining another... the life of a wrestling family. I'm sure there'll be speculation about Richard joining us when Kate debuts, but I'd have the same conflict of interests that we narrowly avoided with Kate. I'm fortunate enough that I can confidently say that any of my children can always find a place in professional wrestling.

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It's a great time to be a fan of TCW, ladies and gentlemen. Coming up this week on Total Wrestling are a host of great wrestlers - let's get down to the nitty gritty.


The New Wave will be kicking off the show, facing the School of Tradition in a non-title bout. Contendership to the belts is currently up in the air, but it's very clear that a number of talents have put their names forward for it.


Six-man tag action follows; after Sammy Bach attacked him during another match last week, Sam Keith challenged him to find some allies and meet him in the ring. Keith will be bringing his sons; Bach, having no such close allies, has found assistance from the mercenary Easy Riders. Tensions are going to be running high throughout these six men, we believe.


The International Championship is pledged to be defended; after the events of Badge of Honor, John Anderson issued a statement saying that he was ready to defend his belt on any given broadcast, and offering the American Buffalo a shot at it - much, we imagine, to Floyd Goldworthy's relief.


Wolf Hawkins has shown no signs of letting his pursuit of the belt drop, his interest rekindled after Bach's favour was cashed in - this could get messy.


Chris Rockwell has a chance to bounce back after Friday, too, as he'll be in action against returning star Rocky Golden. Golden, somewhat surprisingly, took Tommy Cornell to the limit last week - how will he fare against Rockwell?


Tag action follows, with the British Lions back in action. Their opponents are another relatively new team of technical masters - the Conquering Kings. It's a rare chance for both teams to truly shine on the big stage. Who can take best advantage?


More non-title action sees Troy Tornado step into the ring against the leader of the School of Tradition. Speculation backstage suggests that this is more of the recent Law/Tornado alliance, with Law taking on Jeremy Stone on Friday for Tornado, and the Triple-Threat Champion going head to head with Law's major antagonist in return. This is the closest Tyler has been to title contention in a good nine months - can he capitalise and return to the top one last time?


Meanwhile, one of the two open spaces in the Triple-Threat Champion's defence of his belt at Psycho Circus is being decided on; an official Number One Contendership match has been made as our main event, and the iconic Ricky Dale Johnson squares off against the Canadian Wrestling Machine, Jeremy Stone. Nobody's leaving that ring without pain, we believe.


Prediction Key:

The New Wave vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)


The Keith Family w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach & the Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Chris Rockwell w/ Lauren Easter vs. Rocky Golden


British Lions vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


#1 Contendership for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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The New Wave vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)

Not sure about whether it's the SoT's time yet.


The Keith Family w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach & the Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

Sam Keith ultimately tips the balance here.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Buffalo is nothing more than a glorified jobber.


Chris Rockwell w/ Lauren Easter vs. Rocky Golden

Call it a DQ win. Rockwell goes even more crazy.


British Lions vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen

The Lions are still jobbers, while the Kings are slightly higher on the totem pole.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

No contendership for the aging vet.


#1 Contendership for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Face champ, Heel challenger.

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The New Wave vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)

Freddy Huggins and Deeley are still having troubles with each others so no win for School here


The Keith Family w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach & the Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

This looks like Keith´s are going to take this but if Bach wants to win against Sam it´s likely happen in this kind of match so I go with upset here.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy

No-way for Buffalo to win here


Chris Rockwell w/ Lauren Easter vs. Rocky Golden

This is TEW2008 database so Rocky loses here


British Lions vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen

Lions have looked good lately and now they have opponents that they could win


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

I don´t see Tornado losing here even when it´s non-title.


#1 Contendership for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

I go with draw here.

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Prediction Key:

The New Wave vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)

New Wave tend to win even non title matches


The Keith Family w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach & the Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

Inclusion of Sam should give them the win,but they lose every time i pick them, so reverse psychology here


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Buffalo isn't a title holder at this level


Chris Rockwell w/ Lauren Easter vs. Rocky Golden

Rocky isn't so Golden


British Lions vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen

manager makes the difference


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

Tyler doesn't have a last title run at this point, and shouldn't be going over a legit main eventer


#1 Contendership for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

I go with Draw and the inevitable three way title match

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The New Wave vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)


The Keith Family w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach & the Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Chris Rockwell w/ Lauren Easter vs. Rocky Golden


British Lions vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


#1 Contendership for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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The New Wave vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)


The School are just about ready to implode, can't see them winning here.


The Keith Family w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach & the Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


Blood runs thicker than water and all that, and besides Sam Keith is on the 'Blood' side.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy


American Lump you've had your title shot, now quit complaining and go back to beating up on pointless jobbers half your size.


Chris Rockwell w/ Lauren Easter vs. Rocky Golden


In this TEW scenario, Golden has not received a mega-push.... surely that's a good thing.


British Lions vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen


I actually want my fellow Brits to do well, but so far they have been booked as jobbers but yet there jobs have been competitive. The Kings aren't so far up the totem pole for them to not possibly put the Lions over here, I'll follow my heart and back the Lions to actually come good for once.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


Old Man Tyler hasn't looked like a title contender in a long time, a loss here for Tornado would do more harm than good.


#1 Contendership for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


I'll follow a few of the others here and say some kind of draw scenario and that both will be in the World Title match with Troy Tornado. Stone will bring the quality, RDJ can bring the star power.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 2 December 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 6.78)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.01)

Rebroadcast on Japanese Sports Vision 3 (Rating 0.09)


Held at Plum Park (Tri State)


Attendance: 15,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

The New Wave vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

A short and sweet opener, the School of Tradition reprise the strategy they employed during their first title shot; Deeley takes the brunt of Scout's offence while the seasoned Bryant uses his cunning to evade Guide's assault.


Once again, Scout manages to twist Deeley into the Special Force. Doakes reminds everyone that Deeley has shown himself able to counter that hold into one of his own, and it looks like he's going for it -



Then he sees Freddy Huggins at ringside. He falters, and Scout drives a knee into the small of his back, anchoring the hold, blocking his escape. With what look to be tears in her eyes, Laura Huggins throws in the towel.

New Wave defeated School of Tradition

Rating: B-




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The Keith Family w/ Blonde Bombshell


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Sammy Bach & the Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

Part way through this match, in a brief pause, Jason Azaria will observe thoughtfully that “You know, it looks like Sam Keith has started to learn from his sons...”


Bach is hungry to be in the ring with Sam Keith, and it's obvious that the legend wants to settle the score – but so do his sons, and they go at Sammy just as furiously.


Meanwhile, the Riders are on a path to prove their dominance, and that's helped by their manager, sliding a chair into the ring then getting Ray Johnson's attention.



The Riders manage to get Greg Keith set up to deliver the Emergency Stop onto the chair – and Guide slips into the ring and takes out Billy Fonda with the Guided Missile. Greg Keith promptly turns the lift into a tornado DDT, wiping Peter Hopper out on the chair.


The DaVE man grabs the chair and exits the ring as Dangerous notes that the New Wave may now be even after the Keiths made the save on pay-per-view. Greg tags his father in and, as Matthew and Greg block Sammy Bach from interfering, Sam Keith slaps the Proton Lock onto Peter Hopper, securing the victory.

The Keith Family defeated Sammy Bach & the Easy Riders

Rating: B





Back now to the Texas Pete interview, with Horatio noting just before it begins that the interview left off with Pete throwing away his hat as “so much bull.”


“Quite,” Horatio offers neutrally. “I suppose a name like Texas Pete isn't one you'd get-”


“If I'd stayed in Texas, right,” he nods. “At their training school, the point got hammered in over and over again: it ain't enough to be a badass to make it. You gotta make yourself stand out. They took one listen to my accent and said cowboy.”


“If you were that unhappy with it,” Horatio says mildly, “why put up with it? That was 2002. Before your return last month, we last saw you on TCW...” he checks his notes, “on the first Total Wrestling of the year, January second two thousand and eight. I don't know exactly what you've been doing in the meantime, but-”


Pete shrugged. “The man who signed me to that contract? He kept saying hey, y'know, don't worry, I got you covered. There are ways to get you all the way to the top – someone likes you enough, they'll get you the easy matches, you bide your time, find a time when the champion's injured, bam, you step in.”


“Doesn't sound particularly honest,” comes the response. “You went along with this?”


Pete stares at him. “Considering you never got yourself a title, I don't see where you're in a position to talk.”


That leaves Dangerous silent for a moment.



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John Anderson © vs. American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy

There's an awkwardness between the two grapplers as they try to match pace, and it does kind of throw the match off its stride, but Anderson manages to hold it together.


He plays the underdog well, Anderson, a tactic he'd had to abandon during his time in the Syndicate, but he can battle from the underneath with real skill, real feeling – which he does here. It doesn't really matter that Buffalo isn't landing many, as each hit hurts


Indeed, after a while the Buffalo gets the advantage, and he holds it for a bit. Anderson manages to get a slight reprieve after the Colt Killa, rolling out of the ring. Sparrow backs Buffalo off then goes to check on him, and someone else arrives.



Wolf Hawkins hits the Full Moon Rising to the back of the Buffalo's head, sending him to one knee. A recovering Anderson seizes the opportunity, the Ammo Dump follows, and the pin and the retention. Anderson locks eyes with an unblinking Hawkins after the bell.

John Anderson defeated American Buffalo

Rating: B-




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Chris Rockwell w/ Lauren Easter vs. Rocky Golden

Another surprisingly good contest for Golden here, as Chris Rockwell unleashes with a fury from the off.


Golden's response is very, very simple. He absorbs the punishment, occasionally firing back with a punch – and Rocky Golden, whatever else you may think of him, can knock you on your ass when he swings for you – and...


Yes. Rocky Golden is smirking.


After a couple of minutes, that breaks through to Rockwell, and the fury redoubles. Golden promptly springs into action; Rockwell's just too angry right now to counter well. Clothesline. Slam. Backdrop. Neckbreaker. Spinebuster. Pause to play to the crowd. Pivot and punch.


Rocky Golden is having a ball, and Chris Rockwell is seeing red.


Lauren Easter gets Ray Johnson's attention by hopping onto the apron. Low blow by Rockwell. Cover. One, two – no! Furusawa armbar applied.


Golden gets to his feet, lifting Rockwell one-handed, then hurls himself back, effectively suplexing Rockwell with one arm. The hold is broken.


Rockwell sneaks an inside cradle, desperate now. Golden kicks out.


Rockwell trips him. Knees to the face. More and more knees. Harder and harder. Golden's bleeding.


Rockwell won't stop. Johnson warns him. More and more knees. It's gone on for thirty seconds now. Johnson warns him again, then calls for the bell. Rockwell's been disqualified.

Rocky Golden won by DQ

Rating: B+





Rockwell springs up, absolutely furious, and lunges at the referee, who backs away, clutching the TCW logo on his shirt – and that brings Rockwell up short. He paces around the ring in a fury, then rolls outside, still pacing up and down, still furious.



He comes to a stop in front of the announce desk at the moment Horatio Dangerous makes the mistake of saying “...the Chris Rockwell I hired eleven years ago would never have made a mistake like that.”


Chris Rockwell whirls on him, grabbing him by the jacket and dragging him over the announce desk. He punches Horatio twice and suplexes him on the outside, before rolling him back into the ring. As Dangerous tries to rise he cuts him off with a boot to the head, then whips him into the corner. Corner clothesline follows; Dangerous drops to the floor.


Rockwell goes back to the knee strikes.



Shout at the Devil hits, and as Midden appears he's preceded by Charlie Thatcher, his enforcer, sprinting down to the ring carrying a baseball bat.


Rockwell gets one across the small of the back, then another across the head, and while he's dazed Thatcher yanks him off Dangerous, who's bleeding now. Another shot with the bat stops Rockwell just charging back to the attack.


Mayhem Midden climbs into the ring, microphone in hand.


“Chris,” he growls, “I can promise you this – for what you just did, there's going to be hell to pay.


“For now, though, you can get the hell out of my arena. Go home, Chris, and get a grip on yourself.”


As the EMTs check on Dangerous, Midden reluctantly takes his place at the announce booth.




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British Lions vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen

A change of pace after the hectic out-of-ring action, as the Lions and the Kings settle down to pure tag wrestling, no funny business.


It's solid stuff, with both teams pulling out all the stops and putting on one hell of a show, but the team with the better cohesion – the Kings – is able to stay alive, Barry Kingman pinning O'Curle following the Crippler Bomb.

Conquering Kings defeated British Lions

Rating: C




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Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado

A more even contest than you might expect, as Tornado is grounded by Tyler much of the time. Hard to say which of these men is better on the mat, but it's clear that Troy wishes he was on the move.



Tyler systematically targets his left knee with assault after assault, at one point luring Sparrow out of position to allow Freddy Huggins to come in with a springboard chop block. That rapidly draws Harry Allen from the locker room, and Allen and Huggins fight through the crowd.


Troy, meanwhile, battles back. No flying – and a Tornado Driver attempt fails when his knee gives out on him – but he manages to avoid the Tradition Lift and even kicks out of the Weight of Tradition.


Neither man can quite put the other way, and twenty minutes later, the match is ruled a draw.

Eric Tyler drew with Troy Tornado

Rating: B+





Backstage, and Jasmine Saunders smiles into the camera. “Tonight,” she begins, “I'm here with Jeremy Stone and Ricky Dale Johnson, who square off in just a moment to determine one of the contenders to Troy Tornado's World Heavyweight Championship. Gentlemen, you've both held major championships before – but this is still an honour, right?”


“Well,” Ricky begins, “getting all the way to a shot at the world title, that's never going to be easy-”


“Speak for yourself,” Stone sniffs. RDJ pauses, and the Canadian Wrestling Machine elaborates. “You have problems with it, Ricky, because you aren't as good as some. I was born to be great. I'm the best wrestler my father ever trained, and let me tell you, I've trained people better than you – and no student I've ever had could learn everything I had to teach.”


RDJ frowns for a second, then turns back to Saunders. “Whatever, daddy's boy,” he returns. “Like I was saying, Jasmine, it's never easy. Two months ago, I wasn't even considered for the ten-man battle royal that put Remo into the championship match. I made my complaints about that at the time. I guaranteed that I could beat Remo Richardson. Two weeks ago, we got in the ring together, one on one – or you'd think it would be one on one – and I had Remo beat until his manager interfered.


“But I guess that the Board of Investors recognised that, Jasmine, when they offered this shot to me and not Remo -”



“Wrong,” a voice chirps sweetly. RDJ turns to see Phil Vibert there with Remo. “Actually, Ricky, my client was offered a place in this match and turned it down. The place would have seen him face Jeremy Stone, not you – you were second on the list.”


RDJ snorts. “You expect me to believe you were willing to turn down this shot?”


“This specific title shot, yes. You see, you were correct in one thing – I did, however inadvertently, affect the outcome of your match at A Little South of Sanity. And we were confident that you would want to take another shot at settling this imaginary score you have with my client.


“So we passed on this, keeping our Psycho Circus slot free to face you. Now, if that's not how you want to be...” He shrugs. “Good luck to you, Ricky, but I'd hoped the defender of this company's so-called honor would have some himself.”


Ricky steps forward, then halts. His music has begun to play. Pointing a finger at Vibert, he just says “Soon,” and leaves.




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Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Quite the contest here, as Jeremy and RDJ both try to outdo the other with everything they have. On commentary, Midden and Doakes argue the merits of Phil Vibert's decision while Jason Azaria does a sterling job of keeping up with the action.


Stone stalls for the first few minutes; after an exchange of holds, RDJ begins to stall in his turn, the rangy Texan keeping room to hit back without being vulnerable.



Then Remo appears at ringside. He stands there, waiting for RDJ to notice him. When that's accomplished, he says only one word.




RDJ shifts attention, and that's all it takes. The Stone Hold is applied. Remo stays there, watching, grinning, as RDJ is forced to tap.

Jeremy Stone defeated Ricky Dale Johnson

Rating: A


Show Rating: B+

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Thursday 13th December 2008

I've just spent an hour listening to one half of a phone conversation.


For the first five minutes, this was Maggie's half of a conversation with Tommy. That lasted just long enough for Tommy to get sick of it and give her Ricky's phone number.


The remaining fifty-five minutes have all been Maggie on the offensive. He almost had a chance to get away with it, but she happened to wander through the room while my children and I were doing our weekly review of wrestling TV – and caught a glimpse of me bleeding. Which led to why I'd agreed to this, which led to explaining the opening program for Kate, which led to Maggie deciding I'd been 'led astray'.


Which has led to these.


For those of you who don't know (most of you, probably) my wife is an academic; Professor Margaret Darlington has something of a reputation in her own circles. She's used, I've always vaguely known, to lecturing students who have failed her in some way.


Now I know exactly what it sounds like. I have the feeling that Ricky is sitting there, now, wondering what the hell just hit him.


Kate, meanwhile, is still getting more and more psyched about this move. The main thing appears to be the news from yesterday that our US PPV coverage is now being handled not by U-Demand but by America 1-Select, the end result of which is that a TCW PPV match now has a chance of being seen in more homes worldwide than any other company can promise.


Ah; sounds like Maggie's warming up for round two, which probably means that Kate's let slip what's coming up for tomorrow's show. I'd best go help deal with it; she's in an awkward place in general, as – as of this morning – Richard is due to accompany Adrian to WLW on an exclusive contract. The family's in flux, and that always gives Maggie a little strife.

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They had their first TCW victory last week and they'll be looking to make it two in a row against a team of promising rookies; the Elite Express are set to open proceedings, facing Tooth & Claw. The Express have pedigree, Tooth & Claw have youth - which will win out?


JD Morgan is looking for a first victory, too. The three-time DaVE champion should never be underestimated, but nonetheless he faces a serious opponent in the 'Kobra' Koshiro Ino. Ino has been accruing allies of late - what's in store for him? Could it begin here, on Friday?


The Easy Riders will also be in action; a tough-talking duo, Hell Monkey and Teddy Powell, have been chosen as their opponents. Mayhem Midden said, while making the match, that 'both men need to set their sights on something and start working for it; going up against the Riders can do that.' Quite what he meant by that is currently up for debate.


Following the events of Tuesday, Painful Procedure requested a match, and Mayhem Midden was more than happy to agree to it; Troy Tornado will be joined by the Young Guns in six-man action against the School of Tradition trio of Eric Tyler, Acid and Freddy Huggins.


We may see an occasion where the war between Huggins and Deeley doesn't spill over into the ring; while Freddy has that match to handle, Sean will follow it, taking on Aaron Andrews. Aaron may be able to triumph in a fair match, but in Hawaii, Sean Deeley is already well recognised as an incredible wrestler.


Next up is... a quite astonishing match, by TCW standards. Following the events of Tuesday's Total Wrestling broadcast, Chris Rockwell has been challenged by the unlikeliest of sources; on Friday, he will tag with new manager Lauren Easter against newcomer to TCW Kate Dangerous - and the return to the ring of her father, now ten years retired.


Lastly, Tommy Cornell has scheduled another test for "the best of the rest". This time, his target is the talented Joey Minnesota. With Minnesota's alliance with Aaron Andrews, could we be zeroing in on Cornell's preferred recruits?


Prediction Key:

Elite Express vs. Tooth And Claw


JD Morgan vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Hell Monkey & Teddy Powell


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns


Aaron Andrews vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell & Lauren Easter vs. Horatio Dangerous & Kate Dangerous


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

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Elite Express vs. Tooth And Claw

Elite have been looking better so far


JD Morgan vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Morgan will continue his search of first victory

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Hell Monkey & Teddy Powell

No luck for a random team here


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

Tornado´s presense is enough here


Aaron Andrews vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

I like Deeley more

Chris Rockwell & Lauren Easter vs. Horatio Dangerous & Kate Dangerous

I don´t think Horatio is in good enough shape to beat guy like Rockwell


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

Cornell isn´t losing in B-shows

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Elite Express vs. Tooth And Claw


JD Morgan vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Hell Monkey & Teddy Powell


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns


Aaron Andrews vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell & Lauren Easter vs. Horatio Dangerous & Kate Dangerous


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

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Prediction Key:

Elite Express vs. Tooth And Claw



JD Morgan vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily



Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Hell Monkey & Teddy Powell

Not quite as jobber-tastic here, but the Riders are near the top of the Tag Division.


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

Interference takes down Troy, while Tyler takes out one of the Guns.


Aaron Andrews vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

AA's push continues.


Chris Rockwell & Lauren Easter vs. Horatio Dangerous & Kate Dangerous

The Heels cheat to win. 'Ratio puts over Rockwell, but Kate looks very Dangerous.


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

This is not 2010.

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Prediction Key:

Elite Express vs. Tooth And Claw

at the top of the ladder , pedigree triumphs youth


JD Morgan vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Morgan is good but fading rapidly and is not on the level of Ino


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Hell Monkey & Teddy Powell

No matter how many people try to make him interesting or push him or pair him with favorites, Teddy Powell still is bland suck, and will be losing


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

Tornado can afford one loss, especially with one of the Young Guns getting pinned, and the School of Tradition need some wins to remain a threat


Aaron Andrews vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Andrews is on the fast lane to superstar, Deeley is more likely to end up the gatekeeper


Chris Rockwell & Lauren Easter vs. Horatio Dangerous & Kate Dangerous

Even with booker privelege, I don't see you going over


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

Poor stupid Joey Minnesota

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