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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Elite Express vs. Tooth And Claw


JD Morgan vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Hell Monkey & Teddy Powell


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns


Aaron Andrews vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell & Lauren Easter vs. Horatio Dangerous & Kate Dangerous


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

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Elite Express vs. Tooth And Claw

- T&C may get there in time, but EE have the tag team experience now that with a bit of overness might actually be capable of losing to the New Wave... since those belts might as well be renamed the New Wave Perpetual Beltbuckles.


JD Morgan vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

- The gap between Ino and Morgan has to be too great; overness, youth, upside all means that Morgan will quickly realize, 'bloody 'ell, this ain't cricket.'


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Hell Monkey & Teddy Powell

- Should be an Easy win for the Riders over Hell Monkey and Albino Monkey.


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

- This card it too by-the-books so far, my head says Tornado et all, but it's a six-man match so this might give a nice boost to SoT. Plus, I just do not like the Old Guns at all. If I had to pick, it would be due to Deeley's mis-interference (on Freddy.)


Aaron Andrews vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

- I'm guessing AA picks up the win due to the caveat of 'make him a star' what better way than by toppling Deeley in a place where Double A gets a popularity boost from it.


Chris Rockwell & Lauren Easter vs. Horatio Dangerous & Kate Dangerous

- Like father, like daughter. More importantly, Horatio never wanted to WIN a title. And exists solely to get Rockwell and Easter over and introduce TCW to Kate.


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

- Tommy continues to teach and slum and rub at the same time. He's a dirty Brit indeed.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 2 December 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.46)


Held at the Sunrise Sunset (Hawaii)


Attendance: 1,988




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


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Elite Express vs. Tooth and Claw

Quick and dirty, with a lot of effort put in by both teams to capturing the attention of a mostly disinterested Hawaii crowd; Tooth and Claw nonetheless have trouble due to the Elite Express' coordination as the Express steamroll their opponents, culminating with two consecutive Precision Drillers before pinning Lobo Blanco.

Elite Express defeated Tooth and Claw

Rating: D





As the match ends, a video package begins. Chris Rockwell, unusually calm, is seated at the bar of the Sunrise Sunset, obviously earlier in the day, sipping at a drink. “In this business,” he begins, “if you're not looking for new talent, you're going to get lost in the shuffle. You need to know what's coming; that's how I found Frankie, and it's how I found Lauren.”



The video cuts to Horatio Dangerous as he sits in the TCW coach en route to the arena. These cuts will continue throughout. “When she told me she'd made the challenge, I was... I didn't know what to think. And I say that as someone who knows exactly how good my daughter is.” He smiles for a second. “She took on everything I could teach her. Everything anyone could teach her.”


“She's a natural,” Rockwell says. “I don't know what's going to happen tonight. I didn't expect the match. I kinda expected suspension, once I got my head straight, so this is better. What I know, though, is that even if you don't think women belong in wrestling, after you watch the match, you'll know that she belongs in the ring a lot more than Horatio Dangerous.”


Dangerous: “She's competed worldwide for ten years now. Earlier in the year she was champion in a company in Japan – one that has a very good claim to being the best women's wrestling promotion anywhere in the world. If you watch one of our competitors here in the States, chances are you've seen her work.”


“Destroying his daughter's going to prove a point, too,” Rockwell says. “Lauren's new to the business. She knows exactly what she's doing already, but to take on a ten-year veteran and leaver her in her dust... that'll be the kind of shot in the arm she needs. The kind of shot in the arm I gave myself when I beat her old man ten years ago.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JDMorgan.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

JD Morgan vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

From these two, you'd expect nothing less than drilled professionalism, and you get it; Morgan continues to put on a good show in the face of inevitable defeat, but the crowd don't seem as supportive of Ino as usual – which might be down to the fact that he seems to be in a state of flux following the acquisition of Team VIPER.


The no-nonsense man of honor is, however, still more than capable of getting the win here, landing a Kobra's Bite after five minutes.

Koshiro Ino defeated JD Morgan




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HellMonkey.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TeddyPowell.jpg

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Hell Monkey & Teddy Powell

There aren't many people who'd open a contest like this with their best shot, but Hell Monkey, as the bell sounds, catches Billy Fonda with a Tumbling Monkey, drawing Peter Hopper into the ring – and catching him with something between a hiptoss and an overhead suplex.


The crowd is immediately interested, and while Monkey's next move – a moonsault from the top turnbuckle – gets caught and converted into a piledriver – the pace is on. Powell, sensing a chance to win, breaks up the pinfall with a slingshot legdrop. As Hopper tries to interfere, the Motion Censor is ready – though it's also scouted; Hopper ducks it and comes back with a RPM Bomb. Hell Monkey promptly vaults over his head into a headscissors takedown.


There isn't much rhyme or reason to it – it's a showcase, almost, for the four men in the ring's biggest moves, and it's therefore fitting that it ends when the team with the bigger moves gets to use them. Monkey is caught by Fonda, who drops him into a backbreaker, holding him across the knee as Hopper hits the ropes for a running legdrop across his throat, and Powell is next, eating the Emergency Stop and the pin from Hopper moments later.

Easy Riders defeated Hell Monkey & Teddy Powell

Rating: C+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins



Troy Tornado & the Young Guns

Speed is the key here, too. Huggins seems to be a little distracted throughout, watching the entrance ramp, and the result is that the School of Tradition don't seem nearly so... together...


Painful Procedure, on the other hand, are entirely unified. Troy makes the save for the Guns, the Guns make the save for Troy, and when a Star Maker fells a nervous Huggins, the Guns simultaneously take out Tyler and Acid to secure the pinfall.

Troy Tornado & the Young Guns defeated Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

From the off, there's something... strange... about this match. Andrews and Deeley seem to regard it almost as an exhibition, and there are points where... Well, Andrews catches Deeley with that spinebuster of his and backs off, as if considering, rather than hook the leg and roll forward into the pin as he usually does.


Deeley's submissions seem... Well. It's Rhodes who picks up on it; the holds are not nearly as tight as they usually are.



And then Freddy Huggins rolls into the ring, as Deeley's on the ropes being punched.


Aaron Andrews abruptly stops throwing hands and sidesteps, as Deeley charges forward and crisply dropkicks Freddy. He picks him up and whips him toward Aaron Andrews, who scoops him onto his shoulders – and hits something new. Deeley promptly locks in the Sure Shot armlock as Andrews watches, nodding and smiling.


Ray Johnson acknowledges that the match has essentially ended, calling a no contest.

Aaron Andrews and Sean Deeley went to a no contest

Rating: B-





After nearly a minute, Deeley releases the Sure Shot. Laura Huggins, in the ring, smiles approvingly, slipping an arm around Deeley's waist.


“I'd been wondering,” Azaria comments. Saunders snorts. “She's been pretty obvious about it.”



Eric Tyler walks down to ringside slowly, regarding the tableau in the ring. Deeley takes a few steps away, leaving Laura Huggins between the two of them.


Sensing potential trouble, Aaron Andrews steps forward to stand behind Deeley, and Tyler halts, not willing to take them both on at once, shaking his head.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LaurenEaster.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HoratioDangerous_FIN6a.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KateDangerous.jpg

Chris Rockwell & Lauren Easter vs. Horatio & Kate Dangerous

This was not a match which particularly relied on in-ring action, but centered, instead, on an even match focused around the biggest moves each woman was capable of and a wrathful Rockwell destroying Horatio – who got in almost no offence.


Kate Dangerous, on the other hand, got in plenty, but was almost wrestling a handicap match. Easter was bad enough, but when you add in an unhinged Rockwell on top... well, the outcome was never really in question – though the fact Rockwell made sure of the win with a handful of Kate's tights is something the announce team all picked up on, as well as stressing just how good the two women had looked.

Chris Rockwell & Lauren Easter defeated Horatio & Kate Dangerous

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpg

Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

There's just something wrong here. A classic example of two men unable to get on the same page and, despite the sheer talent involved... it's almost impossible for them to keep the crowd into it. They have to resort to some very, very basic action to keep the crowd pumped and the match is, mercifully, pretty short, with Cornell raking Minnesota's eyes before clamping down the Guilt Trip. Long after the contest has finished, the hold is still locked in.

Tommy Cornell defeated Joey Minnesota

Rating: C+




Rick Law emerges, running to Minnesota's aid, defending the honor of his show. Sadly, this turns out to be a problem for him, as Tyson Baine blindsides him halfway down the ramp, leading to speculation that this is a Syndicate strategy to get Law isolated where Baine wants him.



Fortunately, this isolation doesn't last long. The Keith twins are out and ready, and even as Cornell comes for them and Baine roars, they're determined to help. For a moment, they and Law are able to balance the fight...



Then the Enforcers descend. Marlowe and Watson target the Keiths, and they do it from directly behind them. The brutal beatdown is still going on as Badge of Honor goes off the air.


Show Rating: B-

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Well, that's the end of Joey Minnesota's chance for a main event push. Having bad chemistry is a boss is not a good thing.


You know what other TCW guy has bad chemistry with Tommy in this diary? Troy Tornado.


Joey's result is depressingly low against Tommy, but I'd be the first to admit he's been badly utilised so far - waiting his turn while others are built up. In future - who knows?

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I must say that Andrews' new finisher just. . .fits him, IMO. All he needs is a better name for it and Andrews is set in my mind.


It's a sweet move. During the big Andrews-finisher discussion of a couple weeks ago realtime, I spent a fair amount of time crusing YouTube checking everything recommended, plus a few others I vaguely remembered.


The Widowmaker, as it was for O'Haire, won it, though a secondary finisher for big guys is definitely called for. Shortly after finding it I got sidetracked into the vignettes from O'Haire's "I'm not telling you anything you don't already know" gimmick, and found myself really wondering how far it could've gone - though it doesn't fit TCW so well. Something to file away for SWF, perhaps.

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It's a sweet move. During the big Andrews-finisher discussion of a couple weeks ago realtime, I spent a fair amount of time crusing YouTube checking everything recommended, plus a few others I vaguely remembered.


The Widowmaker, as it was for O'Haire, won it, though a secondary finisher for big guys is definitely called for. Shortly after finding it I got sidetracked into the vignettes from O'Haire's "I'm not telling you anything you don't already know" gimmick, and found myself really wondering how far it could've gone - though it doesn't fit TCW so well. Something to file away for SWF, perhaps.


I briefly did that gimmick for Darryl Devine at the end of my CGC Diary, and yeah, it is an interesting one to do in an entertainment style fed. I have watched those vignettes several times as well, and it would have been fun to see where it could have gone if WWE hadn't pulled the plug on it so quickly.


For someone with such a good wrestling look, and who was usually getting wins, it seems a big shame that he and WWE weren't able to make it work.

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Saturday 13th December 2008

Aaron's new move got a decent pop last night, which can only be a good thing, especially as it was debuted in the middle of an angle we weren't sure about.


Sean fitted neatly into the program I pitched Laura on back in April or so, during her contract negotiations, and Laura's thrown her heart into making it work. But we're coming into the point where it ceases to be the usual 'split over the girl' scenario, and the whole School of Tradition situation is finally exploding fully. In the middle of all that? Aaron Andrews, the man who spent a fair chunk of the year facing down Eric Tyler, who's also in the middle of a slow building story with Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins, who's also part of a tag team with Joey Minnesota...


Sean, too, has seen his fair share of other plotlines wrapped up around the central Huggins program. These two – plus Frankie Perez – are being given a LOT of airtime, probably more than they're ready for right now – fortunately, almost everybody they're working with can cover for them.


The goal here is, essentially, to do what's yet to be done with Rocky, what the interview series is an attempt to shortcut through doing with Texas Pete. Sam Keith is probably near retirement. Ricky Dale Johnson grumbles about it occasionally. Tyson Baine hasn't said anything, but – meaning the man no disrespect – I wince inwardly when I think of Tyson trying to hold up a program on his own.



The definition of HGC, 1997-2001


We've got plenty of people now who can. But with a number of them close to retirement and others very much identified as rivals or allies, we need diversity ready. And we need the fans to care. For the first four years of its existence, Strong/Chord was the defining feud of what is now HGC.



HGC's second big feud, 2001-2004


As Sam's position was de-emphasised, Ricky Dale Johnson was perfectly positioned to step up to the plate, and after only a year or so against Chord, RDJ/Cornell became the feud everyone thinks about, in the same way that Sam Keith/Christian Faith was a legendary feud in the SWF or Jeremy Stone/Johnny Bloodstone in North of the Border. These rivalries are almost defaults; the feud that returns whenever neither man is involved in something else, the battle that delivers, that defines the two wrestlers.


And in most clases, these feuds began before both men were main eventers. Before the feud defined the promotion, the wrestlers did not.



Cornell-RDJ, the bread and butter of TCW 2004-?


So what will be the next feud to define TCW, once RDJ does retire – or simply moves out of the spotlight, phasing out his in-ring work, taking a lighter schedule?


We're going to want one ready. In my opinion, the SWF's issues this past year have been, in part, due to losing that defining Keith/Faith feud without creating a new one to capture the imagination.


It's unlikely that we'll involve Texas Pete in our defining feud, or even Rocky Golden – so we need someone who can be brought up to the top, who people care about, and who's young enough to learn. Six months ago, our only option there was the talented Rick Law. Now, we're a lot closer to having four or five options. Add in Wolf Hawkins, and possibly Sammy Bach – we're set, now. The trick will be maintaining the fans' interest until the decision is made.



The future of TCW?


The sad thing is, the decision isn't mine to make. One of those people will, sooner or later, have a feud that will so capture the imagination of the fans that it would be stupid not to return to it. But the onus on that is not with the booker; all I can do is engineer the feud and its returns. The performers themselves have to create that lightning in a bottle from what they're given and what they can do.


Which is where the job of a booker gets nervewracking. I can't make them that level of star – but I CAN destroy their chances of getting there, if I screw up.

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They say start as you mean to go on, and this Tuesday, that's exactly what we plan to bring to you! Edd Stone and Johnny Bloodstone go head to head as Total Wrestling begins in a real contest between styles.


The speed of action won't let up there, either, as the New Wave will test themselves against Floyd Goldworthy's Fly Boys. While the title won't be on the line here, pride certainly will.


Tag action continues, as RDJ and Danny Fonzarelli unite against the somewhat unlikely duo of Frankie Perez and Texas Pete. RDJ and Fonzarelli have the experience, but right now Perez and Pete seem to have the fire - this one could get interesting.


Following the events of Friday, Eric Tyler has requested a match - he wants to pit Sean Deeley against his own tag partner, Joel Bryant. Can the veteran Straight Shooter handle his young protege? And just what's going on inside the School of Tradition? Who will Laura Huggins side with?


John Anderson puts his International Championship on the line one on one against Wolf Hawkins, too. Hawkins has made it clear that his sights are set on that belt, a passion rekindled after Sammy Bach cashed in his favour. But Anderson has been a fighting champion throughout his reign - who wins out on the day is anyone's guess.


The main event is in a state of flux. Troy Tornado and Mayhem Midden have made a deal; on Total Wrestling, they will announce the five candidates to fill the third slot in the triple-threat slated for Psycho Circus. These five men will join Jeremy Stone in six-man tag action. Whoever scores the pin or submission will be entered into the triple threat; should this be Jeremy Stone, it will be a one on one contest only. What other five men will enter the ring with the Canadian Wrestling Machine - and will anyone move on to Psycho Circus?


Prediction Key:

Edd Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave (non-title)


Frankie Perez & Texas Pete vs. RDJ & Fonzarelli


Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins? vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins?


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Wolf Hawkins


Jeremy Stone, ???? & ???? vs. ????, ????, & ????

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Edd Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Johnny have been feuding with Synticate´s top guys for some time now so I doubt he´s losing to Edd here.


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave (non-title)

New Wave won´t lose to Fly Boys even when it´s non-title


Frankie Perez & Texas Pete vs. RDJ & Fonzarelli

I´m not high on Fonzarelli but RDJ is enough to pick up a win here against random pairing


Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins? vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins?

Deeley is the future ans Laura has so far been pretty clearly on his side so he should win unless you plan to turn Deeley face by maknig Laura betray him here.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Wolf Hawkins

This one is the hardest for me. Not sure if Hawkins is too over for the midcard title...probably not and so I will pick him to win over Anderson who haven´t done all that much after leaving Synticate


Jeremy Stone, ???? & ???? vs. ????, ????, & ????

Stone won´t make the pin so it will be triple threat, with someone on Stone´s side picking up the pin.

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Prediction Key:

Edd Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Johnny is main event material, while Edd is more entertaining midcarder


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave (non-title)

title or non title, the New Wave don't ever seem to lose


Frankie Perez & Texas Pete vs. RDJ & Fonzarelli

despite being saddled with Fonzarelli, RDJ is still a main eventer


Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins? vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins?

The one managed by Laura Huggins will win


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Wolf Hawkins

Wolf gains nothing by winning this back, its time for him to step up


Jeremy Stone, ???? & ???? vs. ????, ????, & ????

The team with ???? is the definite winner!

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Edd Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave (non-title)


Frankie Perez & Texas Pete vs. RDJ & Fonzarelli

Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins? vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins?


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Wolf Hawkins

Jeremy Stone, ???? & ???? vs. ????, ????, & ????

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Edd Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Poor, poor Edd.


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave (non-title)

Not a chance in merry hell.


Frankie Perez & Texas Pete vs. RDJ & Fonzarelli

Fonzie can take the fall to get the AA Champ and Texas Pete over.


Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins? vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins?

Because Deeley is just better.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Wolf Hawkins

Wolf is above the Championship, and can afford to be jobbed to put Anderson over.


Jeremy Stone, Remo & ???? vs. ????, ????, & ????

Why Remo? Well, I can't think of a reason why not!

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Edd Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave (non-title)


Frankie Perez & Texas Pete vs. RDJ & Fonzarelli


Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins? vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins?


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Wolf Hawkins


Jeremy Stone, Remo & Chris Morisette vs. Giant Tana, Brent Hill, & Rocky Golden

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<p>Edd Stone vs. <strong>Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Can't see Edd Stone beating one of your champions</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. <strong>The New Wave (non-title)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Non title or not the Fly Boys have no chance of defeating the New Wave</em></p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Perez & Texas Pete vs. <strong>RDJ & Fonzarelli</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>You still seem to be keeping the ageing RDJ relatively strong for now and I think he will make the difference here.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins? vs. <strong>Sean Deeley</strong> w/ Laura Huggins?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Bryant is at that gatekeeper stage and this whole School of Tradition implosion storyline appears to be a vehicle to help Deeley to break out on his own.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Championship</p><p>

<strong>John Anderson ©</strong> vs. Wolf Hawkins</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Like others have said Wolf gain's nothing by winning this belt back again, he'll lose in a manner that does not make him look too weak and then he will set his sights on bigger things. Time for Cornell's protege to step up and besides Anderson is doing a solid job as the midcard champion.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

Jeremy Stone, <strong>Remo </strong>& Chris Morrisette vs. Brent Hill, Koshiro Ino, & Rick Law.</p><p> </p><p>

This seems to be heading for a three way no matter what, so I will doubt Stone wins here, Remo seems the most obvious to go over given his current push. </p><p> </p><p>

I will also take a guess at the other participants being Chris Morrisette, Brent Hill, Koshiro Ino and Rick Law</p>

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<p>Done twice, lost twice, angry now.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Edd Stone</strong> vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p>

The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. <strong>The New Wave</strong> (non-title)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez & Texas Pete</strong> vs. RDJ & Fonzarelli</p><p> </p><p>

Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins? vs. <strong>Sean Deeley</strong> w/ Laura Huggins?</p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Championship</p><p>

John Anderson © vs. Wolf Hawkins</p><p>

-Draw.</p><p> </p><p>

Jeremy Stone, ???? & <strong>????</strong> vs. ????, ????, & ????</p><p>

<em>- Morrisette. Stone wins but loses.</em></p>

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 3 December 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 6.74)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.01)

Rebroadcast on Japanese Sports Vision 3 (Rating 0.09)


Held at the Clover Fields (Mid South)


Attendance: 15,000




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes



As the show opens, Walk This Way is playing as Chris Rockwell stands in the ring, backed up by Lauren Easter. He leans on the top rope, arms folded, and points at Horatio with a grin as the screen fades in.


“Got you,” he begins. “Come on, Horatio – you gotta admit I've got everything I had when you hired me now, right?”



Dangerous, safely distant from him, shakes his head slowly. “No,” he says, then repeats it as the production team fade his mic into the house loop. “No. You're missing...” A shrug.


“I can't put my finger on it, Chris. But I can take a guess at what happened.”



Rockwell's face, meanwhile, has almost crumbled, it's fallen so fast. Lauren Easter rolls out of the ring and heads toward Dangerous, but the chorus to Stand My Ground by Within Temptation hits – and Kate Dangerous runs down to ringside. Lauren pulls up and the pair go into standoff.


Horatio and Rockwell stare each other down. “You just had to keep this going, didn't you?” Rockwell growls, and Horatio shakes his head. “I'm not getting back in the ring with you, Chris,” he says. “I'm ten years retired, and I always aimed to stay that way.”


Kate Dangerous, meanwhile, has found herself a microphone. “You want to keep this going, Chris?” she asks. “I'll find someone. We'll do this same dance at Psycho Circus, but you can actually go up against an active wrestler this time – if you ain't scared.”


Rockwell drops the microphone and he and Easter go after her, but in short order, the officials are breaking up the beatdown...




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt13.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Edd Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Fast-paced, as you'd expect with Edd in the match, and hard-fought, as you'd expect from Bloodstone, but Bloodstone has the level of experience with Edd to make this relatively easy for him, eventually grounding his opponent for the Bloodstone Mutilation.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated Edd Stone

Rating: B-




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The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. the New Wave

This match is just pure speed – and it's extremely well received. The Fly Boys, during their time of absence, have evidently got their act together, and the result is that virtually no move by either side during this match is not a double-team.


The only problem the Fly Boys have, ultimately, is that they're up against the New Wave – and that means a Wave of Mutilation by Guide to Donnie J is almost inevitable, and secures the win.

The New Wave defeated the Fly Boys

Rating: C+




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Frankie Perez & Texas Pete vs. RDJ & Fonzarelli

A surprisingly good tag contest given some of the people involved, but the standout here, in all honesty, was Frankie Perez, who managed even to get a few big moves in on RDJ and continued to run riot over Danny Fonzarelli.


Pete and RDJ brawl like equals for much of the match, but in the end it's RDJ who manages to find the decisive move – Texas Pete takes a Southern Justice and ends up pinned.

RDJ & Fonzarelli defeated Frankie Perez & Texas Pete

Rating: B





“Let me do you a favour,” comes a voice over the announce system, and Phil Vibert emerges, Remo in tow. “Let me do you a favour, Ricky. Because that wasn't a bad little performance you had there – but this is the sort of thing you do? Really?


“You've lost direction, Ricky. It's not so long since we arrived here and you were complaining that you're never in line for a title shot – but this is how you waste your time. Is it any wonder you're clearly not in tonight's big opportunity?


“Don't wait for these things to come to you, Ricky. You don't get anywhere in TCW by sitting and waiting.


“And that's why, for all that you scored the pin in that match, you're not the man in that ring who's a winner.”



RDJ, frowning, starts up the ramp toward them. Remo moves toward him; Danny Fonzarelli scrambles to back up his ally.


And Frankie Perez, coming up from behind, low blows RDJ.


Remo clotheslines Fonzarelli. Together, he and Perez pick RDJ up – and throw him from the ramp onto the guardrail before Perez leaves with Remo and Vibert.




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Joel Bryant vs. Sean Deeley

Laura Huggins absented herself from ringside for this contest, and with Freddy also nowhere to be seen, the two men knuckle down to a solid display of technical wrestling. Frustration is evident on Bryant's face, and at times, as they break and circle, he seems to be trying to talk to Sean - “Come back,” is an obvious one, as is “It's not too late,” and “the kid's a prick, but...”


Deeley shakes his head, however, and gets right back to it, eventually managing to turn the One Shot Drop into a front choke lock, shortly afterward securing the submission.

Sean Deeley defeated Joel Bryant

Rating: C+





And once again, we find ourselves back in the interview room for the final segment of the Dangerous/Pete interview...


“So,” Dangerous says, rallying, “where have you been the past ten months? Is this anything to do with the... well, discarding the hat? And what comes next?”


Pete sits back. “See... this is the real reason I kinda wish I'd started somewhere else. You spend your whole time being told that it doesn't matter, you'll make it to the top, relax, whatever...” He shakes his head. “You don't put in the work. You don't learn what you need to. And wrestling ain't like working security. Worked out after a year here that I was stuck, that I was gonna be no one, if I didn't put the work in – but I didn't feel like all those *******s in the stands needed to see me blundering around while I learned.”


“Hrm,” Dangerous makes as if to continue, but Pete ploughs on. “So I took off. Ditched the hat, and quit listenin' to what people were trying to make me. Only reason it's still Texas Pete is I haven't decided for sure I want to use my real name.”


“Why would you not?” Dangerous asks mildly. “You've made your disinterest in what the fans think fairly clear.”


“Hey, I could care less,” he says. “But I got family, Dangerous. They care.” He leans forward. “Still... I think they'll support me as a winner. Ask me again when I have a title.”



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John Anderson © vs. Wolf Hawkins

Now this truly was one hell of a contest. They go at it fast and hard, they call back to their time as allies, they use each other's moves, they counter the big holds and kicks...


They do everything, and it's incredibly clear, even before the announce team start in, what that championship means to both men – what it can mean to the promotion.


And Wolf Hawkins finally, at the third attempt, connects with the Full Moon Rising on a drained Anderson. He covers – one...




The bell rings for the time limit a hair before Sam Sparrow's hand comes down a third time. John Anderson ekes out a draw by the skin of his teeth.

John Anderson and Wolf Hawkins went to the time limit

Rating: A





Troy Tornado appears to the strains of Fury of the Storm, Mayhem Midden not far behind, championship belt around his waist. Getting into the ring, he turns to take in the entire audience.


“Alright?” he asks, and gets a good, strong response. He grins.


“I know not alla you will have been on the site,” he says. “So, the basics.


“I am your Triple-Threat Champion. I've been defending the whole way in three man matches. I like that. It gives more people a chance, it gives everyone the opportunity to strut their stuff... and it's working out pretty nicely for me. End of January, I go one on one with Bloodstone to reunite the belts – assuming I make it through Psycho Circus – but I like the three-man thing.


“I was talking over my possible opponents with Ken here,” Midden nods, “and we figured we've got one. And there's only so big a list of people who aren't either...” He grins, “dumbasses who got themselves banned from championship contention like Tommy and Tyson, or busy with something else... But we worked ourselves up a list of five men who deserve the third space this month, alongside Jeremy Stone.


“We're going to have a little six-man tag. Whoever gets the pin goes on to face me. If Jeremy gets it, he gets to take me on one on one, like he says he wants.


“But right now... it's about who these guys are.” He looks back at the ramp.


“Remo,” he begins. “You had a shot before and it ain't your fault you didn't make the most of it. Come on in.”



The 'supreme specimen' emerges, backed as ever by Phil Vibert. Tornado nods to him.


“Same thing can be said,” he continues, “of Brent Hill. Great wrestler, hasn't had the kind of openings he deserves. I can make one happen.”



Hill makes his way down to the ring, smiling, nodding respectfully.


Tornado grins. “Third up is a man I kind of owe. He's helped me out a couple times of late and he's a hell of a fighter. You all know him by now – I'm talking about Rick Law.”



Rick appears, posing on the entrance ramp, glad-handing the fans, and hurrying down to ringside as Azaria notes that this is probably the high point of Law's career to date. The champion hands the microphone off to Mayhem Midden.


“Personally,” he says, “I wasn't looking so much about the respect that drove Troy's picks. I was looking at things like match record, how much they deserve the opportunity, and their careers to date. I chose two men who've been at the top of smaller promotions and who've outlived those promotions. In one case...” He sighs.


“Chris Rockwell, I really don't like the way you've been acting around here. Trouble is... I can't deny what you can do in the ring. You're in.”



Rockwell emerges, smirking broadly.


Midden rolls his eyes. “You may not be so happy in a moment. See, teaming with Brent and Rick... the other man who really fits the description I gave...” He grins. “EDDIE PEAK!”



Peak emerges to a surprisingly strong reaction.





Brent Hill, Eddie Peak, & Rick Law


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Chris Rockwell, Jeremy Stone & Remo Richardson w/ Lauren Easter & Phil Vibert

Utter chaos. It breaks down from neat legal-man arrangements almost immediately – everyone wants to be the one to make the pin.


Peak and Remo clash only briefly, but they do clash repeatedly – just enough to really whet appetites, enough to indicate that they're equally balanced.


Rockwell and Law pair off early on, and the pair seem to be pretty much dead level for quite some time. That leaves Hill and Stone to switch off regularly with Peak and Remo and provide an overall technical theme to the brawl... for a while, at least.


Remo lands the Destroyer on Brent, and Jeremy Stone pulls him off. The two go head to head, much to the crowd's delight...



RDJ slides into the ring, spins Remo around, and gets the Southern Justice. Not long afterward, once he's recovered, Remo and RDJ are brawling on the outside.



Tyson Baine makes his way to the ring, standing outside, keeping pace with Rick Law. Sensing an opportunity, Rockwell backdrops him out of the ring – Baine catches him on his way down, snapping it into a Hades Bomb.


Brent Hill counters a pin attempt by Stone, curling him into the Complete Package. Rockwell breaks it up with a kick and gets blindsided by Peak.


Stone reapplies a hold of his own on Hill, the Stone Hold, clamping it down hard. Peak looks at them, obviously contemplating breaking it – but instead, he grabs Rockwell and lands the Peak of Perfection, pinning him to secure his own place.

Brent Hill, Eddie Peak & Rick Law defeated Chris Rockwell, Jeremy Stone and Remo Richardson

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B+

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I guess most of the line up right for the Six Man Tag but the one guy (Peak) I didn't think would be in the match ends up being the one to score the all important pin....


So near, but yet so far in getting that spot on.


Actually really impressed with the way you are handling RDJ, in the fact that you are ever so subtly moving him away from the title picture yet keeping him relevant and his emerging feud with Remo Richardson/Vibert and now possibly Frankie Perez certainly has my interest.

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I guess most of the line up right for the Six Man Tag but the one guy (Peak) I didn't think would be in the match ends up being the one to score the all important pin....


So near, but yet so far in getting that spot on.


Initial plans for the game would suggest that Ino would be perfect for the same slot, which would have left you extremely close! As it turns out, his performances just haven't been as good as I'd hope - still, there's plenty of time for him to turn that around yet. His Performance skills are starting to really ramp up, too, over the past 3-4 months - it's quite possible that he'll be a bigger feature in 2009, following the switchover to 2010.


Actually really impressed with the way you are handling RDJ, in the fact that you are ever so subtly moving him away from the title picture yet keeping him relevant and his emerging feud with Remo Richardson/Vibert and now possibly Frankie Perez certainly has my interest.


Anyone who discards RDJ is an idiot, and I think that pretty much makes the early stint of this diary a little idiotic. There are much better grapplers on the roster, but RDJ can still be relied on for a good to excellent match and/or a good to excellent promo - and likely will for some time (his appearance on the Time Decline list has me a little edgy, however.)


At the same time... Oh, God, it's another RDJ/Cornell feud. At least the Syndicate/Freedom Fighters tag feud in TEW2010 changes it up a bit; I'm trying to give them both some life by having them do other things.

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Tuesday, December 16th 2008

A lot of enthusiasm is bubbling around the various participants in the main event from tonight as the coach takes us back to TCW's preferred hotel.


Part of that probably has to do with the fact that Jeremy, Tyson and Ricky are the only men who're entirely used to main eventing – for Remo and Chris it's relatively new, for Brent it's ten years in the past, and for Rick and Eddie, it's... an interesting new experience. In many cases, it's just about being aware that that match implicitly told the fans to watch out for them, they're going to be key players right at the top soon enough.


The impression is starting to get around; sure, most of the matches on a given PPV, most of the big money slots, are built around title matches. But there's room for other matches, if we think you can sell some tickets; it doesn't even have to be many, but we want these things to sell. There's even room, once every two or three months, to use the PPV to establish someone who couldn't sell tickets yet, or take a gamble on something like the Disrespected angle.


In order to be on most of these, it isn't necessary to hold a title. All you need to do is be good – good enough that it's worth our while to showcase you.


This... surprises a few people here. Jeremy takes a high position for granted, and rightly so; Remo seems keen to be into it. Like many who believe they were ready before it happened, whether they're right or wrong, he's just itching for a chance to prove Peter Michaels wrong.


Chris and Brent should remember, and I think Chris does – he had a major role to play for me in Philly Pro despite not reaching a title until the very close. But... It's a message the locker room need to hear, because it means just about anyone can get the occasional big show bonus – and big show appearance, for that matter; as of last week, our PPVs air everywhere in the world willing to air wrestling on PPV, and they really can be global name makers now.


It's the big balance to strike – the title should always be the big focus, but not everyone can be involved in a title chase at any given time. You need people to keep tuning in – so the line is there.


And hey – I never held a title in my life. It's more than possible to do well for yourself without holding the belt...

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And hey – I never held a title in my life. It's more than possible to do well for yourself without holding the belt...


Ah, but you must remember, people don't get into this business to be Horatio Dangerous. They want to be Rip Chord, Sam Strong, Dread, Tommy Cornell, Yoshimi, Sean, Jeremy, Dan Jr and the like. Few people say 'I want to be a wrestler so I can get by okay'.


While what you say is true technically, it doesn't fit the typical achiever equation. Ambition feeds desire which fuels drive which, more often than not, manifests in achievement. No one wants to possibly kill themselves to become the functional equivalent of Al Snow (or Bob Casey).

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Ah, but you must remember, people don't get into this business to be Horatio Dangerous. They want to be Rip Chord, Sam Strong, Dread, Tommy Cornell, Yoshimi, Sean, Jeremy, Dan Jr and the like. Few people say 'I want to be a wrestler so I can get by okay'.


Oh, freely granted. It's just a useful thing to point out, occasionally, during contract negotiations. ;)

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They call them unbeatable, but they're back to prove that, as man times as it takes. The New Wave will open the show this Friday, facing off with Acid Dragon in non-title action.


The British Lions will also be competing, taking on fellow submission experts Art Reed and Sean Deeley. What's going on with Sean at present? Will Huggins risk intervening when so many dangerous men are in the ring? And what of Laura Huggins?


Rhino Umaga gets a second chance to impress on Friday. He'll be taking on Rocky Golden - still quite a tough challenge. Can Golden continue to impress following his return to action?


Both teams have been winning in recent weeks, and it looks like they have a chance to move up the ladder - and this week, by Mayhem Midden's edict, they'll fight each other. The Conquering Kings lock horns with the Elite Express, and on the line could be a direct path to the tag team championship...


Next up is a contest requested by Phil Vibert; Remo Richardson and apparent ally Frankie Perez will be testing the mettle of fellow TCW newcomers Tooth & Claw, presumably as a show of power before Remo turns to Ricky Dale Johnson at Psycho Circus.


And then, there's the main event; we can't be sure, however, as Rick Law has promised us something major. Rumour has it that Texas Pete may be involved, though it's also been suggested he may be preparing another test for himself against the Syndicate in light of current events.


Prediction Key:

Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave (non-title)


Art Reed & Sean Deeley w/ Blonde Bombshell (& Laura Huggins?) vs. British Lions


Rhino Umaga vs. Rocky Golden


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Elite Express


Frankie Perez & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tooth & Claw




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