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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Prediction Key:

JD Morgan vs. John Anderson (non-title)



The Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)

Not this early on. Their first match after their big win? The Riders are going to go on the rampage for a while yet.


Julian Watson vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell



Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tyson Baine

A draw. Not sure who would benefit most from a win here.


Eddie Peak vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

Eddie's a big star these days, and Tyler is a gatekeeper at best.


Brent Hill vs. Jeremy Stone

Younger, and hasn't worked much in a while. Needs a win to keep him sweet.

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JD Morgan vs. John Anderson (non-title)

it´s non-title but likely because Morgan literally haven´t done anything to get a title shot


The Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)

Keith Brothers on the other hand are big enough names that i could see them going over the tag champs in order to make a title match somewhere in the future


Julian Watson vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Not much question here


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tyson Baine

No idea here but Baine just lost to Law so maybe he gains some of his momentum back here


Eddie Peak vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

Ok this will probably go other way around but I give this to Tyler either via cheating or DQ.


Brent Hill vs. Jeremy Stone

I still think Hill more as a tag team guy than a singles star and that´s why I go with Stone here

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JD Morgan vs. John Anderson (non-title)


The Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)


Julian Watson vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tyson Baine


Eddie Peak vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


Brent Hill vs. Jeremy Stone

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JD Morgan vs. John Anderson (non-title)


Non title or not Morgan's a jobber


The Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)


No that the Keith's are anywhere near jobbers but I think you'll want the new tag champs to remain looking strong and continue on a winning run, despite the non title stip.


Julian Watson vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Keith isn't going to lose to one of Cornell's jobber goons


Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tyson Baine


Ino could do with a big win just to make him more visible again, but my head says Baine wins this.


Eddie Peak vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


Tyler has slipped into the role of veterna gatekeeper and Peak is gradually being groomed for a main event run.


Brent Hill vs. Jeremy Stone


Stone's recently challenged for the 'Canadian' World Title belt, Hill seems to have slipped off the radar a bit.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 1 January 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 7.21)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.01)


Held at Maryland Wood (Mid Atlantic)


Attendance: 27,038




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes



The lights go out at the start of the show and a lone electric guitar begins to play, ramping up to a technically brilliant crescendo. As it reaches a peak and begins to wail, the lights flare brilliant white for a moment then drop back to normal – and Troy Tornado is standing in the center of the ring, belt around his waist, smiling broadly.


He raises one hand into the air, devil's horns clasped, as the fans react, and turns slowly to take them all in before raising his microphone to his mouth. “Happy new year,” he begins, and grins, watching the crowd's reaction.


“Time like this, it's important to take stock of where you are, and how you got there.


“This time last year I was injured. I was out. I couldn't wrestle. And my closest friends in this business... the people closest to me, the band... they'd shut me out. And I'd deserved it, you know?” He grins.


“But that turned around... and I came back, and when I came back, Tommy Cornell's dace card was free.


“It took three months to get through the Syndicate. Three months to handle all of Tommy's paranoid protection. But when I did...” He pats the belt fondly. “I became your champion. We can say a lot of things about what I was like when I lost it. When I took my best friends and I threw them away.


“But I don't think you can deny that since I came back, I've made you guys proud. I hope I've made my friends proud.” His face takes on a serious expression. “Even Billy Jack, off on vacation.


“Painful Procedure is still here, and I for one am glad. So here we go, New Year, Same Champion, and -”



Break Stuff begins to play, and Johnny Bloodstone emerges, flanked by the Blonde Bombshell.


The two just stand there for a moment, Bloodstone staring at Tornado, a belt around his own waist. The Bombshell raises the microphone to her lips.


“In just under a month, Troy... at the biggest show of the year... the better man will win.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JDMorgan.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal.jpg

JD Morgan vs. John Anderson

The first televised match of the new era of TCW is a worthy candidate for that honour. It looks like Morgan has decided that he can only get ahead one way; by proving himself. And Anderson is more than happy to help him, as these two really do showcase the absolute best in mat wrestling.


It's... uncanny. It's certainly the match of Morgan's later years. Arguably, it's the best match he's ever had.



And that's not the true, total story of the match, because partway through, as Morgan, checking on his knee, has Sam Sparrow's attention, Joel Bryant attacks. He catches an Anderson who's been stunned by just how aggressive Morgan has been, and he hoists him for the One Shot Drop – but Anderson manages to flip out of it, catching him with a boot to the gut and the Ammo Dump.


Morgan, recovered, blocks Anderson's suplex and takes him down into the Cross-Atlantic Stretch.


The champion survives only by rolling over to force Morgan's shoulders to the mat, enduring the pain long enough to secure the three count.

John Anderson defeated JD Morgan

Rating: A





Jack Bruce is shown backstage, sitting there, his guitar resting beside his chair, slightly slumped. Looking up at the camera he sighs and begins.


“I remember the band.


“I remember when we stood before you, and you cheered us.


“And I went away from all that. I had my reasons. But I went away.


“And he came in. He... won them away from me, I guess.


“I was kicked out. Everyone talked about the new singer. Everyone talked about the new songs. No one cared about Showtime.


“And I come back... and only one of the men I used to rock with is still here. Because he has taken my band, and he has changed it beyond all recognition.


“Well, Troy, watch out. Because when it comes to Showtime, you are going to face... a very... Painful. Procedure.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CarlBatch.jpg

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewGauge.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

It seems that no one wants to let down the kind of effort Morgan had put out earlier, and this is probably the best tag team match not using main event talent in months.


All four men get chances to really shine, but the Riders do seem to have things in hand – except that they can't put the Keiths away, with Matthew in particular managing to avoid the Emergency Stop on two or three occasions. The result inevitably rolls on to the twenty minute time limit, and Ray Johnson calls a halt to the action.

Easy Riders drew with Keith Brothers

Rating: A





We go to a video clip, next, of Sean Deeley's appearance in the main event of Psycho Circus, pulling Jeremy Stone out of the ring and preventing his pinfall attempt. Azaria notes, somewhat indignantly, that this is only half of the story, missing Tommy Cornell's assault out. He also wonders aloud who put this clip together.


The clip continues, showing Deeley cut down by Cornell.


“It's not enough,” comes a voice, and the clip is replaced by a shot of the Canadian Wrestling Machine, Jeremy Stone.


“You cost me my title, you little punk. You kept me from making good on my promise to the fans.


“I'm going to destroy you this month, Deeley. You and me on the biggest stage of all.


“Tell your family not to watch.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JulianWatson_FIN.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SamKeith.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Julian Watson vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Watson puts up something of a fight here, but he's doing something that's not exactly designed to win the day on its own; he's just going for Keith's knee. Which doesn't focus into much of Watson's style, but it's pretty clear.


He's just trying to injure Sam Keith, and Sam, partly as a result of this, is just trying to win as fast as he can.


He knows what he's doing, and he manages to get there fast enough that he can just about stay on his feet when he hits the Neutron Plex. The three count swiftly follows.

Sam Keith defeated Julian Watson

Rating: C+





Tommy Cornell is out in the ring as we come back from commercial, and so are Wolf Hawkins and Tyson Baine. The three men are in their suits, rather than dressed for competition, and there is a desk in front of them; on top of the desk, a long, thin bag, six feet or so, with a coathanger protruding from one end.


“Aaron Andrews,” Cornell says into the microphone. “Would you please come out here.”


For a few moments, all is silence. Cornell pulls a face. “Aaron, I still run the bloody company, and your arse is expected in the ring, so-”



Push It by Garbage begins to play, and Aaron Andrews follows his theme out, down to the ring, in jeans and a Rising Stars T-shirt. The message is pretty clear, and Cornell doesn't look happy – but he continues.


“Right,” he says. “Now as anyone who was paying attention Sunday knows, you did bloody well. You've been doing bloody well a long time, matter of fact, and while Sam Keith's been talking out his backside about whose slot I'm offering, he's right about one thing.


“There's a slot for you in the Syndicate, Aaron. All you have to do is say yes.” He nods to Wolf Hawkins, and Hawkins... just folds his arms.


“This isn't about Keith's bull****,” Cornell says, but Baine, playing peacemaker, has unzipped the suit bag, lifting out another suit on a hanger, offering it across to Aaron Andrews.



Andrews takes the suit, testing the fabric between thumb and forefinger, looking back at the entrance... where Joey Minnesota is standing.


He looks back at the suit.


“Custom made,” Cornell says. “Like for all of my boys. I gave my tailor your measurements.”


“It's a good suit,” Aaron says, as Cornell holds out the mic. “It is. It just needs a little adjustment.”


And he rips the arm from the suit.


There's a moment of shock from Cornell. Hawkins reacts first, and he and Andrews trade blows for a couple of seconds. Tyson Baine lunges forward, but Joey Minnesota was already sprinting to the ring – and from somewhere, he's got a chair.


Baine takes a shot to the face and Minnesota forces Cornell to stand off with the chair. Meanwhile, Andrews stuns Hawkins using the Minnesota Salute jawbreaker, then hoists him onto his shoulders – and plants him with the Game Breaker!


The Rising Stars bail almost immediately afterward, knowing themselves to be overmatched.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TysonBaine_nachtfalter16.jpg

Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tyson Baine

This match is brutal, absolutely brutal, and it starts fast – the Kobra is in the ring almost as soon as Andrews bails, and he stuns Baine with a Kobra's Bite to buy time to toss the table out of the ring.


The bell rings moments later, the crowd roaring, and Ino continues the assault, pausing to tear Baine's suit away chunk by chunk.


That slowdown nearly costs him, though, as Baine seizes him in a bearhug, rises, and hurls him into a turnbuckle before storming in with a clothesline.


From there on out, it's a brawl, and Baine has the advantage – but when he lifts Ino for the Hades Bomb, the Kobra proves to have been playing possum, and gets the Kobra's Bite from in the air. This time, Baine falls, and Ino takes full advantage, hooking both legs to score a significant victory.

Koshiro Ino defeated Tyson Baine

Rating: B-





Ricky Dale Johnson stands backstage with Jasmine Saunders, who raises the microphone to her lips to begin the interview -


“There you are!”



Chris Rockwell rushes onto the interview set, making a beeline for RDJ, looking around nervously. “Look, man, I need your help.”


RDJ stares at him, mouth open, and Rockwell continues. “When I gave you that hand, man, I think Remo snapped. I think he's after me, and everyone's being saying he's gonna kill me, man, it's just got outta hand...


“I need your help.”


RDJ shakes his head slowly. “After the way you treated me just a couple months ago? Come on.”


Rockwell almost screams in frustration and races off. Johnson and Saunders look back at each other, and with a rueful expression, Saunders turns to the camera. “I think that's all we have time for,” he says. “Sorry, Ricky...”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

There's always been a slight awkwardness when these two have faced off, but it's still generally good stuff, and Eddie Peak is on fire at the moment.


Tyler tells the match's story on his face; the jealous fury at the beginning, the cautious strategy as things go on, delight as he slowly gets the upper hand, and utter terror as Eddie snatches the advantage back from him – and then calm unconsciousness following the Peak of Perfection.

Eddie Peak defeated Eric Tyler

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone_alt1.jpg

Brent Hill vs. Jeremy Stone

Again, these two men aren't quite what you might hope together. However, they're still excellent enough workers that the match is well worth watching, and the crowd are absolutely lapping it up.


Hill is unfortunately showing himself to have issues with more and more of the crowd he'd be hoping to take on, and the results aren't all they can be – but this is not a bad consolation prize, and he even scores with the King of the Hill splash, if only to be frustrated when Stone kicks out.


Hill transitions to a kimura hold straight from the pin, much to the fans' excitement, but he's up against the Canadian Wrestling Machine; he manages to escape from the hold by switching position such that he can deliver a muscle buster, then rolls through to clamp down the Stone Hold with his usual enviable fluency.


Despite Brent's determination, there's no way out, and in the end, he has to tap.

Jeremy Stone defeated Brent Hill

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B+

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Wednesday 3rd January 2009

I got a phone call this luncthime from Ray Kingman, who by the sounds of things had caught our Total Wrestling last night and been overwhelmed by memories.


That sounds odd, but there is a reason. The reason is the Aaron Andrews sequence.


It is basically impossible for any booker to come up with the storyline that's entirely new, and probably impossible to come up with a gimmick that no one's done any version of these days. And Aaron's deal with the suit comes, in part, from late 1975, and Terry Lambert scrambling to a) keep Ray Kingman happily in the APWF and b) create a new main babyface for the promotion, which had to be done in weeks following Dan Stone's exit from the company.


(Stone, by the way, left in the company in a way that nearly ripped kayfabe open two decades before that actually happened. For a while, STONE 3:45 was the recognition sign of smart marks and true insiders alike. Ray, like George DeColt, wasn't happy with the behaviour of Terry Lambert that led up to that contest – but Lambert needed them. He was slowly beginning to realise that a promotion needs, at minimum, two primary talents – one top heel and one top face)


Terry Lambert's stable, the Crew, was just beginning to really find its stride. Lambert's classic arrogant heel routine revolved, in no small part, around the money he lavished on his life, turned into something his character could rub in the fans' faces. And a big part of that was the custom suits.


We didn't see Ray Kingman in suits. Not that he was particularly against that as a gimmick – but when you saw Ray Kingman, he was wrestling. When you saw, Lambert, half the time he just cut a promo – and he did that in a flash suit.


The tearing the suit was a major talking point and cemented Ray at the top of APWF for the next couple of years, where many people had thought he'd just concentrate on the CWF side of his career and let the Lamberts slide.


It's been nearly thirty five years, and I'm not sure anyone's used that angle as part of a program since – certainly, if they have, it's not been anywhere major. Ray seems glad to have seen it, although there was a bit of joking about why it was Aaron, not Barry.


I'm wondering, as I write this, how many of my readers remember the original, either from first broadcast or from one of the various highlight shows, retrospectives, or career DVDs that have featured it. This morning, according to Kate, the chatter on wrestling fansites was split pretty evenly between people reminiscing about the original and people talking about Aaron's version with no knowledge of where I stole it from.


I'm glad that people remember Ray's version. Honestly, as much as I expect Aaron to get himself over based on his performances so far, it's good to have people primed for it – and revisiting a storyline from the very top of a company is a good indicator for those smart fans to pick up on and anticipate.

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The Keith Brothers couldn't squeak the win against tag champions the Easy Riders on Tuesday, but they're still looking for wins - and this Friday they go from thrown fists to mat strategists, as they take on the British Lions.


And after Aaron Andrews' rather vigourous opposition to Tommy Cornell's proposal, he and partner Joey Minnesota look to be punished. On Tuesday, Julian Watsom tried to cripple Sam Keith - on Badge of Honor, Rising Stars meet the Enforcers, and the message to be sent is more than clear.


Shingen Miyazaki of Team VIPER makes a rare singles outing, too. Sayeed Ali hasn't been on TV much, but he's slowly building a reputation at the many untelevised broadcasts. He has a chance to impress on Friday.


Six-man tag comes up after that; the Elite Express have been focused on the Conquering Kings and vice-versa, but this Friday, Acid joins the Express and Danny Fonzarelli sets out to even the sides.


And after that, it's the turn of the tag team champions themselves; the Easy Riders face off against Randall Hopkirk's team, the Balcony Express. It's a tough challenge for the Balcony boys, as all of theirs have been to date, but you can't fault their courage - and so much of wrestling is passion.


As a matter of fact, that axiom - the passion in wrestling - could well be highlighted in the contest that follows, as Rocky Golden, recently revitalised and beginning to connect with the fans as he once did, faces off against Sammy Bach, whose own actions in December may have cost him championship gold when Texas Pete came after him at the PPV. Quite the contrast in styles, here, but there's no question that both men are passionate about this business.


And then there's the main event. Rick Law has once again exercised his prerogative and named the Badge of Honor main event; Law will team with Chris Rockwell to face Tyson Baine and Remo Richardson. Asked to comment on his ally, Law simply said "No one else would."


Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Enforcers vs. Rising Stars


Sayeed Ali vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Conquering Kings & Danny Fonzarelli w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Elite Express & Acid w/ Laura Huggins


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch (non-title)


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach


Chris Rockwell & Rick Law vs. Remo Richardson & Tyson Baine w/ Phil Vibert

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British Lions vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

No change for British Lion´s here


Enforcers vs. Rising Stars

I hope that Enforcers would pick up a rare win but I doubt it happen here


Sayeed Ali vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

No idea here so I´m going with guy who have been on screen more


Conquering Kings & Danny Fonzarelli w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Elite Express & Acid w/ Laura Huggins

I just like the heels better


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch (non-title)

It´s non-title, but even then I don´t see Balcony Express going over


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach

Golden haven´t really got much victories lately so I expect it to continue here


Chris Rockwell & Rick Law vs. Remo Richardson & Tyson Baine w/ Phil Vibert

CAn Rockwell and Law co-exist? I doubt that a little and Remo + Baine feels stronger even if they can so win for the big guys here

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British Lions vs. The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

The Keiths are going somewhere, and the Lions won't take their first win at their expense.


Enforcers vs. Rising Stars



Sayeed Ali vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

For once, someone who's a bigger jobber than one of the Japanese guys!


Conquering Kings & Danny Fonzarelli w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Elite Express & Acid w/ Laura Huggins

Fonzie and the Kings? Criminally under-used, not given their due. EE and Acid? Can sustain a push.


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch (non-title)



Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach

My poor brutalised nutsack!


Chris Rockwell & Rick Law vs. Remo Richardson & Tyson Baine w/ Phil Vibert

His show.

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Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Enforcers vs. Rising Stars


Sayeed Ali vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Conquering Kings & Danny Fonzarelli w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Elite Express & Acid w/ Laura Huggins


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch (non-title)

Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach


Chris Rockwell & Rick Law vs. Remo Richardson & Tyson Baine w/ Phil Vibert

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British Lions vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Enforcers vs. Rising Stars


Sayeed Ali vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Conquering Kings & Danny Fonzarelli w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Elite Express & Acid w/ Laura Huggins


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch (non-title)


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach


Chris Rockwell & Rick Law vs. Remo Richardson & Tyson Baine w/ Phil Vibert

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British Lions vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Enforcers vs. Rising Stars


Sayeed Ali vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Conquering Kings & Danny Fonzarelli w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Elite Express & Acid w/ Laura Huggins


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch (non-title)


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach


Chris Rockwell & Rick Law vs. Remo Richardson & Tyson Baine w/ Phil Vibert

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British Lions vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

- The Lions continue to put on good showings but they aren't in the Keith Boys' league... yet.


Enforcers vs. Rising Stars

- Easy pick, because if the Stars job to the lowest of the Syndicate squad then that whole angle with Andrews is DOA.


Sayeed Ali vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

- Not really sure, but Miyazaki is a tag team wrestler and Ali is looking to establish himself. He's a bit of a wildcard in where he'll slot in, but he needs this B-Show win more than Miyazaki.


Conquering Kings & Danny Fonzarelli w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Elite Express & Acid w/ Laura Huggins

- Unless the Crippler called in some chits, I think EE & Acid pick up the win as Fonz continues to spin his wheels. A midcard gatekeeper of sorts.


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch (non-title)

- Title or not, the Riders will not lose in their first match after conquering the New Wave.


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach

- Should be the main event but Law is a jerkhole! Bach had a grueling DQ win over Sam Keith on PPV, Golden was groping with girls. I enjoy Rocky's character, but who do you think has more momentum?


Chris Rockwell & Rick Law vs. Remo Richardson & Tyson Baine w/ Phil Vibert

- I know it's Law's show. I HATE that it's Law's show. But RemoBaine seem higher up the card than Law and the unstable Rock.

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So many tag matches!


British Lions vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Given that the Keiths dragged the Riders to an A, and they fit in with the storylines properly, I'd say they're a good contender for the next title feud. So there's little doubt that they'll go over the Sacrifical Lions.

Enforcers vs. Rising Stars


Enforcers aren't playing for the win.


Sayeed Ali vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Look at Ino. Ostensibly a big name, he was fitted with a manager, and a good manager at that. He's got skills. But he's kind of floundered for a while. Well, last time out, he just took a pretty solid win over Baine -- who's something of a gatekeeper himself, but maybe that means he's through some sort of gate. So what does he need? Well, how about some backup? Miyazaki has too many skills to be a jobber, and Team VIPER is due for a boost. I like Sayeed, but even if he's not designated as a jobber, he can wait to not job.


Conquering Kings & Danny Fonzarelli w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Elite Express & Acid w/ Laura Huggins


I don't particularly mark for either side, don't have a strong opinion on either side's competence, and have a faint suspicion that I'm underrating the Kings. That much having been said, Acid's good. Huggins is pretty important. Elite Express are pretty talented, right? And Fonzarelli is, after all, only a Darkness Brother. I'm guessing, but there it is.


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch (non-title)


Even by jobber standards, Waldorf and Statler are pretty lowly. The Riders are pretty lowly by current-tag-champion standards, but... yeah. Not enough.


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach


Given the Kate Dangerous storyline, I get the sense Golden is up for a push.


Chris Rockwell & Rick Law vs. Remo Richardson & Tyson Baine w/ Phil Vibert


Based on the assumption that Law trying to rehabilitate Rockwell is an ongoing storyline. Heck, I'd mark for it.

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Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Enforcers vs. Rising Stars


Sayeed Ali vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Conquering Kings & Danny Fonzarelli w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Elite Express & Acid w/ Laura Huggins


Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch (non-title)


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach


Chris Rockwell & Rick Law vs. Remo Richardson & Tyson Baine w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 January 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.16)


Held at the President's Hall (Puerto Rico)


Attendance: 2571




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_alt.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewGauge.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

British Lions vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

The British Lions just keep getting better, and this one saw them worry the Keiths on a number of occasions. While Morgan didn't really get the crowd's attention, O'Curle is becoming quite promising at it, and this one is something of a mat classic, if one that didn't get quite the reaction it could have done with a little more support for the Lions.


In the end, though, Matthew Keith was able to apply the Proton Lock strongly enough to prevent O'Curle from escaping and chalk up the win.

Keith Brothers defeated the British Lions

Rating: C+




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Enforcers vs. Rising Stars

Short but sweet, this one; both Enforcers clearly have their sights resting firmly on Aaron Andrews and they go straight for him, aiming to cause him a serious injury. Andrews fights back as best he can, and Minnesota's there to back him up, but they've got little concern for the rules, the spare man keeping Ray Johnson constantly distracted.


A Jackhammer from Marlowe leaves Andrews prone and he tags out after scrambling to the top turnbuckle, always a telltale sign of their suicidal superplex double-team, the Gojira Falls. Watson climbs to the top to superplex Marlowe onto Andrews – but Minnesota steamrollers across the ring, nailing Watson with a jumping knee to the back.


Marlowe crashes and burns on the outside, and Aaron Andrews recovers well enough to scoop Watson onto his shoulders and deliver the Game Breaker.


For a moment he stands over Watson's fallen form, staring back toward the entrance ramp, eyes locked on where the Syndicate will be watching from. He takes his time making the cover, but Watson still doesn't kick out.

Rising Stars defeated the Enforcers

Rating: B-





Carl Batch, backstage, lounges in the interview area, sprawled on a sofa. He takes a moment to adjust his shirt cuffs as the camera focuses on him, giving the viewers a chance to note the cufflinks designed after the TCW tag belts.


“Told you,” he says simply. “And tonight we're going to win again, because-”


“Uh, excuse me?”


Goldworthy stumbles into shot, as paranoid as the last time we saw him, casting glances all over the place. Batch turns to regard him, raising an eyebrow.


“You've got two of them,” Goldworthy says, gasping. “Two of them together, and you keep them under control. How – how do you do it?”


“This from the man who made Painful Procedure famous?” Batch smirks. “You've lost it, dog. You used to know this ****, you know? What's wrong?”


“He's crazy,” Goldworthy hisses. “And he could kill me if I let it slip I don't know what to help him with.”


“Well, can't help you there,” Batch shrugs. “Maybe you need to, I don't know, win him a title. Or hell, get two of 'em. Solidarity helps, man.”




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Sayeed Ali vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

Short and brutal stuff here; this had no trace of wrestling about it, but was purely a brawl until the very end. The difference maker turned out to be Miyazaki's focus; he consistently destroyed Ali's leg, weathering a less concentrated storm to eventually ground Ali with a DDT and roll forward to clamp down with his ankle lock, forcing Ali to submit in the centre of the ring.

Shingen Miyazaki defeated Sayeed Ali

Rating: D+





Battle Without Honor Or Humanity hits, and moments later, Koshiro Ino is out, the rest of KOBRA with him. Miyazaki drops to one knee in the ring, and moments later, as KOBRA surround him, they bow to him.


The group then head back to the locker rooms, leaving Rhodes to observe “Well, that was freaky.”




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Conquering Kings & Danny Fonzarelli w/ Alanis Springsteen


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Elite Express & Acid w/ Laura Huggins

It's not a match that will make anyone's Best of the Year lists, but it's quick, well-executed for the most part, and there are a couple of moments that will be remembered – the most notable of which is Danny Fonzarelli coming off the top rope onto a grounded Acid in a picture-perfect Acid Rain Bomb.


He tries for the Acidity Test next, but Acid shows enough wherewithal to evade his own move and turn it back against Fonzarelli, who struggles until Barry Kingman breaks it up.


Mostly, this is another instalment of the Kings/Express battles that've been cropping up slightly more frequently over the past couple of months, with Fonzie and Acid more or less neutralising each other. Last time around, the Express had the advantage; maybe it's Fonzie's slightly more significant size and strength that changes things here, but the Hawaiian Breaker on Nate Johnson is what leads to a victory.

Conquering Kings & Danny Fonzarelli defeated Elite Express & Acid

Rating: C+




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Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk


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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

It's perhaps surprising that the Balcony Express perform at the level they manage in this contest, but there are times in the early going – mostly involving quick roll-ups or cradles – where it looks like they might do it.



Jack Bruce, smiling broadly, even comes down to ringside as they're at their best. Hopkirk looks uneasy, but as Bruce says, “We're still Procedure, man!”


The Riders begin to overpower them, however, and Marv Statler gets into trouble. Bruce hooks Billy Fonda's leg and scrambles up onto the apron; Sam Sparrow, meanwhile, is checking on an injured Dean Waldorf.


As the Riders prepare to retaliate, Bruce thumbs Fonda in the eye and hurdles the top rope, going for the New York Minute – and he catches Statler instead! Hopper clotheslines him from the ring and Fonda covers to pick up the win.

Easy Riders defeated the Balcony Express

Rating: B-





The big screen comes alive, then, with footage mostly gleaned from AAA. Kate Dangerous and Lauren Easter, in the ring, working out. Kicking ass. Runnign roughshod over the AAA roster.



Another woman is added, a blonde Azaria identifies as Suzanne Brazzle. She seems just as good, from her performance, and Azaria enthuses about her title history.


And then the footage shifts. In with some grainy video footage tagged as being from the Danger Zone dojo in which Kate learned her craft, there's some very slick footage with a completely different style, a slightly hysterical-sounding Japanese announcer over the top.



“Holy crap,” Azaria breathes. “They signed her?”




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Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach

My God, the crowd were heavily into this. The smart money is simply on Rocky's finisher combined with the level of heat Sammy's pulled; simply put, people want to see Sammy Bach get punched in the nuts.


And the match itself was... pretty damn good, especially when you remember where Golden started the previous year.


Bach brawls with him toe to toe and Golden shows surprising speed, but while he does his best, Sammy gradually begins to overwhelm him – and then Bach goes for a superkick; Golden ducks it, shifts his weight, cuts off Ray Johnson's line of sight with his own body, and he hits the Rocky Road before Sammy's managed to put his foot down again. Bach's upright, though clutching, as the crowd go haywire -



Texas Pete puts him down, though, with a chair to the head right in Ray Johnson's view.


Golden stares as Johnson calls for the DQ. Pete lands another chair across Bach's back, then Golden ducks a swing Pete takes at him -



Sammy Bach won by DQ

Rating: B




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Chris Rockwell & Rick Law vs. Remo Richardson & Tyson Baine w/ Phil Vibert

Now who expects this to conform to tag rules?


Well done. It's a crazy, crazy-ass brawl from start to finish, and while Rockwell spends a fair amount of time ducking Remo, whenever cornered he gives almost as good as he gets.


The problem is that, really, no one has any interest in staying in the ring, and after a couple of remarkable moments (Rockwell sailing over the top rope to hit a tornado DDT to Baine on the outside, Remo Richardson diving between middle and top rope to spear Law from the apron to the ground) the four men stay determinedly on the outside. Eugene Williams has no option; he has to count the match out.

Chris Rockwell & Rick Law went to a double count out with Remo Richardson & Tyson Baine

Rating: B


Show Rating: B-

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Saturday January 6th 2009

I'm getting a little uncomfortable about the plaudits we're receiving for having 'rebuilt' the tag division. Technically, it's true; the tag titles are in a much better place than they were this time last year, despite the Machines effectively moving beyond it. We've got a number of teams who won't simply be splitting up to go on to better things inside six months, and a couple of teams who probably will – Rising Stars may well never get a tag title, and if they do, it may be after this time around. Nostalgia reunions for popular teams always go well.


But we didn't really rebuild the division. That kind of suggests that it was all down to the insight of the bookers and the hard work of the teams, and while what we did certainly required both, my insight was very simple:


There are a number of established teams out there who will put in the hard work and make the tag division important again.


I can take credit, perhaps, for the British Lions, Team VIPER, Tooth & Claw. The Rising Stars too, if you want to describe them as a major part of the tag division – somewhat awkward to do. The Conquering Kings was something Clark Alexander lobbied for after a couple of one-off matches in house shows. The Keith Brothers, hardly difficult to work out.


Everyone else – and that's the bulk of the division – either was here when I got here or got their start elsewhere. Proven and reliable, or young, together, starting to get it.


And if TCW, over the years, has had one secret, it's that it's very, very easy to make people care if you get get good wrestlers out there and let them do their thing. I asked Guide the other day how often he and Scout had cut promos in their ten-plus year partnership.


Five tag team title reigns. Quite the reputation. And they've almost never spoken for themselves. It hasn't been necessary.


I'm wondering if that might not change, sooner or later. Scout is having a blast in the locker room these days, and he's getting better at it... But it's never been part of their schtick. Can we risk changing how our preeminent tag team presents itself?


A wrestling company is always changing. It's the only way to stay relevant and popular. And that's also why every change is a risk – and the question is what risks you can afford to take.


Last year, by whatever means necessary, we overhauled the tag division. This year, it's time I addressed the All Action Division. I can't afford to let the other areas drop, though. This... could be interesting.

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What a week it's been! And it's time to begin another, with only three to go before the biggest show of the year. Wolf Hawkins takes on the man who kept the Syndicate at bay while Aaron Andrews took Hawkins down in the opening contest of the evening. It's the protege of Tommy Cornell against the Rising Star Joey Minnesota.


Recently dethroned but still in action, the New Wave are going to take on Floyd Goldworthy's Fly Boys. This one's going to be fast as hell - and the Wave have a point to prove.


Sean Deeley takes part in probably the biggest match of his young life to date next, teaming up with Sam Keith to take on Sammy Bach and the man who's set on meeting Deeley at Malice in Wonderland - Jeremy Stone. Big as this is, Malice will be bigger - like it always is.


Four-man action has been decreed by Mayhem Midden to follow, shining the lights on four men who've been in TCW less than five years between them. Edd Stone and Frankie Perez are the best known, but they'll face skilled technician Merle O'Curle and Perez' All-Action divisionmate Teddy Powell. Only one man can come out with the win.


Ricky Dale Johnson. Johnny Bloodstone. A great Texan fighter and a great Canadian grappler - and they're up against two of the same, taking on Texas Pete and Eric Tyler.


Troy Tornado has let it be known he wishes to challenge Jack Bruce following the events of Friday - will Bruce have to answer to the Triple-Threat Champion this week?


And then there's the main event. Rick Law goes one on one with Tommy Cornell. Law holds victories against Cornell, but they were tag competition, and Law had Troy Tornado on his side. What's coming now?


And as always there'll be more. The Machines have asked for time to make an announcement - what that's going to be, we can only speculate.


Prediction Key:

Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave


Jeremy Stone & Sammy Bach vs. Sam Keith & Sean Deeley w/ Blonde Bombshell & Laura Huggins


Edd Stone vs. Frankie Perez vs. Merle O'Curle vs. Teddy Powell (non-title)


Eric Tyler & Texas Pete w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell


Troy Tornado vs. ????


Rick Law vs. Tommy Cornell

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Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave


Jeremy Stone & Sammy Bach vs. Sam Keith & Sean Deeley w/ Blonde Bombshell & Laura Huggins


Edd Stone vs. Frankie Perez vs. Merle O'Curle vs. Teddy Powell (non-title)


Eric Tyler & Texas Pete w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell


Troy Tornado vs. ????


Rick Law vs. Tommy Cornell

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Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave

Jeremy Stone & Sammy Bach vs. Sam Keith & Sean Deeley w/ Blonde Bombshell & Laura Huggins


Edd Stone vs. Frankie Perez vs. Merle O'Curle vs. Teddy Powell (non-title)


Eric Tyler & Texas Pete w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell


Troy Tornado vs. ????


Rick Law vs. Tommy Cornell

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Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins

Wolf is the bigger man right now.


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave



Jeremy Stone & Sammy Bach vs. Sam Keith & Sean Deeley w/ Blonde Bombshell & Laura Huggins



Edd Stone vs. Frankie Perez vs. Merle O'Curle vs. Teddy Powell (non-title)

Woo! Go Edd Stone!


Eric Tyler & Texas Pete w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell

A has-been and a hot prospect who has yet to score a meaningful victory against two of the company's top draws? Yeah.


Troy Tornado vs. ????

Woo! Go Troy!


Rick Law vs. Tommy Cornell

Not Badge Of Honour. Rick can't win.

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Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins

- If this is building to AA vs. Wolf then Hawkins needs to pin the half risen star.


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave

- Point to prove and a chip on their shoulder and Goldworthy's woes continue.


Jeremy Stone & Sammy Bach vs. Sam Keith & Sean Deeley w/ Blonde Bombshell & Laura Huggins

- Double DQ/Countout as this furthers both storylines without giving a nod to either side.


Edd Stone vs. Frankie Perez vs. Merle O'Curle vs. Teddy Powell (non-title)

- Non-title and a four way gives the challengers an advantage. My bet would be on O'Curle jobbing here. Might as well let Edd win it, even if it seems a slight step back.


Eric Tyler & Texas Pete w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell

- Bloodstone is 1/2 the world champion. You know what I mean. Keep him momentum strong into Malice so he picks up the win while Pete still can't get a win, but he does do a... leglock!


Troy Tornado vs. ????

- I never bet against ????, this time I suspect someone will interfere on Troy's behalf drawing an intentional DQ.


Rick Law vs. Tommy Cornell

- This ain't BoH, lay down Lawman. Also Law has main evented WAY too much lately.

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Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins


Minnesota's never really risen to the heights he could have done in this version of TCW, so I'd be surprised if Hawkins fails to win here.


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave


Unless the Fly Boys are suddenly in line for a mega-push this is a routine 'get back on track' win for the former tag champs.


Jeremy Stone & Sammy Bach vs. Sam Keith & Sean Deeley w/ Blonde Bombshell & Laura Huggins


Tough one to call, as all four men have been booked strongly of late but I'd give the edge to Stone and Bach.


Edd Stone vs. Frankie Perez vs. Merle O'Curle vs. Teddy Powell (non-title)


This one's between Edd Stone and Perez, the other two are jobbers, I was tempted to go for Edd but I think Frankie P continues to look strong even when the pressure is off.


Eric Tyler & Texas Pete w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell


Texas Pete may have improved and his stock may be on the rise but it's not enough to go over one of TCW's World Champions and a TCW legend that is still being booked strongly.


Troy Tornado vs. ????


I will suspect that Bruce won't be the one to answer the challenge here but I think he might get involved at some stage, still I'll go for Tornado to come through this mystery challenge.


Rick Law vs. Tommy Cornell


This isn't Badge of Honor

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