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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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So here's my sell for a few votes:


Vote Tommy Cornell/Tyson Baine! Actually, feel free to ignore this one, because it's my booker's sensibility saying "Give Tommy an easy victory to build momentum, and have him face down with Wolf and/or Remo at Total Mayhem instead." So yeah.


Vote Texas Pete for the Hard-Hitting Championship! We've been watching Pete's improvement over the last little while with awe, but he's been jobbing his way to higher popularity, and seems to be in a holding pattern after a strong start. Show the management that he still has our support!


Vote Hard-Hitting Championship for Aaron Andrews' match! Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete vs. Aaron Andrews? Let's see the future of TCW right here!


Screw what he is selling. Listen to me!


Vote Tommy Cornell/Remo. Who cares about Baine anyways. At Total Mayhem have Cornell/Hawkins...Build it up with Cornell/Remo. IT makes sense!


Agree with Regis for Texas Pete...so I sell something else. The Keith Boys/Easy Riders just HAS to be a strap match. Who doesn't love the old-school feel of four men tied together by leather.....that sounded better in my head.


Aaron Andrews vs Eric Tyler vs Koshiro Ino, makeit happen peeps. Andrews and Tyler have old conflict, and Koshiro is awesome. Stick 'em in a three way and watch what happens!



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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 3 March 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.17)


Held at the Shakeshaft Auditorium (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 4,921





Jason Azaria – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson

  • In a surprisingly entertaining opening contest, Eddie Peak and Rocky Golden combined to put down Champagne Lover and Nathan Priest, with Priest receiving the bulk of the punishment despite constantly verbally mocking his assailants. Peak scored the pinfall, but Lover looked excellent. (Rating: B-)
  • American Buffalo was destroyed by a focused, determined Chris Rockwell despite Floyd Goldworthy's attempts to goad Rockwell into a rage. (Rating: B)
  • Rockwell proceeded to mock Goldworthy for being scared of his massive client. Buffalo, hearing the abuse, went for Goldworthy, prompting the Fly Boys to get in the way, cutting off his assault.
  • Stephanie Wade chalks up her first singles win over Suzanne Brazzle, scoring with a blindingly fast superkick as Brazzle measured for her Miracle Connection right cross. While the ending came out of nowhere, it did show just how fast Wade can strike. (Rating: C+)
  • Team VIPER pulled things back somewhat for Team KOBRA as they took on the Enforcers, with Ota scoring the Ninja Strike on Julian Watson. Jack Marlowe looked less than happy. (Rating: B)
  • Team KOBRA then filled the ring. After bowing to Team VIPER, Baroness Emily handed Shingen Miyazaki the bokken and allowed him the honor of striking Brazzle following her loss.
  • While the Young Guns showed new fire and debuted several interesting new moves, the Easy Riders were able to overpower them and put them away in relatively short order, Steve Gumble eating the pinfall. (Rating: B-)
  • Chance Fortune's return to active TCW competition did not go well. Texas Pete made short work of him, making a belt gesture toward the hard camera after the Lone Star Drop. (Rating: C)
  • Davis Wayne Newton and Phil Vibert came out to criticise Eric Tyler over the Fight to the Feedback polls, saying Newton's name had been left off despite the promise by Tyler to offer a shot to any man not otherwise occupied. Newton washed his hands of the vote, but said that in support of his Generation Omega colleague Frankie Perez he wanted to scout the current second-place in that poll and potential All Action challenger Rick Law tonight.
  • Law came out and made that match the main event, leading to an entertaining fifteen minutes. Frankie Perez once again tried to interfere once Law had the match under control, but RDJ came down and took him out with some prejudice, ultimately using Perez' championship belt to rush him over the guardrail and into the crowd. Meanwhile, Law twisted clear of a fisherman's suplex attempt to pick up the win with the Squad Car Slam. (Rating: B-)
  • Show Rating: B-

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Proudly confirming that TCW will return - this Saturday sees TCW coming to the Ottawa Rams Stadium for a second major broadcast from Canada. And what a show we've got for you as it all kicks off...


Eddie Peak goes one on one with one half of the British Lions. While both men have been noted for eliminating each weakness as someone exploits it, the sheer size difference may sink Walter Morgan - or can he battle through?


In a rematch, of sorts, from The War To Settle The Score, Davis Wayne Newton goes one on one with the last man he successfully pinned during the All Action Invitational - Canadian Elemental! Can the masked man with the mysterious heritage win through against the youngest member of Generation Omega?


More Generation Omega action will follow hot on that contest's heels, however - Brent Hill of the Machines takes his chances against the man with the Ticket to the Top, Wolf Hawkins.


Tag team action to follow, what's more - after a rocky start to their American careers the Elite Express are on familiar ground. Will that give them what they need to put away Tooth & Claw?


And after that, the Young Guns face up against two men who, while they don't have the Guns' experience as a team, are certainly their equal in airborne action. For the second time, Champagne Lover pairs up with Edd Stone. Can the Guns begin to reclaim their strong form through the early part of 2008?


World Heavyweight Champion does battle against one of the men he may face as part of the Scramble Match, Tyson Baine. The match is non-title, but Baine will be looking to do some serious damage ahead of Fight To The Future.


And then, in the main event, two men with big matches coming up on pay-per-view - Tommy Cornell, for so long one of the biggest names in TCW, goes head to head with Jeremy Stone, arguably the best known Canadian in wrestling this generation, for the first time. What a show this looks set to be!


Prediction Key:

Eddie Peak vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Canadian Elemental vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


Elite Express vs. Tooth & Claw


Young Guns vs. Champagne Lover & Edd Stone


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

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Eddie Peak vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Canadian Elemental vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


Elite Express vs. Tooth & Claw


Young Guns vs. Champagne Lover & Edd Stone


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell No Contest

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Eddie Peak vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


The British Lions have established themselves in TCW...as a Tag Team however and not as individuals.


Canadian Elemental vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


I'll say a DQ win, I don't think Canadian Elemental is coming in to be a jobber, so he needs a win of some sort soon. DWN is the lowest ranked member of Generation Omega right now and can afford to asborb a few losses, I've gone for the DQ to keep some heat on him and to possible ignite a proper feud between these two or perhaps even one between Canadian Elemental and Perez (who might intefere).


Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill is a very solid hand, in fact he's more than solid but fact is he's not a big star in TCW anymore he's a strong midcard guy but nothing more than that, Hawkins right now however is the present and the future.


Elite Express vs. Tooth & Claw


I'll get in before Regis....


JOBBERS !!!! :p


Young Guns vs. Champagne Lover & Edd Stone


Established JOBBERS !!!!


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)


I'll go for the no contest, double count out draw for this one....Bloodstone doesn't look too weak as champ and Baine looks like a legitimate title threat.


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell


Not unfeasible for Jeremy Stone to get the win here, but even without the support of the Syndicate, it's still Tommy Cornell and he' still Mr TCW.

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Eddie Peak vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Canadian Elemental vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


Elite Express vs. Tooth & Claw


Young Guns vs. Champagne Lover & Edd Stone


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

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Eddie Peak vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins

Morgan is tag guy and behind Peak in rank too so Peak takes this one


Canadian Elemental vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

This one is hard since I haven´t yet formed much of an opinion on Elemental but I go with DWN jobbing himself up to the card for now.


Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

Hill isn´t a jobber but he´s not on Hawkins level either

Elite Express vs. Tooth & Claw



Young Guns vs. Champagne Lover & Edd Stone

This would be nice win for Young Guns but lately they haven´t done much so I say that they opponents have the slight edge here despite them being random team.


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)

Keep champ strong, though I could see some kind of interferense messing things up here.


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

Could go either way but Cornell is...well Cornell

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Eddie Peak vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Canadian Elemental vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

Elite Express vs. Tooth & Claw


Young Guns vs. Champagne Lover & Edd Stone


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

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Eddie Peak vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins

- The tale of two placings. One of these is brushing the upper levels of TCW, the other is establishing himself as a tag team lower down the card.


Canadian Elemental vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

- The name might not mean much to North American audiences... yet. But that will change sooner rather than later I think.


Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

- TCW's Original Omega Man isn't going to drop a match this soon.


Elite Express vs. Tooth & Claw

- Slightly higher on the pecking order and I also like the boys from the north more.


Young Guns vs. Champagne Lover & Edd Stone

- Champagned and Stoned~


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)

- Non-title often favours the challenger but I suspect Cornell might stick his nose in here.


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

- Baine (and likely Generation Omega) crash the party giving Cornell the win by DQ but he pays dearly for the tainted win.

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Eddie Peak vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Canadian Elemental vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


Elite Express vs. Tooth & Claw


Young Guns vs. Champagne Lover & Edd Stone


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine (non-title)


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 3 March 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 15.13)


Held at the Ottawa Rams Stadium (Ontario)


Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out)





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen



The show opens with a single spotlight picked out in the ring, where stands... not a wrestler, but Phil Vibert, microphone in hand.


“Ultimately,” Phil Vibert says, “our only real problem is that there aren't enough titles to go round. One title per person, and sure, we could take the tag team championships, but they don't make the money of some of the others.


“But it's not like wrestlers the caliber of Generation Omega are everyday occurrences. I'm not sure I'd be happy to say there's another who deserves to be in there in this industry.


“But then, before The War to Settle The Score, virtually no one knew about Davis Wayne Newton.


“Just us, in fact. Only we really had the connections, the awareness, the grasp of the sport necessary to find a talent like that so early.


“I was wondering how we were going to get him into TCW, honestly, without tipping our hand. There are only so many times I'm really willing to go straight to the Board of Investors. It sends the wrong message, somehow.” He grins. “But fortunately, Ken Midden is good at his job.


“And because Ken Midden is good at his job, he wants talented wrestlers on TCW. And that gave us all we needed.


“But really, nothing else matters. You ask the boys, and they'll all happily tell you that they want the World Heavyweight Championship for themselves. But if we win it, we'll all be happy with that. Only one man can have it.


“And soon, the World Heavyweight Championship, the Hard-Hitting Championship, the International Championship, Frankie already has his belt... and I guess that leaves someone not holding a belt.


“I can promise you no one wants to be the odd man out.” He grins. “We are Generation Omega, though. Simply put, I hold the contracts of the five wrestlers whose careers will form the golden age of wrestling.


“I expect us to have multiple champions at any given time. And let's face it... whoever is not holding a championship, whoever is free... they are absolutely going to be the best challenger. No one else need apply.


“Get used to us, people. We're not going away. And we deliver every time.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins

Sometimes there are David and Goliath matches where it's clear to everybody, from the very first moment, that David will be slain.


Sometimes, though, there are matches like this.


Morgan makes Peak work for every small victory the big man squeezes out. It's not the first time these two have fought, and, in that way that is fast becoming characteristic of the British Lions, Morgan has a counter or a remedy or a way of avoiding everything Eddie threw at him before. Of course, whenever someone the size of Peak does tag you, you stay tagged – but he's having to work a lot harder than he expected to just to keep up.


For a little while, this seems to delight Eddie, but that doesn't last – it starts to annoy the Bloody-Handed God around the third time he makes a try for a chokeslam.


But there's still only so much advantage Morgan has, and this time around, when Peak does finally lock his hands around him, the Peak of Perfection has no answer.

Eddie Peak defeated Walter Morgan

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CanadianElemental.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DavisWayneNewton.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Canadian Elemental vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

When it's all over, Duane Fry remarks, in typically lacolic fashion, “And that, folks... that was a barnstormer. And the trouble with this job is I don't have time to take five before the next match is coming!”


Elemental and Newton are both moving almost too fast for the announce team to have even a chance of keeping up with the action, with Newton trying to keep it grounded, his already-becoming-a-trademark slick transitions supplying the speed from his end.


But Elemental...


Elemental seems...


Well. It's Jasmine Saunders who touches on the mask's history, and as she does, she offers an apt comparison. “It's like the spirit of that mask, that name... is possessing him. Certainly it's driving him.”


He's so fast. The moves are ingenious, but they come out of nowhere, an improvisational genius in the air – and one of them, a running no-hands cross-body plancah to the outside, looks particularly slick.


Elemental has this one completely under control – until Vibert catches his ankle.


Elemental is a hair later than he intended to be on the takeoff, and Davis is ready. He takes him down with a DDT and floats over into an STF without ever quite releasing the hold. Elemental cannot escape, but the Generation Omega man very nearly lost this one.

Davis Wayne Newton defeated Canadian Elemental

Rating: C+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

A longer contest, and with more audience buy-in, and this battle becomes spectacular, very swiftly.

The two former Syndicate members have clashed before, and to date, Hawkins has always had the edge.


You can see something of that in Brent's efforts here; he comes closer and closer, over time, to a victory, but each time Wolf kicks out, or twists clear, or at one occasion rolls clear out of the ring, he becomes a little more frustrated – and the second time Hawkins goes for the Full Moon Rising, Hill's block is an instant too late.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Brent Hill

Rating: A





Hawkins collects the microphone. “Just a reminder,” he says. “Put me up against Cornell... or don't. I don't have to care.


“Put Baine up against Cornell... or don't. I still don't have to care.


“I'm going to get what I want.


“I'm going to beat Tommy apart. And I'm going to win the World Heavyweight championship. What order I do that in, I – don't – care.


“Who's holding the belt when I take it, I – don't – care.” He drops the microphone and stalks to the back with a sneer.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BobbyThomas_jhd.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/NateJohnson_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AguilaAmericana_jhd2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LoboBlanco.jpg

Elite Express vs. Tooth & Claw

The Express continue to impress, but now, since they've finally gotten their feet under them, they do a little more – they come out hard, and they do more than come close to winning these days,


Tooth & Claw are blitzed from the off, and the CGC fans in attendance can be seen smiling; some of them even have SPECIALISTS signs, or more generic CANADIAN ELITE ones – and the Elite Express look, possibly for the first time, like the Specialists of old, especially as Nate Johnson punctuates the match with a Precision Driller on the American Eagle.

Elite Express defeated Tooth & Claw

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HarryAllen_Grunge3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveGumble_Grunge2.jpg

Champagne Lover & Edd Stone vs. the Young Guns

Probably the biggest problem with this match is that there isn't much 'match'.



After a few satisfyingly rapid exchanges, Jack Bruce hits the ring, going after the Guns. Not long afterward, Troy Tornado's in the ring with him, and seconds later Rocky Golden arrives to target Champagne Lover.


Quite why Eugene Williams lets the match run as long as he does is anyone's guess, but it's in the middle of the brawl that Steve Gumble catches a Lover Stunner. Golden tries to break up the pin, but as Edd Stone gets in the way, Rocky quickly discovers that YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB EDD STONE!

Champagne Lover & Edd Stone defeated the Young Guns

Rating: C





Aaron Andrews comes slowly down the ramp, stopping occasionally to talk to one or two fans on the front row as he does, and eventually collects a microphone before climbing into the ring. He looks around the assembled crowd for a few moments in silence before beginning to speak.


“I wanted to explain something... see, I poke my head in the TCW forums every so often, just to see what people are talking about. What's going on.


“And I know people have been asking a lot of questions. Why aren't I going after the World Heavyweight Championship? Why not replace one of the belts I've set in my challenge with it?


“Why have I made the choice I've made? Why am I putting so much trust in you?


“All these questions... and I think a lot of these people have lost track of where I come from. I know I have to fight to keep it in sight.” He begins to pace the ring.


“It's, what, a year ago Eric Tyler was giving me no respect? A year ago practically no one rated my chances of getting a win in most matches. A year ago I was an All-Action also ran.


“What a difference a year makes. I kept my head down, I kept training, I kept fighting. And little by little I started to win. Little by little, I think, you guys saw what I could become, probably before I did.


“I started to hear cheers. I started to get somewhere... and then I moved past Eric. And after a while, Joey Minnesota came in to help me. After a while I got more support, I kept training, I got better... I started to really get my feet under me.


“But that's a year, just a year – and everything has changed for me. I'm trying not to lose sight of that.


“I want to be champion. We all do, in this business. But which champion?


“The World Heavyweight Champion, Johnny Bloodstone... he's got a lot to deal with at the moment. Generation Omega. The scramble match. I want to win whatever I win by proving myself. I'll come back to the World Heavyweight Championship one day, probably one day soon. But for now...


“There's the International Championship, of course. Quite the lineage, and how many World Heavyweight Champions had an International reign first?” He grins. “I guess it doesn't hurt that Eric's got the belt right now, either. Taking a belt off him... that's just tempting.


“The Hard-Hitting Championship... Sam Keith's legacy. A tough fight, too, in Sammy Bach. And No Holds Barred... that's a chance to really prove myself. Any challenger can throw anything they have at the champion. Even the stuff that wouldn't normally be legal. A proving ground.


“And then there's the tag team championship. And the fact of the matter is, Joey Minnesota is the first wrestler who believed I was worth training, the first wrestler who threw his lot in with mine. He came to me and helped me find the things I could do that pulled me up the ladder, that got me noticed. And when I realised that I didn't have a move that had the power I need to put down the big guns, Joey Minnesota is the man who pulled in a favour. He'd worked with another little guy who loved to throw hands. I don't think they ever liked each other, but they respected each other.


“And Nemesis taught me the Game Breaker on Joey Minnesota's say-so.


“I have a world of respect for Joey. I would be proud to be a champion alongside him. And I owe him a lot.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TysonBaine.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine

Baine and Bloodstone both launch into this with all their hearts, but much as the previous match found, this contest was never going to reach a climax without interference.


Baine is concentrating, in any case, on causing damage, not on winning – he passes up one perfectly good pinfall attempt to hoist Bloodstone for a second Hades Bomb, and Bloodstone manages to twist out of it, grounding Baine very briefly with a victory roll.



Baine powers out, kicking Bloodstone halfway across the ring – and Remo spears him in mid-air as he flies forward.



He's only seconds ahead of Sam Keith, and as Keith battles Remo – and Remo warms to it – Johnny Bloodstone somehow manages to get the Bloodstone Mutilation onto Baine. Rather than concentrate on the DQ, Ray Johnson hangs on to call the match in Bloodstone's favour.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated Tyson Baine

Rating: B





The screen comes to life next. Accompanied by Laura Huggins, Sean Deeley looks over the campus of Carleton University. “This is where it started,” he says softly. “This is where I learned to wrestle.


“But that's the when. More important... always more important... is why.”


He continus to gaze out across the Carleton quad, avoiding the camera's eye. Thoughtfully, he continues. “Why didn't start here. Why started ten years ago, maybe more.


“Why started when I saw Jeremy Stone and his brothers for the first time. You ask any wrestler, chances are good they remember the moment they fell in love with the sport even if they don't remember the first match they watched.


“For me, they're the same moment. The McWades were big in Canada then, and they were head to head with Jeremy Stone and Steve Flash for the championships.


“And they lost, because Stone – and Steve – were that good. That good together... that good apart.


“Jeremy was a hero of mine. Watching Jeremy wrestle decided my career. It decided my goal, too... because I knew his father had been as good. And I didn't know, yet, about David, or JeriLynn, or Lucy. I didn't know that the third generation were already born.


“And someone had to go on to be my generation's Jeremy Stone.


“It might well be me. David, JeriLynn, Lucy... if they wrestle, in the end, they all have to learn somewhere. They have to have people to look up to.


“And all those people without famous fathers... they need them, too.


“In just over a week, I face my childhood hero. I have to be as good as I decided to be, back then, as a child... and that's not easy. But I owe it to that young boy... and, crazy as it sounds, I owe it to the man whose Stone Hold I've broken.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt1jt.jpg

Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

As you'd expect, this match was outright excellent, though the two men who arrived midway through did, once again, somewhat bring it down.



Tyson Baine arrives first, and Cornell leaves Stone to face him. The Canadian veteran simply collars Eugene Williams' attention, faking an elbow injury, while the two TCW legends battle, with Cornell eventually sending the big man tumbling to the outside.



At which point he turns around into a spear from Remo. A 'recovered' Stone promptly locks in the Stone Hold with some satisfaction, glad to force the submission.

Jeremy Stone defeated Tommy Cornell

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B+

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Sunday 21st March 2009

A fringe benefit to this poll; some of our viewers are pretty forthright people. Admittedly, not everyone left a comment alongside their votes, but a few people have – pretty extensive comments, too. Useful stuff to a booker, too; it tells you something about how your fans are seeing not just those match choices, but the entire product you present.


Take these two examples:


“This seems like the one match for the three RDJ could win.”


“This is a tough one... still, for RDJ's babyface spirit type of gimmick, the david vs. goliath would seem to work well (you know it's scary when RDJ is David)”


The first, by the way, being a vote for Frankie Perez, the second for Khoklov. But they seem, somewhat, to illustrate the big dilemma faced by a TCW booker; our fans run the gamut between people who want to lose themselves in the story, root for the faces, and enjoy the show the way most fans of ongoing drama do, by immersion, and people who enjoy the more... I guess aware... approach, discussing gimmicks, dissecting stories as stories rather than events, etc, etc.


It's a tricky balance to strike, not least because the lines blur more than I make out there. Even among the folks who just want the story there are people who are well aware that whatever we claim, the Easy Riders are not now going by their 'real names', and who probably don't believe that Aaron Andrews was taught the Game Breaker by Nemesis.


Of course, they're probably not as amused by the claim as John Campbell is either; I just got off the phone with him after he watched the show on TiVo this morning (he's been doing his best to keep track of how we use the couple of FCW graduates we've called up so far). As you may have gathered, I didn't tell him we were giving him credit ahead of time – I did clear it with Louis Figo Manico, who actually designed it and suggested it for Aaron, because it was his credit we were taking away. Nemesis was, of course, fine with it – but stressed that as we'd used the Joey connection, we had to make sure that Joey got something out of it even if the tag run doesn't materialise.


These questions are all part of trying to cater for everyone we can, to not exclude fanbases if at all possible. Right at the moment the big debate in the creative meetings is whether to incorporate more “sports entertainment” style stories in the programs we run, and if so, where the line lies before this would alienate our existing fans; but over the past 7-9 months we've drawn in a LOT of SWF fans, and to catch them, we need to offer them at least a slice of what they're used to while they accustom themselves to our usual style.


But that's the juggling act, again. Generation Omega is much better disposed, as a faction concept, to having multiple individual feuds running than the Syndicate ever was, particularly after Phil's mission statement last night. Some of those may well have an edge we're not used to applying in TCW... We'll have to see how everything works out.

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There is just one week to go before Fight to the Feedback takes place for the first time, and with early voting having been frantic, many of our potential candidates are going to be staking their claims this week. Tuesday's broadcast looks like the beginning of the final push for many such people.


Six-man tag action opens the show, with three members of team KOBRA - Koshiro Ino and his students Team VIPER - against Eric Tyler and his lackeys the British Lions. Ino was briefly a front-runner in the vote for Tyler's opponent at Fight to the Feedback, though he'll need a strong run of support to regain that position.


Two matches arranged by Carl Batch and the Blonde Bombshell follow - Greg Keith takes on Peter Hopper in singles action under ladder match rules, and after that his brother faces Billy Hopper in a strap match. Can Matthew overcome his injured leg to outmanoeuvre the Rider in close quarters?


Intergender tag follows; Kate Dangerous pairs up with Rocky Golden against the dangerous duo of Champagne Lover and Stephanie Wade. There's something of a grudge-match flavour to this one, between Golden's continuing issues with Lover and the explosive way Wade ended her last match with Dangerous.


Generation Omega make their first appearance of the night following that; after the controversial ending to his match with Davis Wayne Newton on Saturday, Canadian Elemental has roped in countryman Art Reed to square off with DWN and the All-Action Champion Frankie Perez. Can Generation Omega push further ahead, or will the latest heir to the Elemental legacy begin to show what he's truly capable of?


And the Gen-Omega influence continues to cast its shadow over the final two matches of the evening. Chris Rockwell steps into the ring to take the measure of Marc DuBois - a contest which may get very brutal, given DuBois' track record with exploiting his opponents' temper.


In the main event, however, it's tag action. Remo Richardson pairs off alongside former Syndicate man Jeremy Stone. Their targets? Ricky Dale Johnson and World Heavyweight Champion Johnny Bloodstone. Word has it that this match was ordered by Tommy Cornell, though for what reason we wouldn't want to speculate.


Prediction Key:

Team KOBRA (Koshiro Ino & Team VIPER) w/ Baroness Emily vs. School of Tradition (Eric Tyler & British Lions) w/ Laura Huggins



Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Peter Hopper w/ Carl Batch



Billy Fonda w/ Carl Batch vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. Kate Dangerous & Rocky Golden


Art Reed & Canadian Elemental w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert


Chris Rockwell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert


Jeremy Stone & Remo Richardswon w/ Phil Vibert vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Prediction Key:

Team KOBRA (Koshiro Ino & Team VIPER) w/ Baroness Emily vs. School of Tradition (Eric Tyler & British Lions) w/ Laura Huggins

Cheating wins out. Plus, the Lions have had more of a push than Team VIPER.



Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Peter Hopper w/ Carl Batch

Because Hopper's bloody huge, and not suited to ladder-based spots.



Billy Fonda w/ Carl Batch vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Because Fonda's huge, and easily suited to strap-based spots.


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. Kate Dangerous & Rocky Golden

Maybe? Let's see.


Art Reed & Canadian Elemental w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert

P-Dawg's a champion, got a match at the PPV. Go!


Chris Rockwell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Rockwell's losing ways don't stop here.


Jeremy Stone & Remo Richardswon w/ Phil Vibert vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell

Maybe? Could it be? Not sure, let's find out.

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Team KOBRA (Koshiro Ino & Team VIPER) w/ Baroness Emily vs. School of Tradition (Eric Tyler & British Lions) w/ Laura Huggins

This looks like a coin flip to me so since I like Ino most i go with him.



Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Peter Hopper w/ Carl Batch

I agree with Regis. This match type looks to fit better for Keith than Hopper.



Billy Fonda w/ Carl Batch vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

And so Fonda has to win this one in order to make it draw.


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. Kate Dangerous & Rocky Golden

Another hard one but I go with Kate because she´s the champ.


Art Reed & Canadian Elemental w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert

Perez is the most important guy here so Vibert´s bouys get another win.


Chris Rockwell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Rockwell haven´t done particularly well lately and it´s little unlikely that things would change here.


Jeremy Stone & Remo Richardswon w/ Phil Vibert vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell

I guess that Tommy will return the favor and cost Remo the match here.

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Team KOBRA (Koshiro Ino & Team VIPER) w/ Baroness Emily vs. School of Tradition (Eric Tyler & British Lions) w/ Laura Huggins



Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Peter Hopper w/ Carl Batch



Billy Fonda w/ Carl Batch vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. Kate Dangerous & Rocky Golden


Art Reed & Canadian Elemental w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert


Chris Rockwell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert


Jeremy Stone & Remo Richardswon w/ Phil Vibert vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Team KOBRA (Koshiro Ino & Team VIPER) w/ Baroness Emily vs. School of Tradition (Eric Tyler & British Lions) w/ Laura Huggins


Bit of a coinflip as Zergon said, oh what the hell I'll copy him all together and tip KOBRA for the win.



Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Peter Hopper w/ Carl Batch


This stip seems to favour the Keith's more.....



Billy Fonda w/ Carl Batch vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


...and this favour's the Easy Riders, only way I'm wrong here is if you go for subverting the obvious which is always a possibility.


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. Kate Dangerous & Rocky Golden


Another coinflip, as everyone's all pretty even here but I'll go for the Womens Champ and Golden for this one.


Art Reed & Canadian Elemental w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert


Perez has a PPV title defence coming up, and Generation OMEGA are the new dominant stable.


Chris Rockwell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert


Generation OMEGA will get to look dominant in their first few months of existance.


Jeremy Stone & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell


I'll go against the grain here and tip Jezza Stone and Remo to get the victory.

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Team KOBRA (Koshiro Ino & Team VIPER) w/ Baroness Emily vs. School of Tradition (Eric Tyler & British Lions) w/ Laura Huggins


Tyler needs the push, and I'm not convinced by Team VIPER yet.



Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Peter Hopper w/ Carl Batch



Billy Fonda w/ Carl Batch vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

They have to split these, right?


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. Kate Dangerous & Rocky Golden


Art Reed & Canadian Elemental w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert

I'd like to be wrong here.


Chris Rockwell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert


We haven't seen Rockwell flip out lately... if it happens here, it's highlighted as a weakness, and DuBois gets to look like a master of psychology.


Jeremy Stone & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell


I feel like the Cornell influence here is bad news for Remo. Stone didn't turn on Tommy when Hawkins and Baine did, did he? Of course, it's possible that Cornell is trying to recruit Remo. But I'm going to guess this ends in a beatdown of some sort.

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Team KOBRA (Koshiro Ino & Team VIPER) w/ Baroness Emily vs. School of Tradition (Eric Tyler & British Lions) w/ Laura Huggins

- Thou shalt not frick with Tyler's School for Wayward Youths. Also, can shots all around!



Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Peter Hopper w/ Carl Batch

- The thought of Peter trying to climb a ladder is both amusing and frightening to me.



Billy Fonda w/ Carl Batch vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

- Matto can run but he can't escape the massive paws of Fonda.


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. Kate Dangerous & Rocky Golden

- Hardest to pick to be honest. I'll give the nod to the champ when she copies Rocky's "Goldenballs" uppernut with her own "Dangerous and Deadly Ovarian" punch. Poor Stephanie... since Kate will do it to Champagne Lover. :D


Art Reed & Canadian Elemental w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert

- Call it a hunch? But CE needs to start looking dangerous, Art Reed is on the rise and DWN and Frankie can show a touch of weakness. All dominant, all the time stables quickly grow old. Plus this sets up matches at Fight the Feedback; more options is always good.


Chris Rockwell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

- However DuBois is clearly being slotted as Main Event Talent and Rockwell has his personal demons he's still dealing with.


Jeremy Stone & Remo Richardswon w/ Phil Vibert vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell

- Remo's been sticking his nose in everywhere. I think Cornell shows up and says, "Listen you muscle-headed prat, I was sodding stealing and cheating while you were still tossing toys from your pram."

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 4 March 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 16.42)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.02)


Held at the New Hampshire Gardens (New England)


Attendance: 19,811




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


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Eric Tyler & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


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Koshiro Ino & Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily

The six men involved all have something to prove here. Both tag teams, in particular, seem to want to avoid contact with the solo men – they seem to want to prove their point against their direct rivals.


Ino is particularly fired up, however, and while Tyler has been on an exceptional run lately, the Kobra is a machine, tearing through anyone he gets hold of.



Freddy Huggins shows his face briefly, heading toward the ring, but Baroness Emily flourishes the bokken – and Freddy thinks better of it.


Tyler never gets the support he hoped for; Ino, meanwhile, counters out of the Weight of Tradition and gets the Kobra's Bite to pick up the pinfall.

Koshiro Ino & Team VIPER defeated Eric Tyler & the British Lions

Rating: B






Hidekazu, Suzanne Brazzle and Thunder Snake came down to the ring after the ring – and knowing that was coming seemed to restrain Tyler from fighting back after the match.


As the remainder of Team KOBRA surrounded their victorious comrades, Jason Azaria commented on the fact that Koshiro Ino had been the first frontrunner for the International Championship challenge at Fight to the Feedback, noting that he had, since, slipped down the rankings – but he had the kind of victory others might normally want to stake a claim with.




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Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Peter Hopper w/ Carl Batch

As ladder matches go, this one was pretty short, pretty fast-paced – Hopper moving faster than anyone had really realised he does when he's part of a tag combination.


Greg does have the speed advantage, though, and pulls off some very inventive stuff – notably, toward the end, as Hopper tries to whip him to a ladder; Greg turns his momentum into a drop toe hold, pitching him forward into the steel ladder.


He follows up by pinning him in place with a second ladder wedged into the ropes, then scales a third to grab the prize while Hopper is trapped.

Greg Keith defeated Peter Hopper

Rating: B




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Billy Fonda w/ Carl Batch vs. Matthew Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

As the referee signals to the timekeeper to start the fight, both men brace against the strap – and Fonda hauls on it sharply, dragging Keith across the ring to take his head off with a lariat.


Rather than go for the corners, however, he takes the downed Keith and goes for that injured leg. Matthew manages to twist free and rallies somewhat, though he's hindered by a lack of ability to move too easily.



Peter Hopper arrives, baseball bat in hand, and the pair really start to savage Keith's leg. Billy promptly detaches himself, covering all four corners.

Billy Fonda defeated Matthew Keith

Rating: B-





Greg arrives more or less as Fonda finishes his victory circuit and the two go at it. Meanwhile, Carl Batch is rooting under the ring for something.


When he pulls it out, it turns out to be a section of the TCW steel cage. He drags it out, then props it at an angle to the guardrail. As Fonda and Greg trade blows, Hopper picks Matthew up in a leg trap suplex hold, then releases him high overhead, out of the ring, into the cage section. He then launches himself onto Greg from the apron, and as the brawl becomes a beatdown, Carl Batch shows up in shot to shout “We've made our case. Do the right thing!”



After a few moments more, Sam Keith sprints down to the ring with a chair in hand. The Riders see the balance start to shift and, their work done, beat a retreat. Sam and Greg check on Matthew as the show goes to commercial.




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Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. Kate Dangerous & Rocky Golden

This one never quite stops moving, a blur of airborne excellence, big slams, swift kicks and lightning-fast hold exchanges.


The real standouts here are Lover and Dangerous, both of whom manage to tick more than one of those boxes, but the twisting powerslam Golden lands on Lover is a thing of beauty – a real sign of how well he's been coming along in these past few months.


Wade and Golden, however, wrestle kind of like they're flirting. It's... kind of weird, and Saunders is making jokes about it throughout the exchanges where they're together. And, as Golden catches the superkick and transitions into an over-the-shoulder slam, he rolls into a cover that's perhaps a little too close for comfort... and keeps her distracted for the three count with a kiss.

Kate Dangerous & Rocky Golden defeated Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade

Rating: B





Ain't No Rest For The Wicked hits, and Texas Pete makes his way down to the ring. He's got a microphone in his hand, collects a chair, slides it into the ring, and takes a seat on it, facing the hard camera. He looks around everyone and sighs slightly. “This is gonna be hard, but I've got to get down to it,” he says softly. “Say what needs saying. Because... I'm kind of embarrassed.


“I've spent most of my career... well. It's all been about me. And a lot of that is because I've never believed, not really, that there's any point in me thinking I should fight for anyone else.


“I'm no RDJ. I don't know the trick of grinning at you guys and making you want to cheer me. So I've always just ignored you and done what I could do for myself.


“And last year, like you know, I took a long time out. I went anywhere I could find people willing to train me, and I listened to all of them. I trained, I studied. I worked out. I fought.


“And you've heard why. I got that interview with Dangerous when I came back. I think I covered the bases.


“It didn't win me a title, but OK. I did some more training. I get it now; you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps in this business. You have to do the work yourself.


“And I still figured it was just me on my side. But this month... the vote...


“It seems like you guys have seen something in me you can get behind. I ain't gonna pass that up. Ain't my thing.


“Don't expect me to go changing who I am. I'm still the man you saw since I came back. But I guess, if you guys are gonna get behind me, it's fair I stand up in front and get the job done.


“I'm still the cowboy from hell, and that's still what Bach is in for. But you guys and me, we seem to have an understanding. Up front, there's gonna be a man in black – you guys who want to ride with me, you're welcome.”




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Art Reed & Canadian Elemental w/ Blonde Bombshell


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Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert

As the bell rings, the full-Canadian team crash into the Generation Omega boys. It's clear from the off that this is not going to be a match where either side have any intention of allowing a legal-man situation to occur, and it will take quite some time before Sam Sparrow is able to establish it.


Reed keeps up a steady stream of back-and-forth offence against whichever of the pair he happens to be up against this time. Elemental is a lot showier, however, and is essentially a blur of inventive offence, covering up the downtimes with Reed, Newton and Perez acting in turn and grabbing the spotlight.


Eventually this pairs off into Reed/Perez and CanEl/Newton. A little while later, Sparrow makes his choice and selects Reed and Perez as the legal men, escorting the Elemental and Newton to the outside corners. While Newton is resisting being ejected and Sparrow's attention is on him, Vibert slides the belt into the ring.


Perez manages to capitalise, once again scoring with the belt/hook kick combo to put Reed down. He's making the cover as Sparrow turns back to the ring – and Elemental breaks it up, soaring from the top turnbuckle into what Azaria dubs a Flame Splash, remarking that it's almost identical to the Phoenix Firebird Splash of new TCW signing Ultimate Phoenix.



That keeps the match going a little longer, having bought Reed time to recover. Frankie is just regaining the upper hand, and Ricky Dale Johnson appears at ringside.


Perez pauses in applying the P-Clutch, and Reed capitalises on the hesitation, turning it into the Dread Lock. As Newton begins to come to his rescue, CanEl soars again. A missile dropkick that covers the ring even at a diagonal, Azaria remarks that CanEl calls it the Thrill Seeking Missile. It keeps Newton away, and Perez is forced to tap out.

Art Reed & Canadian Elemental defeated Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez

Rating: B





As TCW comes back from commercial, a video is playing. Set to Believe by Franke Potente, it is the first womens' division highlight video to be composed entirely of moments from TCW television; each of the contenders to Kate Dangerous' title is shown strutting their stuff, with each sequence ending on a close-up of their face, cross-fading each time into a lingering shot of the TCW Women's Championship belt.




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Chris Rockwell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Rockwell and DuBois circle as the contest begins, and Rockwell offers a glove as a mark of respect; Marc DuBois smirks and touches gloves for a second, then grabs the hand and pie-faces Rockwell.


It's clearly not designed as a takedown; DuBois backs off again almost immediately, the smirk if anything clearer. Rockwell rolls to his knees and crosses the ring in a long bound, taking the Generation Omega man off his feet with a double-leg takedown. Springing up, he unleashes a vicious soccer kick to DuBois' face. Blood spurts from the nose immediately, but he doesn't stop smiling. As he rolls to his own feet, he makes as if to lock up with Rockwell – then bails from the ring. Rockwell gives chase, but doesn't get there in time.


That sets the stage for this one, with DuBois absorbing a lot of punishment in order to drive Rockwell to distraction, eventually calculating him to be crazed enough – and getting the Dubious DuBois Pin, feet as ever on the ropes – to ensure a victory. He bails immediately afterward.

Marc DuBois defeated Chris Rockwell

Rating: B-




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Jeremy Stone & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


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Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell

The first thing to note here is that the opening fifteen minutes of action is absolutely stellar; TCW has been pumping out some amazing matches, and it certainly shouldn't be a surprise that athletes of this quality are capable of hanging with the very best, especially given the innate understanding Bloodstone and Johnson have demonstrated in tag team contests before now. But this contest was always going to end badly.


No one really expected anything less. So let us assuage your curiosity by first assuring you the match will end with a double disqualification; having done this, we will simply break down the how and why of the ending.



It begins when Phil Vibert gets into Eugene Williams' face. Moments later, Frankie Perez is in the ring, vaulting from the top rope to plant a brutal enzuigiri in RDJ's head. Ricky goes down and Perez moves to cut Bloodstone off as Remo delivers a Lumbar Puncture to the big Texan.


Marat Khoklov spots his opportunity and hits the ring not long afterward, keeping RDJ down with the biggest of big standing splashes.



Remo, amused, starts to get a Destroyer ready for the virtually-unconscious RDJ. But as he gets ready to lift, Cornell clips his leg out from under him. A Blade Chop follows as he rises, and Bloodstone gets free of Perez, catching Remo from behind with a Stone's Throw. Unsurprisingly, this brings in Jeremy Stone.



Tyson Baine promptly catches Cornell with a Hades Bomb. Sean Deeley drags Stone off Bloodstone and the pair lock up, going back and forth with a fury that eventually tumbles them both out to ringside.



Wolf Hawkins jumps Cornell as he rallies against Baine, blasting him from behind with the Full Moon Rising.


Finally, Bloodstone manages to get Williams' attention, and the the referee only needs to glance at the chaos before ruling a double-DQ..

Jeremy Stone & Remo Richardson went to a double-DQ with Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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