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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Prediction Key for Fight to the Feedback:


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Texas Pete



TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith (for the Keith Brothers, ©) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Eddie Peak


TCW Women's Division

Kate Dangerous © vs. Lauren Easter


Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson



TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine



Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Rick Law


Tommy Cornell vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Texas Pete


Why not? Texas Pete has worked his backside off to improve his game, so why not reward him with the first title win of his career. Bach is actually one of those wrestlers who doesn't really need to be holding gold to stay relevant.



TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith (for the Keith Brothers, ©) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


As others have said it would make Art Reed look like a total chump were he to lose the Keith's belts during his involvement, plus it sets up that intriguing angle of when Matt comes back from injury.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Eddie Peak


This will probably involve lots of inteference but Perez will retain, Peak seems above/not a good fit for this title anyway.


TCW Women's Division

Kate Dangerous © vs. Lauren Easter


I agree with Zergon, Kate's been a good first champion it's time for a change here to prevent things from becoming too predictable/stale in the womens division.


Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Could possibly go the other way but I'll go for the Generation Omega man to sneak the win here.



TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine


Johnny Bloodstone survives the odds to retain the World Title.



Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Everything is lined up for Sean Deeley to get the 'breakthrough' win of his career.


TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Rick Law


The fans have clearly spoken and they want to see Double A get rewarded with the first title of his career. One thing about putting the belt on someone like Tyler is that he should be putting someone over at th end, and he doesn't really need to be putting over Rick Law, who has already been there, done that with this title. Andrews on the other hand despite some big wins over more illustrious members of the roster than Old Man Eric is still looking for the first championship gold of his career.


Tommy Cornell vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


Wolf Hawkins to get the win here, but not decisvely it will be via shenanigans and Cornell will have a legit reason to keep this feud going.

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TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Texas Pete

Coming off the back of a successful face turn, Pete has all the momentum.



TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith (for the Keith Brothers, ©) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

For reasons well-outlined by others.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Eddie Peak

By Generation Omega cheating their weaselly little black hearts out.


TCW Women's Division

Kate Dangerous © vs. Lauren Easter

Is it? Could it be? Let's see what RDJ does next.


Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Should be a good night for Generation Omega.



TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine

ohnny's good enough to be kept on top.



Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

he entire point of this is to elevate Deeley... So he'll pass out, Hart/Austin style.


TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Rick Law

Rick Law can take it, freeing Tyler up for other feuds.


Tommy Cornell vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

And with one exception, Generation Omega stand triumphant as the night ends.

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TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Texas Pete

- As hard hitting as Pete is he's not actually won enough to earn a belt of this impactful magnitude.



TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith (for the Keith Brothers, ©) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

- Holy Crap~! Batch shocks the world by climbing the ladder his own damn self and picks up the titles for the Riders. Batch the Natch for this match.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Eddie Peak

- Yah, I'm wrong again, but Peak's Bloody Handed God is too great a concept not to give the All Action Championship. Plus, Generation Omega needs to taste a touch of hubris.


TCW Women's Division

Kate Dangerous © vs. Lauren Easter

- Extra special Easter Eggs available on the DVD. Available soon!


Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

- DuBois dubiously picks up the win after RDJ dominates.



TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine

- Matches like these are good ways to hot-shot the title, except, none of the contenders really grab me. Keith and Baine seem like 'swan song temporary titleholders,' Remo is 'too much, too soon.' So that leaves Bloodstone, he's got a lot of options for contenders, when he loses it should be in a one-on-one match that's been built up to properly, not as Cornell's sloppy seconds.



Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

- Deeley is the future, but the future is not now.


TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Rick Law

- And the expelled student of the school of hard knocks tradition becomes the master. (For now.)


Tommy Cornell vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

- And the prodigal Omega shall become Alpha on this night.

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TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Texas Pete

Pete takes it so that Bach can move up the card.



TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith (for the Keith Brothers, ©) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

Seems early to move the tag belts again, but why not?


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Eddie Peak

Peak by destruction, leading to a disqualificaiton.


TCW Women's Division

Kate Dangerous © vs. Lauren Easter


Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Help From Vibert to get a win over a legend.



TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine



Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Rick Law


Tommy Cornell vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Texas Pete

Pete is more the Hard-Hitting Championship's style.



TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith (for the Keith Brothers, ©) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


I don't see the bikers climbing a ladder, whereas Reed's even more athletic than the Keiths.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Eddie Peak


Perez keeps looking strong.


TCW Women's Division

Kate Dangerous © vs. Lauren Easter


Not betting against Kate until she loses.


Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Youth must be served, and no matter what Hawkins may think, DuBois is the true leader of Generation Omega.



TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine

Bloodstone is right... Richardson and Baine are second-tier contenders.



Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


I'm not going to believe that Deeley beats Stone.


TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Rick Law


Andrews has obligations further up the card. The International Championship is a lot like Law's position as the boss on Badge of Honor... it fits him just fine.


Tommy Cornell vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


I'm disappointed this happened so quickly... I was hoping for Cornell to methodically track down his enemies one by one. And I almost picked Hawkins, because that extends the storyline. But then I thought, this is that last match of the night. What kind of way is that to end a show, with Hawkins winning (probably by cheating)? So I pick Cornell.

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TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Texas Pete Pull the trigger, PS. Pull the trigger.



TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith (for the Keith Brothers, ©) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch Sigh. Art is good, but he's not Matt, so this match won't work as well. I could see a switch to play on Matt's absence - even give Greg something to do if Matt's out long-term - but assuming the injury is a short-term thing, the 'Keiths' retain


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Eddie Peak Pretty sure I picked Peak, but GO could do with notching some big wins, and this seems like a great place to start


TCW Women's Division

Kate Dangerous © vs. Lauren Easter Kate won't drop the belt in a storyline-less match like this


Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson RDJ > Peak, therefore GO won't win this one



TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine 'Scramble match' could be a variety of stips, but assuming this is a one fall match, Bloodstone to pick up the win without Remo losing seems the way to go



Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins I preferred 2/3 falls, but submission is the logical choice. It does kind of proclaim the winner, though. Come back in a year, Sean, and I can buy you beating Jezza(!) in this stip. Right now? No.


TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Rick Law AA FTW


Tommy Cornell vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert Mentor vs. protege is always difficult. The mentor should have the edge, at least at first, and it's not like Cornell is all that old, so we're not talking about passing the torch. However, Vibert and the rest of GO can give Hawkins a huge edge here - not least because Cornell has no-one at all on his side

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TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Texas Pete


Why not? Texas Pete has worked his backside off to improve his game, so why not reward him with the first title win of his career. Bach is actually one of those wrestlers who doesn't really need to be holding gold to stay relevant.



TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith (for the Keith Brothers, ©) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


As others have said it would make Art Reed look like a total chump were he to lose the Keith's belts during his involvement, plus it sets up that intriguing angle of when Matt comes back from injury.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Eddie Peak


This will probably involve lots of inteference but Perez will retain, Peak seems above/not a good fit for this title anyway.


TCW Women's Division

Kate Dangerous © vs. Lauren Easter


I agree with Zergon, Kate's been a good first champion it's time for a change here to prevent things from becoming too predictable/stale in the womens division.


Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Could possibly go the other way but I'll go for the Generation Omega man to sneak the win here.



TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine


Johnny Bloodstone survives the odds to retain the World Title.



Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Everything is lined up for Sean Deeley to get the 'breakthrough' win of his career.


TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Rick Law


The fans have clearly spoken and they want to see Double A get rewarded with the first title of his career. One thing about putting the belt on someone like Tyler is that he should be putting someone over at th end, and he doesn't really need to be putting over Rick Law, who has already been there, done that with this title. Andrews on the other hand despite some big wins over more illustrious members of the roster than Old Man Eric is still looking for the first championship gold of his career.


Tommy Cornell vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


Wolf Hawkins to get the win here, but not decisvely it will be via shenanigans and Cornell will have a legit reason to keep this feud going.


I agree with this

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TCW Presents Fight to the Feedback


Sunday Week 4 March 2009


Live on America 1-Select, U-Demand Canada, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp, UK-1 (5.21)


Held at the Jennifer Cornell Coliseum (South West)


Attendance: 50,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Mayhem Midden - Horatio Dangerous



As the opening video comes to an end the crowd react immediately to the sight of Aaron Andrews and Joey Minnesota, both dressed to compete, standing to one side of the entrance on a specially designed stage. Standing next to them is new Aussie addition to TCW's commentary team, Autumn Gleeson.


“Hi,” she smiles. “I'm Autumn Gleeson, and my job tonight is just making sure that you – everyone here in the sold-out Jennifer Cornell Coliseum, and everyone watching at home or in the bars knows what's coming.


“I'm here with the Rising Stars, because there are a bunch of different points Aaron could find himself wrestling – including right in this opening match – and you guys need to know. So Aaron, good luck... and let's see what you have ahead of you...”


She turns to face the big screen. “Let's see if Joey can relax... Show us the Tag Team Championship percentage.”


A caption appears.




“Thank you. Now, will Aaron be in our first match?”




There's a reaction from the audience, and from Aaron. “Well, it seems pretty clear that it's going to be your old foe Eric Tyler,” Autumn says. “But let's just see how well...”




“The numbers add up.” She smiles. “No one left you out, Aaron. Everyone who voted wanted a say in your career. Good luck.”


Andrews smiles, briefly. “Thank you,” he says, before walking off stage with Minnesota, a consoling hand on his shoulder.


Autumn turns back to the camera. “And now,” she continues. “Let's see who is coming after Sammy Bach... In reverse order if you please, maestro.”


Troy Tornado 27.7%

Jack Bruce 31.9%

Texas Pete 40.4%




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TexasHangman.jpg

Sammy Bach © vs. Texas Pete

Sammy and Pete turn out to have great chemistry, pulling Pete to a fantastic performance. It's an excellent match for both men, but Pete has it here; he keeps on Sammy at all times, limiting his mobility, and Bach's perfected impassive expression disintegrates under the onslaught, turning into fury... and then, eventually, to worry, particularly when Pete tosses him from the ring, hits the far ropes, and launches himself between middle and top rope, crashing into the champion on the outside.


On commentary, Azaria and Midden ram this one home, really focusing on what Pete is doing, what Bach is up against.


The champion begins to get his feet back under him, to counter it, but Pete doesn't stop coming – and when Bach gets time to deliver the slingshot uppercut known as the Adrenaline Shot, Pete meets it with a boot out of nowhere.



It's only a matter of time before Bach's ally appears, and Jack Bruce isn't far away – but the crowd erupt in cheering again; Bruce pulls up short when he sees Troy Tornado – not in the crowd, but obviously there just seconds before; he's just vaulted the guardrail, getting in the way.


That just stops Jack interfering, but he can still see what's happening in the ring; Texas Pete whips Sammy to the ropes and goes for a backdrop, but Sammy rolls through and goes for the Bach on your Back; Pete blocks it, reaching behind, and gets the Lone Star Drop to pick up the pin.

Texas Pete defeated Sammy Bach

Rating: B





Hearing the bell, Troy turns his head to see who won; Jack rushes him, laying him out with a cutter very similar to Harry Allen's Gunslinger's Revenge before charing into the ring. Bach and Bruce take it to the new champion for a few moments before Troy shakes off the effects enough to join them.



As the zebra horde descend, we go back to Autumn, joined now by Ricky Dale Johnson. “We've got maybe two matches being decided by this poll,” she offers. “If Frankie Perez won your support to challenge RDJ, then we have only one match. If Marc DuBois or Marat Khoklov won the poll, then we have two, as Frankie Perez will be taking on the second-ranked nominee from the International Championship poll. Ricky, you've said very little about all this this month – what do you think?”


“I think, pure and simple, wrestling is about who you can beat,” he says. “I think champions are usually the men willing to step up and claim their shot. But I think sometimes you have to recognise what you've become. Sometimes you have to say that you claimed your shot a long time ago. That you are one of the people, now, who gives shots.


“Now, Frankie, I've fought a few times, and he gets nastier and nastier. Maybe one day he can beat me – I don't think today, though. And frankly, if he can't then this Generation Omega isn't as tough as it wants to make out.


“Marc DuBois, yeah, he took our champion to the limit. He claimed his shot. But he didn't win... and he needs a win like that. And Marat Khoklov... well. He's sure a challenge.


“This is me putting myself out there. Helping people take their shots. But mostly, it's me waiting to see who I've got ahead of me.


“You want to do the honors?”

She nods. “Will it be Frankie Perez?”


Frankie Perez: 27.7%


“Probably not, then,” she nods. “How about Marat Khoklov?”


Marat Khoklov: 25.5%


“Fewer people wanted to see you up against the Russian Giant,” she notes, and RDJ laughs. “Guess I've still got some people want to see me win from time to time.”


Marc DuBois: 46.8%


“RDJ, thank you.”


“It's been a pleasure. See you later tonight, DuBois. See if you can make your mark, shall we?”


Autumn beams. “Good luck. Up next is the Tag Team Championship match,” she continues. “You can see the steel cage hanging above, and we have ladders and straps standing by, depending on your choice. But first, a quick reminder for those of you who may have missed it – after sustained assault on his leg by the Easy Riders, Matthew Keith will not be competing tonight, and his place will be taken by Art Reed.


“So let's see how this is going to go... once again, boys, in reverse order please.”


Strap: 19.1%

Steel Cage: 29.8%

Ladder: 51.1%


“Looks as clear a winner as we're going to get. Art, Greg, and the Riders – good luck. It's dangerous up there.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Art Reed & Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CarlBatch.jpg

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

Art and Greg function like they've been teaming for as long as Greg's teamed with his brother. It's astonishing, ultimately, how well the duo gel together.


It's also astonishing just what comes out of this match. Both teams clearly have their hearts set on those belts, and the result is pure excellence; twenty minutes which build masterfully to a climax. After about three minutes in there's no point where the crowd aren't baying for their approval, and everyone else has to face up to it.


This match is likely to steal the show out from under everyone's noses.


Art Reed, in particular, comes to life in this environment. Whether it's modifying an arm wringer to take advantage of the rungs of a ladder for extra leverage or riding an upright ladder down onto the unsuspecting back of a Rider, he's everywhere. Indeed, after a while it looks like his and Greg's game plan involves Greg keeping the Riders at bay while Art goes for the belt.


But there are two Riders and only one of Greg, and it quickly becomes obvious in turn that the ladder will not be allowed to stay up long enough for Art to unhook the belts.


The fourth or fifth time Art gets as far as the top of the ladder, therefore, he uses that vertical leap Jason Azaria is so fond of highlighting – grabbing the cable holding the belts aloft and wrapping himself around them.


Infuriated, the Riders begin to climb, looking to pull him off – and Greg, bleeding for at least seven minutes now, barges the ladder over just before they can reach his partner. The Riders tumble to the outside as Art undoes the belts' straps, crashing to the mat...

Art Reed & Greg Keith defeated the Easy Riders

Rating: A* (!!!)





Autumn Gleeson has the widest smile on her lips yet seen on TCW TV as the camera comes back to her. “And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I love tag team wrestling,” she says. “Fantastic fighting. Congratulations to the champions, and hard luck to the challengers – that kind of fight would have beaten almost any other team.


“Up next is the All Action Championship. Frankie's going to be taking on the runner-up in the International Championship poll, and we don't want to give everything away – so guys, if you would, just tell us who the challenger's going to be!”


Eddie Peak: 14.9%



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Eddie Peak

Eddie really takes it to Frankie, who battles gamely but without seeming to have much impact. After a while, however, his array of kicks finally begins to stagger Eddie, who's... well, the expression Midden uses is “playing with his food”.


Perez has to dig down deeper, and he does, finding new reserves, new strength, through fear – most likely, anyhow – and eventually, while bleeding from the forehead, he gets some help.



Remo Richardson shows up at the outside, and Peak hesitates. Vibert throws the belt, Frankie kicks for it -


The next few seconds are going to be highlight reel material for some time. As Frankie's foot smashes into the centre of the belt's plate, it obviously cracks, a hairline fracture opened by so many precision kicks and rupturing against the Bloody-Handed God's skull. The main design of the All Action Championship has split into two.


Frankie goes for the cover, not registering it yet, and outside Sam Sparrow's line of vision, Remo grabs hold of Peak's feet, pulling them down for extra leverage. Between the pair of them, they keep Peak down for three.


“Oh, I'm going to have to have words with him about that,” Midden growls.

Frankie Perez defeated Eddie Peak

Rating: B





Back to Autumn's position in the command centre. This time, standing beside her, the TCW Womens Championship around her waist, is Kate Dangerous.


“OK...” Autumn says cautiously. “Well, another championship retained – but one's already changed hands here tonight. Kate Dangerous – does that make you nervous?”


She shakes her head. “One title changing hands doesn't change my match strategy at all. That doesn't make me nervous. What makes me nervous is my competition... Lauren Easter, one hell of a tough wrestler, and from time to time she's had the upper hand on me. Raku Makuda has beaten me here and used to have a habit of it back in Japan. And Stephanie Wade – she's shown she's willing to break the rules and go for me with a chair.


“Any one of those women can do some real damage. Any one of those women could probably beat me on any given night. Tonight just might be that night.


“What makes me nervous is I've been in the ring with all three of these women and I know exactly what they're capable of doing, what they are willing to do, to win – and now my title is on the line, I know they're willing to do more.


“And if I didn't have these nerves, I wouldn't think my belt meant anything. A champion is only as good as her competition.”


Gleeson nods. “Well, we're about to find out what's coming for you. Ready?”


“Sure. I'm nervous, not dead.”


“Then let's put it together. Your most worrying opponent?”


“For me? Makuda. She's beaten me more than anyone else.”


“Raku Makuda, guys?”


Raku Makuda: 34.8%


“Well, that's a hair ahead of one-third,” Gleeson nods. “Depending on how close this is, you could have to face her. Who's next?”


“This can't be fair to either of them,” Dangerous points out. “But... If I had to pick, at this point, it'd be the woman I know less well. I can't predict her as easily. And that's Stephanie Wade.”


“Thank you. Let's see how Stephanie did, shall we?”


Stephanie Wade: 19.6%


“Well, that's going to settle it, I think. But just to be sure... How did Lauren Easter do?”


Lauren Easter: 45.7%


“Good luck to you, ladies.” Autumn nods.


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KateDangerous.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LaurenEaster.jpg

Kate Dangerous © vs. Lauren Easter

The fans still aren't as alive to the division as might be hoped, but these two still put on quite the match with one another. Lauren looks... the word is predatory, prowling around the ring, stalking Dangerous whenever she downs her, making quite a game of it. And Kate looks to be on the back foot throughout, but she manages to twist clear on a few occasions, notably vaulting over Lauren's Pounce and countering the Solstice Bomb.


The Danger Zone is what ends this one, but Kate does not have an easy time of applying it.

Kate Dangerous defeated Lauren Easter

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarcDuBois-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg

Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

DuBois comes down first, Vibert smiling by his side. As the match begins, Vibert sets up a folding chair and settles himself on it, extracting the spiral-bound notebook from his suit pocket again and taking out a fountain pen.


Over the course of the ensuing battle, Vibert takes a lot of notes. DuBois has an interesting approach to fighting RDJ; he's opened up his style and started to incorporate some of Tommy Cornell's favourite sequences. You can see precisely when RDJ realises, in fact, because of just when he becomes rattled after Cornell's famous two-handed Blade Chop drops him.


With RDJ off-base, DuBois shifts gear again, picking up speed and enjoying the reaction as he goes back to his own strategies, his own favourite techniques.


RDJ slowly rallies, but it's clear that DuBois has shocked him – and the Three Inch Shrink axe-handle from the second rope forces him to switch gear entirely again. His problem is that the Generation Omega man has been expecting each shift, and so is able to steal a march on him with each one.


After a while, RDJ goes for a Leaping Lariat out of desperation, but DuBois is ready and waiting, nailing the Marc of Excellence as a counter. That rapidly picks up the three.

Marc DuBois defeated Ricky Dale Johnson

Rating: B





Marc then applies the Model Solution hold, keeping the pain alive, and Remo Richardson arrives, smirking. Remo drops to hands and knees, getting into RDJ's face, and with a broad tiger's grin calls loudly “Your time's done, old man!”



Johnny Bloodstone sprints down – Azaria remarking as the camera follows his progress that RDJ and Bloodstone have periodically tagged up, and it seems like the champ is ready to help his friend.



That rapidly draws out Tyson Baine. The beatdown becomes one-sided again, and shortly after that Sam Keith arrives to help out and help to even the score.



“Put me on the house mic,” Midden growls, and as the production team pipe his announce headset through to the speakers he yells “CHARLIE! GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE!”



Equipped with his customary brass knuckles, Charlie Thatcher charges down to the ring. He swiftly separates those involved in the brawl with systematic punches, and as they back off from each other, Midden continues the instruction. “Get DuBois out of here, Charlie. RDJ, too. I want to talk to the others.”


Charlie obliges; specifically, he hits DuBois again and slings him out of the ring, then rolls RDJ's prone form out of the ring with his foot.


“Gently would've been fine,” Midden smirks. “But I'll live with it. Autumn, I'm changing things. All I want to know right now is, who's the front-runner in the Cornell Poll.”



Gleeson, wide-eyed with shock, turns to the big screen, hand going to her earpiece. “Guys, you heard the man!”


Wolf Hawkins 46.8%


“That's what I thought,” Midden declares sourly. “Right. We've got everyone here we need for the championship scramble, haven't we?”


He nods. “It's on as soon as you clear the ring, Charlie.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Remo.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


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Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tyson Baine

As the match begins, a timer pops up on the screen counting down from 20:00. Azaria reminds everyone that Scramble rules in TCW draw a bullseye on the champion's back, whoever that happens to be; a pinfall or submission against Bloodstone switches champion status onto whoever did it.


Whoever has champion status when the time limit elapses comes out of the contest with the title.


As Bloodstone and Keith fend off Baine's initial berserker rage, Azaria also notes that the countdown is prominently displayed throughout the match, for fans at home and also on the big screen; he comments that in some places, time limit matches often lead to some debate about the timekeeper's accuracy, but with the limit up constantly, that can be avoided.


Bloodstone and Keith have formed quite a partnership, early on, and they seem to be focusing simply on allowing Johnny to weather an initial onslaught. Remo puts a real stamp on the match early on by seizing Baine in the middle of choking Bloodstone and yanking him over his head in a German suplex. Bloodstone is taken with them, crashing to the mat as Baine does. “That musta been close on five hundred pounds Remo was just chucking around!” Midden exclaims.


Sam Keith attempts to mow Remo over as he goes to capitalise, but it doesn't really work. Remo whips him to the ropes, catches him as he comes back, and nails the Destroyer. Meanwhile, Bloodstone's risen – and he darts forward as Remo turns.


What he does is very like a sunset flip, but it keeps going. It's only the surprised expression on Remo's face that makes it clear this wasn't Remo's doing, that Richardson didn't somehow power through to the pinfall.


Johnny Bloodstone has, four minutes in, got himself deliberately pinned, and he certainly doesn't kick out. As Remo rises, Baine closes with him, catching him with a big boot, a slam, and then a piledriver. And Remo kicks out. He rises and drops Baine with the Lumbar Puncture.


Bloodstone is waiting. A chop block as Remo rises takes the Generation Omega man off his feet. Keith and Bloodstone combine to drag Baine's body on top of Remo. They then combine to add extra weight.


And Tyson Baine now has the mark on his back as the commentary desk work out what Bloodstone's doing. Seven minutes in and Tyson Baine is the target.


Silently, Johnny Bloodstone and Sam Keith roll out of the ring and watch as Remo goes after Baine. It's not a one-sided fight, but it's one Remo is getting the advantage in, even if he is worn down. A Hades Bomb sinks him, and Baine actually goes for a cover briefly before he remembers the rules. Remo uses that to yank him into a triangle choke. Baine fights it, powering Remo up and slamming him to the mat, but Remo holds on. Thirteen minutes in, Remo Richardson is in the lead.


Keith and Bloodstone both slide under the ropes simultaneously, going after Remo, who meets them with a double-clothesline. Smirking, he tosses Bloodstone out of the ring, picking Keith up afterward. He grins and says something quietly to the international legend, and a Destroyer follows.


Baine promptly low blows him from behind. As Dangerous points out, it's not like he's going to be disqualified, and a Hades Bomb follows -


And Remo kicks out. Shrugging, he whips Baine to the ropes,lifts him to the top turnbuckle, and follows him up there, scooping him onto his shoulders. A Samoan drop from the second rope follows.


And Bloodstone charges, taking Remo off his feet with a double-leg takedown. He twists him over and goes for the Stone Hold, clamping the hold down firmly. Remo powers out again, but barely. It's eighteen minutes in, and Sam Keith catches him unawares for a Neutron Plex. The pair once again force Remo's shoulders to the mat under Tyson Baine, then, once Baine is the target, toss him from the ring.


Bloodstone collects Baine and applies the Bloodstone Mutilation while Sam Keith tries to pin Remo on the ground. Baine taps with under a minute to go, and Bloodstone then does his level best just to keep out of Remo's reach.


It can't last forever. Remo manages to get the Destroyer again, but the time limit elapses before Remo can cover.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated Remo Richardson, Sam Keith & Tyson Baine

Rating: B+





The camera goes back to Autumn Gleeson's ops centre, where she's joined this time by Laura Huggins, Sean Deeley, and Jeremy Stone.


“Sometimes the battle's fought in the planning,” she says. “Jeremy, it looks like your star pupil has scored a win again. Counting in Art Reed's performance earlier tonight, you must be proud of the House of Stone.”


“Oh, no question,” Jeremy says with a smile. “But honestly, Johnny, I'm a little embarrassed in you. You didn't think you could defend your championship fairly, one on one? I guarantee you that young punk wouldn't have gotten clear of me.”


“Well, that's not your conflict tonight,” she moves on quickly. “Mayhem Midden's promised a decisive winner in your feud. Any thoughts?”


“May the best man win,” Deeley says before Huggins can say anything. “He will,” Stone says firmly. “Just tell me how.”


“Well,” Autumn nods to camera. “I guess that's the way to go. So once again, lowest to highest please...”


Laura Banned From Ringside: 15.2%

2/3 Falls: 34.8%

Submission Only: 50%


“So there you have it,” Autumn says. “You can only lose if you admit defeat. No towels. No draws. Just surrender. Laura, hon, I'm sorry – this is going to be hell on you, isn't it?” The two women embrace as Jeremy Stone's music begins to play.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Laura is beside herself. And she has every right to be – this contest is absolutely brutal. Both men seem hellbent on breaking the other. The real horror is in how systematic it is, and a recurring feature of the announce commentary is Midden's “I don't even know what that hold's called” followed by an identification – by Azaria if it's Japanese, by Dangerous if it's simply so old it's passed from common use.


This one is a whirlwind of hold and counter-hold, with virtually no work given over to impact manoeuvres, even as setup – though they are a common counter method – and despite that, by fifteen minutes in we see blood, as internal injuries have caused Deeley to start to cough up blood.


At that point, Jeremy applies the Stone Hold. He holds it, and holds it...


And Deeley does not submit. Instead, after what seems like an eternity, he summons up his courage... and counters out, applying the Front Choke Lock, as he had during the Cage Wars match. The crowd respond – and so does Laura Huggins, her eyes shining with delight through the earlier tears – but Stone has a counter for it.


He gets loose and there's a moment's break before he closes again, getting the Stone Hold back on. He leans back, applying ever more pressure. Deeley still refuses to submit, and Jeremy goes further and further, further and further... and Deeley's eyes roll back. His body slumps, limp and unconscious.


“That... can't finish it,” Azaria offers, worried. Eugene Williams, in the ring, seems just as worried; he desperately alerts Stone to the situation. Jeremy at first dismisses it with a yell of “He's faking!” but eventually releases the hold. Propping Deeley up in the corner he slaps him a couple of times, watching intently for any reaction.


But there isn't one. There just isn't... And in the end, disgusted, Jeremy Stone just looks at Williams. “Alright,” he says. “Call the f**king paramedics.”


He stalks out, hands on hips, a look of frustration on his face as Laura cradles Sean to her, crying.

Jeremy Stone knocked Sean Deeley unconscious

Rating: B+





The young Aussie has gone pale when the camera cuts back to her. “Only two matches left to go,” she says. “And, uh, you know the results for one of them, so this is going to be the last time you hear from me tonight. So, for now, thank you for sticking with us in what's been a crazy night.


“This next match is for Eric Tyler's International Championship. Tyler issued his challenge to anyone who wasn't eligible for any other match tonight. I've been asked by one or two of the boys backstage to say thank you for voting for them – the level of support surprised some of our guys. So let's take a look at those guys...


“It would have been his first match with the company, though he's been impressing in his submission demonstrations this month. He is Marc Speed, and he's been embraced by the Machines as their equal, their successor.


“He's wrestled for TCW before, but only briefly – and it seems that he struck a chord with some of our fans. Ultimate Phoenix has been a champion in Mexico and nearly had a chance to become champion here tonight.


“Rocky Golden. This man selflessly gave up his votes to others, but it looks like you loved him for it. Quite the turnout in favour of our Rocky.


“But let's move on. Set aside any but the top four.” As she says this, the screen lights up again.


Others: 42.6%


“We know number two already, but for form's sake... Number four, please?”

Koshiro Ino: 10.6%


“Quite a showing for a man who never asked for it for himself. I tried to ask him why he hadn't earlier, but...” A shrug. “I don't really understand the answer. The Hagakure is not my specialist subject, you know? Number three, next.”


Chris Rockwell: 12.8%


“The Angry Man himself,” she smiles. “Chris Rockwell... probably a very good champion, if he'd gotten the opportunity. Maybe later. Number two we know... so who's number one?”


Rick Law: 19.1%


“Rick Law, Aaron Andrews and Eric Tyler... I can't wait. And I don't have to wait any longer.”



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Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Rick Law

Hardly the best match any of these men have had, but it's also a good, sound contest, and it's a real showcase of all three men's styles.


Eric actually spends a decent amount of his time outside the ring, exhorting the others to wrestle each other. This doesn't work terribly well, but by keeping his distance, playing possum and picking his opportunities he's able to do quite a lot of damage.


Law, meanwhile, keeps his eye on both of them, picking his marks. Andrews concentrates on Eric, hounding him, harrying him, chasing after him, and that's his biggest problem; he's usually the first into any ambush Tyler's set up, notably a clothesline just as Aaron rounds a corner outside the ring at speed.


But try as he might, Eric can't put Aaron away. A Weight of Tradition gets blocked, countered – standing hot shot – spinebuster. Andrews pauses to look at Law, who grins and rolls backward over the top rope to the floor outside, making a 'be my guest' gesture.


As Eric rises, Andrews hoists him from his knees to a perch on Aaron's shoulders – and the Game Breaker hits hard. The pin follows immediately.

Aaron Andrews defeated Eric Tyler and Rick Law

Rating: B





Law was already collecting the belt from ringside. Rolling into the ring, he shakes Aaron's hand, then steps behind him, fastening the belt around the young new champion's waist. Joey Minnesota is also rolling into the ring, dressed to hit the town, a grin on his face. The Rising Stars embrace... and Of Wolf And Man hits.



“Congratulations, kid,” Wolf Hawkins smirks. “I guess you're sorta catching me up, huh?


“Except I've got a World Heavyweight Championship match in my back pocket, whenever I want it. I've main evented Pay-Per-Views. Hell, I'm main eventing this one.


“But I'm sure you've made everyone feel proud. I'm sure you're on top of the world.


“All the same... get out of the ring. The only match any of these people really care about is coming. Go on, shoo.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt1jt.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins.jpg

Tommy Cornell vs. Wolf Hawkins

It cannot equal the tag championship, but it's a worthy capstone to the PPV. This contest goes a full half hour by the time it's done.


Wolf and Cornell throw everything they have at each other. It's ludicrously clear that nothing is being left behind. Hawkins blasts him with the Full Moon Rising twice; he has to battle free of the Guilt Trip more than once, including one point where it had been locked in fully. He kicks out of the Rough Ride once.


Nothing ends it. Not the blood. Not the dubious low blow that each man lands on the other. Sneak roll-ups, intense submissions, snap DDTs... there's too much pride on the line for that to do it.


So what does it?


In the end, what does it is Wolf Hawkins blocking a Victory Roll. He doesn't hang on to the ropes, though a video replay does show a handful of tights – and even then, after half an hour, it's just barely enough.


Hawkins' expression is far from triumphant as he sits up again at the end.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Tommy Cornell

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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Nice show, PS. Cool to see Hawkins and Cornell face off - I always have long-term plans for the feud and never seem to get to it. Nice to see you get an A* match out of the tag match, too - bet you never expected that out of the Easy Riders!




Honestly, Art being part of it stunned me too, and I rate Art higher than he probably deserves due to excellent performance after coming to the UK in my TEW2007 ROF game.

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Honestly, Art being part of it stunned me too, and I rate Art higher than he probably deserves due to excellent performance after coming to the UK in my TEW2007 ROF game.


Did Art and Greg have good chemistry at all? That can help huge, especially given the Riders should have A* experience by this point, I expect.


Have to ask - was that A* a touch disappointing as you had such a big match main eventing the card?

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Did Art and Greg have good chemistry at all? That can help huge, especially given the Riders should have A* experience by this point, I expect.


Have to ask - was that A* a touch disappointing as you had such a big match main eventing the card?


Yeah, excellent chemistry. Greg and Matt have the same, though, and around 50% experience.


And no, not really... I knew this one was so stacked I risked burnout anyhow. It's not something that worries me overmuch, honestly.


I kinda wish I'd trusted the WHC match enough to bump it higher, but Tyson Baine worries me.

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Monday 1st April 2009

Well, that wasn't expected.


A fine show, to be sure, and Autumn Gleeson, they tell me, now has a fan page on Facebook – unless she's put it there herself, it's a step forward; much of the reason we had her assigned was to make people more aware of her. There are a pair of talented young Australians putting in some time in FCW at the moment while we bide our time to bring them up. It's a plan we conceived based in large part on how well the British Lions have caught on, and Autumn is going to be their manager; hence her enthusiasm for tag teams, hence us trying to establish her properly.


No, what wasn't expected was the tag team championship match. Reed, Keith, Bonham and Elderberry is a combination I would never have expected to perform on that level, and I don't think I'm alone.


Let's be honest, who would ever expect an overhyped gimmick match between midcard tag teams buried in the middle of a stacked card to turn out the best-remembered match of the night?


But it has done, and I find myself mentally reviewing our tag team plans over the next few months to see what can be done. A lot of it, to date, including Matt's 'injury' and enforced time off, has been about setting up an unfinished rivalry between the Keiths and the Riders, something which is part of what Mike Nero used to call “long distance booking”.


Long distance booking is, simply put, the idea that what you do now isn't all of it; I can't consider Aaron Andrews made as a top-level star yet, and I don't – in point of fact, his incoming International Championship run is exactly what I'd hoped for; time to let him look dominant for a while, time to let him learn some more or the ropes and come into his own without main-event level pressure – and time to bring him into the main event slowly. At the same time, his big run ended with a title, and that means that the fans will hopefully say “he had this great run with Tommy Cornell, and then he ended up with a belt and defended it while the Generation Omega thing played out”.


No story in wrestling seems to be complete without a brief summary of whether the program afterward was a success or a failure, you see. Which is... odd.


In this case, with the Keiths and the Riders, it's about ensuring that the tag division remains important. There's no question in anyone's mind that Matt and Greg are going to be main eventers one day. There's no question in my mind that the Riders can hang – with them – but also that the Riders will stay tag team fixtures. But if main event talent can't put away tag team champions reliably, that makes the tag belts matter – and that's a big step in redeeming them from the somewhat lacklustre division of this time last year.


Still, we're getting there. And we're mostly – mostly – doing it without taking shots at our competition.


To explain that: I thought the timer during the Scramble match was a good idea, but I could've done without the line Jason trotted out about other companies not doing it. At least, I could've done without that so soon after SWF headlined a PPV with a '30-Minute Iron Man' match between Steve Frehley and Runaway Train that went only 22. Sure, everyone spotted it in the SWF show.


At the same time, it's not a great thing to be taking cheap shots like that – and our Scramble match was only 20 minutes due to similar concerns about Tyson. Had we done an hour-long Bloodstone/Hawkins challenge or whatever, we'd have been slightly more justified.

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One hell of a PPV once again Phantom. I was surprised to see Texas Pete win the belt. I know he has improved, but my general feeling was that he's not there yet. I suppose it's more of a Bach-has-bigger-fishs-to-fry kind of things. The Easy Riders in a A* ladder match of all things... wow, just wow.


You said you were worried about Baine, but with that much talent in the ring, it was certainly more than enough to carry him. On the other hand, it plays well in the feeling that Bloodstone had lately : he's the champion, but it's secondary to other stories at the moment.

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One hell of a PPV once again Phantom. I was surprised to see Texas Pete win the belt. I know he has improved, but my general feeling was that he's not there yet. I suppose it's more of a Bach-has-bigger-fishs-to-fry kind of things. The Easy Riders in a A* ladder match of all things... wow, just wow.


You said you were worried about Baine, but with that much talent in the ring, it was certainly more than enough to carry him. On the other hand, it plays well in the feeling that Bloodstone had lately : he's the champion, but it's secondary to other stories at the moment.


Yeah, as it turned out the title match was fine (and I got ridiculously into writing it, which shows.)


I will not wrap my head around the ladder match result any time soon, though, I can promise ya. The Riders have inexplicably gone from 'not pulling their weight' to 'holy crap'. And I cannot assign the Keiths all of the credit, even adding Reed into that.

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Honestly, Art being part of it stunned me too, and I rate Art higher than he probably deserves due to excellent performance after coming to the UK in my TEW2007 ROF game.

I think it's because Tag Experience is much, more important than anything else in a Tag match now. The Easy Riders I recall, have A or A* experience as a tag team together.

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I think it's because Tag Experience is much, more important than anything else in a Tag match now. The Easy Riders I recall, have A or A* experience as a tag team together.


Now? I've been saying that since 2007, when once my RoF tag division was properly built up I was able to main event International-level PPVs with them without worrying.


The Riders came to me with about B tag experience, but hit A* late last year. Also A* are the Elite Express, the New Wave, and the Young Guns - the Machines are at A, and the Tag Team Specialists broke A* while I still had Robert Oxford on contract. After that, we trail off into the Bs, Ds and Es.

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The Riders... carrying TCW into the future!


No one cares about GenOm or Cornell's whinge fest or Law's Badge or the Keith menagerie.

Give 'em what they want, give 'em the riders.



Excellent PPV and write-up as I've already told you PS.

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Now? I've been saying that since 2007, when once my RoF tag division was properly built up I was able to main event International-level PPVs with them without worrying.


The Riders came to me with about B tag experience, but hit A* late last year. Also A* are the Elite Express, the New Wave, and the Young Guns - the Machines are at A, and the Tag Team Specialists broke A* while I still had Robert Oxford on contract. After that, we trail off into the Bs, Ds and Es.

Well, color me wrong then. I have no idea how they got an A*, especially considering the product your using is a TCW 2008 product.


The best tag match i had was between Team Toronto (Lee Bennett and Alexander Robinson) and the DeColts (Alex and Jack DeColt), where both teams had A* experience, incredible chemistry between the partners, but had only about Cish popularity in the USA, and in the SWF.


I got a B. Considering they weren't popular enough, I suppose a B match out of C-popularity works is pretty good, but it still ticked me off, considering the talent involved.

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