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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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John Anderson vs. Sammy Bach


Eddie Peak vs. JD Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


Acid, Eric Tyler & Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, Texas Pete & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily


Marc Speed vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Champagne Lover


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 4 April 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 16.43)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.03)


Held at the Kettley Arena (Mid South)


Attendance: 20,798




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg

John Anderson vs. Sammy Bach

Anderson has a remarkable repertoire of skills; one of the things that got him labeled as a Machine in the first place is the fact that, like his partner, he can go with anyone in their chosen style to at least some degree, then switch to another and step things up where they have a weakness. Bach, by contrast, is easily the faster of the two, easily the less stable – which can count for a lot, in wrestling – and certainly he has a lot more flexibility when it comes to putting together airborne offence.


That pretty much sets the stage for this match's dynamic. Bach unleashes right from the start – unusual for a wrestler who's often refused to really engage with a match until his opponent inflicts enough pain to make him – and Anderson does his best to go with him. As Bach begins to outstrip him, Anderson abruptly shifts his stance, hooks a leg, and pivots, driving them both down to the mat. He promptly applies an Achilles lock that sends Bach scrambling for the ropes, where Anderson meets him with a biel toss – though Bach does manage to land on his feet from that, dancing back with a spinning kick.


It's a close-fought thing thereafter. Azaria plays up Bach's periods of inspired dominance, reminding the viewers at home of the fact Bach was picked as one of Bloodstone's preferred potential challengers for the World Heavyweight Championship.


Bach starts to pick up speed, but Anderson shifts his game again, turning a cross body into a T-Bone suplex. A grounded headlock follows, slowly raising Bach to his feet – shift of grip – butterfly suplex, floats over for two, Bach kicks out, Anderson follows the kickout into an armbar.


Bach reaches the ropes and backflips out of the armbar. He comes in again but takes a boot to the gut, and from there Anderson can hit the Ammo Dump without trouble. The pin swiftly follows.

John Anderson defeated Sammy Bach

Rating: A




The Rising Stars, dressed in street clothes and with their bags in hand, exit their dressing room into the corridor. “Where's next?” Aaron asks Joey, who's leading.


“Buffalo, I think,” Minnesota says. “Check the schedule at – hey, what's this?”


He looks down at a sheet of paper lying on the floor, reading the letters printed on it aloud. “Look Up?”



As he does so, Edd Stone drops from the ceiling, catching his head and driving it down in a picture-perfect Party's Over. Seated after the attack, he looks down at his handiwork with a satisfied grin, then blinks. “Crap,” he says. “I got the wrong one.”


“That you did,” Andrews offers with a frown. Edd rolls backward to his feet as Andrews lunges forward, dropping his sports bag. Andrews hammers him with a couple of punches; Edd ducks a third swing, superkicks the standing lamp, plunging the corridor into darkness, and makes good a noisy escape.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JDMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. JD Morgan w/ Laura Huggins

Peak controls this one easily, most of the time. Morgan pulls out one or two interesting holds to slow him down and even, once, gets the big guy off his feet with an interesting takedown off a hammerlock.


But he still has some issues, owing purely to the sheer power of Peak – who tosses him around like a ragdoll toward the end before kneeling on his back, hooking his arms around his throat and leaning back for the straightjacket choke. Before Morgan can submit, however, he scoops him back up into the air to hit the Peak of Perfection for the pinfall.

Eddie Peak defeated JD Morgan

Rating: B+




Jason Azaria says that TCW have been asked to air a piece of video footage received over the weekend, and that he's curious to see what it is. With that, it begins to play.



The Bombshell sits in an easy chair, somewhere that is obviously not within the arena – a comfortable place, probably her living room. A Rotorblade poster is almost, but not quite, entirely out of shot. She's not looking at the camera – doesn't seem able to bring herself to. Draped over her lap is a... something... in white fabric. She twines part of it between her fingers.


“I left wrestling, the first time, years ago,” she begins softly. “And I never thought I'd return to it, no matter what. It... was something I had done, and while I'd enjoyed myself, after I missed my parents' thirtieth wedding anniversary to make a date in Tulsa, it kind of sank in.


“The reality of this business is that it doesn't stop.” The fabric is further scrunched up. “You are on this road, in front of the fans, constantly. And I... I couldn't take it. I didn't have the dedication. And I didn't have the dedication because wrestling wasn't my life.” She swallows, looking further away.


“That changed, before I came back. That changed because...


“Because I met Johnny. I liked him, but...


“I was scared to let it go any further. I knew what his life would be like. I knew what I was letting myself in for.


“But we clicked. You can't stop that, not once it's happened. And I had something that... gave me the dedication. Gave me the drive.


“And I... I could let myself love wrestling now, you know? I got into it. Saw it. Wrestling's my life, just as much as Johnny. Maybe – sorry, babe, but – maybe more.


“I was scared to fall for Johnny. I was scared... And I was scared last Tuesday.” She holds the fabric up now, clutching it to her, twining it around her arms. We can just about recognise what it is now; the white hoodie, or one of them, that Bloodstone wears as he walks to the ring.


“But I wasn't scared for me. Isn't that strange?” She looks, now, directly into camera.


“Johnny's worked so hard to bottle all that up. To be a better person. To find his centre. And I'm scared... I'm scared that the last year and a half we've had is going to fall apart. That we're going to have to start again.


“And I'm scared that they're both going to end up in the hospital.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DavisWayneNewton.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli_FIN3.jpg

Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli

Both teams here seem more than a little fired up as they come out, highly motivated. Perez evidently still hasn't received the new design of All-Action title belt, given it's still not around his waist, and that clearly annoys him.


At the same time... It's Generation Omega, and it's two men who to varying levels could legitimately claim to be being ignored. And there's a tension in the air as a result – and that comes out from the sound of the bell onward. RDJ, in particular, is in blistering form, throwing hands, suplexing Perez, booting Newton as he tries to make saves. Even Fonzarelli is clearly doing his level best to put some hurting on his opponents but – as ever – he's the weaker link in his alliance. While Newton takes a heavy toll from a barrage of punches, when Fonzarelli pauses for breath the Gen Omega man is able to twist clear, ramming Fonzie into the corner. A chop, a shoulder thrust to the gut, and then Newton literally runs up his chest, backflipping off. As Fonzie comes forward on momentum, Newton lands and leans into him with a clothesline before tagging out to Perez.


Perez goes straight for the P-Clutch; Newton tears across the ring, dropkicking RDJ. RDJ hangs on, but is slowed by it enough that he doesn't reach the hold in time to save Fonzie from tapping out.

Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez defeated RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: B+





“I still don't get your problem, Bruce,” Tornado begins, pacing backstage in the interview area. “You seemed like you were making out this was about the band, but you've ****ed with everyone in it – and sure, only Randall was there when you were, but you know what? Dean and Marv and Randall's boys, hand-picked and trained to live up to his career.


“A good career, too. That boy won a lot of titles in his day. Hell of a bass man, too – but that's the band.


“And I've been thinking about this, Bruce... and this isn't about the band, I don't think. Not Painful Procedure the way it is, anyway.


“And that leaves two options. Two things your problem might be. And I can understand both of them – but I don't get your problem, because I don't get which it is.


“I figure either you have a problem with me having taken your place and then gone on to win a title you never managed – which I can understand, and maybe your problem is me doing it and maybe you're just looking to make your name mean more than mine, like Remo would.


“That's one option. Or you just can't handle the fact time's moved on; maybe your problem with me is that Painful Procedure isn't exactly how you left it. Maybe your problem with me is just that I'm where you were, that Billy Jack's found a sweet senorita in Puerto Rico and doesn't feel like budging, that Ronnie turned ******* and got himself run outta town by the Syndicate, and that Floyd's in the worst place possible for a manager to be.


“But time marches on, man. You have to live with it, have to handle it.


“Those, I figure, are where your problem with me comes from. And, you know, whatever. But I don't have to know what the problem is, because I solve 'em both the same way; I beat you bad enough you leave me alone, and I go back to rocking and wrestling, and living the good life all... night... long.


“So get ready. I'm ending this. I want this to be the final track on our collaboration. It's got to be a hit, so I've chosen an old classic to cover. We call it Last Man Standing.


“It doesn't end until one of us can't get up. It doesn't end until you can't get up. And Bruce... it's been a while since you were a regular in the studio, so just be warned. I'm going to make this a very... Painful... Procedure.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Acid, Eric Tyler & Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TexasHangman.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

Koshiro Ino, Texas Pete & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily

It's not on the level of some of the contests taking place at the moment; nonetheless, it's a pretty slick outing, with the School of Tradition bringing dirty tricks and old-fashioned mat wrestling seasoned with Acid, where their opponents primarily hit hard and fast and rely on that to see them through.


Pete keeps his own pace high as possible, charging across the ring for impactful moves, playing a variation on the traditional high-flyer's hit-and-run strategy. Acid seems to delight in this, with both men periodically busting out a counter as the other rushes in. Tornado seems to pair himself off deliberately with Eric Tyler, the pair of them providing more of a technical edge to proceedings.


And it's Troy who will get the pinfall, but he gets it after another charging boot from Pete wipes out Acid before Pete, sensing assault from the School, tags out before whirling around to deal with it. A stiff punch stops Bryant and Ino appears out of nowhere to hit the Kobra's Bite on Tyler; meanwhile, Tornado soars through the air, getting the Star Maker on Acid to secure the pin.

Koshiro Ino, Texas Pete & Troy Tornado defeated Acid, Eric Tyler & Joel Bryant

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarcSpeed_FIN4.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Remo.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Marc Speed vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Remo and Speed circle first, cautiously, then Remo steps forward, throws a punch -


Speedball ducks under it, traps the arm, hooks the leg, and jerks, and just like that, Richardson finds himself on the mat after a Russian leg sweep. Speed promptly rolls back to his knees, keeping the arm trapped, and proceeds to apply an armbar, then a twist, before he steps over the arm with one leg and uses that for leverage.


It's a smooth, practiced, obviously polished sequence of moves and an effective one, with Remo obviously in a certain amount of pain. Unfortunately, by stepping over him to increase the torque, Speed also puts himself in Remo's reach, and the big man grips him with his free hand before tossing him forward and to the mat, breaking the hold.


Richardson is on him in seconds with a flurry of punches; Speed abruptly scissors his opponent with the legs, rolls him over, and delivers a series himself – ending when Remo throws a punch hard enough to knock Speed sprawling.


Remo rises, wary, and for the rest of the match he refrains from using that explosive speed, refusing to charge back into a trap. He still has all his power on display, however, and while Speed continues to impress with counters – and at one point with a backdrop driver as a counter to a bearhug – Remo gets control, maintains it, and picks his moment to deliver the Destroyer and guarantee a win.

Remo Richardson defeated Marc Speed

Rating: B+





Wolf Hawkins and Marc DuBois walk down to the ring. Although, in DuBois' case, the word 'swagger' might be more appropriate. You could probably power the entire state off the intensity of that smirk. Hawkins has the Ticket to the Top briefcase in hand, and seems to be letting that speak for his own arrogance.


Both men collect microphones before they enter the ring.


“Tommy,” Wolf begins. “Tommy, Tommy, Tommy...


“You still haven't found anyone. And it's so obvious, Tommy, you're not going to.


“Now this is personal for me, and I'm not finished with you... But I'll admit, seeing you take a no-show loss, seeing you back down... That would help. And,” he flourishes the briefcase, “I've got other stuff I could be doing for the night. I'm expecting a really gruelling championship match...”


A smirk. “Come on, Tommy. You had your time at the top. You always said one day you'd step aside and I'd take over... I just didn't need to wait.


“Your day's done, old man. It could be worse; I hear the School of Tradition's been recruiting since Deeley left.”


DuBois raises the microphone to his mouth and grins. “Now, honestly, this is personal for Wolf. It ain't for me – I'm happy to take the night off, or school someone who doesn't really matter.” A snort of laughter. “Which I'm gonna be doing if you show for the match, come to think of it. But I'm happy to see you bow down. It's not going to change anything.


“Remo is here to make a name. Wolf's here for what he was promised. Frankie, Davis... they've got their own reasons to fight.


“I'm here to have fun, pure and simple. Beating you down isn't just fun – it's hilarious. But Wolf called dibs. I'll honor that. There's plenty of other people to screw with.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpg

Brent Hill vs. Champagne Lover

Just a couple of weeks ago, as the month began, Lover took on the other established Machine in one of the best matches the company's had to date. While he pushed Anderson as far as he could, however, ultimately he lost out, with the Ammo Dump ending his hopes for a major victory.


This time, he appears a lot more determined. Hill is every bit the equal of his partner in skill, however, which makes for a close-run thing. Brent finds himself desperately needing to slow the pace, the luchador pushing him as fast as he can, hounding him, harrying him.


At one point, however, a charge is caught, with Brent hooking his arms around him and hurling himself backward, Lover's gambit turned into a belly-to-belly overhead suplex. It's enough to shift the momentum in a heartbeat, with Hill going straight for the Complete Package. Lover turns out to be too close to the ropes, a legacy of the huge throw, and Eugene Williams forces the hold to be broken. As Brent reacts, Lover rallies slowly, pulling himself up the ropes. Hill comes in and Lover blocks him with a boot, turns to the ropes, onto the second rope – backflip inverted DDT!


He tries for a Complete Package of his own after a burst of playing to the crowd, but he finds that Hill has a good counter to it. The Machine twists his way clear and, as Lover rises, a boot in the gut is followed by a swift stump piledriver.


Hill goes to the top rope, calling for the King of the Hill. He takes to the air -


Lover rolls clear on reflex and Hill crashes to the mat. As he picks himself up, Champagne Lover is waiting, and the Champagne Sunrise bits home with a crashing impact. Hill finds himself unable to kick out before the count of three.

Champagne Lover defeated Brent Hill

Rating; A*



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_alt.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins

As the bell rings, Bloodstone charges. He meets O'Curle with a Northern Lights suplex before he's properly stopped running.


O'Curle rolls gingerly to his feet and meets Bloodstone's boot coming the other way, as Bloodstone rains down stomps on his head. Desperate, he reaches up, catches Bloodstone's leg, and orchestrates a dragon screw, taking him down for a second. The two men rise and, before Bloodstone can act, O'Curle paintbrushes him across the face with a massive slap.


“IT WASN'T ME!” he yells.


Bloodstone falters for a second, then shrugs and lunges forward again.


It looks, kind of, like he's taken the warning to heart; he's going a little slower, he more often goes for a calculated strategy than an angry one, but there's still heavy elements of fury in what he's doing. O'Curle does his best to weather the storm, manages to fight back a little, but in the end, this was always going to end with the Bloodstone Mutilation.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated Merle O'Curle

Rating: B


Show Rating: A

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 4 April 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.25)


Held at the Moose Jaw Centre (Prairies, Canada)


Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out!)





Jason Azaria – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson

  • As the show began, the Canadian fans were treated to the Conquering Kings against the Enforcers; Barry Kingman picked up the win after the Kings hit the Crippler Bomb on Julian Watson. Marlowe was shown throwing up his hands and walking away (Rating: C)
  • Canadian Elemental then went up against Freddy Huggins, who as ever is the only member of the School of Tradition not to have their manager by his side. Elemental beat him swiftly using a move Azaria identified as the Daredevil Drop. (Rating: B-)
  • Tommy Cornell was seen approaching the New Wave backstage, asking if either member would be willing to act as his partner at Total Mayhem. The Wave got halfway through refusing, but we never got to hear the reason – Floyd Goldworthy showed up to mock their recent losing streak. As the Wave retorted that he hadn't done any better, American Buffalo hove into view – saying he was willing to take the New Wave on, with a partner, anytime.
  • Champagne Lover was next in action, handling El Leon easily before putting him away with the Champagne Breakfast submission. (Rating: C)
  • Lover then took the microphone and challenged Rocky to settle their grudge – by losing at Total Mayhem.
  • Thunder Snake, the renamed Hell Monkey, took on Generation Omega's Marc DuBois. He gave DuBois a surprisingly tough challenge, prompting Azaria to recall Snake's tough challenge to Tommy Cornell way back at the start of the 'Test The Best of the Rest' series Cornell started late last year, but in the end the Marc of Excellence put him away. (Rating: B-)
  • Edd Stone and Gorgon then won an intergender match against Suzanne Brazzle and Hidekazu of Team KOBRA, Edd getting the pin on Suzanne Brazzle. (Rating: C)
  • Team KOBRA as a whole came out, and Brazzle, Thunder Snake and Hidekazu received their bokken shots. Edd remained in the ring, acting like he was part of the team, and stepped forward asking for his turn with the bokken. Shingen Miyazaki got in his face, Gorgon got in Shingen's face, and Kate Dangerous distracted Gorgon long enough for Aaron Andrews to appear, take the bokken, and lay into Edd.
  • Sam Keith then took on Nathan Priest in a surprisingly fast match. Priest impressed Azaria and Gleeson, but fell victim to the Neutron Plex nonetheless. (Rating: C+)
  • In the main event, Rick Law paired up with Marc Speed to take on the Easy Riders. Despite the newest Machine getting attacked by Sayeed Ali – who'd also attacked the Machines when they recently faced the Riders – Law's team managed to weather the storm, Law pinning Billy Fonda after a Long Arm of the Law. (Rating: B+)

Show Rating: B+

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Show Notes -


Not many, as it happens, other than to say Edd pulling a C in an intergender - even with the other three workers not being hugely over - is probably an indicator he's not ready for the top belt yet. Fortunately, he's challenging for the International.


Oh, and a crop from the Dirt Sheet from a dark match, because it boggles me:




Art and Greg may have the most formidable chemistry setup I've encountered in this game. This time around, they weren't the only ones...

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It's the final TV broadcast - and the final TCW show - before Total Mayhem 2009! With so much going on in TCW, you had to expect that Saturday Night Showcase was going to be loaded - and it certainly is. Let's take a look at the matches lined up for tonight's show...


The Elite Express are back in contention this Saturday, taking on the New Wave. Both teams have of late been on losing streaks, and surely, this Saturday, one of those has to end...


Marat Khoklov is back in singles competition too. It appears that Phil Vibert has sold the Board of Investors on letting Khoklov strut his stuff against Hard-Hitting Champion Texas Pete in non-title action... a scant 24 hours before Vibert's client Davis Wayne Newton faces Texas Pete.


Painful Procedure rear their heads, too, as the Young Guns go face to face with the Fly Boys. With both teams capable of so much more than they've been showing recently, this has to represent a chance to get back on track.


Mayhem Midden has arranged a match of his own; apparently the contest pitting Frankie Perez against Sam Keith was made just after he discovered Khoklov/Pete had been signed. Can the All-Action Champion pull off a major upset and soften up his opponent for Remo Richardson, or will Midden be able to get his own back?


Also in non-title action, Johnny Bloodstone goes one on one with the rapidly-rising Champagne Lover. If Bloodstone can survive past Jeremy Stone, will he face a threat from south of the border?


And in the main event, a simply huge match, four men on either side. The Machines, John Anderson and Brent Hill, ally with Art Reed and Greg Keith. Their opponents? The Stone Brothers, plus the team who will face Tommy Cornell at Total Mayhem - Wolf Hawkins and Marc DuBois.


Prediction Key:

Elite Express vs. New Wave


Marat Khoklov vs. Texas Pete (non-title)


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Young Guns


Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Champagne Lover vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)


Art Reed & Greg Keith & the Machines w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Stone Brothers, Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

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Elite Express vs. New Wave


Marat Khoklov vs. Texas Pete (non-title)


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Young Guns


Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Champagne Lover vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)

Art Reed & Greg Keith & the Machines w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Stone Brothers, Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

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Elite Express vs. New Wave

New Wave´s losing streak is a story while I think that Express losing streak is just... well co-incidence so Express takes this one.


Marat Khoklov vs. Texas Pete (non-title)

non-title and Marat needs to be dominant here, otherwise it would be hard to see as unstoppable monster.


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Young Guns

Personal preference as neither team haven´t been doing anything lately.


Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Perez is lesser member on team Omega so Keith likely wins this one simply because he would be logical opponent to one or more of the bigger names like Remo or Wolf.


Champagne Lover vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)

Champ is kept strong here as loss to Lover would hurt him too much.


Art Reed & Greg Keith & the Machines w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Stone Brothers, Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Even though the face side is full of great wrestlers there is too much star power on heels side with three main event guys (or close) and Edd.

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Elite Express vs. New Wave

New Wave´s losing streak is a story while I think that Express losing streak is just... well co-incidence so Express takes this one.


Marat Khoklov vs. Texas Pete (non-title)

non-title and Marat needs to be dominant here, otherwise it would be hard to see as unstoppable monster.


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Young Guns

Personal preference as neither team haven´t been doing anything lately.


Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Perez is lesser member on team Omega so Keith likely wins this one simply because he would be logical opponent to one or more of the bigger names like Remo or Wolf.


Champagne Lover vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)

Champ is kept strong here as loss to Lover would hurt him too much.


Art Reed & Greg Keith & the Machines w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Stone Brothers, Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Even though the face side is full of great wrestlers there is too much star power on heels side with three main event guys (or close) and Edd.


Agree with Zergon's picks and his reasonings, but I can actually give a proper reason in going for the Young Guns in the fact that with their association with Troy Tornado they do seem to have a little more going for them than the Fly Boys who are being managed by Floyd Goldworthy.

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Elite Express vs. New Wave


The Wave's streak has been an angle, I don't think it's ending without a build up to it (maybe not even ending... although unsure given there are already fractures in another team). The Express have impressed lately, even if they haven't won a huge number of matches, so I'm sure in them.


Marat Khoklov vs. Texas Pete (non-title)


Via some sort of messy decision that keeps Marat strong.


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Young Guns


The Fly Boys' strain of jobberitis is stronger.


Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Not yet Frankie. Not yet.


Champagne Lover vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)


Okay I'll give him Hill, but the champ? No way.


Art Reed & Greg Keith & the Machines w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Stone Brothers, Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert


Massive schmoz. Why not?

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Elite Express vs. New Wave


Marat Khoklov vs. Texas Pete (non-title)


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Young Guns


Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Champagne Lover vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)


Art Reed & Greg Keith & the Machines w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Stone Brothers, Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 4 April 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 14.87)


Held at the Nevada State Armory (South West)


Attendance: 20,266





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen


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Elite Express vs. New Wave

The Wave come out for this one talking intently, their heads too close together and their voices too low for the microphones to pick any of it up.


They're still talking as the Express emerge, and talking as the Express decide to send Bobby Thomas in first. The talk only stops as the Wave decide on Guide as their opening man.


Guide is not a technical prodigy, but he's fast – probably as fast and effective as Thomas, if not more so. He also has a hell of a left hook and suplexes like a Machine.


You could say things just as admiring about Scout. The two are outstanding competitors, and while other teams can equal them in understanding and the ability to work together, there are probably none who are better.


The New Wave should, in theory, be unbeatable. As it is, their recent outings peg them as anything but. As Fry observes, “Something's gone wrong somewhere, and I'm damned if I can tell you what.”


The Express have no such issues, and no compunction about using the Wave's weakness against them. Nate Johnson gets the win, in the end, after coming off the top for the Precision Driller on Guide.

Elite Express defeated the New Wave

Rating: B





The big screen comes to life. A video package begins to air. It mingles footage from Sean Deeley's amateur wrestling championship run – some of it news footage – with clips covering his TCW career and a lengthy monologue of Deeley's own as he sits, on the steel steps leading up to TCW's practice ring, and talks, Laura Huggins beside him.


“I know it's stupid,” he begins. “Everyone knows, really, that their heroes are human beings. But I was a kid when I knew I wanted to wrestle. I was a kid, and Jeremy Stone was tearing it up on CBN. Eric Tyler, now, he was doing amazing things to the DeColts on Maple Leaf Sports.


“I knew I wanted to do that. I was eight years old in 1994, and I wanted to be a wrestler.


“I trained hard. I won championships. I proved myself. I proved myself to one of my heroes. Eric Tyler brought me here.


“At least, I thought I proved myself. I thought,” as we briefly see him speaking again, he swallows, “that this was about respect. That's what he preaches. That's what I thought we had.


“And that eight-year-old would have been proud to see me grow up to be respected by Eric Tyler. Because he idolised him. He held him up as a hero. Like I did Jeremy Stone.


“I blame myself, with Eric. I looked up to him because he could wrestle, and wrestle better than anyone he faced. Not because I thought he was a perfect person. That was the mistake with Jeremy.


“Eric... I shouldn't have, but I thought that the respect was real. And when I left the School, he promised me that he'd leave me be if I left him be. I thought we had respect.


“This month, I've learned different. I know it's wrong. I know it's stupid. But I'm not happy about all this. And I guess... I guess it's time to hold my heroes to account. Not for failing me – for failing everyone.”



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Marat Khoklov vs. Texas Pete

The giant squares off with the champion, and Pete half-smiles. He steps back as the bell rings and gestures invitation. Khoklov comes forward, and Pete ducks, catching Khoklov in the side with a boot, before backing off again.


Pete charges abruptly, hitting the Giant again. He starts to back off, but the Russian backhands a little faster than he was ready for, sending him crashing so far back he rebounds off the ropes.


Khoklov tries for a big boot, and Pete has recovered his senses enough to duck it. He stops abruptly, swivels, and stomps on the back of Khoklov's knee. The giant still doesn't go down, and Pete bails again.


Fry and Springsteen fall to discussing Pete's upcoming battle with Newton, mostly with reference to how it seems to have affected Pete's strategy for this match. They begin playing up Pete's sudden shift to fast striking, hit-and-run attacks, as opposed to his usual big guy style.


Meanwhile, Pete himself is having more and more trouble. Every time Pete hits, Khoklov practically shrugs it off; every time Khoklov hits, Pete goes flying. At one point, the Russian manages to punch Pete clear out of the ring with a single shot.


But the champion keeps going, keeps getting back up and doing what he can to weather the storm, doing what he can to beat Khoklov. But the giant is an almost insuperable problem.


Still, he keeps trying, and he kicks out of a couple of Khoklov's big moves. Not the Lariat – the Russian seems to be building toward that – but much of the rest, and then -



The chair crashes into his ribs. Davis Wayne Newton promptly continues the assault, beating down an already injured champion on the night before the title match...

Texas Pete won by DQ

Rating: B-




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The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. the Young Guns

There's no slowdown in this match at any point – it's just speed. Dropkicks run wild, as do every other fast move you'd find in any typical cruiserweight tag match.


In fairness to the four participants, it's a perfectly fine cruiser tag; indeed, there's more of a story to this than there is to most, even if it mostly relies on one-upsmanship and appeals to the crowd. If it has a fault in terms of the audience reaction, that fault is very simple; this is 2009, not 1999.


Jimmy P starts the cavalcade of finishers that finishes the match, and unfortunately for Jimmy he also, in a sense, finishes it; the Surf's Up started, but when he feels recovered enough, he tries for a Prudential Pain Plan on Harry Allen, who fights it off and launches into a Gunslinger's Revenge, as Gumble unleashes the Savate Kick, the combination the Young Guns have recently developed and called the Blitzkrieg Bop. Allen promptly pins Jimmy.

Young Guns defeated the Fly Boys

Rating: C





Back in the interview area, Jack Bruce and Sammy Bach stalk. Bach's expression is that same strange, detached expression he's maintained in interviews since his 'rock god' persona first developed over a year ago. Jack Bruce, meanwhile, looks uncharacteristically furious.


“It's about damn time you asked,” he begins. “Troy Tornado, when I came to TCW you'd put a mark on your back. You won the World Heavyweight Championship. And you ruined perfection.


“No, this has nothing to do with Painful Procedure.” He pauses, then shakes his head. “Correction. It's got nothing to do with that mockery you turned my band into! Because you did wreck it, Tornado, you ruined perfection... and you were someone I was going to have to have words with anyway, as a result.


“And you put a mark on your back, a mark everyone was aiming for.


“It's not about Allen and Gumble – although I'm going to ****ing deal with them for jumping me recently – and it's got nothing to do with those idiots who got their start stage diving off balconies.


“It's about you, and it's about Randy, and how the pair of you have **** on my legacy here. And it's about what we all want; the championship.


“Someone took that from you before I could, but I'm not worried about that. I'll have it soon enough. And when I have it, I am going to show you exactly what it means to be locked out of what you want. I am going to take great pleasure in ending your pathetic little run at the top, son, because you ask anyone – no band is ever as important as the man they give the microphone and you just don't measure up.”




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Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

The real story of this match is probably how much Perez has improved. Keith finds himself actually having trouble with the Generation Omega man, from time to time, and he has to scramble in places to find a way to turn him back.


Perez is motivated, after all, and as Saunders points out, he really should be – Mayhem Midden is essentially making him wrestle for his last six months' pay all over again. The faster he can earn it, the better, and Sam Keith is a tough man to beat for that winner's bonus.


An Arabian moonsault gets him a close two count; he keeps going, battering the veteran with those brutal, stiff kicks, but there's a problem; Keith catches his leg on one, hooks the other, takes him down and starts angling for a submission – but Perez scrambles and rolls clear. As Keith rises, he's met with a brutal crescent kick, the same shot that, belt-assisted, paved Frankie's way to so many victories. Even without the belt, it's nasty; Perez covers, and it doesn't look like Keith can kick out -



Shingen Miyazaki is suddenly at ringside directly in Perez' field of vision. The self-proclaimed 'New Crippler' scrambles for him, and Keith abruptly shifts, grabbing an arm, then the opposite leg, hooking his hold, stepping over for leverage – the Proton Lock is being applied, and Perez is trapped. Nowhere to go, no way to fight – except perhaps to tap out.

Sam Keith defeated Frankie Perez

Rating; B




A somewhat relieved-looking Keith collects a microphone and, standing next to the Bombshell, defensively, at ringside, he raises it to his lips. “Remo,” he says, “I hear on the grapevine you think I've been ducking your challenge.


“That's not how I work. I'll happily take you on. Hell, it's Total Mayhem. I'm glad to have one of the big matchups on a show like that.


“I just hadn't figured that needed saying. I don't run from challenges. And you'll excuse me if I've had enough on my mind this month.


“Out of the twenty-eight days this month I will have wrestled twenty-two. It's been a busy month. And the remaining days?


“I grabbed a plane and I flew to see my wife. Or I sat by one of my boys' side as he checked on his injury with a specialist. Matthew's been counting the days until he'll be cleared to wrestle again. So am I – and the Riders should pray I hear he will, because if they managed to end my son's career when he's only eighteen years old, I am going to bring hell itself up from Down Below and I am going to rain it down on them.


“And in the meantime, you've been making noises about fighting me. Sure. Let's do it. But you will have to understand that I have had enough on my plate this month without bothering to tell you what you damn well should have already known.”



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Champagne Lover vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

While both of these men are undoubtedly incredibly talented, both as athletes and as wrestlers, and while there's no lack of communication here, it's probably safe to say that their styles and approaches do not cooperate in making this match thoroughly memorable, especially with Bloodstone's anger governing his moveset.


Nonetheless, both men keep the crowd entertained and focused. Bloodstone's anger is... there, but he does seem to be slowly overcoming it. The Bombshell continually repositions herself in his line of sight, scrambling occasionally to keep up, and Bloodstone seems... not exactly mellower, but certainly more in control... as a result of her presence.


Lover keeps the pace fast, though, and Bloodstone seems intent on shutting him down.



The luchador manages to keep himself clear of the holds for quite a while, then the big screen's image changes; Rocky Golden is looking on with a frown. Champagne Lover catches sight, and falters – Bloodstone sweeps his legs out from under him and goes straight for the Bloodstone Mutilation. As the Lover taps, Golden smiles.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated Champagne Lover

Rating: B





The screen cuts away again just after that; backstage, Tommy Cornell is walking. He knocks on a door and goes in without waiting for a response; inside the Bombshell's team locker room, Art Reed and Greg Keith are warming up. They stop and look at him inquiringly.


“OK,” he sighs. “I guess I know the answer on this one already.


“I need a tag team partner. I know you guys – you especially, Greg – have no reason to like me. But... I need one. That's the way it is. And I know you have another match tomorrow. At the same time... I'm running low on options.


“Whatever you make this month... I'll double it. There's no question you two are good enough, either one of you.”


He hesitates and looks at them again.


“Yeah,” he says at length. “You're busy. Let me guess. The answer's going to be no.”


Art makes a sympathetic face, but nods. Greg half-smiles. “I'm grateful we're here at all,” he says. “But I've got to concentrate on the Lions. I don't have time to scout Generation Omega properly. I don't think anyone does.”


“Wank,” Cornell says despondently. There's a pause. “Don't s'pose your brother might be ready to fight tomorrow?”


Greg sighs. “Matt?” he calls.



“Yo!” The response comes from round a corner within the locker room. “Hang on...”


There's a few seconds pause and some awkward sounds before Matthew Keith emerges. One arm is busy with a crutch. One is occupied by an X-Box controller.


“That's a no, then,” Cornell says. “OK. Thanks for at least listening, boys. Heal up soon, Matthew.”


“Sure,” he says. “Hey, boss – we've got a preview disc of Total Control 2009. A few of us are going to do a tournament tonight, back at the hotel. You want to see if they've got you right?”


Cornell smiles. “Maybe,” he says.


“You know,” Reed comments, “there is someone else you could try.”


Silence stretches out for moments. Then a little longer.


“No chance,” Tommy says finally.


“Can't hurt to ask,” Reed says mildly.”


“You're gonna make me do it, aren't you?”


The brothers and Reed fall silent. Tommy, his head downcast, silently nods. He leaves the locker room, and the camera follows him down the corridor. He stops outside one door, knocking on it. The door starts to open, and Tommy grabs the handle, preventing it from opening fully. “Don't,” he says. “I don't think I can do this to your face. It's going to be hard enough asking as it is.”


He puts his back to the wall, closing his eyes, and begins.


“I need a partner. I need someone I can trust. I know you've no reason to trust me and a lot less reason to like me. But I know you wouldn't run out on me if you agreed. I know you can do it. I know exactly how good you are. And the only reason I didn't ask you before is because I know... I know... that you are going to turn me down.


“But Total Mayhem is tomorrow and I need someone on my side.


“Will you be that man?”



The door opens, and Ricky Dale Johnson steps out. “About damn time,” he says simply. “I'll see you in the ring tomorrow.”



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Art Reed, Greg Keith & the Machines w/ Blonde Bombshell


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Stone Brothers, Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

It's close to impossible to even attempt to summarise a match between these eight men. Reed and Edd Stone, in particular, are almost blurs of motion; Art probably wins the spot of the night award, however, when – as Wolf and DuBois combine to attempt a tower superplex on Greg – he vaults up onto the top rope, then onto their shoulders, then flips in the air, lashing out with both feet to catch both the Generation Omega guys in the heads, sending them crashing to the mat and save his tag partner – or that's the plan; Edd Stone promptly runs along the ropes to unleash a top rope Party's Over on the dangling, dazed Keith.



As well as probably the biggest moment of the night, that's also the last thing that happens before everything breaks down. With Vibert occupying Eugene Williams' attention, Gorgon arrives in the ring, hitting a stunned Greg with the Hydra Bomb. Matthew Keith charges down with his crutch, catching first Gorgon then Edd in the head with it while propping himself up on the apron.



He's blindsided by a trio of arrivals a second later, as Jeremy Stone opts to settle the referee question for a little longer with a vicious blow to the back of Williams' head. As he does so, the Machines charge him, and the Easy Riders intercept, slamming into the Machines. The Easy Riders... and Sayeed Ali.



Johnny Bloodstone almost materialises in the ring seconds later, chair in hand, going for Jeremy. Both Edd and Gorgon practically sacrifice themselves to save Jeremy from the assault.


The whole thing gets crazy. It takes Generation Omega combined to evict Bloodstone from the ring, and as Williams comes to, he sees Jeremy applying the Stone Hold on a Brent Hill who's been unconscious since a shot with some kind of weapon by Sayeed Ali. With Hill unable to respond, Williams awards the Brothers and Generation Omega the match a second before Bloodstone manages to get back into the ring.

Stone Brothers, Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois defeated Art Reed, Greg Keith & the Machines

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B+

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Cornell teaming with RDJ... Love it.


Go back a little way and you'll see me very carefully not responding to a certain comment by James Casey so as not to give it away.


Mind you, I think it's referenced in a Take It Home, Boys segment, obliquely, as a matchup that TCW fans haven't been dreaming of only because it would have seemed so inconceivable...

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Go back a little way and you'll see me very carefully not responding to a certain comment by James Casey so as not to give it away.


Mind you, I think it's referenced in a Take It Home, Boys segment, obliquely, as a matchup that TCW fans haven't been dreaming of only because it would have seemed so inconceivable...


I kinda figured it might be the direction you were heading. Not really because you made it obvious, but simply because its such an unlikely alliance yet it works within the context of the story you have unfolding. Was not at all sure you would, though. Awesome to see.

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One arm is busy with a crotch. One is occupied by an X-Box controller.


One arm is busy with a crotch.






Beat me to it.


Also, happy to see I was on the money guessing where you were going, PS. I'm amped for Total Mayhem... and just realised we'll both be posting our big shows around the same time.


Also just realised the other day that you're on course to blow past 10SR in terms of post count any day now. You've put a lot of work into this diary, and and it's a testament to how good it is that it still feels fresh even with so much history to it.


Looking forward to another 2k posts!

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Duly corrected, guys. At least I got it right on the second mention. :cool:


Thanks for the compliments, too, and I'm looking forward to the end of 'crazy hype season' as I think of it - from the end of year up til Total Mayhem feels like that period where it's all big shows and everything has to be massive.


Total Mayhem predictions should be out, work permitting, later today - and stay tuned past Mayhem for some more changes, notably including the return of a worker I've never written before...

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