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Question on worker age

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I know this question is really general, but does anyone have a guideline for an age when you should take one of your headliners out of the limelight and move him back into the pack?

The reason I ask is I've been watching the Time Decline of the workers for my fed. It looks like workers really start to decline after 40.

Sean McFly is currently 40 in my game and I was just wonderign about how long do you think he has left before he needs to be shifted from holding one of my top two titles, back to the rest of the pack.

I was thinking about having Wolf Hawkins feud with him to take my fed's IC title, just wanted to time it correctly.

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Actually, Time Decline CAN start as early as 30, though obviously its more common to see it start when a worker gets into his late 30s/early 40s. Honestly, if he isn't showing any signs of age yet I wouldn't worry. Even if he started to show them tomorrow it'd still be another five years until he's in "terminal decline" and therefore more likely to retire. Even then, I'm sure McFly will always be an excellent wrestler, as he can only go from being ultra-awesome to just awesome.


So, really, don't worry about it. Once he's six years past his prime, then you can start considering moving him back (but since he rocks, no lower than upper midcard). But at the moment, he should be safe to keep at the top.

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I know this question is really general, but does anyone have a guideline for an age when you should take one of your headliners out of the limelight and move him back into the pack?

The reason I ask is I've been watching the Time Decline of the workers for my fed. It looks like workers really start to decline after 40.

Sean McFly is currently 40 in my game and I was just wonderign about how long do you think he has left before he needs to be shifted from holding one of my top two titles, back to the rest of the pack.

I was thinking about having Wolf Hawkins feud with him to take my fed's IC title, just wanted to time it correctly.


I think you'll seriously regret selling McFly short just because his skills are no longer improving (which is essentially what Time Decline is). Sean McFly eight years past his prime is still worlds ahead of 80% of the men in the Cornellverse (if not more). McFly, three of the Stone boys, Yoshimi, Shuji, Hyobanshi, Cornell, etc are people you don't put out to pasture until THEY decide. His performance skills won't go down (neither will his technical skills, I don't think) and that can make a worker a gem (ask Steve Flash).


I'd ride McFly til his wheels fell off (literally) since he's still capable of putting on high quality, believable matches in a promotion where performance means anything. His overness and skillset make him useful in a variety of roles, including mentor and Gatekeeper. Keeping a title on him means he's still highly regarded and fits the Gatekeeper role to a T.

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