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Intrested in doing a dairy

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I'm not sure if you've just gotten the game, had it a while or what. However its been my experiance that you really should play around with the game. Try different promotions, different mods C Verse, past and present and RW past and present. Find a promotion in a time period that you click with and understand the characters of.


The make sure these characters that you enjoy are able to tell a story you think others would enjoy. Play a month or two of the game make sure it pans out the way you visioned it and then I would suggest start writing it up in word.


If you write some of it before hand it helps you find your voice I think. You'll be able to get into the mind of different characters and write them better if you take your time with it I think. I wrote six shows before I started doing my newest diary as a way to help me figure out promos, show pacing, etc.


Other than those tips I'd say have fun

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Write up several shows before posting any. Not only will it give you a lead-in buffer, as it's your first time you'll also be able to gain a quick idea of whether it's something you'll be able to do week after week or not.
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Thanks for all of the help. I have a REal World Diary going and I'm thinking of doing a C-Verse one too do you all think that would be to much?


Yes. I'm runing 2 diaries at the same time and it is tough. My older diary barely gets updated once a month while I can manage about weekly updates on my newer one. A single diary is tough to keep going. It's really easy to do a few opening posts about hiring people and even get in a show or two, but once the initial excitement fades and the true enormity of the task at hand becomes apparant, most writers seem to falter and fail.


I would say it takes me ~ 2-4 hours to sim a show, another hour to do the story progression, and another 2-4 hours to actually write up and post a show, so if you plan on weekly updates you're looking at about ~10 hours of work a week. Maybe you do more or less depending on how much effort you're looking at, but it definitely is a significant time commitment.


edit: I took a quick glance at your real world diary and in general (this is not a rule! this is not set in stone anywhere!) C-verse diaries have more characterization and backstories due to the fact that they're all ficticious characters and so we don't just "know" what Tommy Cornell or Runaway Train is like. They're not like HHH or The Rock that we've been watching on TV or on tapes for years. The best advice would be to read some of the classic C-verse diaries to get a feel for the audience. A short list of "most reads" would be the HoF. Monkeypox, Scapino, TigerKinney (and J-Silver if you want to read something silly).

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edit: I took a quick glance at your real world diary and in general (this is not a rule! this is not set in stone anywhere!) C-verse diaries have more characterization and backstories due to the fact that they're all ficticious characters and so we don't just "know" what Tommy Cornell or Runaway Train is like. They're not like HHH or The Rock that we've been watching on TV or on tapes for years. The best advice would be to read some of the classic C-verse diaries to get a feel for the audience. A short list of "most reads" would be the HoF. Monkeypox, Scapino, TigerKinney (and J-Silver if you want to read something silly).


Yeah, I don't think C-Verse diaries take more time than real-world diaries but Prague's hit the nail on the head.


The challenges are completely different. So, the same formula generally won't work for both and just to say you enjoy doing a real-world one, doesn't mean you'll enjoy doing a C-Verse one and vice-verca.


Quote The Raven


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Yeah, I don't think C-Verse diaries take more time than real-world diaries but Prague's hit the nail on the head.


The challenges are completely different. So, the same formula generally won't work for both and just to say you enjoy doing a real-world one, doesn't mean you'll enjoy doing a C-Verse one and vice-verca.


Most new players/diary writers start with real world promotions because they "know" the characters. Problem is, that's not a boon, it's a hindrance because just like you "know" the characters, do does your audience (and they may know more about the characters than you do). C-Verse is different as there are many, many, many characters to choose from that most people don't know well (go look at any of D-Lyrium's diaries or foolinc, for that matter). That gives you freedom as a writer to depict them in ways others might not have thought of and people will accept it more than if you turned The Rock into Doink the Clown. That's one thing I'm really enjoying about writing my diary. It's making me think and come up with new personalities that are different because I don't have my normal go-to cast (no J.Ro, no Michelle Cox/Katherine Goodlooks, no Cherry "BOOM!" Bomb, etc). So the biggest challenge for me has been finding each character's voice and a way to distinguish them from everyone else on the (seriously large) roster.


Starting with a real world promotion will have some folks turned off when you decide to take a character in a new direction that they don't like.

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