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BHOTWG: "The Era of Immortals" (C-Verse '75)

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Please post who the champions are, just for the readers, because anyone else, who doesn't know the champions might just skip the predictions, because they don't know who is/are the champion(s). Going with the champions, so that they defend the titles. Black Serpent Cult should be under tour contracts if I remember right, so they are going to lose.. Hopefully.


Sorry, updated them now. Altough I always put the reigning champions first when doing predictions.

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I should like to note now that I ain't picking against Elemental when he wrestles lightweights until Optimus comes around, in accordance with the prophecy.


OOC: I've been pondering about how "true to history" I will keep this diary. We'll see how the game world plays out ;)


Just posting to say that I'm reading, but hanging fire with predictions as I know not a lot about the Japanese C-verse '75 at this point. Hoping to learn through this diary!


That's what I'm here for. You will be surprised to see what I have in my mind for this, for the "bigger picture" over the time :rolleyes: And as I said earlier, if Keiji doesn't know something, you won't either. Thank you all for your feedback, I'm having a blast with this one.

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Friday, Week 3, Sep '75









Tokyo Civil Stadium

BHOTWG Quest Of Honor

The Civil Stadium was not far away from my apartment so I walked there. The stadium wasn't a stranger for me, for I had attended several baseball and sumo events there before. As I was walking to the stadium, I was feeling nervous for some reason. I honestly didn't know what to expect from the event. I had my prejudices, sure, but there was this strange voice in my head, telling me over and over again..




.. What if I am wrong?




I hate being wrong, no matter what the subject or thing is.




Jin and I met outside of the stadium. Whereas I couldn't care less, Jin was more than excited.



Isn't this awesome? Quest Of Honor, Tokyo Civil Stadium!


. Yeah. Let's just get this over with..


Did you read the memo carefully?


Mmm.. Yes.


You know that you are a terrible liar.


I lost it, sorry.




No.. .. I Threw it straight into recycle bin.


I knew it. Which is why I have several copies of it in store. When we get back to office, I'll give it to you.


And please.. Don't throw it away again. You're gonna need it when doing the report on the event.




Shall we go in?




The stadium was packed.. Super no-vacancy. Jin and I, and the 14,998 other people in one place. I had no idea that BHOTWG was this popular. There were eleven matches on the card, two pre-show and the rest nine on the main card. The show opened with some facepainted Canadian high-flyer taking on another masked highflyer called Phantom something. Next up was another Canadian wrestler teaming up with Hito Ichihara as they took on this team called Primal Rage. I felt really uncomforable, like I didn't belong there. I constantly asked Jin questions but every time he turned me down so I turned to the lady sitting next to me. She answered my questions for a little while but then started to get annoyed with me. I was breaking their illusion, I was constantly distracting them from the action happening in the ring.



For the next four matches I just stayed silent.. And bored as hell. Sure the matches were quite good for the wrestling fans sitting beside me but there seemed to be nothing to capture my attention.




Until the masked man named Elemental stepped into the ring. Smaller than most of the wrestlers in the roster, this man style was described as "Super Junior".. The new generation of a Super Junior, might I add. The lady sitting next to me was kind to tell me that for decades a Super Junior would be a technically skilled small to middleweight sized wrestler, until Elemental showed up. Displaying aerial skills never seen before, Elemental changed the landscape of Super Junior division for good. A lot of people were let go from BHOTWG or they left themselves, feeling outshadowed by the newcomer.




On that night, I knew exactly why.




For the first time in my life I was intriqued by wrestling. The style and grace of Elemental captured my attention like nothing else before. His athleticism took my breath away. I had not seen such skills, quickess and elegance before, not even in the olympics. I thought to myself "So this is what people had been talking about so enthusiasticly for a year or two now".




The show continued with Burning Japanese Tag Team championship bout. For the first time in a wrestling event, I joined in as I cheered for the team of Izumi and Takani as they took on the gaijins Black Serpent Cult.




The two matches that followed that match were even better. The main event was next.


Then the moment came.






The moment I will never forget.















There he was. Master Kitozon.




Standing tall and determined in his golden robe, he had an aura of a legend. The stadium exploded in cheers and chants for Kitozon as he made his way to the ring. Carrying his Burning World Heavyweight championship around his waist, he was a sight to behold. A true champion, a proud champion, a fighting champion. The man who single-handedly established BHOTWG as a national powerhouse it is today.




For the next 45 minutes, I was nailed to my seat. I knew right away that it was one of the best matches I was ever going to see. That one night changed me.





From that day onward..



.. I was a wrestling fan.







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Monday, Week 4, September '75






All Japan Sports

Magazine HQ




"The Apology"







Here's the second copy of the memo. I hope you had a good time on Friday.
, Jin said while handing me the copy of the memo I had thrown away the first time.




I looked trought the high detailed memo with excitement. I raised my head and felt embarrased when I answered Jin's question. “..
I have to admit that I did.. Thank you. And sorry..


It's alright. Now, let's get on the writing. Since you really don't know the moves or history of the promotion nor the workers, I will do the match reports. You just fill in whatever you felt during the match, your views, the little things you noticed in the wrestlers and such, okay?


Of course. If you excuse I'm gonna browse trough this memo first.. I wan't to know what I have missed.














Roster Overview

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i K

Age: 26

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Super Junior / Lightweight



Kuno Kick
Glittering Magician

Magistral Cradle

Camel Clutch

Flying Cross Body


Akahashi Kuno is one of BHOTWG's most talented junior heavyweights, known as one of the major rivals Elemental has encountered over the past year. He is noted for his excellent adaptability, having been one of the very few lighweights who managed to survive the "mass exodus" of talent in 1974 following Elemental's revolutionary debut. He accomplished this feat by absorbing several of the key aspects of the super junior style into his own repertoire seemingly overnight, radically altering his future with the company (whom reports said were planning to release him).

Kuno has been one of Elemental's more successful rivals thus far; the two seem to share a certain respect for one another, which has lead to the pair teaming from time to time against common enemies. This has allowed Kuno to avoid looking particularly weak in the eyes of the fans, maintaining his popularity at a reasonable level while other division standouts have fallen by the wayside.











Amiri The

Age: 19

Push: Opener

Style / Size: Brawler / Big Heavyweight



Head Hunter Special
(Running Big Boot)



Bear Hug


Amiri Ngala (known as Amiri the Predator in BHOTWG) is a large, athletic young prospect originally discovered by the legendary Connor Thompson and trained by the famous Australian brawler between tours of Japan. A member of the native Maori of New Zealand, Amiri has shown exceptional agility and a huge amount of potential since his professional debut and was swiftly signed on to tour with BHOTWG in the summer of 1975 thanks to a recommendation from his mentor.

The few matches Amiri has had with the company have been as a partner for fellow heavyweight prospect Osei Khama (dubbed Osei the Hunter) as Primal Rage, a powerhouse team who display impressive brawling prowess but have thus far suffered a number of defeats at the hands of smaller, more clever tandems who utilize their speed and teamwork to compensate. Still in the early stages of his career, if Amiri can withstand the losses and pay his dues as expected it seems he has all the tools to become a major threat down the line.










shi Nagam

Age: 30

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Technicial / Lightweight



Cross Armlock

Cross Arm Breaker

Shoulder Breaker

Belly to Belly Suplex


Atsushi Nagamichi is a lightweight technical worker who has spent his entire professional career thus far with BHOTWG. Originally he was seen as one of the junior division's most exciting young stars thanks to his strong amateur background and mat wrestling skills, but that status disappeared quickly following the debut of the sensational Elemental. With slow-paced technical wrestling rapidly going out of style, Nagamichi fell down the lightweight rankings in short order.

Unlike most of the technical junior division competitors, however, Nagamichi surprisingly managed to retain his job with BHOTWG through the turbulent periods in 1974, during which a large portion of the division were cut. Though no one can be certain, rumors have circulated that his retention (and later pairing with can't-miss-prospect Kenji Fukamura) was a result of his many friendships and considerable political power within the company.











Age: 26

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Super Junior / Ligthweight



Bishimi Buster
(Dragon Suplex)

Green Mist

Top Rope Bodypress

Buzzsaw Kick


Bishimi is an exciting lightweight worker from Japan, considered one of the best super junior style wrestlers in the world and virtually the only individual in the country who can dazzle a crowd half as well as Elemental. Though clearly not as practiced as the masked superstar (not necessarily an insult, considering Elemental's astonishing skill), Bishimi has nonetheless been pushed as Elemental's most dangerous adversary and chief rival thus far. Not to be taken lightly, on the occasions that the two have met in the ring Bishimi has come closer to keeping pace with his adversary than anyone else, which in and of itself deserves a great deal of credit.










n Val

Age: 25

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Spot Monkey / Lightweight



Bombs Over Britain
(Flying Headbutt)

European Uppercut

Diving European Uppercut



"The Royal Air Force" Byron Valmont is a flashy young high flier from London who was picked up by BHOTWG in late 1973 - prior to this he had earned himself an impressive following in Britain's UKWA, but nonetheless eagerly accepted work overseas once the promotion started bouncing checks.

Though most would agree that his ring work is sloppy, lacking in fundamental training and telling virtually no story during his matches, it would seem that Byron has managed to grab the Japanese audience's attention with his eye-popping top rope maneuvers and excellent ability to play a c0cky, arrogant heel. Unlike with some workers, though, it's just an act - reports are that he's actually a pretty nice kid.











Age: 29

Push: Upper Midcarder

Style / Size: Puroresu / Light Heavyweight



Solid Snake Stunner
(Kick to Gut into Face Crusher)

Viper Vice
(Cobra Clutch)


Snake Eyes


Cobra (Mark Brandt) is 1/2 of the tag team Black Serpent Cult with twin brother Matt. They are well known across the U.S., Japan, and Canada. The duo have won multiple tag team titles together, and are in elite company as two of the very few gaijin to win gold in Japan as former Burning Japanese Tag Team Champions.

Cobra's style is almost identical to his brother's, although he focuses slightly more on the mat based aspect. Possibly the best part of the brothers' snake worshipping gimmick is the live snake they bring to the ring and very occasionally unleash on opponents, although the Dragon's Breath finisher (a breathed fireball from Viper while Cobra distracts the ref) is also a contender.











Connor Thompson

Age: 50

Push: Main Eventer

Style / Size: Puroresu / Light Heavyweight



Thunder From Down Under
(High Angle Powerslam)


Full Nelson

Sidewalk Slam


Connor Thompson is a highly respected Australian worker, most famous for his matches in Japan during the '60s. Thompson's first big break was signing on with GCG shortly after their first show - unfortunately, over the next several years he never managed to rise above midcard status, as he seemed to lack the killer instinct that defined a champion and was considered more skilled at making his opponents look good.

Thompson's fortunes changed dramatically, however, with his jump to BHOTWG in 1968. Displaying newfound fire and brutal brawling prowess he quickly proved to the Japanese fans that he was as tough and rugged as they come, embarking on an impressive win streak before facing Master Kitozon in what was seen as Kitozon's greatest challenge up to that point. Though defeated in a titanic clash, Thompson earned Kitozon's (and, in effect, all of Japan's) respect by fighting with honor and shaking the legend's hand afterward - he has been a constant main event presence ever since.











Age: 28

Push: Enhancement Talent

Style / Size: Technician / Light Heavyweight



Crippler Cloverleaf
(Texas Cloverleaf)

Crippler Clutch
(Reverse Headlock Clutch)

German Suplex

Canadian Crab
(Rolling Single Leg Crab)


"Crippler" Ray Kingman is one of the most successful grapplers in North America. A superb technician, he is famous for his many painful submission holds. Kingman is considered by many to be the archetypical wrestler of the Territorial Era of the early 70's, working in almost every territory around for a brief period of time and usually working his way to the top of the card.

Now in the prime of his career, the three time former Heavyweight Champion is one of the most coveted workers in the United States. He was a mainstay in 3 major territories earlier in the year, but SWF's talent raids have left the smaller promotions striving for isolation. Kingman elected to stay with APWF, which was a huge shock- everyone had him as a CPW lifer. In truth, his feud with Marcus McKing for the title of "King of the APWF" has been red hot and better than anything he had going elsewhere.

Kingman was signed to a Written deal by BHOTWG as the "Night Of Destiny" tour started on September '75.











Age: 32

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Crossover MMA Fighter / Middleweight



Knockout Roundhouse Kick

Merciless Barrage
(A series of several vicious kicks to the knee \ side of the leg of an opponent. It is used to tenderize the leg in order to limit the victim's movement.)

Spinning Backfist

Charging Tackle


Eiji Kiriyama is a former kick boxer from Tokyo, once considered one of the "rising stars" of the sport before disagreements over payments and contractual issues forced him to take an extended leave of absence. In that time he decided to train as a professional wrestler, and though he didn't debut until 28 he has managed to make up for time surprisingly quickly thanks to intense training and a complete disregard for his opponent's well-being, which makes his offense look (and feel) very realistic. Though this has made him quite unpopular with his opponents, few can deny the speed with which Kiriyama managed to rise up the card.

Though popular with the crowd, it seems likely that Kiriyama's biggest stumbling block will be his problems backstage - his ego and insistence on working in an incredibly stiff manner have made him many enemies, and there are rumblings that political figures in the company may soon take matters into their own hands.

During BHOTWG's "Night Of Destiny" tour Eiji Kiriyama formed the "Kinki Demons" with DEMON Yukata.











Age: 33

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Regular Wrestler / Lightweight



Choke Slam

Scarlet Mirage
(Reverse Chokeslam)

Deadly Heel Hook

Spinning Leglock


Once considered part of the "foundation" of the BHOTWG junior division, DEMON Yukata is a highly regarded Japanese talent known for his dark, menacing look and hypnotic charisma in the ring. These traits, combined with his ability to work any style, made him the most popular and instantly recognizable of the company's lightweight wrestlers during the late '60s and early '70s. He was particularly well known for his bitter rivalry with Noriyoshi Sanada, a long-running contest of one-upmanship to determine the division's undisputed top dog.

Unfortunately, in the wake of Elemental's emergence as Japan's biggest lightweight sensation, Yukata has suffered some setbacks - repeated losses to the masked phenom have gone unanswered, harming his momentum and lowering his name value significantly. Because he no longer "fits the mold" of a BHOTWG junior wrestler, some have theorized that Yukata might fare better elsewhere. During the recent tour he did just that as he formed the "Kinki Demons" with Eiji Kiriyama.










ek Bar

Age: 29

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Brawler / Heavyweight



Full Turbo Powerslam
(Running Full Body Powerslam, where Barnes plants the opponent to the mat and remains on top of him for the pinfall)

Biker Bar
(Tight Armbar)

Running Tackle



"Bad Boy" Derek Barnes is a great brawler who regularly stars in TWL as half of the heel tag team The Motorheads. Barnes hides a distinct lack of charisma behind a menacing look and an excellent biker gimmick. While he's not the kind of worker who typically becomes a world champion, he seems to be in the prime of what will be a long career.

Originally from the New England area, Barnes got his start in CWB and he recently returned there to great fanfare; it was clear he hadn't been forgotten. He also worked in APWF for all of a couple months before dropping them to go on his 2nd tour with BHOTWG.






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Roster Overview

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Age: 32

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Cruiserweight / Lighweight



Blaze Of Glory
(Apron Springboard dropkick)

Small Package

Twisting Headscissors

Japanese Armdrag



Edo Phoenix is arguably the best Japanese high flyer outside of the "Big Two", especially famous in his home city of Tokyo thanks to one-off appearances putting over some of the biggest names the sport has to offer. Now at the peak of his abilities, a showdown between him and the new junior division sensation Elemental is currently one of the biggest dream matches in the country.


The dream match is one step closer as Phoenix signed a Written deal with BHOTWG on September '75.










Age: 26

Push: Main Eventer

Style / Size: Super Junior / Lightweight



Earth Breaker
(Tiger Bomb, but done after crossing the opponent's arms beneath him, and using that for extra leverage)

Inferno Splash
(The trademark finisher (and invention) of Elemental it is a 450 Degree Splash)

Wind Sprint Attack
(A trademark move of Elemental, the attacker runs at an opponent who is standing in the corner, and literally runs up him and backflips of his shoulders. He then finishes the sequence by performing a dropkick into the corner)

Small Package


Elemental is a breathtaking high flyer and the undefeated figurehead of the BHOTWG lightweight division, having become an overnight mega-star in Japan thanks to his incredible aerial offense. His debut win over Stunner Okazawaya in 1973 was essentially an exhibition of a new style of wrestling, one which Elemental calls the "super junior" style - one which focuses on fast-paced action rather than technique.

The masked sensation's impact on the company was immediate: his appearance sparked a massive rise in business for BHOTWG, catapulting them into the position of the number one promotion in Japan (and, by extension, the world), a position which they have maintained ever since.


Incredibly, this already legendary young performer is only 26 and has already changed the standards of junior wrestling in Japan forever. If he continues on this path, it would not be at all surprising if future generations were to remember Elemental as the greatest lightweight wrestler of all time.












Age: 18

Push: Lower Midcarder

Style / Size: Puroresu / Middleweight


Hyper Extension Tendon Hold

Knockout Roundhouse Kick

K.O Combo

Triangle Choke


Hito Ichihara (no relation to the legendary Dayu Ichihara) is a rookie worker who has spent his entire career thus far with BHOTWG, having been signed up by the company shortly after his debut. He was originally brought on to the company's radar as a successful amateur athlete in high school, especially excelling in combat sports, and thus was a natural choice to recruit into their training program out of high school.


Considered one of the best of the group of young prospects currently paying their dues on the BHOTWG undercard, Ichihara has spent the past six months making established stars look good but is nonetheless making an impression on fans with his fighting spirit and unique style. Of particular note are his devastating kicks, which reflect his martial arts background and look unusually realistic.













Age: 26

Push: Upper Midcarder

Style / Size: Puroresu / Light Heavyweight



Higa Hammerlock Suplex
(The attacker grabs one of the opponent's arms and twists it behind his back in a hammerlock. He then lifts the opponent into the air and drives him down onto his back, the arm taking all of the impact.)

Shoulder Breaker

Hammer Elbow Smashes

Roaring Elbow



"The Okinawa Tiger" Hitoshi Higa is a hard-hitting youngster who shocked the Japanese public in 1974 with a brutally-fought win over Shogo Takani in BHOTWG. The match was held in Higa's hometown on a card which celebrated the founding of the city of Okinawa, and the ensuing media frenzy following the win skyrocketed Higa's profile throughout the country.


Over the next year Higa was seen as a major breakout star, having defied the traditional Japanese expectations for rookies. He embarked on a winning streak, bulldozing his way through the company's midcarders, and seemed well on his way to main event stardom; unfortunately, management were aware of his inexperience and hesitant to give him that final 'push' into the main event scene - he seemed to stall at this point, losing much of his momentum.


Though his 'hot streak' is over, "The Okinawa Tiger" has managed to land comfortably in the tag team division in recent months with his on-again, off-again tag team with Tasuku Nandaba.











o M

Age: 23

Push: Lower Midcarder

Style / Size: Regular Wrestler / Middleweight



Ore Ga Mitsushi Brainbuster
(180* Brainbuster)

Rolling Cradle

Twisting Armbar

Stepover Toehold


Kazuo Mitsushi is one of BHOTWG's most promising up-and-comers, having already developed an impressive all-round game that allows him to mesh well with both lightweights and heavyweights. Much of this is down to his time spent training in the BHOTWG dojo, where he was instructed in different aspects of the game by veterans like Shogo Takani, Connor Thompson, and the late Dayu Ichihara - as a highly successful amateur wrestler and martial artist, all of them recognized in him the athletic ability to become a great worker. With these credentials it seemed only natural that the promotion would offer him a contract, which they did shortly after his graduation.












Age: 27

Push: Upper Midcarder

Style / Size: Puroresu / Lightweight



Super K-Kick
(Super Kick)

Stampede K-Kick
(Corner Charging Superkick)

Northern Lights Suplex

Atomic Drop


"Super K" Kenji Fukamura is the son of GCG legend Zabuza Fukamura, one of the biggest stars in Japan in the 1960s. Having grown up in the wrestling business it was only natural that Kenji would follow in his father's footsteps, though none expected his subsequent career to unfold as it did.


Kenji proved to have his father's natural ability, developing an excellent all-round game which earned him a GCG contract shortly after his 18th birthday. Between 1966 and 1969 he was seen as one of the promotion's better lightweights, but never became a true breakout star.


In late 1969, "Super K" shocked Japan, and his father, when he abruptly announced his departure from GCG to join rival promotion BHOTWG, a move which created a rift between the two men that has yet to be mended. Interestingly, the jump seems to have done wonders for Kenji's career - outside of his father's shadow he has become one of BHOTWG's most talked about up-and-comers and a former tag team champion.












Age: 26

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Super Junior / Middleweight




Twisting Headscissors

Knee Lock

Flying Lariat


Kenzo Isozaki is a high flying Japanese worker with great technique. He came up through the GCG system, but didn't make a splash in his first few years there- it looked like his career was going to be very short. In a last ditch effort, he was teamed with the also struggling Shigeta Takahashi. They gelled right away and the move probably saved both men's careers. Another notable factor was Elemental's debut in BHOTWG around this time- Kenzo became a huge fan of his immediately, even changing his style of wrestling to be more like Elemental.


Unfortunately, the damage had been done in GCG and the two were stuck jerking the curtain anyway. Undaunted, Isozaki convinced his partner to move with him to America. Dubbing themselves "Yakuza Riot", the team worked their way up the card and is now one of the best teams on the U.S. scene. Isozaki loves playing a gimmick and has embraced the American style of wrestling; of the two, he seems to be the better bet to become a big star stateside.


"Yakuza Riot" signed with BHOWTG on September '75 when Isozaki's partner Takahashi in turn convinced them to go back to Japan, feeling that U.S scene didn't offer them the same kind of competition than in Japan. They are now on a mission on capturing the prestigious Burning Tag Team championships and fullfilling their destiny.











a Iz

Age: 36

Push: Upper Midcarder

Style / Size: Technician / Light Heavyweight



Feral Ankle Lock
(Ankle Lock where Izumi drops to the ground, hooking his legs around the opponent's leg to add extra pressure and to immobilize his opponent aswell)

Mounted Arm Lock

Belly to Belly Suplex

Gutwrench Suplex


"The Hound Of Hiroshima" Kiba Izumi is one of BHOTWG's most long-serving and reliable talents, a submission specialist of considerable skill. Ironically, he was originally trained in the GCG dojo, having been scouted by the company as an amateur wrestler and recruited in hopes of turning him into a successful heavyweight star.


After two years in GCG, having achieved nothing particularly noteworthy, Izumi left the company in mid-1966 to be part of BHOTWG's initial roster. Though this burned his bridges irreparably with his former employers the move also allowed him to become an integral part of the new promotion, establishing himself as a consistent presence in the midcard.


After spending many years selflessly helping to elevate talent, it seems Izumi may finally be experiencing his first taste of success - having recently formed a team with fellow veteran Shogo Takani, the two dismantled several teams with ease on the way to winning the Burning Japanese Tag Titles.











r K

Age: 48

Push: Main Eventer

Style / Size: Puroresu / Middleweight



Kitozon Chop
(The regular Overhand Chop was a move used extensively by Japanese legend Master Kitozon, and as a result the move has been known as a Kitozon Chop ever since to the Japanese wrestling community)

Roaring Kitozon Chop


Stalling Suplex Pin


Master Kitozon is considered a cultural icon in Japan, having been BHOTWG's figurehead since opening their doors in 1966. A modestly successful sumo wrestler prior to becoming a professional wrestler, Kitozon made his debut for GCG during the company's infancy and quickly became one of their fastest rising stars. It wasn't until his move to the fledgling BHOTWG in 1966, however, that he became a true superstar, becoming the company's inaugural champion and embarking on a truly legendary title run that established the company as a national powerhouse.


The recipe for Kitozon's success has been simple: bring in the best foreign talent the company can find, build them as challengers with wins over Japanese workers, and then eventually have them defeated by Kitozon to defend the country's honor. Though simplistic, the booking strategy has turned Master Kitozon into arguably the most revered athlete in all of Japan.












Age: 20

Push: Opener

Style / Size: Regular Wrestler / Middleweight



Hammer Elbow Smashes

Tomahawk Chop

Flying Cross Chop



Mitsuo Kato is a recent graduate of the Burning Hammer Training Camp, one of many instances of BHOTWG's tendency to scout and recruit athletes from other sports - he was drafted into the company's training program after narrowly missing a spot on the Japanese Olympic swimming team. These credentials have impressed most of his trainers and opponents thus far, as he clearly has all the tools to make it big: solid fundamentals, cardio for days, a great look, and the ability to work virtually any style.


The only concern about the youngster at the moment s that his lack of stylistic focus may turn him into a "jack of all trades, master of none," and keep him from achieving as much as he might have otherwise. Even this shortcoming seems unlikely to slow Kato down, however, as BHOTWG fans are already beginning to notice his immense charisma and the sense of destiny that surrounds him.











aki A

Age: 21

Push: Lower Midcarder

Style / Size: Puroresu / Light Heavyweight



Mibu Rotary Lock
(Seated Reverse Sleeper)

Omega Nodowa Otoshi
(Octopus Stretch)

Face First Suplex

Knee Strike


Nobuaki Anzai is the younger, larger brother of Tatsumaki Anzai, better known to BHOTWG fans as Tatsumaki Mibu. Trained as a joint project by the two members of the legendary Mibu Ronin tag team, Nobuaki is a fascinating case - he has inherited both the wild brawling of Shikimara and the technical prowess of his older brother, making him one of the most dangerous and versatile young workers in Japan at the moment.


Based on the reputation of his trainers, few were surprised when Nobuaki was picked up by BHOTWG in early 1975. Thus far he has been kept on the undercard, but the company clearly has big things in store for him; rumors have been circulating that he is even being considered as a possible future addition to the Ronin, though it is unclear if this move would be intended to compensate for Shikimara's retirement or Tatsumaki's move into singles competition.




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Roster Overview

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hi Sa

Age: 34

Push: Upper Midcarder

Style / Size: Technician / Middleweight



Sanada Pyramid
(Pyramid Powerbomb where the opponent's legs end up being on Sanada's shoulders, looking like a pyramid from the side)

Repeated Knee Drives





Noriyoshi Sanada was one of BHOTWG's most popular lightweights from a period spanning between 1966 and 1972, renowned amongst members of both weight classes for his many feats of technical wizardry. Oftentimes he seemed to be wrestling circles around his contemporaries in the division, controlling them with the dominant mat skills that had characterized his amateur career.


Sanada was one of the first GCG wrestlers to jump ship to join the newly founded BHOTWG, where he rapidly established himself as one of the cornerstones of their lightweight division - of particular note was his long series of matches with DEMON Yukata, who served as his primary rival.


In 1972 Sanada's prospects took a turn for the worse, as Elemental's debut changed the landscape significantly. No longer stylistically suitable as a junior wrestler, the ever-determined Sanada bulked up to compete as a heavyweight and has enjoyed modest success thus far in spite of his size disadvantage.











Age: 24

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Super Junior / Lightweight



Okibi Tornado
(Tornado DDT)

Top Rope Splash


Japanese Armdrag


Okibi is an up-and-coming young lightweight prospect in the BHOTWG lightweight division, formerly known as Seijiro Orinichi. Having made his debut for the company during early 1974, the young high flyer was quickly tipped for success in the division thanks to his naturally graceful style of wrestling, but was first required to pay his dues in opening matches before earning a push worthy of his talent.


The time for that big push finally came in early 1975, when management created a new character for him to portray - Okibi, a fiery masked superstar whom the booking team hoped would quickly become the "anti-Elemental". Though whether or not Okibi will live up to this moniker is uncertain, his pairing with sidekick Shimo has already begun turning several heads in the tag division.












Age: 44

Push: Upper Midcarder

Style / Size: Regular Wrestler / Heavyweight



Samoan Headbutt K.O

Samoan Sitting Splash


Onishiki is one of BHOTWG's longest-serving heavyweights, a former rikishi from Samoa who enjoyed a sumo career which mixed success and controversy. In spite of an excellent record he never reached the level many thought he deserved - some think he was held back due to his status as a foreigner.


After leaving the sumo world Onishiki spent a few months training as a wrestler with Kitozon, a former stable-mate, in preparation for his debut at BHOTWG's first show. Though extremely green his name value as a rikishi made him one of the company's big draws early on, and in time he also developed into a competent in-ring performer.


While Onishiki will likely never again reach the fabled heights he did as a challenger and "gate keeper" to Master Kitozon during that time period, he remains an integral part of the BHOTWG roster - he has recently been partnered with fellow rikishi Tsunanohana, who has been rapidly improving thanks to the veteran's influence.












Osei The

Age: 22

Push: Lower Midcarder

Style / Size: Brawler / Heavyweight



Head Hunder Special
(Running Big Boot)

Animalistic Spear


Double Atomic Drop



Osei the Hunter (formerly known as Osei Khama) is a tough brawler from Ghana in West Africa, one of the relatively few young gaijin workers BHOTWG have been keen to bring back for multiple tours. In possession of a unique look, a muscular physique, and substantial talent, many think that he could go far if developed correctly. Rumor has it that he was first discovered in his homeland by Idetada Watanabe, the eccentric owner of BHOTWG, who is also a renowned world traveler.


After spending his first several tours with the company paying his dues and making established stars look good, it seems Khama may be preparing for a small push - he has improved considerably thanks to the quality of his competition, and was recently teamed up with fellow prospect Amiri Ngala in a duo known as "Primal Rage". Though still in the early stages of their careers the two complement each other nicely, and have shown occasional flashes of great potential as a tandem during their matches together.











l Kings

Age: 38

Push: Upper Midcarder

Style / Size: Brawler / Heavyweight



Bottle Neck Breaker
(Spinning Neckbreaker)


Side Bear Hug

Sidewalk Slam


"100 Proof" Paul Kingsley is a tough-as-nails brawler from Newcastle, once regarded as arguably the best worker in Britain and, indeed, one of the premier brawlers the world over during his prime in the 1960s. Never a refined technician by any means Kingsley nonetheless made an impression on fans thanks to his willingness to go out and swing for the fences, oftentimes legitimately knocking out opponents with his much-feared left hook.


Most consider 1969 to have been Kingsley's "peak" year, as he engaged in a series of fierce brawls with fan-favorite Connor Thompson in BHOTWG. Unfortunately he never seemed to reach this form again, as his heavy drinking habit lead to a lengthy hiatus from the business and a stint in rehab.


"100 Proof" hasn't quite been himself since his return to action in 1974, looking sluggish and lethargic at times. In order to help him shake off the ring rust he has been teamed up with the younger Derek Barnes, who is capable of covering his weaknesses well.











tom Ry

Age: 20

Push: Opener

Style / Size: Super Junior / Lightweight



Phantom Leap
(Top Rope Legdrop)

Double Jump Legdrop


Small Package


Phantom Ryushi is the mysterious masked protege of "Dead Silence" Satoru Sugimura, currently considered one of the fastest rising lightweight stars in Japan. Ryushi first came into the national spotlight as the youngest of the quartet the Tokyo sporting outlets began referring to as the "Four Princes" of the Super Junior style, a group who created a great deal of buzz throughout the Kanto region in late 1974 and early 1975 with a number of awesome performances on independent cards.


Though he displays only vestiges of the technical finesse that defines his mentor's ringwork, it is clear that Sugimura schooled the young Phantom well - unlike many other high flyers in Japan, he seems to have already developed a knack for telling a story in his matches. This may be the factor that inspired BHOTWG to pick him up during the summer of 1975, making him the second of the "Four Princes" to earn a contract with a major promotion.













Age: 24

Push: Enhancement Talent

Style / Size: Cruiserweight / Lightweight



Death Swoop
(Spinning Face Buster)

Falcon Suplex
(Arrow Suplex)

Top Rope Double Stomp

Corner Dropkick


At just 24 years old, Jay Maloney a.k.a. Red Falcon is regarded as the best pure high flier in all of Canada. An excellent athlete who finished training the day before his 18th birthday, he found the crowd reacted more to moves that showcased that athletecism, and built an offensive arsenal around just that.


The fast-paced nature of his matches helped him break down the barrier of his 190 lb. frame and get him noticed around the independent scene as far down as the southeastern U.S., where he worked in CPW until the Canadian Wrestling Federation came knocking and he elected to move back up north.


Falcon has been a hit in CWF so far, and became the first holder of the National Junior Heavyweight Title in July, a certain sign that Red is going to be a mainstay for the ever-expanding promotion.


This was changed when Falcon signed with BHOTWG on September '75, adding himself to the greatest Junior division in the world today. Falcon seems to have all the tools to rise to the top, even competing against Elemental.












ie Go

Age: 26

Push: Main Eventer

Style / Size: Entertainer / Middleweight



Hip Swivel Neckbreaker
(While being back to back with the opponent and taunting the opponent with sexy hip movements, Gordon hits a snap neckbreaker)

Ladies Choice
(With the opponent seated in the corner, the attacker charges in to hit a Butt Drop of sorts, before doing pelvic thrusts into the opponent's face to add insult to injury)

One Night Stand
(Roaring Lariat)



Arguably the best brawler and athlete on the North American scene, "Womanizer" Robbie Gordon's incessant behavioral problems and terrible attitude conspired to have him shut out of the industry - after an incident in which he harassed a female fan at an SWF show, no promoter would dare go near him.


Faced with travelling overseas or wrestling in HWA, Gordon accepted BHOTWG's long-standing offer to tour in Japan and was quickly tipped as the next foreign challenger for Master Kitozon's title. After making his debut in style by de-railing the undefeated Hitoshi Higa in April, Gordon quickly became one of the hottest acts in the country on the back of his wild brawling and heelish "aura".


It seems thus far that Japan is a perfect fit for Robbie Gordon, as he can apparently do no wrong. Shortly after joining the company he assaulted a fan on the way out of an arena for getting too close - management praised his dedication to "staying in character", and gave him a substantial bonus.













Age: 29

Push: Main Eventer

Style / Size: Technician / Middleweight



Red Sun Rising
(Japanese Figure Four Leglock)

Yamanaka Driver
(Bridging Full Nelson Suplex)

Gutwrench Suplex

Step Over Leg Bar


Seison Yamanaka is the famous protege of Japanese legend Master Kitozon, respected and admired throughout Japan for his virtually flawless technical wrestling. Discovered by Kitozon as a highly successful amateur wrestler while still in high school, Yamanaka still frequently employs these skills to control and dismantle much larger opponents with ease.


After finishing his training in late 1970 Yamanaka was swiftly signed up by BHOTWG, but his status as Kitozon's pupil didn't earn him any special treatment - some even felt that he "paid his dues" far longer than most, in spite of growing popularity, specifically to avoid giving that impression.


Yamanaka's talent finally seems to be winning through, however, as the past year has seen him beginning to emerge as a genuine main eventer in his own right in spite of his mentor's shadow looming over him. Though it seems doubtful that he'll ever reach the iconic status of Kitozon, the future looks very bright indeed for this young man.












a Ta

Age: 27

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Puroresu / Heavyweight



Takahasi Powerbomb
(Snap Powerbomb)

Stump Piledriver

Mounted Knuckle Punches

Spinning Backdrop


Shigeta Takahashi is a popular Japanese worker, known for his stiff offense. He toiled in obscurity with GCG until being put in a team with the also struggling Kenzo Isozaki. The duo improved quickly, turning their careers around. Still, tag team wrestling wasn't a big deal in GCG at the time. In 1971, Takahashi's partner convinced him to move to the U.S. and continue their careers there.


The pair started off in CPW, but it wasn't until migrating east to AAFW and APWF that they found success. Playing a gimmick for the first time in either man's career, they formed the organized crime team "Yakuza Riot", an instant hit that has made them one of the most popular teams on the circuit.


While Kenzo is perfectly happy, Takahashi hasn't quite adjusted to the American way yet and some think he'd be better off returning to Japan, where he could be a star heavyweight. Known for using some of the most impressive impact moves around, Takahashi is credited with the invention of the powerbomb.


The team of "Yakuza Riot" came back to Japan when they signed with BHOTWG on September '75.













Age: 38

Push: Upper Midcarder

Style / Size: Brawler / Heavyweight



Omega Nodowa Otoshi
(Octopus Stretch)

Giant Palm Strike


Sidewalk Slam


"The Alpha Wolf" Shikimara Mibu was once better known as Konohakuho, a relatively unsuccessful rikishi who was considered very powerful but also very clumsy. In 1964, with his career prospects going nowhere, Shikimara entered training at the GCG Dojo; thankfully, he proved to be much more adept at wrestling than he was at sumo.


For more than a year Konohakuho drifted from tag team to tag team in GCG, generally being seen as a dominant force who lost due to younger, weaker partners. His career only really took off in 1966, when he was one of many who left GCG to join the starting roster of the newly created BHOTWG. Here he was swiftly repackaged as Shikimara Mibu, half of the Mibu Ronin, a duo who have terrorized the company's tag team ranks ever since.


Once one of the top brawlers in Japan, Shikimara's age may finally be catching up with him - lately he has been relying on his partner Tatsumaki to carry most of their matches, which might mean retirement is approaching.






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Roster Overview

Page 4 / 4








Age: 20

Push: Lower Midcarder

Style / Size: Cruiserweight / Lightweight



Shimo Speed Shatter
(Spinning Feint Kick)

Missile Dropkick

Twisting Headscissors

Victory Roll



Shimo is a masked lightweight worker from Japan formerly known as Flash Asagi, one of the youngest and most promising members of the BHOTWG junior division. Once considered the "cannon fodder" of the company's lighweights, often putting over two opponents in a single night, Asagi is now experiencing his first taste of success as part of an exciting tag team with Okibi (formerly known as Seijiro Orinichi).


Though considered the weaker of the pair in the ring Shimo is also considered the better long-term prospect, as his impressive athleticism and flexibility allow him to execute some truly spectacular high flying moves - his most well-known sequence involves using a flying headscissors to land an opponent between the middle and top ropes, then finishing them with the Shimo Speed Shatter, a unique spinning feint kick.







go Ta

Age: 46

Push: Main Eventer

Style / Size: Technician / Light Heavyweight



Takani Takedown
(Violent Shooter Takedown)

Judo Rolling Leglock

Judo Arm Lock

Running Tackle



Shogo Takani is a veteran from Kobe, one of the first Japanese pro wrestlers to train and compete in the United States. One of the best of the handful of trained workers in the country prior to 1960, Shogo was a big part of GCG's early shows and played a key role in their attempts to bring wrestling back to Japanese culture. His ability to wear opponents down on the mat and stretch them with painful looking submissions made him one of the company's mainstays - arguably the peak of his run was a series of classic back-and-forth technical clinics with Harumi Shinomori, matches which are still considered masterpeices to this day.


As one of the biggest names to jump ship to BHOTWG in 1966, Takani swiftly cemented himself as a force to be reckoned with in the new company and has remained with them ever since. Even at 46 years of age Shogo can still hang with the best of them, a fact he reinforced by winning the Burning Japanese Tag Titles with partner Kiba Izumi earlier this year.












Age: 23

Push: Lower Midcarder

Style / Size: Regular Wrestler / Lightweight



Bridging German Suplex

Rolling German Suplexes

Running Knee Drive

Backdrop Pin



Stunner Okazawaya is a talented young lightweight competitor who has begun making a name for himself in Japan since his debut in 1973. He originally used a slower, mat-based style, and was good enough to earn a contract working for BHOTWG, but recently began working on his all-round game to better compete with the junior division's emerging high flyers.


Thus far, Okazawaya's role in the company has been limited to making others look good - he was even the opponent who put Elemental over on the masked sensation's debut. Many think that this performance may have been what kept him on the roster throughout the re-structuring of the division that followed; Elemental's performance in the match was obviously excellent, but just as impressive was Okazawaya's ability to sell his offense perfectly.













Age: 22

Push: Lower Midcarder

Style / Size: Brawler / Heavyweight



Hawaiian Crush
(Running Body Smash)

Palm Thrust Barrage

Sumo Splash

Bear Hug


Takanofuji is a former sumo competitor from Hawaii, a recent product of the Burning Hammer Training Camp who graduated to BHOTWG's main roster in late 1974. His sumo career was short and relatively disappointing, ending in early retirement due to difficulties in supporting his family without a fixed salary - to that end, he joined the company's training program in hopes of going on to success like many former rikishi before him.


Thus far Takanofuji's ringwork has exhibited little in the way of finesse, but has been earning accolades from many due to its realistic nature: his sumo-inspired charges, tackles, and palm thrusts have a great deal of force behind them, something which has led to a few bumps and bruises but no serious injuries thus far. In order to help him smooth out these rough edges, however, he has also been sent overseas to smaller promotions during BHOTWG's non-touring months.













Age: 32

Push: Main Eventer

Style / Size: Puroresu / Heavyweight


Ichihara Crusher
(Running Face Crusher)

Ichihara Power Drive
(Front Brainbuster)

Full Swing Lariat
(High Velocity Lariat)

Release German Suplex



"The Giant Slayer" Tasuku Nandaba is one of the biggest and brightest stars in Japan, having been the first man to graduate from the BHOTWG dojo and subsequently earn himself a full-time contract; much of this is down to his world-class training, however, as he was schooled by the late Dayu Ichihara, one of the greatest Japanese wrestlers of the era.


Ichihara's tragic passing lead to a wave of public sentiment for the young Nandaba, whose status as Ichihara's pupil was well-publicized. This support allowed Nandaba to take his first steps into the main event scene, where his efforts thus far have shown him to be a worthy "spiritual successor" to his mentor.


Much like many other Japanese ring names, Nandaba's "Giant Slayer" title is meant as a pun - throughout his baseball career Nandaba was renowned for his excellent batting average against the highly regarded pitchers of the Tokyo Giants, Japan's premier baseball team.












Age: 28

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size: Technician / Middleweight



Mibu Rotary Lock
(Seated Reverse Sleeper & Chickenwing)

Four-Direction Throw
(Four consecutive Body Slams used to play the crowd as Tatsumaki shouts the different points as he throws his opponent, starting from East and ending on North)

Front Face Lock

Middle Kick Combo


Tatsumaki Mibu is one half of the feared Mibu Ronin tag team, a duo who have served as a cornerstone of the BHOTWG tag division since the company's creation. Prior to becoming a pro wrestler he was highly successful in his teens as an Aikido practitioner, and the grappling experience clearly influenced his ring work - he is known for his smooth takedowns and array of painful submission holds.


Having been the tag team partner of Shikimara Mibu since being signed by BHOTWG in 1966, Tatsu's place in the pairing has changed significantly over the years. He was originally seen as the weak link of the duo, having to be rescued by his larger teammate in most matches, but his role has recently been expanded to carrying much of the action due to Shikimara's advancing age. The opportunity to execute more offense has seen the younger Mibu truly begin to shine, to the point that some think he might have the potential to be a future singles star once the reign of the Ronin comes to an end.












ro S

Age: 36

Push: Main Eventer

Style / Size: Brawler / Big Heavyweight


Saito Crash & Burn Bomber
(Kneeling Jaw Breaker into a STO)

K.O Combo

Short Arm Lariat

Merciless Headbutt


Toshiro Saito is a Japanese behemoth who is considered one of the best amateur boxers the country has ever produced, winning the bronze medal in the heavyweight division at the 1964 Summer Olympics. Much of this was down to his sheer size and strength, rather than his technique; the 6'9, 340 pounder towered over most of his competition, and his physical gifts quickly made him one of the most recognizable athletes in Japan.


Saito's entrance into the world of pro wrestling was one of the nation's biggest news stories in 1967, a transition he was convinced to make thanks to a huge money contract offered to him by the relatively new BHOTWG. His name value alone added massive star power to the upstart company, and in spite of having little training he has enjoyed substantial success both as a main eventer and tag team wrestler ever since - to this day, Saito is considered the last "obstacle" that new gaijin workers must overcome in order to earn a title shot against Master Kitozon.













Age: 30

Push: Main Eventer

Style / Size: Puroresu / Super Heavyweight



Mongolian Chop

Backdrop Driver





Tsunanohana is a former top ranking rikishi, originally from Mongolia, who became famous during his sumo career as the first foreigner to ever reach the rank of Sekiwake (two below Yokozuna). Between his enormous size and his surprising agility, many were surprised that he failed to reach even greater heights - sadly, he was forced out of active competition due to nagging injuries which interfered with his training. Shortly afterwards he was approached by BHOTWG, who offered him a guaranteed contract on the condition that he spend a short learning period in the Burning Hammer dojo.


The former rikishi made his debut on the main roster in early 1975, and fast became one of the company's biggest drawing cards on the back of his sumo reputation and size alone. Though his basic skills still leave a lot to be desired, he has shown a surprising amount of talent for someone of his experience; clearly a very quick learner, if Tsunanohana can stay motivated and healthy he could go far.












Age: 29

Push: Upper Midcarder

Style / Size: Puroresu / Light Heavyweight



Snakebite Roundhouse Kick

Dragon's Breath

Viper Vice
(Cobra Clutch)

Snake Eyes



Viper (Matt Brandt) and his twin brother Mark (as Cobra) comprise one of the North America's most successful tag teams: The Black Serpent Cult. They are also one of the few to achieve success overseas in Japan, as they are former Burning Japanese Tag Team Champions.


While the brothers are very similar in the ring, Viper has embraced the Japanese "Strong Style" slightly more during his time there, and uses more strikes in his offense. Possibly the best part of the brothers' snake worshipping gimmick is the live snake they bring to the ring and very occasionally unleash on opponents, although the Dragon's Breath finisher (a breathed fireball from Viper while Cobra distracts the ref) is also a contender.












Age: 23

Push: Opener

Style / Size: Super Junior / Lightweight


Dynamo Flying Elbow
(Flying Elbow Drop from the top rope. However, with Koga's incredible vertical leap, he can get so much height that what is considered a regular move by most becomes a deadly finisher in his hands)

Triple Elbow Drop

Diving Elbow Strike

Boston Crab



Yasunari Koga is an exciting young lightweight prospect whose first real exposure came as one of the "Four Princes of Super Junior," a group who received a large amount of coverage from several Tokyo news outlets in late 1974 and early 1975. Referred to as "The Yokohama Fireball" by his fans, Koga's unique ability to blend the existing elements of the super junior style with surprisingly high caliber brawling was what earned him a shot with BHOTWG - the first of the "Four Princes" to earn a contract with a major promotion.


Unfortunately, Koga's first tour with the company exposed some holes in his game which had previously gone unnoticed: though frequently capable of show-stealing performances, he also suffered from a number of "off" nights that brought down what should have been a solid match. In order to remedy this weakness, BHOTWG has sent him on several trips overseas during the summer months to gain experience in smaller promotions.















Age: 36

Push: Midcarder

Style / Size:


Ijima Single Arm DDT


Small Package

Spinning Leglock


Yuto Ijima is a well-liked longtime member of the BHOTWG roster, who they groomed during their early years as a rising star. Sadly, while the ability and desire was there, the luck wasn't, as Ijima was sidelined for a significant period of time after being blinded in one eye in a freak accident - between the time outside of the ring and the loss of his depth perception, many thought that Ijima would never wrestle again.


Ever determined, Ijima trained harder than ever to get back in shape for a return to action. Though a great deal of his fluidity had been lost his fighting spirit hadn't diminished in the least, and he has been a constant presence in the Burning Hammer midcard ever since. Capable of turning out solid matches with virtually any opponent, given the company's high regard for him it seems likely that he'll spend the rest of his career there.

























Ando Musashi

Age: 33




Ando Musashi is best known as the voice of BHOTWG, having been hired by company owner Idetada Watanabe for their very first show. Formerly a radio sportscaster, nine years of experience calling matches have seen him develop into perhaps the best announcer in Japan. He is now credited as one of Burning Hammer's most valuable employees, inside the ring or out, as his involvement makes the promotion's broadcasts seem notedly more professional than their rivals.














Idetada Wanabe

Age: 33

The Owner of BHOTWG




Idetada Watanabe is the highly respected entrepenour behind Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods, a company he apparently created on a whim in 1966 that since grown into a national powerhouse. Much of this is down to his skill as a businessman, though it is also widely known that he has a hands-off approach to the company's creative direction. Known to be slightly eccentric, many fans fear that his lack of interest in wrestling as a sport will eventually lead him to close, or sell, the company.













Nobuhiro Warada

Age: 33




Nobuhiro Warada is a skilled referee from Nagahama, Japan who has worked for BHOTWG since their first show. He is now their head official, having improved a great deal during his time there. He has served as the official for every Burning World Title match since 1971.













Richard Seltzer

Age: 37

Road Agent



Richard Seltzer, who used to wrestle under the name "Dick Slexic", was a long-time worker around the territory scene who retired due to injury in the summer of 1975 after a 14-year career in which he never even got very close to a title. He has now come back to wrestling, serving as the second Road Agent for BHOTWG since September '75, provinding a working link between the gaijins and Japanese workers.














Shuichi Yamagato

Age: 25




Shuichi Yamagato is a young referee who has been in training with BHOTWG, and is already calling matches proficiently despite his young age.















Wada Kamihashi

Age: 34

Road Agent



Wada Kamihashi is BHOTWG's primary road agent, having been one of the company's most promising young workers until being forced into retirement due to a tragic spinal injury. Partially in compensation for his sacrifices for the promotion and partially out of respect for his wealth of knowledge, he has been kept around backstage ever since.








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I have to say excellent work so far with the roster posts. Which are very useful, as I think less people are as familiar with the 75 mod (and I'll count myself amongst those) than with the regular Cornellverse.


The wrestling during the 70's in the Cornellverse seems about 10, in some cases looking at some of the finishers these guys have 20 years ahead of what wrestlers were coming up with compared to the real world.

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I have to say excellent work so far with the roster posts. Which are very useful, as I think less people are as familiar with the 75 mod (and I'll count myself amongst those) than with the regular Cornellverse.


The wrestling during the 70's in the Cornellverse seems about 10, in some cases looking at some of the finishers these guys have 20 years ahead of what wrestlers were coming up with compared to the real world.


OOC: Yeah, I noticed that one aswell. Altough it's mentioned in the bio's of some workers, like in Shimo's. The "Shimo Speed Shatter", 619, and it's also kind of funny how Shigeta Takahashi, only 27 years old, invented the powerbomb and there's few guys on the roster using the a variation of that move. All in all, I could have gone a little more traditional way in the moves but be not afraid, I realised this fact when I started doing these movelists; Most of the matches in this diary will not end in a particular modern finishing move. The matches will be about the toughness, the fighting spirit of the wrestler and the bouts will end with a lariat, sleeper, backdrop, german suplex or a simple submission and so on. Many of the finishing moves these guys have will be rarely used "uberfinishers", so to speak.


The Quest Of Honor Main Event between the mentor and the protege, Master Kitozon vs. Seison Yamanaka, will have a really old school feel to it, I promise. ;)

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The wrestling during the 70's in the Cornellverse seems about 10, in some cases looking at some of the finishers these guys have 20 years ahead of what wrestlers were coming up with compared to the real world.


OOC: After careful consideration I've come to the conclusion of re-doing the movesets / finishing move descriptions for the wrestlers since the diary has just started and I haven't posted the first show yet. As Tigerkinney cleverly pointed out the moves are way ahead of their time. I'll propably post Quest Of Honor tonight or tomorrow morning :)

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You could also just leave them be and present things as very advanced in Burning Hammer during this era. As in, the mid-1970s in BHOTWG basically revolutionized wrestling... Its a tought...


OOC: I have that in my mind but I'll save that one for the 80's :p I'm really having a clear vision for the future of BHOTWG and for the diary in general. It's going to be a long journey..


.. Updated the movelists: Everyone has 4 moves mentioned in their bio now (The only exception was that old, clumsy, aging sumoturd). More simple holds and strikes, less impact moves and such (Only one or two wrestlers have powerbomb variations). Created a lot of new moves and personal finishing moves and I really like the result, I'm really happy with the movesets which represent the skills and backgrounds of the workers pretty well in my opinion. :cool:


EDIT: And I changed the layout for the first post and it's shortcuts awhile back but forgot to mention it. Now it's more linear!

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Looking forward to seeing this one play out. I've always liked the job that Mr T and SadisticBlessings did on the Japanese scene in 75. I also think it was a good move to simplify the movesets the way that you did.


Keep up the good work. :)


Now for some predictions...


Edo Phoenix vs. Akahashi Kuno

Phoenix and Elemental could provide some classic matches.


Bishimi vs. Elemental

Doubt the legend drops his first match.


Burning Japanese Tag Team

Izumi & Takani © vs. Black Serpent Cult

I'll go with the champs, but wouldn't be too surprized if it went the other way.


Robbie Gordon vs. Noriyoshi Sanada

Establishes Gordon's credibility with a solid win. I'd say he'd be in line for a push as long as he doesn't cause too many problems backstage. :D


Toshiro Saito vs. Connor Thompson

Bit of a toss up. I'll go with Saito to set up a #1 contender match w/ Gordon.


Burning World Heavyweight

Master Kitozon © vs. Seison Yamanaka

Like Elemental, I doubt he'll be taking a loss this early. Especially not for the title.

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Quest Of Honor

Tokyo Civil Stadium

Super No Vacancy, Attendance: 15,000





















Red Falcon defeated Phantom Ryushi in 7:49 by pinfall with the Death Swoop.






Crippler Ray Kingman and Hito Ichihara defeated Primal Rage in 7:57 when Crippler Ray Kingman defeated Amiri the Predator by submission with the Crippler Cloverleaf.






Sports Magazine

September, Week 4 Edition.




Page 77: "BHOTWG: Quest Of Honor"

By Jin Shiozaki & Keiji Sugiura













On Friday, Week 3 of September, Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods held their monthly big event event at the Tokyo Civil Stadium. The main event was between the reigning Burning World champion Master Kitozon as he defended the belt against his protege Seison Yamanaka. The night offered a lot to every fan in attendance as it featured a lot of action for everyone. In this report we go trough all the matches that were on the card but pay special attention to the six advertised matches





__________________________________________________ __________







Match #0: Yakuza Riot vs. Nagamichi & Fukamura





Result: Nagamichi & Fukamura defeated Yakuza Riot in 15:30 when Kenji Fukamura defeated Shigeta Takahasi by pinfall with the Super K-Kick.



Shiozaki's Grade:







__________________________________________________ __________








Match #1: Edo Phoenix vs. Akahashi Kuno






Phoenix and Kuno competed for a chance to take on Elemental, in the quest of ending his already legendary undefeated streak. Kuno started off strong, hitting several nice combos and sequences, gaining few nearfalls here and there. Edo Phoenix started getting some momentum the more he stayed away from Kuno, jumping from the top rope and utilising the ring better than Kuno.




Phoenix grounded with a series of japanese armdrags and a twisting headscissors but got only a two count. Kuno then fought back and gained momentum until missing a flying cross body off the top rope.



Kuno crashed and burned as Phoenix rolled out of the way but got yet another two count out of Kuno. Now it was Phoenix's turn to crash and burn as he also missed his move, the Blaze Of Glory, the apron springboard dropkick! As Phoenix rose to one knee, Kuno was already waiting in the corner, stalking his prey. Kuno ran across the ring, jumped in the air and lifted his knee as he was going for his Shining Wizard strike but got taken down to the mat for the three count as Phoenix reversed the move into a small package!



Phoenix and Kuno shook hands after the match and Kuno was even smiling, feeling embarrased by the pinfall predicament he fell into. Edo Phoenix is looking to be the a strong contender in the quest of ending Elemental's streak, if Bishimi doesn't get there first.



Result: Edo Phoenix defeated Akahashi Kuno in 15:12 by pinfall with the Small Package.


Shiozaki's Grade:






__________________________________________________ __________







Match #2: Barnes & Kingsley vs. Onishiki & Tsunanohana





Result: Barnes & Kingsley defeated Onishiki & Tsunanohana in 10:14 when Derek Barnes defeated Onishiki by pinfall with the Full Turbo Powerslam.


Shiozaki's Grade:






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Match #3: Mibu Ronin vs. Higa & Nandaba





Result: Higa & Nandaba defeated Mibu Ronin in 16:08 when Hitoshi Higa defeated Tatsumaki Mibu by pinfall with the Big Boot.


Shiozaki's Grade:






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Match #4: Bishimi vs. Elemental






Elemental's winning streak was on the line once again. Undefeated in the lightweight division since his debut few years ago, Elemental was once again going against one his arch enemies, Bishimi. Even though Bishimi came even closer in winning this time, he blew his own changes when he, out of desperation perhaps, tried his Green Mist attack on Elemental.




The trick backfired badly as Elemental kicked Bishimi to the head just when Bishimi tried to spew the mist from his mouth and thus nearly choked in the process because of the powder in his mouth.




Elemental quickly hit few kicks, knocking Bishimi to the canvas and then finished him off with his spectacular 450 splash, the Inferno Splash for the three count.


Elemental defeated Bishimi in 23:04 by pinfall with the Inferno Splash.


Shiozaki's Grade:






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Match #5: Burning Japanese Tag Team

Izumi & Takani © vs. Black Serpent Cult










Izumi and Takani won the Burning Japanese Tag Team titles from the former three time champions Mibu Ronin back in April and now they were facing a new kind of danger. The Black Serpent Cult, Cobra and Viper, perhaps one of the most succesful American tag teams in the present day. Black Serpent Cult were determined to start their second reign as the Burning Japanese Tag Team champions.




The match started with frequent tags as neither team could not keep their opponent from tagging out. While Izumi and Takani tried to slow things down, the younger team of the Cult tried to fasten the pace at all times. Having a more all around game, Cobra and Viper didn't even try to outwrestle the reigning champions who were submission specialists. Near the fifteen minute mark Cobra was in big trouble against Izumi who started throwing Cobra around the ring with suplexes, whether they were from the side, gutwrench or belly to belly.





After rocking Cobra with several throws, he locked him into the Feral Ankle Lock which Viper quickly broke as he entered the ring and kicked Izumi to the face with the Snakebite Roundhouse kick! All hell broke loose as Takani then jumped into the ring, nailing Viper down with the Takani Takedown and the two rolled out of the ring and brawled outside.




Takani and Viper fought outside of the ring which ended when Takani tackled Viper against the guard rails, leaving Cobra alone in the ring with no backup at his corner. Takani on the other hand was already on the apron when the legal men were back on their feet: Izumi tagged to the fresh man Takani who quickly locked in the Judo Arm Lock on Cobra who had been in the ring for almost ten minutes straight. Izumi dropped out of the ring and kept Viper at the ringside so that he couldn't interfere in the match.




After a grueling ten seconds, Cobra had no choice put to tap out to Takani's arm lock.



Result: Izumi & Takani defeated Black Serpent Cult in 20:29 when Shogo Takani defeated Cobra by submission with the Judo Arm Lock.

Izumi & Takani make defence number 3 of their Burning Japanese Tag Team titles.


Shiozaki's Grade:






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Match #6:
Robbie Gordon vs. Noriyoshi Sanada







The middleweights had an even match as Gordon took on Sanada which created an interesting setup: A brawler versus a technician, the bad guy versus the good guy, the gaijin versus the homeland hero. Gordon had a more diverse skillset than Sanada but it didn't give him much of an upper hand as Sanada got pumped after the several taunts from Gordon. Whether Gordon shouted at Sanada or the fans, or hit a thumb to the eye or did other shenannigans, what it did was that it just motivated Sanada to take his game to another level.




Gordon got his head busted open from the repeated knee lifts from Sanada in the 15 minute mark. Sanada capitalised on the open forehead as he kept pinpointing the head of Gordon, headbutting and striking the wound.





Right near the end Sanada got blinded momentarily when Gordon spit the blood and spit from his mouth into Sanada's face. Referee didn't take kindly to such behaviour and gave Gordon a warning. Gordon got the upper hand because of the trick he pulled and started to dominate but couldn't get the victory out of the tough Sanada right away.




After a One Night Stand, Gordon's roaring lariat and his Hip Swivel Neckbreaker, Gordon finally got a sudden pinfall out of Sanada who got his shoulders up just after the three count. Sanada seems to be floating in the main event scene as it seems that bulking up from the lightweight division into the middleweight hasn't done him any favours. Just like so many others after Elemental's emergence, he's drifting in the roster with few options left. Either bulk up even more and add weight, or improving his game more evenly or excelling even more in the technical wrestling like Yamanaka. If Sanada can't find a way to distinguish himself from others, a downward spiral is sure to come sooner or later.



Result: Robbie Gordon defeated Noriyoshi Sanada in 24:58 by pinfall with the Hip Swivel Neckbreaker.


Shiozaki's Grade:






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Match #7:
Toshiro Saito vs. Connor Thompson






In our last match before the main event we saw a clash of veterans as the former amateur boxer Saito fought a brutal fight against the Australian Thompson. Saito's one-dimensional fighting style proved to be the weak link in his game as Thompson outwrestled him several times, even slamming the bigger man around the ring. When the wrestlers reached the 20 minute limit, both were quite fatiqued, Thompson even more than Saito which was a bit of a surprise.




The match ended when Saito went for his patented "Saito Crash & Burn Combo", his kneeling jawbreaker into a STO combo which Thompson countered after the jawbreaker as he took Saito and lifted him over himself with the Thunder From Down Under. The high angle powerslam gave Connor Thompson yet another victory in his career as the match ended in 22.55.




Even though both men aren't getting any younger, Saito is clealry in his prime and Thompson seems to be having the best matches in his career now that he's much more older and experienced. Whether or not Thompson will try to go for the Burning World Heavyweight title chase remains to be seen.


Result: Connor Thompson defeated Toshiro Saito in 22:55 by pinfall with the Thunder From Down Under.


Shiozaki's Grade:








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Match #8: Burning World Heavyweight

Master Kitozon © vs. Seison Yamanaka











The Mentor, The Champion versus The Protege, The Challenger. Kitozon and Yamanaka met for the first time in this epic battle for the Burning World Heavyweight title, which Kitozon has held since September '72, defeating the late, great Dayu Ichihara exactly three years ago.




After the introductions ceremony the bell ringed! The match started with slow feeling out process with neither man getting the clear advantage over each other. Both men were smiling for the first ten minutes as tried try to outwrestle each other on the mat. The crowd was split in half and cheered equally for both wrestlers which created a unique atmosphere as this time Kitozon wasn't facing a gaijin, a foreigner, he was wrestling against a fellow countryman.




The pace slowly fastened while the smiles disappeared when the chops started echoing troughout the Civil Stadium. Obviously Kitozon gained the upper hand after several chops that Yamanaka couldn't block nor brace, thus taking all the impact from the chops. Yamanaka finally rolled out of the ring, trying to escape from Kitozon who relentlessly followed him. When the two came back, Yamanaka turned the tables as he took the control, beginning to work on the legs of his mentor.




With each elbow to the knee, Yamanaka builded his momentum, keeping the Burning World champion down on thet mat. Kitozon tried to reach for Yamanaka's head, trying to get a hold of him or trying to circle his legs around Yamanaka but to no avail, until Kitozon started chopping away while being on his back! Yamanaka couldn't protect himself from the position and thus had no choice but to back up a bit and regain the control some other way.




As Kitozon got up from the mat, Yamanaka immediatly started kicking the legs of Kitozon! But Kitozon countered with kicks of his own, each kick more powerful than the ones Yamanaka unleashed on him. Yamanaka backed off again, taking few steps behind but Kitozon came charging, trying to kick the legs from under his protege! Yamanaka fought back with a sloppy punch flurry and got a nasty Kitozon chop to the chest! Yamanaka kept creating distance between him and the champion, unaware that there was only the corner behind him while Kitozon came closer and closer.




The chop barrage echoed again as Kitozon chopped Yamasaka's chest like there was no tomorrow! Yamanaka was reeling on the corner, taking each strike like a man. Yamanaka roared back at Kitozon, asking for more. Kitozon answered with a Roaring Kitozon chop. The lights were on but no one was home as Yamanaka just stared aimlessly across the stadium, Kitozon grabbed Yamanaka and lifted him up for the suplex! Cover!










Two!! Yamanaka kicked out, but was clearly dazed and confused after the chops. Kitozon begun stomping on Yamanaka's arms, trying to disable his offence completely by taking out the possible suplexes from Yamanaka's arsenal. Yamanaka shook the cobwebs out momentarily as he took Kitozon down with a single leg trip out of nowhere. The step over leg bar was then locked in, Kitozon was in trouble!




Kitozon got to the ropes! Yamanaka grabbed a hold by the waist and tried to lift his mentor, Kitozon fought back. Yamanaka tried again.. And again.. And got it, as he threw Kitozon up and over with the gutwrench suplex! And another right after the first one! Yamanaka grabbed Kitozon's legs and circled around them, going for his Japanese figure four leglock finishing manuever, the Red Sun Rising! Kitozon blockked the attempt and turned the sequence into a small package!!








Yamanaka got his shoulders up just in time! 30 minutes had passed and the fans seemed to be chanting for Kitozon more than they did for Yamanaka, who was clearly frightened by the sudden small package Kitozon just rolled him into, almost ending the match with it. Yamanaka and Kitozon both regained vertical base and started trading strikes, this time Yamanaka ducked few chops but when he went for a takedown, he got a double axe handle to the back as a reward. Kitozon planted Yamanaka to the mat with a snapmare, followed with a soccer kick to the back. Yamanaka was in pain after the kick, Kitozon switched stances and hit another soccer kick to the chest of Yamanaka! Cover!









Not this time either! Yamanaka still got his shoulders up! The Burning World champion lifted his protege up for another suplex.. And kept him high in the air for several seconds! Blood rushed to the head of Yamanaka as he tried to get down from the position but ended up being slammed to the mat once again! Another cover from Kitozon!








Thr.. No!! Yamanaka kicked out!!




Kitozon slowly lifted Yamanaka up from the canvas.. Kitozon chop from the left! Right! Left! Right!! Yamanaka was reeling at the hands of Kitozon..



Kitozon missed!! YAMANAKA DRIVER!!



Out of desperation Yamanaka slammed Kitozon to the mat with his bridging Full Nelson Suplex!!















TWO!!! Kitozon kicked out!! Yamanaka couln't believe it, as if that the move was his last resort. He clearly didn't have much left. After catching his breath, Yamanaka started picking Kitozon apart, circling him around once again, kicking Kitozon's legs and arms. Yamanaka went for the RED SUN RISING...





.... And ....





Didn't get it as Kitozon blocked the move! The Burning World champion pushed Yamanaka away and got up.. Yamanaka came closer... ROARING KITOZON CHOP rocked Yamanaka who stumbled to one knee!!





Kitozon bounced of the ropes, hitting a diving lariat as he almost took Yamanaka's head off!! Cover!!













THR... No! Yamanaka got his shoulders up! He got his shoulders up! The whole Civil Stadium applauded wildly, everyone was on their feet, waiting for Yamanaka to get up!!





Kitozon took a breathe for a moment until grabbing Yamanaka and lifted him up... Suplex!!




Attempt! Yamanaka slided behind Kitozon, YAMANAKA DRIVER!!




NO, Kitozon blocked the attempt with his leg! Snapmare!! Yamanaka got taken down with a snapmare, however he stood right back up on instinct!!








Yamanaka got such a thunderous Kitozon chop to the head that it turned him around, as Yamanaka gave his back to the Burning World champion!! Kitozon took aim as he took one step back..



ROARING KITOZON CHOP.. To the back of the head of Yamanaka!! Yamanaka fell to the canvas with Kitozon who put all his power behind the strike!!

















The epic battle ended with roaring Kitozon chops which put an end to Yamanaka's misery after a grueling 45 minutes. Yamanaka established himself as a serious contender, a legimate #1 contender and a survivor who battled his mentor for fortyfive minutes. Even though he didn't get the Burning World Heavyweight title from his master, this was the most best match he had ever had during his career. After the hard fought match, Kitozon lifted his protege up and shook his hand as the two posed for the fans as Quest Of Honor event ended in celebration.


Result: Master Kitozon defeated Seison Yamanaka in 44:32 by pinfall after a Roaring Kitozon Chop.

Master Kitozon made his first defence of his Burning World Heavyweight title during the "Night Of Destiny" Tour.


Shiozaki's Grade:


__________________________________________________ __________

Quest Of Honor was another amazing event from Burning Hammer as it was enjoyable from start to finish, with an epic Burning World title match that finished the show. Everyone put their best effort and BHOTWG clearly made some new fans who were in attendance for the first time. We had a great time on Friday and we will surely attend more BHOTWG events when they are back in Kanto or nearby. Their "Night Of Destiny" tour has just started and will continue all the way to November so be sure to attend these events when they came near you!

- Jin & Keiji






BHOTWG Quest Of Honor

Overall Grade:






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Pretty good show it seems, here are a list of things I DON'T like:


  • I am very, very disappointed that the mentor vs. protégé match was so called "wasted" to this show, with no real build what so ever. The biggest match BHOTWG could hold at this time, and the readers of that magazine know only that they are the mentor and the protégé. It saddens me.
  • All matches didn't have reports. It seems very unrealistic to me, that a magazine would leave match reports out if they have match reports for others.
  • This: "Sanada seems to be floating in the main event scene as it seems that bulking up from the lightweight division into the middleweight hasn't done him any favours. Just like so many others after Elemental's emergence, he's drifting in the roster with few options left. Either bulk up even more and add weight, or improving his game more evenly or excelling even more in the technical wrestling like Yamanaka. If Sanada can't find a way to distinguish himself from others, a downward spiral is sure to come sooner or later." How would a magazine in 1975 break the kayfabe :/ I don't like it at all.
  • The final match, the main event, seemed to have a bit too much brawling. Why wouldn't they try to take their opponent down with their deadly submission moves, but someone like Yamanaka - who seems, well at least to me, a pure technician - would go for suplexes. It is very weird.


All in all, I hope you don't take that criticism badly, because I only ment the best. Peace out fellow countryman :D

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Good points. And the Sanada/Elemental thingy isn't even breaking kayfabe? Atleast I don't get it. And yes, I'm a lousy writer, I'll read me some more of "Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer"..


Or.. The lousy match reports are part of the story? Who knows? .. Well, I do. :p

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Good points. And the Sanada/Elemental thingy isn't even breaking kayfabe? Atleast I don't get it. And yes, I'm a lousy writer, I'll read me some more of "Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer"..


Or.. The lousy match reports are part of the story? Who knows? .. Well, I do. :p


Yeah but I mostly meant the last part. It just doesn't fit in. Sorry :p

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