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BHOTWG: "The Era of Immortals" (C-Verse '75)

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Yeah but I mostly meant the last part. It just doesn't fit in. Sorry :p


Could be down to Yamanaka's inexperience or nervousness going against his Mentor? ;)


And btw, Yamanaka shooted for takedown several times, worker on Kitozon's legs.. Locked in the step over leg bar, went for the Red Sun Rising several times, etc, Kitozon succesfully blocked the attempts. Yamanaka tried something else, didn't work. And the main storyline in the whole match was establishing Yamanaka as a legimate contender as he survived that long against Kitozon. It was about surviving more than winning the title from Kitozon, he wasn't even close to winning yet.

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Could be down to Yamanaka's inexperience or nervousness going against his Mentor? ;)


I meant from the Gordon vs. Sanada match. :rolleyes:


And btw, Yamanaka shooted for takedown several times, worker on Kitozon's legs.. Locked in the step over leg bar, went for the Red Sun Rising several times, etc, Kitozon succesfully blocked the attempts. Yamanaka tried something else, didn't work. And the main storyline in the whole match was establishing Yamanaka as a legimate contender as he survived that long against Kitozon. It was about surviving more than winning the title from Kitozon, he wasn't even close to winning yet.


Yes you might be right that my memory is very crappy :D

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Sugiura's Journal

Monday, Week 4, Sep '75





"Off to a bad start."



I didn't like the article. Jin and I had a clear deal on how the article would be written. Jin wrote the advertised matches.. And I wrote the rest of them. Needless to say, I screwed up. What was I supposed to do? I don't know the moves, nor the history, nor the wrestlers.. I know nothing.




I have to check out the term "kayfabe". I'm not entirely sure what it means but when I ask any wrestling fan they don't seem to know the term or if they do, they won't tell me anything because "You're a journalist". There's another thing I have no idea of.. Why won't they tell me more? My curiosity couldn't get any bigger.




I asked Jin to provide me more information of the wrestling scene in general in Japan. Within ten minutes he handed me pages and pages of articles he had written but never published. His wrestling pages on AJS were quite knew and Boss didn't give him all the space in the paper he would have liked to have because of the other, more legimate sports. I'll attach the pages to this journal, just so that I won't lose the vital information.


Japanese Wrestling History

Wrestling had always been a major part of Japanese culture, with professionally-run promotions existing as far back as the 1850s. However, the first officially recognised period of recorded wrestling history is considered to be the "Giant Era", dating from the 1900s until 1933. This was a time when Giant Pro Wrestling was a massive success, with their wrestlers being national heroes. The promotion collapsed in 1933 though, under shady circumstances.


This led to the so-called "Dark Era", which lasted from GPW's demise until 1960. The public's respect for wrestling had been shattered by the way that GPW had gone out of business, and the complete lack of interest meant that no smaller promotion could even begin to think about trying to do business. There are no recorded wrestling events at all from this time period.


The 1960's saw the "Rebirth Era". Golden Canvas Grappling was formed in 1960, and began rebuilding the image of wrestling as a noble sport. Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods followed in 1966, and also presented wrestling as serious and competitive. The public, with the memory of GPW's disgrace having faded, started to come back, and by the end of the decade, wrestling was once again enjoying public admiration.


This admiration turned into massive popularity in the early 1970s. GCG and BHOTWG ruled Japan, with both enjoying runs as the number one promotion, only for the other to come back. Nowadays GCG has more big stars, with heavyweight wrestlers like Sadaharu Jimbo, Hanshiro Furusawa, and Yoshinaka Toshusai being very popular with fans, but BHOTWG has the biggest of them all, Master Kitozon, who has gone beyond simply being a wrestler and is now a genuine cultural icon in Japan. However, it's the emergence of Elemental that gives BHOTWG the edge right now, as he became the first wrestler to make the leap from wrestling star to mainstream media superstar, and he's been able to bring a whole new young audience to the product


Yeah. A whole new young audience.







Thought of the day:

One more thing about children. While they are still ugly and repulsive, their behaviour isn't their fault. It's the parent's fault. And all this talk about respect towards your parents, I don't follow that thought. The truth is that obedience and respect shouldn't be automatic. They should be earned and based on the parent's performance. Some parents deserve respect, but most of them don't. I hate seeing badly behaving children with their parents, who won't even acknowledge the children's bad behaviour. Or if a child is asking for a candy at the shop, the parent says no, and the kid just keeps asking and asking until the parent buys the candy or a toy. It makes me so angry to see that kind of lack of parenting.

And one more thing. Have you noticed that if a child grows up to be uneducated, unemployed miserable hopeless bum, the parents had nothing to do with it. But when the child grows up to be a lawyer or a doctor, the parents are first in line taking all the credit from the success of their children. Makes you sick, doesn't it?




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Extract From

"Legends Of Wrestling" DVD


Disc 3, Part. 6

"BHOTWG: Seison Yamanaka - The First Encounter With The Master"











Those were great times.."
Yamanaka begins, “
.. Back then wrestling had some this sort of code of honor. We respected each other, inside the ring and outside the ring. Apart few exceptions like Robbie Gordon and few others but mostly, we were like a big family."



, Yamanaka stops for a moment. “.
He was.. Like a second father to me. I owe everything to him. He made me what I am today. I'm happily retired.. Old and forgotten wrestler who was in BHOTWG long, long time ago, alongside Kitozon and the future legends like Hito Ichihara, Elemental and others.. "



It's been more than thirty years from that first encounter I had with my Master.. I have children, grandchildren now. Sure..
Yamanaka pauses again, looks up and smiles, “
Sure.. Sometimes I reminiscence the old days. I can still hear the crowd roaring for me.. I can still feel the chops from Kitozon."



Not that many people remember me anymore.
Yamanaka nodds and smiles, adding, “
And they shouldn't. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time and for some reason Kitozon chose me as his pupil. Some might say that I was great.. But I was never as great as my Master. Not that I'm ashamed of admitting it. There never was anyone better than him. Not before him.. Not back then.. And not now. He was the best wrestler ever.



The memories come back when I look at old photographs.. The first match that my Master and I had.. I was .. I was so nervous. But when the match ended.. I felt that I had stood on my own against my Master. I didn't back down. I never gave up. I gave him everything.



But that was our first encounter. The matches that took place after that were much better .. I wasn't nearly as nervous in them than I was in the first one.



If I would have one .. Wish..
, Yamanaka looks across the table with melancholic eyes, “
It would be that.. People.. Would remember my Master. Master Kitozon. And what he did for the business.. Only the veterans remember him but they don't pass the information to the younger folks that much.. They just care about the money. The soul of wrestling.. That old school fighting spirit..





It died
.. "






When my Master died






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Wednesday, Week 4, September '75






All Japan Sports

Magazine HQ






"The Letter"




Just another day at work, doing baseball articles.. The usual stuff. The stuff I've done for little less than a year now here at All Japan Sports. The Tokyo Giants seem to be unstoppable once again this season. The comparison between the Tokyo Giants and Master Kitozon, or Elemental, is unavoidable. Altough I finished writing the baseball articles, unlike the match reports on the Quest Of Honor review, it wasn't as easy than what it was before. I couldn't get my mind off from wrestling which distracted my writing. I was aching to get my fix. As I walked over to Jin's desk, I was hoping that he would give me atleast something to read about.


Indeed he did.










I started, feeling nervous for some reason.
So.. .. How have you been? Anything.. New? In your.. Life?







Keiji. What do you want?
Jin snapped back at me. He could read me like an open book.


Nothing! Just that.. You know. Nothing.



The awkward silence stepped into the room for the next minute. Jin was busy, checking his mail.


When's the next BHOTWG event going to be.. in Kanto?


Probably.. .. Two or three weeks away. Or more. How come?


I would really like to know more about the promotion.. And wrestling. You know. Just so that I won't screw up those articles in the future.. Haha..
I laughed at myself. Jin didn't even sneer.



Another silent moment passed by. Once again I was reaching for words. I wanted to capture his attention.



So what's this term called kayfabe?



As if I had dropped a grenade on the office floor, Jin stopped whatever he was doing.



Jin. Here's the deal. I'll tell you and you will never, ever talk about the subject again?"


Sure. So. What is kayfabe?


In professional wrestling, kayfabe is like.. The portrayal of events within the industry as "real.", you know. That is, the portrayal of professional wrestling as being genuine or not worked. That is what makes wrestling work.. The illusion that everything is real. Remember me and that lady sitting next to you at Quest Of Honor? You were sort of breaking our illusion by constantly reminding us that it's not real. And you yourself fell into the main event so deeply because you got hooked to that same illusion.


t's the suspension of disbelief that is used to create the non-wrestling aspects of promotions, such as feuds, angles, and gimmicks, in a similar manner with other forms of entertainment such as soap opera or film.. Like "Secret Lives" on J-Network East, Channel 5. Wrestling is performed in front of a live audience whose interaction with the show is crucial to the show's success.



All wrestlers adhere kayfabe in public, even when outside the ring and off-camera, in order to preserve the illusion that the competition in pro wrestling is not staged. That is how one would be legimately scared of the big guys on BHOTWG roster. Or when Robbie Gordon behaves badly towards the wrestlers or the fans.. Well alright that's not the perfect example since Gordon is actually extremely egotistical, selfish and bold. But you got the idea, didn't you?


But.. .. Why don't people talk about it? Why aren't we writing this stuff?


Are you serious? We just.. We can't. It's the most definite no-no in the sport.


But everyone knows it's staged! You have to be a moron to not to realise that.


We are not breaking kayfabe on AJS. Not now, not ever. You could easily get fired. Do you have any idea how influential the owners of BHOTWG or GCG are?


I dare you to confront a professional wrestler and ask him about kayfabe. Or tell him that the stuff what they do is fake. I dare you.


Now.. Leave me alone.





I wasn't going anywhere.


Don't you realise how much money we can make if we start investigating the backgrounds, doing these scoops that no one else has?


Like I said, Keiji. We're not doing it. We are not writing non-kayfabe articles.


I muttered something to myself as I was leaving. Just when I turned around, I collided with Kumiko, our errand girl. She had come back to Jin's office as she had forgot to give Jin a mail from a relative. I heroicly catched Kumiko and prevented her from falling to the floor. I got a slap to the face as a reward, Jin bursted into laughter. Kumiko said something to me on her way out.. The mail was on the floor. Holding my cheek, I lifted the mail from the floor and tried to open it until Jin grabbed it from me.
You don't read other people's mail like that, you idiot!


She got you good didn't she?
Jin was laughing at me. I was still holding my cheek. That girl has immense power in her slaps.
Yes! It's from my cousin who lives at Tohoku. BHOTWG held their Tour show there on Sunday!!


Let me see!
", I almost jumped at Jin.


Wait for your turn.. Cool, he send the poster too!











Night Of Destiny Tour

Night Six

Sunday, Week 3, September


Toshiro Saito & Yakuza Riot vs. Hito Ichihara & Mibu Ronin


Edo Phoenix & Bishimi vs. Akahashi Kuno & Elemental



Izumi & Takani vs. Kinki Demons


#1 Contender's Match

Burning Japanese Tag Team

Fukamura & Nagamichi vs. Higa & Nandaba


#1 Contender's Match

Burning World Heavyweight

Robbie Gordon vs. Connor Thompson


Kitozon & Yamanaka vs. Black Serpent Cult







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Night Of Destiny Tour

Night Six

Sunday, Week 3, September



Toshiro Saito & Yakuza Riot vs. Hito Ichihara & Mibu Ronin

Edo Phoenix & Bishimi vs. Akahashi Kuno & Elemental

Izumi & Takani vs. Kinki Demons

#1 Contender's Match

Burning Japanese Tag Team

Fukamura & Nagamichi vs. Higa & Nandaba


#1 Contender's Match

Burning World Heavyweight

Robbie Gordon vs. Connor Thompson


Kitozon & Yamanaka vs. Black Serpent Cult

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Night Of Destiny Tour

Night Six

Sunday, Week 3, September



Toshiro Saito & Yakuza Riot vs. Hito Ichihara & Mibu Ronin


Edo Phoenix & Bishimi vs. Akahashi Kuno & Elemental



Izumi & Takani vs. Kinki Demons


#1 Contender's Match

Burning Japanese Tag Team

Fukamura & Nagamichi vs. Higa & Nandaba


#1 Contender's Match

Burning World Heavyweight

Robbie Gordon vs. Connor Thompson


Kitozon & Yamanaka vs. Black Serpent Cult

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Night Of Destiny Tour

Night Six

Sunday, Week 3, September



Toshiro Saito & Yakuza Riot vs. Hito Ichihara & Mibu Ronin


Edo Phoenix & Bishimi vs. Akahashi Kuno & Elemental


Izumi & Takani vs. Kinki Demons


#1 Contender's Match

Burning Japanese Tag Team

Fukamura & Nagamichi vs. Higa & Nandaba


#1 Contender's Match

Burning World Heavyweight

Robbie Gordon vs. Connor Thompson


Kitozon & Yamanaka vs. Black Serpent Cult

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Guest TDubTNA

Night Of Destiny Tour

Night Six

Sunday, Week 3, September



Toshiro Saito & Yakuza Riot vs. Hito Ichihara & Mibu Ronin


Edo Phoenix & Bishimi vs. Akahashi Kuno & Elemental



Izumi & Takani vs. Kinki Demons


#1 Contender's Match

Burning Japanese Tag Team

Fukamura & Nagamichi vs. Higa & Nandaba


#1 Contender's Match

Burning World Heavyweight

Robbie Gordon vs. Connor Thompson


Kitozon & Yamanaka vs. Black Serpent Cult

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Night Of Destiny Tour

Night Six

Sunday, Week 3, September



Toshiro Saito & Yakuza Riot vs. Hito Ichihara & Mibu Ronin


Edo Phoenix & Bishimi vs. Akahashi Kuno & Elemental



Izumi & Takani vs. Kinki Demons


#1 Contender's Match

Burning Japanese Tag Team

Fukamura & Nagamichi vs. Higa & Nandaba


#1 Contender's Match

Burning World Heavyweight

Robbie Gordon vs. Connor Thompson


Kitozon & Yamanaka vs. Black Serpent Cult


I'll go with these, altough the opener can go either way because it's, well an opener. But because I HOPE you respect the young lion -system, Saito with Yakuza Riot will win :)

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Toshiro Saito & Yakuza Riot vs. Hito Ichihara & Mibu Ronin


Edo Phoenix & Bishimi vs. Akahashi Kuno & Elemental



Izumi & Takani vs. Kinki Demons


#1 Contender's Match

Burning Japanese Tag Team

Fukamura & Nagamichi vs. Higa & Nandaba


#1 Contender's Match

Burning World Heavyweight

Robbie Gordon vs. Connor Thompson


Kitozon & Yamanaka vs. Black Serpent Cult

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Night Of Destiny Tour

Night Six

Sunday, Week 3, September




















In the first pre-show match the Canadians Crippler Ray Kingman and Red Falcon defeated the super junior tag team of Okibi & Shimo in 8:14 when Crippler Ray Kingman defeated Shimo by submission with the Canadian Crab. This was a pretty good match even though all four competitors aren't that popular yet in Japan.






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And in the second one the big sumo's Onishiki & Tsunanohana crushed Byron Valmont and Kazuo Mitsushi in 8:26 when Tsunanohana defeated Kazuo Mitsushi by pinfall with a Lariat. The big guys just bulldozed the much smaller wrestlers solely with their size advantage.





















Match #0: Toshiro Saito & Yakuza Riot vs. Hito Ichihara & Mibu Ronin







The first match on the main card started wildly as Mibu Ronin attacked Yakuza Riot in their corner and the tag team specialists brawled all around the ringside while Saito and Ichihara squared off inside the ring. Saito quickly took control as he blasted Ichihara with a short arm lariat and locked him into a headlock. While this was going on, on the outside Mibu Ronin had the advantage over Yakuza Riot as they had whipped them into the guardrails.




Back in the ring, Saito pummeled Ichihara with elbows until the brothers Mibu entered the ring, attacking Saito which garnered huge boo's from the crowd. Yakuza Riot also stormed in the ring and fought off the Mibu Ronin, tackling them to the ground and then rolling outside once again.




Ichihara finally got the upper hand with a roundhouse kick combo, then locking the big man into a triangle choke. Saito outpowered Ichihara as he took him up and down, slamming Ichihara to the mat. The teams had come back to their corners and thus Saito tagged in Isozaki who got taken to the mat right away as Ichihara had Isozaki's flying lariat scouted. Ichihara grabbed Isozaki's arm and twisted it wildly, locking one half of the Yakuza Riot into an armbar. Isozaki found his way to the ringropes and thus Ichihara released the hold and tagged in Tatsumaki Mibu who succesfully isolated Isozaki from his corner for several minutes.




Tatsumaki succesfully locked in his Mibu Rotary Lock, the Seated Reverse Sleeper hold, on Isozaki which didn't go well with Isozaki's tag team partner Shigeta Takahasi who then stepped into the ring and attacked Tatsumaki with wild punches, and slamming him to the canvas with authority with the move he had invented, the Takahasi Powerbomb. Tatsumaki's tag partners Ichihara and Shikimara then ran into the ring and a huge brawl started as everyone was in the ring.




During the chaos Isozaki finally made a legal tag to Saito who cleared the ring from Ichihara and Shikimara, then planted the already dazed Tatsumaki with the Saito Crash & Burn Bomber for the three count, ending the chaotic six man tag match.



Result: Toshiro Saito and Yakuza Riot defeated Hito Ichihara and Mibu Ronin in 15:11 when Toshiro Saito defeated Tatsumaki Mibu by pinfall with a Saito Crash & Burn Bomber.


Cousin Shiozaki's Grade:







__________________________________________________ __________






Match #1: Nobuaki Anzai vs. Noriyoshi Sanada





In this nonadvertised match the veteran Sanada schooled the young lion and the "unofficial" third member of the Mibu Ronin, the real life little brother of Tatsumaki Mibu, Nobuaki Anzai. Sanada looked especially good in the match as if he had found a new fire after the loss to Robbie Gordon at Quest Of Honor. Anzai didn't look that bad either but as he's still paying his dues, Sanada controlled most of the match, ending the match in under ten minutes with the Sanada Pyramid.

Result: Noriyoshi Sanada defeated Nobuaki Anzai in 9:31 by submission with a Sanada Pyramid.


Cousin Shiozaki's Grade:





__________________________________________________ __________





Match #2 Edo Phoenix & Bishimi vs. Akahashi Kuno & Elemental







This match stayed much more formal as the rules were adhered better by the super juniors. Bishimi and Kuno started and chainwrestler for the minutes until Bishimi took control after foul play as he grabbed Kuno by the trunks while he being on the mat, driving Kuno into the turnbuckle. Bishimi worker on Kuno for several minutes but when Kuno finally got himself out of the trouble, dropkicking Bishimi perfectly along the way and tagging to Elemental, Bishimi cowardly ran to his corner and tagged himself out and thus, for the first time ever, the two great super juniors met face to face.




Elemental and Edo Phoenix circled each other tentatively while the crowd cheered, the whole atmosphere became electric all of a sudden. Slowly Elemental and Phoenix came closer with their hands in the air, with their fingers touching each other as they tried to get the first move and the psychological advantage of one another. Then, from out of nowhere, Edo Phoenix hit a perfectly executed japanese arm drag on Elemental, silencing the whole Fukushima Stadium. Elemental found himself on the canvas, staring at the ceiling while Phoenix just waited for him to get up. Elemental didn't hurry getting back to his feet as he took the time and shook the cobwebs out, then glazed over at Phoenix who was anxiously waiting for the masked legend to get up.




The two begun circling around the ring once again, and this time Elemental evened the score as he took Phoenix down with an arm wringer takedown. What followed was a five minute, all out classic, between the two super juniors as they exchanged very athletic chain wrestling moves, until Elemental went for the Earth Breaker, his Tiger Bomb move, which Phoenix succesfully countered into an amazing hurricanrana, sending Elemental across the ring. Phoenix leaped to the other side of the ropes and jumped back into the ring with the Blaze Of Glory, his spectacular apron springboard dropkick, which didn't hit as Elemental jumped in the air and hit a dropkick of his own and the two collided in mid-air. Edo Phoenix landed near his corner and Bishimi tagged himself into the ring to Phoenix's surprise. Bishimi kicked Elemental with hard middle kicks and then went for the Buzzsaw kick which Elemental ducked and then rolled Bishimi into a small package which got him and Kuno the win over Phoenix and Bishimi!




After the match Bishimi was more than shocked as he realised that Elemental had made a fool out of him once again. Akahashi Kuno came over and celebrated with Elemental but got the Green Mist on his face from the vengeful Bishimi. The crowd roared as Edo Phoenix came flying behind Bishimi, hitting the Blaze Of Glory on the bizarre one. Bishimi dropped out of the ring because of the impact, leaving Elemental and Edo Phoenix standing in the ring. Elemental offered a handshake which Edo Phoenix didn't answer, as the red masked man just left the ring, turning his back on the living legend.



Result: Elemental and Akahashi Kuno defeated Edo Phoenix and Bishimi in 17:24 when Elemental defeated Bishimi by pinfall with a Small Package.


Cousin Shiozaki's Grade:






__________________________________________________ __________







Match #3: Non-title

Izumi & Takani vs. Kinki Demons







The BHOTWG Tag Team champions faced the Kinki Demons in this non-title match as the #1 Contender's are going to be decided in the next match between Nagamichi & Fukamura versus Higa & Nanbada. The newly formed team had their ups and downs in this match but their inexperience clearly showed when compared to the likes of Izumi and Takani who worked as a solid unit, making frequent tags to keep themselves fresh. This proved to be the key strategy going into the match as Izumi and Takani had isolated DEMON Kiriyama for a such a long time, away from his fellow DEMON tag partner, that Kiriyama submitted quite early to everyone's surprise when Izumi locked Kiriyama into the Feral Ankle Lock.


Result: Izumi & Takani defeated Kinki Demons in 12:57 when Kiba Izumi defeated DEMON Kiriyama by submission with a Feral Ankle Lock.


Cousin Shiozaki's Grade:






__________________________________________________ __________






Match #4: #1 Contender's Match For Burning Japanese Tag Team

Fukamura & Nagamichi vs. Higa & Nandaba








This was a great battle between the two talented teams. While Nagamichi and Fukamura have slightly better tag team experience and they are evenly talented, Higa and Nanbada on the other have power and most importantly size in their favour going into the match.




Sure enough the match started with Nanbada in control, throwing Fukamura around the ring. Nanbada dominated Fukamura in the ring, even driving him almost head first to the mat with the Ichihara Power Drive, a move which he had inherited from his mentor, the late great Dayu Ichihara. Nanbada tagged in Higa who couldn't manhandle Fukamura with the same kind of authority as Nanbada and thus Fukamura tagged in Nagamichi who then pinpointed Higa's arms, working hard on disabling Higa's right arm. In a twisted irony Nagamichi had attacked Higa's arms while Higa's own move arsenal consisted of hammerlocks, shoulder breakers and armbreakers.




After grueling ten minutes of punishment Nagamichi couldn't put away Higa who finally hit a roaring elbow with his good hand and then tagged in Nanbada who rampaged his way trough Nagamichi, driving him to the mat time and time again with big power moves. Nanbada eliminated Fukamura from the corner with a lariat, then hitting even more devastating Full Swing Lariat on Nagamichi which got him the three count and thus Higa & Nanbada are now the #1 Contenders for the Burning Japanese Tag Team champions Izumi & Takana.



Result: Higa & Nandaba defeated Nagamichi & Fukamura in 22:57 when Tasuku Nandaba defeated Atsushi Nagamichi by pinfall with a Full Swing Lariat.

Higa & Nanbada are now the #1 Contenders for the Burning Japanese Tag Team titles.


Cousin Shiozaki's Grade:





__________________________________________________ __________








Match #5: #1 Contender's Match For Burning World Heavyweight

Robbie Gordon vs. Connor Thompson







Both men got victories over their opponents at Quest Of Honor and thus the two gaijins met at this #1 Contender's match to challenge Master Kitozon. This was a great battle of brawlers which had unusual amount of crowd interaction mainly because of Gordon. While Gordon is loathed by the crowd all over Japan Thompson on the other hand is well respected and loved since the match he had with Kitozon in '69 where, even thought he lost, due to post-match handshake earned Kitozon's and all Japan's respect.




The match started slow with both wrestlers trying to outwrestle each other. Near the ten minute mark the pace fastened and the two begun changing strikes, whether they were chops, slaps or lariats. Thompson hit a series of shoulderbreakers and armbreakers, trying to disable the rookie Gordon's offence. Even though double his age, Thompson looked as young as Gordon in this match. Gordon finally got some offence when he succesfully tripped Thompson to the mat and hit a series of knee drops to the chest of Thompson who had trouble catching his breath. Gordon capitalised on the matter as he tried to slam the bigger Thompson but couldn't as the big Australian broke all the attempts from Gordon.




Instead of lifting Thompson, Gordon begun driving him down with DDT's and other small moves, even hitting the Hip Swivel Neckbreaker in the process but still Thompson was too fresh. Gordon whipped Thompson to the corner and begun taunting him with the Ladies Choice, doing pelvic thrusts right in Thompson's face until hitting the butt drop on him which really got to Thompson's nerves. Thompson got up from the corner and walked right into Gordon's face, intimidating the smaller, arrogant American as the crowd started to cheer for Thompson. An exchange of hard, heavy strikes ensued and sure enough the bigger Thompson got the advantage and finally Sidewalk slammed Gordon to the mat but only for a two count.




Thompson lifted Gordon from the mat and put him into a Full Nelson where Gordon stayed for little over two minutes until kicking the ropes and pushing them both down to the mat. Gordon drove a knee to the face of Thompson and then hit a Roaring Lariat but got a two count once again. Gordon whipped Thompson to the ropes but Thompson reversed the move, whipping Gordon to the ropes and then hitting the Thunder From Down Under, the high angle powerslam but Gordon managed to kick out!




After recharging himself Gordon slowly begun gaining momentum with little cheap tricks here and there and finally he went for the Hip Swivel Neckbreaker once again, but this time Thompson countered the move by spinning Gordon around and locking him to the Full Nelson once again.




Gordon tried, tried and tried but couldn't get out of the move as Thompson increased the pressure every moment Gordon moved. As the crowd begun cheering for Thompson, the Australian put even more pressure to the hold, squeezing Gordon's hand and neck even tighter. Almost fainting in the process and to everyone's surprise (and delight), Gordon had no choice but to submit to Thompson's Full Nelson after a long, hard fought match!!




Result: Connor Thompson defeated Robbie Gordon in 32:45 by submission with a Full Nelson.

Connor Thompson is now the #1 Contender for the Burning World Heavyweight title.


Cousin Shiozaki's Grade:






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Match #6: Kitozon & Yamanaka vs. Black Serpent Cult







The master and the protege teamed up as they took on the gaijins Cobra and Viper in our main event of the night. Not a thing had changed after their match at Quest Of Honor as Kitozon and Yamanaka looked good as a tag team.




Kitozon started in the ring with Cobra, giving him plenty of trouble as the legend manhandled the other half of the Black Serpent Cult with ease. Kitozon played with Cobra, even letting him tag to Viper who seemed to be unafraid of Kitozon even though the Burning World champ had dominated his tag partner in the first minutes of the match. Viper and Kitozon circled until locking up, with Viper getting the advantage with a thumb to the eye. Kitozon however fought Viper off and tagged in the fresh man Yamanaka.




Yamanaka begun keeping Viper on the ground effectively, doing knee and elbow drops to Viper's arms and legs and occasionally going for submissions which Viper blocked quite well, until Yamanaka got his step over leg bar locked in but Cobra came in and interrupted the count. The Black Serpent Cult worked on Yamanaka for a moment, hitting a tag suplex while Kitozon watched from the corner.




Viper tagged to Cobra who lifted Yamanaka up on his shoulders and went for the Snake Eyes on the corner, Yamanaka's head snapped hard at the turnbuckle. Cobra immediately lifted Yamanaka for a brainbuster but got only a two count. Yamanaka tried to crawl to his corner but to no avail as Cobra caught him well before Yamanaka could reach Kitozon. Now in total control, Black Serpent Cult used frequest tags to keep each other fresh.




Yamanaka found a way out of the trouble when Cobra was going for his Solid Snake Stunner, the kick to gut into face crusher finishing move, as Yamanaka reversed the move into a german suplex which got him a two count. Cobra came in closer and went for a lariat but as Yamanaka ducked Cobra took out the referee instead. Cobra turned around and got taken down by Yamanaka who loced Cobra into an armbar. While the referee was down Yamanaka told Kitozon to come in and attack Viper on the corner but Kitozon didn't reply. Viper quickly dropped from the apron and grabbed a bag from ringside, throwing it on top of Yamanaka! A huge snake appeared from the bag and begun crawling on top of Yamanaka who got startled by the snake. Viper came to the ring and dragged Cobra to their corner while Yamanaka was still trying to get rid of the snake, finally doing so by throwing it from the ring to the ringside where it caused even more chaos as people in the front rows started running away in fear of the snake.




The referee finally got up from the mat as Cobra tagged in Viper and Yamanaka finally tagged in Kitozon. Kitozon schooled Viper and after a series of chops he locked Viper into a headlock. Kitozon nodded at Yamanaka to come in and attack Cobra in the corner but as Yamanaka stepped across the ropes, Kitozon leveled him with a thunderous Kitozon chop to the chest. Yamanaka rolled out of the ring, not exactly knowing what hit him in the first place while Kitozon lifted Viper up and down with a brainbuster, which got him the three count.




Result: Kitozon & Yamanaka defeated Black Serpent Cult in 25:27 when Master Kitozon defeated Viper by pinfall with a Brainbuster.


Cousin Shiozaki's Grade:




After the match Yamanaka came back in the ring and asked Kitozon why he had chopped him. Kitozon started talking about the respect of the rules and why a honest man, a man of pride shouldn't break the rules by interfering in a tag team match. Yamanaka listened the lecture for a while until slapping Kitozon right in the face. The Master didn't respond to the slap as he just looked at Yamanaka who turned his back on Kitozon and walked away as the show ended.







Overall Cousin Shiozaki's Grade:








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Sugiura's Journal

Friday, Week 4, Sep '75





"Touring Schedule VS. My Budget"








I loved reading that report from Jin's cousin. I finally realised that BHOTWG were now touring the nation in direct order, starting from the southern Kyushu, then stopping by at every region along the road, all the way to the north for Hokkaido and then going back to square one, so to speak. Just like the Quest Of Honor event, the big events would always be held in Kanto because of the size and importance of this region. With their tour shows on Tuesday and Sunday, it's going to be few weeks until they come nearby again. As I wrote earlier Jin had confirmed this and updated me this morning that BHOTWG were in Hokkaido yesterday and will now be heading back to Kyushu for Sunday. I might have money for a trip to Chubu or Tohoku but no further than that. I have to find a way to keep up with them without having to worry about financial problems..







There was a famous band from Britain here at Nippon Budokan awhile ago and people are still talking about them and the concert. The band's name was "Queen" or something.. It was their first tour in Japan.. Don't know, don't care.








Thought of the day:

Wives live longer than their husbands because they're not married to women.








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Finally had a chance to read through the show properly. Solid work, FIN. Really liking this one so far. The Journal is really good as well.


OOC: Thanks man. Things will pick up when the diary progresses, I have several storylines in my mind. Right now it's still bit of a feeling process so to speak with the backstory as Keiji still hasn't found a way to keep up with BHOTWG.


PS. Big thanks to the guy who provided the Regions of Japan map long, long time ago on the forums. :cool:

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BHOTWG/Event/Oct2Sun.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-size:24px;">B H O T W G</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">

</span></strong><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Night Of Destiny Tour</span></strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;">Night Twelve</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;">

Sunday, Week 2, October</span></span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Nagoya Sports Stadium, Chubu</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Kinki Demons & Nobuaki Anzai vs. Black Serpent Cult & Robbie Gordon</strong></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div></div><p></p><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em>The odds are stacked heavily against the Demons and the rookie Anzai as they take on the gaijin team of BSC and Gordon who on the other have been rolling during the tour, with only few losses to the likes of Kitozon. The combination of Cobra and Viper alongside Gordon is certainly intriguing..</em></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Okibi & Shimo & Red Falcon vs. Barnes & Kingsley & Crippler Ray Kingman</strong></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div></div><p></p><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em>After a heartwarming promo from Paul Kingsley earlier on the tour at Kinki, after they lost a tag match to Mibu Ronin, the bikers seem to have winded up at a dead end. In the promo the veteran Kingsley apologized his bad performance and suggested Barnes to dump him and concentrate on a singles career. Barnes himself disagreed with the idea, saying it's nonsense. In his promo Kingsley also mentioned the young Tatsumaki Mibu and how the older Shikimara Mibu is holding Tatsumaki back as well. which didn't go well with the Mibu brothers who then shoved Kingsley to the mat, igniting the burning inside of Barnes who then attacked Mibu Ronin. The highly anticipated tag match is scheduled for Night Of The Burning Hammer event next Friday.</em></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Elemental & Akahashi Kuno vs. Phantom Ryushi & Stunner Okazawaya</strong></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div></div><p></p><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em>Elemental has been rolling trough every wrestler who has tried to end his undefeated streak. For the first time ever Edo Phoenix and Elemental will meet at the Night Of The Burnin Hammer. Unfortunately Phantom Ryushi and Stunner Okazawaya, the first man Elemental defeated in spectacular fashion, won't provide much of a challenge to Elemental and Kuno this time.</em></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Seison Yamanaka & Edo Phoenix vs. Tsunanohana</strong></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>&</strong></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Onishiki</strong></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>

</strong></div></div></div><p></p><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em>Classic battle of speed and skill against size and strenght. Yamanaka has been impressive since the Kitozon incident but seems to be somewhat lost. No longer under the guiding, caring wing of Kitozon, Yamanaka has shown agression and brutality never seen before from the gifted ahtlete. Edo Phoenix has been training hard against his epic match-up against the legend Elemental but is still the underdog going into the match at the Night Of The Burning Hammer. The sumo team of Onishiki and Tsunanohana have been crushing young lions for several nights in a row, can they take their game to another level against more experienced opponents?</em></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em>

</em></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Connor Thompson vs. Kenzo Isozaki</strong></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div></div><p></p><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em>In tonight's first Yakuza Riot challenge Thompson takes on Isozaki who has promised to drop a bombshell by defeating the current #1 Contender. The setup is certainly interesting as the two wrestlers are complete opposites when it comes to their wrestling style and skills.</em></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Master Kitozon vs. Shigeta Takahasi</strong></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div></div><p></p><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em>The main event and the second Yakuza Riot challenge will be brutal. Two heavyhanded puroresu powerhouses will lock horns and rock the Nagoya Sports Stadium as the Night Of The Burning Hammer comes closer and closer. Will Yakuza Riot be able to defeat the veteran wrestlers or is jumping to singles matches too much for the experienced tag team? Or will the challenge be too much for them, given that their opponents are none other than Master Kitozon and Connor Thompson?</em></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div></div><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div></div><div style="text-align:left;"><p><strong>Predictions List:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Kinki Demons & Nobuaki Anzai vs. Black Serpent Cult & Robbie Gordon</p><p> </p><p>

Okibi & Shimo & Red Falcon vs. Barnes & Kingsley & Crippler Ray Kingman</p><p> </p><p>

Elemental and Akahashi Kuno vs. Phantom Ryushi and Stunner Okazawaya</p><p> </p><p>

Seison Yamanaka & Edo Phoenix vs. Onishiki & Tsunanohana</p><p> </p><p>

Connor Thompson vs. Kenzo Isozaki</p><p> </p><p>

Master Kitozon vs. Shigeta Takahasi</p><p> </p><p>



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<p>Kinki Demons & Nobuaki Anzai vs. <strong>Black Serpent Cult & Robbie Gordon</strong></p><p>

<em>Like the Kinki Demons (it might be due to the name), but I think you keep Gordon and the Cult strong. </em></p><p> </p><p>

Okibi & Shimo & Red Falcon vs. <strong>Barnes & Kingsley & Crippler Ray Kingman</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Elemental and Akahashi Kuno </strong>vs. Phantom Ryushi and Stunner Okazawaya</p><p> </p><p>

Seison Yamanaka & Edo Phoenix vs. <strong>Onishiki & Tsunanohana</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Connor Thompson</strong> vs. Kenzo Isozaki</p><p>

<em>If you are sticking to the BHOTWG-Kitozan formula, you need to built Thompson up into a big-time contender so Kitozon can take him down. </em></p><p>

<strong>Master Kitozon</strong> vs. Shigeta Takahasi</p><p>

<em>Yeah, the Master is not losing here. </em></p>

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Kinki Demons & Nobuaki Anzai vs. Black Serpent Cult & Robbie Gordon

Okibi & Shimo & Red Falcon vs. Barnes & Kingsley & Crippler Ray Kingman


Elemental and Akahashi Kuno vs. Phantom Ryushi and Stunner Okazawaya


Seison Yamanaka & Edo Phoenix vs. Onishiki & Tsunanohana


Connor Thompson vs. Kenzo Isozaki


Master Kitozon vs. Shigeta Takahasi

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Night Of Destiny Tour

Night Twelve

Sunday, Week 2, October

Nagoya Sports Stadium, Chubu



Predictions List:


Kinki Demons & Nobuaki Anzai vs. Black Serpent Cult & Robbie Gordon


Okibi & Shimo & Red Falcon vs. Barnes & Kingsley & Crippler Ray Kingman


Elemental and Akahashi Kuno vs. Phantom Ryushi and Stunner Okazawaya


Seison Yamanaka & Edo Phoenix vs. Onishiki & Tsunanohana


Connor Thompson vs. Kenzo Isozaki


Master Kitozon vs. Shigeta Takahasi


I don't usually bump but made an exception since the dynasty section is nowadays so crowded that diaries fall to Page 3 quicker than ever. And because I will probably get the show done tonight. Notice the new map graphic!

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Kinki Demons & Nobuaki Anzai vs. Black Serpent Cult & Robbie Gordon

Like the Kinki Demons (it might be due to the name), but I think you keep Gordon and the Cult strong.


Okibi & Shimo & Red Falcon vs. Barnes & Kingsley & Crippler Ray Kingman


Elemental and Akahashi Kuno vs. Phantom Ryushi and Stunner Okazawaya


Seison Yamanaka & Edo Phoenix vs. Onishiki & Tsunanohana


Connor Thompson vs. Kenzo Isozaki

If you are sticking to the BHOTWG-Kitozan formula, you need to built Thompson up into a big-time contender so Kitozon can take him down.

Master Kitozon vs. Shigeta Takahasi

Yeah, the Master is not losing here.


I'm going to agree with BigPapa here.

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Kinki Demons & Nobuaki Anzai vs. Black Serpent Cult & Robbie Gordon

Okibi & Shimo & Red Falcon vs. Barnes & Kingsley & Crippler Ray Kingman

Elemental and Akahashi Kuno vs. Phantom Ryushi and Stunner Okazawaya


Seison Yamanaka & Edo Phoenix vs. Onishiki & Tsunanohana


Connor Thompson vs. Kenzo Isozaki

Master Kitozon vs. Shigeta Takahasi

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Night Of Destiny Tour

Night Twelve

Sunday, Week 2, October

Nagoya Sports Stadium, Chubu


















Higa & Nandaba vs. Primal Rage



In our first pre-show match the Tag Team #1 Contenders Higa & Nanbada destroyed the rookie team of the Primal Rage. Altough intense and tough, Osei and Amiri are still unexperienced and only time will tell how good they will become over the years but tonight, they were a lightyear behind of Higa & Nanbada.



Result: Higa & Nandaba defeated Primal Rage in 7:36 when Tasuku Nandaba defeated Osei the Hunter by pinfall with the Ichihara Crusher.


Sugiura's Grade:









__________________________________________________ __________









Mibu Ronin vs. Takanofuji & Mitsuo Kato





In our second pre-match of the night the already legendary, former three time (and first ever) Burning Japanese Tag Team champions Mibu Ronin schooled the rookies with ease. Shikimara has found a new fire from within after the words from Paul Kingsley earlier in the tour where he mocked himself and Shikimara for being too old compared to their younger team members. As one would expect, the experienced tag team pick up the win with their tag team finishing move, the Full Moon Madness, a sidewalk slam-neckbreaker combo that they do after howling like wild wolves.



Result: Mibu Ronin defeated Takanofuji and Mitsuo Kato in 7:50 when Shikimara Mibu defeated Takanofuji by pinfall with the Full Moon Madness.


Sugiura's Grade:














Match #0: Kinki Demons & Nobuaki Anzai vs. Black Serpent Cult & Robbie Gordon





The opener of the night saw the three man team of Black Serpent Cult and Robbie Gordon keeping each other fresh and isolating the rookie Anzai effectively. Kinki Demons grew more and more frustrated and thus interfered in the match countless times, trying to help the rookie Anzai and get him to their corner for the tag. Anzai got pummeled for nearly ten minutes until a really stiff knee strike rocked Cobra and freed Anzai as he made the tag to DEMON Yukata. The Kinki Demons used the same strategy against Cobra who they kept isolated from his team mates but didn't get the job done the same way their gaijin opponents did as Cobra soon tagged Gordon in. With Anzai beaten and only DEMON Kiriyama fresh, Yukata was in trouble when Black Serpent Cult circled the ring all the way to the other corner and attacked DEMON Kiriyama and dropped him from the apron, smashing him against the guard rails at the ringside.




This enabled Gordon to concentrate solely on Yukata, finally putting him away just a little over the fifteen minute mark with the One Night Stand, his Roaring Lariat.



Result: Robbie Gordon and Black Serpent Cult defeated DEMON Kiriyama, DEMON Yukata and Nobuaki Anzai in 15:50 when Robbie Gordon defeated DEMON Yukata by pinfall with the One Night Stand.


Sugiura's Grade:









__________________________________________________ __________









Match #1:
Okibi & Shimo & Red Falcon vs. Barnes & Kingsley & Crippler Ray Kingman





Talk about a mismatch. The three man team full of super juniors struggled badly against the veteran team of Barnes & Kingsley and the submission specialist, Crippler Ray Kingman. Due to the mismatch this match wasn't as good as you would expect from the wrestlers in the match: The super juniors are clearly much more comfortable fighting against other super juniors, or atleast the same sized opponents.




In the end Kingman got Red Falcon down to the canvas and locked him into the Crippler Cloverleaf, leaving Red Falcon no option but to tap out.



Result: Crippler Ray Kingman and Barnes & Kingsley defeated Red Falcon and Okibi & Shimo in 7:25 when Crippler Ray Kingman defeated Red Falcon by submission with the Crippler Cloverleaf.


Sugiura's Grade:









__________________________________________________ __________









Match #2:
Elemental & Akahashi Kuno vs. Phantom Ryushi & Stunner Okazawaya





In yet another mismatch of the night, the veterans Elemental and Kuno schooled Ryushi and Okazawaya. In a relatively good match Ryushi and Okazawaya looked good but not in a dominating fashion. Ryushi got to show off his agility when he leaped off the top rope with his Phantom Leap, his spectacular top rope legdrop which is truly one of a kind given the height and airtime Ryushi can get behind the move. This time, unfortunately, the move missed as Elemental rolled out of the way easily. Ryushi rolled to his corner and made the tag to Stunner Okazawaya, the first man Elemental ever faced in BHOTWG and won in his debut match few years back.




This time was no different as Elemental picked up the victory once again out of Okazawaya, this time with his Wind Sprint Attack, a trademark move of Elemental, where he runs at the opponent who is standing in the corner, and literally runs up him and backflips of his shoulders. He then finishes the sequence by performing a dropkick into the corner, which Stunner Okazawaya made feel so, so real I can't find words for it. Even though the Wind Sprint Attack isn't as flashy, stunning and impactful as the Earth Breaker or Inferno Splash, Okazawaya made it feel as devastating.



Result: Elemental and Akahashi Kuno defeated Phantom Ryushi and Stunner Okazawaya in 7:57 when Elemental defeated Phantom Ryushi by pinfall with a Wind Sprint Attack.


Sugiura's Grade:









__________________________________________________ __________









Match #3: Izumi & Takani vs. Yuto Ijima & Yasunari Koga





In a non-advertised match the tag team champions defeated a weird team of the one eyes Ijima and the young super junior Koga. Nothing special here as the tag champs dominated their opponents, ending the match with a gutwrench suplex done to Koga.



Result: Izumi & Takani defeated Yuto Ijima and Yasunari Koga in 7:40 when Kiba Izumi defeated Yasunari Koga by pinfall with a Gutwrench Suplex.


Sugiura's Grade:









__________________________________________________ __________









Match #4:
Seison Yamanaka & Edo Phoenix vs. Tsunanohana






Yamanaka and Phoenix took on the gigantic sumos Onishiki and Tsunanohana in one of the better matches of the night. The size and power of the veteran team provided a nice contrast between the more modern type of wrestling of Yamanaka, the technical specialist, and Edo Phoenix, perhaps the greatest contender Elemental has yet to face.




Onishiki and Yamanaka started the match with a slow pace. Yamanaka tried to find a way to ground the big veteran but Onishiki kept on blocking the submission attempts of the protege of Kitozon. Onishiki hit a devastating headbutt which rocked Yamanaka so much that he almost fainted, but luckily for him he found his corner and tagged in Edo Phoenix. Phoenix implied a hit-and-run strategy which worked well until Onishiki got a hold of the much, much smaller man. Onishiki thew the super junior around the ring with ease, until Phoenix hit a nice dropkick right to the face of Onishiki who dropped to the ground. Phoenix leaped up to the turnbuckle and hit a nice splash off the top rope but couldn't finish Onishiki who just threw Phoenix away from top of him.




Onishiki, feeling already a big fatiqued, tagged in the younger and even bigger Tsunanohana who started manhandling Phoenix with ease, pummeling him to the canvas with huge mongolian chops. Phoenix however was too quick for Tsunanohana as he made a tag to Yamanaka, who hit a perfectly aimed running chop to the back of the leg of Tsunanohana and finally the team of Yamanaka and Phoenix got the advantage. Yamanaka started a combination of different strikes to the legs of Tsunanohana while keeping him down at the same time. Yamanaka locked in a knee bar but Tsunanohana dragged himself and Yamanaka to the ropes and thus Yamanaka had to break the hold.




Suddenly Edo Phoenix ran across the ring and hit a flying kneelkick at Onishiki, knocking him off the apron while Tsunanohana was getting back to his feet inside the ring, pushing Yamanaka away time and time again. Edo Phoenix climbed to the turnbuckle and hit a flying body press on the unsuspecting Onishiki, knocking him down and out at the ringside. In the ring, Yamanaka tries to lift Tsunanohana for a german suplex but can't get the super heavyweight up. Tsunanohana tries to fight back by swinging his elbows but can't connect as the tenacious Yamanaka won't break the hold. Edo Phoenix suddenly emerges from the ringside and climbs to the apron!




Yamanaka turns Tsunanohana to the side where Phoenix is, and in one of the most stunning tag team combos seen this year, Edo Phoenix hits his Blaze Of Glory, apron springboard dropkick while Yamanaka continues the combo with a snap german suplex!









What a huge victory for Yamanaka and especially Edo Phoenix who defeated a team of men twice his size, two and three classes bigger than him. Aerial and technical skills proved to be better than size and strenght this time.



Result: Seison Yamanaka and Edo Phoenix defeated Onishiki & Tsunanohana in 16:47 when Seison Yamanaka defeated Tsunanohana by pinfall with a German Suplex.


Sugiura's Grade:









__________________________________________________ __________









Match #5:
Connor Thompson vs. Kenzo Isozaki




Isozaki started the match waving his hands in the air, trying to fire up the crowd. Isozaki tried to manipulate the crowd to cheer for him and boo for the gaijin Thompson. This backfired badly as the crowd started chanting for Thompson and booing to Isozaki for the lack of respect he had for the loved and respected Australian.




To the crowd's delight the match starts with a showdown from Thompson who easily slams the smaller Isozaki to the canvas time and time again. This frustrates Isozaki who turns his back on Thompson and starts taunting the crowd, it comes really clear that the time in America has changed the wrestling style of Isozaki who's now somewhat of a showman, using tricks and tauntings usually related to american style of entertainment wrestling that has been on the rise for a few years now.




Thompson sends Isozaki flying out of the ring with a stiff lariat, Thompson follows the other half of the Yakuza Riot to the outside where he slams the youngster to the floor with a suplex! Thompson rolls Isozaki back into the ring but only for a two count, after which he locks Isozaki into a headlock.




For the next ten minutes Isozaki tries to gain some momentum but always gets cut short by the bigger and powerful Thompson who seems to be dominate in the match. Near the fifteen minute mark however Isozaki does a nice drop toe hold to Thompson who flies head first into the turnbuckle. Isozaki capitalises on the opportunity by raking Thompson's face across the ringropes and then wildly knucklepunching Thompson's forehead, opening a cut into it. Isozaki finally gets some momentum and hits a series of nicely connected moves, including his flying lariat and the twisting headscissors, but only for two counts. Thompson's wound is getting better, however he has to wipe off the blood from his eyes from time to time.




Isozaki hits a nice middle kick combo and finishes it with a neckbreaker, then heads up for the turnbuckle, going for his Kenzosault which backfires as Thompson gets his knees up in time. Thompson bounces off the ropes and hits a strong lariat, turning Isozaki inside out and upside down in the process. One, two and three, the match is over just when Isozaki got a bit of a momentum. We'll see if his tag partner can do any better against Master Kitozon in our main event.



Result: Connor Thompson defeated Kenzo Isozaki in 24:15 by pinfall with a Lariat.


Sugiura's Grade:









__________________________________________________ __________













After the match Thompson cleans up his face from the blood and asks for a microphone from the staff members and hypes his upcoming Burning World Heavyweight championship match with Master Kitozon. Speaking in perfect, fluent Japanese, Thompson starts talking to the crowd.



I have been in Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods for seven years now. Seven years I've competed against the very best in wrestling today, against all the legends, against all the icons. But.. I have never won a championship title during my career.



I'm fifty years old.. And time is running out. Next Friday, at the Night Of The Burning Hammer, I may receive my last opportunity at the Burning World Heavyweight championship against Master Kitozon. Kitozon, who is two years younger than me.. Imagine that. We two are the oldest members of the whole roster.



Next Friday. Win, lose or draw, I'll be living the year '68 again. The year I signed with this company, had my debut win streak and faced Kitozon for the first time. Win, lose or draw, no matter what happens, I will shake Master Kitozon's hand, just like I did back then. Even though we have both aged, nothing has really changed in the end.



We can still put on the best match of the night. I will give everything, and I mean everything, I have left in me in that match. I won't stay down. I won't quit.



Thompson pauses for a moment while the crowd applauds wildly.



During these seven years I have made friends.. I have made enemies. I've had titanic clashes, epic battles against the best in the business.. I've trained a wrestler, my protege, Amiri The Predator.


My career is coming to it's end. I don't know how many years I have left in me. I would like to use this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you loyal Burning Hammer fans who accepted me as one of your own so, so many years ago. I have a lot of respect towards my fellow wrestlers and the thousands of fans around Japan.. Japan, which I have called proudly my home for so many years.



Thompson finishes the emotional promo by bowing to each direction of the ring, thanking the crowd at the Nagoya Sports Stadium.



Domo arigato.




Sugiura's Grade:









__________________________________________________ __________









Match #6:
Master Kitozon vs. Shigeta Takahasi




Kenzo Isozaki, tag partner of Shigeta, stays on the ringside when the match starts. Kitozon and Takahasi start with a test of strenght and it becomes clear that the men are evenly matches in the power department as neither man gets the advantage. Kitozon tells Takahasi to run for the ropes for a lariat, which Takahasi does and hits the lariat, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the World champ. Takahasi goes for another one, and another, but can't rock Kitozon. Frustrated, Takahasi orders Kitozon to go for the ropes, which he does, and lariats Takahasi out of his boots, almost literally. Takahasi quickly stands up and hits a nice slap across the face of Kitozon, and gets a Kitozon chop in reward. The two then begin a chopfest, in which of course Kitozon is having all the fun while Takahasi seems to be having trouble as his chest is turning red from the chops.




Out of nowhere, Takahasi hits a stiff knee to the gut which seems to surprise Kitozon. Takahasi lifts Kitozon up and hits his spinning backdrop, only for a mere one count. Kitozon catches his breath while Takahasi starts pounding on Kitozon with mounted punches. Kitozon pushes Takahasi away and delivers a roaring Kitozon chop and hits a backdrop of his own, but just for a two count.




The match continues with both men getting somewhat similar amount of offence done to each other until Takahasi hits a brutal stump piledriver on Kitozon!














Two! Kitozon gets his shoulders up just in time. The new, modern moves of Takahasi are something that Kitozon isn't familiar with. Kitozon stoods up and starts smashing Takahasi with elbow smashes to the chin, pushing Takahasi into a corner. Takahasi and Kitozon hit a chop at the same time and an awkvard moment arrives as neither man do nothing, until again they both hit the other with a chop at the same time. Kitozon pulls Takahasi from the corner and hits his stalling suplex!











Two! Takahasi kicks out. Kitozon hits few elbow drops and locks Takahasi into a sleeper, but Takahasi gets up and slams Kitozon with a backdrop. Takahasi grabs Kitozon and pushes his head between his legs and grabs him by the waist, trying to lift Kitozon up for a powerbomb BUT YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB MASTER KITOZON. Kitozon reverses the move with a back bodydrop, and as Takahasi gets up he eats a Roaring Kitozon chop right to the face! From left, from right and then again from the left, Kitozon unloads a heavy barrage of chops on Takahasi. Takahasi is reeling from the strikes as Kitozon runs to the ropes, and hits a running Roaring Kitozon chop!!












Kitozon finally gets a three count out of Takahasi who provided a great challenge to Kitozon with his modern wrestling style. Even though Yakuza Riot didn't defeat their opponents tonight, they are clearly becoming really fine prospects and should be considered the next generation of main eventers in BHOWTG. Kenzo Isozaki grabs his tag partner and walk with him to the back while Master Kitozon celebrates in the ring as the show ends.



Result: Master Kitozon defeated Shigeta Takahasi in 32:56 by pinfall with a running Roaring Kitozon Chop.


Sugiura's Grade:
(Didn't click)









Sugiura's Overall Grade:









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This is coming along really well, FIN.


And the show graphics give it such a different flavor than anything else on here; I'm really enjoying it.


OOC: Thanks man! :) I really love the images myself and you know, it's what I do best I think. I bet heavily on the layout as before because I can do them relatively easy and have used in using them. Glad to read about people liking the diary, even though it's still far away from the actual speed and potential it's going to get in the future, in the long run. Not rushing the main plot, the backstory, is something different from what I have done before, and usually in these diaries we have here the user characters just pops into the promotion into a role out nowhere.. This time we'll be going in a slightly different route, a longer route I might I add, but the end result will be much more joyful given the long building up to it.


You just wait. :rolleyes:

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Getting a B in the main event with poor chemistry isn't bad at all. As popular and talented as Kitozon is, he should be able to put on some fantastic matches.


I have to agree with NoNeck - really like what you're doing with this one so far. The writing is as solid as every (even more impressive, as I have to remind myself that English is not your native tongue). The look, layout, and feed are great and really feel unique. Keep up the great work here, FIN.

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