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This week's featured guest: Hardcore Legend Nemesis



MS: Welcome to Shoot!, Nemesis.


Nemesis: Pleasure to be here.


MS: Just so I don't mark out here or anything, do you mind if I just jump right into the questions?


Nemesis: Sure. Go ahead.


MS: For anyone who hasn't been keeping up with their lucha libre, last month South of The Border Pro Wrestling fired Verdugo Estupendo, one of the members of La Alianza Del Terror, because he used a chair against El Fuerza in El Fuerza's debut match. Within a week El Demonio, Tijuana Vampire and Enrique Merino, who were also in La Alianza Del Terror, decided to show solidarity with Verdugo Estupendo and walked out on SOTBPW. The four of them announced that rather than being beholden to backstage politics again they'd just start their own promotion, and in two weeks Mexican Hardcore Wrestling is about to put on its first show. That leads me to my first question. Nemesis, what drew you to take a chance with MHW?


Nemesis: First off, MHW isn't some backyard outfit with a trampoline instead of a ring. Up until last month El Demonio was the biggest heel in Mexico's biggest wrestling promotion. Tijuana Vampire and Enrique Merino were their biggest tag team, and one of the better pairings in the world. Verdugo Estupendo is one hell of a talent, and what can I say? I've got a little bit of a soft spot for guys who get fired for going off script. The reason I signed with these guys is because I was in their position not too long ago, and for every regret I have about DAVE there are two guys who made it to a nationally televised promotion through the things he learned there and the exposure he gained. DAVE was an important part of the wrestling culture for over a decade, and with the talent we have lined up for our first show MHW stands a shot at being something more.


MS: Would you like to tell us about some of that talent you have lined up?


Nemesis: There's La Alianza Del Terror, of course, but for legal reasons they can't use that name anymore. We're putting my son Ash under a hood, and he'll be wrestling as El Enemigo. I'll be working the first three shows myself. Luis Montero's kid Gino is going to be working with us, and he's maybe the best damn wrestler I've ever seen. We're also bringing in a couple more legacies, Capitao Brasil Jr. and the third Mr. Lucha. We've even got Snap Dragon, on loan from MPWF.


MS: It sounds like it's going to be a pretty stacked roster. I know that Mexican wrestling culture is different from America's. Do you think you'll have to change your booking philosophy when working with MHW?


Nemesis: I don't really see why. The boys know how to play to a Mexican crowd. Most of them, it's all they've ever known, so I'm not going to get in the way of that. MHW has a lot of great, young talent, and if that means anything it means every promotion in North America is going to be looking at raiding us. And they will, because right now we're small and we're certainly not wealthy enough to compete with a five year guaranteed contract from Tommy Cornell. So it's going to be my job to make new stars. Constantly. Every wrestler who steps into MHW's ring is going to be a potential main eventer.


MS: Does that include your son, Ash Campbell?


Nemesis: I knew when I brought him on that people were going to accuse me of nepotism. And they're one hundred percent right. I worked with Sam Keith for a few years, and what he picked up in Mexico went a long way toward making him one of the biggest stars the business has ever seen. I want that for my son. The way wrestling works today, it's harder to bounce from major promotion to major promotion like Sam did, so there's never really going to be another star of his caliber. But working in a foreign country, learning the kinds of tricks they never teach you in America? I want that for my son. Even if it means I'll be the one jobbing him out.


MS: You've been talking a lot about DAVE. Would you mind telling us what went wrong there?


Nemesis: Phil [Vibert] was tired of the talent raids, so he tried to tie down a lot of our bigger stars to long term and exclusive contracts. At that point we could barely pay our bills, and I think the plan was to compensate for the bigger paychecks by expanding into new markets. Phil was talking about doing some shows in Canada, I think there was some idea bout running shows alongside NOTBPW. Before any of that could get worked out we lost the TV deal and we were in such a big hole it was impossible to get out. So we thanked the boys, and went our separate ways. We were all pretty sore about it. I talked to Phil around Christmas. He was kind of pissed about the PSW thing, but understood that the older guys still needed to earn a living.


MS: That's strange, because we'd all heard the stories about how Mitch Naess opened PSW "with Phil Vibert's blessing."


Nemesis: And wouldn't he like you to believe that's the case? Phil said the only reason he didn't start any **** over it was because he'd already cost so many of the boys one job that he wasn't about to do it a second time. Sorry. I probably shouldn't have even mentioned it.


MS: Before we wrap things up, would you like to say anything to our readers?


Nemesis: I know most of the people you interview try to hype their next show, but since we're in Mexico there's not much of a point. If we're still in business in a few months, we'll try and get an MHW DVD released in the US by the end of the year.


MS: Great news. Thanks for your time.


Shoot! is GrappleFanatics.net's weekly interview column, and one of its longest running features. Interviews are conducted by Mark Smart.

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Marking out for GrappleFanatics.


Same here. Though I am feeling a little gypped because I planned on using the EWR websites for my NYCW '97 redux diary. :(


Oh well. MHW and Nemesis looks to be a fun idea. I'm interested in seeing what you do with the promotion compared to Dragonmack.

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Oh well. MHW and Nemesis looks to be a fun idea. I'm interested in seeing what you do with the promotion compared to Dragonmack.


Nothing, actually. The goal of this diary is to do something like the Cornellverse website for one of the universe's possible futures. Future interviews will be mostly unrelated to this one, but will feature guys like Jack DeColt, Dean Daniels, and Elmo Benson.

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Nothing, actually. The goal of this diary is to do something like the Cornellverse website for one of the universe's possible futures. Future interviews will be mostly unrelated to this one, but will feature guys like Jack DeColt, Dean Daniels, and Elmo Benson.


Wahey, just what I was hoping when I saw it. Always loved this kind of idea, can't wait :)

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Nothing, actually. The goal of this diary is to do something like the Cornellverse website for one of the universe's possible futures. Future interviews will be mostly unrelated to this one, but will feature guys like Jack DeColt, Dean Daniels, and Elmo Benson.


Well that's a pretty cool idea all in itself. Can't wait for more. :D

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This week's featured guest: Tank Bradley



MS: Hi, I'm Mark Smart, and welcome to Shoot! This week we're talking to a former DAVE and PSW tag team champion, Tank Bradley.


TB: Hi.


MS: This weekend, PSW is going to put on what sounds like a pretty exciting show. Do you want to fill us in on it?


TB: I'm not gonna be on it.


MS: What? Yes you are. The flyer has your name on it. Right here.


TB: Mitch the Bitch fired me. Said that I wasn't performing up to PSW standards. Which is [redacted], of course. Have you seen Brimstone? Only way he ever got a job was because he was [redacted] Mitch. I'm twice Brimstone's size, and I never [redacted] a plancha three times in the same [redacted] match. You ever [redacted] a plancha? No. You're a worker, you know this. It's almost physically impossible. You jump over the ropes, and you fall. Gravity does all the [redacted] work.


MS: Uh... wow. I want to admit to our readers right now, when I sat down at the desk I thought we were doing a fluff piece this week.


TB: You wanna get fluffed, go ask that [redacted] Brimstone.


MS: I got that.


TB: You know who else got that? Mitch Naess.


MS: Moving on... As a now former part of PSW's main event scene, what do you think about the other men at the top?


TB: Wolverine is a class act. I've lost count of the number of fluorescent bulbs I've broken over that bastard's back, but when we go to the bar after a show he never fails to pay for my beer. Jeff [JD Morgan] is one of the funniest drunks I've ever met. You think his accent is bad when he's cutting a promo, get that man seven shots of tequila and he sounds like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins. And Johnny Martin... what can you say? The man's a legend. He's been beaten to hell and back, a few of those times by yours truly, and he just washes off the blood and takes a bottle of pain pills and carries on.


MS: A bottle?


TB: You wouldn't believe. We were in hotel rooms next to each other once, that morning I just heard him screaming. Thought maybe there was a girl or something, you know? I hear from Wolverine that Johnny starts out every morning that way. Can't get out of bed without a Tramadol breakfast.


MS: I had no idea he was that bad off.


TB: Stevie Parker isn't a good fit with PSW. I'd give him [redacted] for it, but hey, turns out I wasn't such a good fit myself. He's just waiting to get called up to a big company. He knows it, everyone knows it. I just wonder if Persephone knows what Stevie's doing with Nicole Kiss. Teddy Powell is the second whiniest bitch in the company. I swear to God, you can't go ten minutes without him bitching and moaning about Sammy Bach. You'd think they'd gotten a divorce, which isn't the case, despite all those rumors a year or two back. And Frankie Future is a great promo guy, but he needs to take pride in his work. He gets blown up like five minutes into a match, you gotta spend the next ten trying to cover for him.


MS: What about Alex Braun?


TB: What about him? Everyone kisses his ass because he used to job for Richard Eisen twenty years ago, and I'm supposed to [redacted] myself because I get to tag with him? He's a lazy worker I had to cover for almost my whole career, he's the most overrated promo man in the business, and he's a damn snitch. If it wasn't for him I'd still have a job.


MS: I thought you said you lost your job because you were putting on weight.


TB: [Redacted]. That's what Mitch the Bitch will tell you. Braun heard me telling everyone what Mitch and Brimstone were up to, he went and told Mitch it was all me. Braun's the one who told me the damn story in the first place! I was just repeating what I'd heard from someone I thought was a friend. So then Mitch pulls this "weight gain" thing out of his ass and I'm out a job.


MS: I'd just like to remind our readers, probably too late in the interview, that Tank Bradley is expressing his own views and not those of GrappleFanatics.net.


TB: If by "my own views" you mean "telling it like it is," then damn right. I know you've gotta cover your ass so Mitch or his daddy or his leather daddy don't sue you, but believe me when I say that everything I've said in this interview is the gospel truth.


MS: Now that your schedule is open, do you have any plans?


TB: I figured I've got a pretty good thing going right now. I'm a former DAVE titleholder, not really known for rocking the boat. I'm a hard worker, anyone who's seen my matches can tell you that. I figure NYCW, maybe USPW will call soon. Maybe Rip Chord'll bring me in to show the rookies a thing or two. Right now I figure I just have to take in every opportunity that's going to be available. There's a whole world open to me. I might go to Germany, or Europe.


MS: That sounds great, Tank. I wish you the best.


TB: Thanks, man. And thanks for letting me be on the show.


Shoot! is GrappleFanatics.net's weekly interview column, and one of its longest running features. Interviews are conducted by Mark Smart.

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Diaries are getting burried in general mate as it seems whe are in a hyperactive period of late. It is quite insane and gratifying to see at the same time. Anyway keep up the good work.


I've never seen a situation like this before here at the boards. There's an insane amount of diaries right now floating around and a lot of new people starting theirs which is just great to see. It's weird when I post an update in my diary and suddenly it's just in the brink of going to page two :D Which is all good as the more active the boards are, the better it is for everyone and provides a lot of choices and different point of views on the promotions, like SWF, TCW, NOTBPW and others, which all have several diaries active as of late.

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Shoot! Misses Its Mark


Last week rival website WrestleCircle decided that rather than reporting on wrestling news they'd rather make it. Mark Smart, best known as a USPW towel boy, somehow decided that there would be no repercussions for his irresponsible posting of a Tank Bradley interview in which he accused Mitch Naess of having an affair with Brimstone and slandered most of the men who have appeared in a Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling main event.


What have been the effects thus far?


The following day, Brimstone was out of a job. Despite improving since his debut, the rookie is not likely to find a new job on short notice given the state of the industry.


After having been accused of starting the rumors which Tank Bradley was fired for spreading, Alex Braun has been dropped from future PSW shows. Some have suggested that PSW's backstage climate since the Tank Bradley interview has forced Braun into retirement.


Due to allegations that Steven Parker has been dating his manager Nicole Kiss, his relationship with indy manager Persephone has been described as "strained." Parker is said to have put out word that he is interested in pursuing work with another company.


And Johnny Martin... You all have already heard the story there. Not only has he gone into rehab, but National Pride is now working on a story about drug abuse within the industry. Given the ways many wrestlers are forced to cope with their nagging injuries while on the road, an untold number of careers could be ruined by this development.


The fallout is just starting. Parent's groups have begun to demand a federal investigation of drug abuse in the industry. Mark Smart has gotten his fifteen minutes of fame, and his second rate website has gotten a few hits. Was it really worth it?

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