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Need help getting to National

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Ive been cult for a while but, I believe I am not too far off from making National. I think I might have to change the product but, I hope not. Here is some info for my product. Let me know if there is more info needed to make an opinion:

Tradition: Heavy

Mainstream: Low

Comedy: None

Cult: Medium

Risque: Low

Modern: Key Feature

Realism: Heavy

Hyper Realism: Very Low

Lucha Libre: Low

Pure: Medium

Daredevil: Low


Popularity is C- across the board in the USA, D+ in Canada. Importance seems to have dropped some Importance: D+ in 6 locations in the USA, D- in 1 place. And C- in one.


I have a 2 PPV deals. 1 with U-Demand Canada, 1 with U-Demand in the USA. I have a TV deal with Arcadia on late night Thursdays. My ratings have increased from the .54-.58 range to the .64 - .66 range

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Because those shows aren't good enough to raise you to National status.


I understand that thus teh thread lol. I am asking what do I need to do to improve it. Change the product etc? I am getting messages its improving my pop but, what can I do to raise the importance?

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Generally speaking you need to be producing shows at least 1 grade higher than your popularity in order to gain popularity. And to get to National you need to be reaching about B level popularity across the US, which means you need to be getting B or B+ rated shows on a weekly basis in order to get near National and all the lucrative benefits that will provide. Gains are slow, perhaps as little as 0.2 in each area... but the message you are getting may just be referring to your Canadian popularity rising as your American popularity won't be increasing very quickly at all with shows like the ones you are describing (except your PPV, of course.)


I also think you don't quite understand what importance is. So before everyone ends up trying to walk you through the game I strongly recommend reading the through the help files. Just open TEW and click on the big question mark near the top right of the screen and a lot of things should become clear. :)


EDIT: You shouldn't need to change your product... looks like it should get good results from solid workers. So just get them to wrestle hard, give their matches enough time to develop and make sure you aren't being hit with penalties for small rosters, overusing workers or the like.

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Penalities arent coming too much. I just recently had like 2 shows not go as good as I thought but, a couple of guys were elevated so it was a complete loss. Ive never seen the small roster thing. I usually get a roster thats a bit too big honestly. But, Ive been trimming it down a lot.
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Cult -> National takes a loong time probably the longest of all so be patient. Check the in game editor to check if your shows are gaining you popularity in the US or not just to check. As long as it is going up you are doing a good job, you need high B/B+ eventually to get too national but C+ and above will also build up pop for now and your workers so you can eventually get to the B/B+ range. Check the help file, the offical tip thread and the small questions thread they are full of usefull advise.
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Ive been cult for a while but, I believe I am not too far off from making National. I think I might have to change the product but, I hope not. Here is some info for my product. Let me know if there is more info needed to make an opinion:

Tradition: Heavy

Mainstream: Low

Comedy: None

Cult: Medium

Risque: Low

Modern: Key Feature

Realism: Heavy

Hyper Realism: Very Low

Lucha Libre: Low

Pure: Medium

Daredevil: Low


Popularity is C- across the board in the USA, D+ in Canada. Importance seems to have dropped some Importance: D+ in 6 locations in the USA, D- in 1 place. And C- in one.


I have a 2 PPV deals. 1 with U-Demand Canada, 1 with U-Demand in the USA. I have a TV deal with Arcadia on late night Thursdays. My ratings have increased from the .54-.58 range to the .64 - .66 range


The bad news: you're not even close to national. Even with a weekly show it'll take at least two years of consistently excellent shows (B- or better) to get you even close to national.


The good news is if you can pull out B rated Pay Per Views, you have the talent necessary to eventually get there. I had a created promotion that went cult in 2013, and by 2016 we had only just passed USPW, and were still about 8 points away from hitting national. You could probably do things a little faster if you consistently stay on TV but the build from cult to national takes a long time.

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I hear ya.


I'm at Cult and I've never managed a show above B. I'm going to stall at C+ across the US. I've even done some cheating ("investing" 20 million in the company myself, adding PPV carriers and TV networks from RL mods to allow myself to get PPV deals in Canada and Mexico, occasionally undoing a popularity loss) and I don't know how I'll keep growing.

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I hear ya.


I'm at Cult and I've never managed a show above B. I'm going to stall at C+ across the US. I've even done some cheating ("investing" 20 million in the company myself, adding PPV carriers and TV networks from RL mods to allow myself to get PPV deals in Canada and Mexico, occasionally undoing a popularity loss) and I don't know how I'll keep growing.


Why not take a look at other promotions and see how they do it? It's not as hard as it seems. Here, lemme give you a hint from something someone noted in another thread.


It really depends on their main event scene. If for some reason Tommy is taking a break from holding the belt they can languish at cult long enough for most of their guys to sign ppa deals. If they put the belt on Rocky Golden or Genghis Rhan they can fall to C+ popularity pretty easily. But once Cornell gets the belt back they tend to rise right back up to national or bigger.


Does that give you any ideas whatsoever?


And if you say "but I don't have Tommy Cornell", you're missing the forest for the trees.

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Well, Cornell has the advantage of being good on both the mic and in the ring. My closest to that are my user character and The Natural, who has the belt. I signed a lot of non-agression pacts to cut down on being raided to death and that leaves the free agent pool pretty thin.


My problem tends to be I can't predict how most match ups will turn out so often my best matches end up 3 or 4 down from the main event and don't count for much.

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Well, Cornell has the advantage of being good on both the mic and in the ring. My closest to that are my user character and The Natural, who has the belt. I signed a lot of non-agression pacts to cut down on being raided to death and that leaves the free agent pool pretty thin.


My problem tends to be I can't predict how most match ups will turn out so often my best matches end up 3 or 4 down from the main event and don't count for much.


Should of tried working agreements first that way you can atleast share workers until your big enough to break the agreement

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Well, Cornell has the advantage of being good on both the mic and in the ring. My closest to that are my user character and The Natural, who has the belt. I signed a lot of non-agression pacts to cut down on being raided to death and that leaves the free agent pool pretty thin.


My problem tends to be I can't predict how most match ups will turn out so often my best matches end up 3 or 4 down from the main event and don't count for much.


You're missing the forest for the trees. :)


Okay, I wanted to avoid spoiler territory but now, I'll just come out with it.


Your two best workers should be in a program together. If your face/heel divide is high, they should be of opposite dispositions. That gives you your main event and semi main event right there. Now all you need really is a strong opening segment. Your third best worker should fit there. Every other pay per view should be main evented by The Natural and your user character. Do you have a worker who is awesome in the ring but sucks on the stick (like Steve Flash)? What do you do about that (come on, this is elementary)? You give that worker a manager. I don't care if a worker can't talk and neither should you. That's what that role is made for, after all.


From what it sounds like, you're not having the same problem cainekass is having. Your problem is, you're overthinking everything. If you are a performance based promotion, your best in-ring performers should be headlining. Period, end of story. If you are a popularity based promotion, your most over in-ring workers should be headlining. It would help if those over workers had some in-ring skill (especially performance skills) but their overness can make up for that deficiency (see: Bowen, Barry).


Whether you can predict how the matches in between the opening and semi-main will rate isn't nearly as important as putting your best three matches in the right spots. If your best workers can't put on your best matches.....they're not your best workers. Now, I don't mean for this to sound so aggressive (if it does) but as anyone here will tell you, I usually just say it like I believe it and don't worry too much about prettying it up. That's the long & short of it. Best workers in the best slots to make the best shows you can make.

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A few new wrestlers and a few shown the door. Your advice must be helping I just pulled off a B show.


Keep doing that and getting to National's easy. You'll find that putting your budding talents in matches, angles, and storylines with your best workers will get them over and put them in positions where they can contribute as well. That gives you a revolving door of talent to use to overcome the repetitive match penalty.


It's really not as hard as it seems. As much as I hate to admit it, look at how WWE books their TV shows. It's almost a perfect example (most of the time) of how to do that.

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Question. I have a lot of workers that are good on the mic near but fans dont really go for angles that involve talking on themic etc. Should/Can I tweek that without causing damage to my product? I know before on a different game I was running I tried that and fans ran screaming from my product cause I changed it.
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It depends on how much you change the product if you get the warning about too much change it will loose you popularity if not then no problem. Generally upping mainstream too preferbly medium and getting at least 80 percent or lower match ratio will solve this.
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Generally upping mainstream too preferbly medium and getting at least 80 percent or lower match ratio will solve this.


No. Mainstream is not the panacea for angles. With that product (and I just took a good look at it. Woo boy, that's a doozy!), adding mainstream will take away from what he's trying to do (assuming he put it together to suit his desires). It places a heavy emphasis on in-ring performance. There are several elements in the product that seem to conflict (Pure & Modern, for example). I think the product needs a revamp OR his workers aren't over enough to put over angles.


Changing the match ratio is sound advice though. If it's at 90 or 100, there's your culprit. At 90%, the only people who can get away with being in an angle are your most over main eventers (and when I say 'get away with' it, I mean 'There are no comments to be made about this segment').


Curious but, why do you have ANY hyper realism in that product?

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I just took the hyper realizm out. I am not sure I meant to have it. I was going back in forth messing with it, and I guess I find what I thought that worked and never changed that aspect.


Right now I can do hype angles pretty sure my last interview was not accepted from a Upper midcard guy about to break through.


I would like to still have longer matches and judged more for performance than popularity but, not just where main eventers can get away with the mic work. ***Ive lowered the modern to low dropped risque altogether. I at first was looking to do like a hybrid almost red headed step child if ROH and the old ECW had a child. Can do some crazier matches/angles occasional and still have good solid technical matches with and occasional hardcore/gimmick match to blow off feuds etc.

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Ive updated Realism to heavy to see if that made more sense? Match ratio is at 90% I believe I had it set that high because I didnt want to have a ton of angles every show. Where PPVS I would want more ring work compared to talking etc. Even the occasional TV show would be like that as well.
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