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Need help getting to National

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Ive updated Realism to heavy to see if that made more sense? Match ratio is at 90% I believe I had it set that high because I didnt want to have a ton of angles every show. Where PPVS I would want more ring work compared to talking etc. Even the occasional TV show would be like that as well.


Your problem isn't your product, it's your match ratio. Take it down to 80%. At 80%, you only have to book 10% of your total show time as angles (that's 6 mins for every hour). That includes any dark time you use for wrestling. If you put two matches in the preshow of your hour long show, that's 10% of 80 (8 mins) not 60. There's a 10% +/- with match ratio. So at 80%, you could do as much as 30% of the show in angles and as little as 10%.


I just don't get it though. You don't want 'a ton of angles' but you want to do them anyway? :confused: Why would the two be mutually exclusive? Granted, this may be due to you not knowing about the 10% leeway (read the tip thread. Now :p) but still, a man cannot serve two masters. Cake & eat it too rarely happens. If your fans don't like angles and you give them angles, you can't expect the best results.

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You are just misunderstanding my comment. I dont want a SE promotion where you have to have run a ton of angles. I am mainly looking at cutting promos and whatnot is the big thing. But, a few angles wont hurt. Again look at old ECW, RoH. There are not a ton of promos and maybe 1 angle per show based off the main. I think that is a better explaination to get my motives/wants across.
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You are just misunderstanding my comment. I dont want a SE promotion where you have to have run a ton of angles. I am mainly looking at cutting promos and whatnot is the big thing.


Then change your match ratio (in the editor) to 80% and you have what you want. It's obvious that you didn't know this prior to starting your game so it's not 'cheating'. Your current product does not allow you to do what you wanted to do when you began (I'm assuming) so making the change so that it does is probably better than grinning and bearing it and having to play in a way you don't really want. Better than a 'do over' (i.e. start a new game) IMO.

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Ok, i followed the perfect product formula (but changed it to where id get more sponsorship) but w/ what you said about use your best in ring guys in a performance based promotion, would i pay more attention to the "Showstopper" guys or "Ring General" guys, or do i still need to take in mind my Franchise Players?
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