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TNA: In The Beginning...

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May 2002


Former WWF and WCW star Jeff Jarrett today held a press conference confirming the rumours that he would be running a brand new company. The company (TNA- Total Nonstop Action) will begin running shows starting from the first Thursday of June, and will air the very next night on WLMT-TV. Here are just a few notes and quotes from the conference:


Roster: “We have bought in what I believe to be some of the most talented individuals in the wrestling business today. We have a wide mix of veterans as well as new faces that we hope to build into stars. There will be a lot of faces that may not be familiar to the audience but who we hope will soon become stars in their own right”.


Booking: “It was a tough job finding a suitable individual to take the role of Head Booker. There were many veterans and friends who I considered for the position. But I think I have found somebody who can take this company where it needs to be. His name is Jack Savage, a former Independent wrestler who has a great mind for the business, and somebody who i believe can make a major contribution to the company”.


Championships: “Obviously we will have a Tag Team Championship as well as the TNA Heavyweight Championship. We will also be introducing the TNA X-Division championship, which will focus on the high-flying, fast paced athletes on the roster. I guess you could say we are taking and evolving the cruiserweight division into something a lot more exciting, if you can imagine that”.


Rumours that the company will be a part of the NWA: “It was certainly talked about, but we decided it would be in the best interest of the company to go our own way. We feel there is a lot more we can do creatively on our own without the restraints of the NWA Board of Directors, so we decided not to go down that route”.


We will update you on any news concerning TNA when we receive it.

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Held: Thursday, Week 1, June 2002


Airs: Friday, Week 1, June 2002



In the Dark Match of the evening, Trent Acid defeated Paul London




The show begins with Mike Tenay and “The Living Legend” Larry Zbyszko welcoming the viewers to the first ever episode of TNA Xplosion. They then announce that tonight will see two First Round matches in the tournament to crown the first ever TNA Heavyweight Champion, with Ron “The Truth” Killings taking on Konnan and Jeff Jarrett taking on “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock.



Jimmy Yang vs. Kid Kash vs. Low Ki vs. Super Crazy


The first ever TNA match saw four individuals compete in a decent opening bout that showed off the athleticism of the performers in the X-Division. Low Ki picked up the victory in the seventh minute with a Ki Krusher on Jimmy Yang.


Rating: D




We cut to the backstage area where former ECW Champion Steve Corino is talking to Johnny Swinger and Simon Diamond. Although it cannot be heard what is being said, some sort of union has clearly been made as the three of them shake hands before walking away together.


http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/AJStyles2002.jpghttp://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/AirParis.jpg VS. http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/LittleGuido.jpghttp://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/TonyMamaluke.jpg

AJ Styles & Air Paris vs. The Full Blooded Italians.


The next match saw ECW Alumni Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke take on Air Paris and AJ Styles. The two youngsters never really got to show their true potential in WCW before it folded, but they put on a great display here. AJ Styles picked up the shock victory on Tony Mamaluke with The Styles Clash.


Rating: D




The camera cuts backstage, where two youngster’s stand, ready to deliver a promo.


C.M Punk: My name is C.M Punk. And with me is my friend, my ally, my tag team partner, and the man who will.....HEY, PAY ATTENTION DAMMIT!


The camera pans to his partner, who is far too busy trying to get the make-up ladies phone number.


Colt Cabana: Call me soon, sweet cheeks...... sorry Punk, what were you saying?


Punk just stares and shakes his head at his partner before continuing.


Punk: As I was saying, by my side is Colt Cabana, and we are The Second City Saints, the best damn Tag Team in this company. But let’s face it, there isn’t much competition here in TNA. You just saw two tag teams put on a “show” out there, and I gotta say, if that’s the best that TNA has to offer, there isn’t gonna be much competition for the two of us. You see, we are here to prove that we are the absolute best tag team in this business today, and the best you have to offer is two former ECW has-beens and two former WCW never-will-be’s? It’s pretty much a foregone conclusion that we will be the first, last and ONLY TNA Tag Team Champions, and when that happens we will show.... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?


Punk hadn’t realized that Cabana had left the set during his interview. Or that he was setting off fire extinguishers. The promo concludes with Punk pleading with his partner to grow up. For once.



Konnan vs. Ron Killings


The first round match in the TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament saw Konnan and Ron Killings put on a respectable performance. Konnan controlled Killings for a large portion of the match, working on the lower back. But “The Truth” was somehow able to pull himself back in the match after nailing a superb dropkick as Konnan was coming off the top rope with an Axe-handle. From there it was all Killings, as he finally put Konnan away with a stunning Scissor Kick for the 1-2-3.


Rating: D+




As the competitors make their way back to the locker room area, the cameras pan into the crowd, where a brawl is taking place. A closer look shows that it is not the fans who are involved in this wild scene, but ECW Icon Sabu brawling with the young, tough wrestler known in Japan as Samoa Joe. The two beat the hell out of each other with anything they can get their hands on. Officials try to intervene, but the two men refuse to stop. Thankfully, the wild brawl makes its way to the backstage area.



Jeff Jarrett vs. Ken Shamrock


The main event of the evening was the second match in the TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament, pitting Jeff Jarrett against Ken Shamrock. These two me seemed to have good chemistry together, and put on a great match for the fans in attendance. Jarrett was accompanied to the ring by Chris Candido, who appears to be an associate of Jarrett’s. His attempts to interfere in the match lead to referee John Finnegan sending him to the backstage area, which certainly upset Jarrett’s plans. Jarrett did have a plan B, which was very simple indeed; use every dirty trick in the book. Jarrett tried everything, from gouging the eyes of Shamrock to using announcer Mike Tenay as a human shield. His tactics almost paid off when he locked a Figure Four Leg Lock on Shamrock whilst holding onto the ropes to put more pressure on the legs of “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man”. The official saw this breach of the rules and had to physically kick Jarrett’s arms off the ropes. Jarrett was furious, and immediately got up to confront Finnegan. This allowed Shamrock to regain his composure before spinning Jarrett around and nailing a Belly to Belly Suplex. He followed it up by locking the Ankle Lock on “The Chosen One”. Try as he may, Jarrett could not hold on, and was forced to tap out.


Rating: C+




Jarret was enraged following the bout, punching the canvas and kicking the ropes in frustration. As he approached referee John Finnegan, Chris Candido returned to the ring and had to drag Jarrett to the back before he could do any damage to the official.




The show closed with Mike Tenay and Larry Zbyszko announcing that next week, the final two matches in the First Round of the TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament would take place, as Rey Mysterio Jr. Would be taking on Juventud Guerrera. And the one and only “Hardcore Legend” Terry Funk would do battle with The Monster, The Mastodon, The man they call...Vader.


Show Rating: C

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Wow, that takes me back.


Very nice stuff so far.


Thanks for the support buddy. Much appreciated.


Interesting that a sizeable proportion of your signings are the same I made in my TNA dynasty 'New Beginnings', including Terry Funk and Vader.



Seriously?:eek: To be honest I haven't read your diary, but i will certainly check it out. It was in no way intended as a rip off.

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This weeks edition of Xplosion will certainly live up to it's name as The TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament rolls on. The first match is sure to be an action packed, fast paced contest as Juventud Guerrera takes on Rey Mysterio Jr. Then, a match that couldn't be more different as "The Hardcore Legend" Terry Funk and "The Mastodon" Vader will go head-to-head in what is almost guarenteed to be a hard hitting brawl.


Also on Xplosion, Chris Candido will take on one of the semi-finalists in the TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament, Ron "The Truth" Killings. And Two young tag teams look to make an impact as The Second City Saints take on the bright young team of Rocky Romero and Ricky Reyes, The Havana Pitbulls. All this and much more on this weeks Xplosion!


Quick Picks


Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Terry Funk vs. Vader

Chris Candido vs. Ron Killings

The Second City Saints vs. The Havana Pitbulls

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Held: Thursday, Week 2, June 2002

Airs: Friday, Week 2, June 2002


In the Dark Match of the evening, Jimmy Yang defeated Jose Maximo.



Mike Tenay and Larry Zbyszko welcome the fans to TNA Xplosion. They then hype the two upcoming TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament matches pitting Juventud Guerrera against Rey Mysterio Jr. And Terry Funk facing off against Vader.



http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/RickyReyes.jpghttp://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/RockyRomero2.jpg VS. http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/CMPunk.jpghttp://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/ColtCabana2.jpg

The Havana Pitbulls vs. The Second City Saints


The opening bout of the evening saw two young, hungry teams put on a respectable match to try to prove their worth in TNA. With both teams looking to be future TNA Tag Team Champions, they put it all on the line, eager to impress. Colt Cabana picked up the victory for the Saints, nailing Ricky Reyes with the Colt.45 for the pinfall victory.


Rating: E+




We head backstage, where Samoa Joe is searching the arena, looking for Sabu. Joe bumps into Paul London, who looks terrified as Joe grabs him by the neck.


Joe: Where’s Sabu?


London: I.....I don’t...




Before London can even attempt to answer, Joe brutally assaults him, throwing him against the solid walls of the hallway before delivering 5 devastating chair shots. Security was finally able to pull Joe off of Paul London. As he was being escorted from the building, two simple words echoed down the hallways of the arena: Where’s Sabu!


http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/JuventudGuerrera2.jpg VS. http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/ReyMisterio2.jpg

Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.


The crowd were very much into this contest, as both were firm favourites amongst the fans. This was a very even contest, with neither man fully taking control of the match. The match was inevitably taken to the outside, where Guerrera nailed a perfect Corkscrew Plancha on Mysterio. Mysterio was not to be outdone however, as he hit a Springboard dive onto Guerrera later in the match. The fight finally found its way back into the ring, where Juventud almost took the victory when he set Mysterio up for the Juvi Driver. Rey was able to escape the manoeuvre however, and hit Juvi with a tremendous Springboard DDT. Mysterio finally ended the match when he nailed Guerrera with a Springboard leg drop for the victory. Mysterio advances to the Semi-Final of the TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament.


Rating: C-




Following the match, Juventud dragged Mysterio back into the ring as he was about to leave. He then extended his hand to Mysterio. In a show of true sportsmanship and respect, the two men shook hands and headed to the locker room together.




We head backstage once again, where announcer Bobby Cruise is standing by with new TNA signing, Jerry Lynn.


Cruise: This is Bobby Cruise reporting backstage for TNA Xplosion, and with me at this time is the newest member to the TNA roster, ladies and gentlemen, Jerry Lynn. Jerry, welcome to TNA.


Lynn: Thank you, Bobby.


Cruise: I guess my first question has to be, what are your goals and expectations here in TNA?


Lynn: Well, it’s everybody’s goal in this business to be the absolute best at what you do. To prove that you have what it takes to carry a company to the next level. So of course the TNA Heavyweight Title is something I strive to hold. And judging by the competitors in the current Title Tournament, it’s gonna be a tough task to get there. But I’m no stranger to a tough task. And I’m more than up for the challenge. But I’m also here for another reason. You see, I’ve heard a lot of talk about a certain “X” Division which is looking to redefine the business much like the Cruiserweight Division. And to be honest Bobby, that sounds a perfect fit for Jerry Lynn. I’ve been innovating and redefining the industry for a long time, and I feel I still have what it takes to...


Lynn’s interview is cut short as Low Ki enters the set. He stares daggers through Jerry Lynn before finally speaking.


Low Ki: Jerry, you are a fool if you think you are going to be the man to beat in the X Division. I am a true warrior. A man with NO fear. A man who is willing to put his mind, body and soul on the line in order to be a winner, in order to be a Champion. Are you willing to do the same, Jerry? Because if you’re not, you may as well leave now. Because if you aren’t willing to do that, then you don’t stand a chance with me. So you think about THAT.


Low Ki leaves the set, leaving Cruise looking quite perplexed. Lynn however, seems to be smiling at the thought of testing the warrior Low Ki.




The cameras head to another section of the backstage area, where young, fun loving athlete Lil’ Nate is heading to the ring as he whistles to the tune of “Eye of the Tiger”. His demeanour soon changes as he is confronted by Steve Corino, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger.


Corino: And where do you think you’re going, little man?


Nate: Actually, it’s Lil’ Nate.


Corino: “Actually, it’s Lil’ Nate”. Are you kidding me? Are you trying to say that they have enough time on this show to put you in the ring, yet the three of us aren’t even booked for the show? Do you realise I’m a former ECW World Champion? Do you realise that by my side are the two brightest stars in the industry? And they would rather put a clown like you in the ring instead of us?


Nate: Look, I’m just doin...


Nate is cut short by a hard slap to the face by Corino, followed by a beatdown by Swinger and Diamond. After the beatdown, Corino drags Lil’ Nate into a janitor’s closet, where he throws him inside and puts a table in front of the door to prevent him from escaping. The three men walk away from the scene laughing together.


http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/ChrisCandido.jpg VS. http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/K-Kwik.jpg

Chris Candido vs. Ron Killings


Killings was looking to gain some more momentum heading into his Semi-Final match up next week by defeating Jeff Jarrett’s partner in crime, Chris Candido. The task would be easier said than done, however. Candido kept the quick paced Killings on the mat with his wide range of submission manoeuvres and matt skills. Killings was able to get a little momentum going though, nailing two stunning dropkicks followed by a float over DDT for a two count. Candido was once again able to take control, almost ending the match with a Diving Headbutt. Killings was able to move out of the way at the last second, avoiding coming into contact with Candido’s head. Candido tried to pull himself up on the referee’s shirt. As the official was distracted with Candido, it gave Jeff Jarrett a chance to enter the ring and nail Killings with a guitar. Jarrett slid under the ropes and out of the ring, allowing Candido to get the pinfall victory.


Rating: D




After the bell, Jarrett returned to the ring and ordered Candido to pick Killings up. Jarrett beat “The Truth” with vicious right hands before nailing him with The Stroke. The two men celebrated above a fallen Ron Killings as Mike Tenay asked the question that was on everybody’s mind: “What the hell does Jeff Jarrett have against Ron Killings”?




We move to the backstage area with AJ Styles and Air Paris, ready to deliver a promo.


AJ Styles: Last week, myself and Air Paris defeated two Tag Team veterans in Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke. We proved that we can hang with the best this business has to offer. So this is a warning to every Tag Team in TNA. Whether it’s The F.B.I, Havana Pitbulls, Second City Saints or anybody else that wants to step up to the plate, it doesn’t matter. We will come out victorious. We will prove we can hang with the best. And, despite what that Second City Punk said last week, we WILL become the first ever TNA Tag Team Champions.


Air Paris: People look at the two of us and think we are a push over. Just because we are two small guys, we can’t compete with the big boys. You know what, that’s fine. Let them think that. We’ve had that treatment all of our lives. And we have ALWAYS proved those people wrong. TNA is no exception. Air Paris and AJ Styles WILL become the TNA Tag Team Champions. We will defend those titles. And we will prove we belong here. And you can take that to the bank!




A quick Tale of the Tape is shown for the Main Event match between Terry Funk and Vader.


http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/TerryFunk3.jpg VS. http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/Vader.jpg

Terry Funk vs. Vader


This match could best be described with one word: Brutal. Both men threw everything they had at each other. Funk’s eyebrow was busted open early in the match after several thunderous right hands by The Mastodon. Funk proved just why he has lasted so long in the wrestling business, never backing down, despite the fact that he was being beaten from pillar to post by Vader. Funk was able to get some offence in, knocking Vader to the outside and nailing a moonsault to the outside, wiping out the big man. But Vader would not relent. After re-entering the ring, Vader continued his brutal assault. He finally landed a Vader Bomb on the tough Funker. Funk was somehow able to kick out of this. After a second Vader Bomb, Funk STILL managed to kick out, and begged Vader to “keep going, you son of a bitch”. Vader complied, finally knocking Funk out cold with several sickening rights and lefts before delivering a third and final Vader Bomb for the 1-2-3.


Rating: D




This edition of Xplosion concludes with Tenay and Zbyszko hyping the Semi-Final matches for next week’s show, in which Ken Shamrock will take on Ron Killings. And, in possibly the biggest mismatch in professional wrestling history, Rey Mysterio Jr. Takes on Vader!


Show Rating: D

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The Secret Diaries of Jack Savage



Thursday, Week 2 2002

Well, it's been two week since Xplosion first hit the airwaves, and it seems to be going to plan. No major problems thus far. There was an incident earlier today, however. Several wrestlers came to let me no that they had caught Joel Maximo, of the tag team S.A.T, smoking marijuana in the parking lot. Hey, i'm not against the stuff. I understand why some people use it. But I don't think Jeff sees it the same way. Plus, doing it in a parking lot, where there could be fans to witness it, wouldn't be the best thing for the company. I took him aside and had a quiet chat with him. Luckily for me, he took it really well, saying he will try his hardest not to let it happen again. I like this kids attitude. We could use more people like him in the business.


Jeff also let me no that he is signing a contract with Pay Per View provider Voom over the weekend. Great news, as our first major show, Unbreakable, is coming up at the end of the month. Although they have said they don't want anything too risky on the show, which kinda puts my plans to hold a ladder match for the X-Division Title into jeopardy. But we'll think of something. All in all, I must say I'm really enjoying the whole experience in TNA. Hopefully this ride will last for quite some time.

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This weeks edition of Xplosion will see the two Semi-Final matches in the TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament. First up, Ken Shamrock will take on Ron "The Truth" Killings. These two fan favourites are sure to put their respect for each other to one side as they attempt to make it to Unbreakable and the TNA Heavyweight Title match. Also, in what Mike Tenay called the biggest mismatch in wrestling history, Rey Mysterio Jr. will be going nose to nose (or nose to waist) with the monsterous Vader. Will Rey's heart and determination get him to the finals? Or will Vader prove too much for the luchadore?


Also on the card, AJ Styles will be in singles action against Kid Kash. And Joel and Jose Maximo, The S.A.T, will be looking to gain their first victory in TNA against Steve Corino's "back up" Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger. All this and so much more. TNA Xplosion. Don't miss it!


Quick Picks


Ken Shamrock vs. Ron Killings

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Vader

AJ Styles vs Kid Kash

Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger vs The SAT

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Liking this so far, good presentation and length, keep it up!


Ken Shamrock vs. Ron Killings

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Vader - I can't really see Rey Rey going over Vader believably, granted it's 2002 so you might not wanna wager on Vader delivering at Unbreakable, but i'm picking Vader.

AJ Styles vs Kid Kash - AJ backs up what he said with Paris with a good win here.

Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger vs The SAT - same as AJ really, a win to show Diamond & Swinger mean business.

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Held: Thursday, Week 3, June 2002

Airs: Friday, Week 3, June 2002


In Dark Matches, The F.B.I defeated The Havana Pitbulls, and Juventud Guerrera picked up the victory over Lil’ Nate.




Mike Tenay and Larry Zbyszko once again welcome the audience to another edition of Xplosion. They then hype the two Semi-Final matches to take place tonight, pitting Rey Mysterio Jr. Against Vader and Ken Shamrock going head-to-head with Ron “The Truth” Killings. As they are hyping the rest of the nights action, they are told to cut backstage....




....where Samoa Joe and Sabu are once again going at it, this time in the catering area. Officials and security once again attempt to separate the two to no avail. Joe was nailed with several chairs by Sabu, who didn’t leave the brawl unscathed, as he was put through a catering table by Joe. The two men crashed through a door leading to the hallway, where security was finally able to separate the two. Nobody seemed to notice Lil’ Nate smuggling leftover food into his pockets before it was destroyed by the two savages.


http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/AJStyles2002.jpg VS. http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/KidKash2.jpg

AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash


This contest certainly opened a lot of people’s eyes as to just how good an athlete AJ Styles is. AJ and Kid Kash put on a fabulous display for the crowd in Florida. With neither man really gaining the advantage, Kash took to the skies, hoping to gain the victory. The fact that AJ is something of an unknown was an advantage, as Kash obviously didn’t realise that AJ could fly just as well, and surprised Kash midway in the contest with a Springboard Reverse DDT for a very long two count. Kash wasn’t about to be embarrassed by the rookie however, and took AJ out with a Springboard Senton to the outside, creating a “TNA” chant from the fans in attendance. Back in the ring, Kash set AJ up for the Money Maker. Aj somehow got himself free of the manoeuvre and hit him with a fantastic German Suplex. AJ then made his way to the top and hit The Spiral Tap on Kid Kash to pick up another shocking win.


Rating: C-




The camera cuts backstage, where CM Punk and Colt Cabana are standing by with Bobby Cruise.


Cruise: Bobby Cruise, reporting here for TNA Xplosi...


CM Punk violently grabs the microphone from Cruise and pushes him away.


CM Punk: Go get me water, Bobby. Make yourself useful. So, are we all supposed to be impressed by that, AJ? Is that supposed to be some kind of warning to the rest of us? News flash, AJ: I’m not impressed. Cabana isn’t impressed. The fact is, as good as Kid Kash is, he isn’t CM Punk. As good as Kid Kash is, he isn’t Colt Cabana. As good as Kid Kash is, he isn’t The Second City Saints. You see AJ, you can fly around that ring and attempt to kill yourself every night for all I care. It doesn’t disguise the fact that you and your boyfriend Air Paris haven’t got a chance of taking the TNA Tag Titles. You see... what are you doing?


Punk turned his attention to his partner, who seems more interested in playing with his cell phone than listening to Punk’s rant.


Cabana: I’ve almost got the high score on Snake. Come on, Coltster, you can do it, come on...


Punk grabs Cabana’s phone and throws it on the ground and stomps on it, smashing it into tiny pieces.


Cabana: Hey! I almost had it.


CM Punk: You think you can pay attention for a minute. Is that possible? As I was saying, at the end of the month, it seems there’s gonna be a PPV event, Unbreakable. And we got a little four way tag match to determine the first TNA Tag Team Champions. And the way I see it, only one team is walking away from that match with those belts. It won’t be The F.B.I. It won’t be those border jumpers, The S.A.T. And it sure as hell won’t be AJ Styles and Air Paris...


Cabana: AND it won’t be the Legion of Doom.


CM Punk: LOD aren’t even involved in the match. They don’t even work here.


Cabana: Exactly!


CM Punk: ... just stand there and look pretty, ok? Anyway, the fact is...


Punk and Cabana are cut off by The S.A.T, Jose and Joel Maximo, who have some choice words for the saints.


Joel: You know something, all you seem to do is run your mouth. All you seem to do is TALK about how great you are. We don’t need to do that. Tonight, we’re gonna beat Johnny Swinger and Simon Diamond. And then, at Unbreakable, we WILL become the TNA Tag Team Champions. Guaranteed.


The two brother’s leave the set, leaving CM Punk with a furious look on his face. And Colt Cabana trying to pick up the pieces of his phone.


http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/ReyMisterio2.jpg VS. http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/Vader.jpg

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Vader


The fans in attendance were surprised at just how good this match was. This battle of David vs. Goliath should have been very one sided. But Mysterio decided to use his speed and size (or lack of) against the big man in the early going. Vader just couldn’t keep up with Mysterio, who went to work on the legs of Vader, striking them with stiff kicks before retreating to safety. But Mysterio slipped up when he tried to take to the air, attempting a Springboard Cross Body on The Mastodon. But Vader was able to catch the luchadore and throw him down hard to the mat. From there, Vader took over, nailing rights and lefts to the much smaller Mysterio. Rey was visibly shaken by the blows, and as he attempted another springboard manoeuvre, he lost his footing and fell to the outside, where Vader soon followed. The Mastodon stalked Mysterio up the ramp. Rey finally led him to the technical area, out of sight of the official who was in the ring instigating the 10 count. Rey then put his plan into action. Vader charged at Mysterio, who side stepped the big man, sending him crashing head first into one of the large containers of lighting equipment and sending him to the floor. Vader was dazed by the blow to the head, but nothing prepared him for the chair being swung by Terry Funk, sending the big man down to the concrete. During this time, Mysterio sprinted towards the ring to beat the ten count. By the time Vader was up and heading towards the ring, the official had reached the ten count, awarding the match and the spot in the finals to Rey Mysterio Jr. Mysterio soon fled into the crowd to celebrate with the fans.


Rating: C




To say Vader was enraged following the match would be an understatement, as he threw the official out of the ring before pulling viciously on the top rope, finally pulling it off the turnbuckles completely. He then spotted Mysterio still in the crowd, and immediately gave chase.. He could audibly be heard yelling for Rey to “GET BACK HERE YOU SON OF A BITCH” as he chased him to the back. The fans gave a collective sigh of relief, knowing that at least the enraged Vader wasn’t coming after them.




As the camera was getting a good shot of the crowd cheering and enjoying their time watching TNA (and as the ring crew fix the ropes that were pulled away by Vader), a familiar face was seen sitting in the upper tier of the arena, with a microphone in hand. It was none other than Konnan, who had a lot to get off his chest.


Konnan:So you people remember me, do you? You remember who I am? Because it seems the big boys in the office have forgotten about me. First, I’m robbed of my shot at the TNA Heavyweight Title by that no good punk Ron Killings. And ever since then, I haven’t been given one god damn match. Not one god damn promo. Nothing. I’m the biggest star in this stinkin’ company, and I deserve a little bit more respect. And you people. You people cheer for punks like Killings. You cheer for that one trick pony Mysterio. You cheer for washed up rejects like Ken Shamrock. Yet you look down on me? We’ll if the boys in the office won’t give me what I want, I guess I’m just gonna have to take it. Arriba La Raza!




The cameras cut backstage, where Jerry Lynn is stood with Bobby Cruise. Before the interview can even take place, Lynn is assaulted by Low Ki, who blasts him with stiff kicks to the chest and head before locking a Dragon Sleeper on him. The officials (who seem to have had a busy night) attempt to pull Low Ki off the battered Lynn as the cameras cut back to ringside.


http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/SimonDiamond.jpghttp://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/JohnnySwinger.jpg VS. http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/JoseMaximo.jpghttp://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/JoelMaximo.jpg

Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger vs. The S.A.T


The S.A.T looked to back up their claims made earlier in night by beating Diamond and Swinger. But Diamond and Swinger had other ideas, and went to work on the two brothers. The S.A.T also didn’t count on the presence of Steve Corino at ringside, who proved quite a distraction. Joel Maximo almost took the victory when he hit the Beach Break on Swinger. But Corino once again caused a distraction for the referee, allowing Simon Diamond to enter the ring and hit Joel with the Simonizer. Jose took Diamond to the outside, but it allowed Swinger to get the cover, and the win, on Joel.


Rating: E




Following the match, Joel and Jose try to shake the cobwebs away, and didn’t see the attack coming from CM Punk and Colt Cabana. Punk sent Cabana to the outside, where he pulled a table from under the ring. He set Jose on top of it and re-entered the ring. From there, the two of them lifted Joel up above their head and threw him to the outside, through the table. And his brother. Punk celebrated on the top rope, soaking in the jeers of the fans, whilst Cabana began strutting and jiving in the centre of the ring, much to the fans bemusement.


http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/KenShamrock.jpg VS. http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt306/jw_forever/tna/K-Kwik.jpg

Ken Shamrock vs. Ron Killings


The main event of the evening was sure to be one to watch, as both men desperately tried to gain that final spot in the TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament Final at Unbreakable. After having two full weeks to rest since his first victory over Jeff Jarrett, Shamrock clearly had the advantage from the start. He almost got the victory very early in the match, locking the Ankle Lock on Killings. “The Truth” was able to make it to the ropes to break the hold. Killings was no slouch in this contest either, using his speed to his advantage, almost taking Shamrock’s head off with a Super kick for a close two count. The action remained even, until Killing’s headed to the top rope. He attempted to hit his patented Scissor Kick from the top rope, but Shamrock had it scouted and moved out of the way just in time to avoid the move. From then on, Shamrock had full control, nailing a Belly to Belly Suplex, and following it up with the Ankle Lock. To Killing’s credit, he did hold on for a full minute before the pain became too much, and he had no choice to tap out, awarding the match AND the final spot in the final to “The World’s Most Dangerous Man”.


Rating: C




Following the contest, the official raised the hand of Shamrock as he celebrated in the ring. That is until Jeff Jarrett and Chris Candido hit the ring. Jarrett threw Shamrock to the outside of the ring before the two men put the boots to Killings. Jarrett lifted him up and attempted to hit The Stroke, but didn’t notice Shamrock re-enter the ring. He took Jarrett down with the Belly to Belly Suplex, sending Jarrett rolling to the outside. He then began exchanging rights and lefts with Candido, until Killings got involved again, hitting a Scissor Kick to Candido. Shamrock followed this up by locking in the Ankle Lock. Xplosion ended with Jarrett backing up the ramp, leaving his “friend” to take the punishment.


Show Rating: D+

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The road to Unbreakable makes it's last stop as Xplosion hits the screens. And in the Main Event of the evening, Jeff Jarrett and Chris Candido have been forced into a match after last weeks failed attacks. As such, they will be stepping into the ring with Ron "The Truth" Killings and "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock. Shamrock will be looking to send a message to Rey Mysterio Jr. ahead of their TNA Heavyweight Title Match at Unbreakable. Also, it has been announced that both Jarrett and Killings will be facing off against one another at the Pay Per View, so both men will be looking to get the advantage over their opponent.


Also this week, Rey Mysterio Jr. will be looking to gain some momentum heading into Sunday's PPV, however this will be no easy task, as he goes head to head with The Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death Defying Sabu. Will the luchadore be able to pick up the victory, or will the Extrem Icon have Mysterio's number? And what part, if any, will Samoa Joe play in all of this?


Also on Xplosion, AJ Styles and Air Paris team up with Jose and Joel Maximo, The S.A.T, to take on The F.B.I and The Second City Saints. Also, Juventud Guerrera locks horns with Elix Skipper and Jerry Lynn with take on Steve Corino. Don't miss a minute of this action!


Quick Picks


Jeff Jarrett & Chris Candido vs Ken Shamrock & Ron Killings

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Sabu

AJ Styles, Air Paris & The S.A.T vs. The F.B.I & The Second City Saints

Elix Skipper vs. Juventud Guerrera

Jerry Lynn vs. Steve Corino

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