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"This is the fourth time this match has been held recently"....question

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Remember that it doesn't have to score fantastically to beat the penalty - just better than the average of the previous three (or however many there have been). So one tag match in my game has just had its fourth showing, scoring D, D-, D, D in those four - and that was enough to avoid the penalty.
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To bad this rule does not apply to the WWE!:D


Too true, mate. Haha. I'm playing a WWE mod, though so it kind of is true. Shawn Michaels Vs. a now Main Eventing, reigning Heavyweight champion Ted Dibiase Jr. and they had three A ranked matches and I'm wanting to sort of pick up where I left off...I'm usually careful about being smart and pacing myself but it was a good feud.

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There's a workaround, if you don't mind "cheating" a little bit...have their fourth match as a 1 minute dark match and that'll lower the average score of their previous matches enough to get at least one more match without a penalty, maybe more(I've never tried more than one).


It's not something I do intentionally, but if you lose track of how many times you've held a match for whatever reason...

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I am curious just how far people have been able to successfully stretch a feud, like has anybody gotten it up to say 9 or 10 matches in that short period with each one being better (without cheating of course)? That is an awful lot of repeats though, so i can definitely understand if nobody has, just would be cool to know.
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I am curious just how far people have been able to successfully stretch a feud, like has anybody gotten it up to say 9 or 10 matches in that short period with each one being better (without cheating of course)? That is an awful lot of repeats though, so i can definitely understand if nobody has, just would be cool to know.


I have a feud that's gone on for almost 14 months now. That's with weekly shows and monthly events. The longest I've gone as far as matches is 7 before hitting the penalty. That's with two workers feuding from Opener to Midcarder (and the 8th match, despite being penalized, boosted them both to Upper Mid). The problem arises with folks who think the only way to advance a feud is with 1v1 (or 2v2, for tag teams) matches and that's never been the case in reality.

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