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NYCW: Extreme Makeover Edition

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NYCW: Extreme Makeover Edition


Before I get into this diary, there are a few things that I want to state about this game:


First off, Extreme Makeover does not mean that I am going to make NYCW over as a hardcore promotion. I am just going to remake the roster. NYCW has one of the oldest rosters in the game and a lot of them will probably be retiring soon so that is what is meant by the title.


This is my first wrestling diary, but not my first diary on the site (I am currently also doing the Compound,http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=48682, which is a reality show based diary with Jim Force and Big Smack Scott which I will continue. Hey, I can multitask!) and in all honestly, I am not that great at the game. So if this diary should magically disappear, it is probably because I screwed up while playing the game and have no way of fixing my mistake.


In addition, I have changed the product around a bit. Therefore, my product looks like this:


Key Feature: Traditional

Medium: Mainstream

Low: Realism, Modern, Hardcore, and Pure

Very Low: Daredevil


My reason for changing the product was I just felt that with the opening roster that I had, having my wrestlers rated equal on both popularity and performance would mean that the matches would get lower grades as most of the roster is not very good. Also, the company is so low that I do not think pissing off the very few fans that I have would really matter all that much.


Next, I want to say I know many of the readers like these diaries grounded in reality (myself included). I am going to do something that will not be realistic for a promotion my size. I will be giving my wrestlers real life entrance music. Now I know if NYCW was a real life promotion they would never be able to afford this and in my game setting, I will have the In House Music option set as what I am using. However, I feel that music enhances the diary. Bigpapa, Zeel, and Remianen all use music in their respective diaries and like I said it enhances the diary for me. So please allow a suspension of belief when it comes to the music.


I am not a fan of using avatars as characters, but I found my self needing to do so in this diary. I will be using him for the backstory and maybe some behind the scenes stuff. He will never be used as an on screen character, I may use him in dark matches to boost the other workers stats but that is about it.


Finally, I would just like to say thank you to the following diary writers (these are the ones that I read all of the time nothing against the other great diary writers) angeldelayette, Bigpapa42, Eisen-verse, and Oldschool for inspiring me to do this. Now if this diary ends up sucking or crashing and burning then I apologize for saying you all inspire me.:D


Enough with my ramblings on with the story:




Jack Arthur: Hi, my name is Jack Arthur and I would like to tell my story to you all. So have a seat sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.


First a little bit about myself, I have been involved in the wrestling business in one form or another going back to when I was in high school. I first started in the when I was seventeen years old; I used to help setup the ring for various local indy promotions in and around the Baltimore, Maryland area. The pay sucked, I only got ten dollars a night, but I was allowed before the show to run the ropes and learn the basics from the older wrestlers.


Throughout my college years, I moonlighted as a wrestler for various promotions. I made a few friendships in the industry and I really enjoyed working in front of the crowd. The thing with me was I could never get over with the fans.


No matter what I did, the fans just did not care about me. So after I graduated college with a B.A. in History, I became a high school teacher. I still wrestled on the side but it was more of a hobby. A few years after graduating college, one of my old buddies from the Baltimore indy scene called me up and asked me if I would be interested in coming to work for his company, Championship Wrestling Of Maryland. I said sure why not it could be fun.


After a few months of working as a wrestler, my friend asked me if I would like to book the shows. He saw something in me, I really do not know what, and he felt that I had a natural mind for the business. I took the job and enjoyed every minute of it. Sure, it was a bit stressful, but what job is not?


Word got back to the high school that I was working at that I was involved in wrestling. Now this was not that big of a thing, but I tended to book some racy angles while working for CWOM and the school committee did not appreciate what I was doing as a side job. I ended up quitting my teaching job because I just did not want to deal with a long and drawn out affair of fighting for my job.


At that point, in my life I was just working for just CWOM. And in all, honestly that job was not helping me make ends meet. I soon found myself working as a waiter at TGI Friday’s, which was not the ideal job for me.


I thought my life could not suck more, that was until CWOM closed down because my friend skipped town when he realized that he could no longer pay the wrestlers. So now with my only link to the wrestling world gown I resigned myself to the fact that Friday’s was going to me my life for the near future. I thought about going back to teaching but I just did not feel inspired enough to do so.


Right around this time I got an interesting call, I remember it like it was yesterday. My friend Rock Downpour left me this message on my voice mail:




Rock Downpour: Hey, man what’s up? It’s your boy Rocky; I heard what happened with CWOM. That really sucks Paul is such a scumbag for what he did skipping town and all. Well anyway give me a call; there might be something for you up here. Okay take care bye.




This was weird I had not spoken to Rock in two years, and yet here he was calling me out of the blue with a potential job offer. Well need less to say I was very intrigued by this phone call. Later on that day, I called up Rock to see exactly what he was talking about.

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NYCW: Extreme Makeover Edition (The phone call that changed my life).





Rock Downpour: Hello




Jack Arthur: Hey Rocky it’s me Jack, I was just returning your phone call.




Rock Downpour (sounding excited): My man! How you been?




Jack Arthur: So, so... you know how this business is.




Rock Downpour: Yeah man, that is why I called you actually. You see we got a job opening up and I was wondering if you would like to interview for it.




Jack Arthur: Sure, I mean….well what exactly is the job.




Rock Downpour: It is the job of head booker.




Jack Arthur: Head booker? Really? I mean I thought that was Bailey’s job.




Rock Downpour: It was Bailey’s job. Truth be told he could not handle the stress of the job. He has had the book for a while now but he feels like it is consuming his life. Plus his wife kind of pressured him into leaving the job because she could she how it was affecting him.




Jack Arthur: Wow that sucks.




Rock Downpour: Sure does, but one mans failure is another mans opportunity. That is were you come in kiddo.




Jack Arthur: But why me?




Rock Downpour: Because I showed Derek (the real name of NYWC’s owner The Stomper) some of you CWOM work and he was impressed with the way you booked. And I think he has finally come to the realization that his product could be freshened up a bit. And I think he wants someone who is young to take us in that direction. So are you interested?




Jack Arthur (hardly able to contain his excitement in his voice): Of course!




Rock Downpour: Cool, I will setup sometime with you and Derek so he can interview you. And remember this is just an interview you haven’t got the job. Okay kiddo?




Jack Arthur: Yeah, oh and thanks a lot Rocky.




Rock Downpour (with a bit of a chuckle in his voice): No problem, I am always looking to help a friend. Even if I haven’t talked to them in two years. Well anyways, like I said I will talk to Derek and set the meeting up. After that it is all you, you gotta work your magic. Well until then bye.


And that was my first step to becoming the head booker of NYCW. Next time I shall tell you about my meeting with the Derek Bradford who is that man known as The Stomper…

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Next, I want to say I know many of the readers like these diaries grounded in reality (myself included). I am going to do something that will not be realistic for a promotion my size. I will be giving my wrestlers real life entrance music. Now I know if NYCW was a real life promotion they would never be able to afford this and in my game setting, I will have the In House Music option set as what I am using. However, I feel that music enhances the diary. Bigpapa, Zeel, and Remianen all use music in their respective diaries and like I said it enhances the diary for me. So please allow a suspension of belief when it comes to the music.


Thanks for the mention, I'm a little surprised I was able to make that shortlist. But, you know, I always get a little confused when I see the "Companies too small to use real music" note..maybe it's meant to be differant in the CornellVerse, but it's the other way around in the real world. I mean, look at ROH before they got the HDNet deal, using songs like "Final Countdown" by Europe. Look at the old ECW, and how it used "Enter Sandman" and "Come Out And Play". Smaller companies don't seem to have to bend to coprwrite laws.. (Which I have at times felt is weird, because even if they aren't nationally televised, they're still on PPV's and DVD's..seems a tad strange they get off for free like that)


I'm not making an arguement of any type, I'm just pondering as to why people say that. Of course, it's probably just derived from the way Music Usage is set in TEW..diary-wise, though, I don't know why it would be an issue.


Anyway, sorry to take that off-topic so quickly. :p I have found myself interested in NYCW in the past, but that may just be because I find myself really liking Steve Flash...in any case, I'll be following this.

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Thanks for the mention, I'm a little surprised I was able to make that shortlist. But, you know, I always get a little confused when I see the "Companies too small to use real music" note..maybe it's meant to be differant in the CornellVerse, but it's the other way around in the real world. I mean, look at ROH before they got the HDNet deal, using songs like "Final Countdown" by Europe. Look at the old ECW, and how it used "Enter Sandman" and "Come Out And Play". Smaller companies don't seem to have to bend to coprwrite laws.. (Which I have at times felt is weird, because even if they aren't nationally televised, they're still on PPV's and DVD's..seems a tad strange they get off for free like that)


I'm not making an arguement of any type, I'm just pondering as to why people say that. Of course, it's probably just derived from the way Music Usage is set in TEW..diary-wise, though, I don't know why it would be an issue.


Anyway, sorry to take that off-topic so quickly. :p I have found myself interested in NYCW in the past, but that may just be because I find myself really liking Steve Flash...in any case, I'll be following this.


Thank you for the first post!:D


Yeah I debated this over and over again, should I use real music or not. In the end like I said, I love the way you, Bigpapa and Remianen used it in your diaries so I just said screw it is in.:D Plus I wanted to give some of these wrestlers some weird music.


The reason why I chose NYCW was because they were small, so if I screwed up (which I did with the second show as you will see) it really would not destroy my company. I am a decent player at best and when I run SWF or TCW I often bring them down to Cult without fail, and that takes away from the game for me. So I will stick with NYCW and see if I can make a go with it.

All though I had a real good story for Joe Sexy in the SWF which I would really like to use someday...

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Cool to see a NYCW diary. Always though it was a promotion with a ton of potential. And thanks for the name drop. Interested to see how you do with this. Good luck.


As for the music, I don't think its a big deal and I agree that it can definitely add to a diary. It gives a bit of an extra level of depth to a character if you choose your music carefully.

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Just want to say good luck and will be lurking and so long as ya don't get fired you can't really fail so to speak with NYCW as they have been stagnant for so long. Concerning the music it is fine as it is the C-Verse so all those bands are unknowns lolz and as Zeel pointed out the indies fly under the radar of copy right laws.
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This will be interesting.


I like your product. Seems really broad which should allow for a lot of variety in worker styles.


As for the music, that was just something I did for me. It's part of my characterization process, trying to find songs that evoke the image I'm trying to bring across (especially since it tends to take me a long time to develop a character into their persona).

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Firstly, Thanks for the nod BHK! I swung by to give your diary a read last night before I went off to bed and, at first, thought I was seeing things when I saw it up there. Again, thank you!


I really like what you're putting together. The product seems very managable and gives you the ability to really utilize many different styles of wrestling. In a sense, that's what NYCW, to me, should have always been about... A state built around diversity and "home" to many different types of people... A wrestling company in that area should follow the same suit.


Needless to say, I'm excited to see where you go with this.


Keep up the work thus far.



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Cool to see a NYCW diary. Always though it was a promotion with a ton of potential. And thanks for the name drop. Interested to see how you do with this. Good luck.


Well like I said you are really the writer that got me into reading dynasties on here so I just wanted to give credit where credit was due.


Hyde Hill:

Just want to say good luck and will be lurking and so long as ya don't get fired you can't really fail so to speak with NYCW as they have been stagnant for so long. Concerning the music it is fine as it is the C-Verse so all those bands are unknowns lolz and as Zeel pointed out the indies fly under the radar of copy right laws.


Thanks for the well wishes, and yeah I probably can fail at this because I am not great at the game!:D




I like your product. Seems really broad which should allow for a lot of variety in worker styles.


As for the music, that was just something I did for me. It's part of my characterization process, trying to find songs that evoke the image I'm trying to bring across (especially since it tends to take me a long time to develop a character into their persona).


I am glad you like the product, I thought that most people would not like the change in product. I thought that it might be to broad, I like to play as S.E. promotions when playing this game so that is why I messed with the product a little bit.




Firstly, Thanks for the nod BHK! I swung by to give your diary a read last night before I went off to bed and, at first, thought I was seeing things when I saw it up there. Again, thank you!


Like I said to Bigpapa, you were an influence to me in doing this wrestling diary. And I only hope that it can be half as good as the stuff that you put out. It is not name dropping or but kissing, I enjoy your work and that is the truth.


Hopefully this diary will be somewhat decent, like I said I have already screwed up the second card and it seems like an Impact show, and the readers can enjoy it. Thank you for all of the positive comments thus far and never fail to give me feedback in the future be it positive or negative any and all feedback is welcomed.


I will probably post the rest of the backstory later tonight, but I have to get off the computer because The Amazing Race is coming on soon. Plus you got Dexter, Mad Men and Curb Your Enthusiasm so I will not be back on until well after midnight.:D


I watch way to much television....

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NYCW: Extreme Makeover Edition (The Levittown meeting)



Levittown, New York the symbol of post World War II suburbia, this is hardly the place that I would expect the owner of NYCW to live. As I drove around looking for his house I was thinking, “What is going to be my pitch to Stomper? What can I say that will allow this man to hand the reigns of the business over to me?”


Finally, I arrived in front of his house; I took in a deep breath and exited my car. I was sweating a bit as I walked up his walkway. I rang the doorbell to his house and a rather attractive older woman answers.




Jack Arthur: Hello my name is Jack Arthur, I ah….have an appointment with Derek.


Mrs. Stomper: Oh yes, come on in. Derek is in his study which is right over there.


I walked over to the door and knocked on it. From the other side of the door I heard a voice that sounded eerily similar to that of George Burns.




Stomper: Yeah come on in.


I entered Stomper’s study; he was sitting behind his desk while looking over some documents. He peered at me over his glasses.




Stomper: Have a seat Jack.


I sat down in the rather comfortable leather chair which was in front of his desk. Stomper did not say anything to me. He just continued doing his work; I looked around his office from my seat. There were tons of wrestling memorabilia all over his walls. You had his Masked Mauler mask along with his various titles encased in glass display on one wall. Another wall was lined with various posters and press clippings talking about The Stomper’s career. Finally, after a few minutes of taking all of this in, Stomper began to talk.


Stomper: Sorry about that, I had a bit of paper work to finish off. There are only so many hours in the day ya know.


I nodded my head not really knowing exactly what to say. Stomper knew that I was nervous, he said:




Stomper: No need to be nervous kid, what I would like for you to do is pitch me your vision of NYCW.


I took a deep breath as I knew what I needed to say but had to think of a good way of saying it as not to offend the man sitting infront of me.




Jack Arthur: May I speak candidly.


Stomper nodded and said:




Stomper: I wouldn’t have it any other way kid.




Jack Arthur: Well my vision for the NYCW is to go younger. Not audience wise as you seem to generate interest from all ages. I mean roster wise, I did the math and figured the average age of your in ring roster is thirty-seven years old. I know a lot of those guys are getting ready for retirement and so I think we should infuse some younger blood into the roster.


Stomper looked at me furrowed his brow and said:




Stomper: Yeah I guess I could see that, I mean Steve, Bailey, and Phunk aren’t getting any younger. Okay if you get the job, I will okay that move. However, let me caution you that I am not going to just open my checkbook up for anybody. And that is if you get the job…




Jack Arthur: My next move would be to change the product around a bit.


This caught Stomper’s attention as this had been his sticking point for years. He was never a fan of changing his product, even if it did closely resemble something straight out of 1972. Stomper leaned closer towards me.




Stomper: How much of a change are we talking about?




Jack Arthur: Well I just want to spruce it up a bit make it more…modern.




Stomper: What about our fans? You know they are some of the most loyal in the business.




Jack Arthur: Yeah I am aware of that, but with these slight changes, we should be able to draw in some new fans.


Stomper sat there and scratched his head. I think he realized that I was right, but that still did not make him want to go in that direction. While he was thinking over what I had just said, I decided to continue my pitch.




Jack Arthur: Finally, I would like to grow NYCW out of the Tri-State area. I know this is where you live and it is where you are most comfortable. However, I think in time we can grow this company outside of this region and we can enter into newer markets.




Stomper: I am not sure if expanding out of our market is a good thing. I really don’t want to over-expand beyond our means. Once you over-expand you go out of business awful quickly…




Jack Arthur: Yes but for the past twenty years this company has been stagnant in regards to growth. If you want, the company to make more money you have to go into newer markets. And that is really all I have for my vision of your company.


Stomper sat for a few seconds processing all the information that I had just given him. He then stood up and a broad smile came across his face. He extended his hand towards me and I stood up to shake his had.




Stomper: You know kid, I like your style. You must have known of my unwillingness to change what works. However, everything you have said to me does make sense. Congratulations kid, you got the job! You start right now; I want you to get in contact with Bill Bailey so that he can catch you up on what is going on in the promotion. Oh and kid, just because I said I like you doesn’t mean you can run rough shot in the company. After all, I have been known to fire plenty of people that I like…

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NYCW: Extreme Makeover Edition (Mitch Naess...really?)



My first official show was just two weeks; I decided that I should talk to as many people on the roster as I possibly could. While doing that I contacted some of my friends from the indy scene who I had hoped to work with again. There was one hire that I did, that did not please Stomper. I was called back to his house to answer for what he deemed to be a questionable contract offering. As I took my seat in his office, I felt his anger towards me.




Stomper: Look I said you could hire pretty much who you want to hire. And I have okayed everyone, but one name stood out to me.


I shook my head knowing full well who he was talking about.




Stomper: Why did you offer a contract to Mitch Naess? What possible reason would we need him in our company?




Jack Arthur: Well I have been wanting to work with PSW. They have some talent down there that I think could be useful to our roster.




Stomper (laughing in a bit of a mocking tone): Talent? Is that what the kids are calling the crap that works down there now?




Jack Arthur: That is not really fair, they have some people that have tremendous upside working for them. And Mitch made it known to me that if I wanted to work with PSW; I had to offer him a job here.




Stomper: But we don’t need em! We already have three people that are able to work the booth. Why in the hell would I want to have a fourth?




Jack Arthur: By working with him, he will make it easier on us to bring in talent that works for his company. So if you ever want to work with Teddy Powell, The Ring Generals, or even Nemesis' kid this is the only way we can bring them in. Plus, even though I am friends with Rocky, I have to say that Mitch is a better play-by-play announcer than him or Marv.




Stomper: Fine, I do not know how you are able to do this, but you always seem to get me to change my mind. I will okay negations with him but if he causes any trouble around here or tries to steal any of my workers for his company; he will be out the door as quickly as he came in it! And then it will be your ass that gets canned shortly thereafter!

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I really like your interactions with the Stomper himself. It's a bit like walking into a small to medium sized business thats been around forever that expects it can reach its growth goals by repeating history, and I like the fact that you've explained why your plans are the way they are. In that sense, from being in similar business positions before, I find your approach refreshing and realistic. I'll be tuning in.



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Rock Downpour’s Take


A New Day Has Dawned




Hey, what is up NYCW fans? It is your boy Rock Downpour here, and I would like to give you the low down on the happenings here in NYCW. First things first Black Hat Bailey is no longer the head booker for the company! He stepped down last week, as I am sure most of you internet savvy fans already know, because he wanted to spend more time with his family. Nobody can fault a man for doing that, the good news is Bailey will still continue wrestling for NYCW! And his feud with Whistler will continue.


Now on to the title of my blog today, I wrote that title because that is what we will be seeing in the NYCW. As our new head booker, Jack Arthur looks to usher in a new era in NYCW. Now rest assured fans, there will be no radical changes to our show. We will still offer you that great in ring action that you, our fans, have grown accustomed to watching. However, we will also be brining in talent from across North America to add to our already deep roster! In fact, I have an exclusive list of some of the new names that will be coming to our company!


The following is a list of some of the new members of NYCW (along with some background information) who will be taken part in our annual Rush Hour show:


Eddie Howard- Known to fans as The Natural, Eddie is an amazing talent who is currently also working for the FCW in Puerto Rico. Many fans of NYCW wrestling may remember him from his time in Rip Chord’s MAW, where he was in a successful tag team with D.C. Rayne.


Joanne Rodriguez - Many wrestling fans considered Joanne to be one of the best female wrestlers in the world today! Alas, we do not have a women’s division here in NYCW… However, this beautiful young woman will be serving as a manager to a very well known client! We here at nycw.com have been doing some digging around to find out just who this client is. However, we have yet to find out and Joanne is keeping the mystery man’s identity very hush, hush. The minute I find out who it is I will tell you!


Bulldozer Brandon Smith- This young man impressed us two months ago when he came to NYCW on loan from his home promotion MAW. His match with Land Mass was one of the highlights of the night! So, Stomper immediately got in contact with Rip Chord and asked his permission to sign this talented young man. Rip gave the go ahead and so now Brandon will be wrestling for us as well as our friends down in the MAW!


So as you can see we here at NYCW wrestling are committed to bring you the best wrestling at the lowest prices. So take your family out Saturday, January 12th and come watch some great action! In addition, for the low price of $6.00 per ticket, how can you go wrong? And I still stand behind the statement that we are not only cheaper but we are much more entertaining than a Knicks game!


See ya later,


Rock Downpour

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I really like your interactions with the Stomper himself. It's a bit like walking into a small to medium sized business thats been around forever that expects it can reach its growth goals by repeating history, and I like the fact that you've explained why your plans are the way they are. In that sense, from being in similar business positions before, I find your approach refreshing and realistic. I'll be tuning in.




Thanks for the kind words!


I felt like I had to explain myself, I know that there are a lot of readers on here that have a passion for the game and I felt that I owed them a reasoning behind what I was doing. It was also a bit of a preemptive strike:D, for people who may have questions about the changes that I made to the product. Why not get it out of the way before I started?:)

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Thanks for the kind words!


I felt like I had to explain myself, I know that there are a lot of readers on here that have a passion for the game and I felt that I owed them a reasoning behind what I was doing. It was also a bit of a preemptive strike:D, for people who may have questions about the changes that I made to the product. Why not get it out of the way before I started?:)


You know, you seem to be going into certain things with the assumption that people will dislike what you're trying to do. Such as this, and the music before. And you had that when you started The Compound as well, (Which I read through, and really liked, by the way) you seemed to think people would dislike the concept. You even seemed to think the mods would delete it for whatever reason. You really should relax about this, don't worry so much. I've found GDS to be a pretty good community for diary writers, so while you will get constructive critism, I think you'd rarely find the "Dude, what the hell, why are you doing that, that's retarded" posts you might find elsewhere. As far as this section goes, it's a little more nicer then most, you should be a tad more confident going into these.


As far as the product goes, it's completely understandable, NYCW is right up there on the rankings of companies that are due for a change. The trick is to keep the old-schoolish aura, while making that change, as you don't want to make it a completely differant company. As far as the product goes, I'm sure many, including myself, tamper with it upon starting out with NYCW as well.


One bit though, is the talking segments so far, with everyone's picture going up each time they speak. It looks a little odd to me, especially if they only say a couple sentances, and then it's another picture. For long conversations, it looks a tad strange to me. It's not terrible looking, but it just seems a tad unneccessary. But then, I don't see it often anywhere else, and it helps to make the diary segments seem more unique, so maybe it would be better to keep it..I don't know. Just kinda putting that out there, it just seems a tad un-needed to be posting the same pics over and over, you know what I mean?


Anyway, liking the backstory segments so far. Interested in seeing how the first show goes about. Will you be doing predictions?

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NYCW Rush Hour card preview:


Well wrestling fans, we here at NYCW has yet another action packed wrestling card that is going to place on Saturday January 12, 2008 at the Crawford Center in Brooklyn, New York. This is a quick rundown of what our fans will see on that night.


In the Main Event current Empire Champion Steve Flash will defend his title against Grandmaster Phunk. For the past three months Phunk has claimed that Flash has been afraid to face him. We here at nycw.com know that it has been the other way around. Phunk has been using excuse after excuse to not fight the champion. Well finally the excuses have ended and it is now time to put up or shut up for Phunk.


Our semi-Main Event will see Black Hat Bailey take on Whistler. This feud is a bit personal as Black Hat Bailey has constantly lobbed insults at not only Whistler but Whistler’s family as well. Bailey has even gone as far as to say that once he is done with Whistler, he will visit harm on Whistler’s family. Will Whistler finally get his revenge against the man who has tormented him for the past four months?


Also, who will be Joanne Rodriguez’s mystery client and will he beat Dazzling Dave Diamond?


Lee Wright, Land Mass, Wiley Coyote and more will be in action as well. So bring your family and friends to another great NYCW show. Doors open at 7:00 pm so come early and enjoy the show.


Card Subjected To Change.


Prediction key for NYCW Rush Hour


For the Tri-State Regional Title:

Lee Wright © vs. American Machine with Cheerleader Nicki


The Sting vs. Bradford Peverell & Eddie Howard


The New York Doll vs. Sam Pratt


Brendan Idol vs. Land Mass


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Honest Frank


For the NYCW Tag Team Championships:

The Old School Principals © vs. Wiley Coyote


Joanne Rodriguez's mystery client vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond with Fern Hathaway


Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler


For the NYCW Empire Championship:

Grandmaster Phunk vs. Steve Flash ©


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Prediction key for NYCW Rush Hour


For the Tri-State Regional Title:

Lee Wright © vs. American Machine with Cheerleader Nicki

The safe choice is to always pick the champs to retain at the start of the diary.


The Sting vs. Bradford Peverell & Eddie Howard

Honestly don't know who The Sting is. Whereas I'm fans of both Peverell and Howard.


The New York Doll vs. Sam Pratt

Cannonball Kid, eh? Pretty good pick up I suppose, although I don't think he'll be having very good matches with most of NYCW's starting roster, a very, very differant style.


Brendan Idol vs. Land Mass

Idol could get the upset flash pin, but I go with the safer pick of Land Mass dominating.


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Honest Frank

Frank's one of the top heels. BBS should do well afterwards, however, a pretty good prospect, especially with a company like NYCW.


For the NYCW Tag Team Championships:

The Old School Principals © vs. Wiley Coyote

Same as above.


Giant Tana with Joanne Rodriguez vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond with Fern Hathaway

I just can't bet against Tana..ever.


Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler

To build a challenger for Flash.


For the NYCW Empire Championship:

Grandmaster Phunk vs. Steve Flash ©

Phunk's just not that skilled. He's good on the mic, but he can't carry the company. Whereas Steve Flash will likely continue to be the man best suited for the job for quite a few months to come.

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You know, you seem to be going into certain things with the assumption that people will dislike what you're trying to do. Such as this, and the music before. And you had that when you started The Compound as well, (Which I read through, and really liked, by the way) you seemed to think people would dislike the concept. You even seemed to think the mods would delete it for whatever reason. You really should relax about this, don't worry so much. I've found GDS to be a pretty good community for diary writers, so while you will get constructive critism, I think you'd rarely find the "Dude, what the hell, why are you doing that, that's retarded" posts you might find elsewhere. As far as this section goes, it's a little more nicer then most, you should be a tad more confident going into these.


As far as the product goes, it's completely understandable, NYCW is right up there on the rankings of companies that are due for a change. The trick is to keep the old-schoolish aura, while making that change, as you don't want to make it a completely differant company. As far as the product goes, I'm sure many, including myself, tamper with it upon starting out with NYCW as well.


One bit though, is the talking segments so far, with everyone's picture going up each time they speak. It looks a little odd to me, especially if they only say a couple sentances, and then it's another picture. For long conversations, it looks a tad strange to me. It's not terrible looking, but it just seems a tad unneccessary. But then, I don't see it often anywhere else, and it helps to make the diary segments seem more unique, so maybe it would be better to keep it..I don't know. Just kinda putting that out there, it just seems a tad un-needed to be posting the same pics over and over, you know what I mean?


Anyway, liking the backstory segments so far. Interested in seeing how the first show goes about. Will you be doing predictions?


Yeah I have the tendency to think that people will not like what I am doing, so I tend to try and defened my ideas ahead of time just in case people start to crap all over them.


With the Compound, my thinking was that it has nothing to do with wrestling what so ever (Hell I have Jim Force as a CPA!) besides Big Smack Scott being in it. And so I thought there would be no audience for it or the readers would think, "What the hell is this guy smoking?" With it having nothing to do with wrestling or any kind of sports I was not sure if the mods would be okay with it being on the site. It turns out I was worried for nothing.


With the pictures, that is just my personal preference. I for one tend to skim over long paragraphs when reading on the internet for some reason. That is why I use the pictures, as it gives the reader something to look at instead of line of text after line of text. I mean I see your point, it is unneccessary and to be honest it would save me time by not doing it as the Compound usually takes roughly a half an hour or so to post on average.


That being said I am not planning to go hog wild on the backstage segments. So it will probably not be done all that often.

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Good luck with this one! I'm looking forward to the card! and thanks for the name drop! I always appreciate a cheap plug. ;)


For the Tri-State Regional Title:

Lee Wright © vs. American Machine with Cheerleader Nicki

Just because I prefer the American Machine.


The Sting vs. Bradford Peverell & Eddie Howard

Always go with the team with the name on it.


The New York Doll vs. Sam Pratt

Gotta love the punk rocker style.


Brendan Idol vs. Land Mass

I pick Land Mass to eat Brendan Idol! A wrestler I am resisting bringing into my USPW diary.


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Honest Frank

Great up and coming worker


For the NYCW Tag Team Championships:

The Old School Principals © vs. Wiley Coyote

Wiley Coyote have the experience but I think the champs retain here.


Joanne Rodriguez's mystery client vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond with Fern Hathaway

Never bet against a mystery. Maybe bringing in JD Morgan?


Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler

I like both men but Bailey cheats to win.


For the NYCW Empire Championship:

Grandmaster Phunk vs. Steve Flash ©

Another guy I am resisting bringing into my USPW diary.

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For the Tri-State Regional Title:

Lee Wright © vs. American Machine with Cheerleader Nicki


The Sting vs. Bradford Peverell & Eddie Howard


The New York Doll vs. Sam Pratt


Brendan Idol vs. Land Mass


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Honest Frank


For the NYCW Tag Team Championships:

The Old School Principals © vs. Wiley Coyote


Joanne Rodriguez's mystery client vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond with Fern Hathaway


Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler


For the NYCW Empire Championship:

Grandmaster Phunk vs. Steve Flash ©

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Well I should have done a place holder on my first page for this but here is the current NYCW roster for my game (as of December 16, 2009 real time). This list will be updated as people come in and people leave:



NYCW roster:






<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=SteveFlash.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/SteveFlash.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Steve Flash: From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and currently residing in Syracuse, New York. Weight: 232 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Jumping Jack Flash by The Rolling Stones


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=BlackHatBailey.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/BlackHatBailey.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Black Hat Bailey: From Buffalo, New York Weight: 271 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=HonestFrank.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/HonestFrank.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Honest Frank: From New York City, New York Weight: 268 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac (All though he will swear that it is not his song and we all no that Frank never lies)


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=Whistler.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/Whistler.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Whistler: From Glens Falls, New York Weight: 294 pounds.

Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=AmericanMachine.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/AmericanMachine.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


American Machine: From Buffalo, New York Weight: 265 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Star Spangled Banner by Jimi Hendrix


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=TheBigProblem_alt9.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/TheBigProblem_alt9.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The Big Problem- From Bay City, Michigan Weight: 488 pounds.

Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=TheCannonballKid.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/TheCannonballKid.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sam Pratt: From Denver, Colorado Weight: 217 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Jump by Van Halen


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=BradfordPeverell.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/BradfordPeverell.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Bradford Peverell: From Providence, Rhode Island Weight: 260 pounds.

Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=WileySteinway.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/WileySteinway.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Wiley Steinway: From San Antonio, Texas Weight: 303 pounds.

Entrance Theme: The Theme Song from Rawhide by Frankie Laine


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=JumboJackson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/JumboJackson.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jumbo Jackson: From Annapolis, Maryland Weight: 353 pounds.

Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=HandsomeStranger_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/HandsomeStranger_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Mr. Jiminez: From Ciudad Juárez, Mexico currently residing in San Juan, Puerto Rico Weight: 233 pounds.

Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=LeadBelly_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/LeadBelly_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Daniel Elderberry: From New York City, New York Weight: 333 pounds.

Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=GreaseHogg.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/GreaseHogg.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


David Bonham: From New York City, New York Weight: 297 pounds.

Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=EddieHoward.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/EddieHoward.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Eddie Howard: From Baltimore, Maryland Weight: 294 pounds.

Entrance Theme: I Get Money by 50 Cent


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=FrankiePerez.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/FrankiePerez.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Frankie Perez: From San Diego, California Weight: 229 pounds.

Entrance Theme: California Love by 2Pac featuring Dr. Dre


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=TheMaskedMauler.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/TheMaskedMauler.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The Masked Mauler: From Parts Unknown Weight 293 pounds. Has no need for entrance music because he is old school.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=LeeWright.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/LeeWright.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Lee Wright: From The Bronx, New York Weight: 253 pounds.

Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=DirtyFrank.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/DirtyFrank.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Franklin Carson: From Parts Unknown (He really does not want to be fired) Weight: 239 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Hard To Handle by The Black Crowes


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=LandMass.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/LandMass.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Land Mass: From Tulsa, Oklahoma Weight: 433 pounds...I mean 235 pounds!

Entrance Theme: The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) by John Williams and the London Symphony Orchestra


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=BrendanIdol.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/BrendanIdol.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brendan Idol: From Carlsbad, California Weight: 212 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Tubthumping by Chumbawamba


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Dazzling Dave Diamond: From New Braunfels, Texas Weight: 260 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Diamonds From Sierra Leone by Kanye West with Shirley Bassey


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=RogerDodger_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/RogerDodger_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Roger Dodger: From Fall River, Massachusetts Weight: 231 pounds.

Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=SammyTheShark.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/SammyTheShark.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sammy the Shark: From Reno, Nevada Weight: 239 pounds.

Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=DuberryExcess_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/DuberryExcess_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Duberry Express: From Boston, Massachusetts Weight: 222 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Chase by Giorgio Moroder


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=Spike_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/Spike_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The New York Doll:From Tallahassee, Florida Weight: 215 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Personality Crisis by The New York Dolls


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The Californian Kid Colin Shea: From San Jose, California Weight: 218 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Californication by The Red Hot Chili Peppers


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=TrentShaffer.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/TrentShaffer.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Trent Shaffer: From Ottawa Ontario Canada Weight: 228 pounds.

Entrance Theme: Welcome To The Jungle by Guns N' Roses


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=AshCampbell_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/AshCampbell_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Ash Campbell: From Oil City, Pennsylvania Weight: 212 pounds.

Entrance Theme: No Theme as of right now.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=KirkJameson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/KirkJameson.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Kirk Jameson: From Boston, Massachusetts Weight: 274 pounds.

Entrance Theme: On Fire by Lloyd Banks





<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=JoanneRodriguez_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/JoanneRodriguez_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Joanne Rodriguez: Flashing Lights by Kanye West featuring Dwele and Connie Mitchell


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=KristenPearce.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/KristenPearce.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Ms. Stroker

Entrance Theme:





<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=CheerleaderNicki.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/CheerleaderNicki.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Cheerleader Nicki: Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani




The Announcers:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=MitchNaess_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/MitchNaess_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Mitch Naess


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=HerbStately.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/HerbStately.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Herb Stately


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=RockDownpour_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/RockDownpour_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Rock Downpour




Tag Teams:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=LeadBelly_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/LeadBelly_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=GreaseHogg.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/GreaseHogg.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The Gang of New York (Daniel Elderberry & David Bonham)

Tag Team Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=SammyTheShark.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/SammyTheShark.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=RogerDodger_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/RogerDodger_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The Sting (Sammy The Shark & Roger Dodger

Tag Team Entrance Theme:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=KirkJameson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/KirkJameson.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=FrankiePerez.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/FrankiePerez.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


New York City's Finest: Tag Team Division (Kirk Jameson & Frankie Perez)

Tag Team Entrance Theme: On Fire by Lloyd Banks


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=TrentShaffer.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/TrentShaffer.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The North American Connection (Trent Shaffer & The Californian Kid Colin Shea)

Tag Team Entrance Theme: Both wrestlers come out as individuals so there is no common theme song.






<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=HonestFrank.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/HonestFrank.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=TheBigProblem_alt9.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/TheBigProblem_alt9.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=KirkJameson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/KirkJameson.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=FrankiePerez.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/FrankiePerez.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


New York City's Finest (Honest Frank, The Big Problem, Kirk Jameson, and Frankie Perez)

Stable Entrance Theme:


Would like to thank Bigpapa for showing me how to do this.

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Saturday January 12, 2008

Location: The Crawford Center in Brooklyn, New York

Attendance: 300

Overall show rating: C-




Mitch Naess: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to NYCW’s annual event Rush Hour! My name is Mitch Naess and I am joined tonight in the boot with my broadcast partner Herb Stately. Tonight Herb we have an action packed card with our main event being the NYCW Empire champion Steve Flash taking on the challenger Grandmaster Phunk!




Herb Stately: That’s right Mitch! That should be one hell of a Main Event, as that coward Steve Flash finally has to step into the ring with the man who he has been ducking for months, Grandmaster Phunk.


Mitch Naess: Ducking for months? Have you been watching the same NYCW that I have?


Herb Stately: What would you know about the NYCW? This is only your first day with the company.


Mitch Naess: Well I do have a computer where I can view NYCW 24/7 for just the low price of $19.95 per month! That’s right for the low price of just $19.95 per month you can watch the entire library of NYCW action! Just go to our website at http://www.NYCW.com and download all of the action today!


Herb Stately: Ah I gotta work with another company shill….


Mitch Naess: Well with that, let us send it down to ringside for our opening match for the Tri-State Regional title. Here is the veteran voice of the NYCW ring Marv Earnest!


Marv Earnest: Hello fans and welcome to Rush Hour 2008! Our first match-up is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time lim-it. First making his way to the ring weighing in at 265 pound and haling form Buffalo, New York the challenger the American Machine!


The fans go nuts as the American Machine makes his way down to ringside giving high fives to the various fans at ringside. Finally, the American Machine enters the ring.


Marv Earnest: And his opponent weighing in at 253 pounds and hailing form The Bronx he is the reigning Tri-State Regional….Lee Wright!


Lee Wright stalks his way down the ring giving the fans dirty looks all the way down. He lunges at a fan in the crowd that patted his back and yelled at him to keep away. Finally, Lee enters the ring and hands his title over to Michael Bull who holds it above his head. He shows the title to all sides of the ring.


For the Tri-State Regional Title:




Lee Wright © vs. American Machine with Cheerleader Nicki


[This match was a back and fourth affair for most of the match. Towards the end of the match it looked liked Lee would retain his title, until bam American Machine hit Lee with his finishing move Old Glory (Sidewalk Slam) and covered him for the win. American Machine is the new Tri State Champion!]


Winner and New Champion: American Machine

Rating: D

Time: 7:51


Mitch Naess: Well how about that! My first time calling a match in NYCW and we have a new champion!


Herb Stately: Sometimes I wish we were like the NFL!


Mitch Naess: What do you mean?


Herb Stately: I wished we had instant replay, I mean clearly American Machine cheated to win that match! You and I both saw it!


Mitch Naess: I saw nothing of the sort!


Herb Stately: Well you must be as blind as Michael Bull!




The Sting vs. Bradford Peverell & Eddie Howard


Marv Earnest: This next match is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time lim-it. First making their way to the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 470 pounds, Roger Dodger and Sammy The Shark who are collectively known as The Sting!


The crowd is decidedly against The Sting as the walk down to ringside as Sammy The Shark shows his deck of cards to the camera and yells, “Living large baby! Living large!” Once inside the ring Roger walks to the middle of the ring and spreads his arms apart looking very much like The Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro. While Sammy stands next to him showing off his deck of cards.


Marv Earnest: And their opponents, weighing in at a total combined weight of 554 pounds, “Hands of Stone” Bradford Peverell and his partner “The Natural” Eddie Howwward!


The fans do not really react to the team of Howard and Peverell because both men are new to the company. They do get a slight amount of cheers just because they are fighting The Sting tonight.


[This match was not considered to be the most entertaining match of the evening even though the four men in the ring tried to give it their all. This reasonably short match was constantly peppered with boring chants throughout its entirety as this match seemed to bring the crowds mood down. In the end Eddie Howard hit the Crash and Burn (Cradle Piledriver) on Roger Dodger and pinned Roger's lifeless body which scored the victory for his team]


Winners: The Team of Eddie Howard and Bradford Peverell

Rating: E

Time: 5:35


Mitch Naess: Well that was a rather impressive win for Eddie Howard and Bradford Peverell being that this was their first time teaming together and their first night here in NYCW.


Herb Stately: You call that impressive? Man you must need glasses, because you were clearly not watching the same match that I was! Those two ham and eggers need to stop using underhanded tactics in their matches! There is nothing that I hate more then cheaters!


Mitch Naess: What? Maybe you are the one that needs a new pair of glasses Herb.


While Mitch and Herb were talking NY Doll made his way down to the ring.




The New York Doll vs. Sam Pratt


Marv Earnest: Our next match is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time lim-it. First in the corner to my right weighing in at 215 pounds and hailing from Tallahassee, Florida. The NewYork Doll!


The Doll raises his hands above his head when his name is announced to a smattering of boos (mostly because even though The Doll is a heel nobody really cares about him one way or the other).


Marv Earnest: And his opponent, making his way down to the ring weighing in at 217 pounds and hailing from Denver, Colorado. Sam Prrrrrrrratt!


The crowd barely give Sam any reaction as well, due to the fact that he is new to the company and many of these fans do not recognize him from his days in the SWF. That is because he is no longer wrestling under a mask.


[This is another match that seems to have brought the crowds mood down. Despite the fact that Sam is putting on a rather entertaining match as he flies through the air during various points in the match. The NY Doll did get in some offense but it was very little. Finally, Sam won the match when he pinned The NY Doll in the center of the ring]


Winner: Sam Pratt

Rating: D -

Time: 4:49


Mitch Naess: Well yet another great debut match for the NYCW newcomer, Sam Pratt!


Herb Stately: I guess you could say that….at least we did not make him dress up like seafood!


Mitch Naess (trying not to laugh): Well you and I actually agree on that one.


Herb Stately: Well you see kid if you hang around with me long enough you are bound to see things the right way!


Mitch Naess: I sure hope not…


While Mitch and Herb were talking, Brendan Idol made his way into the ring.




Brendan Idol vs. Land Mass


Marv Earnest: Wrestling fans our next bout of the night is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time lim-it! First in the corner to my right, weighing in at 212 pounds and hailing from Carlsbad, California. I give you Brendan IIIIDOOOOOOLLL!


The fans once again have no reaction to the debuting Idol. It might be due to his rather generic look.


Marv Earnest: And his opponent making his way down to the ring, weighing in at 433 pounds and hailing from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Land Masss!


The fans boo heavily as Land Mass plods his way towards the ring. Land Mass looks really pissed off tonight and when he gets in the ring he points and yells at ring announcer Marv Earnest. Marv shakes his head yes and looks very scared.


Marv Earnest: I would like to make a correction fans if you will indulge me, weighing in at a thin and healthy 235 pounds, Land Massssss!


Land Mass looks on with a smile on his face as he is pleased at what Marv has just said. He gives Marv a thumbs up as the crowd starts to laugh at him. This really ticks Land Mass off and one would not want to be Brendan Idol tonight.


[This match was a big time squash, as Land Mass took all of his pent up anger out on the youngster. In fact this match lasted longer then it should have because Land Mass was toying with poor Brendan. He kept on refusing to pin him, just so he could dish out more of a beating to the youngster.


This match really turned the crowd off and their mood was brought further down by this squash. Finally, Land Mass had enough of toying with his opponent he placed the lifeless body of Brendan against the ropes and he hit him with the Ten Ton Avalanche (Running corner body splash) me moved Brendan to the center of the ring and pinned him 1,2,3 for the victory.]


Winner: Land Mass

Rating: E

Time: 6:01


Mitch Naess: Some how I really do not think that was how Brendan Idol envisioned his first match with NYCW going.


Herb Stately: Yeah while they scrape his corpse off the mat, I would like to address the fans. I am sick of them laughing at the skinny Land Mass. The man has problems, just because he is one of the lightest workers in the company, doesn’t mean you fans have the right to laugh at him and make fun of him. I tell you what the fans of NYCW are some of the most disrespectful people in this country!


Mitch Naess: Oh brother, I am not even going to comment on that statement. Lets go down to the ring.




Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Honest Frank


Marv Earnest: This match up is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time lim-it! First making his way down to the ring, weighing in at an even 300 pounds and hailing from Robinsdale, Minnesota. Bulldozer Brandon Smith!


Some fans seem to know Brandon due to his work in MAW and his one match late last year for NYCW. Therefore, he gets some cheers as he walks down to the ring.


Marv Earnest: And his opponent, making his way down to the ring, weighing in at 268 pounds and hailing from New York City, New York. Honest Frank!


As soon as the fans hear Fleetwood Mac’s Little Lies start to play, they start to reign down the boos on Frank as he is one of the most hated wrestlers on the roster. Frank looks really pissed at the fans as he enters the ring. He grabs the microphone from Marv Earnest and yells:


Honest Frank: How many times must I tell you in the sound booth that is not my music! I am the most Honest man on this roster, I have never told a lie in my life! Hence the name Honest Frank”


The fans start chanting, “You’re a liar!” clap-clap-clap-clap-clap “You’re a liar!”


Honest Frank: Shut up before I come out into the crowd and kick each and everyone of your respective asses!


[This match was one of the best of the night as both men gave it there all. And yet it still managed to bring the crowds mood down, this must be one tough crowd to please. For some one who had never worked a match in NYCW, Brandon got in a lot of offense. However, in the end Honest Frank nailed Brandon with the Fran-N-Hurter (Stone Cold Stunner) for the victory]


Winner: Honest Frank

Rating: D -

Time: 8:05


Mitch Naess: Someone in our sound booth must really know Frank well. I can tell you from personal experience that all Frank does is lie.


Herb Stately: Are you joking? Frank is one of the most Honest people that I have had to pleasure of knowing! He is so honest that it is even in his name!


Mitch Naess: Yeah and Richard Nixon was not a crook….


For the NYCW Tag Team Championships:




The Old School Principals © vs. Wiley Coyote


Marv Earnest: Our next match up is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time lim-it! It is for the NYCW Tag Team Championships! First making their way to the ring and weighing in at a total combined weight of 594 pounds, Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynamite who are collectively known as Wiley Coyote!


The fans go absolutely nuts as this beloved tag team come down to the ring. Wiley and Coyote take the time to take a quick picture with a little kid a ringside.


Marv Earnest: And their opponents making their way to the ring weighing in at a total combined weight of 526 pounds, Rick Sanders and The Masked Mauler who are the NYCW Tag Team Champions of the world, I give you The Old School Princ-ipals!


The Old School Principals come out to no music as they are to Old School for music. However, the NYCW crowd nearly boos the OSP out of the building.


[This match went on way longer then it really should have. However, both teams did get in a decent amount of offense and this match did not bring the crowds mood down despite the quality of the match not being very good. Both Wiley and Coyote were visibly tiring by the end of this match so it was good for them that Rick Sanders pinned Wiley Steinway while using the ropes for leverage.]


Winners and still Champions: The Old School Principals

Rating: E

Time: 11:06


Post Match Attack: After the match The Old School Principals were celebrating their victory, they then decided to attack Wiley and Coyote who had not yet recovered from their last match.


Post Match Save: Seeing this assault, the debuting team known as The Gang of New York:




(formerly known to SWF fans as The Dirty White Boys) runs in and makes the save, chasing off the Tag Team Champions.


Both Segments got the same rating which was: E


Herb Stately: What the hell are they doing here? This isn’t the SWF, you can’t just come in here and attack our Tag Team Champions!


Mitch Naess: Well they just did! And to me that says that we have a new tag team in town and they are looking to take the titles from the champions!


Herb Stately: They should have stayed where they were! Now the Old School Principals are going to have to go old school on their asses!


Coming out next we see the beautiful Joanne Rodriguez come out in a very short sexy black dress leaving little to the imagination. She has a microphone in her left hand and says:




Joanne Rodriguez: Ladies and gentlemen, and by the looks of all you in the crowd tonight I use that term loosely, my name is Joanne Rodriguez and I am here in NYCW to introduce to you the best wrestler in the world today! Without further ado, let me introduce you to Mr. Jiminez!




The crowd boos as the man most of these fans knew as Pecs comes out in his black Armani suit and black sunglasses. The fans start a Super Starfish chant which Mr. Jiminez clearly does not like. Mr. Jiminez whispers something in J-RO’s ear once he is standing by her side.


Joanne Rodriguez: Mr. Jiminez has just informed me, that seeing that all of you Americans are beneath him, he refuses to befoul his tongue with you horrible language.


This draws the ire of the crowd as both Mr. Jiminez and Joanne stand there soaking in the boos. The Super Starfish chants pick up once again. Mr. Jiminez whispers something else in Joanne’s ear.


Joanne Rodriguez: Mr. Jiminez has just informed me that he does not appreciate how all of you fans a speaking English! He says if you are going to jeer him, at least so him the proper respect and jeer him in Spanish! At least that is a romance language!


The crowd chats Super Starfish louder and Mr. Jiminez looks like he is getting really angry. He whispers something else in Joanne’s ear.


Joanne Rodriguez: Mr. Jiminez says that this interview is over, and until you can show him the proper respect he will never give another interview.


The crowd cheers at this statement, as Mr. Jiminez rips off his sunglasses and stares at the crowd. He and Joanne enter the ring.


Interview segment got a rating of a: D+




Mr. Jiminez with Joanne Rodriguez vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond with Fern Hathaway


Marv Earnest: This match up is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time lim-it! First entering the ring at this time accompanied by his Manager Joanne Rodriguez, weighing in at 233 pounds and hailing from San Juan, Puerto Rico by way of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. I give you Mr. Jim-in-ez!



The fans boo Mr. Jiminez as he stands in the center of the ring. The Super Starfish chant is really going now and clearly Mr. Jiminez is none to happy about that.


Marv Earnest: And his opponent making his way to the ring, weighing in at 260 pounds and hailing from New Braunfels, Texas. Dazzling Dave Diiiiiaaaaa-mond!


DDD comes running to the ring slapping the fans hands on his way down the aisle.


[Mr. Jiminez looked good in his match against DDD. He dominated most of the match, but DDD managed to turn around the match and get some serious offense in. DDD ended up losing when Joanne Rodriguez distracted him by blowing a kiss at him. This distracted DDD long enough for Mr. Jiminez to sneak up behind him and get a quick rollup pin while holding DDD tights.]


Winner: Mr. Jiminez

Rating: E +

Time: 6:18


Mitch Naess: Well another new wrestler gets a win here in NYCW, all though he had to cheat to win.


Herb Stately: I saw nothing of the sort! If Dave Diamond is so lonely in his personal life that he has to stare at the beautiful Ms. Rodriguez then he deserves to lose as he is nothing but a loser!


Mitch Naess: Let’s go down to the back with Rock Downpour who is standing by with Whistler.




Rock Downpour: Thanks a lot Mitch! Whistler, tonight you face Black Hat Bailey a man has had a lot of negative things to say about you over the past couple of months. Such as you are so dumb that, in order for you to find your way to the ring you need a map of the arena….


Whistler shoots Rock a dirty look, and Rock shrugs his shoulders as if to say those are not my comments they are his.


Whistler (shouting): You know Black Hat Bailey, you say that you are the ultimate bad guy. You like to talk about me being stupid. And you know what tough guy? That’s fine with me, I can handle that I have broad shoulders! However, last month you threatened my wife and kids and that is not gonna fly with me tough guy! Tonight you and I are gonna end this once and for all! Because tonight you are going to feel the wrath of Whistler’s nation. Hooooooooo!


Whistler stomps off.


Rock Downpour: Back to you Mitch.


Interview segment got a rating of: E+


Mitch Naess: Well I would not want to mess with Whistler tonight, he looks like a man on a mission!


Herb Stately: I am not so sure about that, to me he looks and sounds a little mentally challenged…




Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler


Marv Earnest: Our next match is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time lim-it! First making his way down to the ring weighing in at 271 pounds and hailing from Buffalo, New York. Black Hat Bailey!


The crowd immediately starts to boo Bailey as he walks down to the ring. He enters the ring and smiles at the crowd soaking up the hatred that they have for him.


Marv Earnest: And his opponent, weighing in at 294 pounds and hailing from Glens Falls, New York. Whisssstleeeeeerrrrrr!


The fans go ape you know what when Whistler’s music hits. He comes out waving the American flag and yelling, “USA! USA!” The fans of NYCW really love this man and he loves the fans right back.


[This match is rather short even though the fans clearly want to see these two wrestlers go at it. Truth be told, NYCW management was afraid to leave these two in the ring for any length of time due their advance age. For a match that was supposed to settle the feud, it did not really come across as a blow off to said feud. Finally, Black Hat Bailey pulled off the victory due to a hand full of tights when he pinned Whistler]


Winner: Black Hat Bailey

Rating: D

Time: 7:36


Herb Stately: Well it looks like Whistler was all talk and no action as he lost yet again to Black Hat Bailey.


Mitch Naess: Yes but he did have a handful of tights!


Herb Stately: Hey whatever works my friend…whatever works!


We are now shown a pre-taped interview with Grandmaster Phunk. Phunk is sitting on a white couch in what looks to be a rather plush room. He has his left arm wrapped around one woman, while his right arm is holding a glass of champagne. He has two other beautiful women standing behind the couch on either side of him. Phunk is dressed in his traditional pimp attire.




Grandmaster Phunk: Yo, Stevie Flash! For months and months you’ve been dogging me bro! I know you are scared of me but this is professional wrestling and sooner or later you were going to have to face me. Well tonight is that night!


Look man, I am, as you can see (turning to get a kiss from the woman sitting next to him), a lover not a fighter. But I am also a man who gets what he wants and dog that title is what I want! And you know what? I will get that title tonight even if it means that I have to beat your Michael Bolton looking ass all over the arena tonight!


The fans call you Remarkable, well you see these three women right here? I think they would beg to differ, as each of them have been Phunkafied if you catch my drift. (the women all nod in agreement with this statement)


So after I am done beating your cracker ass tonight, I am going to go home with my Empire Title and continue to live in the lap of luxury. Remember Flash tonight is the night you will be Phunkafied!


Mitch Naess: Since when did Steve Flash ever duck a challenger since he has been the champion?


Herb Stately: Everyday my friend, everyday! You just don’t know because this is your first night here.


Mitch Naess: What kind of bull….


Herb Stately: Hey keep it clean Mitch this is a family show after all!


Mitch Naess: Ah forget about it, let us just go down to ring side.


For the NYCW Empire Championship:


Grandmaster Phunk vs. Steve Flash ©


The arena lights go completely dark. All of a sudden Jay-Z’s Big Pimpin' comes blaring over the sound system as a spotlight shines on the wrestlers entrance to the ring. Out steps Grandmaster Phunk with a beautiful woman on each arm, both women are wearing very reveling short pink mini dresses. He has a pimp cane that would make Dolemite jealous. The fans boo him but there is also a good amount of cheering going on for him as well.


When he gets to the ring he allows his women to go up the ring steps before him. Both women separate the ropes for him and he enters the ring. One women proceeds to take off his Pink fur coat while he hands the other woman his bling. He is heard on camera saying to the woman who is taking his bling, “You better not lose this s**t because I would hate to have to hurt a bitch.”


The arena goes completely dark once again. All of a sudden The Rolling Stones Jumping Jack Flash starts to blare over the sound system. The crowd goes nuts as this can only mean one thing, their champion Steve Flash is about to wrestle! And sure enough the spot light shines on the wrestlers entrance to the ring and out runs Steve Flash to the delight of the fans. Who in almost unison start to sing along with the Rolling Stones classic.


Steve enters the ring and climbs the ropes and faces the crowd. He holds his Empire Title above his head with his right hand. The lights are still off and all you can see is the spotlight shining on Steve as countless flashbulbs go off in the crowd.


As Steve climbs down from the ropes, the house lights come back on slowly. Both men go and stand in there respective corners staring each other down.


Marv Earnest: Ladies and Gentlemen are you ready for tonight’s Main Event?


The crowd roars with excitement.


Marv Earnest: This match up is scheduled for one fall with a with a one hour time lim-it! It is for the NYCW Empire Championship! First the in the corner to my right the challenger, he weighed in at 235 pounds, he hails from Cincinnati, Ohio. I give you Grrrrrrand-master Phunk!


The crowd gives Phunk a split reaction as some boo him and some cheer him. Phunk raises his arms above his head and yells at the camera, “I don’t give a f*** what these people think!”


Marv Earnest: And his opponent standing in the corner to my left, he weighed in at 232 pounds, he originally hails form Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and he currently hails from Syracuse, New York. Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and girls, I give you your NYCW Empire champion Steve Flash!


The crowd goes insane at the mere mention of Steve’s name, Steve holds up his title while the cheers continue to reign down upon him. Finally he hands his title over to referee Michael Bull who holds the title above his head and then proceeds to show walk to each side of the ring so the fans can gaze at the title. He then pauses in front of the challenger Phunk and shows him the title.


After handing the title over to the time keeper, Michael Bull motions for both the champion and challenger to come to the center of the ring. Marv Earnest stands behind Michael Bull and holds the microphone underneath the arm of Michael. Flash looks deadly serious as he comes face to face with his challenger. Phunk has a very smarmy smirk on his face as he looks at Flash.


Michael Bull: Okay gentlemen, we went over the instructions in the back and I expect a good clean fight. Any questions?


Both fighters shake their heads no as they keep their opponent’s stare.


Michael Bull: Okay then shake hands and return to your respective corners.


Steve Flash puts his hand out to shake, but Phunk slaps him hard in the face. Which causes Michael Bull to stumble backwards into Marv Earnest. Once Michael Bull regains his footing he calls for the bell to start the match.


[The match had already unofficially stated before the referee sounded the bell as Phunk and Flash started punching each other. In fact this match seemed more like a boxing match as these two men were just pummeling each other with their fists. This caused Herb Stately to say this gem, “These fans went to a wrestling match and a boxing match broke out.”


This match was truly a back and forth affair, with both men attempting various pin attempts. The crowd was rabid for this match which is not a shock as they had witnessed craptastic match after craptastic match throughout the undercard.


The match started to come to an end when Honest Frank made his way to ringside. He proved to be quite a distraction for Flash who was paying attention to Frank while also trying to pay attention to what was going on in the ring. Finally, Flash punched Phunk in the face, Phunk claimed that Flash had thumbed him in the eye. This led to Michael Bull examining Phunk’s eye. While Bull had his back to Flash, Honest Frank came into the ring and hit a Frank-N-Hurter on Flash (Stone Cold Stunner).


Phunk picked up the lifeless body of Flash and sent it into the ropes. Out of instinct, Flash ran back towards Phunk who then proceeded to hit Flash with a Phunkensteiner (Frankensteiner). Phunk pins Flash and the count is a mere prelude to a victory for Phunk. Michael Bull counts 1,2,3 and it is over! We have a new Empire Champion! Grandmaster Phunk!]


The winner and new Empire Champion: Grandmaster Phunk

Rating: C +

Time of Match: 15:22


The crowd pelts the ring with garbage as Honest Frank and Grandmaster Phunk stand in the center of the ring celebrating Phunk’s title win. And the screen fades to black….


Occ: Well I made some mistakes while booking this. I booked way to many matches, my reasoning for this is because a lot of the NYCW wrestlers have very poor stamina. Therefore, I decided that it would be necessary to have short matches as most of the guys just could not go for a long time. Also I wanted to squeeze in as many workers as possible because there were a lot of wrestlers that debut on this card.


I would have also not booked the Phunk/Flash match. Even though it was my best match of the night, I really did not want to take the title off of Flash. However, Phunk kept on saying that it would hurt him if he lost to Flash despite the fact that they were on the same level of popularity and Flash had a higher momentum. I had some plans for Champion Flash that had to be scratched due to this title change. Yes I could have forced Phunk to lose but I just thought it would be better if he won due to the fact that Flash did not seem to care about losing his title.

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I would like to thank everybody who took the time to make predictions:


Here are the Prediction records after the first card:


Hyde Hill: 7/9

Zeel1: 7/9

angeldelayette: 5/9



Nobody got Grandmaster Phunk and to be honest I wish that I did not make that change as it was not all that logical.


Now the next card is going to seem a little weird. What happened was I booked the second card right after I finished the first one. When I looked at the calendar none of my wrestlers had any conflicts. So I thought I was safe, well it did not work out that way as FCW scheduled an event for that night. I did not even bother to check the calendar because when I checked it the first time nobody was booked. Therefore, I lost Bradford, Pecs, and Eddie. That sucked because I had plans for them on the second show. So with that being said the second show was kind of a wash and the third show really is the show that will set up some feuds.

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Rock Downpour’s Take


Ladies and Gentlemen we have a new champion!




Hey, what is up NYCW fans? It is your boy Rock Downpour here! Well in a shocking upset, Steve Flash has lost the Empire Title to Grandmaster Phunk! Now we all know that it was thanks to the interference of one Honest Frank but that still does not change the fact that Steve Flash is now a former champion. Steve Flash is looking to get his revenge at our next card, I Love New York, when he and his mystery teammate take on Grandmaster Phunk and Honest Frank!


Speaking of new champions, I would like to congratulate my boy the American Machine who won the Tri-State Regional title! Great job man! You deserve this and hopefully you will have a long reign as our Tri-State Regional champion! We here at nycw.com have learned that American Machine’s first title defense will be against Land Mass at our up coming I Love New York show! This will be a tough match for our newly crowned champion.


I have also just learned that The Gang of New York has officially signed with NYCW! These men have made it perfectly clear that they are gunning for our tag team champions The Old School Principals!


So with the two matches that I mentioned above, it looks like our I Love New York card is shaping up to be great!


C-ya Next Month,


Rock Downpour

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