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I always wanted to know.........


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So......alot of people here have a vast amout of knowledge on diffrent things *mma, wrestling and so forth* i figured maybe this could be a good place to get some questions answered. For instance i was asked today how much does a typical indy wrestler make with merch sales and everything. *it is suprisingly low*
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Depends as to what you classify as a typical indy worker? Most indy workers make nothing! Or just 10 bucks per show and travel expenses. If you are in the Chris Hero level etc it is a lot more and still indy but that would have to be classified as a top indy worker.
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AJ Styles and CM Punk both had to work supplemental jobs (landscape gardender and lab technician, I believe) as recently as a few years ago. unless you're in the top bracket of indy workers, you will need a job to pay for what you do. There's a few current/ex-wrestlers on the board who may be able to say for sure, and in the Special Dynasties forum one guy charted his career working for various indies, and I think his top payout in eighteen months or so was $20 for a night's work.


Even when you get a developmental contract with WWE, you might still only be on $500-600 a week (I know in 2003/4 it was about 500. Probably a little more now, I guess). That's probably enough to survive on if you're careful with it, but AJ Styles for one turned it down as it would have meant relocating and giving up a job he'd put a lot of time into, all for a small chance of making it in WWE.


In short, don't go into wrestling expecting to be set for life. Simon Dean/Nova recently gave an interview where he explained how even at his earning peak making regular appearances on Smackdown, or as head of development in OVW, he wasn't making money - he had to pay for travel and so on. He's making a lot more as a mortgage underwriter (or something similar) then he ever did in some fiteen years as a wrestler.

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Yep, wrestling is pretty cruel all right. For any one stupid enough to get into you basically destroy your body for years and years for zero money just to taste the sweet thrill of the damn thing. Also, sometimes you're basically drinking your pay and then some if there's ever any post show outing deal, as well as the fact you've to spend money on gyms all the time as well.




BTW I'm one of those stupid idiots looking to get in to the business Tom, and I've got a question: Do you have any idea what pay/oppertunies are like in Europe?


Ye Americans think it's so bad how ye have, man at least you have plenty of indie promotions all around the damn country. Europe, if we're lucky, can boast around 10 promotions, and that's counting the UK :p

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Yo Alden, I believe you might have some idea as to what an indy wrestler earns in the US which is why I assume you were asked. Any chance of you giving a number on how paydays were for you?


And knowing that the earnings for wrestlers aren't that great is why I always try to buy some merch at any indy show I attend. I love indy wrestling and am far happier to support these guys than shell out a ton for a WWE PPV which isn't worth the price and mainly goes to cover the cost of pyro anyway.


Oh and Celt, if you think Europe is bad for indy wrestling try Australia. Few promotions, massive distances between major cities, some of the dumbest fans you will ever meet and no real ongoing wrestling tradition as the old skool Aussie wrestling pretty much died in the arse in the 70s. And who are we remembered for? Outback Jack and Nathan Jones.


Sorry, just had to one up you there. :p

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So......alot of people here have a vast amout of knowledge on diffrent things *mma, wrestling and so forth* i figured maybe this could be a good place to get some questions answered. For instance i was asked today how much does a typical indy wrestler make with merch sales and everything. *it is suprisingly low*


I would get paid enough to cover gas to whereever I worked. My brother and I would normally tag up in a match and drive to the shows together. If I was lucky I might sell a High 5 shirt and make a few bucks that might get me something from the dollar menu at MCD on the way home. It is hard and most times you are paying to wrestle and that's not counting the toll it takes on your body and releationships with people outside the Biz. If your single, no kids and all your friends are in the Biz go for it...otherwise there is no reason to bother...but if you do go at it 110% give it everything you have so you can be great.

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lol i was not actully asking......i was giving that as an example of a question some people have that somone on here would know the answer to.


To answer you question Hamster.


For a guy who has shown me atleast that


1: he can draw a crowd.

2: can work a match

3: is going to sell some merchendise


I would say there pay is around 100a night *that is with travel*


A "normal" indy worker will work one to two shows a week.........if they don't have any fammily or anything they will work every week. So that is 800 a month BUT here is the big one.........i would say atleast 200 of that goes to med bills a month. It is a big chunk of your pay.


As for european workers go i can't help you there. I do have a few friends on the indy level there but pay is something that just never comes up. They are still "weekend warriors" also *the term some use to describe a indy worker, they wrestle on the weekend and go to there real jobs monday through friday*

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