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Xtreme Federation of Wrestling: Tough Choices

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XFW: Valentines Massacre


Monday, Week 3, February

Live At Pennsylvania Park

1,802 People In Attendance


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=LazyJoe.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/LazyJoe.jpg" border="0" alt="Smokey Joe"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=BigCatBrandon_alt11.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/BigCatBrandon_alt11.jpg" border="0" alt="James Brandon"></a>


Smokey Joe vs. James Brandon


James Brandon arrives in a motorcycle. Yes a damn motorcycle. While his opponent arrives with cheap and tiny cigarette packs. He started smoking as the “clean freak” fans in the arena started booing at him. James Brandon got a great pop despite his gimmick but his wrestling skills still needs a little work. The fans started cheering as Smokey Joe is started to get beat up by James. Brandon takes out a steel chair and gives Smokey Joe a chair shot on the head. Then he throws the chair at him and BAM! There goes the once known Big Cat Pounce but with the gimmick change, it serves to be called The Big Bad Pounce. In just short five minutes of an opening match, James Brandon gets a good pop with the win.


Winner: James Brandon

Rating: E+



As we clear the ring up, Pistol Pete Hall comes back to XFW as we see him in the ringside tonight. Escorted by XFW staff, he finds his way to get up on the ring and he had a mic on his hands. He rolls himself in the center of the ring and started talking.


"Last month here at Pennsylvania Park, you witness my arrival here at Xtreme Federation of Wrestling." The fans cheer after Pistol Pete makes his statement. "But last month's event, there was one man who decided to interrupt me. There was one guy who dared to interrupt me in front of you fans." the fans boo.


"So what I want right now is for you, Frankie Future to come out here in front of these Tri State area fans right at this moment."


No one comes out.


"Come on don't be shy. We know..." an interrupted Pistol Pete is caused by the arrival of Frankie Future. He walks on the ramps and enters the ringside as the crowd booed at him.



"What the hell do you want old man." demanded Frankie as it looked liked he didn't wanted to come out.


"Its you that I want to see as of right now kid." Pistol says.


"I'm not a damn kid. Would you put some glasses on before you embarrass yourself in front of my face?" the crowd boos after Frankie finishes his sentence.


"Is that a way to talk to your mom son?"


"Dammit man shut the hell up. Now what the hell did you call me here up for?"


"Don't you dare use that tone to me kid. Or I'll make you use it."


"This is XFW Hall. Now if you are going to say something then say it and if not then get the hell out of my damn ring."


"Oh alright. Since I got something great for you, then I'm gonna give it away. Frankie, you think your better than anyone else here? Why don't you take one an opponent of my choosing."


"Gramps, your ass is on!!!!!!"


"Good. Now you wait here in the damn ring later tonight. He's gonna come out and shut your mouth."


"We'll see." says Frankie as he spits on Hall's face and leaves the ring. He had a smile on his face as he walk backwards on the ramp and cusses at him.



Kaos once more come out with his master Shadow. The two made a pretty good pairing despite that Shadow can wrestle but chosed to be a manager instead. This time and on, he brings a big chain on his hand as he looks on his opponent Jimmy Cox. The match soon starts and it was just chaos that Kaos brought into the match. Jimmy Cox was trying to make Kaos look good but it seemed that Kaos could do it himself to. The fans cheered mostly as Kaos brings out the chains and locks it on Jimmy’s throat trying to choke him out to death. The fans gave mix reactions. Kaos stopped and the chain stayed on Jimmy’s throat, trying to recover from severe choking. Kaos brings out a table and sets it up. Jimmy Cox figured out a way to take the chain off his throat. And when he started to get back at Kaos, it didn’t look good. Kaos lifts up Jimmy Cox when he was tired of being hit and slammed him through the table with the Hellbent. If you are a sports entertainment fan, this wouldn’t look good I’ll tell you.


Winner: Kaos

Rating: D-



XFW Fan Cam: I Butcher is seen on the streets earlier this night as he wears street clothes. He smiles as he looked upon the camera.


"Big Dunc Kendall, many consider you a legend. Who the hell am I kidding? Your nothing of a legend. Sure the company might revolve around the matches but it just had to end with you Kendall. You think you tougher than me guess what you ain't. And if you think that I'm a living threat, then yes I am the ****** threat you piece of monkey ape ****."


He smacks his head on the wall. "You see that you ****. That is what a living threat is. That's a living threat acts. And that's how I damn act Big Dunc. I don't care who I damn hurt. I live for the damn blood. The nerve cells inside my body tells me to hurt you and end you Big Dunc. It tells me that you are a screw up."


He started to make noises this time. "And let me just tell you this. You haven't seen much of me Big Dunc. Because You, Next Victim."


<a href="

http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=GhenghisRahn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/GhenghisRahn.jpg" border="0" alt="Genghis Rahn"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=Random_Male25.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/Random_Male25.jpg" border="0" alt="I, Butcher"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=BigTrouble2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/BigTrouble2.jpg" border="0" alt="Big Trouble"></a>


Genghis Rahn vs. I Butcher vs. Big Trouble

Threeway Death Match


If you thought that the last match didn’t look well in the front of sports entertainment or family friendly fans of the United States, this is going to look worse. Yes indeed it looked worse than you think. The comeback of Big Trouble really brought out for Rahn and Butcher to step up onto their game. The fans made it clear that they want hardcore action and they got it mostly. Big Trouble stepped up his game on his return match as it was a match that he made famous on XFW. The fans of the Tri-State area to say “King Of Deathmatch!!!” chants for Genghis Rahn since his history of winning the first ever King of Deathmatch tournament. Genghis attacks Butcher from behind with the steel chair and he started to beat the crap out of him. Trying to knock him out, Butcher came back as he took out a steel hammer and gave the same offence that Rahn gave him. It was pretty hard to win and you had to knock out every single one of your opponents to win. Big Trouble came into the scene when he started to destroy both of his opponents and all of them went through a table when Trouble tried to superplex Butcher right through that table. Rahn joined in and took carried trouble on the back and all of them crashed into the chair. Hell was broken loose until two men couldn’t take no more. All of them covered in blood and the only one coming out the winner was……….. Big Trouble.


Winner: Big Trouble

Rating: D+



Already in the ring, Frankie Future demanded a mic as the fans boo at him once more. "Now now settle down. You all shut up for once and let me speak."


More boos but he just continued. "Pistol, whoever you are going to put on me tonight faces me the same rules here on XFW, no disqualifications, no count outs, all extreme, all violence, blood will be spilled and you are going to see someone stand and someone knocked out or too much blood loss on them. So whoever it is, you better get him out of here now!!!"



"Oh I can't keep you waiting anymore Frankie." Pistol says as he come out only in the ramp. "So without a further ado, ladies and gentlemen, XFW fans and everyone that is seeing us right now, please welcome the newest member of the XFW roster, he is none other than The Straight Shooter......."


The mystery person aka the one that Frankie Future will face here tonight, here he comes out right at the right hand side of Pistol Pete's wheelchair.





The Straight Shooter Chris Morrisette comes out as the fans started to grow wild with the arrival of Chris Morrisette. They go crazy but Frankie Future didn't have a smile on his face. Melissa tosses a chair at Frankie and he catches it. But as he gets the chair, Chris was there and suddenly took him down.



The bell has rung and Frankie didn't look good with Chris attacking him. The fans everywhere started cheering when he started to punch Frankie and pummel him whenever he can. The fans cheered loudly as they see Frankie get his butt kicked by the new XFW newcomer. Chris Morrisette looked strong in this match as if. But Frankie knows how things work in the XFW so he took that advantage and started coming back as he took out a knuckles on his hand and gave a knock out shot on Morrisette. Frankie started to take out Morrisette as he couldn't stop. Then soon, Frankie focused on his opponent's head and made him bleed. He smiled and he gave Morrisette a clothesline. The fans started to boo at Frankie. Frankie goes extreme when he just take out his anger on Chris. Both men showed real strength and their games were put into the next level. Morrisette comes back with the suplex. He sets up a table that was surrounded by barbed wires as Frankie starts to get up. Chris lifts up Frankie, well he tries to and then both of them end up going through that table as both fell down through. "OH MY GOD!!!!!" Jerome Turner says. Both men gets crumpled in those barbed wires and none of them could not come out. "I think that Chris Morrisette just got a taste of what he'll be seeing here on XFW!!!" Jerome Turner says once more. Both men get out at some point and the match dragged down into Morrisette's favor. But Melissa interferes as he distracts Morrisette. Frankie got up and saw an acoustic guitar and when Chris turned around, BAM!!!! Frankie hits the acoustic guitar right through Morrisette's head and quickly pin him 1,2,3!!!!!!


Winner: Frankie Future

Rating: D+



"Sell your soul here on XFW you once have Shawn Gonzalez." Another Insane Heat promo as we see him in a dark place somewhere backstage.


"You once fought as a devil. But now that devil is me. You once fought as a champion but now I am the one who overshadowed your greatness."


"You were once the man of XFW but now I am the man to represent the meaning of extreme."


"You were once the man to be watched, the man fans that want to be. The man that always gets admired but I took that way many months ago."


"You were once the shoulder of XFW, now fallen down into the pits of the dark abyss."


"You were once a representative of XFW, now you've been replaced."


"And even everything we have been through, you are still a coward. Afraid of putting your body on the line, putting your spirit into the sport, putting your life on the devil's gate and suffering the consequences. That what made you a bad champion. And massacre, its not even your thing. I've shown what is the meaning of massacre and I've put everything on the line."


"Sell your soul, I've sold mine. Now I'll sell yours and take you once more into the world. My world. Hell."


"Death To Your Fullest"


The Insane Heat disappears.



A classic death match. The fans loved it. No one could ever stop the "OH MY GOD" chants in this match. It was simply extreme. Everyone thought that this would be just like last year's match but it was better. Both men had been long time servers of the XFW and they've known what is to be done in this promotion. They knew what the fans want and they gave it to them. Shawn Gonzalez used several techniques of extreme wrestling, in his perspective to destroy a long time enemy of his. The fans started chanting those "OH MY GOD" chants when Gonzalez grabbed one of the signs and started hitting Heat with it. Then Insane Heat came back when he gave Gonzalez a heard steel chair shot. Both men were starting to get up on the rafters. They were near on the ramps up the top and when Insane Heat got Gonzalez groggy, he lifted him up into a chokeslam and Gonzalez fell through the rafts. The fans were going crazy. Gonzalez tries to get back up but Heat rushed down there. Heat was making Gonzalez pay it as he wasn't done yet. Gonzalez could barely fight back but someone in the crowd was starting to go down and out of the line. And from right of the audience, one man started to bring a kendo stick and he was none only than,



Freddie Datsun!!!! "What the hell?" exclaimed Shane Sneer as Freddie Datsun started to hit Heat with that kendo stick. Then he just goes back at the crowd. Both men were down. Gonzalez recovered but Heat gave him a low blow then another chokeslam through the rafts. Shawn could barely get up and the match was decided. Insane Heat wins.


Winner: The Insane Heat

Rating: D



On the crowds, Freddie Datsun raised up his kendo stick as the fans started cheering for him. Heat looked at Datsun as if he was jealous. He raised up his belt with glory, trying to make Datsun jealous. But that wasn't the case. And as Freddie stood there, someone handed him a mic and closing out the show he said: "Heat, Freddie Datsun has gone extreme!!!!!" The shows closes out with the fans continued cheering. They got what they deserved.


Show Rating: D+


Next On SWF Weekly 24/7: The Threeway Dance

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Smokey Joe vs. James Brandon

Looking forward to how you protray the future Big Cat


Kaos vs. Jimmy Cox

Jimmy will rise soon enough, but not at the expense of Kaos


Genghis Rahn vs. I, Butcher vs. Big Trouble

Even though this is BT's big return I still think Rahn is the way to go


Frankie Future vs. ???

The newcomer needs to make a splash by winning his first match, going to be tough though going against Future


Shawn Gonzalez vs. The Insane Heat ©


Prediction Picks


Smokey Joe vs. James Brandon


Kaos vs. Jimmy Cox


Genghis Rahn vs. I, Butcher vs. Big Trouble


I think he has the most upside in this match


Frankie Future vs. ???


Shawn Gonzalez vs. The Insane Heat ©


Good luck with this diary!


Smokey Joe vs. James Brandon


Kaos vs. Jimmy Cox


Genghis Rahn vs. I, Butcher vs. Big Trouble


Frankie Future vs. ???


Shawn Gonzalez vs. The Insane Heat ©


I really thanks those who had predicted for this event. I appreciate you guys for just that and to Celt, you make good markings of what could turn out for the specific character. Once again, thank you all.

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"God's gift to pro wrestling." Eisen chuckles as he remembers the Triple Threat matches. "Ya know that was the perfect description of the threeway matches that XFW pulled. It brought back of what is wrestling. Even though they were rarely seen, buying an XFW ticket and you sure get to see one."


"Those who thought that XFW was the worse, they were. Big Dunc didn't care if he didn't win the month but it made him think."


"Everyone wanted to see those kind of matches that both Duncan and Lambert pulled off. It was chaos. I would call it violence but for them it was still having fun in the ring."



"So what? We pulled off a triple threat match. Three guys wrestling at the same time." says Lambert.


"The reason that I had Genghis Rahn and I Butcher together in that match was just for fun. I want to see whether those two guys pulled out a match that would overshadow the main event. Big Trouble comes into my "office" and tells me he wants a match. I'll squeeze it in and hey its done. Big Trouble vs. I Butcher vs. Genghis Rahn on the same ring and let us see what they can do."


"Big Trouble helped the two guys find their extreme version and it seemed that they soon did. He helped the younger guys fit into the product you know."


"It wasn't until the end of summer that I had to develop the characters of XFW despite that I kept hiring people to win the war. Chris Rockwell, excuse me I meant Christ Morrisette was an example. He was a pretty straightforward character and the fans loved him for what he is. A Straight Shooter. A guy who pummels other guys just by using his fist. A legitimate guy, it was easy for him to come to XFW and soon he had to find his niche."


"Another example was Freddie Datsun. Everyone loved the concept of putting him on an angle with Insane Heat since he was a big star. He was a big heat I'll admit and the Tri-State area fans quickly loved the guy I'm sure."


"Character development is something that is important if you want to create a company figurehead."



Chris Morrisette sits on a backdrop, the SWF clearly shown on the screen. He had a smile on his face. "What would start of my reign to XFW would actually be a quick one. I had to show to those XFW what hardcore really is in my perspective. Lambert had to say what I gotta do and he put me quickly on that great main eventing spot."


"But the three way dance before my XFW debut, that was just complete utter genius. Butcher really showed his character as a killer well and right on his promo, the fans bought it. And when the match really happened, Big Trouble was the guy that defined XFW well. And that how my debut event felt. It felt like the place was trashed and no respect is shown kayfabe speaking. But backstage, we were respecting each other."



"In all my experience, that three way death match was intense. Big Trouble and Butcher then were great guys to work with and Trouble was a veteran who can make anyone good in the terms of blood and weapons."


"And the three way match, it was the start of something new."

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"We had to make cuts." Terry Lambert says as he take another sip of his drink. He breathes once and then exhales as he started speaking again.


"We just had to. I mean looking at the XFW roster, half of the roster couldn't wrestle and when they were put on the ring, simply the fans went crazy and started giving them boos because they couldn't wrestle. We had a very open minded fans and some of them are wrestling critics. Some NEW and HGC scouts even went to our shows and see what they could take out of our roster and even they went further with the storylines."


"If you were a booker and you thought my job was easy then piss off because it was hard to let go some of those loyalist of a promotion who can't really wrestle. Duncan was cool with it and then so I did what I had to do. I've let go of names that are still not on the bookings today because the fact that they don't know anything about wrestling."


Footages of the Guru were shown but it was quick as the camera went back to Lambert.


"The Guru was just another guy who knew that he could wrestle but one thing that he lacked was the stamina. The athleticism. The game. He lacked those things and if he didn't so, he would have been a great asset. He had the skills and the charisma which made me keep him. I Butcher was the same but there was the fact that he can't wrestle. And SWF almost took him just because of those skills of his. The fans didn't like him not because he couldn't wrestle but because he was a great bad guy in the events. Both of them made the perfect great bad men of hardcore wrestling and it made shows pretty good to watch."



"I had the idea that even if you can't wrestle you were welcome here on XFW. That was my theory at the point but as the fans continued to watch their work, they were booing at the guys like Benjamin Moore and The Guru and I'll tell you it was just crazy how it turned out. The guys didn't lose hope however and their determination to fight there for the fans made them keep working and working and working. The fans were just crazy and wanted to see more things happening like extreme violence. And every time we visit Pennsylvania Park, I would just go wow with what the fans had to say."


"And it wasn't just the fans who disgraced those who can't wrestle but the other wrestlers as well. They had big egos and all that and it just pissed me off right after Eddie Peak insults Johnny Highspot after his match, telling that he can't wrestle. That pissed me off and also this another guy now at SWF named Big Smack Scott. That guy was an ******* and I won't even talk about him. He couldn't wrestle but take bumps. And he had that attitude that everyone wanted beat the crap out of him. What was respect never came out until we had to get rid of Scott himself. Everyone hated him. And everyone that got involved with this guy, just guess what they had to say next."



"It was absolutely chaos." Shawn Gonzalez smiles. "XFW was completely positive but nonetheless the fans didn't like guys who can't wrestle and we just had to accept the fact that they can't wrestle. What should you do? Force them to take classes? Once they've established their potential then it just depends on their destiny whether they can wrestle or not. It just depended on the fact that you had to pull out your best to become one of the biggest players in the game. Even though Sam Strong wasn't the best wrestler, he was an icon because he had charisma plus it was his destiny."


"If you didn't have the stuff to become a classical wrestler or the best there was the best there is or the best there will ever be then you don't have the stuff to be that kind of person."


"Eddie and Doug were just simply brothers and they made their spot on the tag team action then. But Eddie was far more talented and in result he was given the good push back in DAVE. Big Smack Scott was hired to SWF as a jobber and that ain't my fault because he can't wrestle. Doug went onto Japan. With your skills and what you can do with them, you are going to get somewhere. And if you just wait there, might as well retire because your wrestling career will not go as far. And that's what happened during the pre XFW days. Don't just sit there and wait for the booker to book you in a show. You gotta make things right and you gotta show that you are talented enough for the fans not to boo you."



"After the war, there weren't not that many people that went onto big things with DAVE or even with the Northern American wrestling industry because there was that destiny part of the business. And there was this another factor of determining which type of promotion suited you the best. If you wanted to go onto big things you had to work for it and that's what had to do with DAVE and before the end of the war, XFW. I needed good talent and at the same time keep the backbone of XFW from the names of like Shawn Gonzalez, Insane Heat, Frankie Future, Big Dunc, Big Trouble, Rahn and many more guys. They were the heart of the promotion and the guys that I started to bring were just the body of the promotion."


"Running a promotion is like a human body. You have a heart and a body and a face. And that's what happened with XFW. We were bringing in the body, kept the heart pumping and let the face determine whether we get a good look or not. And the people, the fans, they were the goal that makes a human body working."


"And XFW was slowly transforming from a slaughter house into a what the fans would look on."

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Man, certain points here are looking familiar...


;) I'm not sure how you could avoid that in the East Coast War, though.


Ya sorry I couldn't think of any other storyline with Terry Lambert and XFW.


However though there is more to come behind the scenes and the evolution of Terry Lambert in this diary along with the rise and fall of XFW.


Thanks for the comment though Phantom Stranger. :D

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XFW: Guilty As Charged


Show Preview


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=HonestFrank_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/HonestFrank_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Honest Frank"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=GhenghisRahn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/GhenghisRahn.jpg" border="0" alt="Genghis Rahn"></a>


Pistol Pete's Match Of Choice

Frankie Future vs. Genghis Rahn


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=TheInsaneHeat.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/TheInsaneHeat.jpg" border="0" alt="The Insane Heat"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=FreddieDatsun.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/FreddieDatsun.jpg" border="0" alt="Freddie Datsun"></a>


XFW World Title Match

The Insane Heat vs. Freddie Datsun

Death Match


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=LobsterWarrior_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/LobsterWarrior_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Chris Morrisette"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=Random_Male25.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/Random_Male25.jpg" border="0" alt="I, Butcher"></a>


"Straight Shooter" Chris Morrisette vs. I Butcher


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=BryanHolmes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/BryanHolmes.jpg" border="0" alt="Bryan Holmes"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=TheGladiator.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/TheGladiator.jpg" border="0" alt="Aurthur Salvadore Simpson"></a>


The Debut of Bryan Holmes

Bryan Holmes vs. Aurthur Salvadore Simpson




Prediction Picks:


Jimmy Cox vs. Eddie Peak


John Doe vs. Bud Miller


Bryan Holmes vs. Aurthur Salvadore Simpson


Chris Morrisette vs. I, Butcher


The Insane Heat © vs. Freddie Datsun


Frankie Future vs. Genghis Rahn

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Jimmy Cox vs. Eddie Peak

You know, everyone like's to think of Eddie as face becaues of the lengendary Monkeypox diary where he was the great white shark. I think people need to show his heel side more. You know if you put Eddie in a suit he'd two a fantastic job as a Christian Bale "American Pyscho" type character. Anyways, the beginning of great things for Peak


John Doe vs. Bud Miller



Bryan Holmes vs. Aurthur Salvadore Simpson

In my own little head I like to refer to ASS in XFW as "The whole f*cking franchaise". Holmes is excellent but ASS is the RVD of XFW.


Chris Morrisette vs. I, Butcher

I, Butcher can talk the talk...but he'll never wrestle like the Straight Shooter can


The Insane Heat © vs. Freddie Datsun

It's going to take more than John McClane to to stop the Devil himself this early in his reign


Frankie Future vs. Genghis Rahn

I smell Lone Wolf interfence

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Jimmy Cox vs. Eddie Peak

You know, everyone like's to think of Eddie as face becaues of the lengendary Monkeypox diary where he was the great white shark. I think people need to show his heel side more. You know if you put Eddie in a suit he'd two a fantastic job as a Christian Bale "American Pyscho" type character. Anyways, the beginning of great things for Peak


John Doe vs. Bud Miller



Bryan Holmes vs. Aurthur Salvadore Simpson

In my own little head I like to refer to ASS in XFW as "The whole f*cking franchaise". Holmes is excellent but ASS is the RVD of XFW.


Chris Morrisette vs. I, Butcher

I, Butcher can talk the talk...but he'll never wrestle like the Straight Shooter can


The Insane Heat © vs. Freddie Datsun

It's going to take more than John McClane to to stop the Devil himself this early in his reign


Frankie Future vs. Genghis Rahn

I smell Lone Wolf interfence


Haha very funny Celt. I love your reference of XFW to ECW!!!!!! Yeah Eddie was a great face in Monkeypox's diary but in this time period he is a killer!!!!! And as for ASS, I think that he's more of Shane Douglas but I still don't see it. John Doe, as far as I know not dead yet.

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"During the first two months, people were wondering, how would Terry Lambert put this company into fame when he booked a sports entertainment, traditional wrestling promotion? How would Terry Lambert pull off what XFW does each and every month? How would Terry Lambert lead a group of wrestlers who already broke the law, created an outlaw images for themselves and really no relation to sports entertainment?" laughed at Terry Lambert.


"And especially the fans of yesterday, they already saw my work. The APWF was a NY based promotion with a television deal and we were simply going to be the biggest promotion in US. But I failed."


"If you wanted to be in XFW, you had to think extreme. I had to think far beyond the lines and then I had to cross the line. I had to show the fans what I could do out there as a booker. The fans had to get involved on this kind of my product and suddenly, it was just, hey did are getting involved more. Comparing to the other guys in the war and even the product of XFW since the start, the wrestlers would just show the meaning of extreme on the ring that is it. They wouldn't go far beyond."


"And that got us the major victories that we would appreciate. But we didn't get quite the start actually. Some of our matches were too much hardcore, getting overshadowed by the cult entertainment of DAVE and Johnny Martin and getting matches worse than Brent Hill and Steve Flash. Those two guys were the key of Rapid Pro and we couldn't take them. So we have to work if we are going to get the service of an opponent's soldier."



"The experience you are going to get in XFW will be helping you in the future. Terry Lambert's bookings served to us as almost an intro to Sports Entertainment promotions but it was mixed with the same product because we put in the big mix of cult entertainment, no music as far as I know and the use of hardcore. No singles matches no normal matches, we just showed our thing and cut a promo and then have the fans react to it. Represent yourself. It was all about it."


"The coming of Morrisette got the fans cheering because they haven't seen someone that can wrestle and put Frankie on a good match. That was a rare. And when Jerome Turner made his Oh My God statement, we were going the same reaction. Morrisette had no idea whether the chair was surrounded by barbed wire or not. He just wants to show the fans something. And once he had done it, he goes let's do it again."


"Datsun's arrival got the fans great that time. The fans reacted great."


"So some guys coming in, if they come in, they got to go through the same things that everyone in the locker gets every single time we go out there and put our asses on the table, pure violence. We had to introduce them the extreme way and if you love the tradition of XFW then you'll fit in well. If not then get your ass out of the promotion because you ain't the good fit there."


"You play in the game of extreme, you get a great time, but if the fans don't like you, you get your ass kicked right in front of the door."



"I think that the fans and the wrestlers wanted the same thing and that is the product of the promotion. And that got us the crowds but not winning the months. We were running on our boots right to the second and third place going up and down and up and down and I mean it is just going crazy as I think it would be."


"The last two years before Lambert took over booking we were already falling. Some critics might say that by the end of November 1998, we would go bankrupt and we would go out of business and someone from the war would just pick up our ashes. Who knew that we were actually making cash each show and sponsorship, they say its tough but the XFW on Pennsylvania were loyal to XFW. The Tri State area, east coast wars, its pure mayhem. You have to gain your fans, you have to gain the respect, you have to pay your dues and you got to get hurt. The fans of XFW loved to see brawls and all sorts of mayhem. And I think that was the exciting part of the war is that it wasn't only just the promotions that were battling for the popularity but it was also battle of products. You have to impress your fans in order to win and you have to gain your own fanbase based on what is told to do to you by the booker aka Terry Lambert in our case."


"And your usual hardcore promotion today, PSW, yeah you see more like the version of XFW and DAVE. These two promotions have good contributions to PSW and Mitch Naess seemed to be running it just fine.


XFW if today still living, I think we would be the first ones to introduce hardcore wrestling to the whole world and Nemesis vs Cornell coming in second. That was an only if. It would've been amazing."



"Hardcore introduced to national television? Yeah right. I would doubt it. They would've been done by '01. It would be just the same scenario as DAVE. But if XFW was in the position of DAVE within their fall down period, they would've survived because they had fans."


"And I wouldn't believe it but each new guy that comes in, they do something stupid like smack someone in the head with a toilet seat cover or crack up kendo sticks on someone's back or even get a good bump just by falling down on through the tables or even higher levels. I couldn't help it but when DAVE was over, we had to use it to of course maintain our position today."

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“In the midst of the war, it wasn’t just the four companies that were involved. It seemed like everyone got involved and even both CGC and NOTPBW, there was no stopping It.” said Dan Stone as he stay still sitting in his office, he let out a smile. “There was no stopping of who would go to which promotion. Steve Flash supported Rapid Pro and I was quite proud of what he had done there. He was able to show his skills to the fans. Larry Wood was a great guy. Some say if age didn’t catch him he would be a great superstar. But even when CGC and NOTPBW battled out for Canada, our talents would suddenly get booked on one of the four promotions. Larry went to XFW and that was one of the first markings of Canada’s involvement to the war.”


“It couldn’t be as smart as I think it would but Terry was aiming for talent and you could tell just by watching who XFW catches and put them on the show. Larry Wood, Chris Morrisette, Freddie Datsun, they were just taking it all. Great talents I’ll agree but it was about of how you control and develop your roster.”



“The loss of Chris Morrisette might be one of the biggest nails on the Philly Pro Power Wrestling.” says McKing as we still see him in the same training ground of AAA. “Once Brent Hill was gone and went to Rapid Pro, Chris Morrisette carried the flame of Philly. Then Morrisette gone, Human Arsenal and Bryan Holmes were the only other two people left enough to be the backbone of Philly. Cahill and Whistler were loved because of their characters. Other than that, Philly was simply falling and we had to pick up on the losses and everything.”


“The PPPW youth system did us some good during the times of the war as Mean Jean Cattley turned out a very well established worker and I’m sure that the fans had some love for him because the fact that he could wrestle.”


“And when the war continues on during the verge of ’97, Philly was just about to take the place of XFW then. We were once the lead company and people would tell us that we would win the war. Never had a bad show before and we probably never will during the existence of the company itself. We aimed for the best. We aimed for the best and our main eventers portrayed their characters well and that’s how we fought. Wrestling and the characters.”


“But Lambert couldn’t simply do any better. He had to cross the lines of PPPW. And even on some of the events, they would trash Philly Pro and how our talents suck and how traditional wrestling got so boring. And they were simply convincing the whole Pennsylvanian fans that extreme is the new vision of wrestling. They wanted something that has cutting edge sport and at the same time the blood and explosion.”


“One night I went to one of their shows, purely crazy.”



"Define crazy. That's what we tell the our opponents who are new to the company. That's what we say and that's probably the first two words that Big Dunc Kendall told us when we had our first match on XFW. Shawn and I were one of the newest guys during the year 1996 and we've been watching tapes and we saw like Big Trouble give several cane stick shots to Henry Lee and I Butcher and I mean it was just crazy. So Big Dunc tells me what to do and the two words came out of him was define crazy."


"I question to myself. Crazy? Really? Is this what we signed up for. So we had to do it. And at first you ain't going to like the results because you are going to get destroyed but if you kept the flame going then you are going to love it."


"Everyone in XFW were crazy whether they were the fans or the wrestlers, you had to put up your best out there and you have to show that you can do it. You have to wrestle and if you didn't you are going to get booed right out of the freakin door. Trust me man. You won't like it and neither the fans will. They will doubt you in any way. And they are going to be very vocal at how you wrestle. So you have to keep up with your skills and improve. Improvement is nice but it is far more just than important for XFW. Specific instructions are shown to you and you won't love it just yet."



"HAHAHA!!!" Pistol laughs as he continues to speak. "Those fans were crazy. I'll tell you when I got into XFW, audience just simply were starting to expand as I heard and the more the merrier as I say. You have to keep up with the fans and during the angle between me and Frankie, the fans were going crazy each time I put the kid into a bad situation. They would go nuts and when they see Frankie wrestle, they hated him and that's what me wanted."


"Another example would be the fans love for hardcore matches of Genghis Rahn and that's how he won the hearts of the fans because he did what he had to do."


"At XFW, I was a leader. I had to be a leader and that is probably one of the reasons why Terry hired me to XFW. I had to keep order and I'm sure that Terry didn't want any chaos at the point. You have to earn your respect to earn your success. You have to pay your dues but I didn't see it coming on XFW. In Japan, yes you had to prove yourself mighty and talented to win or defeat a legend. You rise up from a cub and work your way up to become a lion."


"But at XFW, you have to show your talent to be one of the big boys in the business."

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OOC Note: Since I'm heavily loaded with church services and high school, I probably say that the show would be up somewhere next week. So those who would like to predict have a good time to do so. In other notes, thanks to those who had predicted so far. You guys are awesome.
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Haha very funny Celt. I love your reference of XFW to ECW!!!!!! Yeah Eddie was a great face in Monkeypox's diary but in this time period he is a killer!!!!! And as for ASS, I think that he's more of Shane Douglas but I still don't see it. John Doe, as far as I know not dead yet.


Well, if we're being honest XFW is actually the C-Verses version of XPW. And Ironically enough IRL while must people hated XPW with a passion (too much passion at times) I think XPW had some players who could go as well as some interesting characters. However when you look at XFW there's some guys who have ECW parallels. Actually now you mentions I also think of ASS as Shane Douglas as well, forgot to mention that, er, well as a Shane Douglas character wise whereas his moveset would be more RVD based to reflect his all round skills. As for John Doe, who's finish is the DOA, keep a close eye on that. You should bill him as being from the Morgue lol, and maybe be friends with I, Butcher.

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Well, if we're being honest XFW is actually the C-Verses version of XPW. And Ironically enough IRL while must people hated XPW with a passion (too much passion at times) I think XPW had some players who could go as well as some interesting characters. However when you look at XFW there's some guys who have ECW parallels. Actually now you mentions I also think of ASS as Shane Douglas as well, forgot to mention that, er, well as a Shane Douglas character wise whereas his moveset would be more RVD based to reflect his all round skills. As for John Doe, who's finish is the DOA, keep a close eye on that. You should bill him as being from the Morgue lol, and maybe be friends with I, Butcher.


Yeah I'd keep that in mind as well. With ASS, I don't really see him going upper on the main event since he's already closing into retirement. And XFW paralell to XPW? Never thought of that yet. I think XFW is the combination of ECW and CZW matchwise since they all pull out great hardcore matches (not really on CZW) and XFW parallel to the early I say ECW. John Doe, yeah this guy I didn't have much on him as I sim on the game but I could make changes. Technically I, Butcher would be gone right now but I'll explain later why he still exist in XFW.


Shane Douglas character wise is already a backbone of XFW (Big Dunc, Gonzalez, Frankie, Big Trouble, Rahn etc.).


Thanks for the comment Celt. I appreciate your advise.

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XFW: Guilty As Charged


Monday, Week 3, March

Live At Pennsylvania Park

1,902 People In Attendance


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Jimmy Cox vs. Eddie Peak


Real sudden death as rules of a traditional singles match aren't applied in the matches of XFW. The fans started to cheer already when they heard the clangs of the steel chairs getting hit on each others heads. Eddie Peak started to take things a little higher as he took out the barbed wire 2x4's and started hitting Cox with it. The match got into the crowd as Eddie Peak grabbed one of the signs from the fans, took out the poster and started hitting Cox with it. However Eddie's dominance started to wear off as Jimmy fought back and took the beatings of Eddie back into the ring. Then he took out one of the trash cans and aimed for Eddie's head. But as Jimmy swings the trash can right to Eddie, he stops it and grabs the trash can from Cox and BANG hits him in the head. Eddie just ultimately destroys Jimmy Cox with the trash can as he gives him an epic Peak of Perfection right through the trash can. Eddie Peak wins and post match, he started to take out a kendo stick and started hitting Cox until he bled and he throws the stick right to Cox's body.


Winner: Eddie Peak

Rating: E+



"What is it that is wrong with all of you fans!" Insane Heat speaks as he is seen in a warehouse. He sits in one of the boxes as he is dressed in black clothing.


"What is it that is wrong with you Pennsylvanians that you cheer someone like Freddie Datsun? What had this guy ever done to be in the presence of The Insane Heat? What had this guy did to be in the presence of Heat himself. Be a champion in that trash bed you fans called DAVE? Hit me with a stick several times when I'm that close to killing Shawn Gonzalez? When I am that close to once more retaining my XFW World title?"


"You see Freddie Datsun, you came from DAVE!!! We all know that. And you are here to take over the crowds of XFW and turn them and make them watch DAVE. Just like last month what I've seen from you is complete absolute trash. You tried to put yourself on the spotlight on your arrival and now you challenge me this month? You don't know the rules here. It ain't just like DAVE where you fight with simple hardcore matches. It ain't like that here Freddie."


"And tonight, you are going to learn that messing with me is like signing your damn death wish."


As he stands up, his eyes roll up until they turn white.


"Death To Your Fullest Freddie Datsun."





As probably how this match is rated, it wasn't much of hardcore as the last match but probably better. In the ways of how these guys wrestle, they both show promise to stay on this hardcore promotion. And as probably known, Doe plays the bully type of guy in this promotion. And when he started to take out the weapons, he used more of his physical body to lay out Bud instead of using weapons. But when he took them out, it was Bud's chance to fight back as he used the weapons like a drunk man and took down Doe. Bud Miller took out the beer bottle and aimed for John's head. Then he hits it. Doe is knocked out. Bud Miller was hiding a beer bottle under the ring and actually he was hiding two. John tried to get up but Miller hits him again with the beer bottle. Bud chugs the last beer bottle on his throat and pins Doe. Who gets the win? Obviously, Bud Miller.


Winner: Bud Miller

Rating: D-



The ring gets cleared and after it was, music gets played. Much more like what you from hear from Philly Pro music departments. And as the man or should be said Floyd Goldworthy comes out with a mic. Guided by no one, the fans started to throw trash at him already as they chant "Philly Pro Sucks!!! Philly Pro Sucks!!!". Knowing that the arrival of a Philly Pro worker, something would happen.


"You all shut up!!!" Goldworthy declares. "I've come here for a reason and that reason is to show you fans some real wrestling."


The fans started booing.


"Now I've seen what Big Dunc had done with this place and I'm going to modify it. Now back at Philadelphia were you fans were impressed with the results."


The Philly sucks chants started again.


"How bout we bring you this action back at Philly to you XFW fans!!!"


Philly sucks chants again.


"You are no worthy of what Philly could show you. It could open your eyes and if you all ain't gonna listen then listen to this you ungrateful *******s!!!"



"I present to you Bryan Holmes!!!!!!!" The crowd boos as he comes down from the ramp and then goes to the center of the ring as he steals the mic from Goldworthy.


"Shut the hell up. Now I know that you fans hate seeing me and Floyd here but tonight, I don't give a damn about what you all think. I'm here to teach respect. I'm here to show respect to all those who are lacking of it and right now I'll show respect to anyone of you people here in this arena. You all think that you can disrespect my talents, then whoever damn comes out here right now fight me!!!!"



And Aurthur Salvadore Simpson comes out, bringing out a steel chair. "Ring the bell, you want a fight, then let's start one Holmes."



It was more of a traditional match esque-type of wrestling as Bryan Holmes was going to put ASS and teach him the old school type of wrestling. The fans had a very vocal voice of how the two could wrestle and no questions asked Bryan Holmes seems to be the better wrestler but ASS was the better wrestler in XFW in the opinions of many. It was crazy of how the match moved. Bryan Holmes pulled out many crazy high flying moves along with passable technical wrestling. As well passable being a super junior. ASS simply tried to equal himself from the newcomer but it seemed so that Bryan Holmes pulled out the win after Goldworthy hit ASS with a chair and Holmes finishing the match Final Impact.


Winner: Bryan Holmes

Rating: D-



XFW Fan Cam: From last month, we go backstage to Big Trouble on his locker after the bloody three way singles match from last month. Covered in blood all over his body and face, he looks onto the camera and starts to speak.


"One of its kind, one of its kind. Yeah that's right man!! Blood can be thirst quenching and that's what just happened here tonight man. I am the man. I am the man. I've done what I had to do to put XFW on the map. And this night, one of the classic matches you have ever saw tonight ladies and gentlemen. Three men fighting for a win. Three men fighting to survive and the bloody mayhem that was seen in that ring tonight is just an example of what you are going to see from me. It's just an example of a brand new hardcore. Its just an example of what is to be seen here at XFW."


"And here right now fans, I've done what I had to do. In this kinds of death matches, I've been put through many things to be one of a kind. Genghis Rahn, King of Deathmatches, yeah I know your work but you can't beat the one who made the death matches famous here on XFW. And to I, Butcher, you've put the yourself in a bad line."


"I'm the man. I'm XFW. And here at XFW, we don't play safe. I don't play safe. I risk my life because this is has been taken to the extreme."


A smile was seen on his face as we cut the camera back on the ring.



There wasn't much to say as Chris Morrisette continues to build his hardcore skills on the matches with I, Butcher. The fans really loved the match compared to the other ones because of Morrisette's style of wrestling and how he could mix the hardcore idea into his style and the crazy wild brawls that I Butcher started creating on this match. Butcher pretty much took Morrisette out of the ring as he set up the tables but he took the bump when Morrisette gave him suplex right through the table. Morrisette takes out a chair and hit it on I Butcher's head. The fans started screaming more hardcore action as Morrisette showed them as he brought out a trash can cover and started hitting Butcher with it. Soon, there was much more into the action but Morrisette started to finish off Butcher with the Fujiwara Armbar, making him tap.


Winner: Chris Morrisette

Rating: D



Post match: Chris Morrisette leaves the ring momentarily when Big Dunc Kendall rushed to the ring and started beating down on I, Butcher. The two started to go on a brawl and there was no separating the two. But this time, Big Dunc takes out Butcher with the use of the baseball bat.



To hell within and to hell out. Freddie Datsun got the usual crowd favorite cheers as he come out right out of the audience seats everywhere, the fans started cheering as he come out right near their eyes. He had a great smile on his face as he came down, he brought a kendo stick. The Insane Heat came out on the ramps however and got the boos on him. But he's still the champion. One of the longer matches of the event, it still shocks the fans that this match was put on the semi main event but hey maybe there is something better after this. Heat and Datsun showed great showmanship as they were able to define the product by their similar styles of wrestling. Both went on their extreme ways as Datsun use of the steel chair and kendo stick were played to perfection. But in the end, Freddie Datsun goes through a table when Heat tried to chokeslam him and the move went well as supposed so, giving Heat the win.


Winner: The Insane Heat

Rating: D



Heading to the ring is Frankie Future as he is seen in the same gear as he is always seen in XFW events. He grabs a mic and so to speak, he gets in the center of the ring and speaks.


"Now first things first. Last month, Pistol Pete's man just got his extreme medicine. Now another thing, Pete, you are a straight son of a ***** and I'm not going to tolerate your stupid rules here on XFW. I ain't going to tolerate that you are running this place and I can assure you that I stand here because no one here in XFW wants you. Not even these fans and I'll assure you that whoever you put me on this night I can beat. I can assure you Pistol that whoever there is that you are going to put on me again, they won't like the fact that I'll kick their asses and I'll shove the win on your face. So why don't you come out so you can tell me what is going to happen here tonight!!!!!"



"So it shall happens." as Pistol comes out, he had a smile on his face. "Your too ****y kid. You think that the next guy I put on you, you can beat him?"


"Yeah I do. Now bring him out." Frankie demanded.


"First of all, I find your tone disrespecting boy. I find it...."


"Dammit Hall, just bring that guy out."


"Death match. King of Deathmatches. In a death match you are going to face Genghis Rahn!!!!!!"


The fans grew on excitement as they hear the name of the King. Of Death matches.


"Bring him on."



Genghis Rahn comes out and he had a mic on his hand. "Frankie, hey kid. You think you can beat me here tonight? All the fans out here tonight are chanting my name. They want violence here Frankie. And the King here knows how to deliver that kind of madness here at XFW. Now let me ask you a question kid. Do you like blood? Because I really love blood and blood makes me hungry. And when blood is covering my body, it just means that I'm hardcore. I'm known for things Frankie and I'll tell you right now I'll head there to deliver violence."


"Try me!!" Frankie said as the match started.



Classic Death match as Genghis Rahn showed no signs of fatigue. Why in the world would they call him the King of Death Matches? Frankie had to figure out a way to outsmart Rahn in his specialty match. Frankie couldn't simply beat Rahn in this match. Or perhaps he might. Rahn's use of weapons was simply put into perfection and Frankie was already seen bleeding after getting hit by a steel chair. The brawl between the two has been taken outside the ring as Frankie tries to take control. The brawl gets into the fans as Rahn enters the crowd and tries to beat up Frankie. But wait.......



Big Trouble shows up and starts beating on both Frankie and Genghis. But it got worse as Frankie gets the momentum going on and gets the Futureshock hit on Genghis Rahn. What had Big Trouble done to cause Rahn his specialty match?


Winner: Frankie Future

Rating: D+


<a href="

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As Frankie Future leaves the ring victorious, Genghis Rahn is starting to get beat up by weapons held by Big Trouble. It's just an absolute crazy mayhem to see this happen. But then Freddie Datsun tries to be the hero and saves Rahn. Insane Heat shows up and stops Datsun, leaving both of them into a crazy brawl. Shawn Gonzalez comes to the rescue for both Datsun and Rahn. Weapons all over the place. Big Trouble and Heat puts Datsun through the trash can while Gonzalez stops Heat after and gives him the Latino Crab. Big Trouble gets into Gonzalez' business. But one man shows up to stop this crazy mayhem. Lights go out. Lights back on, man flying everywhere, stopping this mayhem, none other than....



Teddy Flame. "TEDDY FLAME!!! TEDDY FLAME IS HERE ON XFW!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!" says Jerome Turner. He flies around as he was quick as a cheetah with those moves. But not at the most as he can pull off some good moves as he aged. Everyone just kept beating up each other as Flame stopped the brawls, the fans started to cheer.


Their brawl continues as our show ends here. The fans wanted more, obviously.


Show Rating: D+


Next on SWF Weekly 24/7: Tales of the Warriors

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Jimmy Cox vs. Eddie Peak

You know, everyone like's to think of Eddie as face becaues of the lengendary Monkeypox diary where he was the great white shark. I think people need to show his heel side more. You know if you put Eddie in a suit he'd two a fantastic job as a Christian Bale "American Pyscho" type character. Anyways, the beginning of great things for Peak


John Doe vs. Bud Miller



Bryan Holmes vs. Aurthur Salvadore Simpson

In my own little head I like to refer to ASS in XFW as "The whole f*cking franchaise". Holmes is excellent but ASS is the RVD of XFW.


Chris Morrisette vs. I, Butcher

I, Butcher can talk the talk...but he'll never wrestle like the Straight Shooter can


The Insane Heat © vs. Freddie Datsun

It's going to take more than John McClane to to stop the Devil himself this early in his reign


Frankie Future vs. Genghis Rahn

I smell Lone Wolf interfence


Jimmy Cox vs. Eddie Peak


John Doe vs. Bud Miller


Bryan Holmes vs. Aurthur Salvadore Simpson


Chris Morrisette vs. I, Butcher


The Insane Heat © vs. Freddie Datsun


Frankie Future vs. Genghis Rahn


Genghis is the better talent in my opinion.


Jimmy Cox vs. Eddie Peak


John Doe vs. Bud Miller


Bryan Holmes vs. Aurthur Salvadore Simpson


Chris Morrisette vs. I, Butcher


The Insane Heat © vs. Freddie Datsun


Frankie Future vs. Genghis Rahn


Thanks once more to those of you guys who predicted. Some of the tips were really helpful I'll admit especially to The Celt. I already smell the favoritism of Genghis Rahn :D so that's a good thing for this diary. Thanks again and your predictions makes this diary worth a shot.


Interesting stuff, Mystery.


Keep it up.





I appreciate your comment NoNeck and your SWF diary as well. I hope you enjoy the rest of what I have to put up.


Thanks. :D

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"Age doesn't matter in XFW." Big Dunc says as he leans on his chair. "And even though you are damn at 48, 50, 60, 81, no one is going to care. All the fans cared about is that you can wrestle. You can put up a good match and cut a good promo. And as for the fans that took the product a little deeper, they wouldn't care if Teddy Flame was old or not. Backstage perspective, we the wrestlers were glad that at least one half of the Blazing Flames signed to XFW. We tried talking to Joey Flames if him and Ted would like to unite the Blazing Flames tag team on XFW but he said it would be unnecessary. But Teddy Flames was just willing to be employed and it didn't matter whether it was a regional promotion or HGC. He just wanted to be book."


"So I've talked to Gonzalez and introduce Teddy to the locker aka backstage area and two worked together. And even Terry got them on angle during March's event. Then everyone would go on their separate ways. Terry had other plans though."



"I've known The Flame Brothers before they went to SWF back during the 70's and I'll tell you that they were one of the hottest tag teams during that time period and even though the other guy had a chance to shine, these guys never separated themselves from each other that for as I know that went on for 20 years straight until Supreme Wrestling Federation released them from their contracts. It was amazing seeing those two guys wrestling as a team and against another heel tag team that SWF already made. Without the Blazin Flames, tag team wrestling in SWF would be dead. And same went during the 97 when it was only the Lords of War who are supporting the tag team rankings of SWF."


"These guys are creations of Eisen. And I wouldn't still believe that after these two guys worked on SWF, they just get fired. Unbelievable. Absolutely for me it is. But I guess that Richard Eisen has been like that since SWF was born."


"But the good thing came about it, we were able to sign one of them. And not just that but it was one of the signs that we are going to take over on the East Coast Wars."


<a href="

http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=TeddyFlame2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/TeddyFlame2.jpg" border="0" alt="Teddy Flame"></a><a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=JoeyFlame2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/JoeyFlame2.jpg" border="0" alt="Joey Flame"></a> <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=acemcqueen.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/acemcqueen.jpg" border="0" alt="Ace McQueen"></a><a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/?action=view&current=blackjack.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/East%20Coast%20War/XFW/blackjack.jpg" border="0" alt="Black Jack"></a>


SWF Archives footage: 1977, Vacated tag team championships on the line. The Deadly Gamble against the Blazin Flame. Chaim Silverman was ready on the announcer's table as a play by play commentator which made the match better. The Blazing Flames outperformed The Deadly Gamble but Ace McQueen cannot be overperformed by his opponents as he took the match further. The fans started to cheer as the Blazing Flames take control of the match. Teddy Flame goes up the top rope and sends Black Jack down with the missile dropkick. Several double team high flying moves are seen from the Blazing Flames as the fans are even getting the feeling of what these two teams had been through since their feud. It can't be over. Blazing Flames hits the Double Dropkick on Ace McQueen. They Double team Black Jack but he couldn't be taken down. But successfully they were able to take him down. Joey Flame goes for the moonsault right to McQueen and Teddy made Black Jack tap out!!!! Blazing Flames wins the SWF Tag team championship as the fans are in awe with their win.



"Good f*cking times." Richard Eisen laughs after the video was played and the camera focuses on him. "That match could simply turned out to be one of the most marketable tag team matches the whole world had ever seen during that time period. The fans were amazed by what could both Joey and Teddy pull off during that time and at the same time, they were afraid of the might and size of the Black Jacks. For years those two teams had been beating the hell out of each other and it didn't get boring at all. All of them had talent."


"Teddy could probably one of the better chain wrestlers in the roster during the 70's and his teaming with his brother made them better than ever. I'll admit that they actually became a very controversial mid card team from getting upsetting wins and upsetting loses."


"And when they were losing the shine, it was time. They had to retire so I came up the plan to release them and it went pretty well. But they didn't let the flame out yet. They continued to play on the indy scene and then when I heard Teddy signed to Xtreme Federation of Wrestling. That was very awkward signing but if he's gonna end his career there then alright. He wasn't my business anymore. Teddy became a very controversial character in XFW then and I don't know what the hell Lambert did with him since."



It has been a wild career for Micky Starr as an international icon. The fans had loved him and they will always ever be. Now we see him in the headquarters of what now known as USPW where he has been a great deal of the promotion. "Teddy Flame is not exactly one of those guys who had the destiny to be a star and probably when I heard of him signing to XFW, then alright. Lambert had probably realized that as well and I already know from that point, Teddy is up for a ride."

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