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The Jobber's Guide to Superstardom: 'The Tutorial'

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While "...was exhausted and unable to even finish the match, thus handing a rival promotion the GCG World Title." would be considered VERY BAD. Just ask Tenzan.


Excellent thread, it collects together in one place alot of the stuff I've been reading on the boards scattered over multiple threads and brings it all together. Very helpful.


I lol'd hard :p That would be so awesome in the next TEW game or so if cross-promotion matches could be possible. Thanks for the feedback and nice to hear that this is helpful.

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The implication I got from the stamina comments is that 'visible tired' won't adversely effect match grade. It's when it hits 'exhausted' that it hurts the match?


Yes, you are right about that. Or even if there is indeed a penalty for being 'visible tired' it's a really small one and not that noticeable. Being 'barely able to complete the match due to exhaustion' however drags down the match rating so much that you will notice it. In that test Gakusha vs. Cox 72min match got a D+, normally in a 30min match they would get C+/B- for sure.

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GCG Tiger's Roar Tour (Sun)

Medium, 2hrs



How did I book this, the formula once again step by step:


Main Event: Pistol Pete Hall vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

16+2, "All Out"


Semi-Main Event: Jack Marlowe vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha

21+2, "All Out"


Opener: Naonobu Murkami vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi

16+2 "All Out"


Rest of the card:


Ikina & Tayama vs. Griffin & Bennett



Takayuki 2000 & Eagle Kawasawa vs. Coleman & Ferdinand



Jimmy Cox vs. Mabuchi Furusawa



+ the two pre-show matches.








Masutaro Kataoka defeated SUKI
in 5:39 by submission with a Sunrise Hold. D+

Masutaro Kataoka seemed off his game tonight.
Masatake Hori and Isei Deushi have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Hanshiro Furusawa and Isei Deushi have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together
. The announcing quality lifted the match.

A nice grade from these two and look at that: Deushi has good chemistry with both guys at the announcing table, aren't we lucky?




Harumi Okazawaya defeated Namboku Makuda
in 9:39 by pinfall with a Hurricane Harumi. Harumi Okazawaya makes defence number 2 of his GCG Openweight Championship title. C-

It seems that the belt prestige lifted the match grade up by one, I wouldn't have expected yet another C- from Okazawaya, especially not against Makuda.





Toshiharu Hyobanshi defeated Naonobu Murkami
in 15:57 by pinfall with a Nova Bomb Redux. B-

Naonobu Murkami was visibly tiring toward the end.

The best possible grade that we could get from this match. Really good opener to get the crowd going.


Ikina & Tayama defeated Griffin & Bennett
in 8:24 when Yasuhide Tayama defeated Henry Bennett by pinfall. Ikina & Tayama make defence number 1 of their GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team titles. D+

Yasuhide Tayama was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. Shotaro Ikina is improving in Performance skills. Barry Griffin is improving in Rumble skills.

Tayama's 'Consistency' is at B- but hey anyone can have a bad day once in a while it seems.




Shingen Miyazaki defeated Rhino Umaga
in 16:11 by submission with an Ankle Lock. D

The match was too long given who was involved
. The announcing quality lifted the match.

Ouch, another too long match. Darn it, my bad!


Takayuki 2000 and Eagle Kawasawa defeated Coleman & Ferdinand
in 15:55 when Takayuki 2000 defeated Nathan Coleman by submission with a Persian Deathlock. C-

Stuart Ferdinand was really off his game tonight. Stuart Ferdinand was visibly tiring toward the end. Masatake Hori and Isei Deushi have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Hanshiro Furusawa and Isei Deushi have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. Eagle Kawasawa is improving in Technical skills. Nathan Coleman is improving in Performance skills.

Once again the same info about the announcing team. Ferdinand was off his game even though he's got B+ in 'Consistency'. Kawasawa is learning technical skills, perhaps we should book him against technical wrestlers only as he's far more able to learn technical skills rather than brawling due to his size.




Jimmy Cox defeated Mabuchi Furusawa
in 12:59 by pinfall with an Immortal Driver. C




Hiroyasu Gakusha defeated Jack Marlowe
in 20:52 by pinfall with a Gakusha Golden Bomb. B-

The announcing job done by Masatake Hori was pretty weak
. This match lifted the crowd.

Notice what it said about Hori, the match itself was too good compared to the announcing skill of Hori (C-) so it seems that any match that is near the 'B' grade will drag down due to Hori's horrible announcing. This doesn't mean a lot to us now but when we are reaching those awesome match grades we have to make sure that our announcing team can keep up with our wrestlers.




Pistol Pete Hall defeated Kiminobu Kuroki
in 15:52 by pinfall with a Pistol Whip Lariat. Pistol Pete Hall makes defence number 1 of his GCG World Heavyweight title. C

Pistol Pete Hall was visibly tiring toward the end. Kiminobu Kuroki was visibly tiring toward the end. Masatake Hori and Isei Deushi have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Hanshiro Furusawa and Isei Deushi have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together.

Ouch, botched the match order here it seems, the last two should have been the other way around.. I really underestimated Marlowe because he had D+ momentum going into the match against Gakusha and on the other hand I had forgotten just how good Marlowe actually is, wrestling wise or I had forgotten how bad Kuroki is.. Well, I'm gonna learn from this. However, look at this:



Overall Grade: C+


We still got a C+ from this show even though the Main Event 'bombed'.
And you know why we got the C+?
Because we booked the card well with a really strong opener and an even stronger semi-Main Event I'd presume: Even though the last match bombed and didn't end the show in way I had hoped for, the two B- matches in strategic slots saved the event from getting a C but on the other hand, we would have done good with a C- even so we are in no danger of not getting more popular. This just goes to show how important the placing of the matches is. If the opener would have been worse (C- to C+) the show could have still pulled a B- but if the semi-main event would have been C, this would have been a C show, no doubt about it. And if the main event would have pulled a B, I'm more than certain that it would have been enough to get a B overall grade aswell.
  • After the show there was a Eagle Kawasawa & Takayuki 2000 incident. Kawasawa pulled a "Mean-spirited prank on Takayuki", I chose 'Fatherly Approach' and got "It was just a prank, it was no big deal" response from Eagle Kawasawa. Next time I'll choose a more severe approach and we'll see if the Eagle flips us the bird.

Profit from the show: ~10,000$. I'm gonna stop reporting these profit numbers as I just mentioned them briefly for everyone to get the idea how much GCG is getting from these. This show was in Kanto btw, the biggest and most important region in Japan. I said before that I was going trough the regions from start to finish but then realised that we had to reach Cult as soon as possible, hence the show was held in Kanto in hopes that GCG would rise to Cult..


.. Wait a minute.



GCG has now risen to Cult Size.







First few shows!





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What you can do with Hori is remove him from announcing the opener, main and semi main and possibly ppv's all together. That way he will still get the skill increases without bringing down any matches. This is what I do when I am using someone in the third chair and he is not as good as the main two.


PS I am sorry I stated it as fact with the this is false comment I normally don't state my opinions as facts.

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This was sent as a PM from Infernalmiko and after answering the PM I thought that I should publish my answers aswell as I think this is a really good question! :cool:


Probably outside the scope of your diary, but I'm curious. For a performance based fed where angles don't help, what's the best way to build momentum? I generally try to match New Japan/AJW style booking so there is alot of trading wins in tag matches when building up to a singles match. That's not doing much to help momentum.:)



This isn't anywhere outside the scope of the diary, this is actually exactly what the diary is about! :)



'Trading wins' evens the score between the wrestlers in question but the tactic doesn't necessarily add any extra momentum: The one who has less momentum/popularity will only gain from the one that has more and in the end the result is that both quys end up being in the middle from which they started. Let's say that wrestler A starts with C momentum and wrestler B starts from B+.. With multiple 'trade wins' they will end up having B- momentum (C -> C+ -> B- is two steps away as from B+ -> B -> B- is two steps away), the marginal error being +/- one grade perhaps because they might actually lose momentum along the way.


Momentum, like popularity, is obtained from matches. By having great matches the wrestlers will gain popularity and momentum along with it. Here's my list of ways to create and maintain momentum:


1.) Chemistry. Chemistry is one of the things I like to use a lot to my advantage as it creates that very precious extra momentum and popularity. Using chemistry between your workers will result in the wrestlers having even bigger boost from good matches and this applies to wrestler-manager relationships too: If there's good chemistry, there's also a significant bonus to the match/angle grade aswell. Tag team chemistry can result in the tag team to get really popular really quick because they are constantly doing better and better matches because of the chemistry combined with the increasing tag team experience.

2.) Main eventer vs. 'Jobber'. People tend to overlook and underestimate this effect: You absolutely need to have your biggest stars crushing the guys down the card as they will get more popularity and momentum even if they lose, I really cannot stress this enough. They will get that precious 'on air time' even though they are losing: Fans care about the main eventer and while they don't care about the guy down below at the card that the main eventer is facing, that doesn't change the fact that they see the guy in action even if it's just the 5-15min. Jobbing your Enhancement talent all the way to midcarders is essential in order for the lower card guys to get momentum and popularity as the main eventer will give them those two things by just beating them. EDIT: Also works on angles: Make some "hired guns" attack a main eventer and stuff like that.. By just appearing in the same segment with a main eventer will give the less popular guys a boost.


The lower guys on the card will ride on the main eventer's popularity a long way and this is actually one of the key elements in BigPapa42's SWF diary: He really, and I mean really, protected all his main eventers and jobbed them very rarely as he wanted to keep that precious A* popularity with all of them because it helped everyone on the roster.


3.) The next one is pretty questionable and abusing the game mechanics but I'll reveal this aswell: Touring contracts. This is probably the biggest advantage of having touring schedule: Whenever the tour starts, anyone who is on a touring contract will have no momentum when they are signed. The momentum that they will get is taken straight from the first match they have on the toue and this is why it's wise to give them a fantastic first match by either losing or defeating a huge star. Let's say that the wrestler on the touring contract defeats a way bigger star on his match and gets his momentum to B+. Now you've got a touring worker who isn't even 'your own' and he's got B+ momentum. Are you going to keep him on a winning streak only to be released at the end of the tour? No. Are you going to protect him from losing his momentum? No. What you really want is to give that very momentum to all of 'your own' superstars. Job that touring worker until the tour is over but make sure that he isn't too mad towards you so that he'll come back for the next tour..


.. And on the next tour, guess what? He wont have that E- momentum when he starts the next tour. He's going to have no momentum. Until you give him the first great match and now he's back at B+ momentum again. :rolleyes:


4.) Skill development. Guys get over by wrestling good matches in a performance biased product so it's always wise to train your guys and really focus on skill development: If you notice a wrestlers rapidly improving in one area of skills, focus on that and have him match with the wrestlers who have those skills. Like with popularity, it's better to create a superstar by accident than none at all.

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Before Advancing to Day 2 in the WEXXV save, let's recap what actions I have done:

  • Added the two small sized 'Weekly' shows into the schedule for Wednesday and Saturday + annual event named "The Devil's Rejects" on Monday, Week 3 of January. We are at E- pop in Kanto and that's where we will stay until we reach C pop or so.

  • Raised the ticket prices +4 in every category and changed 'Production System' to 'Just In Time' in Merchandise menu.

  • Started negotations with The Big Problem, Chaos Demon #1 & #2, Kimitada Yanagita and Madman Boone. More on these selections when they sign with us. I know that some of you are thinking 'The Big Problem and Chaos Demons, are you serious?', yes I am and I'll explain why later.

  • Added Ryu Kajahara into the announcing team. He's the owner of the promotion on a Written contract (22 months, 2 weeks) of 18,000$ per month so we are going use him in every way possible.

  • Also in WEXXV save the Economy is on D+ and 'Rising' and 'Wrestling Industy' is on D and 'Rising' so that's good news for everyone of us in Japan. It's really weird to get the exact same levels in two different saves as the levels were the same in the GCG save too.

I'll recap the roster once more using three different categories regarding their ability and potential to get popular within this tour:


"Can get over easily"

Gareth Wayne, Hiroshi Morisue, Kimitada Ohishi, Larry Wood, Mamoru Nagahama, Munemitsu Senmatsu, Ryu Kajahara, Saionji Omura & Travis Century


"Not there yet"

Battle Sakata, Doug Peak, Henry Lee (Not until he learns Japanese), Koichi Kajiwara & Taheji Konoe


"Not even close"

Kinji Akamatsu, Matsudaira Morioka & Zeshin Makioka








Ryu Kajahara has given me six goals. The #2 is by far the hardest but not at all impossible to overcome, the other goals are really easy.






Goals #1 & #2:

Even though these are critical I'm not a least bit worried about them. We cannot possibly lose any popularity since we don't really have that much to begin with!


The second goal is a bit tricky. Notice the words "at any point". Not just when the goal ends, but any time during these next 28 months WEXXV cannot fall into debt or else FAIL. However, as cruel and critical this might seem, I'm not worried at all. Because I've been there and done that. I know when the trouble with Warrior Engine comes. It comes when the promotion jumps to Cult size. So to complete this goal and survive WEXXV cannot rise in size until it's perfectly safe to do show. Even if the company does rise in size to Cult I will instantly drop it back to Regional if I have to. We'll be paying close attention to the finances in this diary and it'll be interesting to see just how much profit we will do this year.



Goals #3 & #4:

Now here's the funny thing. The time limit for the Ohishi goal is 18 months. However, since he's 51 years old, I'm 100% certain that he will retire before the goal expires. And when Kimitada Ohishi retires, that goal will remove itself from the list because he's not an active wrestler anymore. I have seen this happen in few games actually and it could have even been the first WEXXV game that I had which had the same goal. Notice the wording 'when the time expires'. This would be a much, much more harder goal if we had to keep him on that momentum the whole time. Luckily, those kind of goals are pretty rare.


MMA Crossovers don't really concern us. They don't have good hardcore skills nor are they entertaining. Few might be menacing but there are already so many wrestlers with different styles that we just don't have a need for MMA guys in the first place.



Goals #5 & #6:

D- Toughness and 'Industry Reputation'. I just checked and every wrestler on the roster has his 'Toughess' atleast on D at minimum so no worries there and everyone has their 'IR' on A* so that's checked also. Don't confuse 'industry reputation' and 'respect' with each other, they are two completely different things.






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I have to tell you gyus that I'm really liking this diary and right now it feels so easy to write this stuff as it just flows so naturally :p









Day 2, Tuesday, Week 1


In the news section Yasuhide Tayama, the GCG star, was featured on the news. It said "Yasuhida Tayama On The Rise: In a move that will no doubt boost his reputation, Yasuhide Tayama was singled out by some industry insiders as 'the one to watch'. One source, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he 'is loaded with potential' and just needs more experience and some breaks."


So in this game Tayama seems to have a really high potential. I mentioned this one before, hints like these are really valuable to the player if and when the wrestlers in question become available to the player. It also adds a lot to the gameworld if you are interested in following it like I am.




Day 3, Wednesday, Week 1


WEXXV Bloodbath Tour (Wednesday)

Small, 1Hr


I mentioned the match/angle ratio before and said that I'll change it from 90% to either 70 or 80%. I chose the latter,
, as it's closer to 90% but still allows us do more with angles, etc so it'll be the 80/20 match/angle ratio in this save. We will be holding the show (and the next hundred shows or so) in
as I have mentioned before because it's the biggest and most important region in Japan, thus guaranteeing steady income from Warrior Engine.


One more thing: I seriously recommend
for some great hardcore matches that you can import to your game since the default database of Cornellverse doesn't include that many hardcore matches in the first place. So, I have uploaded every match from SWIFT's British Steel mod which was released a long time ago. He has now actually made a new mod so check it out! With that being said, let's get started!




So with a 1Hr show and 60min to use, we are going for three six (6) min angles and three matches with the combined lenght of 42min. Notice that 18min from 60min is not 80%, it's 70%.
That's because there is a +/- 10% leeway in the match/angle ratio:
Now that we have selected the 80/20 match/angle ratio in the Product section, we can actually use 90/10 or 70/30 or anything in between in reality because of the ten percent leeway. We will be going with just three matches in one show just to see how much we will lose from the show. I've also added an 8 man unchained storyline involving Kajahara, Ohishi, Omura, Senmatsu, Wood, Morisue, Wayne, Nagahama and Sakata, simple title as 'World', referring to World title. The storyline was just created to get these eight men some initial momentum boost as these eight men will be somewhat the key players, atleast during the first tour.




1. Main Event.

Just like with GCG, we will start booking from the main event and in WEXXV main event means Ryu Kajahara. He starts with B popularity overall Japan but he will get to A* in just few shows because of his insane entertainment skills.


I'll select a BBW-Style Deathmatch which is 10min long with 8min non-wrestling time because of the set up which consists of Bed of Nails, thumbtacks and barbed wire boards. Injury and Content risk is 'Very High' so the match is perfect for us. So the main event is:


Ryu Kajahara
vs. Gareth Wayne, 18min




2. Semi-Main event and the Opener.

I booked another BBW-Style Deathmatch for our semi-main event:

Larry Wood
vs. Kimitada Ohishi, 10+8.



The opener is a hardcore match:

Munemitsu Senmatsu
vs. Battle Sakata for the Warrior's Heart title, 4+2.


3. The Angles.


The angles are six (6) minutes long because that is the minimum for any angle to affect on worker's popularity and momentum


With only three six minute angles we need to make the best out of every minute available and this goes for every entertainment product. So with that in mind let's start with the last angle:


Monster Unleashed Ver1, 6min. Attacker: Munemitsu Senmatsu, rated on 'Menace' (A*) and 'Victim' Ryu Kajahara, rated on Overness of B. So expect a nice A grade from the very last segment of the show.


Then the first angle of the show, befor the first match: Promo - Singles, Catalyst Ryu Kajahara, rated on 'Entertainment' which is A for him. Subject is Gareth Wayne who's not rated on anything so this angle goes over with just Kajahara's entertainment skills combined with his popularity and his gimmick rating. Gimmick ratings can add extra or take away from the segment. Currently Kajahara's gimmick at the start is 'Psycho' and he has an amazing A* grade as the current gimmick rating. Wow.


The angle in the middle will be 'Monster Unleashed Ver1', 6min, attacker being Larry Wood, rated on 'Menace' (A*) and the victim being Kimitada Ohishi, rated on Overness of C. So expect a B- grade from this segment.


Here's what it looks on the 'paper'.





Without further adieu, let's run the show!




WEXXV Bloodbath Tour (Wednesday)

215 people at Gunam Hall, Kanto


Ryu Kajahara cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Gareth Wayne. A

The World storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.


Munemitsu Senmatsu defeated Battle Sakata in 3:43 by pinfall with a Super Smash Lariat. Munemitsu Senmatsu makes defence number 1 of his WEXXV Warrior's Heart title. D-

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Munemitsu Senmatsu is improving in Performance skills.


Kimitada Ohishi is in the ring. Out of nowhere, Larry Wood hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Kimitada Ohishi completely destroyed. C


Larry Wood defeated Kimitada Ohishi in 9:37 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot. D

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Kimitada Ohishi is improving in Performance skills.


Ryu Kajahara defeated Gareth Wayne in 10:30 by submission with a Kajahara Claw. C+

The World storyline has continued with this match. Gareth Wayne is improving in Performance skills.


Ryu Kajahara is in the ring. Out of nowhere, Munemitsu Senmatsu hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Ryu Kajahara completely destroyed. B

The World storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.


Overall Show Grade: C+


After the show there was an incident with Battle Sakata and Gareth Wayne, mean-spirited prank. I gave Sakata a 'stern warning' into which he replied 'whatever'. Yeah, we weren't going to push you in the first place



We lost -4,555$ from the show and now have 95,445 cash left. So now at all bad first show with that many upper midcarders and main eventers. I'll now examine the show segment by segment, trying to see why those grades were given as to be perfectly honest I was expecting a bit better grades from few segments but I had forgotten to check the gimmick ratings. So, let's start with segment one.




Kajahara promo, 6min, A grade. The old man has A's all over in entertainment, has B popularity and has A* in gimmick rating so it's no wonder that this got an A. I've also noticed that no matter what the first segment of the show is, whether it's an angle or a match, it will automaticly get a higher than normal grade. I could of course be just imagining things but observe your shows and then compare the segment to another similar segment that is on in the middle of the show. If this angle had been any longer it would have gotten A* for sure.


Senmatsu def. Sakata, 4+2, D-. Nothing special here and just the grade that I was expecting from this.


Wood attacks Ohishi, 6min, C and this is why it got only a C grade when I was rightfully expecting B-. Wood's gimmick is 'Psycho' and it's rated B. Ohishi's gimmick is 'Wild Man' and it's rated C-. That's why it got such a low grade compared to that which I expected it to get as Ohishi's bad gimmick rating dragged the whole segment down. I'm going to change Ohishi's gimmick to a better one and
I'd like to recap the way to select a gimmick.


When in the Roster menu, select the worker and then click on the 'Gimmick' button (The one which has that shades and hat man, the second from the right), there's also the current gimmick's name below it. When choosing gimmicks:


Know your worker but this isn't really that important and that's because most of the time the suitable gimmicks are already from those areas in which the worker is already good at. Ohishi has D in 'Babyface' and B+ in 'Heel' and has A' in 'Crazy', B in 'Legimate', B+ in 'Brute' and B- in 'Weird. Logically we want a crazy heel gimmick for Ohishi as it suits him the best.


Know your product and know which one your fans like: Simple or subtle gimmicks. WEXXV's hardcore fans really like those subtle, complex gimmicks and hate simple mainstream so we want to pay an extra attention to the gimmick's 'Subtlety' rating.


'Exclude gimmicks that don't suit this worker', this one goes without saying. Don't choose a gimmick that your worker can't pull off.


So with these in mind let's see what gimmicks are good for Ohishi. Excluding the unsuitable gimmicks and putting the 'Basis' filter to 'Crazy' we get 'None' so the A* skill in gimmicks which are listed as 'Crazy' is out of the question. Let's try 'Brute' where Ohishi has B+. We get Biker, Bodygoard, Bully and Man Beast, none of which have enough subtlety as they range from F+ to E. Let's try another 'Basis' filter: 'Weird'. Now we get Acolyte, Bum, Evil Doer, Maniac and Pyromaniac.


Acolyte & Evil Doer: A in Heels but no subtlety. Bum: Only it's risk is A. Pyromaniac: Nice B- in Heel but no subtlety. Wait a minute..


Maniac: B+ in 'Heels', difficulty at B and it's subtlety is D. "There is no reason why Kimitada Ohishi shouldn't be able to use this gimmicks succesfully" "Gimmick change could be made straigt away, there would be no need to keep Ohishi off screen at all."


Perfect. Click and now it's been selected and the gimmick will be changed the next time Ohishi appears on-screen on the show.


I now checked every worker's gimmick rating and most of them are in the B- to B+ scale which is awesome. There were only few C+'s on the roster so we're done with gimmicks until someone gets stale.


Wood d. Ohishi, D. Nothing special here.


Kajahara d. Wayne, C+. I honestly didn't expect a C+ from this match at all. Now that I look at it afterwards the C+ grade from the best is mainly because of Wayne who has C in Hardcore, Kajahara has C-. As we all remember high risk matches get that special bonus in a product that is very keen on Hardcore (duh) but this is yet another great example of what that actually means. Even the sloppiest and unskilled worker can get good matches with WEXXV as long as that guy has great 'Hardcore' skill. That is the very reason I'm going to hire the Chaos Demons. More on that later though.


Senmatsu attacks Kajahara, B. Senmatsu has B+ in gimmick rating and A in 'Menace' but because of his C popularity the angle was 'only a B'. Once he gets more popular, even if it's just one grade, the angle grade will obviously get better aswell.







Kajahara B -> B+

Ohishi C -> C-

Wood: E+ -> D-


On the next show I'm thinking of splitting the 18 minutes of angles just into two 9min angles just to see if and when we get someone, apart from Kajahara, over with a long angle.



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Yay, an eventual appearance by my second most favorite C-verse japanese tag team!


But just so the completely slow (me) can fully understand it: Long good angles = very good for popularity building and (Long) good matches = very good for popularity building. So all a worker reallly have to do is pull off some great grades and he should be on the rise?

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Yay, an eventual appearance by my second most favorite C-verse japanese tag team!


But just so the completely slow (me) can fully understand it: Long good angles = very good for popularity building and (Long) good matches = very good for popularity building. So all a worker reallly have to do is pull off some great grades and he should be on the rise?


In a performance biased product long matches equals good grades.


In a popularity biased product long angles equals good grades.

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I've also noticed that no matter what the first segment of the show is, whether it's an angle or a match, it will automaticly get a higher than normal grade. I could of course be just imagining things but observe your shows and then compare the segment to another similar segment that is on in the middle of the show


I Have noticed this as well and remarked on it somewhere else, so you are not alone in thinking it.

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I see how to use the angles now. I wasn't using the right stats for the right angles, using entertainment stats to run entertainment angles instead of menace for promos and such. Matching the right stats to the right angle helps a ton. Thanks for the tips.


How are you using story lines? All unchained, or are you using specific ones?

I tend to use the 8 man tournaments and the Tag Team ones. I just added a second belt to my MAW game, a midcard belt, so i used the 8 man story line to set up a winner for it. Is that good or should i just use the Unchained ones till my guys get more over?

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I see how to use the angles now. I wasn't using the right stats for the right angles, using entertainment stats to run entertainment angles instead of menace for promos and such. Matching the right stats to the right angle helps a ton. Thanks for the tips.


How are you using story lines? All unchained, or are you using specific ones?

I tend to use the 8 man tournaments and the Tag Team ones. I just added a second belt to my MAW game, a midcard belt, so i used the 8 man story line to set up a winner for it. Is that good or should i just use the Unchained ones till my guys get more over?


You're more than welcome.


Nowadays I just use unchained, no matter what the promotion is. The default storylines however are good for any new player as they are logical and the tailored storylines help you to keep track on what's going on, however getting the right angles with the right participants is quite time consuming (setting up the right catalysts, victims and such) and thus I don't really use them because I have to constantly switch the menu from one to another. If you are into storylines there's lots and lots of great storyline packs out there aswell.


It really depends on the player and I know a lot of guys who play game just because of the possible storylines they can do as it's the storylines that feed them in order for them to continue with the game. I don't belong to that group as I very rarely even play entertainment promotions (WEXXV being the exception but mainly because it's Hardcore entertainment) and while I've done multiple diaries with various storylines (just for the sake of the diary) I've always created that 'controlled chaos' using unchained storylines that was mentioned in the 'Must read diaries' thread :p


To your last question: It really doesn't matter which storyline you use as there's no particular bonus in any of them, meaning that there is no particular storyline which would get your workers over instantly. It's not the storylines which do the trick, it's the actual matches and angles that make the storyline itself. You just have to book your workers smart by angles and/or matches depending on what your product is. If you are an entertainment promotion you want the entertaining guys doing promos and menacing workers attacking everyone in menace based angles or by having a manager hyping up his/her's clients and so on. Storylines are there for you in order to just book more realisticly and like I said, for one to keep easy track on what happened last show and what will happen in the next one. Storylines themselves just give that extra boost to the grades of the angles and matches of the wrestlers that are active in that storyline if it has enough heat and momentum. It also boost attendance numbers of course, don't forget to advance book!


You can do perfectly fine without any storylines whatsoever actually (Unless you are an entertainment product with 70/30 or lower match/angle ratio as you need to have that and that many active storylines (Unless you switch the strict storylines penalty off from the options!)). Like a good gimmick rating or advance booking way ahead, storylines just give that extra boost. :p

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Gotcha. That's clear and easy to follow. I'll use the unchanged ones for simplicity. I can do tournaments and such on paper or in my head. :)


I always seem to forget to check gimmicks and to make sure the fit when i start a new game. I'll have to keep an eye on that and check my current MAW game. I've noticed that it really affects the grade if a guy doesn't fully fit the gimmick. A good thing for me to keep in mind.


On Advanced Booking, how far ahead do you do that? How important is it use? What's the effect of it? I haven't really used the feature but a few times so far for the RCI. I get that i need to work on using it more to pull of better events. I used it once and had a key guy go down, was disappointing.

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I see. That's a tad cheap to advance book the day before. Still, worth doing. It'll work great for a smaller promotion where money is a big deal to fill the venue with people.Very good to know.



I took alot of the advice here and modified some gimmicks, unchanged some guys for storylines, gonna add the advance booking to the mix and i think my game will improve alot. Great thread. A huge help.



you rock Fin and all the ppl in this thread.

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From what I've seen in my limited game play is the longer out you Advance Book, the higher the HEAT for some matches will go up. I don't know if the higher heat equates to anything else (higher rating for match? more momentum from match? maybe more fans/viewers to tune in? or)


the other thing I found was I could change the advanced booked match (which wipes out all the heat, but did not punish for not having the billed match). I had booked the month end show 30 days out, and when I got to the event I realized Magnum was somewhere else and I modified the match on the Advanced Booking to change to a new opponent.

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In response to the questions from earlier regarding if a wrestler's style and the type of product of a promotion will have an effect on matches, I decided to run a test.


I took the INSPIRE style, because it has a extreme obvious biase toward a certain type of wrestling. Created six wrestlers with the exact same stats. All 70s except Resilience and Consistent were set to 100 to reduce the impact injuries and offnights would have on the test. For the test I set all six wrestlers to the same style and ran a series of matches.


The best wrestler for this product worked out to be technician at +35.

Disregarding all matches there were effected by outside factors like injuries, chemistry and off nights, it had 6 B matches. 10 B- matches. And 5 C+ matches.


Surprisingly, entertainer worked out closest to zero, at -2.

Disregarding all matches there were effected by outside factors like injuries, chemistry and off nights, it had 4 B- matches, 11 C+ matches and 5 C matches.


Luchadore tested as the worst style at a big -39.

Disregarding all matches there were effected by outside factors like injuries, chemistry and off nights, it had 14 C+ matches and 7 C matches.


This is not a very scientific test, the number of matches in the sample is fairly small and I only tested three styles. But there clearly seemed to be a difference in results. Technicians averaged B-, Entertainers averaged C+, Luchadores averaged a lower C+ but without the chance of a higher rated match, and having a greater chance of the match being below average.

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In response to the questions from earlier regarding if a wrestler's style and the type of product of a promotion will have an effect on matches, I decided to run a test.


I took the INSPIRE style, because it has a extreme obvious biase toward a certain type of wrestling. Created six wrestlers with the exact same stats. All 70s except Resilience and Consistent were set to 100 to reduce the impact injuries and offnights would have on the test. For the test I set all six wrestlers to the same style and ran a series of matches.


The best wrestler for this product worked out to be technician at +35.

Disregarding all matches there were effected by outside factors like injuries, chemistry and off nights, it had 6 B matches. 10 B- matches. And 5 C+ matches.


Surprisingly, entertainer worked out closest to zero, at -2.

Disregarding all matches there were effected by outside factors like injuries, chemistry and off nights, it had 4 B- matches, 11 C+ matches and 5 C matches.


Luchadore tested as the worst style at a big -39.

Disregarding all matches there were effected by outside factors like injuries, chemistry and off nights, it had 14 C+ matches and 7 C matches.


This is not a very scientific test, the number of matches in the sample is fairly small and I only tested three styles. But there clearly seemed to be a difference in results. Technicians averaged B-, Entertainers averaged C+, Luchadores averaged a lower C+ but without the chance of a higher rated match, and having a greater chance of the match being below average.


Nice work but way ahead of ya hehe.


Wrestler Type vs Product: The Test.


Too bad this got buried but since the topic came up. Plus there is a related thread that uses extra math to incorporate Heavy and Medium settings although as my test showed Key is very, very dominant. Still if anyone can find that thread would be nice. If memory serves me it was made by ampulator.


Also please remember that wrestler type is not the most important thing it is more important that their skills fit the product and any type of wrestler can get over in any type of promotion.

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Konnichiwa Hydie,


Hyde's post which was the basis of the math.


Amp's Post. I used his x3x2x1 method.


None of which I mentioned because I thought I was posting on the thread that was discussing to what degree this system actually effected match ratings and not just push. Which is evidently not this thread because I just tried to find the post I was replying to and could not. :confused:


So disregard, I'll find the thread again later and be ready.:)

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Wrestler type doesn't effect match rating at all mate. It effects push mainly and possibly overness/momentum gain. As noted its about the skills not the type. It is more a guideline as far as skills go as Cruiserweights generally won't be good at brawling/technical stuff so would falter in say INSPIRE or PGHW but for instance Ota who starts as a cruiser has excellent technical skills so can work in PGHW. Your test more or less shows this as C+ to B- average can be explained by all the outside factors that are more important.
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Wrestler type doesn't effect match rating at all mate.


You know, I don't know that for a fact. It's not that I'm doubting you, it''s just that, we don't know if does affect the match rating. We do know, because of your tests, they definitely affect the push. I still don't know if it doesn't affect the match rating or not, though.


My suspicions while playing game suggests that, all other thing being equal, style MAY affect the match rating (example: if two wrestlers are exactly the same, but have different styles, the one with the style that suits the product does a tiny bit better). It might very marginal, but it could be difference from a A and A*.

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