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WWE: The Times They Are A Changing

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Rumours from backstage at Bragging Rights seems to suggest a new member of the creative team being appointed, AJ Strummer.He will supposedly start working immediately, with his first show possibly being RAW tomorrow, more news on this as we get it.



(O.O.C: No particularly elaborate backstory for this one, Bragging Rights should be up shortly, then the diary will start proper)

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The Show starts with a video beginning with the history of the draft split, clips of the very first draft and then the most shocking trades of the next years, before moving on to show the current stars of the raw and smackdown brands in action, ending on the captains of the teams, D-X and Y2J and Kane.


The Show Kicks Off with all the extravagant pyro as Jerry “The King” Lawler and Michael Cole welcome us to the show.




The Raw Divas (Kelly, Gail Kim and Melina) Vs The Smackdown Divas (Michelle McCool,Beth Phoenix and Natalya)





The match started slowly enough with Michelle McCool and Melina in ring. McCool and Melina started with a real brawl between the rival brands, McCool tagged out to Natalya before too long to avoid Melina’s wrath and Natalya briefly took control of the match using her technical finesse. Gail Kim was tagged in and launched herself from the top rope to once again re-gain the advantage from team Raw, Beth Phoenix and Kelly Kelly were both tagged in and the match degraded into little more than an uncontrollable brawl, however Phoenix took control in the chaos and hit Kelly with “The Glam Slam” while Natalya and McCool kept Kim and Melina out of the ring long enough for Phoenix to get the win for Smackdown.


Winners:Team Smackdown (Michelle McCool,Natalya and Beth Phoenix)





Backstage Chris Jericho is giving an interview with our new backstage interviewer, Joey Styles


J.S: Chris, tonight you will be leading your fellow Smackdown superstars into battle with the raw team, which includes your tag partner, Big Show, are you confident of victory?


C.J: Confident? , Joey of course I’m confident, there is no way that that joke of a brand will be able to stand the domination that is before them. I mean look at their team, you have D Generation X, two men who are long past relevance, you have Mark Henry, somebody who could’ve been a dominant force in the WWE but instead choose to suck up to the sycophants and hypocrites that make up our audience and you have three men who have never been in such a high pressure match, Rhodes, Swagger, Kingston.....and then you have The Big Show, I won’t lie, he’s a force to be reckoned with, but you know what Joey..... So am I.




The Miz Vs John Morrison



The two former tag partners stand opposite each other, their eyes fixed on the other. Miz mouths “Jannetty” at Morrison as the bell rings, Miz immediately goes on the offensive beating Morrison down to the mat at every opportunity and delivering kicks to the ribs of Morrison while he’s down on the mat. Morrison eventually reverses the tide and get’s back into the swing of things, matching Miz blow for blow, Miz attempts to get back into it by hitting a quick neckbreaker, but as he goes up to the top rope, Morrison gets up, runs towards Miz and hits a dropkick on the arrogant youngster. Both men are down as the referee begins the mandatory ten count , The Miz manages to get up first and as Morrison charges towards him he hits a Reality Check on Morrison, he makes the cover...1...2....NO Kick Out by Morrison! The crowd goes wild as The Miz furiously argues with the referee, his temper getting the better of him The Miz turns around from the referee and right into a superkick from Morrison, Morrison sensing his advantage heads for the top and connects with Starship Pain and the referee makes the 3 count as the crowd celebrates Morrison’s win.



Winner:John Morrison




Backstage Randy Orton is standing in his dressing room, getting ready for his match, Rhodes and DiBiase come into the locker room, Orton stares them down before questioning Rhodes on if he’s ready for his match tonight. Rhodes tells him he’s ready to make his name at the expense of the Smackdown roster, Orton orders Rhodes to go see the rest of his team and Rhodes leaves. Orton looks right at DiBiase “Tonight is our chance to get rid of Cena, once and for all, and we can’t afford to screw this up, so I need to know, that you’ve got my back”, DiBiase takes what seems like an eternity to respond.... “Sure Randy, we’re a unit, I’ve always got your back”, DiBiase walks off as Orton glares at him.




We See a video that reveals tomorrow’s guest host on Raw Will be Viva La Bam star, Bam Margera! the video also promises an appearance from the chairman of the WWE, Vince McMahon.




Team Raw Versus Team Smackdown


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This match was initially seen as a bit of a cluster, with the first five minutes basically being somewhat akin to a battle royal with all fourteen men brawling in ring, they fought each other out of the ring, eventually leading to Triple H and Kane remaining in ring and beginning the match proper, the two men get brutal with each other, with Kane coming out on top beating Triple H pretty severely until HBK comes in for the save fighting back Kane. Matt Hardy gets the tag in however and holds his own with the Heartbreak Kid, until he is assaulted from behind by Jack Swagger, the referee removes Swagger but HBK once again gains control of the match. HBK tags out to Cody Rhodes who continues to beat on Hardy, keeping Raw in control before he tags out to Mark Henry, Henry used his strength to really beat down on Hardy, however when he goes for a big splash on Hardy, he rolls from beneath him and manages to rally toward his corner where he tags in R-Truth. Truth uses his quick and unique offense to manage to combat Henry’s obvious weight advantage, Truth hits various dropkicks on Henry but doesn’t quite manage to get it done, however The Hart Dynasty lend some help and between the three of them they manage to get Henry down, as Hardy heads to the top to hit a big legdrop, R-Truth makes the pin, but Henry kicks out at two to the relief of his Raw teammates. Finlay is tagged in and begins to weaken the big man by working over his knee as Henry’s raw teammates rally him on from the corner. Finlay tagged in Tyson Kidd who straight away goes to the top rope, he launches himself at Henry, but is caught in mid air and hit with a world’s strongest slam, they both begin to crawl towards their respective corners , Kidd gets their first tagging in David Hart Smith, but Henry also get’s to his, and Kofi Kingston is in, the two youngsters go at each other with Kingston using his speed to his advantage, Smith gets a slight advantage and even hit’s a running powerslam for a near fall, but Kingston rallies back and a quick dropkick, leaves Smith prone to a Boom Drop however as he runs toward Smith to complete the move, Jericho out of nowhere runs into the ring and hit’s him with a Code Breaker leading to Rhodes and Swagger immediately running in taking out Y2J and eventually all 14 men are in ring brawling. In the midst of the anarchy, The Big Show goes to clothesline Matt Hardy but Hardy ducks and Big Show takes out Chris Jericho, looking shocked for a moment before Mark Henry takes him out, the ring is eventually cleared and Matt Hardy turns straight around right into Cody Rhodes, hitting him with a Crossrhodes and pinning him for a huge victory for team Raw.


Winners:Team Raw (D-X,Rhodes,Kingston,Big Show,Swagger and Mark Henry)


Afterwards Rhodes celebrates with Swagger, Kingston and Henry in ring, D-X both go up to him and after a brief staredown, offer him their hands, Rhodes looks at them and somewhat begrudgingly shakes their hands before telling them this doesn’t make them friends, or even allies and leaving the ring with the rest of team Raw. On the outside Y2J and Big Show get into a bit of heated debate, which results in Big Show shoving Jericho to the mat, calling him a loser, Jericho get’s into his face, but Jericho eventually relents and apologizes to Big Show, who graciously accepts and also apologizes for his clothesline and the two leave together.




A vignette plays showing various workers being interviewed.



“The man is a true student of the game, he possesses a technical knowledge like none other of his generation”



“All in all, there’s a reason, they call him the best in the world”


American Dragon-Coming Soon.




Backstage Teddy Long is in his office with Team Smackdown, they’re arguing amongst themselves as Long tries to calm them down, however they all fall quiet as Vince McMahon walks into shot, he tells them all to get out, he looks Long straight in the eye and tells him “We need to have a talk”



CM Punk Vs Undertaker Vs Batista Vs Rey Mysterio (World Heavyweight Championship)


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The Match began with all three men going after Punk, who immediately dives out of the ring and refuses to get back in, Undertaker chases after him on the outside as Batista and Mysterio, shake and then lock up, with Batista taking Mysterio down using his power game, as Batista is in control, Punk attacks him from behind trying to use technical skill to keep Batista down, but Undertaker again pursues him out of the ring. Mysterio goes to the top and hits a crossbody on Batista, the two continue their battle but are once again stopped by Punk who quickly rushes in an attempt to take out both men, he hits Batista with a stiff kick to the head and beats down Mysterio but seems to forget about the Undertaker who finally gets his hands on Punk knocking him silly with a big boot, he continues to beat down the straight edge superstar, before Batista attacks him from behind and the two beat on each other with ferocious fury, the two big men using power moves in an attempt to immobilize the other, in all this Punk begins to walk backstage, Undertaker see’s this and begins to stalk him backstage, leaving the match apparently as just Mysterio and Batista. The two men put on a back and forth match for around five minutes all the time the announcers speculating exactly where Punk and Undertaker are, however just as Batista set’s up Mysterio for a Batista bomb a huge exodus of smackdown superstars hit the ring, Dolph Ziggler,Kane,Mike Knox, The Hart Dynasty, Charlie Haas and Drew McIntyre are amongst them and they assault both Batista and Mysterio, hitting them with chairs and busting them both wide open,the referee calls for the bell ruling it a no contest.



Vince McMahon comes out and tells the referee if he continues he will lose his job, the match will continue, as this is said,CM Punk comes from behind Vince and walks towards the ring, the attackers allow him in as he picks up Mysterio and hit’s him with a G2S and covers him, the referee is hesitant but Vince orders him to make the count, the count is made and CM Punk celebrates his title win as the Smackdown roster applauds him, he walks up the ramp, towards Vince and they look each other in the eye....and shake hands, walking backstage together.


Winner:CM Punk



As they walk backstage the camera feed goes to backstage footage, of a beaten and bloody Undertaker being attended to by the likes of Matt Hardy, Finlay, R-Truth and Cryme Tyme.


Joey Styles is standing by with John Cena


J.S: John, this is without doubt one of the biggest matches of your career, how are you feeling?


J.C: Joey, I could do what I normally do make jokes or call Randy a stupid name, but not tonight. This is all about business, you’re damn right, this is one of the biggest matches of my career and fact of the matter is, if I don’t win then I’m gone from raw, there’s not much else to say. I’ve never been more focused on winning, tonight it ends Randy, i will walk out of here a champion or a broken man, but one thing’s for sure, win or lose, Randy you will never be the same.



Randy Orton Vs John Cena (WWE Championship)


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As both men get into the ring and stare deeply both at each other and then at the title belt held high by the referee, they lock up as the bell rings and the 60 minute marathon begins.




Cena is initially being beaten down heavily by Orton, Orton begins to work over the knee of Cena, stomping down on it with thunderous blows. The crowd is rallying behind Cena early in the match, but Cena is still being beaten down.




Cena has turned the tide, but the damage may well have been done, his knee seems weak and Orton knows it, Cena clotheslines Orton to the outside, but Orton dives at his knee taking him out completely, Cena rolls back into the ring at the 8 count, but Orton has regained control of the match.




Cena and Orton are level pegging, the two are delivering shot after shot on each other, Orton tries to go for an RKO but Cena pushes himself out of it and the frustration seems to be building within Orton.




Cena takes control of the match after a real rousing comeback, Cena gets Orton up for the Attitude Adjustment, but his knee buckles beneath him and out of nowhere Orton hits an RKO, he gets the cover and the three counts is made


Orton-1 Cena-0




At the halfway point, Cena seems to be seriously injured, his knee is causing him severe pain, and Orton is completely taking advantage, Orton hits a devastating backbreaker on Cena, and then lifts him up for yet another RKO, a second pinfall is made.


Orton-2 Cena-0




The match just restarts after the break for Orton’s pinfall, he immediately goes right back after Cena’s knee, but Cena see’s him coming, he schoolboys Orton and get’s a shock pinfall to get himself back into the match!


Orton-2 Cena-1




Orton is back to dominating the match, he seems to realize he cannot afford to be pinned again, but cannot himself put Cena down for another three count.




As time goes by and the end is near, Orton again is trying to put Cena away, he attempts a clothesline on Cena, but Cena lifts him up onto his shoulders and hit’s a stunning attitude adjustment, he locks in the STF and despite heavy resistance, Orton taps out!


Orton-2 Cena-2




Both men are exhausted ,they are putting their heart into the match, with everything on the line for the two men, Orton realising a draw will keep his title but not banish Cena, begins to throw everything at him and Cena retaliates, however with minutes to go Ted DiBiase comes out from the back, chair in hand. The Referee attempts to cut him off but Orton shoves Cena into the referee, DiBiase jumps into the ring and swings at Cena, but Cena ducks and Orton gets hit, DiBiase looks shocked but Cena clotheslines him other the top rope, the seconds tick away, ten left on the clock, Cena pins Orton as the referee comes to,5 seconds, 1-2.........3! Cena Wins!


60.00: Orton-2 Cena-3


As Cena celebrates his victory, DiBiase walks to the back as Orton comes too and is irate at his loss, Cena’s the new World champion and the PPV goes off the air as he celebrates.



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WWE Raw #1 Preview


One night removed from Bragging Rights and our guest host, Bam Margera will surely be changing the face of Raw for this week!.


We have already heard that just 24 hours after all six men made huge news at Bragging Rights, Legacy and Randy Orton will face off with D-X and John Cena. D-X and Rhodes shared a handshake last night, while DiBiase accidentally cost Orton the title, will Legacy crumble,at the hands of D-X and Cena?


Also we know that Chris Jericho and The Big Show will face a mystery team of Bam Margera's choosing. Y2J and Show had a slight altercation last night, will this bubble to the surface tonight or will it be plain sailing for the tag champs?


MVP and Carlito will also be in action against each other in an effort to cement their position as contenders for not only the US Title but the World Championship also.


There will also be divas action, As Jillian Hall and Maryse take on Melina and Gail Kim.


Finally Chavo Guerrero will take on Hornswoggle in a No-DQ Match, will Chavo finally get his win or will Hornswoggle embarrass him further?


All this plus Vince McMahon's huge announcement which promises to rock Raw to it's foundations!


Prediction Key


D-X and Cena Versus Orton,Rhodes and DiBiase

Chavo Guerrero Versus Hornswoggle

US Title:The Miz Versus Mark Henry

Unified Tag Titles: Y2J and Big Show Versus ??? and ???

MVP Versus Carlito

Jillian and Maryse Versus Melina and Gail Kim


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I'm digging this so far and hope you keep it up. The American Dragon vignette is exactly how they should be introducing him.


Prediction Key


D-X and Cena Versus Orton,Rhodes and DiBiase

A lose here accelerates the Legacy split.

Chavo Guerrero Versus Hornswoggle

I hope you see fit to push Chavito

US Title:The Miz Versus Mark Henry

Mark Henry needs a title to be legit while the Miz can get over with his mouth. Maybe he could move into a program with Cena?

Unified Tag Titles: Y2J and Big Show Versus ??? and ???

Too soon to have Jerishow drop the belts. A schmozz finish with an argument would be the way to go, unless you want to hotshot a new tag team...

MVP Versus Carlito

Carly has more upside, in my estimation. I don't know what there is to do with MVP.

Jillian and Maryse Versus Melina Pand Gail Kim

Melina is hot.

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WWE Raw #1



A video package showing last night’s highlights plays, we see Cody Rhodes getting the pinfall last night, D-X offering him the handshake and his acceptance, as well as Cena-Orton highlights and the erroneous chair shot from DiBiase on Orton.


The Pyro goes off as The King and Michael Cole welcome us to Raw, as the show opens Randy Orton’s music plays as the former champion walks to the ring


“Last Night was supposed to be my triumph over Cena, in our final battle and it would’ve been had it not been for my so called protégé, Ted DiBiase, and Cena I may not be able to get another title shot against you, but that won’t stop me kicking you all over this arena, I want a match tonight”


Orton stands waiting as Cena’s music hits and the champ comes down to the ring


“Randy, Randy, Randy, the former world champion, you know, I’d be more than happy to listen to you run your mouth and tell me how your boyfriend’s chair shot cost you your title and you wanna beat the hell out of me, but I’m sick of it, you lost in ring last night, you get no title shots while I’m champion, but yeah, i’ll give you a match, if you think you can handle it”



As the two square up, our guest host Bam Margera comes down to the ring


“Whoa hold it, you little jerks, not now guys, now I like a good old fashion asskicking as much as the next guy, but tonight I already got a little match lined up, you see it’ll be Randy Orton and Legacy against D-X and John Cena, so you two go back there, get prepared and let the mayhem begin, oh and by the way, the 6 man tag, will be jackass rules!”


Orton stares at him


“What the hell are jackass rules?”


Bam looks at him like he’s an idiot


“Jackass rules are, there are no rules”


He grins and leaves the ring, as we go to commercial break.





In our opening match, we see two men who are desperate to move higher up the ranks on Raw, MVP begins by dominating Carlito, before Carlito begins a comeback and hits a backcracker, unfortunately for the southpaw from San Juan, MVP kicks out at the 2 count, eventually MVP hit the Ballin’ Elbow and followed it up with The Drive By to get the 3 count.


Winner: MVP



Bam Margera is in the GM office when The Miz strolls in


“Hey bro, man you know, me and you, we’re kinda the same right, I mean we’re both MTV originals and you know I think it’d be great, if you booked a match tonight for next week, you know a champion versus champion match, The Miz versus John Cena"


Bam laughs at The Miz


“Oh man I’m sorry, I thought you were joking, us the same? I don’t think so, I was a hardcore skateboarder with my own show, and what was it you were on like MTV real world road rules or some crap”


The Miz, clearly angered grabs him by his shirt, Bam doesn’t look impressed


“Okay you wanna fight, you’ve got a fight, in fact you’ll defend your US title tonight”


“Oh yeah, who against”


“Why don’t you turn around”


The Miz turns around straight into “The Worlds Strongest Man” Mark Henry, he cringes and walks out of the office.



Melina and Gail Kim Versus Jillian and Maryse


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Melina and Jillian began the match locking up, Melina dominated the match until Maryse grabbed her from the outside, then Jillian and Maryse played the numbers game, keeping Melina in their corner and dominating her with quick tags, eventually Melina managed to escape and Gail Kim got the tag in, briefly keeping the match in favour of her team, Maryse was nearly pinned by Kim, but Jillian got a blind tag and took it to Gail Kim, after hitting an enziguri on Maryse, Kim crawled to her corner and Melina got tagged in, Maryse ran in but was quickly dumped over the top rope by Melina, she then turned to Jillian and hit her with a huge jumping DDT for the 3 count.


Winners: Melina and Gail Kim




Bam is backstage with a giant lottery ball machine, Jericho and Big Show come into his office and stare at his machine.

Jericho questions him “ You said you wanted to see us”


“Oh yeah I did, you wanna know who you’re facing tonight”


Jericho replies “Obviously we do”


Bam looks at the machine “So do i,let’s see”


The machine goes off and Bam pulls out two balls “Oh these are good, Jericho and Show, tonight you will face Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne.”



Chavo Guerrero Versus Hornswoggle in a No-DQ match



The Match began with the referee going to tie Chavo’s arm behind his back, but Chavo instead punches the referee and immediately kick’s Hornswoggle in the face, he stomps down on him, before going outside and grabbing a chair, he cracks it over Hornswoggle’s head, before hitting a gory bomb on Hornswoggle onto the chair, as the referee regains his composure, he immediately stops the match, awarding it to Chavo, as Hornswoggle is unable to continue


Winner: Chavo Guerrero


After the match, Chavo continued his assault, hitting a further two Gory Bombs on Hornswoggle, before the referee pulled him off Hornswoggle, as trainers and EMT’s put him onto a stretcher and take him backstage.




In his office Bam is talking to Kelly Kelly when Santino Marella walks in


“Hello Bam Bam Margera, i-m’a Santino Marella and I’m a Jackass”


“Yer, looks like it”


“Bam Bam, I should be in your next Hollywood movie, I can be a Jackass like Steve-A”


“Oh yeah?”


“I have a-intense pain threshold”


As Santino says this, Bam Grabs a picture off the wall and smashes it Over Santino’s head, Santino smiles briefly before crumbling into a heap


WWE Unified Tag Title Match:Kingston and Bourne Vs Big Show and Y2J


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As the match began it appeared it would be equal contest with Jericho and Kofi in ring, Kofi kept up well with the experience Jericho, but Jericho eventually gained the upper hand, tagging in Big Show, Kofi tried to use his speed to better Big Show, but even then Show controlled the match, Bourne got a blind tag and hit huge dropkick off the top rope onto Big Show, but he wasn’t even phased, The Big Show threw Bourne around like a rag doll, eventually hitting a chokeslam,before he could pin him, Kofi jumped into the ring, but was also quickly chokeslammed, Big Show tagged in Jericho, who lifted Bourne up and hit him with a Code Breaker to add insult to injury and to pick up the victory


Winners: Jericho and Big Show




Bryan Danielson appears training in various martial arts and is shown applying various holds in a ring, the tagline says “Bryan Danielson, Coming Soon”




Orton is in the dressing room with Cody Rhodes, when Ted DiBiase walks into shot, Randy stands up and goes nose to nose with him, DiBiase tries to explain his actions.


“Randy, what happened last night was an accident”


“An accident that cost me my title, you know maybe I was wrong about you, Cody got the biggest win of his career last night and all you did was screw everything up”


“Randy, please I made a mistake, you gotta forgive me”


“I suggest you go prepare for our match tonight, you better not screw up tonight, or Legacy just might become a two man operation”




United States Title: The Miz Versus Mark Henry



The match started with Mark Henry taking complete advantage of his size by hitting Miz hard, The Miz attempted to fight back and got a few good shots, but Henry would always come back twice as strong, The Miz eventually fled from the ring as the behemoth Henry gave chase, Miz kept him out there for 9 seconds before sliding back into the ring just before the ten, Henry didn’t make it in time, giving The Miz a big count out win over Mark Henry.


Winner: The Miz




Jack Swagger comes down from the back, microphone in hand


“Last Night I joint the WWE Elite, sure Cody Rhodes got the pinfall, but I did the lion’s share in that match, I am the all-American all-American and from now on my mind is focused on one thing in the WWE and that is becoming the next World Heavyweight Champion, so Cena enjoy your reign because you’re looking at your successor”



D-X and John Cena Versus Randy Orton,Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes


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The match started off with Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton, Orton and Michaels battled it out pretty evenly, but Michaels eventually began to get an upper hand and Orton feeling embarrassed, tagged out to Cody Rhodes, Rhodes immediately took it to HBK, he kept Michaels in the Legacy corner and was able to make the most of his team mates involvement, he and DiBiase executed quick tags in and out while working down Michaels, Michaels attempted to escape from the corner, but DiBiase and Rhodes just pulled him back, when Triple H tried to get involved, the referee pulled him back, allowing DiBiase to choke him. After a prolonged period of beaten by the two young stars, Michaels managed to get a lucky hit in on Rhodes, allowing him to get over to his corner and allowing Triple H in, Triple H immediately takes down Rhodes, then DiBiase who runs in after him, he taunts Orton to get in the ring, but as he does Rhodes rolls him up from behind,1...2- no a kick out by Triple H!.Triple H and Rhodes go it for a while further, but as Triple sets Rhodes up for the pedigree, Orton steams in and hits a devastating clothesline, Orton tags himself in and dominates the match for a period, but eventually Cena gets tagged in, Cena clotheslines Rhodes and DiBiase out of the ring and lifts Orton up for the Attitude Adjustment, but as he does DiBiase runs in with Cena’s title belt, Cena drops Orton and ducks the shot from DiBiase, and once again Orton takes the full force of an erroneous shot from DiBiase, Cena meanwhile capitalizes by hitting the attitude adjustment on a shocked DiBiase before pinning him for the win.

Winners: D-X and Cena




As the match ends, Vince McMahon comes down to the ring, he gets a microphone.



Well that was one hell of a raw, thank you very much for your time, Mr Margera, but I hope you fans have enjoyed this run of guest hosts, because Bam Margera was the last one, next week, I return and I will be naming the new General Manager of Raw”






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Good stuff. I'm not normally one for Real World diaries, but this was well written, believable and didn't waste time with backstory. Just my cup of tea. Great start.


Seconded! The brevity and realism are high. This is the only Real World I follow.




I'm hoping Dusty Rhodes is the new GM, but I'm strange like that.

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ECW #1 Preview


(O.O.C: Thanks very much for the kind words, exactly the sort of encouragement i needed to push on with this)





Another week rolls by in WWE and ECW aim to make this one to remember!


First off in a pick your poison match up, William Regal has decided Christian will face Ezekiel Jackson in our main event!


We will also see two superstars with an intense rivalry face off as Paul Burchill takes on The Hurricane


Zack Ryder’s been on top of his game as of late, but on ECW he will face off against Tyler Reks, will Ryder’s form continue or will Reks get an upset win?


And finally Sheamus will take on Yoshi Tatsu in one on one action


All this and much more on ECW on SyFy


Prediction Key

Christian Versus Ezekiel Jackson

The Hurricane Versus Paul Burchill

Zack Ryder Versus Tyler Reks

Sheamus Versus Yoshi Tatsu

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Really nice beginning to a diary... But I always like when you show the ratings, but that's not what is most important.


Christian Versus Ezekiel Jackson

The Hurricane Versus Paul Burchill

Zack Ryder Versus Tyler Reks

Sheamus Versus Yoshi Tatsu

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Thanks Very Much for all the comments and predicitions, the ECW show will be up pretty soon.


Just a few comments on general stuff, I decided not to run Superstars before i started the game, i just thought, 4 shows a week was too many.


Also a bit of interactivity, if that's a word, either way at Survivor Series, would you prefer to see an ECW Survivor Series classic elimination match or a tri-branded Diva's elimination match?



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Ecw #1





The Show opens and Matt Striker and Josh Matthews Welcome Us to ECW on SyFy


William Regal’s music hits and he comes out with his Ruthless Roundtable


“ As of late, this brand seems to be in chaos, it seems every other week, we have a new number one contender, well Tiffany, since you seem to be incapable of keeping control, i’m going to make your job easier, i am naming myself the number one contender, and with good reason, i am a former king of the ring, a former IC champion, a former Tag champion,there is no one more deserving than me”


Christian’s theme plays to the delight of the audience and he comes out and gets in the ring with the Roundtable


“Regal, man, so you’ve won the IC Championship, how many times?, twice?, how many times have i held it, let me tell you, three times, also i’ve held tag gold on nine separate occassions, not to mention, i’m a two time ECW Champion, so don’t you get so high and mighty with your little resume, but you know, i accept your challenge, because i can’t wait to smack that frown off your little limey face.”


Before it get’s too heated, our GM,Tiffany comes on out to the ring


“Guys, if you wanna fight, that’s fine by me, but save it for Survivor Series, i’ve got a plan, tonight Regal,you can pick who Christian fights, and then next week, Christian you pick Regal’s opponent”


Regal accepts this


“Fine by me, Christian tonight, you will face a member of my Ruthless Rountable, you will go one on one with Ezekiel Jackson”


With this the Rountable leave the ring, leaving Christian to think about his upcoming match.




Zack Ryder Versus Tyler Reks



In a relatively short match, Ryder really takes it to Reks, he seems to have a new found sense of determination and despite some basic resistance from Reks, Ryder ends it pretty quickly with a Zack Attack.


Winner:Zack Ryder




A Short Hype Video For Goldust Plays




Sheamus Versus Yoshi Tatsu



Tatsu at first attempted to use his unique offense to put Sheamus off and it appeared to work, with Sheamus being caught off guard and taking to the outside in an attempt to recooperate, eventually however Sheamus got himself back into the ring and from then on in, it was pretty dominant for the big Irishman, Yoshi at one point got an inside cradle for a near fall, but almost straight after kicking out, Sheamus hit Yoshi with The Irish Curse for the win.






Backstage Savannah is standing by with “The Gold Standard” Shelton Benjamin


Savannah: Shelton, Sheamus just looked incredibly strong in the ring, what are your thoughts on this rivalry with Sheamus?


S.B: Look i mean, this guy’s big and strong and sure he can wrestle, but if i’m one thing, that’s the Gold Standard and this guy may well think he can come over from Ireland and kick everyone’s ass, but believe me it’s only a matter of time before we face off and then he’ll fall victim to the Gold Standard.




Paul Burchill Versus The Hurricane



On the way down to the ring Paul Burchill attacked The Hurricane from behind, he threw him into the ring and really started going at him, he used power moves to really beat up WWE’s resident superhero, however the Hurricane managed a flurry of offense, including hitting a chokeslam on Burchill, he then followed that up with a shining wizard, but Burchill kicked out of the pin attempt at two, following this Hurricane went to the top, only for Katie Lea to push him from the top rope, Burchill seizing the advantage, picked up The Hurricane and hit him with the C-4 for the victory.


Winner:Paul Burchill




A video plays showing Big Show and Chris Jericho’s dominance




Christian Versus Ezekiel Jackson



Big Zeke really assaulted Christian for the most part in this match, using his size and strength, he really looked like a dominant force to be reckoned with here in ECW, Christian however with his years of experience and his just general talent managed to keep himself in the match, all the way throughout, Zeke went for a big boot but missed, and Christian tried to hit the Killswitch, but Zeke powered out of it , Ezekiel continued to utilise power moves to keep Christian down for most of the remainder of the match, but when Zeke stopped to taunt the crowd, Christian took advantage and turned the match on it’s head against Jackson, he eventually managed to hit the Killswitch on Ezekiel and picked up a big win.




After the match, Christian is celebrating when Vladmir Koslov and William Regal attack him, beating him brutally, Tommy Dreamer runs out in an attempt to stop it by Ezekiel Jackson immediately puts a stop to that, as the show goes off air, The Ruthless Rountable celebrate in ring.




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Thanks Very Much for all the comments and predicitions, the ECW show will be up pretty soon.


Just a few comments on general stuff, I decided not to run Superstars before i started the game, i just thought, 4 shows a week was too many.


Also a bit of interactivity, if that's a word, either way at Survivor Series, would you prefer to see an ECW Survivor Series classic elimination match or a tri-branded Diva's elimination match?




Both of those sound pretty good. I'd say both if there is room on the card. If I have to pick one, I'd say the ECW Survivor Series classic elimination match. I wish they'd change the Survivor Series back to what it should be with the elimination matches as the only matches on the card. And maybe the Survivors battle royal that they had at the end to declare the ultimate survivor.

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Good show. Anything with Zack Ryder winning gets a thumbs up from me. Nice work on getting Christian and Regal to sound a bit different with their use of words too.


Also a bit of interactivity, if that's a word, either way at Survivor Series, would you prefer to see an ECW Survivor Series classic elimination match or a tri-branded Diva's elimination match?


It really depends on the participants and the rest of the card. I'd plump for the Divas though, as I like the variety of having girls on a show, especially a PPV length show.

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It really depends on the participants and the rest of the card. I'd plump for the Divas though, as I like the variety of having girls on a show, especially a PPV length show.


Without giving too much away, The ECW SS match would probabally be something along the lines of Koslov,Zeke, Burchill, Ryder and Sheamus against Goldust,Yoshi Tatsu,Tommy Dreamer,Tyler Reks and The Hurricane


Whilst the Diva's match would be much less certain but most probabally take the form of Melina, Gail Kim, Maria and Kelly Kelly versus Beth Pheonix, Jillian, Maryse and Katie Lea.


Hope that helped

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WWE Smackdown #1 Preview



This week has been packed with action and surprises and look for Smackdown to follow the trend, the backlash from Bragging Rights begins tonight and we look to CM Punk and Vince McMahon on exactly what happened on Sunday and why?


Talking Of CM Punk, our general manager, Theodore Long has announced he will defend his newly won title on Smackdown,against Rey Mysterio!


Batista will be looking to recover from Sunday's events, by facing one of the men who could well have cost him the title, Dolph Ziggler.


And in tag action we will see team mates from bragging rights on opposing teams, as R-Truth and Finlay team to take on The Hart Dynasty


And in divas action, the number one contendership to Michelle McCool’s women’s title will be decided in a triple threat match between Natalya, Beth Phoenix and Mickie James.


All this plus Matt Hardy against Eric Escobar and Drew McIntyre in action!


Prediction Key


World Heavyweight Title:CM Punk Versus Rey Mysterio

Batista Versus Dolph Ziggler

The Hart Dynasty Versus R-Truth and Finlay

Natalya Vs Mickie James Vs Beth Phoenix

Matt Hardy Versus Eric Escobar

Drew McIntyre Versus Kung Fu Naki




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World Heavyweight Title:CM Punk Versus Rey Mysterio

Batista Versus Dolph Ziggler

The Hart Dynasty Versus R-Truth and Finlay

Natalya Vs Mickie James Vs Beth Phoenix

Matt Hardy Versus Eric Escobar

Drew McIntyre Versus Kung Fu Naki


... and as much as I like the ECW crew (Woo Woo Woo!) I'd rather see the girls. Variety. Spice of life and all that jazz.

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World Heavyweight Title:CM Punk Versus Rey Mysterio

Punk is God, that is all.

Batista Versus Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler NEEDS a big win. Why not sacrifice Batista?

The Hart Dynasty Versus R-Truth and Finlay

The Dynasty are in the same spot as Ziggler, they need wins.

Natalya Vs Mickie James Vs Beth Phoenix

Natalya is a sweet heart, no pun intended.

Matt Hardy Versus Eric Escobar

Escobar is bleh. At least Hardy is over. Maybe he and R-Truth should be packaged together...

Drew McIntyre Versus Kung Fu Naki

Drew is the future World Champion. Funaki is a comedy act that has jobbed for 15 years...

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First Two shows were good so I'll drop by to do some picks.


Prediction Key


World Heavyweight Title:CM Punk Versus Rey Mysterio

Batista Versus Dolph Ziggler

The Hart Dynasty Versus R-Truth and Finlay

Natalya Vs Mickie James Vs Beth Phoenix

Matt Hardy Versus Eric Escobar

Drew McIntyre Versus Kung Fu Naki

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World Heavyweight Title: CM Punk Versus Rey Mysterio

Were it a non title match, I might go with Rey Rey. But since it's a title match, I've gotta give the nod to Punk.


Batista Versus Dolph Ziggler

Batista knocks Dolph so silly that he forgets his own name.


The Hart Dynasty Versus R-Truth and Finlay

Though this should be a close encounter, The Hart Dynasty will hopefully be getting that push.


Natalya Vs Mickie James Vs Beth Phoenix

Beth is one of my favorites.


Matt Hardy Versus Eric Escobar

Don't get Smackdown here so I don't know much about Escobar.


Drew McIntyre Versus Kung Fu Naki

Kung Fu Naki winning would be funny but just...no.

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WWE Smackdown #1



A video plays showing the ending of Bragging Right’s main event, The shocking events that lead to CM Punk being crowned World Heavyweight Champion.


Todd Grisham and Jim Ross welcome us to Smackdown


The Show opens with Our Chairman, Vincent K. McMahon in the ring.


“At Bragging Right, we saw an event which sent shockwaves through the wrestling world, we saw the crowning of a new World Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk”


With this CM Punk’s music plays and out comes the World Heavyweight Champion to a chorus of boos.


Vince continues


“Now many people say that what took place, was nothing more than a screwjob, but it was imperative that what happened, happened”


Vince hands the microphone to CM Punk


“Thanks Vince, you see let me take you back to Sunday evening, just before the PPV, I entered Vince’s office and I told him I was worried about the future of the company,i told him he had a World Heavyweight Champion who was long past his prime and very injury prone, I told him, he had two title challengers who were clearly abusing certain substances, I told him what the WWE needed, was a champion, who was young, who was made of stronger stuff, who was not likely to fail any wellness test and that man was me”


Punk hands the microphone back to Vince


“ You see, you fans,i did this for you, you don’t want a champion, who will have to vacate the title through injury or through suspension, I made the decision, it’s true that maybe the way the match ended, was questionable, but I think in the long run, you fans will thank both of us”


With that Vince and Punk once again shake hands and leave the ring to a white hot response of anger from the fans.




Drew McIntyre Versus Kung Fu Naki


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This match is the definition of squash, Kung Fu Naki attempts to get some offense in, but is immediately beaten down by McIntyre, he dominates the action and finds plenty of time to taunt Fu Naki, after sensing he’s beaten Fu Naki enough, he puts him away with the Double Underhook DDT.


Winner: Drew McIntyre




Teddy Long appears on the titantron


“Hello, first of all let me apologize for what happened last night, I know you fans probably don’t want to hear this, but it really was out of my hands what happened and i deeply deeply regret the actions of Sunday night, in an attempt to make it up to you fans tonight, I am booking a World Heavyweight Title match tonight, CM Punk will take on Rey Mysterio, thank you for your time.




Mickie James Versus Beth Phoenix Versus Natalya



The match started with Natalya and Phoenix double teaming Mickie, they both took turns to beat down Mickie, one after the other, Mickie eventually made a bit of a comeback taking on both Natalya and Phoenix, before the two again overpowered her, however Natalya turned on Phoenix throwing her out of the ring, but in this space of time, Mickie regained her composure, and when Natalya turned around, she was hit with a Mick Kick and pinned Natalya for the big win and the #1 contendership.


Winner:Mickie James




Backstage Justin Roberts has Cryme Tyme with him


Justin: Guys you requested interview time here tonight, why?


JTG: Yo, yo, yo, if there’s one thing that Cryme Tyme loves it’s...


Shad: Gold! Baby, Pure Solid Gold


JTG: So with that in mind, we’re here to make a challenge


Shad: Yo Jay, that’s right, Big Show,Jericho, we want another shot at the tag titles


JTG: We wanna feel that real bling around our waists, yo


Shad: So get ready, cos’ the Tyme is gunning for you


JTG: That’s right, we are coming for your gold




Matt Hardy Versus Eric Escobar



Escobar attacks Hardy before the bell even rung, he attempts to put Hardy away very quickly, but Hardy fights him off and takes it to Escobar, the two of them brawl intensely, Hardy however takes a advantage from Escobar hitting him with a Side Effect out of nowhere and dominating the rookie, Vickie Guerrero tries to get the referee’s intention and Escobar tries to get a chair from ringside but again Hardy fights him off and Escobar can’t take any sort of advantage, Hardy continues to dominate, and gets Escobar in a Twist Of Fate, but Escobar pushes out of it and rolls out of the ring, he walks to the back with Vickie as the referee counts to ten and awards the match to Hardy, who looks annoyed at Escobar’s perceived lack of courage.


Winner:Matt Hardy




Backstage Justin Roberts is interviewing John Morrison


Justin: I’m standing here with the Guru of Greatness, John Morrison and John it has just been announced that you will captain one of the teams in the Smackdown Survivor Series Match, how does it feel?


Morrison: How does it feel, Justin?, well I’ll tell you, it feels good, because you see.....


Before Morrison can utter another word, Kane appears out of nowhere and attacks Morrison, throwing Morrison against the wall and in generally beating the hell out of the young superstar, he ends by staring at the camera and just laughing insanely.




R-Truth and Finlay Versus The Hart Dynasty


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DH Smith and Finlay start the match off, Smith begins very strongly, he uses his youth to his advantage, but eventually Finlay’s experience began to overcome the pure talent of Smith, Finlay was very adept in working on Smith’s knee, and began to work it over, Finlay tagged in R-Truth and Truth exploded on Smith, however Tyson Kidd attacked Truth and Smith tagged in Kidd, Kidd and Smith both used quick tags and beat down R-Truth, Truth rallied though and started to crawl to his corner, Natalya got up on the apron to distract the referee, Truth tagged in Finlay, but the referee didn’t see the tag and forced Finlay out of the ring, Smith then attacked Finlay on the apron, dumping him to the floor, before lifting up R-Truth setting him up for The Hart Attack which Tyson Kidd hit before Smith pinned R-Truth for the win.


Winners:The Hart Dynasty




Teddy Long is in his office, when Batista bursts in and rips into Teddy calling him a backstabber for betraying the Undertaker, when Dolph Ziggler attacks Batista and throws him out of the office, brawling all the way out to the ring




Dolph Ziggler Versus Batista


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Dolph began with the upper hand after dragging him from the back, Ziggler was in control in the early parts, but his inexperience eventually got the better of him as he took time from the match, to taunt the fans about his success, this gave Batista the opportunity to get back in control and he took the bull by the horns and delivered a mighty spear on Ziggler, Ziggler stunned tried to leave the ring only for Batista to continue the assault, grounding the arrogant upstart, Ziggler seemed down for the count, but as Batista went for his classic rope-shaking showboat, Ziggler rolled him up from behind ...1-2.....Batista kicks out! Dolph attempted to continue his momentum , he went for the Zig Zag, but Batista scouted it and when Ziggler turned around, he walked right into a Batista Bomb!. Batista pinned Ziggler for the three count.






A video played showing the antics of the Punk-Undertaker-Batista-Mysterio match




World Heavyweight Title:CM Punk Versus Rey Mysterio



The match started with Punk and Mysterio locking up and Punk delivering a vicious knee to the gut of Mysterio before assaulting him in ring, Punk beat down the plucky luchador and began to control the action, keeping Mysterio exactly where he wanted him, and utilising his Muay Thai style to ground and inflict punishment upon Mysterio, quickly though Mysterio managed to use his speed to begin to avoid some of Punk’s strikes and the match again became more equal with Mysterio using his traditional lucha style manoeuvres to take Punk out of his element, Punk rolled to the outside in an attempt to regain his composure, but Mysterio dove over the top rope to take out the straight edge superstar, the two men roll in before the referee counts them out and the match continues in a very back and forth competitive way for several minutes, eventually Punk charges at Mysterio but is tripped into the ropes, Mysterio goes for his signature 619 and hits it!, he goes for the West Coast Pop........but as he goes over the rope, Punk has his number and superkicks him clean out of the air, dazing the luchador, sensing his advantage, Punk quickly lifts him up and nails him, with the G2S, before pinning him for the victory.


Winner:CM Punk


As the show goes off the air, Punk celebrates his win, the lights go out....when they come back on, Punk is scouting the ring looking for The Undertaker, but he is nowhere to be seen, instead standing at the top of the ramp is Batista, staring straight at the World Heavyweight Champion.




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