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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Steve Corino

Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin

Kurt Angle vs. Stevie Richards


ECW Television Title Tournament:

Jerry Lynn vs. Rhino

ECW Television Title Tournament:

Lance Storm vs. Nova


Gregory Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

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Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Steve Corino


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin


Kurt Angle vs. Stevie Richards


ECW Television Title Tournament:

Jerry Lynn vs. Rhino


ECW Television Title Tournament:

Lance Storm vs. Nova


Gregory Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

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Rob Van Dam vs. Steve Corino

I'm thinking DQ.


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin

Small hiccup for Benjamin which doesn't make his journey to the title so straightforward.


Kurt Angle vs. Stevie Richards

Via ancklelock.


ECW Television Title Tournament:

Jerry Lynn vs. Rhino

Rhino was undervalued in real life WWE imo.


ECW Television Title Tournament:

Lance Storm vs. Nova

More credibility.


Gregory Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

Sandman interference.

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Coming to you from The Hammerstein Ballroom

Attendance is 5,000 (Sell Out)

The Announce Team for ECW on F/X is:





In the evenings Dark Matches, Masato Tanaka just managed to defeat the monstrous Luther and Brent Albright picked up yet another surprising victory over Justin Credible.




<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="300" height="255" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PRDQBVebQ4Y?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>


The cameras pan around The Hammerstein Ballroom following the opening video, the rabid ECW fans as hot as ever, with ECW chants ringing out throughout the building.


Styles: For the last time until the foreseeable future, ECW comes to you from The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York, and we welcome you to ECW on F/X. I’m Joey Styles, alongside my broadcast partner; former TWO TIME ECW World Champion ‘The Human Suplex Machine’ Taz. And Taz, it’s our final stop before we head home next week.


Taz: Absolutely, Joey. Next week ECW returns to the most famous Bingo Hall in the world; The ECW Arena for a blockbuster night. But before that we have a big night ahead of us tonight.


Styles: We do indeed; The Television Title Tournament rolls on tonight with two more matches taking place. We will also see Shelton Benjamin and Sabu battle one last time, with the stipulation stating that if Shelton wins, Sabu cannot come near ‘The Gold Standard’ unless it is in an officially sanctioned match. And in our Main Event, ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam takes on a former champion in his own right; ‘The King of Old School’ Steve Corino.


Taz: What a night this will be.... hold up, look who’s here!


The crowd were on their feet as ‘The Living Legend’ Terry Funk headed down towards the ring, no music to accompany him, just a cold look in his eyes. Funk grabbed a microphone and rolled into the ring. Funk had to wait for the ‘Terry’ chants to die down before he could get to business.


Funk: You know, I’ve been watching this show since it returned in June, and I’ve been impressed with the way things have gone. People say you can’t capture lightning in a bottle twice, but we are proving that theory wrong. Now I was going to come out here and speak my mind about something that has quite frankly annoyed the hell out of me, that being this “New Breed” who have come in here and show absolutely NO respect to the people who built this company from the ground up, to the people who bled and sweat in this arena as well as so many others to revolutionize professional wrestling. But then last week I saw something that absolutely blew my mind, and suddenly this “New Breed” was at the back of my mind. Because what I saw made me absolutely sick. And right now I want to address what I saw. So Mick Foley, get down here right now!


The crowd’s jeers were deafening before Foley even walked through the curtain, and got even louder as “The Hardcore Legend” walked down the ramp, the crowd still clearly smarting from what happened between Foley and Tommy Dreamer last week. Foley’s head was hung low as he entered the ring and stood in front of his former mentor. The crowd started up with ‘You Sold Out’ chants. Foley looked up into the eyes of Funk, who couldn’t bottle it up any longer and slapped the taste out of Foley’s mouth, the crowd roaring their approval. Foley did nothing to retaliate as Funk began to speak once more.


Funk: Why, Mick? I don’t understand it. Why would you cost Tommy his match like that? Despite anything that has happened in the past, Tommy has always stood by you, Mick. Tommy looked up to you, just like you looked up to me. LOOK AT ME WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU, YOU LOUSY B*STARD. Tommy never once stabbed you in the back like this. Jesus, you own a share of the company with the man. How are you going to manage to run this company with him now? You do realise Tommy is out for blood, Mick. He’s angry, he’s confused, and he just wants to lash out...


Foley: How dare you. HOW DARE YOU. I DID EVERYTHING FOR HIM, TERRY. I DID EVERYTHING. I took him in, I treated him like family. But I should have known that going into business with him was a bad move. Terry, he owns a portion of this company. He can’t do the things he used to do anymore. And he sure as hell can’t just put himself in a title tournament match. It’s bad for business, Terry. Don’t you understand that? How would it look if he won it, huh? Paul tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen. And that was always his problem, Terry. He would never listen. He just jumps into things without thinking, screw the consequences. That isn’t good business, Terry. So I did what I had to do. I’m not proud of it, but it had to be done. If there was any other way, don’t you think I would have done it differently?


Funk:You’re trying to justify this? How in the world can you try to make excuses for what you did. You need to...


Funk was cut of when “Man in the Box” by Alice in Chains hit, and through the curtain came “The Innovator of Violence” Tommy Dreamer, who stormed down to the ring before sliding in and immediately taking down Foley, peppering him with rights and lefts, the crowd eating it up. The locker room seemed to clear out as wrestlers flooded the ring to split the two up, although it seemed Foley wasn’t even attempting to fight back. Foley quietly left the ring and walked to the back as half the locker room held back “The Innovator of Violence”. Terry Funk was trying his best to console Dreamer, but it all seemed futile.


Styles: How can two former friends hold so much hatred for each other in such a short amount of time?


Taz: Honestly, I don’t think Foley holds any hatred towards Dreamer. But Dreamer doesn’t understand why one of his closest, dearest friends would betray him the way he did.


Styles: Well one thing is for certain; Dreamer will not stop until he gets his hands on “The Hardcore Legend”.




ECW Television Title Tournament Round 1:



Lance Storm vs. Nova


Despite spending the last few weeks trying to work up the tag ranks in ECW, both Storm (accompanied by the beautiful Dawn Marie) and Nova looked to assert their dominance in singles competition too. And it was the fan favourite Nova who took control in the early going, using his innovative offence to keep Storm grounded. But the ‘Impact Player’ soon got himself back into the contest, and after several minutes of back and forth action, the match came to an end as an attempted Drop Kick by Nova was side stepped before Storm immediately locked in the Canadian Maple Leaf. Nova held on as long as he possibly could, and he was close to reaching the ropes. But Storm was smart enough to drag him back into the centre of the ring. Nova had no choice but to tap out, helping Storm to advance to the next round of the tournament.


Winner: Lance Storm


Styles: Nova fought as hard as he could, but in the end Lance Storm was just too much for him, and Storm advances in this T.V Title Tournament.


Taz: One hell of an effort by Nova there, Joey. But Storm was the better man tonight.... now hold on a second.


The crowd’s jeers rang out as Storm’s tag partner Justin Credible stormed the ring and began putting the boots to Nova, beating him down in the corner. But Credible was somewhat surprised when Storm pulled Justin away, holding him back from the beatdown. Credible was taken aback when Storm berated him for his actions. Dawn Marie entered the ring, ready to split the two apart should things get too heated. But it never came to that as Credible finally came to his senses before embracing Storm, congratulating him for his victory. The three finally celebrated in the ring, the boos echoing throughout the Hammerstein Ballroom.




The camera heads to the backstage area, where “God’s Gift to Wrestling” Gregory Helms is ready to cut a promo.


Helms: You know, despite everything that “God’s Gift to Wrestling” has had to endure since coming to ECW, namely being stalked by an alcoholic, no talent parasite like The Sandman, I’m in high spirits. I’m in high spirits because next week I get my opportunity at greatness. Next week I defeat that pathetic, untalented, unworthy loser Mikey Whipwreck. And when I do I advance to the next stage of the Television Title Tournament. But before that, I get an opportunity to give Mikey a glimpse of what is in his future when I destroy his partner Tajiri tonight. Now me and Tajiri, we go way back. We have a history together. But none of that matters tonight. None of it is relevant because I’m starting a new chapter in my career. And it starts with me becoming ECW Television Champion. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; “God’s Gift to Wrestling” isn’t a cute little nickname. It’s a cold hard fact. I am the future of ECW. Hell, I’m the future of this business...


Helms’ self promotion was cut short when he was interrupted by Ken Doane, Helms looking less than pleased with the newcomer.


Doane: Gregory, you need to stop right there. You see, you say that tonight you send a message by beating Tajiri. Last week he STOLE a victory from me. He cost me my shot at becoming ECW Television Champion. That spot was MINE. So I’m asking you, as a man who respects you and everything you do in that ring, I’m asking you to go out there into that ring and DESTROY Yoshihiro Tajiri. Don’t just defeat him, DESTROY him. Take him out. Beat him within an inch...


Helms: HEY, when I start taking orders from you I’ll be sure to buy a pair of ice skates for when hell freezes over. You think I need encouragement from you to take him out? I’m God’s Gift to Wrestling. You had your chance last week; you failed. Tonight, let me show you how it’s done, kid.


Styles: Helms seems pretty confident about his match tonight. But I wouldn’t be so full of myself if I had The Sandman breathing down my neck.


Taz: Well Helms has all the tools to make it to the finals, but I have to agree with you Joey; I would not like to be in the shoes of “God’s Gift to Wrestling” when you have Sandman baying for blood.




Meanwhile in a separate backstage area, Shelton Benjamin is preparing for a promo of his own, accompanied as always by the seductive, sultry yet manipulative “Queen of Extreme” Francine.


Benjamin: You know, ever since I came to ECW it seems to be a case of one step forward and two steps back. Last week I sent a message when I took Rob Van Dam out in the centre of the ring. I sent a warning shot to RVD that the ECW World Title that he holds around his waist; it belongs to ME. Sure, Rhino had to come and rain on my parade, but the message had been sent loud and clear. And yet here we are one week later, and what happens? I have to go up against Sabu one more time. Sabu, I thought I made my point at One Night Stand. But clearly the barbed wire, the tables, the chair shots, they’ve messed you up just a little. Time after time you keep coming back for more. And time and time again I put you in your place. Well tonight, I put an exclamation point on this entire thing. Because if I beat you tonight, that means you can’t come anywhere near me unless it is in an officially sanctioned match. Sabu, I am the next ECW World Champion. That is my destiny. And I will be damned if I am going to let you, Rhino or anybody else stand in the way of my crowning moment. I am The Gold Standard of this company. I am at the forefront of the new breed in ECW. And with the beautiful, sexy Francine by my side, I am the NEXT ECW World Champion. Sabu, the fine folks in the ECW Arena will be pretty disappointed next week when there idol doesn’t show. Because tonight, in The Hammerstein Ballroom, I BURY you.


Styles: Benjamin is fixated on becoming the next ECW World Champion, Taz. But he has a huge roadblock tonight in the form of “The Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal” Sabu.


Taz: No doubt it’s gonna be tough, Joey. But if anybody has the tools and the determination to do it, it’s “The Gold Standard” Shelton Benjamin.





Gregory Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


Despite his boasts earlier in the evening, Gregory Helms had problems in containing “The Japanese Buzzsaw”. In fact, Tajiri dominated “God’s Gift to Wrestling” for the most part, his stiff kicks sending waves of pain up the spine of Helms. A dropkick to the face of a kneeling Helms almost put him away, but he was just able to get his shoulder up before the three count. A mistake from Tajiri gave Helms an opportunity to get himself back into the contest, and he made the most of it, managing to control Tajiri and keep him grounded. Helms looked to hit a Shining Wizard on Tajiri, but he managed to avoid the move before almost taking Helms’ head off with the Buzzsaw Kick. The match was all but over, but Tajiri never accounted for Ken Doane to make an appearance, diving into the ring and going for “The Japanese Buzzsaw”. But Tajiri was able to thwart Doane’s attempt at a beatdown, fighting him off with stiff strikes before hitting a Handspring Back Elbow, sending Doane to the outside. But the distraction was enough for Helms to recover before locking in God’s Gift (Crossface Chicken Wing with a Body Scissor) on Tajiri. Credit where it is due, Tajiri held on for quite some time, but in the end it was all too much and he was given no choice but to tap out to the move, giving “God’s Gift to Wrestling” a huge boost before his T.V Title Tournament match next week.


Winner: Gregory Helms


Styles: Helms with the win here. And I’m going to go right out and say it; Tajiri would have his hand raised right now if it wasn’t for Ken Doane.


Taz: Maybe you’re right, Joey. But the fact of the matter is Tajiri’s hand wasn’t raised; Gregory Helms’ was. That’s all that matters. A win is a win no matter how you earn it.


Styles: I don’t think it’s over, Taz. Look at this.


Joey had every right to be worried as both Gregory Helms AND Ken Doane stood over the body of Yoshihiro Tajiri. The two men made eye contact, a slight smile on their faces, before putting the boots to “The Japanese Buzzsaw”. The crowds jeers were loud as the two men put a beating on him. The crowd began a chant of “Mikey”, hoping that Tajiri’s partner would be there to lend a helping hand. And it wasn’t long before the crowd got their wish as Mikey Whipwreck stormed towards the ring, steel chair in hand. Whipwreck swung wildly as both Doane and Helms bailed from the ring, avoiding Mikey. The crowd were pleased to see him, but not as pleased as Tajiri, who was pulled to his feet by his tag partner. Both men then stared down Helms and Doane, who backed their way towards the exit, not wanting to get into it with either man.




The cameras head backstage, where they catch up with “The Man Beast” Rhino loitering backstage. But he is soon approached by ECW Co-Owner Paul Heyman, the crowd in the Hammerstein delighted to see Paul. E.


Heyman: So when is this gonna end?


Rhino: You know when it ends, Paul. It ends when I get a shot at RVD and the World Title.


Heyman: I’ve told you...


Rhino: **** WHAT YOU HAVE TOLD ME. I DON’T GIVE A **** WHAT YOU TOLD ME. People are getting hurt, Paul. And it’s all on your hands. All you have to do is give me the match.


Heyman: I can’t do that. I need a unanimous decision from both Mick and Tommy, and I don’t know if you have noticed but things haven’t exactly been running smoothly between those two lately. There is nothing I can do. You have your opportunity at becoming Television Champion tonight. That’s the best I can do for now.


Rhino: That’s not good enough. I want my shot. And I don’t care how many people I have to **** up to get it. The bloods on your hands, Paul. It’s time you made a decision. Either I get my shot or I tear this company apart from the inside out. It’s your choice, Paul. I suggest you make the right one.


With that, Rhino simply walked away, leaving Heyman more than a little stressed at the decisions he is being forced to make.




A video is played for the fans in the Hammerstein, as well as to the millions watching at home...


<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="300" height="255" src="

http://www.youtube.com/embed/sEuVyu7hLWI?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>




We get a shot backstage once again where we see Kurt Angle walking down the corridor, his eyes burning with anger and hatred as he can be haerd muttering the words ‘Raven’ over and over again, slamming his fist into the wall as he walks the hallway. But he soon gets a jolt back to reality when he is accidentally bumped into by Roadkill, who looks apologetically at Angle. But in a sickening scene, Angle snaps and beats the hell out of him, smashing his skull into the solid brick walls in the hallway, busting Roadkill open, the blood flowing. Angle was stomping away at the head of Roadkill. Then in a disturbing moment, he bent down and grabbed the face of “The Angry Amish Warrior” Roadkill before yelling into his face; “YOU’RE MINE, RAVEN. YOU’RE ****IN’ MINE!”. Angle gave Roadkill one last stomp to the skull before walking away, leaving Roadkill in a pool of his own blood.


Styles: What in the world was that about? Angle has completely crossed the line here. This has gone too far.


Taz: Man, I feel for Roadkill. But I gotta say I gotta feel for Angle’s opponent tonight, Stevie Richards. He is in for a world of pain.





Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin


Shelton Benjamin was determined to make sure that this was the last time he had to deal with Sabu, and he looked to take him out early on when he was handed a steel chair by Francine, which was cracked across the skull of “The Houdini of Hardcore”. Shelton looked for the quick cover, but it was going to take more than that to keep him down. Benjamin continued to try to keep Sabu off his feet, even landing a series of devastating Suplex’s, which culminated in a vicious German Suplex that dropped Sabu on his head and neck, an area that has caused him significant trouble in the past. Luckily Sabu was able to kick out, but he was clearly not at his best. But that isn’t to say he didn’t get any offense in, as he began to mount a comeback, landing a Springboard Back Elbow from the middle rope, taking Benjamin down. Sabu then called for a chair from manager Bill Alfonso, who happily obliged. Benjamin then had his brains scrambled when Sabu launched the chair full force into the skull of “The Gold Standard”, the crowd roaring their approval as Sabu gained a CLOSE two count. The match was fast paced as both men put their bodies on the line for the victory. Benjamin went for a kick to the gut, but his foot was caught. Sabu spun Benjamin but was hit with a Dragon Whip Kick to the jaw from nowhere, but once again it was only enough for a VERY close two. The end came when Benjamin looked to beat Sabu at his own game, grabbing a table and setting it up in the ring. Benjamin delivered a jaw shattering Super Kick before laying Sabu on the table and grabbing the steel chair from earlier. Shelton headed to the top rope, looking to put Sabu away with his own move; The Arabian Facebuster. But Sabu had other ideas, jumping from the table before striking Benjamin in the jaw, grabbing the chair and once again launching it into the head of Benjamin. Shelton fell from the top, barely missing the table. Sabu laid Benjamin flat on the wood before heading up top himself. But he was stopped in his tracks by Francine, who grabbed the leg of Sabu, preventing him from connecting with Shelton. Alfonso dragged Francine away, but the interruption was enough time for Shelton to roll off the table and, in one motion, leap to the top rope and nail a Belly to Belly Suplex from the top and through the table. Shelton made the cover....but Sabu KICKED OUT! Benjamin was in shock and the crowd were on their feet. But Benjamin would not be denied. Benjamin set the chair up in the centre of the ring before lifting Sabu to his feet and delivering a devastating Exploder Suplex onto the open chair, the crowd exploding at the impact. Benjamin made the cover once again, and this time it was enough to keep Sabu down, giving Benjamin the victory in this gruelling match.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin


Taz: Holy cow, what a match we just witnessed. These two men just put it all on the line here, giving these fans one hell of a contest. But as I stated earlier, “The Gold Standard” had the tools to get the job done.


Styles: And as per the stipulation, Sabu can not go anywhere near Shelton Benjamin unless it is in an officially sanctioned match. But it looks like Benjamin may have something to say.


Benjamin did indeed have a few words to say, Francine handing him a microphone as Bill Alfonso attempted to drag Sabu from the ring.


Benjamin: That’s it, Sabu. This is the end. No more sneak attacks, no more jumping me in the back, no more wild brawls. It’s over. Alfonso, you keep that son of a ***** away from me, do you understand? We are done. And now I can concentrate on my main goal; to become the NEW ECW World Champion. RVD, if you think what I started last week was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. You have something that I want. And I don’t care what I have to do to make it mine. So if it means going through Heyman, Foley, Dreamer, Rhino or anybody else, “The Gold Standard” is taking what is mine. And you can take that to the bank, Rob.


The crowd’s jeers echoed out as Benjamin’s hand was raised by Francine, a twisted smirk on his face as he looked directly down the lens of the camera.




We now get a shot of Mick Foley, who is heading towards the exit, his head still hung low as the camera follows him. Just as he is about to enter the parking lot, he runs into Brent Albright, the man he helped to defeat Tommy Dreamer last week. Foley flashed him a slight smile, hoping that maybe at least HE would acknowledge him. But Brent simply shook his head before brushing past him, completely snubbing the Hardcore Legend. Foley started to make his way to his car, the anger clearly building. Just as he arrived to his vehicle, he finally let rip, looking directly into the camera that had been following him all this time.


Foley: Since you seem to be following me everywhere I go, let me give you something to remember, because I want to send a message directly to you, Tommy Dreamer. I never did what I did because of any personal vendetta. I did what I did to protect you, to make sure you didn’t make a mistake. That’s what friends do. But I guess my friendship doesn’t mean as much to you as you claim. I refuse to be made to look like the bad guy in this, Tommy. I did nothing wrong and you know it. But if it’s a war you want then it’s a war you will get. ECW is about to experience a battle like nothing they have ever seen before. If I were you Tommy I would keep one eye open. You want to threaten me, threaten my well being? In that case it looks like I’m going to need some back up.


With that threat, Foley jumped into his car and drove out of the building, leaving everyone in the Hammerstein Ballroom wondering just what Foley meant by his words.




ECW Television Title Tournament Round 1:



Jerry Lynn vs. Rhino


Jerry Lynn put up as good a fight as he could, and on another night he may have given “The Man Beast” a run for his money. But with the mindset and the mood that Rhino has been in lately, he ran roughshod over Lynn, battering him from pillar to post. Lynn was dead on his feet as Rhino pummelled him. However Rhino almost cost himself the match as he squatted in the corner, ready to deliver a Gore. But as he charged, Lynn sidestepped him and Rhino charged head first into the ring post. Lynn followed up on that with a Drop Kick to the back of the head, sending him to the canvas. With Rhino dazed on the ground, Lynn decided to make the most of the opportunity, landing stiff kicks to the head of “The Man Beast”. Lynn then headed outside, where he grabbed a steel chair from the outside before entering the ring, waiting for Rhino to rise to his feet. But he spotted the appearance of Steve Corino, with steel chair in hand, along with his personal bodyguard Luther. The big man was the first to step through the ropes, but he was sent back to the outside with a stiff chair shot. This gave Corino a chance to get involved. Corino reared back and swung with all his might...but Lynn ducked and the chair echoed as it connected with the skull of Rhino, who had just gotten to his feet. Lynn then nailed a Clothesline, sending “The King of Old School” over the top. Lynn took advantage and made the cover on Rhino...but he managed to kick out. Corino once again tried to get in the ring, but in a moment reminiscent of last week, he was stopped in his tracks once again by his TV Title Quarter Final opponent Masato Tanaka, who pulled him from the apron and brawled his way to the back with him. With Lynn watching on from the ring, he never really spotted ECW World Champion ROB VAN DAM enter through the crowd, the fans going nuts for “The Whole F’n Show”. Lynn finally spotted RVD up top and watched on as he came crashing down onto Rhino with a Five Star Frog Splash, a small measure of revenge for last week’s attack. RVD gave Lynn a pat on the back before leaving the ring. Lynn made the cover once again...AND RHINO MANAGED TO KICK OUT AT TWO. Even the crowd in The Hammerstein Ballroom had to give Rhino a hand for surviving the onslaught. But he could not survive a Cradle Piledriver delivered to a steel chair, knocking the monster out. Lynn hooked the leg and picked up the pin, and Jerry Lynn advances to the next round of the Television Title Tournament.


Winner: Jerry Lynn


Styles: I don’t care what you think of Rhino personally, and I don’t care much for the guy, but you have to be impressed with the punishment he took here. It took a brutal chairshot, although not a deliberate one, by Steve Corino, a Five Star Frog Splash by Rob Van Dam and a Cradle Piledriver onto a chair by Jerry Lynn to put the beast down.


Taz: Well Lynn took plenty of punishment in the early going himself. But hats off to him; some how he has managed to walk away, barely, with a win here tonight. A HUGE victory for Jerry.


Jerry slapped hands with the fans as he limped his way to the back, the match clearly having an effect on him. Rhino was slowly coming to in the ring, and the anger was clearly rising to the surface. Unfortunately ECW Official Mike Posey was a little slow in picking up on the fact that Rhino was ready to snap. “The Man Beast” looked up at the ref, the anger burning in his eyes, before charging at Posey and delivering a destructive Gore to the official, almost certainly breaking some ribs. Rhino was a man possessed as he headed outside and set up a table on the arena floor near the apron. Security and officials quickly rushed out to the ring, trying to keep Rhino away from the official. But Rhino was in his own world and began knocking security down with lefts and rights before grabbing Posey and dragging him onto the apron. The fans knew instantly what was about to happen and all rose to their feet in unison. And the arena almost shook as the crowd roared when “The Man Beast” delivered a Rhino Driver through the table on the official. The place was electric as more officials and Road Agents rushed down to drag Rhino away, a sick smile on his face. Heyman was there to blast Rhino before EMTs came to check on the official, security escorting Rhino to the backstage area where he could be somewhat contained.




The cameras are in the hallways of The Hammerstein Ballroom, where we see Ken Doane and Gregory Helms discussing what took place earlier in the evening.


Doane: Oh, man. We beat him like a dog. That was all KINDS of awesome, man.


Helms: Yeah, sure.


Doane: Hey, maybe we could make this a regular thing. Just think about it; Ken Doane and Gregory Helms, ECW World Tag Team Champions. What do you think, huh? Has a nice ring to it.


Helms:... Look, I gotta be somewhere.


Doane: Maybe I can come with you. We could be like the Three Amigos. You know, except there are only two of us...we could be like the Two Amigos.


Helms: Go away.


Doane: Come on, don’t be like that. I could be a big help to you. Next week you have Mikey Whipwreck. I think I could be a big...


Doane was quickly cut off when the camera got a shot of a Singapore Cane swinging and connecting with the skull of Doane. Helms’ eyes widened as the camera zoomed out and there stood “The Hardcore Icon” The Sandman, a cane in his hand and a ****ed off expression on his face. Helms quickly bolted for the exit, where Sandman quickly followed, giving chase to “God’s Gift to Wrestling”.




The cameras catch up with Doug and Danny Basham, who are preparing to cut a promo backstage.


Danny: Well after months of empty promises and lies from Heyman and company, it seems The Basham Brothers are in the same damn predicament here that we were in on Smackdown. No promo time, no title opportunities, no competition and no respect. It’s a damn joke. Who can honestly pose a threat to us?


Doug: Unholy Alliance? Not in our league. The Impact Players? Washed up. The Originals; Stevie Richards and Nova? They have never amounted to **** in this business. So who do we have? Who can honestly step into that ring and give us a run for our money? Well that is exactly what we are gonna find out next week. We are issuing an open challenge to ANY tag team out there, be it from ECW, WWE or any other promotion out there, we really could not give a damn. We dare you to step through those ropes next week and try to take us to the limit. And I guarantee you this; The Bashams will walk away the victors, as we always do. If Paul. E and company won’t find any decent competition for The Bashams, we will find it ourselves.





Kurt Angle vs. Stevie Richards


The only way to possibly describe this contest is that it was an absolute massacre. Stevie Richards didn’t stand a chance as Angle threw him around the ring like a rag doll, completely obliterating Angle. Stevie took a few wild swings as the crowd urged him on, but he never came close to connecting. It seemed Richards may have had a saving grace when Nova ran towards the ring to help his partner. But as soon as he slid into the ring, he was sent to the outside again with a Belly to Belly Suplex over the top, sending him through a nearby table. Stevie staggered to his feet, but he was once again dropped with an Angle Slam. The straps came down and the jeers rang out as Angle applied the Ankle Lock. Angle wrapped his legs around the leg of Stevie, ensuring that he had nowhere to go, and eventually he HAD to tap out to the move.


Winner: Kurt Angle


The match was over, but the pain for Stevie Richards wasn’t as Angle kept the Ankle Lock applied, not releasing the hold. The official tried to pry Angle off of Richards, but he kept it locked tightly. It took several officials and Road Agents to get Angle off of Stevie. Not wanting a repeat of what happened earlier with Rhino, the officials quickly dragged Stevie from the ring and helped him to the back. That’s when angle grabbed a microphone and practically yelled down the mic.




Angle dropped the microphone, but he continued to scream as he left the ring and headed to the back, the crowd a little uncomfortable with what they witnessed.


Styles: What is in the water around here? First Rhino and now this? But once again, Raven is nowhere to be seen.


Taz: That’s a good thing Joey, because if he did show up I have to say I think Angle would tear him apart. I know Raven has always been the master of mind games, but I think even he is regretting going after the Olympic Gold Medallist.




Styles: Well, as announced on ECW.com several weeks ago, ECW will be returning to Pay Per View on Sunday, August 13th LIVE for ECW Heatwave. Now as has been announced, the finals of the ECW Television Title Tournament will take place on that night. And right now ladies and gentlemen we have another huge announcement. Now if you’re an avid reader of certain wrestling news sites across the internet, you will be aware of rumours surrounding a certain individual from the Independent wrestling scene who is supposedly set to debut here in ECW. Well, wonder no more. At ECW Heatwave, we will all bear witness to the debut....of the best in the world.


A video then plays for the fans in the Hammerstein, as well as the millions watching at home...


<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="300" height="255" src="

http://www.youtube.com/embed/sfRL9X9WXcU?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>


Styles: That’s right, ladies and gentlemen; on August 13th at ECW Heatwave, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson will make his debut here in Extreme Championship Wrestling. Trained by “The Heartbreak Kid” himself, Bryan Danielson is, quite possibly, the best technical wrestler in the world today, and at Heatwave, he calls ECW home.


Taz: I’ll tell you something, if you guys have never seen “The American Dragon” in action, you are in for a treat. Head to YouTube, search EBay for a DVD, do whatever you can to see this guy in action. He is phenomenal. And I for one am stoked that he is heading to The Land of Extreme.


Styles: Mark it on your calendars; Sunday, August 13th, “The American Dragon” is coming to ECW.




Non-Title Match:



Rob Van Dam vs. Steve Corino


Corino was adamant that he would cause the upset in his match with World Champion Rob Van Dam, and the presence of Luther was a good argument in favour of Corino walking away with the victory. But before the match even started, the playing field was levelled when, for the second time in the evening, Jerry Lynn made an appearance. He was visibly limping, but he had back up in the form of Masato Tanaka, and the two began to brawl with Luther, pounding away on him and forcing him to the backstage area. This left Corino all alone with “The Whole F’n Show”, and RVD capitalized on the distraction by peppering “The King of Old School” with kicks and strikes, dazing the former ECW Champion. RVD was in control in the early going until Corino, being Corino, landed a boot to RVD’s “crown jewels” sending him crashing to his knees. Corino was extremely impressive from then on, keeping RVD off his feet with various strikes and Suplex’s. Corino hit a devastating Northern Lights Suplex into the turnbuckle, almost dropping RVD on his neck. Corino made the cover but was only able to get a two. Corino was really taking it to the ECW Champion, and it seemed we may just get an upset, but RVD showed exactly why he is the champ, fighting back to his feet before hitting a Spin Kick to the face of Corino. From then on it was back and forth, both men throwing everything in their arsenal out there. Corino looked to hit an Old School Lariat, but Van Dam ducked before hitting a Monkey Flip and quickly connecting with a Rolling Thunder for a close two. RVD headed up top quickly, looking for the Five Star Frog Splash, but Corino was able to get to his feet and hitting the ropes, sending Van Dam crotch first into the top turnbuckle. Corino slowly made his way up top and set RVD up for a Superplex from the top. But Van Dam was able to fight Corino off before a kick to the skull sent him to the canvas. This gave RVD the perfect chance to fly through the air, connecting with the Five Star Frog Splash to the approval of the New York fans. RVD hooked the leg and finally scored the pinfall on “The King of Old School”.


Winner: Rob Van Dam


The crowd were on their feet as Bob Artese announced RVD as the victor. The hand was raised by the official as “RVD” chants rang out. But the cheers soon turned to jeers as Francine sauntered towards the ring, distracting the ECW World Champion. This gave Shelton Benjamin to come through the crowd and enter the ring. But unlike last week, RVD was prepared and he almost took Benjamin’s head off with a Spin Kick. RVD began putting the boots to “The Gold Standard”, the crowd roaring his every move. But much like the previous week he was stopped in his tracks by Rhino, who had broken away from security who were chasing him down the aisle. “The Man Beast” slid into the ring and took RVD out once again with a brutal Gore. Security finally got into the ring and pinned Rhino into the corner to prevent him from causing any more damage. Upon seeing Rhino in the ring, Benjamin quickly bailed to the outside, where Francine was waiting for him. It was then that ECW Co-Owner Paul Heyman came out the entrance way, microphone in hand.


Heyman: That’s it, enough’s enough. I’m getting just a little ****ed off with this whole scenario. I have enough to deal with having Mick and Tommy at each other’s throats, not to mention Kurt Angle trying to destroy half the roster. And now I have to deal with this? Rhino, honestly you need to thank your lucky stars you still have a job after the stunt you pulled earlier tonight. And Shelton, quite frankly I’m a little tired of you jumping our World Champion and screwing up my Main Events. And despite Mick and Tommy not being here, and despite my better judgement, I have come to a decision. You two want your title shots so badly? Well in that case you’ve got them. Because next week, at The ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Rob Van Dam will face both Rhino AND Shelton Benjamin in a Three Way Dance for the ECW World Championship.


The crowd roared at the major announcement by Heyman, clearly excited at the prospect of all three men going at it for the gold. But as RVD rolled around the canvas still in pain, Shelton Benjamin rolled in with a steel chair and cracked it across the spine of Van Dam, the jeers echoing throughout the building. Rhino was still being held back, but he never expected Benjamin to swing the chair in his direction, crushing the steel across his skull and sending him to the canvas. Security was now trying to hold Benjamin back to stop him from causing any more damage. The show closed with Benjamin standing tall in the ring, the warning shots fired to both RVD and Rhino ahead of their showdown in 7 days.








Dark Matches:

Masato Tanaka over Luther F+

Brent Albright over Justin Credible C


Main Show:

Lance Storm over Nova D+

Gregory Helms over Tajiri C-

Shelton Benjamin over Sabu C-

Jerry Lynn over Rhino C-

Kurt Angle over Stevie Richards C

Rob Van Dam over Steve Corino B-


Show Rating: C+




KrisKatana - 5/6 (Total= 8)

TheKenwyne - 5/6 (Total= 8)

The Final Countdown - 5/6 (Total= 8)

Hashasheen - 5/6 (Total= 8)

Kijar - 4/6 (Total= 7)

pauls07 - 4/6 (Total= 7)

Doe-Bomb - 3/6 (Total= 7)

Nobby_McDonald - 4/6 (Total= 6)

Jingo - 4/6 (Total= 5)

20LEgened - 5/6 (Total= 5)


jstarr187 - N/A (Total= 3)

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This Friday Night on Smackdown sees all the fallout from The Great American Bash. But the Main Event is somewhat of a strange one, as the WWE Chairman himself, Mr. McMahon, has announced that this Friday Night "The Animal"Batista will go one on one with none other than The Undertaker! It is unclear quite why this match has been ordered, but McMahon has promised to explain his actions this week on Smackdown. Also this Friday night The British Uprising will defend their GREAT BRITISH Tag Team Titles against Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury, the newly dubbed A-List, who General Manager Theodore Long feels were screwed out of a potential victory last Sunday when Melina and her two new associates got themselves involved. It will be interesting to see how London & Kendrick react to this news. Plus, after his cowardly actions at The Great American Bash, Mr. Kennedy returns to in ring competition for the first time since 2005 when he takes on Chris Benoit. And to add to that, CM Punk has been BANNED from the arena to protect the safety of BOTH men, which shows just how much this feud has escalated. Plus, Kid Kash defends his Cruiserweight Championship when he takes on Nunzio of the F.B.I. And speaking of Cruiserweights, another Number One Contender will be decided in a Triple Threat match between Psicosis, Super Crazy and, surprisingly, Kid Kash's Tag partner Jamie Noble.


Also, as promised last week, we will have an exclusive interview with Rey Mysterio, who speaks for the first time since he was brutally attacked by Orlando Jordan. Also, both Matt Hardy AND his opponent for Vengeance, United States Champion Bobby Lashley, will be in attendance. And after his defeat to The Undertaker in a Casket Match, John Bradshaw Layfield has promised to be in the building. With all of this and so much more, make sure you tune in to Friday Night Smackdown on CW.


Quick Picks:


Batista vs. The Undertaker


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. The A-List


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. Nunzio


Chris Benoit vs. Mr Kennedy


Number One Contendership for WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Jamie Noble vs. Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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Batista vs. The Undertaker


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. The A-List


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. Nunzio


Chris Benoit vs. Mr Kennedy

I expect CM Punk to interfere with this one, regardless of being banned.


Number One Contendership for WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Jamie Noble vs. Psicosis vs. Super Crazy


I'm a Noble mark so I just hope that you push him.

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Batista vs. The Undertaker - Taker's riding a big ol' wave of momentum, Batista has been... meh, lately. So yeah. Barring shenanigans, Taker wins.


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. The A-List - A jolly good beating's going to go down here, what what?


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. Nunzio - Splat.


Chris Benoit vs. Mr Kennedy - I suspect Benoit is in for a mercing after the #1 contender match. Plus he's directionless after that match and Kennedy's in a fued, so... yeah, I'll go with him.


Number One Contendership for WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Jamie Noble vs. Psicosis vs. Super Crazy - Scores a cheeky roll up while the other two smack the crap out of each other. Plus Psi and Super Crazy already have enough on their plates with each other.

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Batista vs. The Undertaker


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. The A-List


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. Nunzio

Please Nunzio! Huge fan.


Chris Benoit vs. Mr Kennedy


Number One Contendership for WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Jamie Noble vs. Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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Batista vs. The Undertaker-No contest

-I just can't see either guy losing here...


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. The A-List

-Likely through nefarious means, perhaps involving Melina.


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. Nunzio


Chris Benoit vs. Mr Kennedy


Number One Contendership for WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Jamie Noble vs. Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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Quick Picks:

Batista vs. The Undertaker

Don't remember what Batista's been doing but never job the Undertaker is a mantra of WWE Booking.


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. The A-List

A-List has their own storyline to deal with. Plus British Uprising is too cool.


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. Nunzio

Kid Kash. We're going to see Noble versus Kash, and Kash is going to lose that one, I hope.


Chris Benoit vs. Mr Kennedy

Mr. Kennedy needs momentum, though CM Punk might make an appearance.


Number One Contendership for WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Jamie Noble vs. Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

See Kid Kash segment. Noble vs. Kash

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Batista vs. The Undertaker

WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. The A-List


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. Nunzio


Chris Benoit vs. Mr Kennedy

Number One Contendership for WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Jamie Noble vs. Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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Batista vs. The Undertaker


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. The A-List


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. Nunzio


Chris Benoit vs. Mr Kennedy


Number One Contendership for WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Jamie Noble vs. Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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Batista vs. The Undertaker

No contest somehow. Can't see either man being pinned.


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. The A-List

Melina shenanigans.


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. Nunzio

Champ looks strong. Nunzio should be in ECW.


Chris Benoit vs. Mr Kennedy

Via DQ after Punk kicks his ass.


Number One Contendership for WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Jamie Noble vs. Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

Commence tag partner fued.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just want to take this time to apologize to everyone who is following this dynasty for the lack of updates recently. My computer completely bit the dust last week and there was absolutely no way of fixing it, so I have had to invest in a new computer. However, I only backed up a small portion of what I had written up before it died. So this is just an update to let you know that whilst this dynasty is FAR from dead, it may be a week or two before I get the next show posted. I feel kinda bad as this seems to be a regular occurrence with this diary. But rest assured I will continue with this diary for as long as I possibly can. I hope you guys can be patient as I get things up and running (yet again!!).
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  • 2 weeks later...



Coming to you from The MSU Dome

Attendance is 8,912

The Announce Team for Friday Night Smackdown is:





In the evenings Dark Matches, Hamada picked up a win over JBL’s Assistant Jillian Hall, and Finlay BARELY picked up a victory over a newcomer, Frankie Kazarian, who put on a respectable performance but was ultimately beaten with the Celtic Cross.




The regular video package and pyrotechnic display was skipped this week, instead replaced with the sounds of “No Chance in Hell” blaring out of the sound system. The crowd’s jeers are deafening as WWE Chairman Vince McMahon strutted out onto the stage and headed down towards the ring.


Cole: Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown ladies and gentlemen. I’m Michael Cole, alongside my new broadcast partner Todd Grisham. And tonight we have TWO title defences, a Number One Contenders Match for a shot at the Cruiserweight Championship AND we see the in ring return of Mr. Ken Kennedy. But right now we have the honour of WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon coming out here, and you have to wonder what he has to discuss here tonight.


Grisham: I don’t think we’ll have to wait long, Michael.


We certainly didn’t have to wait long, as McMahon was stood in the centre of the ring, a microphone in hand, waiting for the jeers to die down before he began.


McMahon: This past Monday Night on Raw, a match was booked to determine a new Number One Contender for Edge’s newly won WWE Championship, pitting Chavo Guerrero against Shawn Michaels. That’s all well and good, except for the fact that match was booked without MY authorization. Eric Bischoff went over my head and asked my own WIFE to book the match. And she agreed. Now Eric, on a personal note to you, I WILL deal with you. That I promise you. And whilst I can’t change the match, I can sure as hell ADD to it. Shawn Michaels, if you think for one second I’m going to allow you to get any kind of shot at the WWE Championship, you are SADLY mistaken. I will be six feet underground before you EVER wear the WWE Championship again. Which brings me to tonight. You see, ever since that OTHER Company took our World Heavyweight Title, Smackdown has been without a champion. Smackdown has been left without a man to represent their brand. And I think it is about time we rectified that situation. So tonight, IN THIS VERY RING, “The Animal” Batista , will square off one on one.... against “The Phenom” The Undertaker.


The crowd explode at the match announcement, the very thought of those two men colliding on Smackdown. But McMahon’s announcement wasn’t over just yet.


McMahon: And the winner of that match will face Shawn Michaels in two weeks time LIVE on Monday Night Raw to determine who the TRUE Number One Contender will be for Edge’s title at Vengeance.. Shawn, you bought this on yourself. You will never....


McMahon was suddenly cut off when “Burn in my Light” by Mercy Drive hit, and out through the curtain came “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton. The jeers were loud as Orton headed to the ring looking focused whilst McMahon stood in the ring looking majorly ****ed off at the interruption. Orton grabbed a microphone from ringside, but the chairman was the first one to speak up.


McMahon: This better be DAMN good for you to come out and interrupt me, Randy.


Orton: Sir, with all due respect, I think you’re making a big mistake tonight.


McMahon: Randy, you’re about to make an even bigger one, so be careful what your next choice of words is going to be.


Orton: Sir, if anyone deserves a shot at the WWE Championship, it’s ME. Teddy Long has screwed me over time and time again, keeping me from becoming World Heavyweight Champion, throwing obstacle after obstacle in my way. First Benoit, then Hardy and then Lashley. You can make a difference, you can put things right. You...


McMahon: Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you lose your Triple Threat match at The Great American Bash to Matt Hardy? Wasn’t it you who’s shoulders were pinned to the mat? And wasn’t it YOU, Randy Orton, who threatened to tear this company apart piece by piece if you didn’t get what you felt you deserved all those months ago? Randy, the way things have gone lately for you, and the way you have threatened this brand, this company, MY company, you should consider yourself lucky you still have a job.


Orton: Mr. McMahon, I think you need to think very hard about what you are doing. It’s only...


Orton was suddenly cut short when “Whatever” by Our Lady Peace hit the P.A system, and through the curtain sprinted Chris Benoit, who obviously felt he still had a score to settle with Orton. Benoit slid under the bottom rope and immediately took “The Legend Killer” down with a Double Leg Takedown before peppering Orton with lefts and rights, the crowd roaring with every shot that connected. McMahon was clearly livid at the constant interruptions and simply dropped the microphone and headed to the back, his face a picture of disgust. Benoit was lighting Orton’s chest up with HARD chops in the corner, Randy’s chest turning red, handprints swelling up on his chest. Randy took the only way out he could, kicking Benoit between the legs and bolting out of the ring and through the crowd. Benoit was clearly hurt, but he bounced back up and gave chase to Orton, who was moving as fast as his legs would take him in order to escape “The Rabid Wolverine”.


Cole: Well, that was certainly a strange way to kick things off, but it seems Benoit still has issues with “The Legend Killer”.


Grisham: Well it’s not surprising considering the fact that Orton almost ended the career of Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania. But even more amazing was that HUGE announcement made by Mr. McMahon; Batista faces off against The Undertaker tonight with the winner going on to face Shawn Michaels LIVE on Monday Night Raw in two weeks. And the winner of that match goes on to face “The Rated R Superstar” Edge for the WWE Championship at Vengeance.




WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:




Kid Kash © vs. Nunzio


Both Jamie Noble and Tony Mamaluke were sent to the back before the start of this contest, leaving Kash and Nunzio to do battle on even ground. And the match, as you would expect from these two men, was fast paced, the crowd actually really getting behind “The Little Guido” as he gave Kash a tough time throughout the contest. The crowd almost came unglued when Nunzio came within inches of becoming champion, hitting the Sicilian Slice on Kash and hooking a leg. The official counted the three, and the crowd went wild. That is until the official spotted that Kash’s leg was under the bottom rope, meaning the pinfall had to be stopped. Nunzio was livid, as were many in the crowd. And as Nunzio argued with the official, it gave Kash enough time to recover before kicking Nunzio hard in the back of the head before laying him out with the Money Maker for the three count, once again scraping a victory to retain his title.


Winner and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Kid Kash


Grisham: How close was Nunzio from walking away with gold around his waist?


Cole: Well, there will be a lot of dispute over that decision, but the fact remains that somehow, once again, Kid Kash has managed to keep a hold of his Cruiserweight Championship.


Kid Kash didn’t waste any time after the bell had rung, grabbing his Cruiserweight Championship and high tailing it to the back. Nunzio was slowly coming to, the fans applauding his efforts. But Nunzio was struggling to keep his cool, his Italian temperament beginning to boil over as he argued with the official over his decision, convinced that his pinfall should have stood. Nunzio then saw red as he decked the official, laying him out with a single punch. Within seconds his tag partner Tony Mamaluke ran towards the ring, diving through the ropes and holding Nunzio back, preventing him from making a bigger mistake than he already had. Road Agents Arn Anderson and Dean Malenko headed down to check on the official and try to diffuse the situation. Nunzio was still furious, but he was convinced by Mamaluke to head to the back. On the entrance way, Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long was stood waiting for Nunzio. A heated exchange of words ensued, and they resulted in Nunzio pushing Long down onto the steel ramp before storming off with Mamaluke, the entire audience baffled by Nunzio’s outburst.




Matthews: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time; MR. Ken Kennedy. Now Ken, in just a few moments, you make your return to in ring competition when you take on Chris Benoit. But the question that is on everyone’s mind is why you brutally attacked CM Punk, who has been banned from the building here tonight, following his match at The Great American Bash?


Kennedy: So that’s what’s on everybody’s mind, Joshua? Is that what everyone wants to know? Well let me ask you something that’s been playing on my mind for the past few months; why have I had to sit at that announce desk for the past few months? I was fit to compete a LONG time ago. But the “powers that be” put me behind that desk because they didn’t want to get me back in the ring too early because, and I quote, “You’re too injury prone, Ken. We just can’t take the chance”. And yet at the same time, they are giving valuable air time, MY valuable airtime, to CM Punk. Everybody in this company fawned over him. Well let me tell you something about CM Punk. I knew him before he ever stepped foot in a WWE ring, and I can tell you that PUNK is a very appropriate name for that glorified curtain jerker. Everybody gushes over him because he made a name for himself in some piece of garbage Independent promotion. Well CM Punk hasn’t proved a damn thing in the WWE. He is an overpaid, overhyped reject who will NEVER reach the heights that I have in this company. I have defeated former World Champions, I have come within INCHES of being a World Champion in my rookie year. And now I can say that I beat that snot nosed PUNK within an inch of his life. CM Punk will never...


Kennedy was quickly cut off when an enraged CM Punk, his head bandaged following the attack on Sunday, took Kennedy down and began to hit hard, violent fists to the skull of Kennedy, clearly ignoring Teddy Longs instructions to stay out of the building. Within seconds, officials and security descended onto the scene and dragged CM Punk off of the clearly shaken Kennedy, who decided not to hang around and instead headed off to prepare for match against Benoit. But the officials were left trying to contain a RABID CM Punk, who was screaming for Kennedy’s blood.




The cameras head into the locker room, where “The Animal” Batista is preparing for his huge Main Event match with The Undertaker, the fans going wild. But the cheers soon turned to jeers when he was joined in the locker room by Orlando Jordan, who was making quite a name for himself lately at the expense of Rey Mysterio as well as Batista.


Batista: You better walk back through that door Orlando, before I throw you through it.


Jordan: Hey, relax big man. I’m just here to wish you luck in your match tonight. If anyone can beat The Deadman, it’s you.


Batista: Cut the crap, Orlando. After what you did to Rey, and after what you did to ME, you’re lucky you’re still breathing.


Jordan: Dave, you need to relax. Look, what I did to Rey, what I did to you, it was nothing personal, man. JBL said I couldn’t cut it on my own. He said I needed to make an impact. And it seemed the biggest impact I could make was going after you guys. It was nothing personal, I swear...


That’s the moment when Batista wrapped his massive hand around the throat of Orlando Jordan, pinning him to the wall.


Batista: Rey is sat at home in agony. He can barely get out of his chair to play with his kids because of you. You’re lucky I haven’t snapped you in half already, Jordan.


Jordan: I.....can’t...breathe...


Batista: GOOD. I’m glad. How does it feel to have your future determined by somebody else, Orlando? Do you feel scared? Alone? Now think about the pain Rey is going through right now. You are lucky I have more important matters tonight; otherwise your head would be through that wall right now. Now do yourself a favour and get out before I do something I regret.


Batista then released his grip on Jordan’s neck, who fell to the floor before dragging himself back through the door he came from. Batista then returned to preparing for his match later in the evening as if nothing had happened at all.


Cole: Orlando Jordan is an EXTREMELY lucky man to walk away from that confrontation in one piece.


Grisham: I agree, but Batista has a lot on his plate tonight when he faces The Undertaker in our Main Event.


Cole: And don’t forget, we will see my exclusive interview with Rey Mysterio from earlier in the week, filmed from his home in San Diego. And believe me when I say that this is a Rey Mysterio the likes of which we have never seen.





Chris Benoit vs. Mr. Kennedy


Kennedy’s return to in ring competition didn’t start the way he had envisioned as Benoit, still amped up after his confrontation with Randy Orton earlier in the evening, began beating the holy hell out of Kennedy. Kennedy tried on several occasions to bail from the ring to regain his composure, and every time Benoit followed him out to continue to do some damage. This worked well for “The Rabid Wolverine” until a Drop Toe Hold into the steel steps stopped Benoit’s momentum. Kennedy threw Benoit back into the ring, where he continued to do damage to the former World Heavyweight Champion. The crowd were firmly behind Benoit, but Kennedy’s viciousness that he displayed at The Great American Bash came to the surface, and Kennedy began beating down on Benoit, with hard kicks to the ribs keeping “The Rabid Wolverine” down. Kennedy was firmly in control of the contest, until an attempted Clothesline attempt was reversed into a Crippler Crossface from nowhere. Kennedy was in agony as he scouted around for the ropes. After a long struggle, Kennedy finally found the rope to break the count. From there Benoit had the momentum on his side, and a Trifecta German Suplex put Kennedy on the mat. Benoit then headed up top and looked to hit a Diving Headbutt onto Kennedy. But as Benoit came down, Kennedy put his knees up high and Benoit’s head connected with Kennedy’s knee, causing a deep gash above his nose. The blood was pouring as Kennedy stalked his prey. But the match was bought to an abrupt end when CM Punk stormed the ring, closely followed by several officials and Security, and took Kennedy off his feet and beat him down with stiff shots to the head, causing the official to call for the bell.


Winner via Disqualification: Mr. Kennedy


The beating continued for several seconds as Security struggled once again to separate Punk from his rival, the rage evident for all to see. Kennedy finally managed to get himself free and, as the security held Punk back, Kennedy got a cheap shot in before running to the back, not wanting anymore of “The Second City Saint”. The officials struggled to drag Punk to the back as Benoit slowly got to his feet. And as if the crowd weren’t already whipped into a frenzy, from the crowd came “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton, who grabbed a steel chair before sliding into the ring and slamming the chair into the spine of Benoit, the impact sending “The Rabid Wolverine” to the canvas. Orton dropped the chair to the mat as Benoit got to his feet, but he was soon down again when Orton nailed an RKO onto the steel chair. Orton then quickly bailed from the ring as the crowds jeers became deafening, only causing Orton’s smirk to grow even larger.




Matthews: Ladies and gentlemen, I am joined at this time by the WWE Great British Tag Team Champions, William Regal and Paul Burchill; The British Uprising. And guys, after what many have called a lucky escape at The Great American Bash, you have to defend your titles once again against Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury; The A-List.


Regal: Sorry, did you say a lucky escape? There was no luck involved, sunshine. Three teams walked into the ring last Sunday and the best team walked away with the belts. It’s as simple as that. You can make all the bloody excuses you want to, son. The fact of the matter is that The British Uprising was unstoppable at The Great American Bash, just like we are every single night, Joshey boy. Me and Paul were...Paul? PAUL?


Burchill: ...sorry, did you say something?


Regal: Excuse me for just a second, Josh. What the bloody hell is wrong with you? You were like this Sunday night. What’s wrong?


Burchill: I told you, family issues....


Regal: And I told you, you leave your personal problems at home. Paul, whatever’s going on at home, quite frankly, I couldn’t care less about. Its bad enough we even have to defend our belts against those two bloody heathens. But if we’re going to do it, you need to be 100% focused. Do you understand?


Burchill: Yeah.


Regal: Say it with some bloody conviction will you...


Just then, Burchill got right up in Regal’s face, his eyes burning with anger as Regal took a step back.


Burchill: You want me to focus? You want be to be at my best? You just watch me out there tonight Billy. Then we will see if you ever question me again.


And with that Burchill stormed off, leaving Regal slightly confused, but the confusion soon turned to happiness as a smile broke out on Regal’s face as he muttered to himself “Now THAT’s what I’m talking about, sunshine”.



Grisham: I have no idea what has been eating at Paul Burchill lately, but it seems it is making him more focused inside the ring.


Cole: I’ll agree with that, but I question just how wise it is of Regal to keep pushing his protégé like this.




The cameras head into the office of General Manager Theodore Long, who is joined by WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, reading Long the riot act.


McMahon: Is that what you call keeping things under control, Teddy? I get interrupted by Randy Orton and Chris Benoit when I’m trying to make an important announcement. You have CM Punk and Mr. Kennedy tearing each other apart, despite the fact that YOU ordered Punk to stay out of the building. Teddy, you’re supposed to be in charge here. Am I going to have to look into replacing you?


Long: Sir, I assure you that what has happened tonight will NEVER happen again.


McMahon: You better hope so, because if anything goes wrong during tonight’s Main Event, you better start looking for another job. I’ve got a lot riding on tonight’s Main Event, I can’t have any screw ups. Teddy, if anything goes wrong tonight, I’m holding YOU responsible.


With that, McMahon stormed from the office, leaving Teddy more than a little stressed. But no sooner had McMahon left the room when Brian Kendrick and Paul London entered. Long didn’t particularly want to deal with them, but he had no choice as the two got straight to the point.


London: Teddy, man, what’s the deal?


Long: Excuse me?


Kendrick: Dude, you’re giving Nitro and Mercury a title shot and leaving us on the sidelines? What’s up with that, man?


Long: Look, Nitro and Mercury were the ones to come to my office and ask for the match since they feel they were screwed out of the titles by Melina and her two new associates. And I agreed, hence the reason I granted the match. Now I’m sorry if you feel cheated, playas, but the match is made.


London: Then throw us into the mix, Teddy. Make it a Three Way. We deserve a...


Long: I SAID THE MATCH IS MADE. Just leave. NOW.


Both Kendrick and London were taken back by Long’s outburst and quietly left the room, leaving Teddy alone to think about everything that seems to be crumbling down around him.


Cole: Teddy Long is really starting to feel the pressure as General Manager. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him snap like that.


Grisham: Long has been feeling the pressure for months Michael, but it seems to finally be catching up with him. He better pray to god that tonight’s Main Event goes off without any glitches.




Number One Contendership For WWE Cruiserweight Championship:


Jamie Noble vs. Psicosis vs. Super Crazy


As was expected, Psicosis and Super Crazy spent the majority of the contest tearing chunks out of each other whilst Noble stood back in the corner, watching the two former partners lay into each other. That was until an attempted Running Dropkick attempt by Psicosis was side stepped by Super Crazy and connected with Noble, knocking the wind out of him. This seemed to awaken a side in Noble that hadn’t been seen in quite some time, and he began to unload on both men. An absolutely devastating Tiger Driver should have been enough to get the win over Psicosis, but Super Crazy was there to make the save. The match went back and forth right up to the end, when Crazy was able to connect with the Trifecta Moonsault on Psicosis. Crazy went for the cover, but he was dragged away from Noble at two, who pulled him to the centre of the ring before locking on the Trailer Hitch. Crazy held on as long as possible, and was close to making it to the ropes, but in the end it was too much, and he was given no choice but to tap out, giving Noble the win and a shot at Cruiserweight gold.


Winner and Number One Contender for WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Jamie Noble


Cole: Can you believe it? Jamie Noble is the Number One Contender for the Cruiserweight Championship, held by his very own Tag Team partner, Kid Kash.


Grisham: How is that going to affect their relationship? Only time will tell.


Noble was jumping up and down inside the ring as if he had already won the gold. But he soon stopped when his partner and Cruiserweight Champion Kid Kash stepped through the ropes, his face etched with annoyance more than anything. It finally dawned on Noble that he would have to face his partner for the title, and the two stared each other down, Noble looking slightly nervous and Kash looking slightly p***ed off.




The cameras pan to the back, where the familiar White Limousine of John Bradshaw Layfield pulls into the parking lot. The driver exits the vehicle and opens the passenger door, and out steps JBL, his eyes blackened after his Casket Match with The Undertaker at The Great American Bash. He looks more annoyed than usual as he stormed into the building, the announcers questioning just what he is doing in the arena.




The crowd rose to their feet as “Live for the Moment” by Monster Magnet hit, and out through the curtain stepped the new Number One Contender for the United States Championship; Matt Hardy. Matt was all smiles as he posed and mugged for the fans before grabbing a microphone and entering the ring. The “Hardy” chants were loud as Hardy lifted the microphone to his lips.


Hardy: Last Sunday at The Great American Bash, I was in a war with two former World Champions, two men who many consider to be the toughest men in this company. And I battled, I scraped, I clawed, and at the end of it all MY hand was raised in victory. I was declared the winner and now I am heading to Vengeance to battle for the United States Championship. It’s a championship with so much prestige, and yet it’s a championship that yours truly has never held. But I intend to change all that at Vengeance in just over 3 week’s time. But right now I want to call somebody out to the centre of this ring. Bobby Lashley, could you please come out here.


The crowd were mixed, as always, when United States Champion Bobby Lashley headed towards the ring, dressed in T-Shirt and jeans, his title belt draped over his shoulder. Lashley stepped through the ropes and stood face to face with Hardy, his face stoic and emotionless.


Hardy: You know, I’ve had a lot of people try to convince me not to invite you down to this ring tonight. And to be honest I’ve questioned my decision too. Bobby, I’ve always got along with you, I’ve tried to help you out, to help you fit in with the boys in the back, and I’ve always liked you. But some of the things I’ve seen from you the past couple of months have made everyone a little wary. Bobby, you’re losing friends quickly, and in this business you can’t make it alone, no matter how much you want to believe that you can. But you know what, I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, and I asked you out here to shake your hand and to let you know that it will be an honour to face you for the United States Championship, and I look forward to seeing you in the ring at Vengeance.


Hardy stuck out his hand, ready to shake the hand of the United States Champion. Lashley looked down at the hand of Hardy before looking him in the eye. That’s when Lashley began chuckling to himself, a grin spread across his face before shaking his head and heading for the exit. That’s when Hardy grabbed him by the shirt and spun him around, finally gaining the attention of the monster, whose face now wore a mask of frustration and anger.


Hardy: Hey, I swallowed my pride, I ignored everybody else who warned me against this and I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I won’t do it again, so you shake my hand now and we will...


Hardy was unprepared when Lashley shoved his palm in his face and shoved him to the ground. The crowd, who had been mixed for some time, had now turned on Lashley, who was laughing at the fallen Hardy. But Hardy wasn’t prepared to be embarrassed by Lashley, and he took the big man down with a Double Leg Takedown before throwing lefts and rights at him, stunning the US champ. But Lashley’s brute strength made it easy for him to toss him aside. Hardy got to his feet and was immediately met with a stiff Clothesline, sending him down hard. Lashley took off his T-Shirt and the beating began, Lashley wrapping his shirt around the throat of Hardy and dragging him around the ring before tossing him into the corner. Lashley then headed to the outside, where he grabbed a steel chair, the jeers ringing out. Lashley waited for Hardy to get to his feet before swinging for the head of the Number One Contender. But Lashley missed as Hardy ducked, avoiding the steel. Lashley turned around and was kicked in the gut before Hardy nailed a Twist of Fate on Lashley, sending him crashing into the canvas. Hardy quickly rolled out of the ring as the crowd came to their feet, “Hardy” chants echoing through the arena. But the monstrous Lashley wasn’t down long, and he stared down his Vengeance opponent, a sick smile spread across his face.


Grisham: Matt Hardy may have awoken the beast within Bobby Lashley here tonight, and you have to wonder just what he has gotten himself into.


Cole: That may be true, but the fact of the matter is Matt Hardy has gotten one over the United States Champion here tonight.




WWE Great British Tag Team Championship:




The British Uprising © vs. The A-List


Similar to what happened at The Great American Bash, Paul Burchill was the star of the show, his problems away from the ring seemingly motivating him inside of it. Burchill dominated whenever he was tagged into the match, dishing out a beating to both Nitro and Mercury. Joey Mercury in particular was being dismantled by Burchill before the big man tagged in Regal, who continued to keep control of the contest, employing his mat based prowess to keep Mercury grounded. Regal was in total control, that is until an attempted Exploder Suplex was somehow countered into a Swinging Neck Breaker. Mercury struggled to the ropes and finally made the tag to Johnny Nitro, who began to clean house, knocking Burchill from the apron before nailing Regal with a Springboard Roundhouse Kick, almost taking Regal’s head off his shoulders. Nitro continued to control the match, using his speed advantage against the mostly ground based attack of Regal. Nitro came within inches of winning the titles when he landed a spectacular Split Legged Corkscrew Moonsault on the Brit. But Regal was saved when Burchill pulled him to the outside after a two count and hit a devastating Belly to Belly Suplex onto the floor outside, Nitro’s leg landing HARD on the steel steps. Nitro was in obvious pain, and he was easy pickings for Regal after that, and he locked Nitro in the Regal Stretch. Burchill nailed Mercury, insuring that he wouldn’t break the hold. The pain was excruciating for Nitro, and he quickly tapped out, giving The British Uprising the victory, and another convincing title defence.


Winners and STILL WWE Great British Tag Team Championships: The British Uprising


Cole: A fantastic display from both teams there, but once again The British Uprising reign supreme.


Grisham: Say what you will about Burchill and Regal, but they have been extremely impressive since becoming Tag Team Champions, and whatever seems to be bothering Burchill only seems to motivate him inside the ropes.


The jeers rang out as the official handed Regal and Burchill their Tag Team Championships. Regal held his high in the air, celebrating the occasion, but Burchill simply grabbed his belt and headed to the back. Regal soon followed, leaving Joey Mercury to check on his partner. Nitro slowly rose to his feet as the crowd showed their appreciation to the two men. But the cheers turned to jeers as Melina stepped out onto the entrance way with her two new associates, who Michael Cole informed us were called Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins, also known as The Untouchables. The three of them mockingly applauded the two men as they struggled to stand after their war with The British Uprising.




Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, earlier this week I visited the home of Rey Mysterio in San Diego, California for a sit down interview to address his health, his problems concerning Orlando Jordan and, more importantly, whether he will EVER step foot in a WWE Ring again. Here are just some of the highlights of my interview with Rey Mysterio.


The screen switches to a shot of Cole sat down opposite Mysterio. The camera is permanently behind Mysterio as he is unmasked as he talks to Cole.


Cole: Rey, thank you very much for inviting me into your home. I appreciate you taking time to answer some questions for me, to address your fans and to clear up a few things that many people are wondering. So I’d like to get straight to it if you don’t mind. Several weeks ago you were brutally attacked by Orlando Jordan in what was set to be your final match in the WWE. What was going through your mind as you were being taken out on a stretcher that night, knowing that it may very well be the final image the WWE Fans would have of Rey Mysterio?


Mysterio: You know Michael; it was never my intention to leave the WWE completely. I knew I would be back someday, but I just didn’t see myself competing in ring. I felt that I was held back by certain people in the office, but that’s another story for another time. But I never imagined that my final match in the WWE would end like that. I’ve been injured before, I’ve felt pain before. But that night was different. I felt like I’d never get up. Orlando Jordan did something that no other man has ever done; he beat me down to the point where I didn’t want to get up. I waved the white flag and I surrendered. You know me, Michael. I don’t stay down for long. I put up a fight. I suck it up and I fight through the pain. But I couldn’t do it. It was possibly the lowest moment of my career.


Cole: Orlando Jordan has spent the past several weeks boasting about what he did to you, and he even had the nerve to attack your good friend Dave Batista. What are your thoughts on Orlando Jordan after what he did to you?


Mysterio: Michael, it may sound strange but there is a small part of me that respects and admires Orlando for what he did. Let’s look at the facts; he was JBL’s right hand man. He was JBL’s go to boy when things got tough. He was a punching bag for JBL’s opponents. He had been pushed into the shadows and he didn’t know how to prove to everybody that he was a threat in this company. And he felt he needed to make an impact. And he did just that. The only mistake he made was that he made an impact at MY expense. Because whilst a small part of me respects him for what he did, there is a much larger part of me that wants to see him buried, to see him suffer, to see him feel just an OUNCE of the pain that he put me through. Orlando Jordan is on borrowed time, Michael. He got himself noticed, he made an impact. Congratulations, Jordan. But it’s gonna be short lived, I guarantee you that.


Cole: There is one question that the entire wrestling world wants to know; After what happened with Orlando Jordan, will we EVER see Rey Mysterio wrestle inside a WWE Ring?


Mysterio: A few weeks back, I’ll be honest, the answer would have probably been no. I was adamant that I wouldn’t compete again, at least not in the WWE. But after what Orlando Jordan did to me, you can bet your ass I’ll be setting foot in that ring again. Orlando Jordan is going to feel every bit of pain that I endured, and a lot more. And I hope Orlando is watching this, because I want him to know something; I may not be 100%. In fact I’m far from it. But I WILL be on Smackdown next week. And I want to see Orlando Jordan face to face in the centre of that ring. And I want him to look me in the eyes and know that his days are numbered. I WILL be back competing in that ring. I WILL get my hands on Orlando Jordan. And I WILL stick it to everyone who tried to hold me down. And that’s a promise Michael.


The camera returns to the arena, where the crowd is going nuts at the announcement that Rey Mysterio will be returning to the company next week.


Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, you can find the COMPLETE interview between myself and Rey Mysterio on WWE.com following this broadcast. But there you have it, Rey Mysterio will be here next week to confront Orlando Jordan.


Grisham: Well I am pleased to hear that Mysterio will return to the company, but you have to question whether it’s a wise decision to step foot into the ring with Orlando Jordan knowing that he isn’t 100%.




The crowd were pumped as they prepared for the evenings huge Main Event. But before it could take place, the opening chords of “Metalingus” by Alter Bridge hit and through the curtain came the WWE Champion, “The Rated R Superstar” Edge, accompanied by the lovely Lita. The crowd bombarded the two with abuse as they smugly made their way to the announce desk, where Edge put on a headset.


Cole: Well, this is somewhat of a surprise, but it’s a pleasure to have you out here.


Edge: The pleasure is all yours, Michael. But I figured that since there is a good chance I could be facing one of these men at Vengeance, I should come and scout my competition. Hey Grisham, you stare at Lita’s ass one more time and I’ll shove that headset so far down your throat you’ll be talking out your ass.



Batista vs. The Undertaker


The fans in attendance were red hot for this entire contest as they got to see a Pay Per View quality match between two of the biggest names in the WWE. The crowd were split, although it seemed The Undertaker had the majority of the fan support. But it was Batista who took the early advantage when he quickly hit a Clothesline over the top rope as the opening bell rang out. Batista then began to wear “The Deadman” down as he sent him spine first into the ring post not once but twice before throwing him into the security barrier surrounding the ring. Batista was looking to slow Undertaker down before he really got a chance to get going. However an attempted Irish Whip into the steel steps was reversed, and it was “The Animal” who was sent crashing into the steel. Undertaker then sent Batista head first into the announce table, directly in front of the WWE Champion, who was mocking both men the entire time. Back in the ring, the two continued to exchange the momentum as they looked to pull out all the stops to earn a match against HBK in less than two weeks. The contest was close throughout, with neither man truly gaining a clear advantage. An attempted Snake Eyes by Undertaker was cut short when he was hit with a Spinebuster as he went for a Big Boot. Batista was only able to gain a two count, but he was right back on the offensive, nailing a huge Running Powerslam for another close two. Batista then decided to try to end things with the Batista Bomb, even managing to get “The Phenom” on his shoulders. But Undertaker was able to escape and, as Batista turned to face him, he was dropped with a Chokeslam for a very close two count. Things took a turn for the worse when Undertaker lifted Batista up for a Tombstone; however Batista escaped the move and looked to deliver a thunderous Clothesline to Taker. But “The Deadman” ducked, and Batista laid out the official with the move. Batista was clearly sorry for what he had done, checking on the referee, but as he got to his feet he was once again hit with a Chokeslam. Undertaker made the cut throat gesture, signalling the end for Batista. But he was stunned, as were the crowd, when he was sent crashing to the canvas with a devastating Spear courtesy of “The Rated R Superstar” Edge, who had left his position at the announce desk. Edge looked down at the prone body of The Undertaker when he noticed Batista rise to his feet. Edge charged, looking to deliver the same manoeuvre to “The Animal”. But Batista was able to side step the move and send Edge to the outside. With The Undertaker down, Batista looked to finish things off when he lifted Taker up and delivered a HUGE Batista Bomb. However the official was still out on the mat. Fortunately for Batista a second official ran down to the ring and made the cover...but The Undertaker kicked out at two. Batista was furious, and he grabbed the collar of the official, demanding to know why he didn’t call the three count. But Batista was the creator of his own demise when Edge landed a low blow on “The Animal”, the official oblivious to the interference. This gave Undertaker a window of opportunity, and he took it when he lifted Batista up and dropped him on his skull with a Tombstone Piledriver. Undertaker made the cover and gained the victory, getting him one step closer to facing “The Rated R Superstar” at Vengeance.


Winner: The Undertaker


Cole: What a match we just witnessed, ladies and gentlemen. After a hard fought battle, as well as slight interference from the WWE Champion Edge, The Undertaker is one step closer to the WWE Championship match at Vengeance.


Grisham: And not only that, but in less than two weeks we will witness a true classic; The Undertaker versus SHAWN MICHAELS for a shot at Edge’s WWE Title.


Cole: A Wrestlemania quality match up LIVE on Monday Night Raw. I can’t wait... WAIT A MINUTE.


The Undertaker’s victory celebration was short lived as Edge re-entered the ring and nailed him with a stiff chair shot to the back. But “The Rated R Superstar” was stunned when the chair shot made little to no impact, and The Undertaker’s dead, cold eyes seemed to look straight into his soul. Edge gulped nervously before high tailing it up the ramp, Lita grabbing his title belt and quickly following. The Undertaker slowly made his way to the back as he set his sights on the WWE Champion. Back in the ring, “The Animal” was finally getting to his feet, and the crowd in attendance gave him a standing ovation, clearly appreciating his efforts. But the crowd were in for a shock, as was Batista, when from seemingly nowhere he was almost decapitated with a vicious Clothesline From Hell by JOHN BRADSHAW LAYFIELD, who had managed to enter the ring without “The Animal” even noticing. JBL’s face was emotionless as he looked down at Batista, the crowd letting their feelings be known.


Cole: What in the world is going on? Why did JBL just attack Batista? Why would he even contemplate trying to start a feud with “The Animal”?


The show came to a close with the image of JBL’s cold eyes looking down at the lifeless body of Batista, the jeers absolutely deafening inside the arena.








Dark Matches:

Hamada over Jillian Hall D+

Finlay over Frankie Kazarian C+


Main Show:

Kid Kash over Nunzio to retain Cruiserweight Championship D+

Mr. Kennedy over Chris Benoit via Disqualification C+

Jamie Noble over Psicosis and Super Crazy C-

British Uprising over The A-List to retain Great British Tag Team Championships C+

The Undertaker over Batista B


Show Rating: B-




TheKenwyne - 5/5 (Total= 13)

Hashasheen - 5/5 (Total= 13)

KrisKatana - 4/5 (Total= 12)

The Final Countdown - 4/5 (Total= 12)

pauls07 - 4/5 (Total= 11)

Doe-Bomb - 4/5(Total= 11)

Kijar - 3/5 (Total= 10)

Jingo - 5/5 (Total= 10)

Nobby_McDonald - 3/5 (Total= 9)



20LEgened - N/A (Total= 5)

jstarr187 - N/A (Total= 3)

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Great to see you back! And honestly, reading another show in this great diary has put me into more of a "diary writing" mood than I've had in a couple months. Think I may take another stab at my show write-up...


Good to be back. It's been frustrating as I have so many ideas, and yet there always seems to be some kind of complications that stalls this diary's progress. But fingers crossed I can post more often than I have these past few months. And it is such a compliment that my diary has inspired you to try your hand once again at writing up your show. I don't think I am alone in saying that this place seems to be missing something recently, and it would be great to see your diary make a comeback. And if I can play a part in that by inspiring you then that is one of the biggest compliments I could ask for.

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