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C-Verse draft Official Sign Up

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Basic Sign Up Sheet




Promotion Name: Pro Wrestling WILD

Promotion Short Name: WILD

Promotion Home Region: (eg: Mid South, USA) : South West, USA

Drug Policy: N/A

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion:

IF Touring, during which months?:

IF Touring, how many shows per week?:



Name: Sports Entertainment

AI for Events: 1v1= 85 , 2v2= 15, 3v3= 0, Triagle= 0, Four Way= 0, Match Ratio= 70

AI for TV: 1v1= 95, 2v2= 5, 3v3= 0, Triagle= 0, Four Way= 0, Match Ratio= 70

Expected Match Lengths (Events): Minor= 8, Medium= 12, Major= 15

Expected Match Lengths (TV): Minor= 6, Medium= 8, Major= 12


Product Appeal:


Traditional = Very Low

Mainstream = Key Feature

Comedy = Medium

Cult = None

Risque = None

Modern = Very High

Realism = Very Low

Hyper Realism = None

Hardcore = None

Lucha Libre = Very Low

Pure = None

Daredevil = None

Match Intensity: 40

Match Danger: 20

Womens Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: Strong

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Promotion Name: Championship Wrestling Alliance

Promotion Short Name: CWA

Promotion Home Region: Great Lakes, USA

Drug Policy: None

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion: Regular

IF Touring, during which months?:

IF Touring, how many shows per week?:




Name: Traditional

AI for Events: 1v1= 50% , 2v2= 45% , 3v3= 1% , Triagle= 2% , Four Way= 2% , Match Ratio= 70%

AI for TV: 1v1= 50% , 2v2= 45%, 3v3= 1%, Triagle= 2%, Four Way= 2%, Match Ratio= 70%

Expected Match Lengths (Events): Minor= 10, Medium= 14, Major= 20

Expected Match Lengths (TV): Minor= 7, Medium= 10, Major= 16


Product Appeal:


Traditional = Key

Mainstream = Heavy

Comedy = None

Cult = Low

Risque = Very Low

Modern = Low

Realism = Medium

Hyper Realism = None

Hardcore = Low

Lucha Libre = None

Pure = Low

Daredevil = Low

Match Intensity: 40%

Match Danger: 20%

Womens Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: Medium


Sign me up for US

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But I'm not doing the spreadsheet, sorry dawg but that was effort and a half, maybe if we each were forced to put down the listings for our own companies (or face the consequences!) then it's be workable.

I can certainly create a google spreadsheet to track the draft, and possibly help with updating it. I do think it's probably best to keep the number of people working on the spreadsheet small, or at least just have people do a specific part of the spreadsheet rather than multiple people trying to update everything. People also just need to understand that the spreadsheet will NOT always be up-to-date, as no one can be on 24/7 to fill it out after every single draft pick or trade.


And with boxes, there'd be far less, making them more of a commodity, but with less effect, I'll think of something to make them desireable but not entirely game changing...

Always interesting to see what new approach is taken with mystery boxes. I think there are plenty of little items that can be put in mystery boxes that help to add additional variety to the end mod, which would be nice. The last draft the boxes pretty much became the primary focus - which was fine for that draft, but it would be nice to change that up again. I think putting items like TV shows, pop boosts, slight worker alterations (stat boosts, relationship changes, etc.), create a worker (not superstar & maybe even lower than the general worker from the last draft), etc. can still make the boxes desirable without completely changing the competitive balance between all of the drafted feds.

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Working on my sign-up sheet now.


Quick question - are you banning non-Japanese touring promotions? Think it was talked about last time as it seemed to lead to some imbalances.


Yes, Only Japanese feds are allowed to have a touring schedule.


I updated the first post again all feds thus far have been input into the data and the ones that included logo's and banners , they were included in the data as well. If anyone else would like them for their fed, if you're like me and can't get anything to turn out half way decent then there are a few threads you could ask someone for them, I know I'm still waiting on my request to be filled, back logs and all I don't mind waiting.


I was thinking of dropping a spot from Mexico as well as Aus and Eur and letting people know they are available if they want them, that way the list as is doesn't scare away anyone who might sign up.

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For Mystery Boxes, here's my basic sheet run down


200 boxes


160 minor boxes

30 medium boxes

9 big boxes

1 "TEW2008: The Last Draft" super box!



OK, basically minor stuff will be +2% in a skill for a worker or +2 popularity in a single region, and other stuff I can't be bothered to type.


Medium stuff will be +8 in those, and others I can't be bothered to type.


Big stuff will be +20, and others.


The super box will be a mystery.



Things like relationship changes and new worker boxes will be excluded from this draft.


Expect this to be updated. :)


BTW, it is importqnt to mention not all the boxes need to be drafted, and the more boxes there are, the more random it'll be, and thus less likely to get a really good box, and then make getting a box a riskier thing to do. This will change the hit and miss way people used to draft.


NEW (Possible) RULE: You can't use a box (except minor boxes, in which case you can only use one) to increase workers skill or popularity if it is above 85%, this is to prevent super characters being made by people getting enough boxes to make a worker A or A*, this means that if a worker has 86% in brawling, you can't add 5% to it. Also, if a skill gain makes a worker go over 85% in skill or popularity, it won't be allowed. If a worker has say 92% popularity, it'll stay there, but you can't increase it.



So far it hasn't been agreed with by wrestlingfan#1 yet, but I think it'll help the draft be more effective in terms of midcard choices. People always want to get the "big names" yet they always try to make them bigger. It causes rifts and I think by introducing this rule it'll help people think more proactively when it comes to usage of their boxes.

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Will TV slots be part of the boxes? If not, are they draftable? (That will need rules, if it is to be the case.)


First impression is that the limits on boxes sound good. I'll have to look over the list of boxes I've been trying to develop from the two drafts and suggestions that people have made for other ideas, but off the top of my head, I know that some things like "learn a language" and "draft a tag team" (basically getting two picks for the one you used on the box, but it has to be an existing tag team that gets picked rather than any two workers) would be other minor items that could be included besides just stat pluses or minuses.


And would there be negative boxes as well? If all the boxes were minor, I wouldn't have any problem with there being NO negative boxes (as I believe trading the right to pick a worker is enough of a trade-off for getting a 2% stat increase) but if you are putting in bigger items, I'm not so certain that there shouldn't also be a risk associated with picking from the boxes. Also not convinced there needs to negatives, but just raising the point.

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I'm wondering if we shouldn't consider using a different database than the default if the number of sign-ups is going to be so low? Perhaps the Cverse '75 (is that the correct year?) mod that I know some have expressed a desire to do a draft for. Or perhaps a simple version of my multi-draft of a few years ago, and have everyone draft two promotions - one in US/Canada and one somewhere else. Obviously no trading/interaction could occur between the two promotions.


To be frank, there simply is too much talent in the default database to do a draft with so few promotions. Even with restrictions on how often a PPA worker could be drafted, the mod would likely not play that well due to the high number of free agents and workers under a single PPA contract.

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Last time this thread was made the C Verse was brought up the 75 Verse and I'm fairly certain the guy running this thread or the guy that bailed on the last thread Sean McFly said they didn't know anything about that world so they didn't want to do it and they only wanted to do a default C Verse draft. If thats changed I'm down for a 75 Verse I love that.
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Obviously, this is still wrestlingfan#1's draft, so the decision on what mod to use is entirely up to him.


I just threw out the suggestion because the default database is too large for this small of a draft. I've never used the '75 mod, so I'm not entirely certain of it's size; I just know that others have mentioned that it is smaller. It may also require tweaking the rules a bit. But given the apparent minimal interest in a default data draft at the moment, I thought I'd throw out a suggestion to revive the draft.


A default data draft either needs to double the number of drafters, or perhaps my other suggestion of having people draft two feds might work. Although some people may not want to draft two, which causes a different problem. Really I was just tossing out ideas to both try to keep this draft alive and to give the thread a bump. I'm not making any decisions.

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I still don't know anything about the 75 C Verse, if everyone that has signed up already and it Does generate a few more potential sign ups then I would be willing to download that data base and get a quick feel for it to do a draft based on that.


That would how ever push back the possible start date a little which I had hoped to be early december.

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forgot to mention if TV shows aren't in the mystery boxes then they will be draftable, perhaps with some restrictions to add a twist. Something like perhaps.... If one does draft a tv show it will use two of their draft selections. That way you would have to decide if starting off with a tv show would really be worth it or if you want to try and get a deal after the game starts.
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